The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, July 14, 1922, Image 2

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Saturday, « ' _ July * 15—Gaston Glass in “Cam-
eron of the Royal Mounted.”
Sunday-Monday, July 1(> and 17—“Foolish
Wives,” by and with Von Stroheim.
Tuesday, July 18—“The Jucklins,” with
Monte Blue.
Wednesday, July 19—Eugene O’Brien in
I “The ldist Door.”
Thursday, July 20—“Roads of Destiny,”
with Pauline Frederick.
Friday, July 21—May Allison in “Big
“Leather Pushers,” Round Three.
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
The Orant county fair will be held
at John Day, Septem ber 27 to 3v, in
Benda bonded indebtedness bas
been decreased $63,221 in the past
year and one-half
The annual summer session w ater
carulcal at the Oregon Agricultural
college Is scheduled for July 21.
| Two persons were killed and 613
were Injured In automobile accidents
in Portland during the month of June
The Ladies of the Invisible Umpire
is the name of a new organisation
which filed articles of incorporation
at Salem
September 2 has been announced
the day on which the cornerstone
— e
------------------ ‘
of the niillioU'doliar Elk’s temple will
be laid In Portland
The forest firs situation In the
Tillamook country is becoming rather
grave, according to the latest reports
received from theis.
W ith the cherry harvest nearing
completion Wasco county Is now turn
Ing its attention to the wheat, and
has started.
There is no need to let a motor trip cause the fair feminine harvesting
The huckleberry crop In the Blue
to become careless about her complexion. The creams and mountains this yea- will be unusually
face powders sold by us should be taken upon every extended large, according to Floyd Kendall,
States forest ranger.
motor trip as a protection against sun and wind You’ll want United
Although the hignways of the state
to arrive at the end of your trip looking pretty. Just as were crowded with m otor vehicles
July 4, less than a dozen arrests were
easily done as can be by following our suggestion.
made by state traffic officers.
Forest fires along the line of the
Remember that we have the guaranteed cure for poison Tillamook
branch of the Southern Pa
oak. Remember poison oak or it will remember you.
clfic h i.— handicapped passenger and
freight service to tom e extent
H. J Overturf of Bend, whose ap­
pointment as an appraiser for the Spo­
kane farm loan bank was recently
suspended, has been reinstated
Shipment of lumbar from Bend dur­
ing the month of June was at the
rate of 30.7 cars a day, a new ship
ping record for th> industry there.
picnic to be held in the grove at West j The biggest thi te-day celebration
WILL BE HELD JULY 19 Springfield
July 19. A large delegation ( ever held in Union county was held
from each of the 35 societies of the at
Elgin Eighty orses participated
Claud Sherman, of this city, tttend county
expected There will be a ! in the
ed the meeting of the Lane County program, is sports
races before 5000 spectators
Christian Endeavor cabinet at Christian
The Roseburg city council has put
Endeavor headquarter- in the Y. M C.
A. in Eugene Wednesday night. Plans No m atter what you want, never into effect an emergency ordinance
were made for the summer conference give up until you have used a Sentinel limiting the loads of trucks operating
to be held in two months. Plans were w anted-
through the city to 400 pounds to
each inch of ttre width
Valuation of Imports in the Oregon
district lor five months ending with
May, according to official tabulations
1 it .147. as compared with $1
406.846 for the first five months of
i lie average grade for all milk dis-
tributed a ithln the city of Portland
is as high as that specified by law
for ce:rfled milk, according to Dr
D. W. Mack. chie. dairy and milk
Men abov— the age of 16 years out
num ber women In Portland above the
same age by 5S41, according to figures
which have just be<.n released by the
department of commerce at Washing
ton, D. C.
D L. Hamilton, aged forty-two, died
at Klamath Falls from injuries receiv­
ed when a logging truck upset, crush­
ing his body and pinning him be
neath a stream of boiling w ater from
a burst radiator.
A statewide association of poultry-
men probably will be organized at
the national convention of instructors
and investigators in poultry hus­
bandry at the Oisgon Agricultural
college this month
Because of the increasing distance
between mills of U e Brooks Scanlon
Lumber company of Bend and the log­
ging camps, a ne 60-ton Baldwin
locomotive bas beer added to the com­
pany s transportation facilities.
Lack of cherry and berry pickers
is hindering operations at the can­
nery of the Eugene Fruit Growers’ as
sociation, and may cause a loss of
a great deal of fruit on account of
allowing it to become too ripe
The big sawmill of the Booth-Kelly
Farming, like every other business, must cut
Lumber company at Wendling was
totally destroyed by fire last week
down the overhead.
and It was with difficulty that the
it is not a question of being able to afford a
planer and other units of the plant,
as web as the whole town, were
Fordson; it is a question of being able to con­
tinue farming on the old too-costly basts.
A total of 164 teachers were re­
quired to instruct the 3921 children
The farmer's problem is not all a sales problem;
enrolled in the Uniou county schools
it is also a production problem. He must cut
during the year ending last June, ac­
down the cost of production
cording to the annual report prepared
by Mrs A. N Ivanooe, county school
The Fordson does more work at a lower cost
and in less time than the old hand methods.
Because of the damage resulting tu
macadam roads from the open cutout
Let us give you the proof. Write, phone or
od automobiles, Herbert Nunn,*state
highway engineer, will go before the
call today.
legislature at its next session and
ask that the traffic laws be amended
so as to curb this evil.
Elvie Kirby, alias Jam es Owens, and
Rathie, slayers of Sheriff Til
Demonstration Day or Night
Taylor of Um atilla county In 1920 paid
the penalty for their crim e on the
gallows In the state penitentiary at
Salem Rathie was the first of the
»wo men to mount U e galiowg.
We have just unloaded a ear of berry sugar for canning.
We guarantee you the lowest price in the city and
yon save 35 cents additional on a sack by paying cash
with order.
You will never have a better opportunity to lay in a
supply to carry you through the canning season.
Will he sold either retail or wholesale.
Just as Well Keep a Nice Complexion
Even on a Motor Trip
Powell & Burkholder
The White Pharmacy
exclusively in
The Los Angeles-Yosermte (Camp Curry) Econ­
omy Run is probably the most famous event of its
kind in the motor world. Every year about the mid­
dle of May, while the snow still lies deep in the
mountain passes, from 15 to 20 cars start the stren­
uous 360-mile run across the interior valleys and up
the difficult mountain roads into the Yosemite Val­
ley. Every car is carefully groomed for victory, and
driven by an expert.
And in all the six runs so fa r held, all cars
entered have used R ed Crow n gasoline ex­
This year the car making the run on the lowest
consumption of fuel, a *Chevrolet driven by Dom­
inick Basso, made the entire trip of 360 miles on 12
gallons of “Red Crown” (an average of 30 miles to
the gallon), and a pint of Zerolene.
The average gasoline consumption for all cars
participating was phenomenally low, This furnishes
striking evidence of the continued success of this
company in manufacturing a motor-car fuel of the
highest grade, justifying for six successive years the
unanimous choice of automotive engineers eager to
establish the best possible records for their cars.
This year, 18 of the 20 cars entered made the
entire distance on less than 20 gallons of "Red
Crown,” although owing to recent rains the roads
were unusually difficult.
fuel on the market today, bacauaa h
number of heat unfca
vaporised In the
producing the maximum
designed to develop.
Fill at the Red Crown aign—at Service Statiooa,
garages and other dealers.
Red Crown gasoline la the
w f
that CM
be rapidly and uniformly
carburetor and go
complete combustion hi
the cylinders,
power the
engine was
•Class 1-E for cara costing under $S00
j I