The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, September 08, 1922, Image 7

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    M ow D o es V our
B a n k A c c o u n t G ro w ?
There'» an old Having rule, “ nave a part of every dollar you
earn or receive” —and that ia an good a rule to save by as
any we know.
Your hank account will grow like magic if you make
good uae of our Neat Kgg Bank, deaigned to carry with you,
and our Neat Kgg Bunk deaigned to catch idle coina of all
aizea. These are both great little helpers und are giving
splendid results.
$1.00 STARTS
B an k o f C o tta ge G ro v e
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson
small son Jack urrived Tuesday from
i Glendale, Calif., for a visit o f three
\ weeks with relatives and friends here
They are guests at the home o f Mrs.
Thompson’s sister, Mrs. James Plaster.
Shingles and cement for sale
L. Hubbell.
Mr. mid Mrs. W. T. Poole motored
to Oakland and Huthorlin Friday and
went on to Dillard the next day. Mr,
Poole reports that the poarh crop in
the Huthcrliii valley is fine.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Qrannis, o f
Anlauf, spent Friday in this city. Mr.
Oraunis recently purchased the plant
o f the Buck Creek Lumber company.
Wuyne Veatch had his tonsils re
moved at the office o f a local physi
cian Wednesday. The small d aughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Will George also had
her tonsils removed the same day.
Fay Allison und Millard Mushy were
business visitors iu Eugene Tuesday.
Your wife will appreciate a new
Mr». W. V. Chiipmaii mid children,
—■ o f Curtin, »pent Tuesday with Mrs washing machine. Fairday elec-
trio and National water power
Chapman's mother, Mrs. Kate Sear*.
Need a heating stove this win­ machines are best of their kind.
ter? Look at D arby’s line, sic See them today at D arby’s,
School Children’s
Eyes Should Not
Be Neglected
The first aymptoma of eye­
strain should be heeded.
If the eyes were weak
during the lust term of
school, have them examined
before entering school this
Often I can help a child
escape glasses later.
D. J. Scholl
Factory ou Premiaos
Cottage Orove
Tales of the Town
Walter A. Woodurd purchased a new
Ford coup«* through
Woodson Bros.
Mr. uud Mrs. Orval Maunders und
children, Robert and Caroline, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Huunders and baby and
Miles Stephenson, o f Oskosh, Nebr.,
left Moutlay for California, where they
will spend the winter, ufter a visit of
several «lays ut the F. J. Alstott home.
Mr. Stephenson is a nephew o f Mrs.
. Alstott.
Buy Gray oats—Oats ami vetch,
«!heat, rye and vetch se<*d at Beidler's
h 8 c
A meeting of the Mothers' club will
be hold Saturday.
Miss Pearl Francis is recovering
from an operation for goiter at a Eu
gene hospital Tuesday, according to m
telephone message from her mother.
Reduced prices on C oii key's Fly
Knocker, quart 60c; half gailou 86c;
gallon *1.50. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Sterling Feed Co. sic
Mrs. Clyde Roberts and son Htewart
returned Saturday
Wash., where they visited with Mrs.
Roberts' parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moon* went to
Albuuy Monday to their ruueh.
Tablets. Tablets. Tablets!
At the
White Pharmacy.
Mr. and Mr.i. J. W. Harrington and
fin iily have gone to the Heavey hop
yard at Springfield for the late hop
picking season.
Hob Jones, who hud spent the past
three weeks on a trip into eastern
Oregon, returned home Friday night.
Bnug your tires und tubes to
Bradley’s tire hospital. Cottage Grov.
Vulcanizing Works.
Frank Wallace, of the buying force
of the Owl Drug Co. in Portluud, spent
Huuday and Monday at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Burke and
family, who were on their wuy from
Pennsylvania to California to make
their home, spent last Wednesday
night uud Thursday at the 1.. M.
Powell home.
The Powells and the
Burkes were formerly neighbors iu
Ciliforuiu. The Burkes huve spent the
past two years in Pennsylvania. On
their wuy west they eamped one night
ii. a Wyoming automobile tourist cauip
alongside Mr. uud Mrs. Elbert Bede
and family, who were on their way to
M innesota.
