HONORS MEMORY OF JUDGE Neighborhood News W XLDSX T l» UNIVERSITY y S j . k * .a. *.v I’ hi Sent.nr* Au$ 1.— Mrs. H ou sed vimted it» Eugene W e d u n ^ v with her husband, who i» iu a hospital there recover.i»g Iroiu an ojn-ration. 8 thi Grv»\* s /..ru:.\ M e - Theltua L< : >p«i Sumi: n inght at the D»ek horn* . Mr>. Fk»yd Juue> v iMied FruUy With her mother, Mr> D. H. Brumbaugh. \lr and Mr*. Horatio Musby, Mr and Mr*. Hurry Ca>f le and children. Mr« A. in M i. and Milu»u rew ard via .ted at the Fred Fr«>! hotiu Sundav u/teruoon. Hat tie Lfb ow ha^ returned to her work m the Grove. Mr>. Fred Frost was in the Grove Monday. Mr uud M -' J. S. Allen and da ugh > - M r' leu's mother, Mrs. Lav« Allen. Th« M ilL* hay baler wa* m th:* neighborhood >everai day** la>t week. Harry Ca>tk* was at the hiswhug** ranch Monday afternoon. Mrs. James Lebow and daughter Thru..:', v t-rv .n the o r «* - S'untiay w e n.ng Mr*« Juha Namwoa and ill l | k t » June are visiuug at t he D H Brum Laugh hoUir. Peters a M. sty w .li install a larger planer. Their pn-sent one i ' too small fur the work. OREGON T K» coilefe ot Li term ture Science «r»d ü»e A r t « wiiK 22 deptrm enu TKe «ro lem o n fti «ckools of A r c h i­ tecture— boA*ac*s A*ÎBuni»ir«Uo/\- hUuceUor. — Graduale Study -Lxw - M w k w r— M o ik — PhyMcml Educa­ l a * —Sociology TW 47tfc Y c f 0 *cm Ociufcer 2, I«22 Ror ucafoiotfu# or onÿ m ïorm otton ofnto T'r*o Reguc-ar, L'rmvr «tí y uf Oregon. Euiene, O refon B LU E M O U N T A IN Special to The Beatioel Aug 1.—John Allen visited with his mother min day. Mrs. Ed Jun**s and * ol Archie and Frank M.Uer spent >und*y at :h* A l bert R.ssue home. The forest fires are all under eon trul now. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer visited at th»- Snell home Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Harry Williams ami daughter Murir >peu? > 1.ndny \«.*h Mr am! Mrs. Jam»*?* Lebow. Edith Landwher is help.ug Mrs. Floyd Junes during harvest. Mr** Finley Whippa. Mr*. John Allen and Mr* Lousia K ilb y were ¿ up *-* at H m ¿..andwher : w her and «laughter Edith expect t« ! move tu Washington soon. Yÿ}r IO * T hey a r e G O O D ! DO R E N A C ity T r a n s f e r — Au|f. t, Th»' 1.— in » w » v ifv r 11 Uf. PiKiijU^TT. V ^ n e « d t T ni^ht with AUr,» Taum-r. o f B o » k ' or. Ir »in Y au fv moiorod to Eugoi»,» Tkur»dav Hauling and D raying P IA N O M O V IN G A S P E C IA L T Y WOOD SOLD A N D D E L IV E R E D )|nt. R*>» Gafotft?«» vi.«it»* hum»» I*- — --------- -------- — . • ;n Portland Thursday, a ftrr visiriug at :hr \S W Cbn.uian fcou.r. Mr. and Mr.. Prod K r lk and ffcil drru .prat >und:*y a' tfcr Frank K» li> fcomr in thr Grove. Mr. and Mr». W \V Chri.tnan and •Legal Guarantee Giveru* Glen «.-»»rt »e n * To l ’»»r*Ui.. Ttii."' t: ;• Ate need eJ Kmrfe bb imio—rtieUuiK »w.*i V - ' At* U fcr utr-u-Ute P dc TreasIOfteO*.- . GioUUie- TYie Cha- Teeters faniiiy .j»»nr Sun ■ dav » rtb relatives Im tfa*- iirovr. Ths part. g:\^i. at ’ fcs Kail « I was well attended and all rejiorted a P & 0 r£ 8 B IQ y I L C A R D I ! fine time. Mr». Carl Voigatuore and rhiidren. of DB A W K TM V Mareoia. »isited sfce week end at the BpeciaJiat m obstetriea home o f her parents. CharK— Teeters * *ii care Ìur col : . ucm.-nts at ài* and fam ily. L k /B àc i f d n u rtii specia.; nurse if re D. L. Englaiut and fam.iy attend**d QtAAred Phubes. o ffic e , 34; rea AlitiJ irhureh in the Grove Sunday e .e i ay. ■ W T IT U B D M D ROW R IV E R Dentiatry Kern’s, the Rexall Store , M^dern eou.pmcnt. First K a tio a il b b u buuioi&g Houra, a Ut 1- and to t EvtrbAbg? and 5 linda y » Lv • apl«OAnim«nL. CJlf *•>.*« pilone, lu, rea . * de ace pL ulte, a JS Y •St*—«-iZii TO The Sr-IiT nel. Aug. 1.— Mrs. W ni. Vaughn earn* up from Portland n visit w .