fr Delicacies Jaded Appetite for the Our cold meats, salads and other choice table viands are always in demand by those who have once tried them. For the midnight snack, the light noonday lunch, the unexpected- company-for-dinner-crisis—all your needs quickly supplied at this store. EADS GROCERY T he S t o r e W h e r e Yo u r D o l l a r Does It s Dut y ON THE WEST SIDE I’HON K 9 ^Glasses You can buy glasses tor ten cents or ten dollar»—and get the same amount of ma­ terial in each pair. Hut RIGHT glasses arc much more than mere ma­ terial. Unless you buy GLASSES plus SERVICE you do not get your money's worth. 1 have the knowledge, ex­ perience and equipment to furnish right glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. J. Scholl O PTIC IA N O PTO M ETR IST F actory on Prem ises C ottage Drove Oregon Mr*. Kekc* will leave soon for the east to be gone all summer. Now open fo r business— In d ie s ’ and gentlem en's first class shoe shining par lor. H otel B artell. F irst class service.* Mr* Robert Mo*by left S aturday for C orvallis to be present at gradu at ion, her son Clay being one of the graduates. M iss K atherine M endenhall, accom panted by little E leanor Hays, left Fri day to spend the sum m er vacation at her home in H arrisburg. Mrs. Lester H ill left F riday for Oro- \ ill«*, C alif., to visit a sister. O verland to u rin g ear w ith all brand new tires and in fine condition for sale at N elson's Service S tation for $350. Mrs. A. 1. Fugala and daughters, id’ Rtee Hill, >|«*nt Sunday w ith Mrs. Fa g a la ’s parent*, Mr. an d Mrs. J . H. B ennett. Mrs. George Cut? fo rth, of Riddle, who had beeu visiting her son Dale, h*ft Sunday for Brow nsville for a visit there. Miss Ruth Robison has taken the place in the U m phrey A M arkin store resigned by Mis* Lois Thom as. Mr. and Mrs. Ed W right have ar rived here from B row nsville and are living in the Mrs. Rosa C urnn house on Sixth street. No matter what it is you " ant in printing, get it at The Sen j | f Mrs. W. O. A sher and children re | turned Monday to th eir home in P ort I land, accom panied by Mrs. A sher's j r ter, Mrs. Joe M cK ibben, w hom they had visited. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gleason returned I S aturday evening from a visit w ith th eir sou. Raym ond C. Gleason, on Row- river. * ----------------------------------------------------------------- ♦ Mi*s Josie Bcinis left M onday for land. M r- L aura M cKurnau left S aturday Port Mrs. Fa nine W itte returned M onday fo r S eattle to visit at the* * home of her from a visit in Ro*eburg and left sou Charles. Yoncalla. Mr*, L K. L tniley, who had been Tne Buy day the for “ LIG H T O V E R L A N D ” and visitin g her m other and sister, Mr* A. be a »a*isfied owner. C ottage Jacob« and Mrs. C. O. DeYcre, left G rove: Touring and D R elivered oadster, $0y5; *aturday w ith her children for her Coupe, $1036; Sedan, $1000. O verland nome id N orth B«*nd. a21tfc M oving and storagr. Phoue 99 City G arage. Mr*. Pearl H utchinson, o f A berdeen, T ransfer. n v lltf W ash., *pent the week end w ith her Mrs. H H V eatch sjient tbe week sister, Mrs. Mote. eud in Port laud, m eeting her husband Leland and George Mi** H allie W illits, F lor • here. M «-Faria nd and H oratio Mo*by Mr*. M B Johnson arrived S aturday euce otored to H arrisburg Sunday and from B row nsville and is visiting her m *pent the day w ith Mi*»» K atherine b ro th er. B U. K enady. M endenhall. Mr and Mr* F I.. Kennedy and Mr*. A. C. Loueks was in Eugene daughter and »on, B arbara and H arry, M onday. m otored up from Long Beach, C alif., Mr*. M erville V eatch returned