/ Tales of the Town I ♦-------------------------------------- ♦ ARCADE TH E A TE R Virgil Powell stopped over in Cot tage Grove Monday and visited with j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powell. He was returning to Corvallis from Grunts Pass, where he speut Thanks ¡giving. Mrs M. Derringer arrived Monday from Leonard, Tex., for a visit with j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perrin. W EEK LY PROGRAM Friday, Dee. 8— “ Ace of Hearts,” with Lon Chaney and Leatriee Joy. “ In the Days of "Buffalo B ill,” Chapter 14. Saturday, Dec. i)— Tom M ix in “ Chasing the Moon.” Comedy, and M utt and Jeff. Sundav-Mondav, Doe. 10-11— ITarrv Carev in “ The Kickback.” Comedy, “Hello Mars.” Tuesday-Wednesday, Dee. 12-13— Cecil B. DeMille production, “ Cools' Paradise.” Comedy, “ W ay Out W est.” Thursday, Dee. 11— Hobart Bos worth in “ Blind Hearts.” ( ’omedy, and International News. Friday, Dee. 1")— Anita Stewart in “ Rose o' the Sea." “ In the Days of Buffalo B ill,” Chapter In. Special sale at W hite Pharmacy. See our ad elsewhere in this issue .Use 3 per cent of your gross receipts for ad- vertising and increase your business 10 per cent Star The Sendee Garage now has the agency for the Star Car, Durant's latest achievement. Cars will be delivered in order of applica­ tion. I f you want a car come in and get your name on the list. They are going to lx* hard to get without an order and deposit from purchaser. Service Garage L Long & Cruson— Sixth and M ain— Phone 75 “ Auut’ ’ Mary Miller returned to her home at Pleasant Hill Monday, after a visit two weeks at the VV. A. Hemenway. Something extra that will greatly i interest residents o f the I^itham dis triet will be added to the regular Bun day school program for the earning Sunday. The Sunday school will meet at 2:30 in the Latham sehool house. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Ellsworth and baby Frances left Tuesday for Port land to visit Mr. Ellsworth’s grand mother, Mrs. F. G. Burdick. Buy the boy real tools for Christmas presents. Wynne & Kime. dS 15 J. W. Stephenson has arrived from Keneshee, III., and is visiting with his brother ami niece, B. 1>. Stephenson and Mrs. F. J. Alstott. Tlis family is visiting in Vancouver. Wash., but | will come or. to Oregon to locate. Mr. and Mrs. Bov Bonin i tie and j daughter Betty and Claude Kime re turned to Portland Sunday, after j spending Thanksgiving at the Dr. A. W. Kime home. A cement sidewalk is being laid around the C. 8. Boberts residence property at the corner o f Twelfth and Adams. Burge & Hardin are doing tin- i work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bitchie and two i sons have moved to Marshfield for the | remainder o f the winter. Georg Bjorset, southern Pacific lum her inspector, spent the week end in Portland. Dr. H. VV. Titus attended a meeting •of dentists in Eugene Wednesday night. W B. Cooper returned Tuesday from a business trip to Boseburg. Mrs. George Johnson and daughter Mabel, ol Klamath Falls, left4K>r thep home Wednesday, after a visit with Mrs. Kit tie Grub be. Gertrude and Harold Eakin, of Sa­ lem, spent Thanksgiving here at the home o f their uncle, Herbert Eakin. Airs. Anna Teeters returned VV.dnes day from Thurston, where she hail been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Needham. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, o f Bose ‘ «•rg. a re visiting at the Frank lien ■lemon home. Sin- might let you use it when you wish to go somewhere in a hurry and haven’t time to bundle up as you must if you go in an open car. The Ford is always ready to go and always ready to bring you Imek. The enclosed models are always dry and comfy and are as easy riding as many of the heavy makes that eost several times the price of the Ford. W oodson Brothers for Fords and Fordsons DEM ONSTR ATIONS D A Y OR NIOHT arc most appreciated and best express the holiday spirit, b in s alter the holi­ days have passed, Madsen’s Gifts con­ tinue to give of beauty and service. binh grade material and (‘Xpert craftsmanship contribute to their manu­ facture, and every piece is imcoiidit ion- ally guaranteed in quality. Only For Sweetheart, W ife or I lauiihter Our silver and cut glass is so beautiful, rdA so rich iu character, design and finish, that it carries with il a certain pride of possession. You will know the real joy of giving when you select some of our For Sweetheart, i I usbaml or Son cut glass or silver as your Christmas remembrance. Madsen’s Jewelry M ANY OLD RESIDENTS RENEW’ SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SENTINEL Fannie Moras, o f Carlisle, Wash., iu renewing her subscription to The Sen tinel, writes that she is just out ol the Aberdeen general hospital, where “he spent a short time recovering from a minor operation. Other former raai I dents who have renewed within the ! past few days are: Ben Groff, Prim* v ill«*; Mrs. It. ( ’. McClung, South Bead. Wash.; Mrs. .