Mr. und Mrs. Hurry Hart and family
und Mrs. Frauk Woodhouse, who is a
visitor ut the Hart home from Seluia,
Calif., spent Huuday and Monday ut
Cascade Imcks, motoring down.
Heliuu they were joined by Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Conner aud sou Claire, who
accompanied them on the trip to tho
Columbia city. Mrs Woodhouse, who
is un uuut o f Mrs. Hart, accompanied
the Hurts home from their 4000 mile
trip through the southwestern states
from which they reeeutly returned.
I P loose leaf note books and fillers
at the White Pharmacy.
temporarily iu command of the head
quarters company o f the lti2ud in
fuutry ut Eugcue pending the election
of a new company commander, Lieu
tenant Victor U. .Stratton having sub
mitted his resignation tukiug effect
August .’tl.
Mrs. Rebecca Medley has gone to
Oakland to visit her daughter, Mrs.
t'uru Neas.
Do your housecleauiug uow.
a Premier. A. L. Wynne. Phone 6.
Dr. uud Mrs. W. E. Lebow spent
Monday ut the home o f the form er’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lebow,
at Wulker.
Mr. uud Mrs. C. K. Wicks and Mrs.
E. C. Hpray have goue to southern
Oregon by automobile. They will visit
Cruter lake,
Falls, Silver
lake und return by wuy of the Colum
biu highway.
Composition books of all kinds aud
sizes at the White Pharmacy.
Frances Atkinson, who had been
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Atkinson, all summer, left
Thursday for her home in Heattle.
Mr. aud Mrs. O. P. Wills have gone
tc Oaklaud, Calif., by automobile, to
visit with their sous, who live there.
The only way to clean rugs and
The Premier way.
A. L.
Wynne, phone 0.
Mrs. 8. 8. Lnsswell, daughter Eliza
beth, and Mrs. A. W. Helliwell re
turned Friday from Portland, 8easide
and other points, where they have
spent the past month.
Mrs. W. L. Townsend and children
returned Friday from Eugene, where
they have been visiting Mrs. Town
send’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Addle man.
Easy to own a Premier, 05.00 down,
(5.00 per month. A. L. Wynne, phone 6.
Mrs. W. Hawyer and Mrs. L. C.
Haines, o f Elkton, visited in Cottage
Grove Friday.
Miss Virginia Gore left Friday for
Portland, to stay with her mother,
Mrs. T. A. Gore aud atteud school this
Pens, penholders, ink, erasers— all
kinds o f school supplies— at the White
Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. Neet, o f Port
land, have moved into the old Benson
property on Quincy avenue. Mrs. Neet
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.
J. Nelson Sr.
Three M agic
W ords
Housewives, the best recipe for
getting good bread is to go to
your grocer and say three mag­
ic words Every Day Bread.
It’s good—delicious-dow n to
the very last crumb.
ider’s City Bakery
Mrs. Edna Sullivan returned to her
work iu Eugeue Friday, after a visit
here with her mother.
Charles Gettys was fined *3.50 for
leaving the engine running ou the
Knowles ¿k Gruber truck last Thursday
The new germ-killing throat lo­
tion is the best for all sore throat.
W hite Pharmacy.
Mrs. A. Leonard and daughters
Bernice uud Edith returned Wedues
day of lust week from a visit o f two
Uullowuy for luHurauco, 611 Mmu. tf
weeks in Portland.
Mr. und Mrs. CharhtM Olsen loft
Mrs. Agnes Murk, who underwent
8umlay morning for Portland, after
an operut uni last Tuesday at Goshen,
»ponding the summer at the Hujada
Furnitur. re-upholstered.
is getting along nicely, according to
logging camp.
reports from the hospital.
Mattresses made over.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hhuy and duugh
Hterliug can save you money on
Feather mattresses made,
ter Muriel returned last Thursday froiu
('rating and packing tires: 30x3 fabrics (7.90, 30x3 fabrics
un outing in the mountains in southern
(9.93, 30x3(1) cords (14.85. No war tux
Oregon. Miss Marjorie Hhuy, who hail
added. Hee them today.
been visiting there for several weeks,
Mrs. Luey Holland went to Spring
returned with them.
field Thursday aud visited at the
Moving und storage. Plume UW City
home o f her daughter,
Mrs. Riley
u o v lltfc
Martin Anderson, secretary o f the
8. K. Busick came up from Koseburg
Phone 30
308 Main Street Thursday aud is visiting his daughter,
local chamber of commerce, and u
party of friends from Kugmie, spent
Mrs. Joe Smith, o f Dorena.
