the universal tractor Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of Our Readers. C u t your i k farm y cotta in half with the Fordaon Save money on every acre plow ed— w ith th e Fordaon Multiply the work of your farm toola four to six timea w ith th e Fordaon Cut your hoar» in the field over half— with the Fordaon G ive youraelf an 8-hour day— OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST This Value Has Never Been Duplicated It takes som ething besides engineering to furnish a tractor like the Fordson to sell at this astonish­ ingly low price. T h at som ething is ow ner confidence built on perm anent satisfac­ tion. There are 170,000 Fordson tractors in use— wherever Pow er Farm ing is being done Fordson is show ing superior service. If you are not using a Fordson now, start right. The working ability o f this remarkable power plant is cutting farming costs in half in almost every kind o f work done, at the draw bar or from the belt. A sk us for all the details— call, write or phone. WOODSON’S FOR FORDSONS Demonstration Day or Night NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue o f an execution ami order of .sale in foreeloHQre issued out o f the Cir cuit. Court of Lane County, Oregon, on the 16th day o f June, 1922, in a suit wherein nn the 14th dav of June, 1922, in said Court, J. B. Linebaugh reeo\ ered judgment against the defendants, C. W Wallace and Mildred G. Wal luce, hi wife, for the sum o f $474.67 with interest thereon from the 14th dav of June, 1922, at the rate o f 6 per cent per annum and $50.00 attorney ’» fees and the further sum o f $28.03 costs, a Inch lodgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's o ffice of said Court in said County on the 15th dav o f June, 1922, and said execution to me directed commanding me in the name o f the State o f Oregon, in order to satisfy said judgment, interest, at torney’s fees, costs o f suit and accru ing costs to sell the following described real property, tow it: All o f lot No. 47 o f Cedar Park as platted and recorded in Lane county, Oregon. Now. therefore, in the name o f the Htate o f Oiegon, in compliance with said execution and order o f sale and in order to satisfy said judgment, inter cst, attorney’s fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, I will on the 22nd dav o f July, 1922. at the hour o f one o'clock in the afternoon o f said day at the southwest front door o f the County Court House in Eugene, Lar.e County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for rash, at publie auction, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest o f said defendants, C. W. Wallace, Mildred G. Wallace, his wife, F. E. Grigsby and Louis J, Ardite, and all persons claim­ ing by, through or under them or any or either o f them in ami to said prem­ ises. j23jl21 FRED G. STICK El Sli ‘riff o f Lane County, Oregon. 1*11 iv ice delivered daily at your door. Keep The Halsey State bunk is Installing a burglar alarm ayatem. Jamea M Keyton, 86, veteran of the Civil war, died at La Orande. Hluehack »almon are entering the Columbia rtver In large number». Construction of new building» In the burned area of Prinevllle is well under way. The "Royal Anne” cherry crop around Canby will be somewhat short this season. Operation of La Pine’s second saw mill, now under construction, will be started soon Peach growers In the Silverton com­ munity report that crops will be abund­ ant this year. The date for the second annual New- berg berry festival has been set for Saturday, July 8. For the first time in many years three cuttings of hay will be put up in Deschutes county this year. Bend was chosen as the next place NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of meeting by the Oregon Fire Chiefs association In session at Marshfield. Notice is hereby given that Neva P. The stute highway commission start­ Harvey Has appointed administratrix f the eslale of George Bohlman, de ed from Portland July 5 on a circuit o erased, by the County Court o f Lane of the road system of the entire state. County, O r e g o n , on the 2(Jth day of June, 1922, and that all persons bat­ Because he changed a license plate ing claims against said estate are here­ from a Dodge to a Marmon car, S. C. by uotifial to present the same, duly Rogers was arrested at Bend and verified, to said administratrix at the law office o f 11. J. Shinn, in Cottage fined $30. Grove, O r e g o n , within six months from Former Sulemites, now residents of the date o f the first publication o f n o tice . . Portlund, gathered In Laurelhurst park this W hy not take advantage of this opportunity to realize big Date o f first publication, June 23, in Portland, Saturday for annual re­ 1922. NEVA P. HARVEY, profits in transportation costs to H. J. SHINN, Administratrix. union and