ARCADE TH E A TE R W EEKLY PROGRAM Friday, Dec. 1f>—Anita Stewart in “Rose o’ the Sea.” “In the Days of Buffalo Bill,” Chapter lf>. Saturday, Dec. 16—William Russell in “Desert Blossoms.” Comedy, and Mutt and Jeff. Suuday-Monday, Dec. 17-1S—House Peters in “Human Hearts,” the picture you have* been waiting to see. A story the whole world loves. And a comedy. Tuesday-Wednesday, Deo. 19-26—“Thunder­ clap,” the greatest race track drama ever staged. A terrific punch in every scene; thrills follow thrills. And a comedy. Thursday, Dec. 21—Thomas Meighan in “Bachelor Daddy.” Comedy and International News. Friday, Dec. 22—“All’s Fair in Love,” fea­ turing Richard Dix and Molly Malone. “In the Days of Buffalo Bill,” Chapter 16. Every patron of The Sentinel is helping to give Cottage Grove a newspaper which eminent au­ thority has stated to he one of the best country newspapers published anywhere. il Tales of the Town ----------------------- ♦ Mr». R. U. Myers and tin lighter I.u cite have returned to thirir home iii Portland Friday, a fter a visit at the F. W. Jacobs home. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Proctor aud two children visited over Sunday at the W illiam Frasier Johnson home iu Eugene. Kenneth Del missus and lanvis Booker motored to Springfield Sunday after noon and visited at the home of the former’* mother, Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. Frank McFarland and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright were umoug local people in Eugene on business Friday. Mrs. B. K. Job and Mrs. Charles Adams were in Eugene Saturday. Bruce Evans. Evangelist. Dead Rev. Bruce Evans, evangelist o f the Baptist church, well known m tin» city and community, died Sunday morniug at Long Beach, Calif., a fter an illness of several months. Poultry Pointers From O A. O. A Muck off Main street, but i t ’s worth your while to walk the ex tra steps. Christmas candies and nuts. Out stock of Groceries has to be fresh, because we pot it only recently. All kinds of Feed. Car of alfalfa hay just in. Get our prices on ton lots. Beidler s Cash Feed and Grocery Store X Range aud exercise are especially desirable for poultry breeding stock. • • • E gg size aud shape are inherited. Gradual selection of those birds which, in addition to a large number, also lay “ s e le c ts” w ill in time elim inate the birds laying the lower grade eggs. # • • E gg shell color does not a ffect the food value of eggs, but it does make a difference iu the appearance. All brown or all w hite e g g s w ill commaud the highest price. • • • Six roosters w ith each 100 hens should give good fertility aud hatch ing ability w ith Leghorns. • • • An extra rooster is more desirable than one too few. O ften sickness or accident takes one of the number and poor hatches result. A woman who would attend a fancy dress ball in New York wearing a high collar would attract more attention than one wearing tights. • • A Little Farther for a Little Saving I Ladies’ Hand Bags and Purses W’c have about 1(H) handbags, drummers’ samples, all iu lirst class condition, no two alike, which we offer at less than the orig­ inal wholesale cost. Take advantage of this opportunity. New hats and caps a sufficient stock to match any taste or I locket hook. Men’s union suits, cotton, wool or mixed wool and cotton. The noted “Athena” men’s union suit, knit to fit and none better finished, only .$2.6;'». Our grocery department is still growing. Fresh Imlk cocoa, 10c per pound, 3 pounds for 2”>e. Powell & Burkholder « There is nothing quite ho irritai To most o f us not of the clan ih music of tlit- Scotch bagpipes brings to m gly d ign ified ns silence. ♦ * * miud a picture of a rocky aud ater«l highland iu keeping with that kind of The broom trust nearly sweeps us o ff raucous harmony. o ff our feet with the statem ent that • * • i» must double the price o f its product The faces that our girl friends mad or die. • • • at us when we went to school togethe were more enticing than those they It is perfectly correct to play a dm made up for us when we got old mond to your best g ir l’s heart lead. • • * enough to call on them. * * ♦ Love that runs sm oothly all the time The carom kiss is the kind a billiard gets monotonous. # * ■* player gives his mother-in-law. H freezes to his sister-in law and takes You cannot rise in the world without lots of time picking out the next shot .1 solid footing. • * • • • • The man who has things charged A thoughtless person usually thinks lia s one disadvantage over the m an a great deal of himself. who pays cash. He c a n ’t kick about not gettin g them on time. It is the bride who is given away, Tickle yourself with a straw if nec­ but she d oesn ’t look it— she rather acts essary, but above all things get a ami It as if she had been handed something oa your face. • • • • • * Ever since the Savior was ericifi**«) People are uttrueted to their oppo sites. Very few people would be sat is on the cross the innocent have suffered fi*‘d to mate up w ith others like t hem for the sins o f the guilty. * • • selves. • * • A N ew England town has u worn The pessim ist acts ns if he really on's club which proposes chloroform ing all bachelors over 50 years o f age enjoyed g e ttin g the worst of it. Chloroform would have no e ffe c t on An English duke says the income tax the heart of a man which has been ua is a curse. He can easily stop its both a ffec te d by the love germ for thai ering him by g ivin g his w if e ’s money length o f time. • • • bark to her American relatives. • * * Just because you c a n ’t see your own No chivalrous man w ill dispute that child ren ’s faults is no sign that you his w ife is by far the better half. need the services of an oculist. N o tic e ! No matter what your ailment is, do not think your case is hopeless until you have given Christmas Gifts for Everybody Nature a chance to cure you. Your problem of vvliat to give will disappear the moment you enter The power which created man —----- T H E also placed within him the w mechanism which, if kept in perfect adjustment, would W INCHESTER SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN normally adjusted body has the power to heal all diseases. Ostrander Building 63OV2 Main St. Cottage Grove Oregon W inchester rifle« W inchester shotguns W inchester fishing tackle W inchester tools A body which has been set W inchester flashlites right will speedily bring itself W inchester pocket knives Vacuum bottles back to the standard which Razor sets Nature has set for it. Smoking sets and stands Shaving sets Phone 30 L eather chairs Dr. H. A . H agen Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage, Dietetics m You can easily find appropriate gilts for every member of the fam­ ily in our large stock of high quality Christmas goods. keep him well. Nature working through a STORE FOE WOMEN W inchester scissors and shears W inchester carving sets W inchester kitchen cutlery W inchester stainless steel knives Table silver T rays Electric toasters Electrie washing machines Electric waffle irons Electric grills Electric curling irons Electric irons Electric heaters Aluminum utensils Floor lamps Table lamps F u rniture FOR CHILDREN W inchester rifles W inchester roller skates W inchester scooters W inchester flashlites Pocket knives Scissors and shears Footballs Basketballs Boy Scout axes W agons Tea sets Velocipedes Stone blocks ( ’hairs T ram s and ears Don’t Fail to Visit T O Y L A N D at the Winchester Store W. L DARBY & CO.