*h her mother Mrs Emilia Tanner. Ali«*r Thrum spent Saturday w.th Genevieve Poq nette at Du rena and at tended the party at the halL Alma LitrD returned home Sunday evening fr»*n< Eugene where -lie ha- beeii vs-iting and po king ra«f»berries Mr. and Mr- Tboiiia- (^ueem-r -*i*ent Saturday and Sunday a: rhe C J yueeuer h"Uie a ' Saginaw. A «on was b«irn Sunday morning t . Mr and Mr«. Oscar XS» iih srer. H attie Smith, o f Wildwood. - wi»rk mg at the Oscar M- Alhster home. Mr and Mrs. Earl Gamut:»» and *on re*urne3 Sunday from a trip to Wash tagtoa. Genevieve and Julius Poquette. of Dorena. picked blaekiierries at thi- pia'*** Monday. B F M«*<'olluni and daughter Elsie spent Monday in the Grove on bus. nese. DB W E LE B O W i>«n us; O ffie e t J iL and Ma.L Hour«, 5.3L to i2 and 1 lo 5.34. Eveninaa and SwncUy^ t»y a in imeni. Pitone«: ofi»«*r 35. residence 134 Y. DB. C. E FROST O ffice in L a * sol nu.àr.ng Pitone 47 Cottage uro ve Oregon G A V E N 0 DYOTT M D Physician and sorgeon X ray Work m ali tu 0ranchea E ve OAiAgs by appointment. tw-4 Mbiii Cottage uro ve, Oregon J E YOUNG ▲tloraey at Law ufffiCc rear oí F irst National baña Cottage uro ve, L/regoli H J. S H IN N Attorney at L a » and N otary Publie Practice« in ail court«. Twenty fiv e years of experience Bader Bidg Cottage urove, ore. O N LY $6 00 COTTAGE GROVE TO A L T A K IN G Attorney at Law Coi*ec*.iAfiLE Probate, Notary Public 774 vT.^uametle Ot.. Eugene, ore. PO R TLA N D AND RETURN J S M EDLEY Attorney at Law Eugene Loan A 9a > .ngs b an « Bidg Eugene, u/regon DB W M H A M IL T O N CLiiupractic Chroaue caacc a specialty. O ff tee h over Darby hardware Residence at 313 South P acific Highway. F J ALSTOTT Ouggeati v e T be rape otic« Way a ««p your pa.naf Bota cbroiuc and acute aAiment« treated Phone is o L Cottage U ro ««, Ore J F SPRAY Beal E «: a te, Insurance and Collection« Off* lit m et Worcester, a missionary to the Chert* Aug. L — F neuds of M i » Vila G.i kee Indian* lu the thirties, retails no erist gave h«*r a pleasaul birth«iuy **ur Interesting chapter in the judicial his­ prise party July ¿4. tory o f tlie government, which » a s Mr. and* Mrs. E A. D oolittle, o f Di vide. spt«nt Tucsilay eveuiug o f la*«: perhaps the first real coiiHI«"» ••elneeu wt*ek at th»* home o f Mrs. iKuilitth - the federa! nod state governments. By the Hopewell treaty o f 17h5 the >isti*r, Mrs. J A Young. Mr and Mrs E A Doolittle, o f P. Culled States re< ogulaed the Cher»- vide, Mrs. J. ^ A Young and I' kees as u nation callable of making Carlik* and >**u Juhnme picnicked peace and war, uf governing Its vitb atnvr D i»:«*ii Sunday lens and o f uwning and governing it* Mr. Me Dole, o f D ivide, was m t l - lands. About 1*01 the Georgia leg. I neighborhood Sunday looking t? tslature through Governor Troup de­ threshing contra - clared he-« treaties not binding upon Th** John and 1* M. Kebelbeck fain ihes. the V» J. Kappaui* and L. v* the .tale. ■ u tin ground tliut Georgia Markham families and Joe Msll»*r tuo and the federal government Were r - ritual and Hdepeinleut p»’wers. »m l on the I'mpqua. that disputes letvvoeu them could not * tie decided by the Supreme court th e last week w.th M .-- H aiei Führer. (Cherokee natiou vs. G eo.gia). but y Florence Kelielbeck -pent Friday a! negotiations. In ISfc’ an act was ternoon with Violet White. Mias Florence McFarland, o f Outrage passed by the Georgia legislature au­ Grove, and & cousin aud u friend from thorizing a survey aud an apportion­ Eugene v .sited one day of last week ment o f the Cherokee lands In the In the buvim; of your own, as well as the with Miss H aiel Führer. state, their gold mines were setii-d children’s hosiery— there is no brand that so slid they were considered under tbe satisfactorily satisfies all requirements as state's dominion. Lw*> ousting tnW Cherokecs from lands solemnly guar­ completely as antees! by the C alled States Thn W rltar ThinKa It Tim e That Some ol Cherokee* applied to President Jack- the W ell-W orn Witticiem e sun without suvveas. Then they tried Were Scrapped. the Supreme court This court de­ cided them not a foreign state capable Oorreapoiidem U. one o f the pai*er* o f maintaining au action In the court, makes a strenuous protest against iiu- but a domestic defienden; nation The mortate euuetantlr using j m n U.at Injunction was refused and the Chero­ have grown »h i»* e ra . kee* relegated to the mercy o f Geof» “ W hy." say» he. "do they a l»a y a gla. refer to live alert ¡»r.igreealve FhUa- The m atter » as revived a few year* deipl’d a as sleep>y town?