The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 19, 1922, Image 4

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    The Sentinel
let it also be a day to resolve that
during the year to come fewer words
shall be spokeu to rend her heart, let
it be a day to resolve that fewer acts
A Weekly Newspaper Willi I ’leuty
shall be done to cause her sorrow, let
o t Back boue
it be a day to resolve that a greater
Elbert Bede a n d Elbert S m i t h Publishers number of acts of love shall make her
Klbert Bode_________________ ___ Editor fading years happier and filled with
the joy of knowing that she is most
A first class publication eutered at Cot loved by those for whom she has given
tage Uro ve, Ore., as second class matter most.
Governor Olrott hue s>-m a letter to
Charles E. ltualie*. aecretary of «late.
urtMnx that lit« department tll«putch a
request to the Camtillan government to
alto» u detarhmeut of Royal Mounted
police to attend (hr annual Koae (esti­
val to be held in Portland during the
month of June this year.
Eire losses in Ore (ton outside o f the
..412 Bast Mam
B ush
Office .
of Portland for the month of April
The Sentinel can not feel that there
is sufficient reason for the recall of aggregated $ir>0.575. according to u re­
Oue year
|SJft|TkfM moni hs. ..65c Commissioners Buchtcl and Williams. port prepared by the state fire mar
KYx mouths.... 1.15 I Single copy_____5c The times that they have decided shat. There were a total of 36 fires
Mrs. George L. Williams, president of tin Disabled Votomi»*’ Auxiliary, address«'«! a lottor to Ralph E.
against the corporations in favor of
The most disastrous fire
Member of
Williams, Republican National Committtvinaii, last Thursday, <l«‘imimlitig uu explanation us to why In* oiu
the people are forgotten in discussion reported.
National Editorial Association
ploys Oriental labor in his hop yards at a tini«* whon many «*x service men are jobless.
of the times they have decided for the was at Elgin, where a warehouse burn­
Oregon Ht ate Editorial Association
corporations, when so far as the evi­ ed with a loss of $41.000.
Williams is mu* of the largest hop d«*alers m Oregon.
Oregon New^pAper Conference
dence shows they could not honestly
More than $looo was netted as a re­
Lane Couuty Publishers’ Ass ociation do otherwise. A change at the expirn
Mrs. Williams' Utter follows:
sult of the so-called ( ’ herrlngo held In
turn of their terms of office might be
F R ID A Y, MAY 19, 1922
This money will Is* turned
wise, but unless malfeasance or non­ Salem
feasance in office is shown, there i> over to the committee In charge of the
Bortluud, Oregon, Muy II, 1922 .
no excuse for the use of the recall in construction of Salem's now hospital
617 Board of Trade Building,
removing experienced men and repine The event was staged hy the Salem
Cortland, Oregon.
Whoever gave birth to the idea of ing them with men of no experience
a day especially set aside for mother and men who could not be expected t’herrtans and was attended by people
Dear Sir: Positive ovidene«* having «*om«* to my knowledge that you employ Oriental labor hi your hop
did a noble thing and did much to to give the relief the supporters of the from all parts of the Willamette vs!
yards, while hundreds of uneinploye«l war veterans and otlu*r Am«*rieun citizens nre vainlx seeking work, 1 have
awaken a greater sentimental reverence recall expect. In the case of Mr. Wil h j
felt it my duty as president of the Disabled Veterans’ Auxiliary to impure your reasons for this attitude.
for the one before even hurdeued hams, his successor would serve but a
Controlling, ns you do, the stork in several bank" and ranking ns one of Porthind's wealthy men, there
Wool sales In central Oregon last
criminals oft bow in shame.
few month:— until next January, when
would appear t»» be no finuneiu! reason why yon should not employ at a reasonable wage your l«*ll«iw Amerieua
Many a boy and many a girl has Mi Williams’ term of office expires. week amounted to nearly 400.000
citizens who need work to support tlieuiatdves and di*p«*nd«*nts, and cxi'Iiule all Oriental labor.
been saved from some act of sin be­ It would be senseless to replace him pounds, with the announcement of the
One feature that has impressed itself forcibly ii|mu my attention is the faet that the example set by you
cause of the grief
might be for that short time
is one that may influenee other employers. You are not merely n private eitizen.
You nre the Kepubiieau
purchase by Charles II Green o f Port­
mother’s. Boys walk the streets of
National Committeeman and, as such, the head of the party organization in this state and you therefore owe
land of the 30.000 pound fine wool clip
every city who fre*»lv admit that seuti
employers to follow.
mental thoughts of mother have kept there h no doubt a change should be of Ned Murphy of Sommer laike at 3a
1 have no racial prejudice against Orientals. I simply feel that the unemployment problem since the
them from doiug things which the made. The conduct of the office of cents, with other Lake county dips to­
armistice has become so acute that our own American folk should be taken can* of to the entire exclusion of
flesh urged them to do.
state treasurer under (). I*. H off has taling about 40.000 pounds, at 33 to 34
Oriental labor. You nr«* a wealthy man and can easily afford to employ American help at proper wages.