picnic. Attorney for Estate. ¡23 ¡121 Tillamook County Beaches Newport-by-the-Sea Walter Hall of Princeton, Or., has been appointed to the United States Crater Lake National Park NOTICE TO CREDITORS. military academy at West Point by Oregon’s Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resort« In the County Court o f the Htate o f Senator Stanfield. Oregon Caves National Park Oregon for Lane County. Mrs. Connelly, an elderly resident of In tin1 matter o f the estate o f Ivan Shasta Mountain Resorts Yosemite National Park Bridge Island, was knocked into the N. Moore, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un Snake river near Nyssa by a passenger dersigned was on the 8th day o f June. or train and drowned. 1922, duly appointed by order o f the S. C. Seeds, assistant postmaster at r.bove emitted Court administrator of the estate o f Ivan N. Moore, deceased. Bend, Or., has been appointed acting All persons having claims against said postmaster, succeeding C. S. Hudson, estate are required to present the same to Ih * uud-rsigned at Westlake, lame who has moved from the state. County, Oregon, on or before six Resolutions opposing the divorce­ mouths from the date hereof, properly ment of the Southern Pacific and Cen­ verified and with voucher attached. Via The Scenic Shasta Route Dated and first published this 23rd tral Pacific railroads have been adopt­ duv o f June, 1922. T. T. MOORE. ed by the Salem Commercial club. Administrator of the Estate On your way East stopover at Approximately 200 former residents ¡23jl21 o f Ivan N. Moore, deceased. of Brownsville gathered at Laurel- hurst purk, Portland, Oregon, for an .¿Sx NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. annual reunion one evening last week. Notice is hereby given that the un Mra. E B. Kingman, wife of the dersigned administrator of the estate president of the Alsea River Lumber of »S. C. Counts, deceased, has filed his company of Eugene, died at Modesto, final account with the County Court of Lane County, State o f Oregon, and the Cal., where Bhe had gone In search of Three world famous and beautiful cities. Judge of said Court has fixed Monday, health. July 1*4th, 1922, at the hour o f 10 Visit—California’s National Parks aud Fred R. Melllls, active in Baker o ’clock a. m. as the time and the o f­ Charming Seashore Resorts fice of the County Judge o f Lane business and mining circles for the County, in the County Court House, at “ Oregon Outdoors” and “ California for the Tourist,” past 30 years, was found dead on the Eugene, Lane Couuty, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account floor In the office of the Oregon-Idaho and beautifully illustrated folders are FREE on request. objections thereto, if any. Investment company. All persons having objections to the For further particulars ask agents A general advance of I cent in milk allowance o f said final account or anv part thereof, are hereby notified and prices has been announced by Port­ required to present and file the same land distributors. The Increase is due in said Court on or before said date. FRANK KNOX, directly to the increased cost of pro­ Administrator o f Estate of jly7-28 JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent j23J121 S. C. Counts, deceased. duction, the dealers say. Stephen A. Lowell, pioneer lawyer of Pendleton, was a speaker at the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. No matter what you want, never Old Oregon Trail pageant In Baker on give up uutil you have used a Sentinel Department o f the Interior, U. S. the Fourth of July, together with Gov­ Laud O ffice at Roseburg, Oregon, May Notice is hereby given that sealed wanted. tf 3 J, 1922. bids for the erection o f a school house ernor Ben Olcott and Ezra Meeker. Notice is hereby given that Homer Seymour Jones, Marlon county Patten, o f Cottage Grove, Oregon, who in District No. 25, Lane County, Ore gon, located at Latham, Ore., and for rancher and at one time speaker of the on June 25, 1920, made homestead on the sale o f $4,000 o f distriet bonds will house of representatives, denies the re­ try, serial No. 012902, for the HWVi of be received by the undersigued board NEV*, E Vii of N W Vi and 8W V* o f port that he might be a candidate for NWV* of section 13, township 21 H., o f directors o f said district. Plans and governor on the Tax Reduction league range 3 W., Willamette Meridian, has specifications may be seen by applies filed notice o f intention to make final tion to the board. Bids will be opened ticket. three year proof to establish claim to oil July 9, 1922, the board reserving Construction work on a large scale th«* land above described, before the the right to reject any or ail bids. aud Receiver o f the United Dated at Cottage Grove, Oregon, the has been launched