Sat and are vi*iting at th** home of Mrs. urday from a visit in Albany. K en n ed y ’s parents, Mr. and Mr*. John Mrs. R R Myers and daughter, of P o tts, and her brother, Jam es. P ortland, who had been v isitin g Mrs. M y ers’ parents, Mr and Mrs. F. W. tr- Jucobs, returned home M onday. Mr* M y ers' sister, Mrs. W alter Sm ith, ac com pa mod them. All kinds of poultry supplies at Beid At the fam ous Ixmdon Springs. ler *8 Feed Store. jneOe Drink health giving Calapooya Roy Short, Archie P roctor and An­ w ater direct from the spring free drew B rund sjM-ut the week at Lo«t oi eharge and use the croquet lake on a fishing trip. ground*, tenn is court and base ball grounds free of eharge. Mr. and Mrs. H. B Budtell, of B anning, C ali/., visited from Suuday D inner Served Every Sunday. 1 to W ednesday at the home of Mr. to 7 o 'clo c k p in $1 the P late H udtell’* brother, T. G. Sudtell. Calapooya Springs Company A p arty composed of Mrs C arrie H erne n way, Mrs. E lizabeth F ahren wald, Mr*. E. J. H ughes, Mrs. F E. Thiel and Mrs. Regina Baum, w ith Chevrolet touring ear for .sale at Nel H erm an Rudolph as guide, hiked Tues son 'a Service S tatio n for (225. jnPc day to the D ev il's canyon west of the Mrs. M ary E M assey, of London, re­ city. Upon th eir retu rn they enjoyed tu rn ed S aturday from a visit in Cor dinner w ith Mrs. Fahrcnw ald. vallis. M iss H azel H azleton, who has taught -gii*s K athleen Allen has resigned at Betid for several year», arrived • ltion at the cream ery and Miss home M onday to spend the sum m er w ith her m other, Mr*. Dora H azleton. fcl*ie C hestnut ha* taken her place. Mrs. W. H. O tra u d c r underw ent a T he C ity bakery building, owned by m ajor operation T hursday of ia*t week Lew B ender, has received a new coat and is g ettin g along nicely. of paiut. Galloway w rites insurance. The appearance of the E arl H ill J . D. W irth, of the C ottage Grove house has been greatly im proved by a laundry, was called to M edical Lake dressing of paint. Sunday bv the illness of his fath er M oving and storage. Phoue 99 C ity n o v lltfc Mr. and Mrs. L. H. R oberts, of Han T rauafer. Francisco, who are on a m otor trip, M isses N aunc and Snow H eatou, who visited during the past week at the been v isiting at th e home of th eir home of Mrs. R o b e rts' sister, Mrs. C. had sister, Mrs. Hoiner Galloway, returned F W alker. Sunday to th eir home in E nterprise. Mrs. Ka til lee 11 Kcke* closed the Blue They cam e here to be preseut at the M ountain school F rid ay with a picnic graduation of th eir niece, Miss M ar ^ a re ^ ia llo w ^ ^ ^ Tales of the Town I M . Free Picnic Grounds Berries at Canning Prices Start your canning now and keep up with the changing berry market. Strawberries now in at canning prices. Sugar is going up and our lat«'st carload is going out. Supply yourself with «'aiming sugar now. We will be with the market at all tunes with fruit and berries for canning. A Complete Line of Fresh Vegetables for Saturday. Smith-Short Grocery Th« H t o r « That App r a e i a t « » Your T rid i Mrs. W. It i'ooper was a visitor in Mr. and Mr». M. M W heeler, dele gates from C ottage G rove grange, left Kugene M onday. M onday for M cM innville to atte n d the Tin* circuit court case of Mrs. E lla session of the state grange. Thompson ngaiust i'rau k Peoples w as Go to N elso n ’s Service S tation for dism issed last week, having been set right tire price«. Sale ends S aturday tied out of court. evening, Ju n e 10. B nu g your catalog Mr». F. LaBlue and Mr». Joe Pre w ith you. jneBc uiuEXi, of Dorena. returned Tuesday E. A. L illy ha** gone into p