The Sentinel H1NGS WE THINK tom . us it is iu the dum age likely to (r be done to Oregon. I t is uo secret th a t the Union P acific w ishes to gain control of the A vVi'v^y N«*»p*HK»r VSiiU I ’louij Thing* Otter* Thiak »ml Wh»t W« C eutral P acific liues, uud undoubtedly Ol h u cik Ito n e Think of tho Thuig* Other* fhttk w ill do so iu case the plan for sepuru A lbert Bede an d E lbert Buiilh Uubiudiora tion is carried out. Its officials eu E lb ert Bede— ---- ------- —— -------- -E ditor deavor to show Oregon people th at H igh heels d o u 't necessarily elevate they w ill be benefited by the chauge A f i n t ela«« publication entered a t Cot uud th at the ¡Southern Pucific will be the morals. • • • tage tire ve, o re., u MCuud-claM m atter forced to build the N atron cutoft and Compound interest is great fertilizer a connecting hue to hitch to ..412 Earn Main g build O ffice— Bum eth cr its Oregou hues am i its C alifo r­ for the root ot ull • evil. • • nia and trouscoutiucntul lines. Even if BUBBCIUFTION BATEB A geutlem au will alw ays stand up thut result should be brought about, Due yea r...... .$2.2b j Three mouth«... tide cur. i u mouth«.... 1.16 i sing le copy....---- 5c th u t does not excuse u n fair treatm ent for a wom an— in • a • street • of the S outhern P acific, but we can M em ber of seriously doubt if such would be the A loader w ill got to tho front N atio nal E d ito rial Aaaoeiatiou result. tt crowd. T here would be nothing to prevent through uuy kind • of Oregou S ta te E dito rial A ssociation • • Oregou N ew spaper Coufereuce the Southern P acific from using steam hut is sometime» necessary L aue County Publisher» ’ A ssociation ships for m aking connections betw een to A set picture o ff the puiutiug underneath. P ortlaud and San Francisco. The \\ »1 • • • F R ID A Y , JU N E 2d, lb2: iuuiette valley would uo louger be tu r iiished rolling stock from the Southern A g ir l’s ideal gets lower as the uuui years gets higher. G IV IN G OREGON ANOTHER SW AT P a c ific ’s tran scon tinental hue, because bev of her unm arried • • • of the charge th at would be m ade to Oregon as a whole uud W illam ette cross the C entral P a c ific ’s system , Did you ever get seasick by being j valley points iu p articu lar alw ay- haw ^ can readily behove th at uo ties carried nw av w ith some soprano's high I been dependent lo r prospontv upon the would be shipped from Oregon for the C f whims ol the railroads uud upon the Southern P acific N tran sco n tin en tal or • • • whims of those who regulate the rail C alifornia lines, because the full rate The innocent b ystander is th e one roads. would have to be paid over the Con who gets the w orst of it. D on’t be a W ith tran scon tinental rates g rau ted tral P acific s connecting link to W illam ette valley poiuts through i We can readily believe th at the W il loafer. SKK and hear Sammyr the eomieal little SKK th*1 Mangrove tree thrive amt flour­ # * • the Ogden gatew ay and w ith redue I linnet te valley would lose it- t m use op­ talking wooden man wluuu the ventriloquist ish under the oeeull powers of this mastei tions in rates grunted upon lum ber tm en tal rat«* through Ogden which all W hether or not the poor are g ettin g ¡mimes with speech and witty retorts. and the products of the valley, we had m am line cities now enjoy. We can fioorer, the rich are certain ly gettin g mind. SKK the seven unsolved mysteries of the begun to feel th at we were being easily see th at this would put a crim p richer. favo red by the gods. Then like a bolt in tin lum ber business of the valley, • • • SKK your own pocket handkerchief Orient which MAUH’AL Ml’LKKV pet from a clear sky cam e the decision and a crim p in the lum ber business transformed into a living serpent which forms in the true style of the Hindu nec- aeronauts ran into each other of the U nited S tates suprem e court , would put a serious crim p in all Wil a Two dances and gyrates to the strains oi Ori­ romancers. few days ugo and had quite u fall ordering