The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, April 27, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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i wua sworn in and took hi a seat,)
J succeeding .Nelson Durham, who re
• cently resigned.
I The recorder was directed to or-
No Son of tho Flowery Empire Al­
der one dozen water meters to be
lowed to Remain Perpetually in
installed in certuin places in the
Users of water for whom me­
a Foreign Grave.
Cost of Work Will Be Charged to city.
ters are installed will be required to Returns to Old Home; Invitee Cred Occupants Suiter Slight Injuries;
Owners of Premises; Harvey
deposit the price of the meter with
itors to Banquet: Hands Each
Auto Driven by Dr Canfield
It is not perhaps generally known,
the city, the amount to be returned
Installed as Councilman.
Amount Long Forgotten.
on Wrong Side of Road.
but no Chinaman's remains remain in­
when the meter is returned in good
definitely on foreign soil. At the west
condition to the city.
coast where Chinese are much more
Regulations and prices for irriga­
Activities of the council Monday
Lexington, Ky., April 18.—Forest
Mrs. Ray Baker was severely
tion of gardens aud lawns will be Butner, Roseburg (Ore.) broccoli injured in an automobile accident numerous than In the East, Chinese
uight included the following:
111 the general plan to clean up the same this year as last. Water grower, arrived here today after an at Drain Saturday night. Mr. and cemeteries are large and there are lots
and beautify the city the mayor will be furnished without charge absence of 20 years. He left bowed Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Maud Hohl and of them. In the graveyard Is a large,
was authorized to employ a man for ».gain this year for the upkeep of by debt. He was host last night in daughter Leaone were on their way hollow cement dome with a small hole
a mouth to clean up spots so far t«* ,Par* and lawn at the {Southern Cincinnati at a remarkable bunquet. to a dance in Drain. A short dis­ just above a small altar table. Plunks,
neglected. This will include clean­ Pacific station. Collection of water Two weeks ago he wrote to J. J. tance outside of that place their or small tapers, are burned continually
ing up side streets and private rents, beginning May 1, will be Castellini, of Cincinnati, and asked car, a Chevrolet, was rammed by a
premises wherever owners or occu­ handled from the recorder’s office. that a certain 14 men be invited. Hudson driven by Mr. Canfield, of on this altar during a burial ceremony
pants have so far neglected to com­
1 he street committee reported All came wondering why. After the Drain, aud Mrs. Baker was thrown and the object Is to drive the evil
ply with the clean up order of the favorably upon the petition of resi meal Butner told them who he was out of her seat. A severe injury spirit Into the dome and hold him
council. Those who have not cleaned dents on south Fourth street for and recited his story. Then to each was inflicted over the right eye there until the remains are Interred.
up their premises will be subject to i he establishment of a grade on man he pushed an envelope contain­ when she came in contact with the From the time the nody leaves the
prosecution for violating the city that street and the council granted ing a check for the debt in full set screw that holds the top to the house until It la covered, prayer papers
ordinance covering that subject.
those residents permission to grade with interest for the entire time. frame of the windshield. The seat are continually in the air. These pa­
Worth Harvey, newly elected and gravel the street at their own Butner will not tell how much he screw was broken off by the force pers are punched with numerous small
councilman from the third ward, expense. The Twelfth street en-
_ paid out, merely saying he is happy of the impact. She is recovering
holes, and the belief Is that the bad
trance to the park auto camp was for the first time in years.
nicely but there is a possibility that spirits must creep through each of
ordered repaired and the paved por­
His old creditors had long since the optic nerve was injured.
tion of Tenth street was ordered lest sight of Butner, had charged
According to the occupants of the these holes before they can enter the
the debts to profit and loss, and Baker car, the Canfield car ap­ body.
Strengthened by Cottage Grove Ex­
J. H. Hawley and Edd Jenks were forgotten the transaction.
Periodically the bones of the de­
proached on the wrong side of the
ordered to build concrete walks, the
road with lights glaring. Seeing parted are disinterred and packed In
former in front qf his property on
Roseburg, Ore., April 18.—Foster that the car would ram him, Baker
Kidney disease is too dangerous west Main, and tne hitter in front Butner, who is reported to have tried to get out of the way by tak­ small caskets. On all the P. and O.
