The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, June 22, 1923, Page 11, Image 11

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Break the monotony of pre­
paring the home meali; bring
the family to the Gray Goose
Tea Room for luncheon or
Miss Charlotte Banfield, an in­
structor in the school of dramatics
in the University of Oregon, sailed
June 10 from Montreal for London
and will study at the Royal Acad­
emy of dramatics this summer. Miss
Banfield is a sister of Mrs. S. S.
I.asswell, of this city.
Miss Frances Cox is home from
Monmouth for the summer vacation.
Jersee calf meal, for raising
calves, pigs and poultry. Sterling
Feed Co.
Mrs. Royal Abeene, of Sutherlin,
is visiting at the home of her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams.
Earl Brown and George Penline,
who were here for several months
during the winter and spring, have
returned from California, accompa­
nied by Rudolph Fairman, to put
waterproof roofing on a number of
busy shop. Drop in and see us.
West Side Garage.
Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Beatty and
daughter, Miss Frances, who had
been here for several days looking
after property interests and visiting
with friends, left Friday for their
home at Central Point. They will
spend the summer at Crater lake,
where Mr. Beatty will serve again
this year ns checking ranger in tho
To make you expect more than you would
of any other institution, then give yoù more
than you expect, is the aim of the Bank of
Cottage Grove.
Our bank, today, enjoys a splendid patron­
age and it is pleasing to find that moBt of our
new business is secured through old depositors
recommending the institution to their friends.
We appreciate this confidence and do our best
to be worthy of it. We feel certain that you,
too, would enjoy banking with this institution.
Stewart for good plumbing.
Bank of Cottage Grove
Mrs. F. J. Alstott and daughter
Vesta returned Friday from Port­
land, where they attended the rose
Pies at the Gray Goose Tea
Room are always alluring. We
make ’em ourselves, that’s why.
Don’t attempt to answer
this quesLion because you
can’t tell. That’s my busi­
ness—to examine eyes accu­
rately and tell whether or
not glasses are required.
If you don’t need them,
1 will say so frankly. If you
do, those 1 prescribe will be
exactly right and will cost
you no more than you would
have to pay elsewhere—per­
haps less.
D. J. Scholl
Factory on Premises
Cottage Grove
Î Tales of the Town ¡
---------------------------------------- ♦
Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway and
son James left Friday for Pendle
ton, where Mrs. Hemenway will
teach in the eastern Oregon branch
of the state normal school this sum­
Philip St. Clair returned Friday
from Smithfield, where he had been
with his grandfather, William Mc­
Be sure and see Nelson’s ad in
this issue. It may save you money.
Mrs. B. F. Rinard returned Fri­
day from Baker, where she visited
at the home of a daughter, Mrs.
Grace Clark, and from Portland,
where she visited a son Ray and
attended the rose festival.
Otto Burcham, member of the
graduating class from the state nor­
mal school at Monmouth this year,
is spending his vacation here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Shade Burcham.
A ten-pound son was born Tues­
day of last week to Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Jones.
See the new line of popular pic­
tures at Graham’s Picture Shop.
An eight-pound dnnghter was bom
June 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
John Coffman returned Thursday
of last week from Sacramento,
where he visited a brother.
Galloway writes insurance.
Mrs. H. E. Allison, who had been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Fiester, returned to her
home in Roseburg Friday.
Miss Katharine Mendenhall went
to Monmouth Sunday to attend
summer school and will remain there
to attend school next year.
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L.
Miss Agnes McCornaek, who at­
tended O. A. C. Inst year and was
on her way to her home at Klamath
Falls, stopped here last week and
visited at the Shade Burcham home.
The Fred Shepard family is mov­
ing into the Halton property, on
Ninth streot, which Mr. Shepard
recently purchased.
Jersee calf meal is a most econom­
ical feed for raising calves. Try it
and if you are not perfectly satis­
fied your money will be cheerfully
refunded. For sale by Sterling Feed
Ray Woolley, who graduated this
year from O. A. C., is visiting with
his mother, Mrs. L. L. Woolley. He
leaves soon for San Francisco, where
he has a position with the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph sompany.
