The Best Tea and Coffee is not always the highest in price. This tact you can easily prove to your satisfaction hy ordering any of our special brands. EADS GROCERY T h e S t o r e W h e r e Yo u r D o l l a r Does I t s Dut y ON THE WEST SIDE PHONE 9 The only way to clean rugs an d carpets. The Prem ier w ay. A. L. W ynne, phoue 6. jn l6 c George M erviu was sent to the state hospital in Salem M onday. Mrs. O scar T aylor arriv ed T uesday from P ortland and has packed her fu rn itu re and shipped it to P ortland, where the T aylors are now m aking th eir home. Used cars at N elso n ’s: F ord touring, new paint, $185; F ord bug, $125; Dodge touring, just overhauled, $.'150; O verland touring, 1018 model, m fine shape and all new tires, $350; M axw ell bug, $00. Term s to suit you. jne30c Mrs. Fi. W. Hissell an d tw o sons Modern methods of examin­ Homer and F rancis, o f D unsm uir, alii., visited M onday an d Tuesday ing your eyes and of design­ C with p arents, Mr. and ing, mounting and fitting Mrs. F. Mrs. M B H issell’s am brick. They were on glasses, call for specialized th eir way home from P ortlund, w here they visited Mrs. B isse ll’« brother. skill of a high order. Mrs. E uuice Sm ith, who had been visiting her d au gh ter in law , Mrs. Em The old fashioned “ apex” mu ith, left Tuesday fo r her home grandfather wore have been ia P Sm ortland. replaced by chic, comfort­ “ E very D a y " and “ Home M ade’ ’ able glusses designed for bread ut your d e a le r’s. Ask for it. c your particular needs. 1 de­ Miss Inez H am rick, duughtOr of vote my entire time to ex­ Rev. und Mrs. Sim pson H am rick, bud amining eyes and making her tonsils rem oved T uesday. Mr. und Mrs. J. A. W right and son eye ware and a reputation Gordon returned Sai unlay from 1 orl for thoroughness. land, where they attend ed th e rose fes tivnl. The eyes of the world are on C ottage Grove. If yon have property here, you arc likely lo find it u good investm ent, but the restless sp irit is in the blood of many and if you really w ant to sell O PTIC IA N O PTO M ETRIST your property at u reasonable price you F actory on Prem ises should list it w ith me. If you wish to C ottage Orove Oregon buy, I have some choice listings. J . Al. Durham , reultor. ju e9 tfc Mrs. E. L. Rhodes und son Donald, of Roseburg, are v isitin g w ith Mrs. R hodes' m other, Mrs. F\ B. T hrasher. Mrs. J . R. H endricks retu ru e.l Hutur day from a visit w ith hi r fa th er at Mrs. George Boyd mid d au gh ter Fid Voshong Island. rudrli loft Tuesiluy m orning to vi»it Company D homecoming dance a t the home of Mrs. B oy d ’s m other, Mrs. G. H. Lake, in Hit loin. at Armory Saturday night. jn30c Mrs. Jottiali P o rter und her son, Joe W. 11. Sm ith has relu m ed to C ottage A rnold, who had been v isiting his Grove from u trip through several m id­ m other, went to P ortland Tuesday on dle west states. He has been aw ay business und to visit Mrs. P o rte r's three yeurs. other »on, F red Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. A Hen left F’riday ' * Every Day ’ ' and ' ‘ Home Made to visit th eir son, W. E. A lleu, at Blier bread at your d e a le r’s. Ask for it. c wood. M oving and storuge. F’hone 99. City EYEGLASS IDEAS HAVE CHANGED --------------- ----------------------- -------— FJasy to own a P rem ier, $5.00 down, Mrs. Hugh Tniim ell and daughter $5 .00 per m onth. A. L. W ynne, phone 6. Lucille returned M onday from a visit Mr. and Mrs. C arroll Harlow and in Halem w ith Mrs. T ru n n ell’s pareuts, fam ily m otored up from Fhigene Hat Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. urday and spent the week end at the Joe Dame wood and a crew of work home of Mr. H arlo w 's sister, Mrs. Eb men w ent up H harp’s creek M onday to build a new bridge, seveu miles above Spray. Mrs. F]va Ho me aw ay retu rn ed to her Red bridge. home in P ortland T hursday m orning, Galloway w rites insurance. a fte r visitin g a week at the home of Joh n Milne returned S unday night her son, W. A. Hem enway. from a trip to P ortland and Boise. All km ds of poultry supplies at Beid W. H. Cain, of P ortland, who had le r ’s Feed Store. jne9c been v isiting here w ith his grandson, P atricia, in fan t daughter of Mr. and C larence Speaks, le ft M onday fo r New M rs. Roy S hort, is recovering from a port to atte n d the state convention of th e G. A. R. He is a delegate from short illness. Mrs. F^ugene M atlock and sm all Sum ner post, of Portland. daughter, of P ortland , are visiting rel­ Now open for business— L ad ie s' and I g en tlem en ’s first class shoe shining par ativ es here until a fte r the F ourth. Buy the “ LIG H T O V E R L A N D " and ! lor. H otel B artell. F irst class service.