to neglect. At the first sign of of his property on Eighth street, paid off debts in an almost spec­ ing the wrong side of the road. The liners are sections devoted entirely to
the carrying of these small, bone-filled
backache, headache, dizziness or Burge & Hardin were instructed
______ to
manner in Cincinnati, is big car struck the right fender of caskets, back to China for final rein­
urinary disorders, you should give repair faulty concrete sidewalk ap­ tacular
manager of the Umpqua Valley the Baker car and badly demolished
the weakened kidneys prompt atten­ proaches built by them for the city. Broccoli exchange in this city. He the car. It was brought home on a terment. No Chinese bones are know­
tion. Eat little meat, take things
A large casting for the rock recently left for Chicago and mid­ truck the next day.
ingly allowed to remain on foreign soil.
easier and use a reliable kidney crusher was ordered purchased. An dle western points, stating that his
Thus China Is a land of graveyards
The feminine occupants of the
tonic. There’s no other kidney med­ inventory of city property was re­ purpose was to check up on ship­ Baker ear went on to the dance, and the greatest difficulties found by
icine so well recommended as Doan’« ferred to the finance committee ments of broccoli from the Umpqua while Mr. Baker eared for the de­ railway companies building In China
Kidney Pills. Cottage Grove people for valuation, with instructions to valley to Chicago and other middle molished car. George Hohl went
la to avoid disturbing the remains of
rely on them, Here ’s one of the turn it over to Auditor Tower as western markets.
down latex aud brought the party China’s honored dead.
many statements from Cottage soon as possible. Hiring of a mo­
Mr. Butner came to Roseburg home.
Grove people.
torcycle triffic officer was left to about ton years ago from Lexing­
Mrs. Maud Hohl and daughter,
Mrs. Alta Hart, 742 8. 1st St., the mayor.
ton, Ky., and engaged in farming. who occupied the back seat, were TOOTH DECAY DUE TO BREAD
says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney
Au amendment to the sidewalk He early saw the opportunity here thrown against the back of the
Pills with benefit and am glad to ordinance was ordered drawn to re­ for
vegetable raising and was one front seat with Buch force as to
recommend them. I had kidney quire rough top finish for cement of the first to propose the raising demolish the back but sustained exhaustive Experiments Have Ab­
complaint, My back ached and walks. The slick finish walk has of broccoli on a commercial scale. only severe bruises. Mr. Canfield
solved 8weets From Blame Which
pained and I felt dull and run dow n been found dangerous in wet wea­ Ho is a large producer of broccoli was not injured and his car was
Has Been Attached to Thom.
and my kidneys didn’t act right. ther.
only slightly damaged.
It w as ordered that costs and fees
A friend recommended Doan’s Kid­
Occupants of another car, which
The general belief that the consump­
Since his arrival here with his
ney Pills so I used them. Doan’s collected hereafter in the office of family Mr. Butner has made a rapid was following the Bilker car, con­ tion of jams, Jellies and such sweets
__ _________
were just what I needed us they teh city recorder
be turned over to rise financially. He recently con­ firmed Mr. Baker’s statement as are responsible for the progress of de­
helped me, by relieving the back­ ihe city instead of being retained structed the largest greenhouse in to the glaring lights of the Canfield
cay in our teeth, has not been borne
aches and othor symptoms of kid­ by the recorder.
the county, and grows vegetables car.
out by experiments which were made
ney trouble.”
during the winter seasons.
---------- --------------------- —
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
at the hygienic Institute of the Leipsic
simply ask for a kidney remedy—
university. On the other hand it was
get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same
—- ------------------- --- --------------------- ,
Indicated that bread was responsible
that Mrs. Hart had. Foster-Milburn
Springfield high at Springfield for such troubles. This was shown
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. a27my4
Tuesday. The score was 7 to 6. The by taking perfectly sound teeth and
locals led throughout but were de­ coating them with wax, Into which an
(Special to The Sentinel.)
feated in the ninth frame. The local aperture was made at one point or
April 24.—The C. W. and H. J.
Friedrick families, of Battle Ground, Service Will Be Similar to That of lineup was: Williams, c; Hubbell, p; another, and these were then subjected
Aimes, lb; Robinson, 2b; Heck, 3b; to an Immersion In a mixture of bread
Wash., are camped on Mr. Perry’s
Last Year; No Definite Routes
Morelock, ss; Smith, If; Leonard,
place and are working in the mill.
and saliva at a temperature of 37 de­
Cochran, rf.
Are to Be Followed.
