The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, April 13, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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couragement to those who give their ♦------------------------------—----------------------------------------------------------- -y i r
time aud energy in directing the
A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty
The way to get things is to haw project.
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------«fr
of Backbone
[confidence in them and to ourselv«*«
The civic improvement club is
put in motion the things that will just dow engaged in a clean-up and
____ Publia liera get them for us. If they don’t come beautifying campaign. They have
Bode ic Smith.
_____ __ Editor easily, figure out some way to do made splendid progress against great
Elbert Bede.....
(Special to The Sentinel.)
April 10.—Airs. G. Al. Rebel beck
away with resistance.
odds, but it is really surprising how'
A first cluaii publication entered at
Thousands of towns in this broad many there are who have sat idly and Mrs. John Kebelbeck visited
CottuKu Grove ua aecond elaaa mutter
land of ours are hopefully waiting by while others di«l the work, even Tuesday with Mrs. J. G. Murry on
Cedar creek.
Business Office.......... 55 North (Sixth for the lightning to strike them— neglecting to cooperate to the slight
A number from Eugene, Cottage
for outside capital to arrive.
extent of removing piles of rub­
Everything comes to him who bish and debris from their property. Grove and London have attended
it is not necessary to go a block the revival meetings here during the
One year...... $2.25 ( Three months 65c waits, some philosopher has said,
Bix months.. 1.15 | binglo copy— 5c but often it is delayed by dicker­ off of Main street anywhere in the past week.
Services will be conducted at the
ing with some fellow who has met business section to find the side­
Member of
it on the way.
walks or alleys blocked with rub­ church Friday and Saturday eve­
National Editorial Aiuociatiou
bish, or boxes, or machinery, or nings, and at 11, 2 and 7:30 o’clock
Urvguu Míalo Editorial Aauoeiatioa
something else that detracts from Sunday, with a basket dinner fol­
Oregon Newspaper Conference
the beauty of the city and shows a lowing tho Bunday morning service.
l-aue County 1'ubJudiera ’ Association
Marguerite Carlile, of the Grove,
1 a« k of civic pride.
With an organization directing spent the week end with her uunt,
The Oregon Voter makes the fol-
the work over the city, it would Mrs. J. Q. A. Young.
lowing statement:
Several from here attended the
“Oregon asks Iowa farmers to seem that every citizen would join
come here and buy land. The Iowa heartily into the campaign, but the baptismal service ut the Christian
in Cottage Grove Monday
farmer has a mortgage on another fact is that the very people who con­
It is probable that if a hundred Iowa farm. He comes here and finds tinually ask “When is the old burg evening.
Mrs. Gilcrist had the misfortune
people should be asked ‘‘What is he must pay Oregon state income going to amount to something!” or
Oregon’s greatest need to make of tax on bin iLcomo from his mort­ •Why doesn’t somebody do some to lose a milk cow Monday night.
Air. and Mrs. Führer and daugh­
it a groat ¿iidusUm! state!’’ ninety gage on an Iowa farm. Will he thing or other!” are the ones who
would answer, “Outside capital.” stuy here! He will not.”
are the slowest to help in the move to ter Hazel, Mr. Jepson and Miss
There is no disputing the fact
The farmers in the Oregon legis­ make the old burg amount to some Annie Jepson attended a farewell
that an influx of outside cap lature were a unit for the income thing and who neglect to move to party in the Grove for Air. and Airs.
ital, to be invested in industries, tax. The income tux was enacted help others do the something which Ocumpaugh.
would mean much to the state— because the farmers asked for it, the first mentioned ones way they
possibly more than any one thing which does not prove so much thut want done.
that could be done for it—but we there can’t be anything wrong with
Even the city council muy be
are not powerless to do the things it ns it does that the farmer doesn’t criticized, for the property upon
(Special to The Sentinel.)
which we are inclined to wait to fear il. It seems to us, however, which the city hall stands certainly
April 11.—Mr. and Mrs. Horace
have others do for us. By a proper that the Voter is overreaching and would not be classed as attractive, Strong motored up from Eugene
use of our own resources we cun that the state of Oregon would be but nevertheless the city council is Tuesday and visited relatives here.
