The Sentinel 1 ■ | w ill be mean enough to remark, “ Auv Ithiug tor uu o ffic e .” • • * PARTY LOYALTY SHOWN AT REPUBLICAN CAUCUS contest rom mitt i*t* o f flu» W hile (Tos.«. The first prue o f $20 will be for any child over 14 who writer* the best essay I o f from 500 to 000 words on auv o f A Weekly Newspaper With 1‘ leuty The parent who lets his children race ; the three subjects: 4‘ Relation o f the o f Backbone the streets is starting them on the Use o f Nareotie Drugs to Crime,* Klbcrt Bede auJ Elbert Smith Publisher* wro,lt! traek, Personal Animosities Oono; Committee !** Fff«»«'t «o Non Knforcement ot tin Elbert Bede_______________________ Editor Will Frame Platform for Can- ¡*n" J •*"* “ Do." th« ------------------------------------------------------ | One o f the th ing' we enjoy the most Drug Mabii Menu«»«* future Citizen didates to Support. A first class publication entered at Cot and don 't know when we are getting ship?” tage Urove, Ore., as second class matter ,s refreshing sleep. A second prize o f $15 w ill In* award Party loyalty and enthusiastic sup i'*l lo tlu* child under I t who writes Business O ffic e __________ 412 East Mam ,, , .------------------------------------------------------ 1 February w ill have 29 days 24 times port o f th«* candidates o f the party in the best essay on 44 K ffeet o f Narcotic Drugs Upon tlu* B ody,” ‘ ‘ Kffect *f SU BSC RIPTIO N B A T E S in this century— the largest possible tlu* coming election marked tin* meet tlu* Use «if Narcotic Drugs on Moral One year____ $2.20 | Three months__65c number. The fellow who arranges iag o f Oregon republicans Saturday Hu months__ 1.15 Í Single copy_____ 5c these things must have realized that in iu Eugene, the first real assembly of Development,” or 44 ('an a (tond Altieri can I se Nareotie Drugs?” this hustling age we need all the time the party m thK Mate since tin* advent Member o f A third prize o f $10 is t « » he given o f the state primary law, and auv wo can g et. National E ditorial Association personal animosities or differences that 1 [ j ! ’ . the best h h von l slogan tor tin* Oregon Slate Editorial Association ma v have tended i « * anpurute th© party * **** n' ® Oregon Newspaper Conference I f there were no advertising in it were forgotten in the spirit o f coopci : , accompanied by n membership te* laine County Publishers’ Association not nearly so much money would be at ion that was evident throughout the wi> ''en,s * " r «‘ hildren, anil $1 lor all day session. Walter Too/« ,lr.. :ulul,H " ho •*«»>*»| m |«• in the slogan con given to charity. FR ID A Y , S EP T E M B E R , chairman o f the state central com , u‘Hi- Most people gauge their trust o f mitt«*«*, presided. A program o f republican principi. R U R A L T E A C H E R S G IV L N other people by their knowledge o f and the p a r ty ’s stand on various issues IN S T R U C T IO N S IO R Y E A R how far others can trust them. w ill be worked *>ut soon bv a com | mitico appointed bv rhairnmn T«»oz I nilorm courses o f study, n list .if Some people are beginning to be Party responsibility rather than in«!. « f«»i tin* conduct o f rural I lieve that they are being fleeced by vidimi opinion o f the candidates was st,loo,s :'"«1 »»ppli.'s were furnish.d favored by both the candidates and 100 Dirai school teachers who ! the woolen schedule's. Being extravagant in your compli others attending th«* caucus. An ini- 1 rilUlu*r«*«l in tin* cir<*uit «‘«»urt numi ot ments w ill not bring down upon you Lam* ««»unty court house in Kug«*n • Tlu* sins o f the fathers shall be vis pnssioned plea for an «»pen declaration o f the stand o f tin* ri'publican partv. i I* ri'Iav atlt*raooii. K. .1. Moor«*, c«»untv the charge o f being a profligate. ited upon the children even unto the * • * e various issues o f tli-* superili!