artnership from a visit ill O klahom a w ith th eir w ith H. K Met« alt’ in the florist b u si­ m other, Mrs. W. L. Sm ith They were ness. Mr Lilly is a bro th er of Mrs. called then* by the death of th eir M etcalf and hr and his fam ily recently fath er. arriv ed from B«*nd. Get oni pri««*s on tou lot« o f feed The O verland garage has sold an B eidler ’» Feed S tore. jne9c O verland sedan to Mr*. Geo. Knowles Mrs. M. E. M« Kiniiey w ent to D exter and O verland touring ears to O. H. T uesday to \ i>it her daughter, Mrs. M cA llister and W alter Fullm er. Ha« il P arker. Mrs. P a rk e r’* daughter, Mr*. R. S. Trask and sous B urdick l.uella K uow lton, who ha«i beeu visit aud Dannie left M onday for M inne­ m g her grandiuoth«*r, accom panied her. apolis to visit Mrs. T ra s k ’s m other Thelm a Breedlove, who taug h t and sister, Mrs. J. B. Lewis and Mrs. the Miss year at G atew ay, returned E rnest Oberg. Mr. O bcrg, who was on hoiut* past Hat urday. Miss Lillian Leonard, the coast on a business trip , accom- who taug h t in th e sam e school, stopped pauied them from Portland- o ff in P ortland to visit h«*r brother H ie hole m alleable range fo r sale Ralph, arriv in g home Tuesduy. «-heap. A. L. W ynue. jn o 2tfc It w ill pay you to go to N elso n ’s and Mrs. J. A. Pow ell attend ed be able to return to work in a week Dave Rissue cam e down from W ash garage am i buy your tires this w eek; the Mr. graduation of th eir son N orval or so. iugton to atten d the funeral of his 15 per cent o ff ou Kellys and an exlru from O. A. C. He took th«* com plete Charles D eW ald has gone to Canyon brother, A rthur Rissue. 5 per cent o ff for cash. course iu agriculture. to sp«*nd the sum m er. C. J . K« in has been m Port la ml d u r­ N. »H. H ays, of Loiidou, was iu Eu ville S H IN G L E S AND C EM EN T FOR ing the past week oil business. gene W ednesday on bunnies». SALE. W. L. H U B B E L L. j9 23c F. A. R ithardhou, of Cresw eil, was Elsie and Roy H eck, who had The eyes of th«? w orld ar«* on C ottage iu the city W ednesday accom panied atte n d in g school here, left »Sunday for Grove, if you have property her«*, you by his .*on in law, Geo. P. Jones, of laud, to whieh place th eir pur«*iits art) likely to fiud it u good investm ent, F orsyth, M ont., a prom inent law yer of P m ort oved durin g th«* school y«*ar. Roy but the restless sp irit is in the blood th at city , who contem plates locating iu returned y esterday, having secured a of m any and if you really w ant to sell Lane county. position here for the sum m er. property a t a reasonable price you The M ethodist Episcopal church of Mrs. H elen »Hilsby has been quite ill your list it w ith me. If you wish to Cresw eil is holding a p ro tracted revival during th e past week at th«* home *»f should buy, l have some choice listings. J . Al. ui«*etiiig in a larg«* tent. her daughter, Miss E sth er Hilsby. D urham , realtor. jn e9 tfc T«*u per ren t o ff on vacuum cleaners G. J. Landes» arriv ed Humlay from Mrs. Ida V eatch am i son R obert are Ju n e. A. 1». W ynne. ju e2 tfc C latskanie, w here h<* was em ployed in spending the sum m er ut Tukiim u. Mr. LIGHT AS A FEATHER for Mrs. Ntdlie W ebber is m oving into the mill whieh was destroyed by fire. and Mrs. V ictor Kcm and Mrs. G. A. T h e re’s one way to insure having th e city from her C edar creek ram li, Mr. and Mrs. John Hilsby arriv ed Handers m otored down w ith them Hat good luck w ith your baking every having taken th«* Almond Uem euway T uesday from Oregon C ity, being urday, retu rn in g M onday. time— buy all baked goods from th is home on Briggs avenue. Th«* Heinen- called