u separation of the S outhern j Iuuiette valley business. ental music. SKK all of these and a multitude of P acific aud C entral P acific svstem s,! Ot course it i- more than likely that tug out. • • • upon the ground th at they are com the in te rstate commerce commission other teats of magic which baffle the intel­ SKK the pictures of loved ones form p eting lines. would use the pow er granted it since Are girls as bad as they are (m inted i ligence of scientists and cause the layman from the evanescence of the air and take £uch a contention is -o ridiculous the tim e of the enactm ent of tin Sher a m agazine asks. Those who are (mint to gasp with astonishment definite shape before your very eves. th at we are not surprised th at action man law, under which the separation ed probably are. tow ards th» sepal been has beet ordered, and would rectify poued fo r 60 days in order to give the error of the suprem e court, but A man who c a n ’t stand it to hav * tim e for filing an appeal for a rehear there is uo reason why uu error should thing- go ag ainst him w ill never m ake I mg. We can not help but feel that be m ade ju st because someone else has a success in life. th e court would reverse itself upon the pow er to correct it. at the m ap show ing Cen m ore deliberate consideration of the tral A P glance acific and Southern P acific lines The com m ittees th at are iiivesti ! proposition. To all in tents aud purposes th» indicates th at control of the San F ran g a tin g th»* high cost of living are u ) bay w aterfro nt may have more to p art ol th at cost. H outhern P acific aud C entral P acific cisco have been the sam e system for a per do w ith th« proposed separation than iod of 50 years aud it is doubtful if anv fact which has been set out for city ha- a lot of citizens who i m any people ou the coast ever would th«* public to rend. It doc.- not ta k e d o Every u nt—but they are alw ays fig have learned th at the line from the j much ot a stretch ot the im agination ured n ’t iu co the census. southern boundary of Oregon to Te to believe th at control ot the San • • • ham a. C alif., is not a part of the Francisco bay w aterfro nt would be S outhern P acific except fo r th is de w orth th. full price th a t would be paid If folks w ere turned inside out ther** j cision of the suprem e court. f ° r th** C entral P acific, which now would be about ns mueh difference in The ridiculousness of the decision i- controls a large part ot the w aterfro nt, th»*ui as there is now. * • * I indicated by the fact th at the Southern ^ *“ can not believe that the propn-ed P acific has not a rail of any kind be separation i going to be put over, but “ Aeronautu* politicians*’ is the up tw een the Oregon southern boundary there i- -•» much poten tial »lunger to to-date way of speaking of the kind and Teham a. C alif. The C entral P a our in terests in the progress of the that c a n 't stick to te rra firm a. cif ic ’s rails betw een those tw o points case to d ate th at it behoove- u- to sit are an in tegral p art of the Southern op and tak e notice. of Sunday observers really keep th** I tool room? und theaters on Sunday a b b a th » observance. A bailor of men usually claim s th** i S Then* P acific system and by no stretch oi ZZZZ ~~~~ is a bibb* com m and t <* “ r«* day us we are eomniiinded to keep ¡In* would go joy riding or take up some credit fo r all the good things his ful m em ber the S ab bath day to keep it S abbath. Are not the m ajority ol them •nitdoor sport, and uo great increase ti. im agination can th i- portion of th» STORM MUST H A V E BEEN C entral P acific be considered a com ARRAN G ED lowers du and lays th** bad onto them h o ly .’’ We arc com m anded to do u<> found Sunday a fte r Sunday doing th eir * - li il r*-li iitt(*iidunc«‘ would In* iiccom • • • p eting line. ---------- work on th at day, and in lsuiuti 58:12 own w ays, finding th eir own pleasure! I plished. The decision seem - to be based upon It w as som ething of a coincidence W hen you *e* a fellow out looking 14 we are urg»*»l to “ turn aw ay our Do not Sunday ball gum»- . luotorcveh* Hupp«» e, however, thut we could sue th e prem ise th at the C entral P a c ific ’s th at up«»u th** very day when New to r trouble, you might a- well follow toot from tin* S a b b a th ,’’ stop treading aud o th er races and picnics ulwtiy • ced hi driving t r»*»pu*iit«*rs of them line through Ogden com petes w ith the York C ity was struck by th»* terrible along and b«* ready to help piek Inn it underfoot, not doing our own ways draw large crow ds? Are there not pin»-«* to eluirch. Would compulsory Southern P a c ific ’s tran scon tinental storm which dealt death to so many up. or finding our own pleasure, and bid m any so »-ailed Sunday keeper- w ho go eliureh attendance benefit them? ' line 400 miles to the south. E ven this who w ere seeking recreation in the den to * * call th»* S abbath a delight, fishing, limit mg, swim m ing uud joy doubt it. Church attendance is unt • • • city there am usem ent j*arks ot th at requires a considerable stretch of the the Indy of th«* l.or»l. honorable, ami riding on Sunday, “ finding th eir own u«*cesMurily worship. Men cannot by A great big 250-pound m an appear- New York should have appeared in tin im agination. pleasure? ’ * to honor Him. ithi'ir laws control the thoughts of tin The W illam ette valley is not con Tribuno a double-page spread show ing painfully out of place try in g to act N»»w in ninny d ifferent texts tin* E vidently th«* Sunday cloning ndv»i ; mind or compel th«- emotions of th« cerned so much in* the dam age done to the P acific northw est '.- great out of com fortable drinking tea at h ladic- good b o o k tell.*« us th at the ‘ ‘seventh cates believe th at by »-losing ull plnees .»«•art; nail genuine worship is csser h storm s aid. th e im aginations of those who now doors playgrounds, w here »lay l the S abbath ot til* Lord I1" of aniusenieut or busim - on thut day. ¡tiully of tlo mind uud heart. High • • • would separate lines which have been are unknow n. A fin** ad v ertisin g stunt G od,” while we can »«»arch th e bib»** (ample would be driven to going to training in the home, with thorough fo r 50 years, to all intents an d pur upon th«- part of tho P acific N orthw est When we try to rise too high at one through from cover to cover in vain church; but it m ight not work out study of tlo* bihh*, will aeeoniplisl poses, in tegral p a rts of the sam e sys T ourist association. A Lane county leap the m om entum of the fa ll is likely for a sing!** text bidding »»- to kee » th at way. Th** great out of doors i more hi teaching our young p»*oph scene appeared in th** spread. The to carry us fa r below* our form er posi holy th«* first day of th»* week. Why, alw ays onen; sm okers could easily in­ i their duty t«» God than ull our nun same edition o f th** T ribune carried a then, urge Sunday closing on th*- pl**a quire tlo habit of laying in u supply made law- Education will surely ac q u arter of a page of P acific northw est tion. of Sabbnth observance? of th** filthy weed fo r " o v e r S u n d a y ’ ’ ¡complish more than legislation • • • scenes as a news feature. And what a very m ill percentage and thus«* who form erlv had freoiienti-d ______________ \ SXHBXTH K E E PE R Th»* P acific n o rth w e st’s recreation A stitch in tim e is all right, but the ad v an tage- contrast favo rably at any right tim e is nut late in the evening tim e w ith those o f o th er states, bui a fte r m other ha:- done a hard day s this tiim dy piece of publicity should work. do much tow ard directing atte n tio n of recr**ation hunt«*r> this way. A girl can be terribly happy im agin­ ing herself in positions that w o u ld ' E d ito r H inniun, of Tho B row nsville scare her to death were they really to Tim es, although m aking quite a sue cessful effo rt t»» give hi- i^ity a modern happen. • • # paper, believes in honoring tho pio­ Lenses duplicated W hen a n an thanks you for ca lliu f neers who m ade possible a city where quickly, thorough ex­ in he could conduct a new spaper, for Ins atte n tio n to a m istake he ha- m ade, j aminations. exact fit­ which reason ho recently got out a spe­ you can safely set him down us a cial edition to welcome th e L inn coun blasted lyre ting and adjustment— ty pioneers upon th«* occasion of th eir • • • latest stvie frames. annual reunion. E v erett E arle Stan T here m ust be a large num ber of uard assisted him in recounting history ignorant ones so th at the w ise ulies I of pioneer days. inuv hove .