« mlent, n m il J. G. Rv, an in regard to th third and fourth generation, we an present campaign was mad«* by George rural school sup«*rv isor, addressed tin* Some beauty is not even skin deep tohl— and some people w ill leavi N«‘uner Jr., o f Roseburg, wh«> — sometimes it is put on above the * nough to go around. that til«* candidates should support th-* tlu* opening «»f most o f tin* rural skiu. • • « principl«*s that have received the schools o f tlu* county this week and * * * The man who spends his time boast stamp «>f approval o f the party and next. They say the way to a man's heart ing o f what he has done w ill not get that tin* issues should be met in the is through his stomach, but no man anything else done to talk about. open and tin* party policies placed on ever declined to marry a girl just be­ * * * r«»cord in tin form «»f a constructiv prognim that w ill have tlu* undivided cause she could a 't cook. There an» too many good intentions • * * support o f every nominee on tlu* ticket in connection with the good roads Tin* committee named t«> frame th. The lies that hurt the worst are the movement. party platform includ«*s nil th«* «1«* ones that are so. « « * feate«! caadida4(*s, «»xeept Scnat«»r llall, Production 2 Per Cent Above Normal. • • « The deeolette woman may be reticent who was not present at the meeting. Says W est Coast Lumbermen's A marriage license gives a woman a and still not appear as if she were try Bruce Dennis, -.tat«' senator, is the Association Report. it gal right to make libelous remarks ing to hide mueh. hairmau. Others appointe«l nr«*: I. L. about her husband without being held • • • Pnttersou, L. L. Bean, Georg«* A W hite accountable therefor. The ‘ * (lrys ” have accompliiheil a lot iu«l J. 1). I.«*«*, who wen* candidates On«* hundrt'd and twenty thr«*c mills » • • against Mr. Olcott in th«* prim ary; K. reporting t«» th«* West (o a st Lumber sim’i' the ilny the whole earth wa< K. Farrell, B. L. Eddy, E. D. Cusick A Massachusetts politician got mar coven*! with water. men’s association for tlit* \v«*ek ending and (»us ( ’. Moser, candidates f«»r presi ried because the women declared they * ■» * Sepieniber 1 » nianufaeturi'd K4.55N.ft05 dent o f the stnt«* senate; K. K. Kubli t«*«*t o f lumber; sold .S2.HOO.N47 f«*et, would work against him if ho didn't. Compliments, even when you d on’t Tom Kays, Denton Bunlick and lb* Some bright, unehivalrous paragrapher mean them, are better any day in th» bert Gordon, candidates for speaker of and shipped 7UJ»2N,!>. n J feet, »('cording t* the r«'p«irt «»I tlu* asso«*mtion'. th«» hous«* o f representatives; I. N. week than knocks that you do mean. Production for reporting mills was * * # Day, who w ill be specialist on taxes; 1 wo per <*«*nt alnive normal and n«*\\ Lair W. Thompson, A. .1. Johnson, “ Back to P re -W a r Prices” You never live with a woman so long business was two |u*r «*«*nt below pro George Neuner. Jr., T. T. Bennett. Jay bur that once in a while she w ill do «luciurn. Hliipnmnts were 14 p«»r «*eir l Tpton and Roy Ritm»r. The follow ing something to dispel any incipient no county chairman wer«* also placed in below new busin«»ss. F orty-five per cent «if all new busi tion von may have had about under tin* committee: F. A. MeOully. Later a**ss taken «’ uriiig the week was f«n* standing her. pris«»; M. Fitzmnuri«*«*, rondon; Bert future water delivery. This anuiuiited • * • Anderson. Medford, ami VV. A. Mas t«> J7,12U,K47 f«*«*t, o f which 27.5!MJ»21 I f wo only attempted to do those singill, l.ak«*view. f«*et was tor domestic cargo delivery, Tin* commit te«' will meet in Portland things which our contemporaries ac­ and i),52!i,21f> f«*«*t for nv«»rseas ship knowledge that we are able to do. pro­ September 2d. meat. New business for «lelivery ft » \ A telegram was sent to Presi den L gress would come to a standstill. Do rail amounted to 15 lb ears. Harding pledging him support in this Thirty-eight |s»r cent o f tin* week *s not be discouraged by ridicule. hour o f trial in his administration and • * * lumlnT «hipmeiits moved by wate.