almost force capital to flow over unable to collect an income tax going to see that this property is
J. N. Campbell, who has been ill
the mountains to us.
uarned upon property owned else cleaned up and already has ex- for some time, went to Roseburg
Millions of dollars of Oregon whore, especially if that income pressed its determination to sec Friday for treatment.
money is now invested in bonds. were deposited and spent in the that all streets, sidewalks and al­
Joe Johnson had the misfortune
We havo a great reserve of our own state in which it originated. The leys of the city get similar treat­ to chop one of his hands rather
which is doing little to develop object of a state income tax should ment. ’Hie council intends to exer­ badly last week.
Oregon industrially. We could let be to collect u tax upon incomes cise the police powers of the city
William Porter was home from
our own bonds be absorbed by east­ earned within the state,
e. Jt is not ill doini ig away with offensive barns Eugene over the week end.
ern investors. That would bring unlikely that the state of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eaton left
c Iowa will and otl her unsanitary places. Un-
eastern money into our coffers. We enact an income tax law and collect sightly spots muy he done away Thursday of last week for their
could use these millions of dollars and at the source a tax upon the income with when they come under the des home in Stockton, Calif.
millions now in liquid assets to es­ referred to by the Voter. It would ignatiou of nuisiuicoa.
E. T. Hartley was home f rom
tablish industries and these could be hard to justify a contention that
Walton for a short visit the 1 lutter
bo bonded and the bonds sold upon Iowa property should pay taxes in COUNTRY RESIDENT TAKES EX­ part of last week.
the eastern market», thus bringing Oregon.
Air. and Mrs. Marion Lebow and
in more eastern money.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebow went to
It is going to be difficult enough
Thera is very little difference be­ to collect the income tax upon in­
Salem Saturday to visit with the J.
tween inviting outside capital here comes earned in Oregon, for we can
Cottage Grove, Ore., April 10.— K. Samson family.
under the condition that local mon­ imagine that it will not be diffi- (To the Editor.)—In the most re­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackie vis­
ey shall be invested with it or in- cult for owners of sccurities to cent issue of The Bentinel you print ited Sunday at the home of their
vesting local money in an enterprise move them to safety deposit boxea a “conversation” with country daughter, Mrs. Melvin Jackson.
ami then bonding the enterprise, in other states.
The ladies society met last week
people in which you make them say
The essential difference is that the
A state income tax
several things that no owner of a with Airs. Marion Lebow. Despite
first method is much slower than icnlly the most equitable tax, may country place near Cottage Grove inclement weather there was a large
the second.
prove a wolf in sheep’s clothing. would .say. It is true the wood of attendance.
If we wish
Mr. and Airs. R. Y. Porter visit­
The one thing it is certain to catch most country people is piled in the
the quickest way to do ho is to our is the income from real estate, in­ back yard or in tho wood house, but ed in Eugene Tuesday with their
selves show confidence by invest ing come upon the very kind of prop you must remember we have back two sons.
our own money in the things recom­ erty which it was hoped the income yards. We have our old boxes and
mended to others. Outside money tax would relievo.
our rubbish but wo have more room
is quirk to invest in those things
A large proportion of the people to pile such stuff and if we don’t
in which local people have demon want to try an income tax. A mild want to keep it we have plenty of
(Special to The Sentinel.)
st rated their confidence.
income tax can not do great harm chance to burn it without endanger­
April 10.—The attendance at the
As a concrete example, Cottage and trying out a mild tax may save ing our own and our neighbor’s pie social given by the Black Butte
Grove has been waiting for years us from having to try out a more property. Most of us have some school Friday night was good. The
for the establishment by outside drastic one. We
a means of hauling the unburuable proceeds were $25.15.
capital of Home kind of a wood­ mild one is more
part away and throwing it in some
Air. and Airs. William Lively, of
working industry, but the outside
brushy ravine or other similar place. Chehalis, Wash., are visiting with
capital Ims not arrived. If it did
It is true also that there are some relatives here this week.
arrive, it probably would ask that
things to be seen in town that do
llarry Garman, Lester Groat, Bon­
local capital bo invested with it.
make country folks ashamed. They nie l’erini and “Dick” Black were
If Cottage Grove would lake the
Always in every community there also make the city folks ashumed. iu Col tag«* Grove Monday evening.
bit in its mouth and start such an are a few citizens who arc ready The city folks in return find in the
Guy \ anati and Lawrence, Bill
industry, bonds could be issued to take an active part in anything country old fences, brush grown and Arthur Funk were in Cottage
road sides undrained and unclean, Grove Bunday.
against I I k * physical property of the for tiie betterment of tho city.