Mrs. Virgil Oppel has moved to
grees Centigrade. At the end of 98
the lower Lawson place.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Read and
Mothers’ Club Elects Vice President. days many of the teeth showed signs
An air patrol system for western
children, of Eugene, visited Sunday
Mrs. George Lammers was elected of softening at the exposed points |
at the home of Mr. Read’« sister, Oregon forests has been secured viee president of the Mothers’ club while 28 days later all showed the
Mrs. W. A. Hemeuway.
again this year, according to word at a meeting of that body Satur­ softening signs. At the end of 124
A. L. Woodard, Mrs. George Car­ received from Senator Charles H. day, to succeed Mrs. George Bar­ days completely developed carles was
lile and children and Mrs. Albert MfiNury. In his telegram Senator rows, who recently returned to Wis­ developed In all the teeth under experi­
Hull and children visited Sunday at McNary stated that he has for some consin. The meeting was also the ment. A similar test with jams and
time past hud up with the secre­ occasion of a reception in honor of
the W. A. Hemeuway home.
W. A.
? Hemeuway
_ und ■ G.
• W. Mc- tary of war aud the secretary of Mrs. Lammers, an active member of Jellies resulted In a complete vindica­
Furland wore in Lynx Hollow this agriculture the matter of airplane the club, whose wedding was a re­ tion of the sweets, for the same length
of time showed that the fruit acids
week leasing oil land.
forest patrol, and while the avail­ cent event.
and the perfumed acids of the pre­
James Sears returned to the B<> able funds are meager these depart-
ineuts have promised a qvTViix* aim ODD FELLOWS ATTEND
serves had no effect upon the teeth
hernia district Wednesday.
• Bev. and Mrs. J. E. Carlson
spent ilar to that of last year and that
t arisen «pe...
the week end at the G. . W.
... McFar- Eugene will be the base of opera-
I ions.
land home.
A delegation of Odd Fellows and
Right Way to Breathe.
The service last year was estab­ Rebekahs wont to Creswell i laut
Miss Alum Soars visited Sunday
with Miss Elizabeth Allen at the lished in July, after the weather night to attend the celebration i of
The fundamental of health— also of
hud become very dry and warm aud the 104th birthday anniversary of beauty—Is proper breathing. Most
G. W. McFarland home.
Miss Marie MeCargar, of ' Cottage after it hud been announced that the lodge. The Rebekahs put on people don’t bring the remote cells of
Grove, visited Sunday v.l.
with Miss :he planes would not be sent to this degree work.
the lungs Into use. Reducing the res­
state for putrol duty owing to luck
Florence McFarland.
pirations to ten per minute for five
Mrs. W. E. Dorward and Mrs. M.
SCHOOL MEETING ... consecutive minutes three times a day
M. Wheeler visited Tuesday uficr- congress, heeding the appeals of ANNUAL
will insure full breathing. For in­
timbernicn and chambers of com­
nooii with Mrs. G. W. McFarland.
stance, as yon are walking, Instead of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomae Allen and merce, succeeded in obtaining a.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Hartsol spent limited putrol. Seven or eight army trict 45 will be held in. tne high breathing aB you ordinarily do, make
prunes from California were dis­
Bunday at the P. H. Magee home.
auditorium on the evening of ten complete respirations per minute
A number from here attended the patched here aud immediately start­ school
Monday, April 30, at which time (ten Inhalations and ten exhalations).
ed the patrol work.
meeting of the grange Saturday.
In other words, you breathe In for
No regular routes were estab­ the budget for the coming year will
Marion Horning left Tuesday for
three seconds and out for three sec­
lished however. The planes made be considered.
onds, making a complete respiration
The local of the farmer’s union trips from the Eugene base only
every six seconds, at which rate your
Fire Company Reelects Officers.
will hold an open meeting May Iti. when there were calls for their
The Cottage Grove fire depart­ respiration will be at the rate of ten
services in different sections of the
western part of the state. Accord­ ment reelected its entire corps of per minute. To simplify, make 00
ing to timber owners and officials officers at its meeting Monday complete respirations last you for five
of the national forests this service night. They are 8. L. Mackin, minutes. At the end of five minutes
(Special to The Sentinel.)
chief; J. T. Smith, secretary; C. A.
April 25.— Mrs. C. H. Haight left was excellent.
Beidler and George Mote, captains. you will find that you will be breath­
Friday for Yreka, Calif., for a visit
ing deeply and filling your lungs to ca­
of two weeks with her mother.
pacity. This la simply an exercise,
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hodges, Mrs.