*. ils«> wishing the spe«»dy recovery o f This amount«*«! t«i 2 b,;; feet, of The person who does not feel that he Mrs. Harding, who is seriously ill. *s Deep-Curve which DJ,24N,b07 feet moved «*oastwise is an improvement on th*' general run That success is assure«! forth«» Repub Kryptok Lenses an«I intercistal, mid 7,520,.’l7b f «*«*t «»x lican ticket and that solid party ranks o f mankind usually is. Are Botici * • • w ill stand behind th«* candidate's wa- port Kail shipments amounted t«> 1 H»2 <*ars. The person who hasn’t any git to tin* opinion o f Walt«»r To«»ze, Jr., chair I nfill«'«! domestic earg«i orders total man o f the state committee, follow ing him w ill be compelled to work up th«* gathering which In* characterized l0bJ»l5,25‘J f«*«*t. I n filieti «*x|M»rt or enough energy to git out. is oik * o f the most enthusiastic ni«*et «l«*rs bl,4()0JM>0 f«*et. Unfilled rail or * * * ings o f th«* party sine** the abolition •lers, 7211 ears. In 25 w«*«»ks product ion has lx*en There are a lot o f people who enjoy o f tin* convention system. doing their duty when th** grandstand Tlu* d a y ’s m»»etings closed wdth n 2 , . 0 5 7 , b5s feet, ll«*W business 2,.SI I, 22b,S|s feet, and shipm«*nts 2,771.421, banquet at which Governor Ben \V. is crowded. 5Nb fe«*t. • • • Olcott was the principal sp«'aker. Other The sun never sets for the person prominent figures in th«' party were E U G E N E W O M A N A P P O IN T E D ilsn called upon for b rief addresses, -Men or women who are careful whoso face always bears a smile. M O V IN G P IC T U R E CENSOR ill o f whom express«*«l only hope and • • • o f their personal appearance onfidence over th«' success o f th«* A Kugen«* woman, Mrs. Cara McTag N o ilnic has cv#»r been tlissoveretl campaign. are not satisfied with just any Mrs. F. L. (>aiiib«*r w i ­ gart, has l>«*«*n honor««! by appointment kind o f glasses. They insist on that is strong enough to cure a heart­ th** only woman who spoke at the t«> tlu* national commit to«* «if c <* iisoi o f ache. m«*etings. John Straub, dean o f m«*n having glasses made to meet • * • it University o f Or«*gon for 4G years, films and will l«*«v«* Nnv«*ml»«*r 15 for N«*\\ Y «»rk to taki* up lu*r duties. She their individual requirements. The man who doesn’t do his best was another Republican who took an is th«* «»illy r«»pr«»s<*nt:itive from tlu* Nothing you wear is more isn ’t getting all that there is in life active part. northw«*st on th«» b«»ar«l. In h«*r work Mrs. M«'Taggart will 1»«* re«juir«* increased cost o f livin g is two. Bookk«*«»ping charge o f 25«* miles Because of our shop on th" a more serious matter than we had paid for in ailvane«*. tf premises we arc prepared to fit supposed. Organization o f the Lane county Ropuhii«” in* for tin* campaign prec«*«l you with that kind o f glasses. And it costs you nothing extra. Whon n man is ‘ ‘ in tho *m ip” hi' 1* ing th«* November election bus b«*«*n completed by tlu* chairman and *«*< not iMtinlly ‘ ‘ in th»' iw im .” r«*tary and flu* «lat«* for tin* first inc«*t • * * set for b:20 o ’clock, B*,pt«,mb«*r 21 Some Cottai'o Ornvo People M ay Watt Have you ever notieeil how a married at tin* Hotel Os burn. S f lP I 'I I I U I lI V TUI I t ’s Too Late. man will edge his w ay through a seem­ Peoph* ot Cot tag«* Grove and vie in ingly solid crowd? It comes from his ity who arc irH'linlcd in the ¡x*rsonncl Don't wait until too late. «61 Wll L AMETTE ST EUGENE 0«L practice in tryin g to get a word in ot th<* conirnitt**«*s, and tlu* comniitte«' B«* sure to lx* in time. o f which tin y ar«* meniftn*rn, ar«*; T. C. edgewise. Just in tini«* with kidney ills. Wh»*«*l«*r, Cottag«* Grove, executiv«* com M«*ans curing th«* bnek-iche, th«* diz mitt«*«*; Al. 11. Aiuh'rson, Cotag«* drove, organization coin in it tee: C. A. VanDen zines.s, th«* urinary disorders. That so often come with kidney burg, J. II. ( hanilxTs, Llb«*rt Hed«*, Cottagf* drove, Harry K. Hlj«*arer, It«» t roubles. rena, J. II. Hawley, l^itham, (Myd<* Doan's K idney Fills an* for this Wright, Baginavv, Curtis Veatch, Silk very purpose. Or«*«*k, precinct committeemen; Mrs. lf«*re is Cottage Grove testimony o f Fh>r«*nc«‘ A. Whipps, Brumbaugh, Air«. their worth: T. C. VVIu*«*l«*r, Mrs. C. L. Uinphr«*y, Mrs. Ella L. Wilson, 12.35 Ash Ave., Mrs. Orn L. Nichols, Mrs. l«la Vratch, Cottag«* (»rove, Mrs. J. S. Magln«lry says: “ I gladly recommend D oan’ « lioreiiM, Mrs. Anna B. Wright, Sagi­ K i * 1 in* y Fills as Î know they are n naw, Mrs. Ora ILunenway, Silk (,’r«*e‘:, good remedy. My kidneys net«*«l irr«*g M ary F. M.iss«*y, W alla«»1, ladies' e**n ularly and I felt run down. I k w w T H I S IS H E A D Q U A R T E R S FOR tral committeemen. my kidneys cause«! this trouble. D oan’s relieved me, strengthening my back 140 A P P R A IS A L S A R E M A D E B Y and kidneys.” L A N E C O U N T Y BONUS BOARD Price 50«*, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a ki«ln«*y remedy— g«*t One hiirnlr«*«! and * * "rt > !