A cement walk is being laid in
front of the Job property on Madi­
son avenue and in front of the
Lewis property on Fifth street.
... -------- ■
We Were Right!
The community is ready for the
Gray Goose
Tea Room
Results prove it and are very gratifying.
We serve party luncheons and banquets.
We also make a specialty of putting up
dainty and substantial lunches for pic­
Upon reasonable notice we will prepare
any cooked foods, pastry, salads, etc., for
your home.
Gray Goose Tea Room
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Julius Bowles, of Portland, visit­
ed Friday at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. A. M. Moore.
On their return from a business
trip to Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Miller, of Grants Pass, spent
Saturday night with friends in this
city, going on home Sunday morn­
We have a car load of Gray cars
on the way—four touring and one
coupe—due to arrive here June 27.
Nelson Service Station.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartoll and
daughter Donna spent the week end
at their summer home, “Bart’s
Inn,’’ at Lundpark.
We have a business-increas­
ing advertising stunt that
should interest every user of
drugs. With the first pur­
chase of the famous Penslar
or any other non-secret rem­
edies or prescriptions wc
give a premium card, from
which are to be punched the
amount of purchases. When
the total number of pur­
chases, which may be as low
as 25 cents at a time, have
reached $10 the customer is
given a credit of $2.50 on
the purchase of $10 worth of
jewelry, the jewelry to be
sold at the same price as if
the deal was an all-cash one.
Insist on getting your pre­
mium card with your first
purchase and always bring
it with you when making
purchases of non-secret rem­
edies of any kind or pre­
scriptions. Come in and let
us explain any detail that is
not clear.
White Pharmacy
Miss Myrtle Kem is home from
the University of Oregon, from
which she graduated, and will spend
the summer here.
The latest style in children’s
pure silk socks in pink, white
and tan with crocheted tops.
The Fair Store.
The E. E. Eads family were at
Medford last week to see the auto­
mobile races.
Mrs. O. E. Woodson returned
Baturdav from a visit of two weeks
in Psrtland at the homes of her
sisters, Mrs. H. H. Harms and Mrs.
Clifford Wilhelm.
Eggs! Eggs! Farmers, we are in
the market for first class eggs.
Sterling Feed Cd.
Mrs. Charlotte Johnson returned
Monday to her home in Takilma,
after a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Ida Veatch, who has recovered
from her recent severe illness.
C. A. Gilbert, Cottage Grove’s
traffic officer and ex-gob, was in
Portland last week to visit the
‘ * Seattle, * ’ his fc rrner ship. He
found only three of the boys who
were on it at the time he was.
Shingles. 8. L. Godard.
Mrs. James Porter attended the
high school graduating exercises in
Creswell Friday night.
A 9^-pound son was born Friday
to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lusk.
Man wants but little here below
and he can get that with a Sentinel
A marriage license was issued
Saturday to James Douglas Brown,
of Prineeton, N. J., and Miss Doro­
thy Andrews, who taught in the
Walker high school daring the past
Mn. Albert Groshong, of Eugene,
was a week-end guest of Mrs. D.
C. Bosley.
See Nelson’s ad in this issue.
Mrs. W. B. Cooper and daughter
Dorothy left Sunday for Portland,
where they will join Mrs. Cooper’s
parents for a trip to Alaska.
Brown Hansard, who was dis
charged from the state hospital in
Salem a few days ago. was here on
business a day or two th«* first of
the week sod west on to California.
Mr. and Mn. Fred Motter left
Sunday for Portland to visit two
weeks with Mrs. Motter’» parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McBride.
I have several real bargains in
city property; also good farms,
small or large. J. F. Spray. ui2tfe
B. F. McCollum, who recently
purchased the Burne Veatch prop­
erty on Eighth street, is building
an addition to the house.
Geo. H. Brainard is assisting City
Recorder Galloway in making a sur­
vey of the city water system this
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kirk were in
Eugene Monday on business.
