The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, October 06, 1922, Image 4

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    I cousins would g ive u» a royal welcome.
I O f course we no long* r have tiui«* to
¡t a k e ad v an tag e o f thi> ho sp itality , but
th e next tim e 1 eotue east 1 aiu going
▲ tfcevkly New*ptpiT M ith Plenty
to arrang e a acheduie that w ill do awnv
of Hu. 4 .t*on«*
w ith th e n ecessity o f e& rrjtn g grub
E lb e rt Bode and E lb e n S u .i h P u blish ers and bedding.
..-Ed itor
E lbrrt Hede..
parenthood and to have little respect fe a r that they a ill not have qu ite such
fo r agi* and gray h airs, possibly those good luek h e re a fte r.
• •• •
o f u> a ho long ago cam e to yearn o f
j understand ing should set a bi tte r ex
A Sunday j*í. j **• r run- u hcutln g For
j am ple by show ing a higher regard for
Women O n ly .” Is that the only way tr« -
I the memory o f those who once d<d
much for us i.t.d gave o f th e ir tif< the men ran be induced to read it f
In on«- of th«- form«i |>a|>« i>. *«• «1« alt with the basis «if imraonal
blood th at we m ight be here to rear
liU rtv . \Yf also lourhrii ujhiii th«- iu - h I of laws to ifo n rn men that
I f some men could m ake up th eir
Where I V M Born
fam ilies o f our owu.
ihi v nu c hi In* lr«*e. We i«iun«l that the Am«*ru*aii i«t«’a w us that t h«-
▲ fin tt «-iu* publu-xnuu M i m i t i Col
T xbo r. I» ., So-i •• Ä — Today 1 m ? i
• • •
nmol» as quickly and e ffe c tiv e ly *.s
LN f ù t v v * ,
» . «*cond out»» Burner
■ _ •
Prow T u m « l to
Setting ’ Sun
some women do th e ir fa ces, it would |mwii t«> (tov«‘rti out conduct u»«l establish laws tor that )>ui*|tuK-
y _ ..
11 i ':.Il I
\ !... ffc
wa> in uti«l tam e from th«- people. We found that they must <|eci«l«'
help some.
B i U i IMM O f f l t » -
I ___
hi-aiigd rhi‘ rtH iji;io n ooiutu tt«« » hi e 1 ¡25.— Touighl v r nr.- |mrkr<! in n prvt1 1
• • •
whut laws ar«' n«H*cssar^' tot their safety. pr«>tecti«>n, w«*ltar«* an«t
S l'B S C E lP T IO N R A T E **
u»h. r»Hl in -, th i- t *U- o f Tinrs. j ! ¡ t : 1.
N ebraska
ram p.
T w h jr
“ W hen a woman is kissed bn one happiness.
Each nu-inb«*r of the state must Ixiw to their will unt.l
Om ynar.
y e a r— 4 2 .S S T b w * e ..u ;h a _ .6 S r Ho --•vini. no- to hav«-
n jo in t ly | ¡ . i iiiim I th. mi.tonu’tr r pn>» o f th-
• h«K*k should sh«- tu rn the o t h e r ! ” N**, th« law is repealed or overthrown.
If he is a uimm I citizen he will
Sr » I .-'h r.; d r ill, by » i.:it hi did m i l 41 H unk fa irly tow ards the “ netting
0.1 muutha__ 1.15 Single co p y .
\ ar> :ig
and spry :
;• r d • sun and we n it• nd t
hold er then*, she should turn only about h a lf that do so
Member of
spite his
hoary head He i- y et
per 1 In cid en tally then* i-
nothing much ta r.