■'• Kiilney Pille— the mme that farm and city prop«1 Tt.V have le-en a|. praised as security for fu t v ____ e t e j r _ a n '’ M at. MfH ," " 1- |,,,''«or ........... .. <“ • se p IS : aid loans by the l.aiu‘ county ls»nr«l o f B uffalo, N. \ a (»raisers tor tin* bonus commission and the w«»rk is Largely complete«!, accord­ ing to members o f the board. Only n few cam's are in sight to 1 m * appraised at tin* present time. It was estimated that alMXit 400 loans w<»uld lx* taken in the county but seemingly many o f th<* ex service men who have applied fo r loans are not yet ready to receive th«* money or have not th«* prop«*r security at present. Appraisements have lx»«*n prompt in I«ane eoanty and th«* ex-servi«*«* man has received his money soon after th** claims were completed. John llo l»b s . and John Dillard, o f Eugene, ami •/ Claud«* Washburne, o f Junction City, comprise the loan«» county ftxmrd. jrV w c / fE s rm “V, * 1 WINCHESTER GIVES YOU PERFECT PATTERN 15 1922 W H IR R R R ! Bnngt The ruffed grouse mny roar up out ot the briers aud break speed records among the pines but he will not get through the Winchester shot pattern that is shot at him. Because Winchester test­ i n g and in sp ectin g have made sure that the shot pellets will be evenly distributed. W e sell Winchester Shotguns nnd Winchester Shells— they are made for each other. You can always count upon them for results! Everything you want for hunting right here in our store. Our salespeople are not only authorities on the proper equipment but will gladly tell where the liest hunting is to be found and what to take along. This is part ol out service to the hunters. Make use o f it! LUMBER OUTPUT IS LARGE IN NORTHWEST Eyeglasses That Reflect Your Individuality LANE COUNTY REPUBLICANS ARE ORGANIZED J US T IN TIME W . L. Darby CSk Comp'y OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPTEM BER 25-30 A w«*altli of agruMilt.imtl «lisphiys. « ¡ i*«‘î«t<»st livestock show in northwest.. Splendid milchin< t v and trnctor exhibit. Exc«*ll«*n1 r;ic«‘s and high class amus«>mcnts. I Goal camping and parking grounds. Excursion Rates On All Railroad Lines For particulars writ«* A. H. LEA, MANAGE R, SALEM S.pt8-ir*-22 Moodu Is Y our Y oungster Ready for School? School Supplies You can find everv thin" vour youngster needs for t he n«‘\v school term, right here in our extensive stock. PENS, RULERS, PENCILS, ERASERS, FOUNTAIN PENS, TABLETS, ETC. If you ean not com«* personally, just send the kiddies down with a list and th«*y will he giv«‘ii as earttful and «'ourteous att«tution as if you came yourself. C A SH P R IZ E 8 A R E O FFE R E D SCHOOL P U P IL 8 FOR ESSAYS K ern 's for^Drugs T K r ^ je^ u a iS L _«V School children o f Oregon are t«i compete for prizes o ffered for th»* best essays on the narcotic evil, according to nnnoiincerimnt o f Mrs. F. O. North rup, Portland, general chairman o f th> whm âlwptof • m CaW rWshlss Oil I f H tm l SHOT SHELLS CARTRIDGES GET AWAY THIS YEAR to Oregon Slate Fair Salem September 25 30 Railroad Tickets Only Cost h i ^ ^ . O n e F a re l in e s I l a n d a T h i r d R o u n d T rip ^^7 0 Sale dates Sept. 23 to 30— Return limit Oct. 2nd. Special Attractions Day and Night $70,000 IN PREM IU M S AND PURSES Agricultural OinplayH Kxhiliits o f Every Kind G RE ATEST HORSESHOW IN N O RTH W EST Horn.' Katun* AmiiNt mi nta Stock and l*oiillry Show I'or further particulara ¡iNk n^iiiU or write JOHN M SCOTT, General Patwen^er Agent aplS-22 n A M U A tl) OIL l-OMTAf*Y If von snw it first von saw it in The Kentin