Claude Kime and Mrs. Roy Ro­
maine motored up from Portland
Sunday and are visiting with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kime.
Have your snapshots enlarged and
tinted at Graham’s Picture Shop.
Hrs. Herbert Eakin and Mrs. Or-
?vh Benson motored to Corvallis
uesday. Mrs. Benson remained
to attend the summer session at O.
A. O.
Mrs. E. D. Stroud, of Lorane, was
called to Rainier Monday by the ill­
ness of * her father.
Have your films developed at
Hughes Studio.
Developing, 5c;
Prints 3c, 4c, 5c. Free enlarge-
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Allen motored
to Mabel Saturday and visited with
the Wayne Oliver family over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler
motored up from Eugene Sunday
and visited at the home of Mrs.
Chandler’s sister, Mrs. G. M. Scott.
Merchants! Your aaleabooiu.
Place your order with The Sen­
tinel 60 days before you must
have them.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kem, accom­
panied by Mrs. Kern’s parents, Mr.
and Mr». Thus. Holleran, who are
visiting here, motored to Roseburg
Tuesday, the women going down to
attend the meeting of the LaComus
club with Mrs. W. W. McFarland.
Why pay rent when you can own
a home for the rent! See Spray,
105 Main street.
Ruth Stewart, who will graduate
from the University of Oregon thia
year, has accepted a position with
the American Educational associa­
tion and left yesterday for Port­
land. From Portland, in company
with three other girls, Bho will go
to Los Angeles for the summer
months. Miss Btewart will conduct
the music and have charge of play­
ground supervision for children.
Cement. 8. L. Godard.
W. W. McFarland and L. L. Har-
rel motored up from Roseburg
Tuesday and attended the Hand-
Edwards wrestling match.
Mr.’and Mrs. Harry Cotter and
sou Charles and Miss Nellie Stew­
art returned Tuosday from a brief
visit with relatives in Portland nnd
For 35 cents a little wantad will
sometimes do the work of a «5 a-day
Mrs. W. A. Garoutte and son
Colin and Mrs. Jack Callahan and
Children returned Friday from a
motor trip to Turlock, Calif., where
they visited at the home of a sister,
Mrs. G. W. Hodel, and at Oakland,
with another Bister, Mrs. Eugene
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L.
Shingles. 8. L. Godard.
Woodson Brothers sold Ford tour­
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coffin mo­ ing cars during the week to Percy
tored up from Roseburg Sunday Moody, 0. O. Willis, Noble Elliott,
and brought home Mrs. J. A. El­ Mrs. Kelly Cooper, of Star; C. C.
ledge, who had been there for Sev­ Hayes and Herman Briggs, of Lo­
eral weeks convalescing from an rane; four-door sedans to Ralph
Hand and Everett Powell; a coupe'
H. A. Hagen leaves July 1 to to G. R. Wiseman; a used Chevrolet
spend two and a half months vis­ to Clarence E. Thornton, of Walker,
iting members of his profession in and used Fords to Raymond Davis,
all of the cities along the Oregon of Lorano, and R. L. Jenkins.
Galloway for insurance, 511 Main.
Melvin McKibben and Fred Ernst
On dwelling and automobile in­
surance ratos the Oregon Fire Belief have made a trade whereby Mr.
beats them all. Tom Awbrey, agent, McKibben takes Mr. Ernst’s Silk
at Durham’s store.
tfc creek property and Mr. Ernst takes
Miss Ruth Phelps, who is travel­ Mr. McKibben’s Second streot
ing this summer as a junior director property. The deal was rnado by J.
with the seven-day Ellison-White F. Spray.
