PAGE THREE its agent, whose address is U. S. guardian, pluintiff, recovered judg­ National Bank Bldg., Portland, Ore­ ment against the defendants J. 8. In the Circuit Court of the State gon, has made application for a Milne uud Corn M. Milne, his wife, of Oregon for the County of Lane. patent for the Fawn, Jasper and for the sum of $1,000.90 with in­ Cottage Grove Manufacturing Newton lodes, situate in no organ­ terest thereon from the 10th day of Company, a corporation, plaintiff, ized Bohemia Mining District, re­ December, 1921 at the rate of 8 per vs. D. G. McFarland; J. B. Stewart jected T. 23 8. R. 1 E., W. M., Lane cent per annum and $150.00 at­ and------Stewart, his wife; George County, Oregon, with surface ground torneys fees, and the further sum I W. Smith and Bello Smith, his wife; as described by the official plat, of $18.00 costs which judgment Was Hurley Pefley; A. L. Yarnall and herewith posted, aad by the fielc. enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s SHORTHAND Tractor Is Cause of Numerous | Edna Yarnall, his wife; George A. notes on file in the office of the office of said Court in said County Yarnall and Mary Yarnall, his wife; Register of Roseburg Land Office, on the 11th dny of May, 1923, and TYPEWRITING Alterations, According to De­ Mollie Y. Willis; Silas Yarnall; Oregon, to-wit: said execution to me directed com partment of Agriculture. David H. Yarnall; John Yarnall; FAWN LODE: Beginning at Cor. niaudiug me in the name of the BOOKKEEPING Harry Yarnall; C. Wayne Yarnell No. 1, whence U. S. Min. Mon. est’d State of Oregon, in order to satisfy and Ethel Yarnall, his wife; Wilbur in M. 8. No. 229, bears 8. 70° 18' said judgment interest, attorney’s H. Yarnall; Saruh Crane; Laura E. 8096.8 ft., thence 8. 47° 28' W. fees, costs of suit mid accruing Ask for Our Free Catalog McFarland; Warren Edwards and 448.5 ft. to Cor. No. 2, thence N. costs to sell the following described Marion Edwards, his wife; Herman 70” 46' W. 1244 ft. to Cor. No. 3, real property, to wit: Edwards and Lila Edwards, his thence N. 47’ 28' E. 395 ft. to Cor. Lot Nino (9) in Block Five (5) Among Other Innovations Brought wife; and all other persons or par­ No. 4, thence 8. 74° 51' E. 476 ft. of Georgetown addition to Cottage ties unknown, claiming any right, to Cor. No. 5, thence 8. 78 ’ 24' E. Greve, Oregon. About Is Variation in Cropping title, estate, lien, or interest in the 538 ft. to Cor. No. 6, thence N. 60’ Now, therefore, in the name of A. E. ROBERTS, President System, Increase in Size of real estate described in the com­ 15' E. 41 ft. to Cor. No. 7, thence the State of Oregon, in compliance Eugene, Oregon plaint herein; defendants. 8. 50° E. 250.33 ft. to Cor. No. 1 with said execution and order of Farm and Fields. To Harley Pefley; George A. the placo of beginning. sale and in order to satisfy said JASPER LODE: Beginning at judgment, interest, attorney’s fees, (Prepared by the United States Department Yarnall and Mary Yarnall, his wife; of Agriculture.) Silas Yarnall; David H. Yarnall; Cor. No. 1, wheuco U. 8. Min. Mon. costs of suit and accruing costs, 1 Numerous changes In the organiza­ John Yarnall; Sarah Crane; and all est’d in M. 8. No. 229, bears 8. 73’ will on Saturday, the 23rd day of tion ami operation of a farm may be other persons or parties unknown 32' E. 8219.6 ft., thence S. 47’ 28' June, 1923, at the hour of one effected by the use of a tractor, ac­ claiming any right, title, estate, lien W. 187.9 ft. to Cor. No. 2, thence o’clock, in the afternoon of said N. 80° W. 240.9 ft., to Cor. No. 3, day, at the southwest front door of cording to recent Investigations t»y the or interost in the real estate de­ thence A. C. Anderson. Proprietor 8. 