The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, February 09, 1923, Image 6

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(Special to The Sentinel.)
leas than 2 feet square. Must be
Feb. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, y. clean aud of material that will ab
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bia c sorb gasoliue; old uudurclotiuug,
visited at the Calc-r home Sunday. , I tlauuuu, and the like preferred. Uau
William aud Arthur Funk motor e not use old socks, mercerised or
to Cottage Grove Sunday evening.
hard surface goods or »mall pieces
Mrs. Glen Jenkins /if Cotta
of any kind. We want the beat rags
Grove, visited Friday with her pi
aud pay the best price, 5 Mata tuc
outs, Mr. aud Mrs. Funk.
Mrs. Labsch visited Mrs. Walk ,.r pound. The beutiucl.
Mr aud Mrs. Boy Hands ai
lege White Leghorn baby chix
Claud Sherman, of Cottage Grot
from 1500 lulected hens mated to
motored to Black Butte Saturdi
males with rovorda of 200-280 be
morning aud hiked over the hill 1,0 hind them. Also 300 trap nested 2
and 3-year-old hens, none of which
Mr. acid Mrs. Funk and so
have records of less than 200 eggs
Arthur and Alvin motored to Ct
cither in their PULLET or tiECUiSU
lege Giove Thursday.
Breeding cockerels, sires
Mrs. Garrnau, Harry and Enin ia dam 298-307. Write the Chief Bird
Garman, the Labsch family, Gt
for free catalog. Kusch Poultry
Vauati aud Dora Funk are on tl
Farm, Junction City, Ore.
sick list this week.
Lawrence, William and Arth ar BOOKING OKDEK8 FOE fcUNGLE
Funk aud Guy Vauati motored <o
comb White Leghorn buby chicks
Cottage Grove Saturday night.
of the O. A. C. and Hollywood
Kenneth Oaler visited Roy
strains, from 2-year-old tested hens,
Friday afternoon.
layers of large white eggs, mated to
Emma Garman, Betta und U
H cockerels from dams wnn records of
Labsch were absent from school st 2/0 to 298 egg»; *15 per 100. Mrs.
Waldo Miller, Cottage Grove, Ore..
Mr. Garman has gone to
rs Disston, Route, phone l-± 12. j5tfc
where he is working.
Miriam Bohart spent the
miles south of Cottage Grove; 40
end with her parents at Trent.
acres sown to grain; good improve­
Willis and “Dick’’ Garman
cows, horses and farming ma
i:cd Monday at Funks.
j chinery, grain aud hay. Priced to
Mr. Funk and son Raymond
sell. V. E. Dunnavin.
tcred to London Sunday.
•2^***—»- If
—& c.hildrHii Eliminates darning. 2>U1
i j ary $50 a week full time, $1 uu hour
»pure tune. Kxperitmcti ulid .-. i .^ ouij .
JLiituruatiuual ¿tucking MiUa, A orris-
Luwu, l'a.
3 Jaw
Helpingthe Home Dressmaker Prepare
to Meet Spring
new wash fabrics
Yard-wide to 40-inch flaxons of
weave, large or small checks, prie d yd........35c, 50c,,
Imported dotted swiss, yard wide, white giouno, . ■ .
blue, pink, black or self color, per yd........... —
Dress ginghams of the better qualities, shown »' Pla"'
colors and combinations of colors in block cheeks, 1 la •,
etc.; 27-inch Amoskeag quality at yd..........................
32-inch Kalburnie ginghams, yd...........................
Windsor plisse crepe for underwear, gowns, etc., a
assortment of plain colors and figured '‘''“Jj‘39c
at yd......... -........ —..........................................
Fast color jap crepes, for house dresses, aprons, , ,c ’ a a
complete line of colors, yd............................................
To start one’s ward­
robe in the right di­
rection be sure to
consult both
The Spring
Fashion Book
and the
New Silks
Yard-wide n ssaline of standard quality, shown in
the wanted shades for spring, yd......................... $1.75
Printed crept* de chine, Paisley effects, a popular
material lor trimming; also much in demand for
the new blouses; yd............................................... $2.95
P ictorial R eview
tage Grove soon. Anyone desiring
P atterns
Plain colors m -crepe de chines, 40 inches wide, all
me to do photo work for them
(Special to The Sentinel.)
