» VOLUME XXXIII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 MISS BAJf. , J> PLEASES IN COMED/ AT UNIVERSITY A. L. WOODARD HITS UPON TIME SAVING DEVICE WHICH REPLACES GATES ALSO NUMBER 21 ARMORY MEASURE INTRODUCED IN SENATE TUESDAY HIGH SCHOOL OFFICERS ARE IN CONVENTION IN EUGENE INCOME TAX BLANKS SENI OUI BÏ COLLECTOR Miss Charlotte Banfield, assistant University of Oregon, Eugene, instructor in drama and the speech Jan. 30.—Between 150 and 200 high A. L. Woodard decided that arts in the University of Oregon, school students are expected to at­ he was wasting too much time Improvements During Year Aggre­ who is a sister of Mrs. 8. 8. Lass- Mad Scramble for Any Idea That in opening a > naif dozen gates Eugene Chamber and American Le­ tend tho conference of the High well, of this city, and who has many School Press association and tho Returns Must Be Made by March gate Nearly *107,000; Many to get his tin lizzie from the gion Pus Resolutions Favor­ friends here, delighted Eugene au­ May Be Heralded as Panacea 15; Payment May Be Made in Association of High School Student highway to his mill property out Residences Erected. diences last week when she played ing Passage of Bill. for What Alla Us. Body Presidents and Secretaries on Quarterly Installments. from Veatch spur about four the role of Grandmother Squeers in the university camp.’s Friday and miles and he has hit upon an the Hoosier comedy, “ The Raggedy New buildings and residences The Cottage Grove armory bill, Saturday. Programs are designed to State Capitol, Salem, Ore., Jan. ingenious way of saving the timo ” The play is a comedy of Portland, Ore., Jan. 30.—Blanks erected in Cottage Grove during tho Man. 29.—The very air here is surcharged formerly wasted. He took down asking an appropriation of *30,960, givo delegates general and technical for the use of individual taxpayers rural manners and life written by year 1922 indicate the wonderful Fergus Beddie, head of the depart­ with the idea that taxes must be the gates and put cattle guards was introduced in the senate Tues­ instruction that will benefit them growth the city is undergoing, ment, and is based on the poems of 1 reduced and that the plan followed in thoir place, running tho guards day, being fathered by the joint in their respective duties of editing in making out their income tax re­ and managing high school papers turns for the year 1922 have beeu /here was more building perhaps Whitcomb Biley and was , to bring about the result should be •crosswise, instead of lengthwise, military committee, of which Sena­ and annuals and conducting the af mailed by Clyde G. Huntley, col­ than for any like period in the his­ James tor Magladry, author of the bill, is the one that would bring the most as is generally done. Two 2x6 presented on three successive nights. fairs of student bodies. J. A. lector of internal revenue, to every tory of the city. A critic in reviewing the play said feathers with the least amount of planks are set into the guards a member. Adjutant General George Churchill, stato superintendent of taxpayer who filed a return for the improvements in the business sec­ ol A. White, who was present at the squawking. Miss Banfield’s work: crosswise but slightly lower than year 1921. These returns must be tion of the aity were the Kem two- With this end in view there are the sharp edge of the guards, session of the committee, told of the public instruction, will mako one of made out and filed in tho collector’s “Miss Banfield’s extremely ef­ the principal addresses at a joint story brick veneer business block fective high character of the Cottage Grove a half dozen or more bills providing representation of Grand­ the edges of which are sloped meeting of tho association. Among office not later than March 15. and apartment building, erected mother Squeers was a delight. There every imaginable penalty for the down to the planks. These company and said that it was en­ upon the location of the old Oregon are a good many eharacters in the person who swears falsely to a tax planks are set apart the exact titled to the first money to be giv­ the students who will speak are Each return must be accompanied ■ • hotel; the Lawson tile garage build­ Hoosier comedy, but .when the audi­ return and there must be a dozen width of the running gear of en for armories. This is the only representatives of high schools at by a paymeut of at least one fourth ing on Fifth street, on the old ence left tho little theater they re­ bills which provide for increasing Woodard’s lizzie and with the aimory appropriation being sought Albany, Enterprise, Molalla, Port­ of tho amount of the tax or, at tho of the taxpayer, the entire Lurch property, for many years oc­ membered best the bent little old license fees now being charged or sloping edges of the guards to at this session. At the last session land, Silverton, McMinnville, New­ option amount may bo paid at the time of cupied by The Sentinel and a hotel woman, humanly wilful and with a provide for licensing something not hold the wheels onto the two- ol' the legislature armory appropria­ berg and Grants Pass, and members filing, although the government of the faculty of the school of sample room; the tile addition to touch of humorous insight into ¿ev­ before licensed. None of these have inch surface of the planks Mr. tions totaled *115,000. urges payment of the tax in full on the Allison White Front block, now ery situation.’’ Both the Eugone chamber of com­ journalism will give technical in- or before March 15. Where the tax­ anything to do with what is known Woodard has no difficulty in occupied by the Meeks cigar store, as the major plan for tax reduction getting across. Of course a goat merce and the Lane county post of st ruction. payer pays only one-fourth of his the Spray one-story concrete office and tax redistribution. The fellows can go anywhere that a lizzie the American Legion at Eugene tux when he files his return, he has building adjoining the old Bank of who are not in on the big deal feel can and a two-inch surface would have passed resolutions favoring the the privilege of paying the balance Cottage Grove building on Main that they wish to offer something be more than sufficient, so Mr. measure and submitted them to tho in three equal installments on June street, and the Bradley service sta­ and most any kind of an idea is Woodard cut some old casings Lane county legislative delegation. 15 Septeaibjr 15 and December 15, tion at 404 south Fifth street. The M. H. Anderson presented the grasped and heralded as a panacea into three-foot lengths and nail­ respectively. Boturns must be filed Sentinel estimates that the total for all th it ails us. by the following persons: ed one end of these in such man­ facts concerning the need for the cost of these improvements was not armory here to the Eugene chamber An example of this grasping at ner that the other end stands Every individual who nad a net lass than *47,000. and Herbert W. Lombard and anything that comes along is shown State Association to Hear Methods Process of Producing Charcoal and Income of $1000 or more, is single, up in the air over the runway. A record was made in the build­ George A. Proctor Jr. appeared be ­ in the proposed legislation that The car bumps this out of the of Increasing Business Effi­ Wood. Distillation From Waste Jf “ulrriedand not living with ing of residences and many of them would license merchandising estab­ way and after the car has passed fore the Legion and made the ap­ _ . , J , husband or wife; ciency Discussed. are among the finest in the city. lishments. Almost no retailer could the “gate” comes back into po­ peal for support from the Eugene Wood Is Successful. Every judividual who hud a not Those which come to mind are the escape. The licensed merchandiser sition. No goat will attempt to body of ex-service men. ----- ii come of *2000 cr more, if married ones erected by C. 8. Roberts, Fred put up a bond to guarantee would University of Dregon, Eugene, University of Oregon, Eugene, I ft,|d liviog with husband or wife; mp it with only tw jump two inches of Wright, John Cameron, William Jan. 30.—The Oregon State Retail that at the proper time he would ace to alight upon. Jan. 30.—Bo successful has been the Every indiv'dual who had a gross RIGHT-OF-WAY DIFFICULTIES Massey, 8. B. Brand, George Kebel- Merchants’ association will hold its turn over to the assessor a correct J ARE PARTIALLY SETTLED process discovered and perfected by income of *5000 or more, regurdless beck, 8. V. Allison, E. T. Blakely, nineteenth annual convention in Eu­ statement of the amount and value Professor O. F. Stafford, head of 01 whe’hor or not that sum notted C. 8. Montgomery, Albert Hull, Al­ gene February 19, 20 and 21 in co­ of his stock. Should it be found Partial settlement of right-of-way the University of Oregon chemistry *'*?} a c',nt °t profit. bert Woodard, H. W. Titus, E. A. operation with the University of that he had sworn falsely to a state­ to make provisions that will admit difficulties utilization of Exemptions are the same as those on the Pacific highway department, for the Lilley, Victor Kem, A. L. Welden, Oregon school of business adminis­ ment to the assessor, his license Oregon tax officials to the federal just north of Cottage Grove were waste wood in tho production of “1®"0“,1“1 year: Single person, D. W. McKinney, Boy Leonard, John tration. An educational program, in­ as a merchandiser would be revoked records. One of the big cards in the ad­ effected last week when property charcoal and woou distillation prod- ’^000; ,. . °*. family, or married McKay, Fred Montgomery. A new cluding addresses on methods of in­ and he could no longer conduct the owners along the route of the new ucts that one of the two big corpo- I Pyr8OU living with husband or wife, school house was built at Latham creasing business efficiency, has business. What would happen to ministration program is a severance stretch of highway were visited by ratious utilizing this method on a '*3500, unless the net income is in during the past year, and Met­ been arranged by the school at tho the stock of goods is not plain and tax, which was precipitated upon J. M. Divers, attorney for the state commercial scale will soon increase '‘*ce8S of *5009, in which ease the calf & Lilly added a mammoth request of the association. With the how foreign capital could be in­ the session today. ’ The author, Rep­ highway commissioner. exemption is only *2000; for each Condemna­ the capacity of its plant. greenhouse. The Sentinel estimates exception of the opening program vited to a state with that kind of a resentative Watson, believes it will tion proceedings have been found This company is the Tonnessoe ' 'ependent under 18, or incapable of that these cost not less than *60,000, on the morning of February 19, law on the statute books ia even produce something like a million corporation, a subsidiary self