6° 30' E. 5 ft. to Cor. No. the County Court house, in Eugene, scribed in the complaint herein, United States Department of Agricul- defendants: • 4, thence N. 87° 45' W. 670 ft. to Lime County, Oregon, offer for sale tvre. These changes may ire a reduc­ In the name of the State of Ore­ Cor. No. 5, thence N. 66° 11' W. and sell for cash, at public uuetion, tion in the number of work stock, gon: You and oach of you are here­ 606.4 ft., to Cor. No. 6, thence N. subject to redemption as provided changes in cropping systems, an in­ by required to appear and answer 47° 28' E. 480.4 ft. to Cor. No. 7, by law, all of the right, title mid Piano Moving a Specialty crease in the size of the farm, a the complaint filed against you in thence 8. 70° 46' E. 1244 ft. to Cor. interest of said defendants J. 8. Office in Spray brick near 8. F. change In the size of Helds, a saving the above entitlted court and cause No. 8, thence 8. 36’ 28' E. 119.4 Milne mid Coru M. Milne, his wife, Station. Office phone, 99; res­ idence phono, 124-J. in man labor, and changes in live­ on or before six (6) weeks from the ft., to Cor. No. 1, the place of be­ mid till persons claiming by, through dato of the first publication of this or under them or any or either of ginning. stock enterprises. Detailed results of summons; and if you fail so to ap NEWTON LODE: Beginning at them in and to said premises. the investigations are contained In pear and answer said complaint, for Cor. No. 1, whence U. 8. Mill. Mon. my25 jue22 FRED G. 8TICKEL8, Farmers’ Bulletin 1296, entitled want thereof the plaintiff will take est’d in M. 8. No. 229 bears 8. 70’ Sheriff of Lane County, Ore. Changes Effected by Tractors on a decree as prayed for in said com­ 39' E., 9366 ft., thence S. 47 ’ 28' Corn Belt Farms, Just published. L. plaint as follows: a decree ndjudg W. 649.2 ft. to Cor. No. 2, thence NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. A. Reynoldson, Junior farm economist, ing and decreeing that the plaintiff N. 64° 59' W. 1413 ft. to Cor. No. and H. R. Tolley, agricultural en­ is tho owner in fee simple of the 3, thence N. 47° 28' E. 649.2 ft. to Notice is hereby given that tho following described promises, to-wit: Cor. No. 4, thence 8. 64° 59' E. 1413 gineer. are the authors. Begin at a point 25 foot North of ft. to Cor. No. 1, the place of bo­ undersigned, us administratrix of Reduction of Stock. the estate of Morris A. McKibben, the Southwest corner of the John ginning. Piano Moving a Specialty The extent of the reduction In work Cochran Donation Land Claim No. The net area of Fawn, Jaspor and deceased, has filed her final account stock depends primarily upon the 55, in Township 20 South of Range Newton lodes is 42.445 acres (ex­ in tho office of tho County Clerk F. W. Jacobs, Proprietor number which are already owned, and 3, West of the Willamette Meridian, clusive of conflict with Sur. No. of Lune County, Oregon, and that Office telephone_________ 4 Saturday, the 22nd day of June, the work which It is planned to do run thenco North 21 feet more or 443, Gem lode). The names of tho 1923, at the hour of 11 a. m. in the Residence telephone..... 21-F3 with the tractor, says the bulletin. less to the Easterly line of tho O. adjoining and conflicting claims as forenoon of suid day, in tho County ---------- —ii No rule Is given to show In advance & C. R. R. Co. ’a right of way, shown by tho plat of survey arc Court Room of said Court has been thence South 28% degrees West 22 the Vesuvius and Gorman lodes of how many work stock can be disposed feet, more or less, or to a point No. 486, on the oast and south, appointed by said Court as tho time of on farms in general, bpt it is said West of beginning, thence East to Sur. the Gem, Roco, and Slide lodes of mid placo for the hearing of objec­ that on most corn-belt farms enough the place of boginning. DAY and NIGHT Bonded Sur. No. 443 on the north and A. tions thereto and the settlement horses will have to be kept to cultivate Also begin at the Southwest