Feb. 1.—A quilting party wa s must come at once or make an ap-
of the wanted spring shades, yd......................... $1.95
For March
held at the home of Mrs. Emm a poiutment right away. A. L. Mon
Kelley, near the Woodard mil. i, rte, Monroe /Studio.
t'repe Eponge, a new and popular weave for skirts,
There are Guides for
Thursday afternoon beginning a l
Cutting and Con­
dresses and blouses; white, fawn and copen; the
1:30. Refreshments were served a t OAT8 AND VETCH HAY FOR
struction in each to
4 o'clock by Miss Zelma A been» e
sale. E. J. Bears, Delight Valley.
facilitate the making.
and Miss Leia Kelley.
Those pres Phone 35F-22.
ent were Mrs. J. C. Finley, Mrs
Francis Murry, Mrs. M. J. Cherry FOR BENT—FIVE ROOM HOUbE
partly furnished. 8ee Boy Leon-
Miss Myrtle Gilliam, Miss Zelm:
Abeene, Miss Leia Kelley and th< > ard at First National Bank. j26f9pd |
nostess, Mrs. Emma Kelley.
Th. 3 MARE
EX - |
children present were Ednu Mae
change for goats or cuttie. J. H.
Aiurjorie and Bobby Cherry uni ’ Hawley 5 F12.
j26 f9p
v era Bell Gilham.
A very nic(
afternoon wus spent in visiting aut J FOB BALE -COMPLETE J. 1. ,
piuyiug cards us well as tyinj 9
Caso threshing outfit, consisting
of traction engine, 15 h. p.; steel
The snow is still sticking arounc * separator 28x5U; water tank aud
in the shady places and the weathei pump, $950.
Or will sell engine
in a little inclined to be cold. The separately for $650.
See Green
thermometer was down to 28 de Pitcher.
j26 f9c -
g'ecs this morning.
Mrs. A. L. Gilham has scarlet $25 BE W ARD FOR INFOBMA U1 change for small place here or
lion leading to conviction of the '' ill sen on easy tenus. A. F. Ciass,
rev or.
litage Grove, Ore.
person who is maliciously shooting
goats. J. H. Hawley 5-F12. j26-f9p p 'OB SALE—YOUNG TEAM, MABE
and horse, weighing about 2700
(Special to The Sentinel.)
hall, furnished for light house- is., souud and true. Might let out
’eb. 5.—Mrs. G. M. Kebelbeek
jr their keep. C'hus. Cochran, phone
We handle a full line of the genuine J. R. Watkins a quilt tacking last Thursday keeping. Mrs. P. J. Stoneburg, 336 J 13-R, Cottage Grove.
jl9 f9p 1
products extracts, spices, liniments and toilet articles.
i fiernoon. Those present were Mrs. north H street.
1'. U. Führer, Mrs. John Kebelbeek, STRAYED—TWO RED DURHAM 1 DR SALE—SMALL FARM ON
All mail orders promptly delivered any place in the city.
w rta ( banie
lulc, Mrs. J. G.
Pacific highway about 3 miles
heifers about 4 years old, each
Murry, Mrs. T. J. Clark, Mrs. L. D. marked with upper bit on left ear ?° ■util, crop iu; 2 houses, barn, hen
xiuif, Miss M. J. Piper, Miss Ada
)use, good orchard, extra good
and lower bit on right ear. Notify
oilcnst, Miss Annie Jepson, Mrs. Charlie White, Cottage Grove, Lou w liter Bystem, some farm imple-
G. J. Kappauf and Mrs. J.
A. don Route, or phone 39-F3. f2-16p
740 south Sixth street, Cottage Grove, Oregon. j26f!6p
ents; cook stove and hot water
i ou ng.
nk in one house. Buick car, price
Mrs. E. E. Finuons and sister via- FOR SALE—91 ACRE RANCH, 25 $2 •50, may be scon at Woodson gar-
Utd *a part of last weok at the
acres cleared, 20 acres in oats and a», je. Mrs. George Carlile, phone
George Taylor home.
f9 23p
vetch, lots good saw timber, small 18 ■3 Y.