support, *400. necessary us a last resort. Charles Eastman . ■ r-v . i'll I r, VilTVint mtiu making a grand total of not less which is to be held in the rooms of more inexplicable, but the fact that dollars. Exemptions, VinwmxTzw however, alvAtaU should »me- not Belief that an income tax, a sev 8. Cochran is the only property of tho Eastman Kodak company. be confused with the necessity of than *107,000 lor the new construc­ the Eugene chamber of commerce, legislation of such a character can The plant, located at Kingsport, i ----------- — owner along the stretch who will erance tax and other pieces of leg tion during the year. Unquestion­ and the annual banquet on the eve­ be sincerely introduced and believed Tenn., has a capacity at present of ruing .a return. . Returns' must bo ably others not listed here and ad­ ning of February 21, all sessions by its authors to be just what islation will produce a large propor­ abido by the price fixed by the 200 cords daily. This will be in- filed 1 “ in order ‘ that exemptions be viewers of the land. tion of the necessary tax monies ditions and improvements to old will be on the university campus. Doctor Pierce ordered, indicates the allowed.. For instauce a single ., per- creased with the installation of new . is so strong that several pieces of temper of the session. structure! woi.ld bring the total to The program follows: equipment, according to word that 8on Illuy be the head of a family, legislation have been proposed look not less than *125,000. The Sentinel There are now at least four in­ February 19, morning, opening COX GETS BACK GUN SOLD has reached tho campus this week. ln which case he is entitled to an ' ■ the *’•- pa lartial exemption would be pleased to have other program with address of welcome; come tax plans before the house ing towards TO ALLEGED CHECK FORGER Since Professor Stafford and the <>xemption of *2500 as well as *400 of real and personal ; .1 property. How building improvements called to its afternoon, “Making Your Adver­ and one or more additional ones firm of Boston engineers behind *or each dependent, but if his in- far any of these will get is a ques- attention. Improvements at the tising Pay,’’ Prof. F. A. Nagley; are possible even though the last Z. L. Cox, second hand dealer, him demonstrated that his process '’0®e is *1000 or more ho must file mills would add considerably to the “The Proper Belation of Business day for introduction of bills has tion that none feel competent to located the gun which E. V. Leon­ was practical commercially, leading a . raturn. A married person, living answer. passed. The several proposed meth- 1 above total. CoBts,’’ Prof. C. L. Kelly; “The ard secured from him a couple of tho Eastman corporation to ostab "?l. •'"sband or wife, in order to Lane county will lose about a weeks ago and for which Leonard lish Considerable construction is al­ Business Man and His Banker—Bor­ ods differ widely in many respects an industrial center at Kings- exemption of *2500 and *400 of land to ______ 1 ready planned for the coming year. rowing at the Bank,’’ Prof. F. E. and have some of the marks of hav- section Benton and paid with a forged check. Leonard port, there aas been a marked do- R°,r each dependent, must likewise ing been hurriedly thrown together Lincoln counties by the provisions had left the gun at the home of a velopment at the Tennessee city. A mong those who will erect homes Folts. .a return, although his actual ' legislation introduced by Bailey. friend wit.i whom he boarded while A village of 31 modern houses was net lueomo for 1922 was only *2000. are Dr. A. W. Kime, A. A. Rich­ February 20, morning, “Project­ with the idea of having them of The purpose of the legislation is to operating here. Ho paid for the constructed for employes of the . The necessity of filing a return mond, C. C. Cruson, C. E. Frost, ing Your Advertising Message, ’ ’ whipped into shape in committee. That an income tax will be enact- 1 make the county lino run on section gun with a *20 check, which was plant and will house 155 persons. 13 based upon tho actual net income Boy E. Short, J. T. Smith, H. B. Prof. Nagley; “The Proper Belation 1 Griggs and T. C. Wheeler. Mr. Cru­ of Business Costs,’’ a continuance ed at all is not certain, but if one lines. found to be worthless. Not having Besides the construction of tho vil and while exemptions will in many it will -J be the __ House bill 278. by McMahan, 8*,Bea *20.(XI________ An article in an exchange refen and waived examination. They were Vancouver. ideas on both subjects, it is poaai city was completed the fore part I to business men who do not adver­ bound over with bail fixed at *1000. The belief that an income tax is hie that doubt as to the beet method of the week and the office, in I A Chicago man choked on a but- tise. But if they are reel business They are in jail as they were un­ to be enacted is so strong that the to pursue might briog about defeat charge of Mm. J. P. Graham, was ton in his soup. Maybe the soup able to furnish the bail. men they do advertise. house has passed a memorial asking opened yesterday. I was made out of dressed beef. of all. RETAIL MERCHANTS TO MEH IN EUGENE NEXT MONTH E COTTAGE GROVE TAKES SAME FROM EUGENE HIGH GRANGERS FAVOR RECALL DE UIYIIYII I I LK NOLEGISLATIONOFIMPORTANCE TEI BEFORE SOLONS DEBATES WITH CRESWELL AND EUGENE TONIGHT REPORT SHOWS THRIVING® IN CHRISTIAN CHURCH COTTAGE GROVE ASHLAND BASKETBALL Saturday Afternoon at 3:15 o’clock