* be a satisfied owner. D elivered C ottage M r and Mrs. E d Chaloupke m otored Grove: T ouring and R oadster, $695; ^to B elknap springs, on the M cKenzie, Coupe, $1036; Sedan, $1090. O verland Sunday. G arage. a21tfc Miss A rline E lder, who had visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W hite and th ree w eeks here w ith her brother, daughter W ilma were in Eugene Thors R alph E lder, and her gran d parents, Mr. day afternoon on business. Miss W ilma and Mrs. 1. B. M orris, left S unday for had returned earlier in the week from I ais Angeles, w here she is em ployed in P ortland , w here she had spent a few the business office of the Southern days on business and atten d in g the P acific com pany. She w as accom panied by M aud C arter, who is now living in rose festival. Los Angeles. Lessen Tire Costs and Road Trouble by having those casings and tubes pul in first class shape at Cottage Grove Vulcanizing Works H. H. H argreaves, principal of the high school, was in the city y esterday from Eugene, w’here he is spending a portion of the sum m er vacation. F^arl A rthu r was in R osebuig Wed nesday on business. “ Every D a y " and “ H om e M a d e " bread at your d ealer's. Ask for it. c Mrs. Glen Phelps, of Lincoln, N eb., is v isiting at th e W. A. H ogate home. V ictor Kem has let th e contract for a bungalow' to be built on M aiu and north M streets to E. M. Gilson. D. J. Scholl Transfer. Free Picnic Grounds At the fam ous London Hprings. Drink health giving Calupooyh w uter direct front the spring tree of charge and use the croquet grounds, tennis court and base ball grounds free of charge. D inner Served Every Sunday. 1 to 7 o 'clo c k p in . $1 the P late Calapooya Springs Company Mrs. Alice Legat arriv ed Mouduy night front Roseburg and she and her m other, Mrs. Ellen Jones Owens, and Mrs. Legal '» sou Robert went to Fiu gene T uesday. Mrs. Maud H ilton went to H ilverton Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs K. P. Scott. Dorothy A lstott is taking her pluce w ith M rs. Lucy Holluud. Cam pers and picnickers? Get u hot tel of E ntom ocide to keep an ts and other insects aw ay. S terling Feed Co. Mrs. E E astm an has returned from D rain, where she visited her sister, Mrs F runk Lom berg. H er niece, who came home w ith her, will rem ain until a fte r Ju ly 4. Another batch of FAULTLESS BREAD AND FAULTLESS PASTRIES just out of the oven. This hot weather sug­ gests that you let our electric o\ftns attend to your baking needs. Life is too short for you to waste it over a hot oven. Cottage Grove E l e c t r i c Bakery n v lltf F ay Cooley, of Eugene, dau gh ter of Curriii Cooley, is v isitin g w ith her parents. Miss Anna W alters, of Eugene, has been a guest ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cheuey. “ E very D a y ’ ’ und “ Home Mud»*’ ’ bread at your d e a le r’s. Ask fo r it. c Mrs. A. L. C hitw ood retu rn ed Friday from u visit in P o rtlan d and at the Tillam ook beuches. Mrs. M attie Clark left F’riday for P ortland, where she will visit before going to Heaside to spend th e sum m er. •Sugar and flour a t B eid ler’s Feed Store. jue9c Mrs. Laura Rowe re tu rn ed to Port land F rid ay a fte r a visit of tw o days w ith her p areuts, Mr. and M rs. 1. J Taylor. Miss N eva W alker, of W uldport, is visiting at the home of her u u d e, K E W alker. Tulk tires to N elsou. jue30t* J K Sm ith retu rn ed to th e Bohemia d istrict F’ridny. He had been in Cub form a, N evada, A rizona, U tah, Wyom ing and M ontana recently. J. C. H askins has sold his ranch at Coburg to H. B. D avis, of D rain. M oving und storage. P houe 99. C ity T ransfer. n v ltf 4th of July This store will be closed all day on the Fourth