would take immediate advantage of such a law. • • • Important changes in the tax laws are proposed uy house bill No. 4b, by Beals. Dales of semi annual payments would be changed from the fifth of April to the first of June and from the fifth of October to the first of December. A dis count of 2 per cent upon the second half would De allowed for payment in full >a the first of June. half million dollars for a hundred thousand dollars worth of court houses. Mr. Ezell explains that he wishes to protect other counties of (Continued from finit page) the state from the kind of a mess that Klamath county got into. As ered * has been done for the upper house his district comprises about a third Mrs. Jones States she gufi I sm a.na 1 this session and if the senators do of the stato, it is right and meet SPECIALIST From Colds, Rheumatism ___ that ho should look after the inter­ Stomach Trouble—Tanlac Over­ I not become saints it will not be for lack of into in Internal Medicine for the divine inspiration put ests of the entire state. comes Trouble. Ours is a stalwart home bank, affording positive protec­ • • • literary gems by the chaplain. past eleven years tion for your money, manned by men who are known to Tho fish fight — no session is com ­ “Tanlac helped me so much two DOES NOT OPERATE the community, offering banking facilities of the highest plete without one—has not yet State Capitol, Salem, Ore., Jau. years ago that I wouldu’t think of broken, although tho complexion of type and service that is prompted by a personal interest taking anything else when 1 don’t 15.—The machinery of state refuses Will be at Men and women applicants for the lobby indicates that one is mom­ feel right,’’ said Mrs. Jennie Jones, to move but fitfully. As a visitor in your welfare, the kind that has characterized this marriage certificates would be re ­ entarily expected. was heard to remark, about all they 618 E. Pico St., Los Angeles, Cal., institution vividly in the minds of the local public as— quired to pass both a physical and do is to recess and adjourn. The as she purchased a bottle of the The Bank That Helps the Man Who Helps Himself. mental test under the terms of a visitor is looking for excitement Some little things often affect our medicine at the Owl Drug Store re­ and is fretting that the display of bill introduced in the legislature by destines. Had about 250 more vot­ cently. Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ‘ ‘ Indigestion kept me in misery pyrotechnics is being delayed. The Mrs. C. B. Simmons, representative ers changed their ballots from Ol- several years. It was so bad I two houses held few-minute sessions from Multnomah county. Failure to coll to Hall the chances are that forenoon and afternoon, and pass this examination would pre­ the administration would be back ONE DAY ONLY couldn’t eat meat or anything sour, both and gas on my stomach after eating this despite the fact that there had clude the issuance of a marriage li­ of the Hall idea of consolidation, simply awful. On top of that not been a session since Thursday cense unless one or both parties sub­ introduced by Senator Hall, instead No Charge for Consultation I was had neuralgia all on one side of noon. The lobby can not understand mitted to sterilization. The bill of now being back of a different of consolidation coming from Dr. Mellenthin is a regular my faee and I was fearfully ner­ that these few-minute sessions are would require the mentality of at idea I was so run-down I took cold required in which to get bills in­ least a 12-year-old child to permit the executive offices. graduate in medicine and sur­ vous. easily and had a terrible time all troduced or to have them read and the granting of a certificate. gery and is licensed by the state winter. seferred to committees. The consti­ Charles H. Fisher, regent of the of Oregon. He visits profession­ “I started taking Tanlac when I tution requires that bills bo read Thu anti-saloon league and W. C. university, was iu the lobby yester­ ally the more important towns read about it in the paper. In a only once during one day, except T. U. bill, requiring the forfeiture day. Ho seemed to bo satisfied time I could eat anything by a suspension of the rules, and it of boats, vehicles and other convey­ to remain on the edge of the tur­ and cities and offers to all who short without any trouble afterwards. The usually takes several days for any ances used in thu illegal transporta­ moil, instead of asking for the call on this trip free consulta­ neuialgia left me, too, and I gained important measure to get back from tion of liquor was introduced this courtesies of thu house. He was as tion, except the expense of weight. I think Tanlac is just a committee. The lobby, which frets afternoon by the Clackamas county loquacious as tho lamed sphinx iu at lack of action, often is responsi­ delegation. The provisiuns conform saying what he was here for, and splendid. ’ ’ ¿reatment when desired. for delay in committee, for ev­ to tue federal