«-unicorn upon whom to dem Th«* diaphanou- gown is intangible o nstrate th eir wisdom. • • • 661 WILLAMETTF ST evidence of feminin« im m odesty. H ave you ever noticed how some t'olki* seem to run out of conversation I A m an w ithout b ra n i' som etim es has as soon as they tell «everything they I some severe headaches. know about them selvest . . . A Chicago m an dropped dead in n I departm ent store w hile shopping w ith ¡ his w ife. W omen who love th eir hull bies w ill take due w arning therefrom . Ö MIRTH : MYSTERY : MAGIC MAGICAL MULKEY Is SPIRITUALISM a fact or fa reef MTTLKKY claims no super­ natural powers but lit* performs before your very t*yt*s feats which convince you even against your will that SPIRITS do inhabit tin* air about YOU and t>bt*y th»* »ii»*fatcs of this MASTER MIND. MULKEY disclaims all powers which tIn* ordinary individual does not possess yet DEMON’S appear to aid him in his OOl’l LT do* feats. Moose Hall Cottage Grove SATURDAY, June 24 Admission—Adults, ”>0 <*»*nts; children, 2”> <*«*nts YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SfiermonW Mootlu $ Nature’s Most Wonderful Laboratory and Out-of-Door Paradise 1.00 It is hard to reform a successful sin ¡ ner, but when m isfortune overtakes | ; him he is very susceptible to a teach ' mg prom ises so much and exacts • so little. • • • BUYS A GENUINE Gillette “Brownie” Safety Razor AND THREE BLADES Packed in Flat Metal Box at K ern's for D rugs We Have a Window Full A Boston goat recently m ade a in<*al of a valuable m anuscript which the author carelessly i«?ft w ithin reach. When even anim als develop a literary ta ste the w orld certainly must be get J tin g better. V t « A laughable street incident a few day?* ago illu strated th at it inn’t alw ays J i wise t»> keep pecking aw ay at u person when you have him licked. A bulldog | had singled out an onery looking conn* j try cur and had him down and licked | to a far** you well, but he gloated over! hiH victory u n til the country cur in desperation conquered hi* fear, w rig gl**d to hi** feet and mad** thing- so I warm for the bulldog th at he was forced to tu rn ta il and run. He van i.ihed from view w ith hi* form er van | qui*hed foe still in pursuit. SUNDAY CLOSIN G D I8C U 88ED Cottag** G rove, Ore., Jun e 21.— TT* the E ditor, t — W ill you kindly allow in * | spnee in your paper for a few wor»' in regard to the .Sunday closing m ove? Not th at I am opposed to th** closing o f pool rooms, cigar stores and the* tera; no doubt it would have a benel i rial effect upon th** h abits a id m o n is of our young people if these places were closed seven days in the week But why close them Sunday only, and leave them open on the Sabbath day? Th«* friends of th is m easure advocat.* it upon the plea of stricte r Sunday TH R O U G H SLEEPING CAR DAILY Portland to West Yellowstone OPERATED HY THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM FIRST CAR LEAVES PORTLAND 5:00 P M, JUNE 18TH Hound trig, rail fair from Portland to Wi st Yellow­ stone $08.25. Sleeping car fare one way $10.80 Thin doe« not include the hotel or camp expeiute while in the Park, which will depend on the length of stay. J. H. O’NEILL, Traveling Pawwiim-r A^ent, with headquarters at 701 Wells Karin* Building, Port­ land, will In t;l<*d to call personally on anyone wishing to vimt Yellowstone, and arraiiKe all de­ tails. Drop him a card, or address WM Mr MU ERA Y GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, OREGON j l i e l ( i <2 :i