by the Phoenix Register Woodson Garage, Phone 27. Htates Laud O ffice at Roseburg, Ore 30th day o f June, 1922. Utility company, now engaged on a gou, on the 12th day o f July, 1922. After garage closes, phone res­ A. J. WISER, Claimant names as witnesses: James new $1,260,000 power plant on Hood IRA BEIDLER, Potts, o f Cottage Grove, Oregon; R. H. idence, 118-L. river for the Pacific Power & Light McVey, o f Cottage Grove, Oregon; JOHN DUGAN, W. M Htiuett, o f Cottage Grove, Ore jue30-jly7c Directors. company. gun; Charles Earl, of Cottage Grove, Professor E. R. Fockler of Colum­ Oregon. W. H. CANON, Register. bia Falls, Mont., has been selected to ju9jl7 fill the vacancy caused by the resig­ nation of R. W McNeal, professor of ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE OF chemistry and athletic supervisor at FILING FINAL ACCOUNT Albany college. Notice is hereby given that the un Henry A. Schnorenberg, a young dersigned admniistrator o f the estate farmer south of Eugene, played the ot‘ Carl F. N. A luted has filed in the hero when he saved the lives of two County Court for U u e County, Ore men overcome with the fumes frqm gon, his final account as auch admin­ a dynamite blast In the bottom of a istrator and that Saturday, the 29th day o f July, 1922, at the hour o f 11 well they were digging. o'clock a. in. o f said day, has been set An $8000 bond lasue to aid In the by the Probate Judge o f said County financing of the school construction as the time for hearing objections to program In La Pins was voted by the said account. Published by order of tin* County Court for Lane County, La Pine dtatrtot In the annual sohool Oregon, the date o f the first publica •lection. The school building was tiou being the 30th day o f Juue. 1922. ANCHOR AL8TED, recently destroyed by fire. The Willamette Valley Lumberman’s j30jl28___________________ Administrator. association haa gone on record as op­ The wantads make very rnteresting posed to the dlaeolutlon of the South­ reading._____________ if ern Pacific and Central Paolflc lines. The organisation included manufac­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS turers of western Oregon. In the matter o f the estate o f Helen Durk Steadman, a rancher and cat M. Silsby, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Worth tleman of Sumpter valley In Baker Harvey has been appointed by the county, reports the loss of four cows County Court o f the State o f Oregon, killed from eating maeh that had been in and for Lane County, executor of the estate o f Helen M. Milsby, deceased, dumped out when officers destroyed and that all persons having claims stills discovered In the valley. against the «»state are required to file Organisation of a motor corps by the same, duly verified as the law re quires, with the said executor at Cot­ the Oregon state motor association, tage Grove, Oregon, withiu six mouths to entertain large croups of visitors from the first publication o f this no »<*•«», which will be on the 7th day «>f to Portland from time to time. Is t Julv. A. I). 1922. requested In a letter sent to A. il. I WORTH HARVEY. 1 Ex*«* u tor. I Lea. president of that organisation, ( H. J. JSH1NN, Attorney. jl7ag4 j hf JMnjrur Baker. your food cool and tasty. beverages. Use it in your REFRIGERATORS —sold at wholesale prices with a small de­ li very charge added. Cottage Grove Ice Co. Bartels & Safley—Rear City Meat Market Vacation Trips Cost Less This Year Eastern Cities SAN FRANCISCO— LOS A N G E LE S- S e n t i n e l Wantads will do most, anything within reason and some tilings that are not. Try one. You may increase your engine power 20 % Too heavy an oil, or one lacking in certain qual­ ities, may reduce the power delivered to the wheels of the automobile as much os 20%. The ideal oil is the thinnest oil which will keep the beating surfaces of the mechanism sepa­ rated. Providing this oil has “oiliness,” stability and purity, it will give perfect lubrication, and per­ mit the development of the maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage of the car. " Oiliness” — Stability — Purity Zerolene meets the conditions perfectly. It has great “ oiliness,” due to the crudes from which it is made, and our own patented process of n: tfh vacuum distillation. It has great stability, as a result of which it re­ sists engine heat and forms only a minimum of carbon of a soft, flaky nature which blows out with the exhaust. And it is pure. This company has always con­ sidered the removal of all detrimental proper­ ties and compounds as essential in making Zer­ olene. Zerolene of the correct grade gives perfect lu­ brication and permits the development of the maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage of the car. •TAM DARD (XL COMPANY U w / i / i w n iu more jxw eréspeed