BETTER THAN EL8EWHERE and three or four times a day will be
J. A. Joll,
", Frank Joll and Mr. and
found sufficient, according to • De­
Dwight Buchanan, of this city,
Mrs. C. C. Conner were in Eugene
A hare brained reporter on the lineator writer.
was elected secretary of the Ep­
Mr. and Mrs. W» E. Nixon visited worth league of the Soul hern Ore­ Atchison Globe has written a wild
Thursday and Friday at the W. M. gon district at a convention of that rabbit story which indicates that
Portuguese Women Good Porter*.
Pickard home in Eugene. Mr. Nixon organization in Eugene Saturday. the moonshine in Kansas is about
porters of Portugal are women
took his assessing books down.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith came Chaney, Ashland, president; Mrs. J. only question the reader will have who carry great burdens upon their
up from Marcola Thursday and vis­ Tate, Yoncalla, treasurer; Lester to decide is whether the reporter head* It Is a common thing for one
ited over night at the W. A. Turnbaugli, Eugene, R. Trueblood, or the rabbits have been drinking of these Amasons to carry a filled
Roseburg, and Mildred Bridges, the stuff. The story follows:
Witcher home.
steamer trunk on her head from the
Wild rabbits, with horns, are ter ship lending to the hotel, a distance of
Lee Nixon, who had been suffer­ Medford, vice presidents. The offi­
ing for a Week with a bad eye, cers were installed Sunday after­ rorizing a neighborhood northeast of a mile and mostly up a steep hill.
town. They fear no man or beast
went to Eugene Saturday and had noon.
Lane, Linn, Jackson, Coos and and seem almost immune against Every conceivable kind of load Is car­
something removed front it.
Mr. and Mrs. Cashatt came up Douglas counties were represented bullets. It is reported that several ried in this way. Peasant women will
from Salem Saturday and visited at the convention. The Cottage children up there have been at­ carry a closed umbrella neatly bal­
over uight at the E. J. Sears home. Grove delegation included Helen tacked by the rabbits and are now anced on their heads. I once saw a
They returned home Sunday, taking Breedlove, Linas Heard, Genevieve laid up with the wounds. The bites woman coming into market, says a re­
.little Marjorie Knox home with Johnson, Herbert Cochran, Virginia of the rabbits seem to be poisonous, cent traveler, with a sleeping infant
Bosley, Stella McKay, Effie Bu­ and in some instances cause infec­ tn a small round basket on her head,
| them.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Witcher at chanan, Ruby and Mabel Lee, Mabel tion. Bill Winkler, who is 6 feet one hand bolding the basket and the
I tended church at Creswell Bunday Cornutt, Mary Snaucr, Dwight Bu- 2 inches tall, admits that one of the other an umbrella to shield off the
ehanan, Gordon Wright, Brighton rabbits attacked him the other day
I evening.
| Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Joll visited léonard, Jack Lemon, Weldon Cor- and that he had to exert all his strong rays of tho sun.—Philadelphia
strength to escape.
I Sunday afternoon at the Odin Mil- nutt and Harold Howser.
‘ ‘ That rabbit made a wild leap
iler home, below Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ixickwood PIRE MANUFACTURERS HAVE into the air, grabbed me by th**
Dislike Ordinary Balt.
came back from Cottage Grove to
PLANT IN COTTAGE GROVE throat and was choking me to
made to the French Society
their ranch Tuesday.
The Walker union high school
Cottage Grove now has its own human in action and in strength of Biology shows that 20,000,000 ho- j
pupils and teachers go to Drain tire manufacturers,
Cochran & that camo to me because I was man beings in the Congo region com­
Thursday and the boys will play Meisner have opened the Cottage frantic was the only thing that monly employ salt of potassium Instead
baseball. They will make the trip Grove Rubber r company in the I. saved me. I grabbed the rabbit by of salt of eodlnm for seasoning their
in a truck.
O. O. F. building, until recently the hind legs nml pulled up with the food. They obtain this salt from the
Literary has been postponed until occupied by N. J. Nelson. For
__ ____
the strength of a Hercules or a Strang ashes of certain plants. Since tha
May 4.
present they art* manufacturing only ler Lewis and got him away from opening up of the country ordinary
The Social Neighbors will enter­ I he Ford size. This plant is a part my throat. But I did not succeed
tain their families at the school of a string of similar plant manu­ in killing him because his head salt has bean largely Imported, but the
house Friday evening.
facturing Diamond cup tires and seemed to be as hard as a diamond. negroes regard It as Insipid, and aban­
It is also true that one of the__
rub don with regret the use of their fa­
Mrs. Leonard was hostess to the is unit No. 69.
bits chased my bull out of the pas­ miliar ashes. They take tho Imported
Social Neighbors Wednesday after-
ture the other day. When the bull salt only because it is cheap.
noon. Ice cream and cake were ELKS INITIATE CLASS OF
FOUR HERE WEDNESDAY came back to the house he was cov
cred with cots and lacerations,
_____ , and
Youthful Beau Tee Stingy.