L. H. lode, unsurveyed, on the west. t hereof. Dated and first published Mnv corn and do the other necessary horse corner of said Claim No. 55, run Date of posting this notice on the 85th, 1923. thence North 46 feet, more or less, claim, February 24, 1923. labor which comes at that time. Lust publication June 22, 1923. W. H. CANON, Where hired help is employed dur­ to Easterly line of O. & C. R. R. n . g . M c K ibben , Register. ing the year, all, or a part at least, Co.’s right of way, thence North a20jl5 Administratrix of tho estate of degrees 30' East along said of such help may be eliminated, ac­ 28 Morris A. McKibben, deceased. easterly lino of right of way 108 ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE. cording to the bulletin. On farms run feet 9 inches to a point, thence J. E. YOUNG, W oodson Brothers Garage. Attorney for Estate, my25jue22 Phone 27. After the garage without the use of hired help, the North 28 degrees 30' East along Notice is hereby given that the tractor will enable the operator to do said line 200 feet to a point, thence closes, phone to 102-L. Eighth Grade Examination. his work in less time than he formerly North 28 degrees 30' East along County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Tho uniform eighth grade exam­ did by combining different operations, said line 40 feet, thence South 61 gon, on the 10th day of May, 1923, such as disking and harrowing, and degrees 30' East 100 feet to a point, appointed Ernest L. McReynolds, inations will be held in school dis­ Tho mouths with r’s in them uro Administrator of the estato of by performing his work at more op­ thence South 61 degrees 30' East George W. McReynolds, deceased. tricts where there are pupils to take also the months when tho mortality 55 feet 7 inches to the northerly them on Thursday and Friday, Juno portune times. Where land is avail­ line of the Oregon Southeastern All persons having claims against 7 mid 8, 1923. Questions will be of grandmothers is lowest. able, adjoining or In the vicinity of Railway Company’s right of way, said estate are required to present sent out to tho chairman in districts the farm, it may be possible to In­ thence southwesterly along said lino them properly verified as by law where pupils lire conditioned, but PROFESSIONAL OABDS crease the number of acres in crops of said right of way and continuing required to said administrator at application must be made for ques­ DR. A. W. KIME which can be handled with the same along the same in a southwesterly the First National Bank, Cottage tions by the teacher in cases where Specialist in Obstetrics direction to a point due east of the Grove, Oregon, within six months pupils have failed or where they place of beginning, and thence West from the date of this notice. have complied with tho condition Will care for confinements at his homo if desired. Special nurse if re­ 83 feet, more or less, to the place Dated this 15th day of May, A. the law prescribes. quired. Phones: oft ice, 34; res. 126J of beginning, in Lane County, State D., 1923. E. J. MOORE, of Oregon, and every part thereof, in25jncl County School Supt. ernest i.. M c R eynolds , H. W. TITUS, D. M. D. and that the defendants have not, Administrator Dentistry nor have either of them, any right, ALTA KING, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Modern equipment. First National title or interest whatsoever in and Attornoy. myl8-jnel5 Bauk building. Hours. 9 to 12 and to tho said premises, or any part Department of the Interior, U. 8. 