Harry, Dick and Willis Garman
industry for a large proportion of
Always also there are a greater stock at large in tho roads—a men
to the motorist, and other were in Ixjndon Sunday evening.
its ««»st- ami outside capital would number who not only are not ready
be brought in within a few months, to bear any of tin* burden of ad­
Bonnie l’erini and Lester Groat
whereas we now havo waited years vancing a civic project of any kind on an even footing in this line.
attended a pie social and dance at
without any tangible results.
Saturday night.
A Chicago society woman goes on
Harry and Willis Garman, Alice record as stating that the hired girl
Goods manufactured here and sold that they will not even give en- t rad us for they are certainly at-
" are some of - our front
t ractive. So
Bradford anil Gustav Labsch are on should be allowed to play th«* piano.
windows. Your debris is piled in th«* sick list.
It is probably not so much a ques­
Il he only place you have to pile
Alma tion of whether she is to be allowed
it- t—the back of the store. Our de- Gert jo visited Sunday with Dolly to as whether or not she wants to.
bris is in the back lot also.
anti Dora Funk.
Th«* city fathers (vour own name
Mrs. Jenkins returned to her
is among them) are behind a clean­ horn«* in Cottage
gv Grove Thursday,
up campaign; but did you notice after a several
il days’ visit with
clean up around
the city her .parents, Mr. and Airs. Thus.
It’s a beautiful coat of paint you
city dads have had applied to th«*
c.ouncilmen’s and tramps’ office.
Your nice new fire truck will l«>«>k
(Special to The Sentinel.)
fine in there one of these days
April 10.—Air. and Mrs. F. G.
when some chap that Brother Green Stiller, of Newport, and Air. an I
in internal medicine for the
Pitcher has locked up lets a match Airs. R. S. Trask and two little sons,
past twelve years
get away from him and roasts him­ of Cottage Grove, visited Sunday
self and the paint on the truck nt with Mr. ami Mrs. S. S. Trask.
the same time. Di«l you notice also
Air. and Mrs. William Patton, of
Will be at
that a whole» lot of our country Cedar creek, visited Saturday night
a splendid
buildings are very much in need of and Sunday at the B. F. McCollum
paint, our lawns in need of mowing home.
and our vines in need of trimming!
The Tom (¿uecner family has
No, Mr. Editor, no country person moved to Star.
said those things you attributed to
John Thran uud Misa Nellie I’leu-
him. They sotiml more like their a rd wore married Monday evening
origin was behind th«* editorial at the Frank Tanner home.
<lvsk in Th«» Bentinel office. We
Miss Jessie Ferguson, of Cottage Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
country ¡M»oplv only’ feel that we Grove, is staying at the Earl Ga-
and what w«» own are equal with routte home this week.
you city people and what you own.
Air. and Mrs. Leo Tobin visited
We do not think our air is any over the week end with relatives on
purer, our grass any greener, that Cedar creek.
No Charge for Consultation
we have “less hypocrisy, less deceit
Mrs. Frank Pleuard and «laughter
and much more happiuess.” We do and son, Elsie and Ralph, visited at
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular
and energy drive away
not think that such a feeling should Star Tuesday with
gur _
vxtot l between a city and
graduate in medicine and sur-
rounding country people, Buch a
gery and is licensed by the
feeling would only breed antag-
state of Oregon.
ouisni, «list rust and scorn towar«! 1
He visits professionally the
each other and destroy all the
(Special to Tho Sentinel.)
more important towns and cit­
friendly relations we now enjoy.