<tur <*onclusion in that pap«1»- was that whether th«- compulsory
• • •
N ational Editorial Aaaociation
form ing the same fu n rtio ii fo r o th e r! more irrita tin g than d rivin g into th*
nnasure should I m 1 adoptcil i>r n«>t w-,s really a «(ueation of
U regoa S t a t i E d ito ria l Annona-.ion
‘ youngsters who may re n in 4 y ears or j •• se t t i n g ' sun fo r an hour **ach a fte r
W hen a man th in k s more o f his gar
u n - jin Newspajvr C onferitieo
s frem now to Im k over th« place I noon w th ne«*miaghr no chance of get den during th«- buliuy spring days than whether the safety, protection ami welfare of the state and nation
L ane County P u b lu h er* ' A ssociation
where they first saw th«* light of day. ! tin g on the oth er side o f it. T he Bun k he doe* o f a b aseb all gam e, you can di-niande«l it or not.
» H :s n: th
IP . ***. i\ M K. T n 'k u ’ - « m .- *«> appro\e the n< w course ami
We ar«- for the lull heoauae »> ludieve that th«- safety, protee-
s< t it dt*w n a s a c e rta in ty th a t h e ’s no
F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R * . 1SSS
¿«•spite the fa c t th at h. -aid h« would the valve in bend purr a*eem» one of
tan .
tion and wi-|fare of tin state «loes demand it
It you are acainst it,
i iK'Vfr have km-wru me be was cerdm ily ! contentm ent aud d eterm in ation .
then areonliiif; to <>ur view, you think otherwis«
This makes the
-|l l * * * 1 «i to set* us aud v i»ited us in our
am p near th«* eamjHis «•! T a b o r college,
v ditty .I bay i l t t p want*
.sse between u i upon wkiek m a i t 1» p n i d t In n e x t eli-et ion. W
W«- have I k *«* ii |am»ing through wha*
CongTi'gutioual in atitu tio a which was is unquestionably one o f th« gn*ttt»ks f fondi«* his m other when she * .tresscl p,.0 |MIS,. j 0 stute some of the reasons which we think are conlrollinir
ubhshcd over t*i* years ago. The corn countries tu th«* world. T he road up.
m the matt«-r and, if you believe them, then you oujtht to su|<|>ort
people o f Takn>r are proud o f th eir hog', evitb'ntly are o f the corn fed vu
p re tty little city U»ea!»*d in the rich riety .
In New Y ork g irls s|»«-itd »’*»' j»er e«*nt
• • •
a g ricu ltu ral stvetion ««f southw estern
In the lh-claration of lndejM'inlence, we reati thes«- w ords: " W e
vt th e ir tim e mak .ug t h«*m>« lv «•> ut
Iow a, as w ell they m ay I k *.
We have been fo rtu n a te so fa r in
hold these truths to In- self-«-« idem ; that all men are ereati-d e«|ual,
By E lb ert Bede, E d ito r T h e S e n tin el |
1 was not born here, th at im portant m issing ram ir this section. We ar
that they ate i-nd»we«l l>y then C reator with certain inalicnabK
even t hav in g tak en place ut Randolph, hoping th at Indian summer w ill eon that w«.rk for them.
riirhts; that umoiiK thes«- are life, lils-rty ami the pursuit of ha|>-
six miies from h«*re. which also is dss tinue u n til w«* reach r«*« k roa«ls. Th-
L earnin g of M any R elativ es.
We may think th a t we bv«* iu th • piueaa.
tiu guish ed bv the fa ct th at Mrs. S , L. mu :u th« roads would I k * w orth $-«s-
That, to se«-ure th«-s«- ritrhts, mivernments are instituted
Are lab . l a .. >* i
— T o.h.y w. ar
M ark .n once tau ght school there. T hat th«* a cre for raising corn, but from th« m«>st p ro gressive ag e in h isto ry , but anionu men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
' >
was previous to th«- tiiii«^ that Snm m ie «•ondinoli it which we fouud li.g h w av' our an cestors mauuged to get ah«*ad *f
ouly liv in g ».»ter. the hint o f ?h.r«*ei Loophole inveigled her in to doing his wh iek had not beou gone over with us.