Wednesday in Uoseburg on busmens.
Moviug and storage. Phone 99. City
Fay H. Allison wus given a divorce
n v ltf
Eugene Register: Jack Magladry, Transfer.
from Frances Allison in the circuit
The wouder medicine for car­ candidate for the o ffice of state
Fuller paints are the best
court ut Fugeitc Tuesday ou grounds
o f desertion.
buncles— the new antiseptic lo senator ou the Republican ticket, has paints, low in price, too.
returned after u busiuess visit o f three
Try some of the milk producer ut tion. W hite Pharmacy.
them at Darby ’s.
n 1-15 c weeks in Portland.
He idler 's Feed store.
Miss Laura Hefty was in the city
Miss Martha Johnson was iu Eugene
Mrs. Floyd Jones went to Albany
J. F. Hpray left Wednesday for Friday afternoon.
Saturday to visit
her brother and visiting with Miss Lulu Curriu Thurs
Portland on business.
day uight. She left for Newport Fri
William Pursuits has filed on a miu family, the Frauk Brumbaugh».
day to visit her mother, Mrs. Carrie
The case o f H. h. Godard und J. ing claim, the Long Distance (Quartz,
John Veatch took u carload o f cattle Hefty.
Jorgensen against J. H. H off und E. in the Bohemia district.
to Portland Saturday.
V. Htuklman in the circuit court was
Mrs. Wilson Hubbell went to Eugene
Get our prices on ton lots of feed, Friday ou business.
dismissed Tuesday, the parties having
lleidler’s Feed store.
come to a settlement out of court.
Buy Sterling brand feeds. Dairy
Mr. ai.d Mrs. John Coffinau expect feed, horse feed, egg mush, scratch
Big reductions on guns and am­
to leave soon to spend the winter at feed, bog feed, etc. Manufactured iu
munition at D arby’s.
Newport. Their son, Sol Coffinau and your home tuwu uud quality guarau
A marriage license wna issued Tues
wife, will occupy their home iu their teed. Prices are right. Give your home
day to Claud E. Hardin, o f Gaston,
products the preference. Sterling Feed
and Verna Kates, o f Cottage Grove.
Mrs. Churles Shuudu and duught.-r^ Company.
Mrs. lima Beager and duughler • o f «very description. Nothing I Evelyn aud June went to Portland
Mrs. Emily Bernsteil came up from
Bonita returned Tuesday night from
too small ; nothing too large.
Eugene Friday.
Newport, where they had been on an
j Mr. uud Mrs. Churles Wheeler.
W. L. Gilbert aud brother in law,
MOST reasonable rales.
outing since Hnturday.
Moviug and storage. Phone vy. City Arthur Ishmael, returned Thursday
i f you haven’t time to clean your
u o v lltfc from eastern Washmgtou.
rugs, we will do it for you. A. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beidler and
James Brehaut, of Portland, brother
Wynne, phone 6.
fuuuly left Saturday to speud a vaca­ of the late Harry Brehaut, of Cottage
Kdgar Willson has gone to Seaside
tion of several weeks at Newport.
Grove, wus iu the city Monday aud
for the state gathering o f Elks.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Buckley, of Tuesday.
Mr. uud Mrs. K. E. He him (It spent
Port laud, urrived Saturday to spend
Try the new antiseptic lotions
the week end in Portland, motoring up
G. M. Marksbury wont to Fort land a few duys iu Cottage Grove.
all skin eruptions.
the Columbia highway on Huuday.
Friday for u several d a y »’ business
The best ranges on earth— mal­
»1- 15c
Many fires are reported.
D on’t trip.
leable steel and enameled beauties
neglect to insure.
Play safe.