\1. L. Seovell, Seattle, Wash.; Raymond Hatton, Dallas; Mrs. Carl Hears, Hillsboro; E. C. \Vheeler, On-;iu Falls, B. C\; D. 11. Wills, Weed, Calif.; L. E. Lawson, Hhedd. llUSTEAD BURIED IN CAMBRIDGE. IDAHO David E. Hustead, o f this city, died 1 at a Eugene hospital December 1 at the age o f 63 years. He is survived j by his wife and the following children: Lester, Kay, Robert, Dora and Goldin Hustead and Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Cottage Grove, and Mrs. Lora Thouip son, of Cambridge, Ida. The body was I taken to Cambridge, Ida., for inter ment. —then- is nothing that would bo more appreciated by any iiiomla-r Di the tainily than one of the models of Ford enelosed ears and the giving of tin- present would eome at a time ot year when it wntdd be most appreciated. Think iiow pleasant it would he for your wife, if you an- a married man, to have a eo/v little parlor on wheels in which sin- could buzz down town to do her shopping, or which would take her to lo d g e in the evening or to the party in the afternoon. Sin- could wear Imr party gowns and arrive at her destination just as she stepped from her boudoir. In Times of Thrift, Gifts Useful as W ell as Beautiful— Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends ■vho so kindly remembered us in our recent bereavement. KsjH-i-ially nrt- we grateful for the floral offerings!. You can 't oxpect your bovs and girls Every person knows that there «re a You can not be a pioneer in anv W W. CHKIMMAN. MKN. T. il. KANllAi.I., movement if you wait to climb onto to behuvc away from lumie if you don *t lot of sins that will never be found P MR». T. K SHARK niuke t hem India ve ut homo. the band wagon. out. DAVID As a Christmas Present / C. J. Brcicr Co. THE SAM PLE A. W . SW AN SO N, M A N A G E R ST O R E TOYS W e have a large assortment of toys that, will just please the children. Shop early while the selections are good. Our prices in this line are lowest. BLANKETS UM BRELLAS Blankets are very useful Christmas gifts for any luenilter of the family. All priees. Silk umbrellas in all colors, wonderful Christ­ mas gifts, priced at $4.iff» and $5.85. M E N ’S SH O E S LUNCH HAULING IS RESTRICTED ON MOSBY CREEK ROAD We have been receiving daily shipments of K. K. Taylor men’a dress shoes. We now have a large variety of styles to show you. In order to preserve the surface o f the Mosby creek road east o f Cottage Grove from the railroad to the Blu» Mountain school house, the I¿aim eoup • y court has made an order restricting j I he weight o f loads to be hauled over I this road to 2400 pounds for each axle. 1 There had been heavy hauling this fall I over this road which has cut it ii|> badly. For men we have a nice assortment o f wool, silk and silk wool soeks useful gifts at just the right priees. CLOTH S Lunch cloths ami napkins in all tin- different sizes. What is a more pleasing gill 1 The prices are $1.25, $1.35, $1.50. H O S IE R Y S U IT C A SE S A leather Img or suit ease would he a very appropriate gift for Christmas. Call and look them over the prices are very reasonable. DECEMBER 16 LAST DATE FOR TRAININO CLAIMS December 15 is the last date r< quests for t minia? can be considère by the I niteil Htnlc> Veterans’ Bureau o f vocational training under the pres »nt federal law governing soldier re habilitation. All ex service men wish mg to file requests should take ad vantage o f these last few days to do so. TH E TYfNCffESTER ELK8 PAY TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF J. E. OSTRANDER J. E. Ostrander, formerly of this city, was one o f the departed members who wen* honored at the memorial service of the Eugene lodge o f Elks Sunday j afternoon. Mr. Ostrander was a broth er o f VV. II. Ostrander, o f this city, j and the father of Mrs. Marion Veateh, ! o f Eugene. T oddle Alan In Dead. Toddio, twin brother o f Jack, the Dr. Frost dog which died a week or two ago, died two days before Jack, although word to that effect was not received here until this week. Toddie had mad*- his home with Mr. and Mrs : Ben G roff at Prineville. A “ good tim e” is one form o f pro ! < nistination. • • • The chili! that is good in order to get something may not la* gooil for anything. STORE— Make the Winchester Store your headquarters for Ghristmas shop­ ping. This year we have a larger and better stock of high quality Ghristmas merchandise than ever before. Do your Ghristmas shopping early and you will have a wider range of selection.