I Rocking Lorane Road Starts loon.
Cottage Grove was invaded by a one of his eyes had been scratched
I was sixteen. I went to mg
The Warren Construction com- delegation from the Elk* lodge of
first show with a boy whom I greatly
pany is opening the Hawley quarry, Eugene Wednesday night and four ever saw.”
Albert and Ed Handke killed one admired Before we reached the show
at the foot of the hill, near Lorane, candidates were initiated. They
and preparing for the work of were Harley C. Cain. Edward E. of the wild rabbits on the Winkler ho went Into a candy store end bought
spreading rock on the Cottage Smith and Charles J. Hills, of Cot farm Friday. It weighed 22 pounds, a box of chocolates. Thinking It was
Grovc-Ixirane road, which will be tage Grove, and Cecil O. Knight, had claws Iiek a rat and horns like tbf me, I held out my hand for the
begun soon. Grading has already of Eugene. The meeting was held a devil and did not give up until box. He opened the box and offered
six bullets had penetrated his vital
been begun on the mile-nad-a-third in
me a piece and put the box In bls coat
stretch of the Eugene-Lorane road
pocket. That was the last I saw of
between Gillespie corner» and the
Rome bachelor« get married to the the box of randy and, believe me, R
Greendoor school house.
■ingle life.
ended my first love affair.—Exchang* 1
Some Good Advice
I Neighborhood News I
far the experienced
Remarkable Example of Intelligence
Displayed by Colony of Anta In
the London "Zoo."
Lord Avebury once wrote of ants:
"It Is difficult to deny them the gift of
| reason. Their mental powers differ
from those of men not so much In kind
J as tn degree."
Among the most Interesting things
' at the zoo In Regent's park are two
aests of wood ants, fascinating Insects
with social Instincts and lndpstrious
habits, London Tit-Bits states. Thou­
sands of these Insects are Isolated on
an “island'* surrouuded by a moat to
prevent them from straylug too far
. from home.
In this community there are males,
females and a whole host of “workers."
The workers guard the nest, excavate
galleries for the reception of the young,
procure food, tend the eggs and the
helpless grubs aud wait upon the
They appear to have the power of
comniunlcatlug with one another and
may often be seen co-operating In the
performance of a task that has proved
too much for one.
In their abode at the zoo they have
formed a ridge around one edge of the
moat, supposedly because too many
ants tumbled Into the water and had to
be hauled out by their relations I
Recently It was noticed that the ants
were building a new mound right In
the middle of their Island. They were
seen to be In a great hurry, for some
of them worked even during the night.
Gradually the new building was seen
to be a series of galleries made up of
leaves, refuse and twigs. A few days
after the completion of this work a
new brood put in an appearance, which
shows the admirable Intelligence aud
foresight of these little Insect*
Eugene Business
Ask for Our Free Catalog
Eugene Business College
A. E. ROBERTS, President
Eugene, Oregon
City Transfer
A. O. Anderson, Proprietor
Hauling & Draying
Piano Moving a Specialty
Office in Spray brick near 8. F.
Station. Office phone, 99; res­
idence phone, 124-J.
Grove Transfer
Furniture Moving
General J obbing
F. W. Jacobs, Proprietor
Office telephone............... „4
Residence telephone..... 21-F3
Dooumante Lost for Years Have Been
Found Long After the Death
of Their Makers.
Occasionally a missing will Is found
In time to provide an unexpected for­
tune. In 190» a peasant woman of Brit­
tany was feeding her fowls, when,
among the corn in the bln, she came
across a notebook which contained the
will of a farmer who had died 14 years
More romantic was the accidental
discovery of a will after the lapse of a
quarter of a century, by which a small
estate was restored to Its old owners.
On the death of a member of the fam­
ily no will could be found, so the estate
was sold and the proceeds divided
among the next of kin, among whom
was a daughter who regretted the sale,
as her father had always said he hoped
circumstances would never force them
to part with It.