Miss Genevieve Jobusou is visiting
Mrs. Abby Putty arrived Wednesday
Oregon Fire Relief association is the from Pullman, Wash., and 1 » visiting at very low prices at Darby's, sic in Portluud at the home o f the Ben
home money saver. Hee Tom Awbrey at the home of her cousin, Mrs. C. M. i Mrs. J. E. Martin, of Doreuu, sub Matt ice family.
ut Durham’s store.
sHttc Jackson.
mitted to
a major operation at a
Mrs. Blanche Fiuuerty aud Miss
Miss Nellie Htewurt, daughter of Mi.
Lucile Kirkpatrick, of Newport, are
Hocond baud goods bought, sold aud Eugene hospital Tuesday.
and Mrs. C. E. Htewurt, had her tonsils eiehungcd. Morns & Cox, at east mid
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller aud visit iug relatives iu this city.
removed ut the office of a Eugene o f bridge.
juelit/e daughter Lon la returned to their home
William Thuui motored to Newport
physician Thursday.
A. W. Helliwell, Stanley Dnmewood ut Salem, ufter a visit here at the Sunday spending the Isaboi Day vaca­
Miss Edna O miuoii returned Tuesday and We» Chrismaii returned Hunduy home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bart ell. tion.
from n visit in Koseburg.
from a hunting trip to Mountain Miss Miller will atteud University of
Mrs. Jack Cashiu aud Mrs. C. B.
Cottage Grove Vulcanizing Works meadows, near the headquarters of the Oregou at Eugeue this winter.
Moore, of Eugeue, speut last Thursday
visit iug frieuds iu this city.
for a square deal und quick service. s8c Umpqua.
Wauled— Man with good logging uight for the first time siuce the Cashiu formerly resided iu this city
Miss Mary Million »pent Tuesday iu
and is well kuowu here as Miss luez
team. Call at uuee, phone 37 F24. sSp
Pencils aud pencil sharpeners at the Fly no.
White Phurmaey.
The new germ killing throat lo­
M. C. Aduius, o f the Burtell hotel, tion is the best for all sore throat.
returned Tuesday night from Roseburg,
where he speut four days visitiug u White Pharmacy.
Mr. aud Mr.. G. W. Cru.on, o f
Now is the time to leave your order with us for fruits for
Miss Kathleeu A lieu returned from Lubanon, aud Mr. uud Mr.. W. H.
Tower», of St. John», speut the week
Walla Walla, Wash., Thursday.
end at the C. C. Cru.ion home iu thi.
PEACHES—from 60c to 90c box; bushel boxes $1.60.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. W Moultou aud city. Mr». Tower, is a sister of Mrs.
TOMATOES -Choice ones, 60c box; $1.16 bushel box.
uuughter Dorris, who had beeu iu the O. W. Cru.on.
Bohemia district all summer, left
PEAKS $1.26 a box
Frank Crusou left Wednesday to
Thursday for Willows, Calif., to make
spend a few day. at the home of hi.
their home.
pureuts, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cru.on,
N. J. Nelson Jr.
at 1-ebanou.
We still have a special price on flour, be sure and get our
Dealer in
Moving aud storage. Phone 09. City
prices, especially in barrel lots. We also exchange flout
u v lltf
Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles Transfer.
for wheat.
Eugeue Register: The house at 1353
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Jack Beager returned Thursday froui Beech street ha. been purchased by
j a two mouths stay iu the Bohemia I .««Roy Woods from Pauline Sagers.
mountains, where he had beeu with a The deal was mude through the Hum
We have one o f the most complete lines of school tablets and
Kugh Realty company.
Mr. Woods,
I surveying crew.
supplies in the city.
who is a member of the Kinney and
J. \1 Blakely from Delight Valley, Hyde Realty eompuuy, will take pos
{ went to Hunta Rosa, Calif., last Thurs session of the residence at once.
! day to visit his brother, Tom Blakely
" B i l l ’ * Hayward, athletic trainer
All kinds o f
poultry supplies st at University o f Oregou, and Mrs.
T k • » t o n
T h a t
i p p r u U t i a
Y o u r
Hayward were in Cottage Grove Hat
N. W. Uuhl left Friday morning for urday on their wny to Grants Pass to
‘ Ooos Bay to work.
risk for salmon.