1 to 6. Evenings and Sundays by thereof, and that the title of plain Land Officii at Roseburg, Oregon, appointment. Office phono, 19: res­ tiff in and to said premises, and APPLICATION FOB U. S. PATENT May 26, 1923. idence phone, 184 J. every part thereof, be quieted us is hereby given that Mur­ Mineral Survey No. 815. Mineral ray Notice against tho said defendants, and DB. W. E. LEBOW Trunncll, of Cottage Grove, Ore ­ each of them, and all other persons Application No. 014770. Dentist gon, who on Muy 10, 1920, made United States Land Office, Rose ­ or parties unknown, claiming any homestead entry, serial No. 012275, Office Fifth and Main. Hours, 8:39 burg, Oregon, April 12, 1923. right, title, cstato, lien or interest for Lot 5, N% of 8E%, Section 17, to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings and Notico is hereby given that in Township in tho real estate described in the 21 8., Range 3 West, Wil­ Sundays by appointment. Phones: complaint herein; and that plain­ pursuance of act of Congress ap­ lamette MeiMian, has fil'd notice office 35, residence 134-Y. tiffs have such other and further proved May 10, 1872, The Vesuvius of intention to make three-year Tractor Changea Farm Operations. DB. O. E. FBOST relief herein as to the court may Mines Company, by George C. Hogg, proof to establish claim to the land its agent, whose address is U. 8. above described, before Register Office iu 1-awson builriug seent just and equitable. amount of man labor and number of Phone 47 This summons is published once National Bunk Building, Portland, Receiver of the United States Cottage Grove horses as on the smaller acreage be­ each week for six successive weeks Oregon, has made application for n mid Oregon Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, fore a machine was purchased. Re in the Cottage Grove Sentinel by patent for the Story lode, situate in on the 10th dny of -Inly, 1923. DR. W. M. HAMILTON duction In work stock and increase In order of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, no organized Bohemia Mining Dis Claimant names as witnesses: Chiropractic, Mechmio Therapy, the size of the farm may often result Judge of the Circuit. Court, which I riel, rejected T. 23 8. R. 1 E., W. Walter Gnrouttc, of Cottage Grove, Gynecology, Hydro-Therapy, Electro M., ¡.line County, Oregon, with sur Older lienrs date the 2nd day of Oregon; Oliver Nichols, of Cottage in a change in the acres of different Muy, 1923. Therapy. Office over Darby Hard face ground us described by the of­ Grove, Oregon; W. 8. Keyes, of Cot ­ crops raised for feed and sale and in I lie date of tlie first publication ficial pint, herewith posted, mid by tage Grove, Oregon; Lee Williams, ware. Phone 116-J. Office hours: 9 tlie rotation followed. Where the lay uf tins summons is Muy -I, 1923. to 12; 1 to 5; Sundays by appoint­ the field notes on file in the office of-the land permits, or additional land Pol’TEIl, FOSTER & 1MMEL, of the Register of Roseburg Land of Cottage Grove, Oregon. ment. __________________________ _ W. 11. CANON, Office, Oregon, to-wit: Is obtained close by, fields can be en­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. Register. GAVEN O. DYOTT, M. D. STORY LODE: Beginning lit Cor. jnel 29p larged, resulting In more work being Residence and postoffice address: Physician mid Buigvuu my4 jnclS No. 1, whence U.S. Min. Mon. est’d accomplished In a given time. Where j Eugene, Oregon. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. hi Sur. No. 229, bears 8. 75° 45' E., X ray work in ull its lirmiihes. Eve permanent pastures occur, or the mugs by appointment. 5649 l’t., thence N. 75° 10' W., «43.7 acreage In pasture Is not changed to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the 634 Main ft., to Cor. No. 2 thence N. 10° 11' Cottage Grove, Oregon conform to a reduced number of work E., 80 ft. to Cor. No. 3, thence N. semi-annual touchers examination Notice is hereby given that Annie 75’ 31' W. 846.5 ft. to Cor. No. 4, will lie given in the county court stock, additional head of other stock DB. II. A HAGEN can be carried. In nearly every in­ Lyon has been appointed adminis­ thence N. 9° 47' E., 292 ft., to Cor. room in Eugene, commencing Wed Licensed Drugless Physician tratrix of the estate of C. C. Lyon, No. 5, thence 8. <11° 48' E. 44.1 ft., nesdny, June 13, at 9 a. in. mid last stance the purchase of a tractor re­ by I lie County Court of to Cor, No. 6, thence N. 84° 25' E., ing four ilnys. Persons who are ox Phone 30. Ostrander Building, quires the further purchase of some deceased, Lane County, Oregon, said appoint- pecting to take this examination 630% Main Street, Cottngo Grove machinery for use with it. Tills ma­ mude on tho 1st day of May, 1923. 