here by the serious illness of E. B en n ett an d fam ily, of Mon bakery. Y ou'll find it costs less in ways ar«* iiioxiug to th eir Hilk creclt M r. H ilsby’s m other, M rs. Ilel«*n Hilsby, roe, Dr. speut the week eud a t the Dr. H. ranch for the sum m er. the end. who seem ed to rally a fte r the arriv al W. T itu s home. Cecil Caldw ell, Hi hofield H tew art, A. of the son. Mrs? C. C. Crusou is su fferin g w ith A. Richmond and son M arion went to G alloway fo r Iusurauce, 511 M ain, tf d iphtheria. Sm ith R iver last w eek. They returned A dau gh ter was born Ju n e 2 to Mr. Q ueener and Percy Rog«*rs paid M onday «*vening w ith a big bunch of $10 Ed each in {»lice court last week for am i Mrs. M urray N ew ton. fish. of in to x icatin g liquors, both plead I» e Roy Woods, of Eugene, visited The M. E. la d ies’ aid society w ill use iug guilty. Mr. Rogers a f ‘**rwards over »Sunday w ith his parents, Dr. and give an antique social and e n te rta in ­ asked a reopening of th e case and M rs. D. L. Woods. m ent next F rid ay, Ju n e 16, in A m eri­ a dism issal, having his fiue U«*o. M. »Scott and fam ily visited An eight pound «laughter was born can Legion hall. A dm ission will be 25 secured to him . over »Sunday in Eugeue. S aturday to Mr. and Mrs. V ernon cents and refreshm ents ex tra. jn9c returned Mrs. A. C. H aw kins le ft W ednesday D ale Green bought a Ford touring F ields, of Roseburg. Th«* grandm other, Mr. and Mrs. H iram G riggs m otored from Woodson B rothers. Mrs. Rosa C urrin, l«*ft fo r there Tu«*s- to O aklam l »Sunday and sp«*nt th e day for Independence to a tte n d the annual ear Dr. S aturday B. R. Jo b spent Hunday in the day to get acquainted w ith th e new w ith th»*ir cousins, Mr. am i Mrs. M. A. picnic of the H aw kins clan. Hh«* Bolmuiia m ining d istrict. stopp«*d o ff a t Eugene a ml w ent from m em ber of the fam ily. Kugg. w ith Mr. and Mrs. W. G. H auser. N elso n ’s for used cars and right tire J. B. Himeral w rites from Iow a to Mrs. J . B altzor spent T uesday iu there jne9c A d au gh ter was born Ju u e 2 to Mr. prices. change his address to D uP ont, W ash., Eugene. am i Mrs. Hhelby T eeters, of The Dulles. w here he and Mrs. Himeral w ill visit Mr. am i Mrs. M ark G aroutte m otored C ard of Thanks. th is sum m er. to P ortland T uesday, accom panied by Mr. am i Mrs. P eter Nelson, Mrs. We desire to express our sincere am i M oviug and storage. Phone 99. C ity R eta K elly, who w ill visit her aunt, A lbert H elliw ell, M arvin Hmith and h ea rtfelt th an k s to all who so kindly T ransfer. u o v lltfc Mrs. R obert M artin. Mr. and Mrs. M ildred Han mi m otored to M elrose assisted in nursing and caring for our aturday evening and speut th«* week sister during her recent illness and G aroutte will m otor to P endleton to S end w ith Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sm ith, death and for th e m any b eautifu l floral v isit at the home of th eir daughter, pareuts o f Mrs. Nidson, Mr. »Smith and o fferin g s an d expressions of sym pathy. M rs. L. E. Roye, to whom a sou was Mrs. H elliw ell. born May 28. We also feel very g ra te fu l to the m any M oving and storage. Phoue 99. C ity friends who so kindly tendered th eir B etter be safe than sorry. A re you Trasafer. iv ltf cars and assisted us in oth«*r ways. neglecting that fire in su rance/ I t ’s MR. AND MRS. C. F. W A LK ER, false economy. The Oregon F ire R elief E rnest K urre, a g rad u ate from the MR. AND MRS. J. A. W A LK ER, A ssociation stands guard over 50,000 C ottage G rove high school this year, GLADYS DAMEW OOD. property ow ners at cost. See Tom Aw- will