but we will have a nice line of fruit and fresh vegetables in fact everything that you will want for the picnic dinner Saturday and Monday. W atermelons Berries New Potatoes Peaches Sweet Potatoes Cucumbers New Carrots New Beets Oranges New' Turnips Lentous Cantaloupes Cherries Apricots Lettuce Fresh Tomatoes Bananas Unions New Turnips Drape Fruit BREAD We carry Faultless, Home Made, Holsum and Sally Ann. With this variety you will be able to have the bread you want for your picnic dinner. S T k m i t h - S h o r t G r V o u u c r e T r r a y d * i »tore That A p p John N okcs is down from the Bo hernia districl to have some bits of rock rem oved from his eyes. No matter what it is you ’--ant in printing, get it at The Sen- ; ! tf Mr. and M rs. J. H. B ennett and Mr. and Mrs. H erb ert W hitlock m otored to Rice H ill Huuday and v isited w ith the A. I. F’agala fam ily. H om er G allow ay, city recorder, has been confined to his home fo r a few days th is week by illness. C h il d r e n C h a n g e —but photographs of the children never grow up Monroe Studio Do you house cleaning now. Rent a Prem ier. A. L. W ynne. Phone 6. Miss Rulli B aker, who had been here nursing Mrs. E lizabeth W iddersheim , retu rn ed M onday to her home in Halem. Mrs. Anna H ill and Miss M artha H un ter spent M onday in Eugene. O ra F’ullm er is v isitin g in Yonealla w ith Miss LaVelk* H untington. N elson can m ake a cut a log house tire price look sick. Come and listen. jn30c F red H eadley, of P ortland , is visit ing here w ith his sister, Mrs. Lucile B ryan. W. H. E nderly returned Monday from aii extended trip on which he visited Los Angeles, D enver, Cheyeune, B utte, H eattle and P ortland. He also spent some tim e m Tkerm opolis, Wyo., w here he has u hardw are store. Buy your tires au d tubes at Hter lin g ’s und save money. jm*23e Mrs. Joe W ebber and children, of Page, aud Mrs. J. A. G aroutte, of B row nsville, are visitin g w ith relatives in th is city. Mr. and Mrs. George Hailes returned M onday from ( ’astle Rock, w here they visited Mrs. B alies’ parents, Mr. aud Mrs H. H. A nderson F\>r R ent—The Dr. D. L. Woods rest deuce at 744 Ht. H elens court, on river bank. P artly furnished. Hee me at residence betw een 1 and 6 p. n ., Hun day, July 2. l*ee Roy Woods. jne30e Mrs. E arl E. A rthu r left W ednesday to spend a week a t N ew port. Dance at Armory for Company D Saturday night. jn30o H igh Quality V egetab les Vegetables you receive from us are the pick of the day’s offerings. No waste, no disappoint­ ment. You buy just what you need and ev­ ery bit is usable. O strander w ith Mr. C on n er’s fath er, Ira Conner, pioneer resident of the C ottage Grove country, and w ith relatives of Mrs. Conner. Mr. Conner, who form erly was engaged in the new spaper business in this city , is editor of the N orthw est P oultry Jou rn al. They made the trip by m otor. of every description. Nothing B etter be safe th an sorry. Are you too small; nothing too large. ueglecting th at fire insurance! I t ’s false economy. The Oregon F ire R elief MOST reasonable rates. A ssociation stands guard over 50,000 . property owners at cost. Hee Tom Aw brey or Johu Durham , near B artell ho [ tel. jn e 9 tfc | & Charles McGee, who suffered au in ju ry to his right eye F rid ay a t the Buck Creek Lum ber company s m ill at Com stock, w ent to Eugene Huuday to will be em ployed in a bank, visited have the injury trea ted by a specialist. during th e past week a t th e home of Mr. au d Mrs. C. R. E ngland aud his sister, Mrs. G erald Counts. Mrs. M iuiue Persons was in the city fam ily spent Huuday in Eugene. Halem W ednesday to a tte n d the Get our prices ou tou lots of feed from N eighbors convention. B eid ler’s F eed S tore. jue9c Uoyal alm er, of the F a ir store, and N orval Powell is v isiting iu P o rt­ H. C L. arl M P ackiu were in E ugene M onday land. night. M r. P alm er w ent on to P o rt­ Mr. and Mrs. V ictor C ham bers re land. turned Huuday from Los A ngeies and Mr. uud Mrs. B. E. H untington aud are a t home in the F’rauk Kuox resi fam ily, of T ulare, C alif., who had vis­ deuce on w est Mum. ited several days a t the G rant Tow er Miss M ary Bellam y, of Eugene, is