403.5 ft., to Cor. No. 7, thence 8. can obtain a schedule by applying to 76° 41' E. 1055 ft. to Cor. No. 8, chinery may he either for the draw­ All persons having claims against thence 8. 9° 47' W. 525.5 ft. to Cor. J. F. 8PBAY E. J. MOORE, bar, he't, or both. A practice which said estate are hereby notified to No. 1, the place of beginning. Real Estate, Insurance and has met with success Is for several present the same, duly verified, as Collections The net area of Story iodo is farmers to buy one or more belt ma­ the law requires, to said administra 15.028 acres. Tho names of adjoin­ WE'RE NOT HUNGRY HOW 405 Main Street Cottage Grove trix at the law office of H. J. Shinn, ing claims are Main lode, unsur- chines co-operatively, especially a EVER. in Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six veyed, on the east, Summit No. 2 Tho professor of mi Illinois col grain separator, thtis enabling the HERBERT W. LOMBARD from the date of first publi­ unsurveyed and Sur. No. 486 Night­ lego says that the much maligned fanners to do their own thrashing months Attorney al 1.»* cation of this notice, which is on ingale lode on the south, Sur. No. skunk is good to ent. Such a dish First National Hank Building when they are ready. tlie Uth day of Muy, 1923. 486 Vesuvius lode on the west and would strike us ns n good one to Cot I age Grove, Oro. Phone 94 ANNIE LYON, How Made Profitable. Sur. No. 443, Slide lode on the follow, and subdue the odor of, a mylljne8 Administratrix. north. meal of li inburger. "It is obvious," say the authors, DB. BOY SMITH Date of posting plat and notico “that a tractor will not be profitable Veterinarian on the claim, February 24, 1923, There ’ « a whole lot of difference NOTICE TO CREDITORS. If it does not enable the fanner to do Phones 1114 and 915 W. H. CANON, between traducing and reducing at least one of the following things: 146 Park Street, Eugene, Oregon Register. your enemies. Notice is hereby given that the a20jl5 (1) reduce the number of work stock undersigned has been appointed by MBS. F. J. AL8TOTT, S. T. on the farm; (2) reduce the amount the County Court of Lane County, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. (Suggestive Therapeutics) of hired help required; (3) farm an Oregon, administrator of the estate All kinds of discuses treated. After Woodson Brothers Garage Increased acreage; or (4) increase the of Edno Oliver Elliott, deceased, Notice is hereby given that the effects of tho flu removed. Massage amount of crops produced." On some which order bears dato of the 5th undersigned has been duly appoint “Woodson’s for Ford Service” for tired people. Racura foot treat­ Phone 27 fanns where peculiar conditions may day of May, 1923. cd by the County Court of Lane ment given. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. All persons having claims against County, Oregon, administrator of be present other changes of a minor nature may be made. Often these the estate of the said Edno Oliver the estate of Martha E. Churchill, Dressmaking and Designing minor changes cannot be foretold, but Elliott, deceased, are hereby notified deceased. All persons having claims all work guaranteed will develop naturally after the trac­ and required to present the same duly against said estate are hereby re­ LOOK beyond MBS. PET SANFORD verified, to the undersigned at the to present the same to me tor has been In use some time and has law office of Herbert W. Lombard, quired 205 Adams Avenue at Cottage Grove, Oregon, duly tho purchaio been fitted Into the work on the farm. First National Bunk Building, Cot­ verified as by law required within Phone 134 B, Cottage Grove, Orogoa price! Tire costs Copies of Farmers' Bulletin 1296 tage Grove, Oregon, on or before six months after the date of this Agency Barclay Custom Made Corset figured at the end may be obtained free, upon request, of six months from the day of the notice. of service will Dated this 25th day of May, 1923. the United States Department of Agri­ first publication of this notice. BRUSHES OF Dated and first publish'd this WILLIAM KIBTLEY, show Silvertowns QUALITY culture, Washington, D. C. 11th day of May, 1923. Administrator of tho cstato of the most eco­ write to KARL K. MILLS, Martha E. Churchill, deceased. G. B. ARNEST nomical. MATING OF BREEDING FOWLS Administrator of the estate of J. E. YOUNG, Phone 124 L Edno Oliver Elliott, deceased. Attorney for the estate. i»25j<-22 Cottage Grove It Takes Two Week« After Male Has HERBERT W. LOMBARD, Attorney for estate. myll-jnel5 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON first tn the Been Introduced Before Maximum BETTY B BEAUTY PARLOR Fertility Is Sure. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Particular Work for APPLICATION FOB U. 8. PATENT Particular People. Breeding flocks should be mated, es­ Notice is hereby given that by 300 Main Street Phone 116-L Mineral Survey No. 814. Mineral virtue of an execution nnd order pecially for early hatching. It taken of sale in foreclosure issued out two weeks after the male has been In­ Application No. 014771. H. J. SHINN United States land Office, Bose of the Circuit Court of lane troduced before maximum fertility Is Attorney nt law and County, Oregon, on the 18th dny of obtained. If the hens have been with burg, Oregon, April 12, 1923. Notary Public Notice is hereby given that in May, 1923, in a suit wherein on tho an undesirable male. It will take three pursuance of act of Congress ap 10th day of May, 1923, in said Practices in nil courts. Thirty years weeks tor them to get rid of his In proved May 10, 1872, The Vesuvius court G. B. Hansard, an insane of experience. Bader building, Cot­ fluencs. tage Grove, Oregon. Mines Company, by George C. Hogg, person, by 8. M. Hansard, his CHANGE MADE IN OPERATING FARM TOURING *2= 1 SUMMONS. Eugene Business College REDUCTION OF WORK STOCK Eugene Business College City Transfer Hauling & Draying i 9 '* 298 P.O. B.DETROTT e/f Greater Touring Car Value The present price of the Ford Touring Car is the lowest ever made. And yet the car itself is a greater value. It is better looking with slanting windshield, a one-man top and improved seats. And there are many refinements in chassis construction. The demand is so great that de­ liveries will soon be impossible. To protect yourself, order now. Make a small down payment, the balance on easy terms. Ford prices have never been so knv Ford quality has never been so high Woodson Brothers UZ. better crude matyes a L. better _ Zerolene aOs aw made from sstoctsd Western Naph­ thenic Cnida, which repeated tests have shown to produce an ofl haring greater \m w Hng ** qualities, greater adhe stroneea, and greater stability than oOs mads from other erodes. Ranos the oar fahtfatorf wftft ¿«rotate will am ahoof 9% ta gaaottno beoonvo it U apttthmousl y bettor labtoowtod. oils we have toftod or been ahle to prodnoe. Cars fatafaated wftft Maro/ane ran from 99% to 90% tortber before totos d e nning and oartroi aemnetog operations ZEROLENE Use 3% of your gross receipts for advertising and increase the volume of your business 10% Knowles & Graber Hardware and Furniture I Oregon Grove Transfer Furniture Moving JITNEY Ci™ Everett Powell