Twenty-five years later a distant rel­
ative died and when his house was be­
ing overhauled the contents of several
old chests and cases were examined.
In one was the missing will, which
stated Uie estate was not to be sold.
On being approached, the gentleman
who had bought It expressed hlB will­
ingness to sell it back to the daughter.
Land Grass at 8ea.
Fringing the pools left by the reced­
ing tide may frequently be seen the
long strands of a green weed. Its
leaves, which look like so many rib­
bons, are less than half an Inch In
width, though often they are three
or four feet In length. This particu­
lar weed Is called grass-wrack, and,
strange to say, It is not really a sea­
weed at all. It la a land plant which
for some reason has taken to a ma­
rine Ilf«*. If you examine It carefully
you will find real flowers growing upon
It, each encased in a kind of sheath
formed by one of the shorter leaves.
No proper seaweed blossoms in thia
way. Why it should have chosen to
go to the sea Instead of remaining on
land no one can say, but probably It
found that it was easier to live undei
water than on dry land. In some places
It Is so common that It Is harvested
like hay, and is used, after it has been
dried, Instead of straw for packing
glass, china and other delicate objects.
Doga and Their Day.
Every dog has bls day; the proverb
seems to hold true of the whole breedi
of dogs. Many breeds have had their
day and sunk Into oblivion. Thirty
years ago the farm without a great,
hulking mastiff as its watchdog was
Incomplete—that was the heyday of
the hobo. Mastiffs and hoboes have
gone off together to the land of no­
where. Newfoundland and St. Ber
nard are other breeds that used to fln|
general favor when dog meat cost a
cent a pound or so. The Great Dane
has kept a sort of country house pops
larlty; one must have spare before
these huge animals can enjoy life. Lit­
tle dogs suffice to sstlsfy the mere In­
stinct to love and cherish. As big
une grow more expensive, end lest
necessary, man’s love for them, even
In the country, has lessened.—Balti­
more American.
Why She Is a “Pippin."
How and why the word “pippin"
ever broke Into the slang language, li
not known definitely, but the word Is
an Anglicized form of the medieval
French word pepln. which means seed
or seedling. When an apple lover ol
the Dark ages produced a new varletj
he called It such-and-such s pepln. It
Is said that there Is no apple stock that
Is more than 4<x> yearn old. though ths
statement would be hard to prove. A
Yorkshire pippin must be very old,
and a pearmaln inay have descended
from the days of the Romans.
Everett Powell
Woodson Brothers Garage.
Phone 27. After the garage
closes, phone to 102-L.
■ -
A woman who dislikes gossiping
is going to miss a whole lot of
pleasure in life.
Specialist in Obstetrics
Will care for confinements at his
home if desired. Speciul nurse if re­
quired. Phones: office, 34; res. 126J
H. W. TITUS, D. M. D.
Modern equipment. First National
Bank building. Hours, 9 to 12 aud
1 to 6. Evenings and Bundays by
uppoiutment Office phone, 10; res
iaence phone, 158 Y.
Office Fifth aud Main. Hours, 8:30
to 12 and 1 to 6:30. Evenings nud
Bundays by appointment. Phones:
office 36, residence 134 Y.
Office in Lawson bullring
Phona 47
Cottage Grove
Chiropractic, Mechano Therapy,
Gynocology, Hydro-Therapy, Electro­
Therapy. Office over Darby Hard
ware. Phene 116-J. Office hours: 9
to 12; 1 to 5; Bundays by appoint­
Physician and Burgeon
X-ray work in all its branches. Eve
uings by appointment.
634 Maiu
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Phoue 30.
630Ml Main
Drugless Physician
Ostruuder Building,
Street, Cottage Greve
Real Estate, Insurance and
405 Maiu Street
Cottage Grove
Attorney at Liw
First National Hank Building
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Rhone 94
Phones 1114 and 915
146 Park Street, Eugene, Oregon
(Suggestive Therapeutic«)
All kinds of diseases treated. After
effects of the flu removed. Massage
for tired people. Raeura foot treat­
ment given.
Dreaamaking and Designing
all work guaranteed
205 Adams Avenue
Phone 134 B, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Agency Barcley Custom Made Corset
write to
Phone 124-L
Cottage Grove
Particular Work for
Particular People.
300 Main Street
Phone 116L
Attorney nt law and
Notary Public
Practice« in nil courts. Thirty years
of experience. Bailer building, Cot­
tage Grove, Oregon.