regulations covering would advance no further that that Asceording to his method of Tanlac is for sale by all good ble ery committee gives a hearing to tho same subject. he dropped off while on his way to druggists. • • • treatment he does not operate Over 35 million bottles sold. jl9 any reputable person or organiza­ Potrland, which is said to bo situat­ for chronic appendicitis, gall Simmons, representative ed about 50 miles north of hero. tion, and while the lobby frets the Mrs. * * • legislators sweat over the committee from Multnomah, presents the un- stones, ulcerB of stomach, ton­ work that means action a few days usual spectacle of a woman who be- Representative Herbert Gurdon, is sils or adenoids. later lieves in a few words, not that she enjoying a real vacation. Fur two Try our milk producer and get more milk—Scratch and He has to his credit wonder­ House and senate have each can’t use them should occasion re­ sessiuns, as chairman of the ways egg producer and get more eggs. Because It’s for One Thing Only, ful results in diseases of the passed but two bills, although sev­ quire, but she believes that tilo and means committee, he was the and Cottage Grove People eral resolutions have run their busiest member of the house. On tewer words used in expressing an stomach, liver, bowels, blood, Appreciate This. Cracked and ground corn, per hundred................ $2.00 course through the hopper and have idea ihe better chance the idea has the second Monday of the session skin, nerves, heart, kidney, Mill run, 80 pounds for.................................................. $1.50 been enrolled. he rushed up to the clerk ’ s desk to • of getting over. Mrs. Simmons is bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, Nothing can be good for every­ There will be action enough for joint autnor with nine male mem­ get a bill that had been referred to thing. GROCERY SPECIALS weak lungs, rheumatism, sci­ Doing ore thing well brings suc­ all and to suit all is the prediction bers of the anti-moonshiner bill ot his committee, the first piece of of those who know of the dynamite voluminous proportions. She in­ legislation that has been sent to atica, leg ulcers and rectal ail­ cess. 25 bars of White Laundry soap for............................. $1.00 ments Doan’s Kidney Pills are for one hidden in legislation already pro­ formed her colleagues, who wrote his committee during the session. Sun Maid raisins, per package................ 15c posed or about to be proposed. tne bill, that the several hundred He seemed pleased to at least have If you have been ailing for thing only. Camel dates, per package.................................................. 15c something to do, although of course Among the measures advertised as words could be reduced to a dozen weak or disordered kidneys. any length of time and do not For 6 cans White Lily tomatoes for.................................... $1.00 is Cottage Grove evidence certain to cause a flow of oratory oi two and express the idea just he has not been an inactive mem are the proposed income tax law, a us well. There is reference in the ber. He could not be that. get better, do not fail to call, to Here 7 cans sugar corn for............. $1.00 prove their worth. * * * as improper measures rather Mrs. C. J. Leum, 725 8. Second proposed rise in the gasoline tax, uiU to still worms, the kind used 3 pounds head rice for .......................... 25c President Kerr, of the agricultural proposed severance tax and sev­ in making moonshine. She had than disease are very often the St., says: “I consider Doan’s Kid­ the 3 pounds small white beans for........................................ 25c eral proposed changes in road laws, never before heard of still worms college, was a visitor Monday for ney Pills a good remedy for kidney cause of your long standing Salmon per can........................................................... 15c complaint as I have used them at not to mention the consolidation and with a woman’s curiosity asked a brief period. He was in con­ trouble. different times when my kidneys measures, when the job holders, the her colleagues to show her one in ference with several members 'in the lobby but did not admit that barnacles of the old ship of state Remember above date, that were out of order und when I felt and the political pap-suckers will that inactive condition. Her cur­ there was any legislation which been satisfied. consultation on this trip will be run down. My kidneys acted irreg­ be denounced in stentorial tones iosity has not yet « • » might be of interest to him. He too, but Doan ’s Kidney Pills free and that his treatment is ularly, that will resound up and down the Linn W. Nesmith, of Eugene, is probably wished to rnuke stronger purchased at the New Era Drug different. (Corner Sixth and Washington) Store always gave me relief from valleys and across the sagebrush helping to preserve the decorum and the invitation to be extended to of the state. The stentorian dignity of the senate, holding dowu the legislature to visit the college. I • « • Married women must be ac­ these attacks and benefited ine in prairies denunciations are expected to drown the position of assistant sergeant way.’’ companied by their husbands. every A proposal to provide for a lieu body. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t the wails of those about to undergo at aiuu of tint » august « • tenant governor always has caused Address: 336 Boston Block, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get the major operations that will sepa­ state pay roll. Sherman Milos, of Columbia something of a fuss. Such a pro­ Minneapolis, Minn. j!2-19-26 Doan ’s Kidney Pill»—the same that rate them from • the • • county, despite his name, makes no posal made by Representative Blow Mrs. Leum had. Foster-Milburn Co., If the stato lawmakers take any claim to being a long distance legis­ er caused no commotion but in Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. j!9-26 money away from the institutions lator. He keeps his ear close to some unaccountable manner the res­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS of higher learning it is quite certain everything that is going on and is olution disappeared from the desk. DR A. W. KIME that it will provide ways and iueaiiB much more than on speaking terms If anyone thought to get rid of the resolution thus easily he was Specialist in Obstetrics whoreby the money taken may be with tho administration. frustrated, for a duplicate soon was Will care for confinements at his replaced, as is evidenced by four home if desired. Bpecial nurse if re­ Governor Pierce’s son, the one prepared and Bent to the printer. measures which will be introduced quired. Phones: office, 34; res. 126J in the house tomorrow by Repre­ who looks after Walter’s bald- Representative Wheeler, of Lane, sentative McMahon, of Marion. The tuced calves and instructs them in H. W. TITUS, D. M D. four bills propose that those who the dignified way ox drinking milk will be one of the authors of the Dentistry have been residents of the state for Ly h inl, is an interested spectator grange income tax bill which is ex­ Modern equipment. First National SHORTHAND more than a year shall be consid­ of thing« going on under tho big pected to make its appearance to­ Bank building. Hours, 9 to 12 and ered resident students and shall pay ucme uul in tLe executive chambers. morrow. Representative Bennett, of 1 to 6. Evenings and Sundays by a tuition of $100 the year, while He is lore broad-shouldered than Coos, will be the joint author. Mr. appointment. Office phone, 10; res­ TYPEWRITING those who can not meet the qualifi­ his paternal sire, fully as modest, Wheeler was a member of the idence phone, 158-Y. cations of resident students shall and much more retiring, although grange committee which drafted tho BOOKKEEPING pay the actual cost of their educa­ his size makes it difficult for huu bill DR W. E. LEBOW The proposed law practically is tion, which shall be estimated in to play the part of tho receding Dentist a copy of tho measure which the advance by the boards of regents of lily. Offiee Fifth and Main. Hours, 8:30 Ask for Our Free Catalog • • « grange was prevented from hav the several institutions. The law to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings and Representative Bailey, of Laue, ing upon the ballot at the Novem­ would become effective upon July Bundays by appointment. Phones: office 35, residence 134-Y. 1 of this year. can enjoy himself upon any occasion ber election. Briefly its provisions The president of each institution when there is the least oppqrtunity are as follows: Unmarried persons shall have an DR. O. E. FROST —<—l-l be permitted to use his dis­ for enjoyment. He gets a great exemption of $1500 and married Office in Lawson builring cretion in accepting tho notes of deal of pleasure out of reminding A. E. ROBERTS, President students, payable in such amounts me of the letter he wrote me when persons as exemption of $2500 .__ ____ and Phone 47 Oregon Eugene, Oregon and at such times as would work I was a candidate for reading ciurk. $400 for each dependent. Cottage Grove The first $1000 above exemptions no hurdship upon the pupil earuing That letter was a most clover one all or part of his way through one to have been written by a democrat. shall pay a tax of 1 per cent, the GA VEN O. DYOTT, M. D. of the institutions. II could hardly have been greatly next thousand dollars a tax of 2 Physician and Burgeon I The report of the budget commit­ improved upon even had it been per cent, the next thousand a tax X-ray work in all its branches. Eve JEV BoB,led tee, which recommends a severe lop­ written by a republican. It reau as of 3 per cent and so on up to niugs by appointment. $10,000. The next $5000 is to be > 1—/ I Carrier ping off of funds for the institu­ follows: 634 Main Cottago Grove, Oregon tions of higher learning has been ‘ ‘ It must take a great deal of taxed 11 per cent, the next $5000 severely criticized by many