Mrs. G. A. Siunll and family, of peach and applo orchard, fair house,
London, spent Sunday with Airs, burn and outbuildings, team, cow, ” 'ANTED — BY EXPERIENCED
.-mull’s sister, Mrs. Lincoln Taylor. heifer, implements and household
man and wife without children
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Führer and furniture go with place; $4000; “l ock ranch on shares. Prefer beef
daughter and E. T. Carlile were terras. Alight take small place in or
oek and hogs where you can raise
ty and corn.
Want everything
Sunday evening guests at the Jep- near Grove us part payment. Mrs.
mushed. Unless you have a prop-
sou home.
J Q. A. Young, phone 39-1’12. f216p
VV. L. Kimble was called to
■ition where both sides can make
Dinubia, Calif., one day last week E M. PETEB8, L. B. A. M., IS IN m< oney don’t answer. 11. D. 11., 1911
, help take cure of his father, who
position to take u limited number Lt Mt 6th St., Long Beach, CaL f923p
is quite ill.
ot pupils for piano. 1245 Jefferson ~
Mrs. A. L. Gilham has been quite avenue, phone 123-L.
french blue trimmed iu caiuel tun,
ck with the scarlet fever but is
HOUSEWORK OR CARE OF CHIL- le tween Madsen’s j-ivelry store and
.(proving now.
dren wanted by young woman, u uudry. Return to Madsen’s Jew
Mr. und Mrs. G. M. Kebelbeek
.d children were Saturday evening Will work by hour. Call at 243 elr ry.
north J street or phone 96 L. f2-16p
..».s ai ¡ho G. J Kappaui home.
i no girls’ club meet with Miss
south of Divide, small yellow
u.nv Jepson Saturday afternoon.
years old in May; well broke, Je rsey cow wearing a bell, and a
Mrs. G. M. Kebelbeek and Mrs.
f. J. Kappaul were in tho Grove kind and gentle; weight about 1300 2-j >ear old red hei'er with bit on
and will make 1500 each. Also 2 rig ¿hl oar. Notify L. Jackson, Cot
(Onday afternoon.
vir. and Mrs. T. J. Clark and fresh milk goats. H. H. Quimbly, ts ge Grove.
1 mile east of Cottage Grove, phone
liildren visited in the Grove Sun 2»
f2 16pd 81
my afternoon
with Mr. Clark’s
by chix, O. A. C. and Hollywood
Kithrr, John Clark.
1920 AUTO FOR TRADE ON sti ains noted us heavy producers of
'Ira. L. D. Huff visited Monday
small town property. 1017 Ash lat go white eggs, $12 per hundred,
•v,th Mrs. T. J. Clark.
avenue, city.
f2-16pd If you have good fertile eggs wo
11 incubate them at 6c each. B.
TRADE—9 ROOM BOARDING AND C. Arne, phone 15-F5, Cottage
rooming house, one block from Grove.
Best Montana hard wheat
(Special to Thu Sentinel.)
postoffice, to trade for 5 or 6-room
—we guarantee it to be
Feb. 8.—Mr. Parks, of Cloverdale house with 2 or 3 lots. 511 Main FOR SALE—FRESH 3 YEAR OLD
and Miss Pearl Ashby, who is teach­ St., Galloway Agency, phone 36. f2c
Jersey cow. Wayne Kirk, phone
the best; 98 lbs......... $3.88
ing at Cloverdale and Miss Lucy
18-F2, Dorena, Ore.
Matthyer. Mrs. Minnie Ashby, of TO EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY
here—160 acres, in good location
8ilk Creek, visited at the Ed Ashby
in Saskatchewan. Prairie land in NOTICE OF SALE OF COTTAGE
home Tuesday.
Among those who attended grange one of the best wheat growing dis
are Mrs. Ashby, G. W. McFarland, tricts, on mnin line C. P. R. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Meisner and family,
W. A. Heinen way, Otto Dobberstein,
Notice is hereby given that on
We’re specializing in KERR feeds-best on the market,
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wheeler.
