COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, URI DAY, JUNE 1, 1923 PAGE FOUR Î ottaqr (Grove ^cntinrl A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty of Backbone Bede & Smith.. Elbert Bede----- ..Publishers ......... Editor A first-claea publication entered al Cottage drove as second-lihuM matter Business Office-........ 55 North Sixth SUBSCRIPTION BATES One year..... .$2.25 I Three mouths 65c Six months- 4.15 | Single copy_ 5c Member of National Editorial Association Oregon State Editorial Association Oregon Newspaper Conference Laae County Publishers ’ Association FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1923 NEGLECTING THE SILENT CITY. beauty in which none may b«» ashamed to be placed. But in this, as in everything else, the work is curried on by u few. These few do not ask of others a great deal in time, but they do ask of those who have loved ones sleep­ ing there that they keep up the small assessment that is required in order that the work may be con­ tinued. The work so nobly begun is about to fail for lack of interest upon the part of those who uro neglectful in paying the pittance that is asked for so noble an enterprise. Today, tomorrow, we inav be placed there. Let us do while we may for those who have preceded fus what we would like to have done for us by those who shall remain behind when we are placed there. THE MOST DASTARDLY COWARD. POLITICAL FAKER UNCOM FORTABLE. The greatest aid the political de­ ceiver had in past years was the fact that there was no way to "heck up on whether he did what he promised. If he promised a 50 per cent tux reduction he was elect­ ed. At the next election he claimed that he hud made the reduction as promised. Hi» opponents denied the claim in toto but they had no fig­ ures to back their statements. The result was that we never knew being fiim- whether we were flammed. Oue office-seeker or calamity howler would come along and say that we wen* going to the demni- tion bow-wows because we were head over heels in debt uud an- other would say that we were going to the same place for the reason that we weren’t spending enough. We hud no figures to prove or dis­ prove such statements. Today we are in no such predica­ ment. The Oregon Voter gives the cold figures that give the lie to many who have made wild stale- meats or wild promises, Its uccu- nicy is remarkable and it is abso­ lutely fearless in giving actual con­ ditions. The Voter makes the way of the political faker decidedly uncomfort­ able. The outstanding fault of the There is no more dastardly cow- American race probably is thought a rd than the anonymous letter lessness of others. We have a high regard for many writer. Every community has one or more friends, but the day comes that they are absent from their usual of them. In an eastern community a num places. Perhaps it may be a final sickness. We say that it is too bad. ber of people have been sent to suicidal deaths because of the poi­ We inquire of relatives possibly as to how they are getting along, but son sent in such letters. The writers of those letters that seldom do we eheer them with our presence. We may know that soon carried death were murderers of the they are to leave us foreyer but we lowest type. They struck from the are too busy to take an hour of dark and were safe from the scene time to cheer them during the last of attack when the foul blow struck. JAPANESE SUBSCRIBER PRO The anonymous letter writer is few days that we may have the op­ TESTS. now busy in Cottage Grove. Having portunity to do so. We have time for many plea- things that he wished to say about Cottage Grove, U. 8. A., 2« May, sures. Were our friends able city officials, tho editor and others 1923 Anna Dominoes.—Editur Mun: to join us we might put our mid not daring to say them to the I locomote myself with faculty selves out a great deal to pick faces of such persons, he has resort­ down the main subway yestday and them up in our cars, but we can ed to the cowardly anonymous letter make negotiations with devil news not, it seems, take the time to visit to get his poison over. Although carrier for most latest printing of at the wick bed. The funeral may cunning in this respect—the coward of most honornbh* jurnulistec Ore come and nt the last opportunity to usually is cunning in protecting his genian. In its abdumen 1 scintillate show our friendship we let business own hide—his ignorance is such that corresponding* from Hashiniura cures take precedence, or we forget it is almost impossible to interpret who promoted himself here to exactly what he intends to say. entirely. absorb most latest in slang Amer­ Little attention should nt any ica. When we are thoughtless of thoso The heading screach itself with whom we may talk, when time be given to the coward who waviugly across hole page by we are careless of those we once writes anonymous letters and but luce Irwin with most ridicule counted friends when the last core little will be taken of the one nt cntchems by illustrious Ralph inony for them here is performed, hand. ton. I narrate that Hashiniura when The writer seems to take excep­ he optic these turrable libelous will it is little wonder that we forget almost entirely when they have tion to the fact that Cottage Grove vociferate Oregonion to go to eav- taken their places in the silent city has a traffic officer, whose duty e emus opening where there are much of the dead. The place where they it is to sec that there is no reck t tremendous of Cottage Grove oil dropped out. is soon filled and af- less driving. No one has been ar­ brightly igniting. 