mem­ courage for one who, through the 13 per cent, the next $10,000 13 per DR. H. A. HAGEN bers as a document hastily gotten columns of nis newspaper and per­ cent, tho next $20,000 14 per cent together without due consideration, sonally, has denounced and casti­ and all above $50,000 shall bo taxed Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage You don’t have to wait. although there are many who ser­ gated all things democratic und 15 per cent. Forms of income ex­ and Dietetics empt under federal laws shall bo Woodson Brothers Garage. You don’t have to grind and grind iously believe that economy could has in no uncertain terms expressed Phone 30. Ostrander Building, be practiced in some departments himself as highly unfavorable to exempt under the state law except 630^ Main Street, Cottage Grove the starter, and wear out your Phone 27. After the garage of salaries of public officials. the institutions without interfer­ any democratic candidate for office, battery. closes, phone residence, 118L ing with their proper functioning. to seek the endorsement of a demo­ DR W. M. HAMILTON These proposed laws are almost crat for a public position. CALL FOR BIDS FOR WOOD. Use ’’Red Crown” quick-starting Chiropractic identical with suggestions , made ed­ “Well do I remember the gentle Chronic cases a specialty. Office itorially by The Sentinel several but none the less firm rebuff my motor fuel for winter driving, ana The board of directors of School over Darby hardware. Residence at fÖN TIME S OUR MOTTO weeks ago. budding political aspirations met at District No. 45, Cottage Grove city you can keep your car on the road • • « 212 South Pacific Highway. your hands in Cottage Grove that schools, will receive sealed bids for I AND "FAIR PLAY - in cold weather with as little troub­ Representative Wheeler is confin- day when I called upon you with 152 cords four foot wood, 60 tiers J. F. SPRAT flHUTS HOW WE MAKE THE ing his energies to date to educa- the hopes of landing your support 16-inch wood and 20 tiers 24-incb le as in summer. Beal Estate, Insurance and BU5INESSjàYz—X J tional legislation and has a strat­ for my candidacy and you advised wood, all to be sound old growth fir Collections "Red Crown” veporires readily at egic position upon that committee. me that I eould expect no mercy cut from growing timber, to be cut LC The righting of affairs of Bchool at your hands, or words to that and delivered > as per specifications 405 Main Street Cottage Grove zero temperatures, and yields districts in Lane county, especially effect. on file with district clerk. Said bids 100% power at the first jump of rural high school districts, is the “However, the highly partisan to be filed with clerk on or before HERBERT W. LOMBARD object of two bills which he hurtled blood of democracy does not course January 22, 1923. the spark. Attorney at Ii* into the hopper today. No. 61 pro­ so strongly through my veins as C. E. UMPHREY, Chairman. First National Hank Building Use ’’Red Crown” exclusively, and vides new methods for changing the that of republicanism does through Attest: Worth Harvey, Clerk. jl2-19 Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone 94 boundaries of high school districts, yours and I am glad to be able to you’ll get a speedy start, a prompt while No. 62 would provide for a state that I will support you for DR ROT SMITH FINAL SETTLE­ pick-up and 100% power, no mat­ county high school tax. It is a pro­ the office of reading clerk of the NOTICE OF MENT. Veterinarian i posed reenactment of the old county ter how cold it gets. bouse. I am free to say that 1 Phones 1114 and 915 high school law and provides for am support! lg you for two reasons: In the matter of the estate of 146 Park Street, Eugene, Oregon Fill at the Red Crown support of all high schools by a first I have heard from several James Matthews, deceased. county tax, instead of by the pres- sources that as a rending clerk you Notice is hereby given that tho MRS. F. 3. taAnvn, 8. T. service stations, garages ’ ent method of each district finatic- are a ‘ringed tailed snorter’ and undersigned has filed his final ac­ (Suggestive Therapeutics) dealers. ' ing itself. Many , school _______________ districts of can not be equalled in the state of count as administrator of the estate All diseases can be relieved by sug- the state, especially in Lane county, Oregon, second, because I think you of James Matthews, deceased, with STANDARD OIL COMPANY gestotherapy. Magnetic healing, elec- the County Clerk of I.ane County, can not exist under the present law. a d—d good follow and I like you Oregon, (California) and an order has been made trie massage and thermorays used. Mr. Wheeler would pay each district even if you arc a republican. ’’ and entered of record directing this These treatments speak for them a certain sum for each pupil, that Incidentally neither Mr. Bailey notice and setting the 22d day of selves. Phone 180-L. Office in res. amount to begin with $60 the pupil nor myself were present when