“ afterw ard— 1SS1— when It was found For manv years A L L F N A Black Cat has Keally . we can t tell. Last time we that Samuel W orcester M l * Kol>ert- «standard of value to the experienced fa m ily ^hop­ were there we didn't get to bed all son'* grandfather, a misan»,ary among per. This season the same reliable rule is still the night The Fen aud I ’encll club never the Cherokee* was residing iD the na­ donee. safest to follow W e otter a complete range of tion In defiance ot an set of th* “ W hat fat man." ask» the corre- styles, for Men, W om en and Children— in silk, lisle, Georgia legislature o f lHSn This a<"t apondeui. "ever »earchee for a collar wool and cotton— for all occasions. Extraordinary recite* that any white man found liv­ burton? What man e «e r g et, down on values at the following prices; ing among the Indians without 11 -en-e hi* knee* to propose to a bobbed-haired from the governor of Georgia » a s li­ rdovau, whit»*: r**inforet««J \i*e% girl?" and he i-oncludee. •‘the average YY otnfn V !m*n*«-r»7«*tl li*li* !»«»?*♦*. l»l»rk able to Imprisonment. Worcester w at 5(*c ; outsixe. 60c* mother-in-law u no uu>re troul>ie»ome und hrrlî*. p»r!«*r top*, tin* jmir. ........... .... — seized bv the autliorltie* of Gw innett than any other individual." h ntl h ffli, liait» eounty. Georgia. IndbAed aud sen- \\ • invìi ’s puri* thread nilk h«»*»« . r«*iiifor<*t*d Is**I*- * And b e , right. A ll these old-time tet.ced to four years Imprlaonuient. $1.50 * jokes should he scrapped; hut the task \V or»-eater pleaded the unconstltution- w ill take some time. im 1« and h«*«*la ; Dark ’ h ilJ r w * - f » I k * qualit y rotto® hoar. r«*m forrr«l allty o f the act. aud by writ o f error You see It'» this way. W h et the •w al v to It*, pair 35c pair. the case was brought before the Su- , w hite man who writes jokes conies to the prense court In 1*C1J That body com office In the morning with a beads i.e firmed Wor--ester’s plea and found or Indigestion, or a touch of the grip, Judgment li> 11s fa 'o r . on the ground he d»»esu t fee. very fuuny ; Indeed. Ue that tlie Georgia act. being repugnant doesn’t. But he has to get out hia to the treaties made lietu«»eii *ba stuff and If he can land on something Culted States and the Cherokee na­ about Philadelphia or mother-in-law, The I)a if fi^ht Storr fur (Ju uiiiif amd Sendee tion. aus un'-oiistiiutlonal and void e tc , and van give It a new twist, he The woman nieiuber of »»ingresa, -------- grabs It, so as to save time and an­ who au much ho- ora the piem orr < f guish fo r himself. John Marshal! and visits his statue at He stiouidn t do rids, o f course. hut the We«; front o f tlie capítol fw b e a he Is only human like the rest o f us, week, claim - that her reverence for and. on the level. It s Do cinch Invent- Tti, umtiujuui prie» uf a wuiilsd i.- K,-bd il»c »d ilu n s l». Y uu m a» m*t tlie great chief Ju-’ lre comes from tba ai. Thr.». >uiM-rtiuup fur th. prie* o f sgn-c s iiti ifc.ui, bui thvy srv lik v lj to mg new jokes. Most joke writers grow fact that he ls.