Attain we read in the |>reaml>le ol the Constitution, that our
ch ild ren . mm made a dr
S U i lea ciK»kiug fo r him. Som e o f the old road m achinery since the last raiu w*
y esterd ay * reach here, w ith n« -- riou» tim ers rem em ber y et th*- way I ad v er­ can >«■•• th at they would b< imimssabl*
adopt«-d it " in order to form a more perfect Union, establish
cn. rgy
results to my lame “ s t i l t . ” so th at I tised my a rriv a l, but the fa c t th at I im m ediately a fte r a good w etting.
Justus-, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the eoiumon «IctVns. ,
and power blow ing o f f .
• • •
fe e l qu ite ce rta in that if the oth er i was k m there d«»»*- n«»t >< eih to I k * re
promote tin- general welfare ami v t u ii the lilessiti|rs of ld>crty” to
m em ber- o f the fam ily do all th e heavy garded a- a very im porta nt h isto rical
We had a new on«* sprung on us u
ml ..»mi- |«t‘i>pka rt.iaiiut t ht-lliM-l\ «-s amt their JM»st«Tlty
work 1 shall I k * able to m ake the re » vent in the L ie o f the little town, Iowa. There they measur»* d istan ce bv
*urn trip w ithout serums ib c.n v «- m . i«.-.. N,«t only has th*, ho us«- ;u w hich 1 was x*hool h«*us«*s. On« is lw a ie d every
U xikiu g fo r th«- sin in o th e r s .
In the I»eelaration quote«l ar« s«-t forth the tru«- eml# of troxern-
• • •
I have learned today That as the result lK*rn not b e e t ><*t a»* «le a.* a m emorial two m iles in each d irectio n o f the com
jinent. In order that hte mat be pr«>teeted, lils-rty maintained, liap-
o f the larg e fam ily o f sisters <m my or as a place of inter<*si for tou rists, pa an.
I? H»*fni» to u> xhnt a ll thu I h *-* pim-ss secured, equality of opportunity given, justice estal>ltsh«-«l,
• • •
m o th e r’s -id* I could tra v e l from th* but it ha» been rem odeb d and built
haue»*» rum«* t»- tkoM* who d o n 't k n o a
l*caee insured and the itvneraJ welfare pronmted, the |s-ople must
extrem e east to the extr* n • v
a; d onto u n til I no longer reeogiii*<*d
A nother oddity we have found i ' h«*u to luakt* U.M- o f th«*iu.
fin d eouains so co n ven ien tly L*«-n*- d " n tte r an absence r 4t yt ars.
gasoline sold at t«*nths «»! a cen t. Th
I h - intelligent. They must know each other. They must syiu|»athizc
• • •
th a t we would not have to prepan' »
_ -
y»iu plainly wha? ydu wil
with each other. They must s«-e that their own w«lfare ami ka{>-
m eal or put up cam p during ?ht
imr« i
A t M other s Grave
have t«* pay, -4.1 ce n ts, or 24.7,
we th o u g h t looktnl good en ou g h to e a t piness is w rap|wd up with th«- (jeiieral welfare and happiness.
trip . A visit to K an sas could cover
1 Mir v :<it to T a b o r wa» p n ticipalhr ?«: whatever it happen» to I k *.
m outh, w ith each m eal and »‘rich h»dg
— but a iiu iu L h r o f th e Eu ro^ n u u n o t..4 sustain a democracy ami insure justice to all and have all the other
mv moth* •r g m \ e. To«iny I read
.n g tak en w ith a d iffe re n t
.-¡sii, I
ìtv h a v e n o th in g cha* tu liv e un.
qualities that mak-- for the safety ol the state, the (s-ople must
T 1
first tim« th<f f«*w hi»•orifal
• • •
am ais inform ed th a t each »•: :h -
e t - wh. « h *h* chi<M ied ma rl»k* giv»*i
govern lbemaelv«*s and the mdiMdual luciuliera^of it must I h - self-
orid. for »he pn-»«
• n vv art!
T h e t r a f f i c b e tw e e n h ere a n d h o *v e u Ipivi-rnihg.
