The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 01, 1922, Image 2

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Friday, Doc. 1— “The Sage Brush Trail,”
with Koy Stewart, Marjorie Daw, Johnny
Walker, Wallace Beery and Roht. Thornhy.
“ In the D ays of Buffalo Bill,” chapter Id.
Special Sale Every Saturday
During December
Principal Events of the Wr®
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
Flphtoon pbrps of srarlat fpver have
boon qunrnntlnrtl In Bend.
A total of 1015 new gttulsnts en­
tered the Oreiton Agricultural college
this fall.
John Olldorn, for 68 years a resl
Sunday, Dee. d William S. Hart in “T rav ­
| dent of Marlon county, died at Salem
eling On.”
at the age of 88
Miss tTlmu Aldridge. 18. died at
Comedy, “ Apartments W anted.”
Hatties from strychnine poison taken
Monday, Doc. 4 “ The W om an W ho W alked
I with sulcidul intent.
The Women's Welfare club at F ob
Alone,” with Dorothy Dalton. And comedy.
ail Is making preparations for an old
Tuesday, Dec. •"> Pete Morrison in “ Daring
fashioned community Christmas tree
At a special meeting of the city
1 >aHirer,” and a ( 'omedy.
council plans wore made to establish I
a chlorine system for the Cunby water i
Wednesday, Dec. (> — Neal Mart in “Tangled
Trails,” and a Comedy.
A recent census shows 7026 chll
dren of school age In Clatsop county j
Thursday, Doc. 7— “The Three Bin karoos,"
4177 of whom are attending the public j
a snappy western.
More than 80 fruit growers attend ‘
Comedy, and International News.
ed the pruning school conducted by
Friday, Dee. 8— “Act1 of Hearts,” with Lon
the Umatilla county farm bureau at I
Milton und Freewater.
Chaney and Leatriee Joy.
The directors of the Jackson County j
“ In the Days of Buffalo Bill,” Chapter 14.
Fair association contemplate the hold i
Ing of u two-day automobile und motor [
cycle meet next June.
Let us hope that when wc die oui
I f wornou get their way when they
At u special election held at Heaver :
serrnvvs arc dead fo rev tir am 1 nil our vote as easily as in other things tii * ton the taxpayers voted a levy of $Kiino ;
joys take on new Iife. It iii just as men nmv a> well be disfranchised.
bonds for the purpose of erecting uu
• # •
easy to hope this as to hope anything
other public school hutlduig
else, und we will fee
i f everyone kept the resolutions he
« • •
James Wiseuer. Herman Markmun
makes, the way of the book agent
and Murphy Brothers of Freewater
Several new congr '«men ar■«• report
would be hard.
• • •
have sold their crops of 11000 tons of
ed to have caught co Id sitting in draft.**
on the floor of the hou». . T h eir . ..i.i
Th o r e ’s no etlucation so expensive as alfalfa at a price of $10 per ton in the
indifference to their campaign promises expelricuce, and none that comes . o stack.
and the hot air eomii Ig til COIlt
near being worth wlmt it costs.
At least three rural school districts
• * *
have .stirred up quite a curro u
In I.ane county are contemplating the \
* * *
Tli < human bodv develops what it
erection of larger school houses at
It would be iuttposting to know lifts 1 need of.
Tin* persoti who nutki s
once, according to E J Moore, comity |
when- paragmplu-ri u
okm linr a pri »fessimi of flying t«» friends with
ing tlit* time «»t‘ At:lam. wh«> hail .10 : ipniii tiding.- will some time develop a superintendent.
Pendleton's municipal septic tank
motheriiihi w .
pair of wings.
Woodmen Elect Officers.
and sewage disposal plant will be com
Flection of officers of l hr Woodmen
pleted in December
The plant will of tin* World was hold Friday night, a
j cost approximately $68,000 und the feed following the business meeting.
The new officers are: HeNton Haim
| property f 20.000.
bridge, council coiiiniaiidcr; \\ . L. Hub
Oregon hops are selling readily on
bell, director; J. \N Vcntch, bunker-
a very steady market. Between 1500 Ii. B. Hanna, escort; Frank Dorter,
und 2ooo bales changed hands in the escort; M. Kebclbcck, maunder.
pust week or ton days at prices rang
Chiropractic Locates Here.
Ing from 7 to 11 cents.
Dr. H A Hagen, chiropractic, recent'v
Work on the new Salem hospital. of Portland, will open offices next
| discontinued last spring for want of week in the Woodard building at Main
j finances, was resumed last week, the and Seventh. For the pan! two years
Dr. Hagen has had charge of the the
I money having been pledged for com
rnpeutir department of Shepherds Hot
I pletlon of the first unit.
Spring sanitarium at ( ’arson. Wash.
Juck Mclver. a laborer at the new
Traffic Officer PerkiiiK Dies.
| highway bridge ut Winchester, was
Dee. 2 — Dustin
“Strange Idols.”