Dwight King and Miss Myrtle
Chautauqua circuit, stopped over for
a visit with friends Monday on her Teeters motored to Portland Bunday
way north from Berkeley, Calif., and visited with Ralph Tooters in
where she had just completed a the government hospital there. Thoy
week, to Salem, her next stop. Bhe found Ralph quite cheerful and im­
Will make stops at Pendleton, Ana- proving slowly.
cortes, Wash., and Gooding and
Andrew Wilson, of Independence,
Preston, Ida., in the near future.
is visiting at the home of his daugh­
There’s a splendid array of ter, Mrs. F. A. Green.
tasty salads, fine meats and A cement walk is to bo built at
on the H street frontnge of the
tempting treats in desserts at once
Masonic property at the corner of
the Gray Goose Tea Room.
west Main and H streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and
Tho Bank of Cottage Grove has
W. G. Curry, who motored up from made up an attractive window ad­
Ashland and visited several days of vertising its liberty bell savings
last week with their old Pennsyl­ banks. The trimmings are patriotic
vania friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry in design and the idea is prominent­
Grube and Mr. and Mrs. Schofield ly suggested that thrift is patriotic.
Stewart, returned home Sunday.
Pictures of Washington and Lincoln
Your homo print shop—Tho Sen­ are displayed and sayings by both
tinel—should be always considered urging thrift are quoted.
first. Usually it can handle any
F. H. Morlan left Wednesday for
job of printing you may have. jn22p Walla Walla, where he will resume
Raymond Grube was brought his former position with the A. M.
home Tuesday from a Eugene hos­ Jensen store. Mrs. Morlau and
pital, where he had been for a daughter Alice will join him next
month suffering with typhoid fever. week.
He is very much improved but will
The Mothers’ club will conduct
remain here with Mrs. Grube and an ice cream and strawberry social
their son Joseph at the home of Mr. Saturday afternoon aud evening on
and Mrs. Harry Grube until he haB the lawn of the Lurch proporty on
recovered sufficiently to return to Main street. Should rain occur the
his work at Veneta. Schofield Stew­ affair will be held in tho rest room.
art brought him home.
Miss Margaret Glaloway is taking
a vacatiou this week and is enjoy
Cement. 8. L. Godard.
Long A Cruson sold during the ing (I) it by nurBing a case of
week Star touring cars to Lou Mc­ mumps.
J. A. Wright is home from a
Kibben, J. A. Hoath and Fred
Frost; a Studebaker light six to Portland sanitarium, where he
Alsea Hawley, a Durant touring to gained 12 pounds in weight. He
L. W. Brant and used cars to John tad his tonsils removed while there.
Lawson, Glen DuPuy, Leslie Her­ He feels greatly improved but has
endeen, Lewis Pariseau, Lester C. not been completely relieved of tho
rheumatism which has given him
Pentico and C. E. Fletcher.
For your information our shop is so much trouble.
in the same building as our service
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wood», of
station. Nelson’s Service Station.
Albany, former residents, visited
The cooked food sale held Satur­ the R. E. Short and K. K. Mill»
day by the aid society of the Pres­ homes during the past week. Mr.
byterian church at the Smith-Short Woods has resigned his position as
manager of the Standard Oil com­
store netted the sum of «24.
Mrs. 8. E. McKinney, who cele­ pany’s business at Albany.
brated her eighty-third birthday
Miss Bonita Bodine, who had
anniversary last week, has gone to been visiting at the home of her
Portland to visit relatives and at­ sister, Mrs. Frank Bafley, returned
tend the reunion of pionoera.
Sunday to her home in Albany, ac­
Ladies’ silk hose in all the companied by her niece, Beulah Bai­
new shades. The Fair.
Among those from Cottage Grove
who are attending summer school
at Monmouth are Miss Karharine
Mendenhall, Mrs. A. E. Burrows,
Miss Nora Queen, Miss Lelia Has­
tings and Misses Emilio and Rose
Miss Eva Brockus and Jack Da­
vis went to Roseburg Sunday and
visited with Miss Brockus’ mother,
Mrs. J. A. Elledge, who was at the
home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Cof­
fin, convalescing from a recent op­
Miss Marjorie Shay, who has been
attending normal school in Mon­
mouth during the pest year, has
been elected to teach in the Rose­
burg schools next year. Miss Mu­
riel Shay has been reelected at
Miss Margaret Hemenway re­
turned Wednesday from Portland,
where she attended the rose festi­
val. Mias Hazel Hemenway, an
annt, accompanied her home.