teach th e Lynx Hollow' school p brey or John D urham , near B artell ho next year. ttL jl ir '.M I . M rs. A. M. M oore visited over W ed­ Mrs. A. C. H aw kins and Mrs. A licia nesday night in Eugene. H arriugtoii have beeu elected delegate» Mr. and Mrs. Roy B aker and daugh _ Special com m unication M onday to the \ \ . R. C. convention in N ew port te r D orothy m otored over from M abel Ju n e 27, 28 and 29. Mrs. E lizabeth M onday to a tte n d the fu n eral of Mrs. M l evening, Ju n e 12, a t 7:45. M. M. d«*gree. R efreshm ents. Vis- F ahrenw ald, who is past president, will B ak er's cousin, A rthu r Rissue. itors an d m em bers are urged also attend . Dodge to u rin g car w ith all new tires to / y be r \ present. Mrs. P earl P la ste r was in Eugene fo r sale a t N elso n ’s Service S tation H ELPS, W ednesday. jx$8 By order of W. M. L. N. P Secretary, fo r $396. Mr*. J. F. Knox and daughters w ent Ralph F ullerton, B righton L eonard to P ortland W ednesday to visit M rs. am i C laude Sherm an left Sunday by K no x ’s parents. m otor for th e beach. Mr. and M rs. A lbert Hhappell, of M rs. M atilda Sleep left F rid ay for A slice of our sweet hickory Indiana, had been v isiting Mr. her horn«* in N orth Bend to spem l the smoked ham cooked to a turn and Mrs. who Ham Newcomb, left for home sum m er vacation. and served in its own gravy, W ednesday accom panied by th eir Mrs. D. C*. Bosley and son F red left Glen V ick, who w ill atte n d F rid ay for C anary to visit Mr. Bosley, is indeed a breakfast to tempt m nephew, ilitary school. who is em ployed there. any man. Stork salt at B eidler ’a Feed Store. Mrs. A. J . Crow, who lives near V an­ Mr . D F. Mi lick arriv ed W ednesday couver and who ta u g h t this y ear a t from D allas to visit her m other, Mrs Hugo, v isited over .Sunday night w ith Eli Cochran. M rs. J . P. C urrin and daughter, Miss W. A. Gw in n , of Roseburg, form« r Lula. stopped o ff W ednesday while R. L. S tew art, local m anager for the Wholesalers and Retailers on resident, M ountain »States Pow er com pany, is his w ay to K noxville, Tenn. m oving this week in to his home on A bank is as strong as its re­ Percy Rogers was called to Haleru east avenue recently purchased sources. Behind us we have W ednesday to see his brother W alter, from Adams Andy N elson was up from Eugene who the C ottage Grove M anu factu ring the is dangerously ill in the sta te hos­ com pany. Federal Reserve System the first of the week. pital. A. Roger», fa th er of the men, S ugar and flour at B eid ler’s Feed with (JOlil) RESERVES OF Mr. and Mrs. A. F. S trange and M rs. accom panied the son. jne9c $2,200,000,000. Becca H uston, of P ortland, and Mr«. W illiam O stran d er and daughteis Store. Eliza B urnett, of E v erett, W ash., mo H«*l«*u am i H arriett w ent to Eugene Misses B ertha and H azel Stephens YOUR bank should be ihe tored up Sunday and visited the A 111 W ednesday to see M rs. O strander, who arriv ed Sunday from Eugene, where Miss B ertha is a teacher and where strongest-—ready for any emer­ son and M iller fam ilies here and at i* in a hospital. H azel atten d ed school. W alker. C. L. C hurchill and George K uppauf Miss Elise P rice left S uuday fo r Sif- gency. Our facilities and re­ Mr*. N. W. W hite and Mis» Inez have purchased Ft rd touring ears of ton, W ash., to spend the sum m er w ith sources are at your service. w« re visitors in Eugene S aturday. W ood-on B rothers. her parents. Dale W y att accom panied 15 per cent o ff K elly tires at Nel R<*\ and Mrs. E. G. O. G roat r* her as fa r as P ortland. soil's place th is week only; end* Hat turned T uesday