In order that your life ami mine may I k - s»-curc the
upwa rd at a tim e in my U t when
m ig h t rig h tljr be te rm e d i n t e n t a t e .
nia-SMs must recjiirnize the saem lm -ss ol human life. In order lhat
Wf>uld have m**uut Li •
! 'O me tr
Only Exper.enced, Incensed
Tn.a4 of ma Tiwn^t Oman Trans
your p ro js rty may he safe and you I k - allow«-«! to enjoy it, the
i ve a t t end»v 1 th e f unenti se rv ir«*».
Optom etrists
W h en we re a d o f th e rnanv w ho g«*«
ce then I have lK*t*u m m any p a rt- j
masses must leel that you have acquired it rightly, or they may in
« a u g h t in »uiue »in ju .-t beenu.M.* Hie
the union, bur not u n til tod ay did j
T here arc -*»m« wrongs th a t cann«- m a rk e t» o r » o iu e tn in g go w ron g , w«* lin n mail fury, as in Kussia, rise up ami destroy it or take it iroui
«‘turn to th is sacred spot.
bt ad equ ately punished. One o f th« w -od er how l u i L i i y o th e r» euiniutt th e you ami shoot you down.
In the last analysis, your life ami uune,
The mann«*r in whi h th is cei
m.»^: g laring o f these is th e u n tru ih tu i ^aiiit MB» b ut du n ot g e t v a n g h i b«* your projs rty and mine, your chais.-e for happiness ami mine rests
s- ; • up through a eeme lery a
gt*>sip tnat hurts a w om an’s ch a ra cter.
the w ork
atme th e m a rk e t» or o th e r th in g .- go upon the good will, lorl>«-arnrice, otwdieiice to law ami happiness of
• * •
C o ttag
rig h t.
the massi's of our jwoplc. Either now or at some future mue, it
A man th at mak**> his w ife and fam
n¿'&«s‘p co s’ s $5t* for «*a«*h lot
• • •
from ignorance, jmssion, feelings or injustice aufl'en-i oi lust for
•uni fo r four grave«. T he money A y i-mph t'-iy happy come» p re tty near
A lot o f u> wouiu fe e l lik e .-kitumi*ii power tiny shouhl arise in their might and [«owei, they could wrest
uito an irre«iucible fund and being a C hristian.
m uk i f we w ere dro|»^ed di-wn in the
• • •
i fo r e s t is used. T h ]. is found
lrum us everything that w«- hold dear.
The Sentinel
From Oregon
to Minnesota
v«-ii th o n g a n
The di fie rent*
te n tiw y and a pia«-«- i
a!«-r «>; detail
So It Is With Glasses
Crudely fitted L ' ■ « - S s V M AY
help y«>ur visi
Lri - a-
car«- and much exp en d
the detail o! virtual un-a usurer
ment» and adjust Diciits art*
r-ssciitial :o safety and con t r i .
Your cy«-s deserve the U s -
You ««an gt-f it h* re. P r i e s
the lowest on the <-««ast. qualitv
We will abBolutelr iruar-
tn te r " «ati*iaction or your
money h a*k ” within one
year from «late of purchase,
of any pair or >jM-c*aoi»*> «•*
E ye ijia.vN«*» purchased iron«
ui» for cash. We w ill als<*
repair or replace the broken
lrallies or hows of same for
name length of time free of
Sliermaifk Hoodu
0 0 W’* -SMCTTE SI
om .
ereum o f s o c ie ty .
ativ gravi
r which no euutribution has
■ d> M any o f th e ow uer> o f lots
mo •d aw ay and can not 1 m * k>
e are a«tul and no in terested
tin b«* found, some probably
not Jfford to pay and m any me*
st d n*«r car«- and ar« w illing to
rcorg* do i t , " as is th»* cas«* With
puf’u r m«*v «‘tnent.
kAoody s D eep-Citrv*
kr>-ptok Leases
Are B e n e i
Th«- fellow who »ays tht prune is fuii
• • •
of m icrobe» must have an aw fu l m *s'
W hen y o u se e n m au g o in g dow n h ill
¡ o f ’em m his system — and th e sell d o n ’t |»ut s tu m b lin g b lo c k - in h i* lon d
¡ respecting m icrobt th at would live on und th e n tr y u mak« J«jiks b eliev e
a diet ol th.«.: kind must be * ‘ fu ll of vou w e re en d «*avu nu g to h ead h un o i l .