1 notation that rested or fined for any other of you jelly with hahaing at these ini- fairs move forward as before. It is a blessing that from the fense against, the traffic laws. posterous lyings but 1 implicate all The writing of the anonymous Japanese to cancellation their sub- sepulcher can come i no protest at this neglect. It is a blessing that letter evidently wishes the traffic scribing» to rotten Portland Horror the whispering winds that stir the officer removed, but the writer of goninn. HACK!MURA NONO. grass and the flowers can carry to the anonymous letter no doubt is the sleeping ones no tale of how one of those who make traffic offi­ TAXES HERE NOT SO BAD. completely they have been forgot, cers and other police officials a ne­ how even the grave may be neg- cessity. Without such persons ns We hear a great deal about the t he writer of the anonymous letter lected. But. there are some who do not t hero might be little need of ex»‘r droves of people who are going to leave Oregon because tuxes are in forget. There are some with whom rising police powers. creasing so rapidly. After listening memories of departed loved ones Three thousand people rc-i I The to so much of this kind of talk, it live down through the years—and, thanks to these, Cottage Grove’s Sentinel each week. What have is refreshing to learn through a bul cemetery has been made a place of you to tell this vast throng/ ixr let in of the National Tax associa tion that of all the states of tho union from which figures are avail able only one statu, New York, shows a less increase in taxes than Oregon. The average increase in 33 states is shown to be 144 per cent, while in Oregon it was but 96 per cent. In Washington it was 101 per cent and in California 142 |H’r cent. FACE POWDERS A good face powder will protect your complexion against the effects of sunlight, heat, wind mid other atmospheric influence, will soothe irritation and itell- ing. The most important thing to a woman is that plexion counteracts shine, redness, sunburn, freckles and other blemishes. com tail, The powders that we recommend and guarantee ;re not injurious in any way and will not elog the pores and will cling to the skin. Jonteel Cold Cream Powder Bouquet Ramee J uneve Cara Nome 75c $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 Kern’s for Drugs C on f ections Q • 1 mid Fountain ^PCClcUS Serves Special Business Lunch DAILY Beginning at 11:30 40c Sunday Di nner 60c Service Begins at 5 «’Clock We Serve Hazelwood Ice Cream oom PREPARING EGG3 FOR SHIPPING TO MARKET Candling Will Save Transporta­ tion and Storage Charges. Method of Conservation Tried Out During World War and Results So Gratifying That Several States Have Adopted Plan. Do you know how to tell the qual- lty of an egg without breaklng the shell? All you need is a pasteboard box with a hole 1>A inches in diam- eter, strong light such as is furnished by a lamp or an electric light bulb, a dark room, and the egg. When the egg is held close against the hole the strong light renders its contents v la­ lble and its quality Is indicated by the appearance of the yolk, the white and the air space at the blunt end. Testing eggs by candling, as it Is THERE’S A REAL DIFFERENCE A man’s residence is ih>‘ pln.’f where he boards his wife and chil­ when « dren—his home is where lie spend» ——————— aood at home is the time you are Thing» Others Think «nd What We quite likely to find him at the gym his time with them. • • • Think sf ths TMag» Othsrs Think i iluslum doing something to develop When marriage is a failure the ■ his muscles. husband and wife are among the t.~ • * • MALES NOT MOLESTED liabilities. Familiarity breeds content — with • • • A selfish old maid in Arkansas .tried to have a rural mail carrier man and wife, or should. The sorrows of others need not I suspended for hugging the girls he la- necessarily make us sad, but they When the clock strikes the met on the road. Tho department should make us iuore sensitive to holds that interfering with the fe­ borers walk out.• • • our own joys. » • males is no cause for action by the Strange as it may seem it is the postal department. „„ „ ____ to the »oil back the ultimate consumer at the end of the some ilny, and we’ll be the beet off A New York man got three years line who gets squeezed—not then that we’ve ever been. • • • for stealing 15 cents. No one likes middle man. a man who only starts a job. A camel can go »even days with It takes considerable superheated air to sell a man a flying machine. out drinking, but look at the way FAMILIARITY BREEDS if gets warped in the center. « • « ... CONTEMPT What has become of the women We never recognize ability at its A HIGH PRICE FOE DRIVEL who used to kick about the high A »’Oman paid ♦30 to talk fivo I true worth when we live too close street car steps! to it. That is why a man does not minutes to her parrot over a long rise as fast in the community in multitude of I distance telephone. We »ouk. har