from a tw o m o n th s’ urday night. E xtra 5 per cent o ff for visit at the home of Mr. G ro a t’s M ilton W oodson arriv ed home T hu rs­ day of last week from the hospital cash. jne9c daughter in G arfield, W ash. and is rapidly recovering from the in ­ “ The Old Reliable” Second hand goods bought, sold and juries sustained « hen hit by a flying exchanged. M orris A Cox, at east end fragm ent of an em ery wheel. He will J" Mr M aud C arter, of Los Angeles, C alif., is v isitin g at the I. B. M orns home. Nh«* w'as accom panied hero by Arline M orris, g ran d daug h ter of Mr. and Mrs. M orris. C atherine S cott, who had been visit at the home of Mrs. C athuriue by having those casings anil iug Bailor and atte n d in g school here, left The most wholesome and easiest, to take of any food you can aturday to join h**r moth«*r in Port tnlies put ill first class shape at S land. get these hot days. Ask any confectioner for L. L. W oods was up from Eugene last week v isitin g his parents, l)r. and Cottage Grove Vulcanizing Works Mrs. D. L. Woods. Mrs. E. C. Hhay returned Sunday from a visit o f several weeks in P o rt­ We have made arrangements with Mr. Anderson, who de­ w ith her daughter, Miss M arjorie, Ralph H and and F. H. Allison at land livers your groceries, to deliver ice to cool them. teml«*«i th** M iller R ay w restling m atch whose h ealth is greatly improv«‘«l and who is expected home soon. a t Gold H ill Tuesday. P h o n e 149 J . H. H aw ley received a Jersey bull W. If. End«*rly l«*tt W ednesday for calf F rid ay from th«* Don Meadows Han Francisco and will go from there to Therm opolia, Wyo., on business. Jersey fau n at Tillam ook. Jam es B. H tew art, of D orenu, A lfred Mrs. K«Jgar W illson l«*ft yesterday B eidler am i M. H. A nderson have been for »San Francisco, C alif., to visit a sister. draw n on th«* circuit court ju ry . W. B. Cooper ha* returned from a Business men: Oet your billing business trip to Llaho. If and bookkeeping system* of The Mi.*s Lula C urrin was a v isitor »11 Sentinel. tf Eugene We«lneSilay. A m arriage license was issued Hat urday to Clay M Htone and Cecelia F. Nelson will trad e used cars w ith you. Mr*. R«>bert M«*Mtirphey and «laugh B lankenship, both of C ottage Grove. Baby chick feed and mash, developing grain and mash, egg H. W. Lom bard was a v isito r in E u ­ te r I » is, o f Eugene, an«l Mr and Mr" G arfield M adden, of Jap an , visit'*«! gene over Hunday. producer and scratch feed. Also Fisher’s and Golden Rod e first of th e week ut th«* D. H. W. F e w n sustained a m ashed index th feeds. H«*nieuway home. Mr. M adden is a finger of the right hau«l Tuesday when of H arvey M adden, whose w ife BERRY BOXES AND URATES he got it en ta ngU-d w ith the rnechan- brother is Mr. and Mrs. H em enw ay’» «laughter i-m of a trim shw . Florence. Fixit Hhop ib u .» loratiou at com er K B. G risw old and three daugh of M am rtrw l aod P acific highw ay c ter* Mr* were up from Eugene to attend J P. V eatch returned last week from commt-ucemcnt exercises. Mrs Oris a visit of tw o m onths at his old home w o ld ’s nephew , N orval Armes, was in Salem. am ong the graduate*. THE HANDY WAY Ostrander Shopping at this store by telephone is such a convenient way to take care of this daily task. You can depend on get­ ting just what you order and when you want it. McQueen Cottage G ro v e E l e c t r i c Bakery A. F. & A. M., Attention A Tempting Breakfast City Meat Market This One Subject of Strength First National Bank Lessen Tire Costs and Road Trouble ICE CREAM Cottage Grove Ice Cream COTTAGE GROVE CREAMERY Keer’s Feed Jones & Eaton Feed and Seed S tore