T«*> many ch ild n n a re born b**for*
m u m age— and not enough aft« rward.
There is little suushint
whieh know» not love.
in the life
T here i.- no hnjq»iut*».- quit«* so eon.
m other '
The nuis«* being made by several
}»lete lo r soil»« |W**«JU* US the -utl»fui*
renuim s were piaced w h**re toduv 1
p resid en tial booms is k«*eping no one
ti«»n th at eom«*» fr«»m doing n kind
found : he mruble murker. 1 ha
reco Heelrt«*n o f the love be stowedi Up■OH
de»*d— and hav in g ;h< neighbors h**ar
ing th»* hr tie over four yesir>
about it w iih ou l ih«* do**r tellin g it.
Som etim es a man d o e sn ’t realize his
. w a » ]»*nnitt»*d to b**sto w th u 1■ lo re.
• • •
no reeolk ■etion olf th. ma uv •w n fa u lts u n til elected to o lfic e .
Th«- powder trust is not baekin g th«*
a lin e s whi uh th.--« w ho ku<ft*
sa fe and sane F ou rth propaganda.
She had n«« op
A M innesota ju ry r**c»ntly award«*d
• * •
• t th»* higi« am a H ib bin g woman #475o fo r a stolen
So cialism as elueidnted by Nome o f
^ h irh >he
it haw* bad f-*r kin*. T h at ju ry ev id en tly believes in
its I m *I i «*\« t > has one pi«*UNant fe a tu re .
h» r ha.- fur her young.
the co nservatio n o f our natu ral re
no reeolkK-tion
a mot h**r>
I f ev ery person g e ts only what h»
a d v .'••• t*- I k * u g uid* • m th« con-
produe»*». and a ll of th a t, he would not
f my lif«*. which p™ bab iy i» the
have to w orry about d rivin g aw ay bus-
W hen you tell a g irl you are done
th at . 7 y**ur- hu ve ir-hi J*N- *i from
imnu* fo r fe a r w hat h«* »«aid or did
me th*- c-arthlv re main» wer** w ith h* r triflin g and th at you w ill go
th»*re u n til th«* »on l«H.k*d upon 1 awray and leave h»*r fo re v e r, anticiput* m ight o ffe n d aoin«*one. IndejM'uden«*«-
if t. but as I stood and r»*u<i tn*' : iiig th at sh« will jw*ut h«*r lips, fa ll on would run n o t.
il word- I could no h-ip
h»*lp but
i i : yuui »houid« r and -»gh “ pl»*a.-*- d o n ’t,
th at th is un >-T**nt: *i«/u- grave wa* *
We h»*ar sc* much about young w«iin
x ,
I isn t it exasil
rk»*d fo or r me in a wav that non«*
T | **«» m arrying old m»*n ju » t t«* g«*t tli«*m
m a—i ve slab * were m arked. uUt
uX 7*** **'****• P41
; it th«*ir c o ffin s and get in to th e ir cot
eher was necessary to | exj»r**s»ion T
j fe rs. I t would be in te re stin g to know
m uk > h»*ly th -pot
why young men d«»n’t m arry old worn
W hat * xrus has anyone to w ait nn I A person can smoke only about so
en fo r th*- sain«* r**a.»(»n.
til 41 y ears of
e to le a r n .in w hat many cig a rette» in a life tim e . T he '
manner i» bein] *ar**<l fu r th»* IKl1 j more h»* amok«*» each •lay the few e r
\\ »■ have received a cumniuno-atiofi
w h ich enelcMM»» r
remain.- o f th** on* «lav.- it Will ta k e him.