the January, 1923, at the hour of 10 o ’clock in the forenoon for tho and to be graduated according to reading clerk was elected. Bailey NATHAN 8. LEE the imiuber of pupils in the dis­ was trying to support himself walk­ hearing of objections, if any, to Attorney at Law trict. • ing ties that bridged the boiling said final account and for the final Taylor Building, Corner Main and of said estate. • • • torrent of the Bantiam at Jefferson, settlement Dated thia 19th day of December, Seventh, Cottage Grove, Oregon The annexation by an easy meth while I was doing my best to ar 1922. od of property contiguous to cities rive over the Southern Pacific ~ — ’ ■ s CHARLES MATTHEWS, " i — Dre*xmaking and Designing and towns is provided in house bill west side road. Administrator of the estate of all work guaranteed No. 65. By the provisions of this James Matthews, deceased. SUMMONS. riuge contract existing between the MRS. PET SANtORD The owner of a single parcel of land Representative Bennett, of Coos, Herbert W. Lombard, plaintiff and tho defendant, and for Attorney for estate. d22j!9 would be annexed to a city or town does not aspire to be the bell wea­ 205 Adams Avenue In the Circuit Court of tho State such other and further relief as to upon petition of all the electors ther of the flock, in fact ther« are Phone 134 R, Cottage Grove, Oregon | of Oregon for Lane County. the Court may seem just and equit­ living within the district affected. few sheep here, but he would like Mtella Hake, Plaintiff, vs. Stan able. ADMINISTRAT OR’ 8 NOTICE. Agency Barclay Custom Made Corset I The owner of a single parcel of land to have a bell placed in the lobby ley Hake, Defendant. This summons in published in The —-----1LLL. ---L-.J11-1________ L_L_____________ ]_■ I eould come into the eity and eould whieh the desk clerks eould use to Notice is hereby given that the To Stanley Hake, Defendant: Cottage Grove Sentinel, a news i not be prevented from doing so be call the members into the house undersigned has been duly appoint­ In the name of the State of Ore­ paper of general circulation, pub­ I cause of the contrariness of some from the lobby and from committee ed by the County Court for Lane gon, you are hereby required to ap­ lished at Cottage Grove, Laae Coun­ few residents of contiguous territory rooms. His resolution seems to be County, Oregon, administrator of pear and answer tho complaint of ty, Oregon, by and pursuant to an | who might wish all the benefits of quietly sleeping in the resolutions the estate of Alexander Cooley, de­ the above named plaintiff, in the order made by Hon. G. F. Skip being close to a eity without paying committee and no method has been ceased. All persons having claims above entitled suit, in the above worth, Judge of the above entitled any of the expenses of eity govern­ provided to awaken it from its against said estate are hereby re entitled Court and on file therein, Court, dated January 4th, 1923, once ment. By thia method the bound­ slumbers. 3uired to present the same to me on or about the 17th day of Febnr each week for six successive and aries of a eity might be made to uly verified at Cottage Grove, ary, A. D. 1923, said date being six consecutive weeks, tho first publi­ Piano Moving * Specialty look like one of those cut up puzzles A reminder of the famous court Oregon, within six months after weeks from the date of the first cation thereof being on tho 6th day which are so popular with the kid house location fight in Klamath the date of this notice. publication of thia »"inmons, and if of January, A. D. 1923, and the Office in Spray Brick near dies at Christmas time, but those county is found in house bill No. you fail to answer, for want there­ last publication will be on the 16th Dated January 5. 1923. keep bounded on three side* by city prop 45, by Representative Ezell, of of, the plaintiff will apply to the day of February, A. D. 1923. S. P. Station. Telephone 99 VIRGIL WHITE, , erty might become ashamed of Central Oregon. Administrator of the estate of Court for the relief demanded in HERBERT W. LOMBARD, It provides a themselves, put their property in method for selecting court house Alexander Cooley, deceased. plaintiff’s said complaint, which , Attorney for plaintiff. and straighten out the lines. The sites. The bill would not affect 3. E. YOUNG, said relief is for a decree of the Residence and poatoffiea address: Watch the label on your paper. eity of Cottage Grove probably Klamath county, which has paid a j»fa Court forever dissolving the mar Cottage Grove, Oregon. j5fl6 Attorney for estate. COMING TO EUGENE Says Winter Was a Time of Dread Dr. Mellenthin “Safety First” for Your Funds Sincere and Helpful Service Osburn Hotel Tuesday January 30 First National Bank (The Old Reliable) Beidler’s Grocery and Feed Store WHY IT SUCCEEDS Beidler’s Grocery and Feed Store Eugene Business College Eugene Business College S tep once on the starter AND WUÌWB Ralph Chestnut A* Every Meal J WRIGLEYS City Transfer Hauling & Draying 1OO%POWEK