April 11.— Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ics and offers to all who rali
Just quote ns coming from un the
things we really any and let un en­ Briggs and son Vern and Nellie on this trip free consultation
were in Eugene Saturday.
ter into a rivalling up and beauti
James Conley received 400 Ply except the expense of treat­
fymg campaign together and judge
un all on our merits. We country mouth Rock baby chicks Tuesday ment when desired.
folks can help you get that new from Corvallis.
According to his method of
Donald Allen, who has been sick treatment he does not operate
city hall, for our trad«» makes your
Corner of Sixth
Cottage Grove
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Powell, of for chronic appendicitis, gall
he prospers he is willing to spend
aud Main
money for civic beauty. There is no Washington, were over night guests stones, ulcers of stomach, ton­
end to th«» results to be brought Tuesday at the Queeuer home.
sils or adenoids.
F. T. Bvnsiun attended the funer­
about by coordination between city
He has to his credit wonder­
and country. In return for your al of James Ozment nt Ixirnnv Hun-
ful results in diseases of the
evening shows, entertainments and «lay.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gerard and stomach, liver, bowels, blood,
amusements, let us offer the beau
tifili camping places, the picnic children, of 8| Ipringficld, spent Sun skin, nerves, heart, kidney,
sputa, the boating places ana the* «lay evening i nt the 8. 11. Jarrett bladder, bed wetting, catarrh,
scenic beauties of our country rond*! home.
weak lungs, rheumatism, sci-
Mr«. Bert A!
aides. Let us strive together, not
atiea, leg ulcers and rectal ail-
against each other.
nt the hom«< o
Ik» fair to us her«»nfter and don’t F. Briggs.
niukv us say things you think we | Vern Briggs, who is working at
If you have been ailing for
would say. M«’st of y«»u were comi-| Ruja«la. spent the week end with
any length of time and do not
try fc’lk■< once anti you will never homo folks.
p't the * effect off. It has a staving
Mrs. Lowell Bvnston and baby get any better, do not fail to
quality of its own.
j were in the Grove Wednesday.
call, as improper measures
Mr». Conley and Mr*. Scott rather than disease are very
shopped iu th«» Grove Tuesday.
often the cause of your long
George Fogle ami Terry Moody
standing trouble.
men of such prominence «.* 'are working on the new highway
Remember above date, that
w Wilson declaring that nine | bridge at Cottage Grove.
T. R. Scott spent th«* week end consultation on this trip Wil)
f sleep to reuuind each day,
not surprised that there are I with hum«* folks.
Im free and that his treatnu nt
who make a success as conn-
is different.
Married women must lie ac­
A aodety leader has found the
Oregon il is better to err by being too '
to get the men back to the companied by their huslvanda.
»Oll. She is going to get the girla
Address: 336 Boston Block,
back fi rat.
Minneapolis, Minn. al3-2t.-27p
iattiiflt firnt Srntinrl
Neighborhood News
Our Prosperity and
Your Prosperity
are based on the same thing. By work-
mg together we can accomplish vastly
more than by pulling apart.
glT AS AN INVESTOR you have opportu-
^4] nity to know your public utility company
from the inside and to see that it is hon­
estly and efficiently administered; that
the ideal of GOOD SERVICE must nec­
essarily guide a company that succeeds.
At the same time you will share in the
earnings that are the just reward of gen­
uine service progressively rendered.
is specially maintained for your benefit
and service. We welcome your interest
and will be glad to have you call, or to
respond to your inquiries by mail or tel­
O ITp. Gets a Big Bag
of Extra Select
Coming to Eugene
Dr. Mellenthin
New Price
Sassafras Bark
—an ounce
a pint of
Peptona and
Sarsparilla Tonic
languid feeling
Osburn Hotel
Wed., May 2
One Day Only
F. O. B. Detroit
Equipped with electric start­
ing and lighting system, de­
mountable rims, extra rim and
non-skid tires all around—the
Ford Sedan, at the new low
price of $595, F.O. B. Detroit,
is the greatest motor car value
ever produced—an enclosed
car of comfort, convenience
and beauty. Buy now. Terms.
worth living."
Get a Bottle Today at
Knowles & Graber
Hardware and
Cottage Grove
Woodson Brothers