w ritten iu a d«*licate, h e sita tin g hand
v ho gave him i f V ery little . How
»«M»n are f o r sott*
even aft»*r we com*
• u lr i a^km g; “ Is is proper to say th at iny
W hen vou start, to te ll -one
y -a r s of understand mg. th«»-»- whu
. ni*»th«-r in law i» s till h»*n ! Mv wif«*
ju s t t—
—S -----
-ant so much to us, who guv
»avs th a t i should snv ‘ iiiv m other in
fuoii-h it w«»uid ,
ich fo r us while th ey were able to st«»p and runmder n«*w
law t st. 11 is
fr o m a gm m m at
-«»in«* frien d te ll y«#u the
♦* and whose sp irits even now may '•mi.d !•» hav* som«*
ical ntuud| mji nt on«* seem s as g*K»«l as
■¿«■king down fr«»m heigh’ « -•'cure
thing at»««ut h i-.
! th»* oth»*r. It ni.gbt b»* nicer to say
r! guiding our unsteady
In th is
u ,
. . 4
, “ Mv nn»th» r in law is not her**.
r wl»«-n w» say th at th»* grr»wingg»*n
w n* i, a man has pmv ide»i V imm I and
aught answ er more int«*liig»*ntly if we
i*i .i -4--rn- *<■ have little r» gard fo r raim ent , r fo r , iw- . fam ilv . h»- . ha.- . not
pro- L
i alf
\t what
i • \ th
i ey . i have a right
l , knew w hether there was any in ten tion
vick*d , over h
t.. exp ert of him.
ity on the p art o f the lady.
• • •
When a woman a sk s h»*r hu-b:.nd
, '* F o rg iv e us .»or
what to do about a ce rta in thing, an
tresp asses a s we fo rg iv e those who
argum ent is alsiu t to b»*gin.
tresp ass a g a in st u s ,’ ’ and th«*n k i c k 1
A can d id ate never consents to run «rhea they g*-t what th ey ask ed for.
j least punished by law.
A Scientific Preparation
O n rn s,
Canker, Sore an«l T«-n«ier Mouth,
Tonsilitis, Nasal
< atarrah. Col«l in Head. Skin Cuts
an«l Abrasions
u r tnonev back
n r*
if not satixfactory
¿ O Q
a n d
C n
K e m ' s for D r u g s
n .
fiw *
»*xc**pt upon the earn est so licitatiovi o f
The r»*as*»n we speak of our ri«*h
Neor**s of friend s who fo rg et to g»*t -mi
to th»* poll».
men leaving
iv in g i*o
mt m any “ c cool*
o o l’ iuilli«»ns
is because th«*y uw*d th e freeaung out
H t Paul «k»esn *t want the A rm o u r, proc»*ss in aecjuiring th**m.
packing plant he*a*ed too ekme to th at
• • •
iliag e fo r fe a r o f poUutiag the e sth e tic
U t t l e » hildren ar«* about the biggest
• t.m ^ r a m e n * o f th»* nativ**» Pr»»l*ably problem th ere is in th is world of our».
• _
•he sain t can stand fo r.
T he g re a te st sin in th is world is th*
It is said th at the d»*vil w ill
doe— but the 4‘ d e v ilf ' grown
newspaper man is usually «ncr
al»*»iit a -k in g what is eom ng to
• • •
get his
in to n
Cold **ash often
mau ’s p o ck et.
burns a hole in a
A newly m arried couple are about
E ven when congres« is tn sessi«»« the must critic« oed persona in th«*
th ere are thu-** who b**!»e\e »jor for world.
• • •
eign m issions are as irn|*ortant as **ur
h«-me ones.