Burge & Hardin
Douglas & Saltón
School Books and SchooPSupplies
Our new line o f school books and all kinds o f school a tpplies
--tablets, ink, pens, pencils, erasers, crayola, rulers—every­
thing needed— has just arrived. School reopens in a short
time and you will need these things. Iiet us help you arrange
your list.
And remember that our groceries, fresh vegetables and
supplies are as good as the excellent service which you always
receive here. Telephone orders carefully and promptly filled.
Our phone number is 65.
-= if
Mr. uud hlrs. William Mathers, of
Eugene Register: A. J. Armstrong,
rural circulation man o f the Morning Eugeue, speut tiuudny ut tha John
Register, who ha. been ill at his home Milne hoiue.
on Houth Willamette street since last
stock salt at Beidler’s Feed Htore. si
March, is rapidly recovering uud yes
Mrs. Mary Duitey, of Portland, ar­
terday was able to leave his home.
m e d TtiursOuy to visit ut the home of
Try the new antiseptic lotions her brother, O. F. Thiel.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ellis Robinson, of
for all skin eruptions.
Hilvur Lake, are visiting Mr. Kubiu-
sl-15c sou
’s mother, Mrs. Mary Kobiusou aud
Mrs. Clarence W. Selbrede und ulso with his w ile ’s pareuls, Mr. uud
daughter Georgia, who had been at Mrs. L. D. Jajoie ut Walker.
the home o f Mrs. Belle Burkholder for
A lter Hepteiuber IU the meat markets
the past several mouths, left Mouday o f the city will close ut 9 p. m. ou
morning to join Mr. Helbrede in Bun
¡Saturdays uud at b;3U p. iu. ou all
ning, Calif.
other week days.
s itfc
Frank Willis and Jay Horiiiug left
Mr. aud Mrs. 8. 8. Trask were duwu
Saturday for Prineville, where they
from Uow River Tuesday.
will be employed ou a ranch.
Mrs. Joe 8iuitk aud airs. Roy Rhort
Galloway writes insurance.
weut to Eugeue ou Tuesday.
Thomas V’ . Cooper returned to hid
Mrs. Uertrude Helen Whitsett has
home in Portland Monday, after a
visit over the week-eud at the Homer filed dilutee proceedings iu tile court
agaiusl her busbaud, George W. W hn-
Galloway home.
seIt, t hey nave oue child.
Charles Cochran was in Eugene Mon­
Mrs. Edwin Redturd, who reeeutly
uudcrwcut uu operation tor uppeudi-
Sheriff Ashain, o f Tihuinook county, iilis ut u Eugeue hospilul, is recover­
who had been hunting for several days ing rapidly, according to reports.
in the Bohemia district, left Mouday
Cleu Moreluck left Mouday fur au
for his home, taking with him a fine
outing at Rockaway beach.
Mrs. Ausel Woods, ol Marshfield,
Plan for an appointment for your
photo, the most appropriate aud iuex visited this week with her mother,
pensive g ift for the holidays. A new Mrs. Husnu Woods, ou her way to
line of beautiful Easel folders. Monroe Halem lo attend the anuuul coufereucu
of the Methodist church.
St ud i o .
The White Phurmucy is the place :o
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Spreckels, of
Portland, are visiting this week with get school supplies ut every kind. »So
Mrs. F. H. Clock left Weduesday to
Mrs. Spreckels’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
visit her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Lassweli,
N. L. Bolton.
ut Kouualla.
Orre Perry purchased a new Ford
Mrs. 'Tyler Johusou uud children
touriug car Saturday from Woodson
came up Friday from Portland aud art
visiting with Mr. Johusou s parents,
Big Value tablets at the White
Mr. uud Mrs. Geueral Johusou, for the
coming mouth.
Miss Vera Evans, o f Sheridan, is
Mrs. Will Kuhu uud Mrs. Euta aiel
a guest at the home o f the 8. J.
children motored up 8uuday from Port
Leonard family.
land aud are visiting with the lea
Miss Lillian Leonard spent the wee!' Randall family. 'The two womeu are
end in Eugine with frieuds.
Mr. Raudall’s nieces.
Harry Brewster, Albert Spangeburg,
Get ready to atteud school.