home, le ft M onday by m otor fo r N ew ­ port, where they will spend a p art of v isitin g w ith Mrs. L. D. Ham m er. th eir vacation. The H uu ting tn s und Eixit Shop iu new location a t corner Tw ers were loriucrly neighbors in Min of M aiu street aud P acific highw ay, c uesuta later iu C alifornia. M rs. J . M. Lawson was dism issed L. L. an E d plcy, president of Philom ath S aturday from a Fmgeue hospital. w as iu the city W ednesday Miss K athleen Kem, who is em ployed college, eeting m em bers of th is y e a r’s g rad ­ in the business office a t the U niversity m u ating class, some of whom he hopes to of Oregon this sum m er, spent the week have as stud ents a t his college, which end here a t the home of her parents, is conducted by the U nited B rethren Mr. aud Mrs. O. M. Kem. church. M oviug aud storage. Phoue 99. C ity T ransfer. n o v lltfc N O TIC E TO W A TER CONSUM ERS. Miss M aud M axwell, of Pendleton, is v isiting her cousins, F’.arl aud Ar Irrig u tio u hours have been restricted th u r W oodring. to the follow ing periods: 5 to 9 p. m. Mrs. C. E. N eet spent the week end an d t> to 7 a. m. This precaution is iu Eugene w ith Miss N adiue Hickson. necessary to m aintain a reserve supply Miss H ickson visited a t the N eet home of w ater fo r use in ease of fire. This last week, retu rn in g to Eugene H atur order will be strictly enforced an d vio­ lators w ill be fined. day accom panied by Mrs. N eet. Try some of th e Milk Producer at jne30c________ W ATER C O M M ITTEE. B eid ler’s Feed S tore. jne30c FO R PL A ST E R Mrs. E lizabeth F’ahreuw ald, M rs. Al N O TIC E FO R BIDS IN O . lie C. H aw kins and Mrs. A licia H ar rington w ent to N ew port M ouduy as delegates from the local corps to the N otice is hereby given th a t th e directors of school D istrict No. 45, G. A. R. and W. R. C. convention. Lane C ounty, O regon, will receive Mr. and Mrs. H arry N eet m otored to sealed bids fo r rem oval of old p laste r­ D exter Huuday accom panied by Mr. and p u ttin g on new p lasterin g ou N e e t’s sister, who hud been visiting ing walls of W est side sehool building as here. per specifications on file w ith d istric t be received u ntil One of the underlying principles Clerk. The bids will Ju ly 10, 1922. which enables Dodge Brothers to noon D ated on M th is onday, 26th day o f Ju n e, 1922. deliver so much real motor car A ttest: W ORTH H A RV EY , value at so low a selling price is Clerk. C. E. U M PH REY , the fact that this selling price is jne30-jly7___________________ C hairm an. based on manufacturing cost only. The BEST CEMENT WORK The M ethodist church is being im proved w ith a new roof. M em bers of the church are donating th eir services fo r th e work. E arl V an Valin, of D orena, left Hun day for a m o u th ’s visit iu Om aha, N eb., w ith his grandm other, M rs. Alice V an V alin, aud o th er relatives. Second hand goods bought, sold anil exchanged. M orris & Cox, a t east end of bridge. ju e9 tfc Tom Ray is in the city train in g R alph H and, local w restler, for his m atch w ith W alter M iller at A shland Ju ly 3. M r. and Mrs. F’red Hummers and M rs. R uth Blair F arley arriv ed Tues day by m otor from Hun Francisco and are visiting w ith Mr. aud \V. H . B lair, p aren ts of the women. We specialize on fancy W edding and b irthd ay cakes. Ask us. Yours for ser vice. B en d er’s C ity B akery. ju3Uc ii. ii. F iester, who collects w ater rents fo r the city , will move his office irom the Oregon hotel to the rest room Ju ly 1. H erbert E akiu returned Tuesday night from Halem, where he ai tended the iuucrul of Mrs. Robert E akiu, widow ul the lute R obert E akiu, judge of the suprem e court aud brother of H erbert E akiu, who died iu 1917. The fu n eral of M rs. E akiu was held M onday. SH IN G L E S A ND C EM EN T TOR SA LE. W. L. H U B B ELL. j9 23c J . R. M cKy, county roadm aster, was iu the city Tuesday on business. N. J. Nelsou sold a used F'ord bug S aturday to Law rence Funk, of Black B utte, and a used Ford touring car to H arney Lewis, an employe of the C alifornia Oregon Pow er com pany. If you h a v e n ’t tim e to clean your rugs, we will do it fo r you. A. L. W ynne, phoue 6. John A nderson