Mrs. K. K. Mills, Mn. Pet San
ford end Mn. Jas. P. Graham mo­
30 X 3 Fabrioa.... ........... $8-B0
tored to Eugene Wednesday.
Mn. J. H. Chambers returned
30 X 3l/2 Fabrica ..
Tuesday from Omaha, Neb., where
30 X 3yt Cordi.......
11.06 she visited a month with her
P. E. Nelson is working at the
Nelson service station.
Mr. and Mn. Marvin Smith have
moved from the Omer ai
to the O. W.
- Ji
......................... :
»I Fifth and Adat
Miss Frances Cox went to Cor-
vallis Tuesday to take up some
summer work at O. A. O.
Mrs. 8. V. Allison, who had been
visiting a sister at Albany, and her
little daughter Alice, who had been
visiting at Mill City, returned home
For Sale—Cherries; delivered. F.
B. Phillips, phone 1-F14.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Madden ar­
rived Monday from Yokohama,
Japan, and are visiting with Mrs.
Madden’s parents, Mr. and Mn. D.
H. Hemer.way, before going on to
Portland. They will remain in this
The Cottage Grove bottling works
has installed an automatic earbon-
ater with a capacity of 150 gallons
an hour.
Tire Specials
Bradley Service Station
has the reputation of being
the best cheese in the city
because we sell so muck of
it that the one we have cut
is always a fresh one.
Our delicious domestic or
imported cheese may be
made the main portion of a
light meal on a warm day.
have gone to their ranch noar Cor­
Miss Lola Howe, of Eugene, ia
visiting this week at tho home of
her sister, Mrs. K. K. Mills.
Prof, and Mrs. W. G. Boattie, of
Monmouth, visited over Wednesday
night at the Herbert Eakin homo.
On their way home they were ac­
companied by their son Ronald, who
attended the University of Oregon
the past j oar. Ronald leaves at
onco for Metlakatla, Alaska, where
ho has a position for tho summer
with Ernest Purvance. The Beattios
formerly livod at Metlakatla.
Betty and Jean Bartholomew, of
Portland, are visiting with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Blair, whi’e their parents are in
B. D. Stephenson left yosterday
for Nevada, Mo., where ho will re­
ceive medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones went
to Eugene yesterday to visit with
Mr. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
I. Jones.
Naomi Hilton and Mildred Ste­
vens visited last week with tho
Leas family in Oakland.
C. C. Fouts has returned from
Stewart, Neb., whoro he spent tho
past year.
miles west; milo from macadam
road and public school; half in cul­
tivation, good pasture, good spring
water, good family orchard. H. M.
Damewood, Lorane Routo, Cottage
Grove, phone 22-F3.
Keep your dogs off streets
or they will be taken up and
owner will be prosecuted.
Chief of Police.
Harry Douglas and Bert Simmons,
of Junction City, visited Tuesday
evening at the E. T. Blakely home
and attended the wrestling match.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson
motored up from Salem Wednesday
and aro visiting with Mr. Thomp­
son’s mother, Mrs. Lou Thompson.
Mrs. Thompson’s daughter, Marga­
ret Medley, will accompany them
home for tho summer.
Watch the label on your paper.
IN A '
has a fresh stock of all size
films for sale. Will do your
developing, rolls 5c, packs
10c. Printing at half price
in the dull finish. Makes a
specialty of the gloss finish.
Views made at any time.
MERCY MEH After going
to all that trouble to
label my jelly I cant
tell Quince from cur­
rant in this dark
closet —
I MUST get an Edison M azda Lamp
for that empty socket right away. And
I’m going to keep an extra supply on
hand right along. In the morning, I’ll
call at
The Electric Store
V. R. Kem, Prop.
Kem Bldg.
The right Edison MA2DA Lamp in every
fixture will give you better light
Quality Price
Four things you wish to find wherever
you buy your meats.