Comedy, and Mutt and Jeff.
at Darby s Hardware and Furniture Store
Specials foir Saturday, Dec em ber 2
Alumin urn
$4 to $16
In the Hardware D epartment
In the Furniture Department
R em em ber that these special sales will be held every Saturday. W atch our ads.
ft M r m
i drowned when a boat In which he and
| two companions were crossing the
Umpqua river capsized In midstream
Clarence Smith, a farmer residing
I on south Deer creek, about ten miles
east of Hosehurg, was killed when u
wagonload of posts turned over on top
of him, crushing him to death In­
Fourth-class postmasters have been
appointed In Oregon us follows: Cove
Orchard. Mrs Henrietta Addis; Crow,
Church C. Sturtevant; Perrydale. Siet
Van Staaveren; Sixes, Mrs Sailie M
A proposed amendment to the stute
constitution providing for single tax
In Oregon has been filed with the sec­
retary of state The measure will go
before the voters ut the general elec­
tion In 1924.
Residents of upper Terrace street,
Just within the city limits of Asiilund,
ure much perplexed us to what pro­
cedure they must take regarding deer
that nightly Invade their orchards
and gurdens.
The Oregon potato crop this year
Is estimated by F L Kent, agricultural
statistician of the department of agri­
culture, ut 4,8.70,1100 bushels, produc­
ed on 46.000 acres, or a yield of 11)5
bushels per acre.
Members of the Willamette Valley
Flax and Hemp Growers' Co-operative
association must comply with their
contracts, according to u decree bund­
ed down hy Judge Bingham in the cir­
cuit court nt Salem
The Hulem city council passed un
ordinance authorizing the sale of
bonds in the amount of $17.r>00 for
the purchase of additional flre-fightlng
equipment Tin- bonds were voted at
a recent city election.
Rev Peter R Burnett, pioneer min­
ister of the Christian church, having
lived In Oregon since 1846. died in Eu­
gene at the age of 80 years as a re­
sult of injuries Incurred when he was
struck by an automobile.
All records in the cost of combat­
ing forest fires In the Suntiam na­
tional reserve were broken during
the lust season, when only $378.12 was
expended, according to the annual re­
port of C. C. Hall, supervisor
Walter M. Pierce, democrat, defeat­
ed Ben W. Olcott, republican, for gov­
ernor at the recent general election by
a majority of 34,237 votes. Tills was
announced by the secretary of state
after complete official returns on state
offices hud been received from every
county In Oregon
Mr Pierce carried
20 of tlie 2|> counties iu the stale.
The Ohio clergyman who says kisses
are intoxicating must have been mix
ing his.
• • •
Hear ye one anoth er’s burdens, bu
Some people have hearts so big that
they seem m have squeezed their souls d o n ’t hang around waiting for someon
and consciences to death.
to carry yours.
Your particular friends may
s» particular about theirs.
West Side Garage
and will lmve charge of the begin­
ning today, Deeeniber 1. \V<* have la ken
over the present e«|iiipnient of the husiness,
will <
‘idd new < m |iiipviM'iil as needed and will
handle everything in nutoniohile repair, with
pjirtieuhir attention to work upon Dodge
«•Jirs, whirh has h«*«*a «*ur sp<x‘kilty for some
tiin«*. W e solieil ;i fair slum* of 1h<* husiness
in our line and w ill depend entir«*ly upon the
s«*rviee mnl<Te«l for r«'p<';it orders.
Telephone me to
e ’round and
cknw y«» *be fine«! X inm
o I l U W gill* you could poft-
•ibly (Jive to any one
Fuller Brushes
Phone 124 L
Cottage Grove, Or
Have Taken Over the
Mrs. Phi Adkins Dies.
• • •
Di c k St u r g e s & N o r m a n P o h l l
Mrs. Phi Adkins died Weilnesdnv
morning at
o ’clock at the age of
80 years.
Mrs. Adkins was born in
New York. She resided here at the
home of the lute Mrs. Kelley, whose
death occurred several months ago.
A surviving brother, formerly a resi
dent of this city, lives in California.
in sets, in Htti-HCtive holly boxes.
W rit e or phone me to c o m e
around and show them to you.
N o oh lig utiou to buy unless you
wuut (o.
He who works without hope of
ward will always have a job.
T r affi c Officer iVrkins, employed by
tin* state for several years and a fre
ipient visitor here, died a lew days
ago as the result of an accident, He
was caught under a heavy truck and
his lower limbs wen crushed. It was
not tit first thought that Ins injuries
would prove fatal.
A wnntnd will rout vonr lions«*
D o n ’t imagine that you would h
happy if all your present worries wer
wiped away.
West Side Garage
“Dick” Sturges and “Norm” Pohll, Props.
The BRUNSW ICK PHONOGRAPH Arrives al White’s Pharmacy
The lainmiN BruiiNwii-k phonograph that has cri-utcil such popular favor everywhere, with ita
Mift nn-llow torn1, nimmth running motor, with no si-ratciting nomo, can now be purchaacil in Cot­
tage «¡rovi- a! White's I’harinaey.
Itrunsw iek plays all reeorils
Itrunswiek is a genuine simulimi phonograph I
Itriinswick cost less than others!
Hriinsw iek is “ all phonographs in nnt)"l
Itrunswiek sohl on easy terms!
W hy Be Without a Brunswick?
Brunswick Phonograph« and Record«
\\ illainet le Street
Eugene, < tregon