aud F red M icheisou, who are em ployed a t A ulauf, returned Sunday nigut from Eugene, where they spent the week end. Mrs. Avery H arlsell is ill a t her home. H er m other, M rs. P. H. Magee, is caring for her. Stock salt a t Be id le r’s Feed Store. W ord has reached C ottage Grove of the birth of a son last week to Mr. and Mrs. M inaid W eeks at th eir home in Raym ond, W ash. M rs. W eeks, who was Miss E sther Jorgensen before her m arriage, is a dau gh ter of M r. and This does not include any added Mrs. II. J. Jorgensen, of th is city. M oving aud storage. Phoue 99. C ity charge to cover so-called “ free T ransfer. n o v lltfc replacements,’’ or “ free servioe,’’ While w orking about a donkey eii or any other item for which every giue at the C ham bers logging cam p at purchaser would necessarily pay S tar Tuesday m orning R obert Lanc&a in advance, but which would ben­ ter sustained severe bruises to his left efit only a few at some indefinite hip aud leg. He was brought here fo r future time. It is our belief that m edical aiteutiou . car owners prefer paying for those B u s in e s s m e n : U e t y o u r b illin g ¡items as and when needed, rather a n d bookkeeping s y s te m « o f T h e than in a lump sum in advance Sentinel. tf whether needed or not. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C hrism an re­ turned M onday evening from K itson springs, where they had been for a week. . , . The J. W. V eatch fam ily m otored to Eugene Tuesday. Galloway fo r Insurance, 511 M ain, tf Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Carlson, of the C hristian church, w ill leave Sunday for T urner, where they w ill a tte n d the an nual state convention of the church, July 1 to 9 inclusive. They will prob ably visit in P ort laud for a few days a fte r the couveutiou before retu rn in g to C ottage Grove. Cecil Caldw ell has purchased a new F’ord coupe from W oodson B rothers. Why send your money aw ay from home when you can get b etter tire value at N elso n ’s ! Ask us. jne30e Miss R ita K elly returued last week from a visit in P o rtlan d a t the home of her au n t, Mrs. W. F. H art. A sou was boru F’riday in a Eugene hospital to Mr. aud Mrs. Ray Nelson. F'. J. B artels aud B urdette W inn were business visitors in Fmgeue Hat urday. Dane«, Armory Saturday night. F rank B irustiel, of C ottage Grove, a native of G erm any, was g ran ted full citizenship papers Hat urday by Judge G. F'. H kipw orth. A m arriage license w as issued H atur day to Mabel Johnson, of C ottage Grove, aud Rudolph H auseu, of W alker. Hter hug scratch feed, S terling egg mash aud S terling dairy fe e d - cheap est and best feeds on the m arket; 826 west Mam street. jne23c B F'. R inard an d sou l» u ie , who ar rived last week from H acrauiento, C alif., left M onday for a visit w ith relatives at B aker. Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. W ilkins aud fam ily left M onday for northern Cali foruia, when* Mr. W ilkins will be eni ployed in a lum ber mill. If you prefer quality, ask your deal or for * * Every Day ’ ’ aud * * Home M ade ’ ’ bread. j30c Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conuer returned to their home in Halem W ednesday, a f te r having spent several days v isiting M cQ u een jne30c Eev. uud Mrs. A. R. Spcarow moved to C ottage Grove from Eugene this week aud ure living in the practice house on T hird street. Both Mr aud Mrs. Bpearow attend ed the U niversity of Oregon during the past year. W ayne U urd, of Eugene, was in C ot­ tage Grove S aturday ou business. Creed B ra tta iu , who had beeu on his fa th e r’s farm near Cushm an, and who was_on_his w ay to Lakeview , w here he Burge Hardin Home Coming Dance COMPANY D 186 th Infantry Armory Saturday Night, July 1 Shanda’s Orchestra Eat Your Ice Cream Now IT IS JUST AS VALUABLE AS FOOD IN THE WINTER BUT IT’S LOTS MORE FUN TO EAT IT DURING THE HOT WEATHER. BUY RED ROSE BRAND ICE CREAM AND GET ALL THE ENJOYMENT WITHOUT ANY OF THE WORK. P h o u e 149 COTTAGE GROVE CREAMERY Kerr’s Feed Baby chick feed and mash, developing grain aud mash, egg producer and scratch feed. Also Fiaher’a and Golden Rod feeda. BERRY BOXES AND CRATES Jonesd Eaton Feed and Seed Store