Clyde Brown and Elleua Shortridge White Pharmacy is the place to get
motored to Lorane Sunday.
all the supplies you will ueed.
Mrs. E. T. Hlukeley uud sou Howard
visaed u few days with relatives tu
Uclignt Valley this week prior to their
depunure iu make their home iu Cali­
Russell 8truug, o f Aberdeen, Wash.,
is visiting at the home o f his sister,
Mrs. Pious Anluuf.
airs. J. E. Kirkland, o f Albauy, is
visiting at the home o f her sister,
Mrs. Van Allisou.
Miss Dorothy Cooper went to Port­
land the first o f the week to speud
a week with her graudpareuts, Mr.
aud Mrs. M. A. Johusou.
Dale Hawkius, o f the Heutiuel staff,
uud Mr. uud Mrs. W. D. Houser, o f
Eugene, motored to Roseburg Huuday
morning. Mr. Hawkius visited at the
home of his sister uud brother iu law,
One test for bread which never Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith.
fails—if the children ask for
Bud Chalifoe had his right artu
mushed while wurkiug on the doukey
it, you count on its being good.
engine ut Row River last Friday.
Try this test on your chil­
Mr. aud Mrs. O.
H. Heine uud
dren using Faultless Bread.
family huve moved to Eugeue to speud
the winter while the children are at­
tending schooL
Curtis Parker uud Mrs. Parker’s
mother, Mrs. W. R. Lamb, of Goshet,
motored up Huuday uiuruiug uud speut
the day with Mr. Purker's pureuts,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker.
Rev. Mr. Ostrauder, o f Eugeue,
Beidler’s Feed store is buying wheat
and oats.
a l l c preached ut both the moruiug uud
evening servises ut the Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. John Burker are speud church last Huuday iu the absence of
iug a couple o f weeks eamping on Rev. A. R. Hpearow, who is iu the
their homestead ou Mosby creek.
cast attending the National Amateur
Miss Nolu Bautou, o f London, has Athletic (Jnious truck meet at Newark,
aceepted a position iu the loeal tele N. J. Mr. Ostrauder will returu to
phone exehauge.
conduct the services this Huuday alsk
James Hutherlaml returned to his
Mrs. Harry H. Webber returned Tues­
duties at the postoffice Monday, after day from an extended visit iu Port­
haviug been absent ou siek leave and luud, where she has beeu combining
vaeutioii for several weeks.
pleasure with busiuess, visitiug with
Hugar and flour ut Beidler’s Feed relatives and renewing old acquaint­
jue9c ances aud gaining new ideas for her
G. W. McQueen went into the Bo piauo work for the comiug .winter.
hernia district Friday to spend several Mrs. Webber was a guest iu the home
o f her nephew, Cnrl Denten, who s
days ou the Oregou Ohio properties.
leader of the Portlaud symphouy or­
Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. Umphrey left chestra.
Wednesday moruiug
motor for
Htate Fire Warden J. W. Htokes
Portland. They will return to Hulern
today to attend the Methodist Epis and Mr. Gleason, o f the state fire pre­
vention department, were iu the city
copal conference.
Tuesday aud Weduesday from Halern.
The wonder medicine for car­
buncles— the new antiseptic lo­
tion. White Pharmacy.
si- 15c
Miss Edith Messenger arrived Tues­
day from Medford for a w eek’s visit
with frieuds here and at Doreua. 8he
is a guest o f Mrs. Rosa Curriu.
Miss Elsie Heck arrived from Port­
land Wednesday afternoon and will
reenter Cottage Grove high school as
a senior next Mouday.
Á. F. & A. M., Attention
_ Special communication Satur-
day evening, Hcpteuiber 10.
f ▼ i Work in M. M. degree. Regu­
lar communication Wednesday, Hcpteni
ber 20. Work in M. M. degree with
lecture and refreshments.
By order W. M.
S m ith - S h o r t G r o c e r y
FA R M E R S-W e Have a Complete Stock of Fall Seeds 1
I for Canning, the Bushel
$ 1.60
Kye seed, recleaned
Vetch seed, recleaned
Chest seed, recleaned
Klaek oats, recleaned
Orchard grasa aeed
( Hover seed
Kye need
Alfalfa seed
Velvet aeed
Timothy aeed