A fath«*r o f 16 d aughters has I m **> i *
• • •
d eclared crmxy. It seeaui quit«* prob
Horn»*? im**** a woman is w«*ll -atisfi**d able.
i ?*» l»e able to return a eall by leaving a
card — but th a t tim e is not ju s t a f te r
Th«* farm«*r think» it nunt l»e a .«nap
she has g otten a new dress.
to work in an o ffic e and let your w ife
leisurely telephone to the store a t the
O I» »»■»!<■ all bow rarpríw-d a g irl ran las: momeut fo r the s tu ff the farm er
apfr*»r wbrn Ih r «pintion in popprft—- has »prut m onths in rai»m g. W hen th«*
r.ft.-r «hr h a . been p rrp aring fo r i* fo r o f f ic e man lo«*ks at his pocketkes»k at
the end o f the month he think» what a
ix month«.
p u d d ia ’ it »n*»t lie to be a farm er aad
M arry your son« when yon will nad have the e»ty m a n ’s money a t the end
o f the m ou'h. We would like to t«*ll
j Tour d aughter* whra th ry w ill.
you w hat both think o f th«»»e betw een
T h irteen children »n th ree years i-? the producing and consum ing point,
j the record made by Oklahom a parent«. but the postal reg u la’ »on» w ill not per-1
T h ey ar** s u p e r * it Iona, hovrerer, and Bit.
Do you ask w nut this has iu do with th« school im-asuret Our
answer is, much in every way. So tar as may t*-. we |>r«>|M«se to
avert any such condition at««l we think tins measure will no tar to
help us to that end ami purpoa«.
\\ «• projHise to take the children during the most plastic jtcriod
of then t i n s aiul put them in d irect contact with «ach other. \Yc
would take them Irom the lowliest home ami put them I m - si «I«- the
-.■hildren of the socially cxult«-d the rich, the p*«or, the American
I mhm , the Irish, the iierni&n, the S<-audiiiaviaii, from any and all
elasM-s, conditions ami social gradi-s. They shall play to g e th er; they
shall study tog eth er; they shall hav«- equal opportunity's and priv-
ileges th ere; they shall come to know, r«-sj>ect ami sympatinz«- with
« ach otin r. They shall tm honored according to th«-ir merits alone,
their attainm ents and achievements ami learn by absorption and by
actual life-contact the great principles of equality of rights and
duties. 1'hus our jieople will become knit into one common Ixmd of
p«ae«v hai niuiiy ami l»roth«-rly love; they w dl -cherish and, if need
tx-, die in i|«-fcns*- of these sacred principles of fellow ship and p at­
riotism. This will make our nation safe against any interna] or
external foe.
1 ou may ask if there is any dangers such as are suggcsL-d iu
the ftirni«-r paragraph. We think there is unless we can imbue all
our people with a correct grasp of the basic principles of etjuality,
fraternity ami liberty upon which our social labne rests.
The rapui concentration of the natural resources of our country
in th«- hands of the lew ; the mon»|Mtly of th«- m-cessities of life by
greal eor|>orations, the constant clash between capital ami lal>or in
the business ami im iustnai w orld; the in d ifferen t- of the employ els
W» the welfare of the workmen in many ««ases; the treatm ent of mail
as a human pr«xluet rather than as a human soul, even in this
country of ours, jMiint to th«- «langirs in the separation o f jieople
into classes.
Th«- common school is th«- melting |>ot of divergent so«-ial <-las»*-s.
It is the nursery of dem ocracy, the unconscious moulder of the
masses into iiin com mi >u bond ol «Jlowship ai I An >r lean « 1 1 1 g .«-11 -
shift, ami every s<ni ami daughter of «tur country ought to be
moubbMi th«-re for true American citizenship.
I lies*- ar«- some of the reatwms why you ought to support this
l’ai«l A dv.)
LARK H II.Y EI , President, Euirene, Ore
The laws of Oregon re«|uire that all dairy pr««<luctH aliali be
pasteurized or shall come from cows that have l»-«-ri tested
and proven fr«-e from tuberculosis.
In conform ity with this law tbc cream from which our
produeta are made is pasteurize«! in a manner approved by
th« l)airy ami Food U-ommission of the state.
Red Rose Brand Butter and Ice
Cream are guaranteed as to purity,
flavor and workmanship.
Pianos, Player Pianos, Hi-aphophones,
Records and Hh<*»*t Music* and White*
Rotary Hewing Machines and Pails.
Hewing Machines of All Kinds R e­
paired and Work G u a r a n t e e d .
Berry Piano C o m p a n y