1 Monday, tho 19th day of February,
Mr. and Mrs.
Morris, of the
I 1923, at the hour of 8 o’clock p. ni.
protein, brings best results.
Grove, spent Wednesday at the C. |
100 lbs. tor........ .........................
| of said day at the Council Chamber »
A. McFarland home.
in the City Hall sealed bids will be
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bolton came ;
received for the purchase of $13,-
Kerr s Xx Chop, excellent cow feed. We are offering
from Roseburg und is moving up to 1
'.»00.00 Improvement Bonds, of said
their place on the hill.
this teed at a great saving while it lasts—80 lbs.... $1.45
City, bearing date December 12,
There will be literary February 9.
1923, issued in denominations of
There will be a short musical
♦500, bearing interest at 6 per cent
program and free pie social at the
per annum, payable 10 years after
Cedar school tonight (February 9),j
all Indies art' requested to bring
t»iay s best Rock Candy and Corn Sy mp— guaranteed
You can't be well unless clean in­ | No bid will be considered at less
terim lly—
1 than par and accrued interest. Each
to be the best:
For physicians agree that nearb­ bid must bo accompanied by a cer­
Light, 10s........................ U8 j Dark, 10a....
Your home newspaper is first en all illness is traceable to the poisons tified check in the sum of $200, to
titled to your support.
tf of accumulated waste in the Intes­ j be returned to unsuccessful bidders.
Light, 5s................... —38c Dark, 5s.
The Common Council reserves the
Drugs have failed to correct this. I right to reject anv and all bids.
But simple warm water, properly
applied, cleanses the Intestine thor n» 16
City Recorder.
oughly and succsnrfully and keeps it
free from all pMaonous waste.
Somewhere in the wantad column '
Over a million are now using this NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT
will be found the name of some rva I
ident of the Cottage Grove country. method, many of them right here In
Notice is hereby given that tho
That per mon is entitled to a free our City.
Ask us for an interesting little undersigned executor of the estate
wantad for three issues, if he or she
prvmrntm copy for the same within book "Why Man of Today Is Ontj of Helen M. Silsby, deceased, has
10 davs from the date of thia paper. 50% Efficient” It tells you scientific filed his final account in the mat
A new name will be selected at ran facts about yourself that you have ter of said estate, and an order has
doin each week, and thia method of i never known; also why Internal been made and entered of record
ervatinff interest in the wanted* will I
directing this notice and setting
be continued for several months. cleanliness adds so much to your
Tuesday, the 13th day of March.
D. 1923, at the hour of jt
It is free to you: ask for it today A.
free wantad for three issues. I while It Is still on your mind
o 'clock a. m. at the County Court
; room in said County, for the hear
Present this notice within 10 days. I
ling of objections, if any. to said
See announcement at the head of i
this column.
account, and for the final settle
meat of said estate.
_____ ______
The Resali Store
take order, for genuine
Executor of the
_ ______
estate ___
twd hosiery for ■», women sad Cottage Orore
Oregon f9m9
Helen M. Siisbv, deceased. |
~Tfie Daylight Storefor Quality and Service
Watkin’s Products Here
Earl T. Dwigans
\\ hen you trade at Gray’s you do not
n.i > < a <i( ti\i i \ or bookkeeping expense
added to the cost of an article that you
buy. Then, too, “Gray’s” buying power
enables us to give you standard fresh
goods at a lower price.—You always save.
A carload of sun-
Sapphire— Selling
kist, mixed sizes,
faster than ever,
regular 43c size,
only a few sacks
now dozen....... 29c
Lemons, large size,
dozen for......... ooc
»\ e bu\ poultry and eggs—»See us before
he pay hignest cash prices.
the nationally known
4-ounce can, best
grade pepper... 10c
Evangelistic Team
Be Sure to I tear Them
Tru Blu crackers,
3 lbs................. 42c
White Wonder, 6
bars for............. 25c
2Ô bars for.... $1.00
All regular 10c
cookies in boxes 5c