-ue 1 the de- ision tlist twu. B»».ikk,‘«*piiig ,-Kurgt- uf Uu» u ti l e — uinkc yuu thiiifc. sud Ihsl * wurtfc bald early, and there » a reason. released her grandfather. ’ f wi.ut-_________________ And there Is no rest fo r s Joke w rit­ er When he s off duty, he starts to think of jokes fo r the next day and Som etim e* when his thinking appara­ tus is not In good working order, he 1» liable to ring m something on the old collar button or the man on bend­ ed knees proposing to a flapper, and being unable to arise on account o f rheumatism until assisted by ber fath­ er. who hates him. and gives him the grand rush W e are heartily In favor o f letting the whiskered Jokes rest fo re»er. but It w ill take time !erfore they are per­ G ray has it and st-lls for Noone-ilay s|><*eials! I>»\v prires every manently elim in ated — Brooklyn 8tand- day. W hy huy “ Beaver” Feeds ? Because you save money aud help ard-Uaiucn F o r th e E ntire F am ily— More than half satisfaction of fam­ ily shopping is found in finding needed qualities , at the right price. CALLS HALT ON OLD JOKES A llen A Hosiery „ Heliiiuell. Bditqs IT ALW AYS PAYS k M arksbunj ¿ TO T R AD E AT G R A Y ’S G roceries=V egetables B U T T E R -E G G S Ths Horn« Baa'd. A queer notion seem , to be cur­ rent that the table exlats to feed peo­ ple It exlsta tu feed people, but fa r more to gather tbe member» uf a b »»use- bold together three time* a d ay; to acquaint them with each other by re­ vealing little Intimate traits o f char- a it e r : to furniah a court In which may be Impartially discussed problem* o f family, community and n a tion ; to be a giuwlng center In the fam ily life about which choice memories w ill ever Unger. I t the decorative effect o f the tabls ready fo r a meai every Item la Impor­ tant T h e character o f the table It­ self. the H im « the chins, tbe silver, the food, lta service are all Im por­ tant The artistry o f a thing la Inher­ ent tn the original Idea : 1» concerned with every phaae o f its expression. A table ready fo r service may be a complete design with nothing on the table but the food and the fu r­ nishing« necessary to serve the food e ffv t lv e ly 8u»h s table was recently seen In a modem home. The tab le large enough for a lun-Tieon fo r two, was a sturdy design, with which the warm grav llnen table-runner blended; the quaint tea-set and tbe forceful pattern of tbe dlshe« made an eX‘-eP lent setting for the food.— April Lse llnratirr Jostlfylng Masts. He was well past three score yea r« and ten and whet a few months a ft­ er burying bis second wife, he took unto him self a third only about half tils own age. It created a furore In tbs small southern town In which be re­ sided Being a pillar In hts church, a meeting was called to look Into tho matter. “ Brother Bankston ” began one o f tile elders, a fter a la»-tful approach of the l u l i j e t by another member "doO't you think you were In rather much o f a burry la this last matrimonial ven­ ture?“ T h e old man ar»>se and gave tba gathering a »w eeping look "B reth­ ren rnuwt assuredly I was lh a hurry Tou must remember I am seventy •»■dd years old. and I have to be la a burry with anything I want to do too*” — Judge FLO UR FEED J*ane eounty! “ Beaver” feeds are qualitx produets. W e have cheaper grades under other names. Beaver ndfl saves freight hy using l*aiie eountv grain. Alili run, 'S) IL» S l ’GAK N SI GO M ill E g g producer D airy feed a d w im in g B^con hat-on, 30C 28c Shrimp belt, 2 fan»* Army Bacon 12 lb ca;» good liaeon \\ A 1 EHM $2 45 K I j O N S LEM O NS 1 » » Barley, 75» < ash Candy 25c 20c 25c 20c 85c $1 03 $1 42 $1.03 $1 23 $1 63 $123 $1 40 $1 79 < lie Cheese Veriliest, lb .... ... 30c eheaper than ever the 3 11«. fine salt h ih». fine salt 25 llm fine sal! •'iU His fine salt ori II mv half ground 100 llm hall ground Lick »all, 2 blocks 49c 15c 85c Honey hest priee /.en, 40<* Flour 9c 20c 52c 85c 55c $1.03 25c i s Blend K»-rr ’» Best McKen/.ic $2 5o $2 45 $1 50 Sardines In nil, Ihe can ................ 5c In mustard, the can 10c Keen Cleanser 15c, 4 for ariv • Price“ K» guiar one pound Míe cakes. » a< I, 25v :»•><>*; 2 for and Chocolates, |h Plain mixed, lh Peppcrm m i», lh <>ti is Drops, ll> • v o u i > JARS Sujtar cured corn fed the lh Bacon hack», the ih < Rtt#-r i>ra?KÌ, th* t )ii\ • $2 65 $2.20 Salmon 25c E R A X 5 C A S H & C A R R X W E BUY ECOS AND PAY HIOHEST CASH PRICE