Mother then is admittedly
the not been satisfactory
His opponent. cents.
Yours very truly,
noblest, most loved and most revered Senator Ryan, has been trie»! in the
A winter wheat condition consider
of human creatures and certainly it office as assistant treasurer and made
President Disabled Veterans’ Auxiliary.
was a grand and noble thing to set good. He promises to greatly reduce* alily lower than the condition of the
aside a day
upon which thought* expenses in the office and to increase crop a year ago. and unusually heavy-
should turn to her. when flowers should ffieieney. He is a nuui who has in losses of livestock, particularly of
be worn in her honor and be given 1° j tin* past made good. lb* will make
sheet) and lambs, are features of the
adorn her shrine.
! good now if given tin opportunity.
May 1 crop and livestock report for
But why should only one day of the
Paid Advertisement bv E VV Van Horn, Overseas Veteran.
year be especially set aside for herf
Eugene Watrous has retired from a Oregon just issued by the United
W ill flowers on one day of the year half ownership of the Junetion City States bureau of markets und crop
cause her to forget neglect during the Times and Jasper J. Ray, li i - son-in
other 364 daysf The radiance of her law . takes o\er Mi W :itrow ’ intei
Tin- annual Oregon Jersey jubilee
face may cause wayward ones to think and will continue with Thomas Nelson,
The tax collector never pleases a
There is not half the pleasure to be
Mothers are not deceptive but owner of the remaining half, to give tour of Jersey breeders of the Padfle
When Eve said sin* had no clothes to customer but tln*y all come back to
Hod alone knows how much of pain Junction Cityr what probably is th** northwest will lie inaugurated In Al derived from consorting with royalty
and blue bloods as in a romp with your vv«*iir sin* voiced n genuiite complaint. him tin* next year just the same.
and sorrow is hidden from those they best paper in any city of its size any­
bany on the night of May 24. Tourists
• • •
love most.
little tots— and there you need not
from all of the northwestern states and tear being look' d down upon.
It is hard f o r nil em pty bag to staud
Our distrust of mankind comes from
W ill words of love on Mother's day-
upright—or an e m pty man, either, Hays
cause her to forget the sharply spoken
knowledge of ourselves.
short of from Itritisli Columbia will gather here
The Don’t Worry club
• • *
foi the trip, which will take them over
words of the day before, or of the recruits.
an exchaug«*. How about a full maul
A convention of pickpockets is to
• • •
mouth before. A few words of love
many parts of the Willamette valley be held in Chicago. They'd better be
A Kanssa preacher says women wear
mean so much to her that she hides
A professor o f an Illinois collegia
pretty careful while they an* m tin* halos hi heaven instead of hats. There
like a clock and still on visits to famous Jersey herds.
with a smile the wounds of other days,
By a margin of two eggs over the Windy City or th«* natives will g«*t all is ii«» lougi*r any doubt among men says that tin* much miiligued skunk is
but sons and daughters, when they be be behind time.
folks about heaven beiug uu ui«*ul good to cat. Liniliurger is to huv«*
nearest competitor, Barred Rock pul­ their valuables.
come fathers and mothers, will know
• • 4 »
serious compet it nm.
The place to judge whether a man is let No 8S. of the Oregon Agricultural
that tin* hidden heart bore it scars
• • •
* • *
good fellow is at home.
An expert in matters o f that kind
which words of loye on one day o f the
college, is the high point holder at
Things said behind u person’s back
year could not efface.
A scientist makes tin* stat<*nn*nt that
says tying a weight to n mule’s tail
the end of the first six months of the will stop his braying. There nr«* s«im«* snails snort*. W«* wish it wore as easy would often give him pleasure if said
The setting aside of n day for I It usually turns out that a cl»
western Washington egg laying con precautions necessary to b«* tak«*ii, to g«*t away from other beings that to I l l s face.
mother was a splendid and noble server is pretty far sighted,
• • •
test for Barred Rocks at Puyallup. however, as preliminary to placing the have that habit.
thing to do, but it would be more j
* * *
4 » • •
splendid « nd more noble to set «aide ] A newspaper
would feel
I f we wore one ipmrt«*r ns anxious to
lect Washington, extending over one year «vight.
man woi
each year for her. Let us never d«> I ed if there was no one finding fault The Aggie hen has laid 159 eggs.
It wouldn’t be so bad f«ir a man t«> give a person eredit for his good deeds
away with this day' set aside each year
Tin* man who always says something pretend that In* knows a whole lot more as we are to talk of his bad ones, we
especially for her. Let us give her
North Umpqua river lx- sponsored hy when In* speaks never trn*s to talk than he really does if In* didn’t pro would be kept so busy with the former
gifts of love, or remember her with the
sunn* so much upon your iguorunet* in that we would never get to the latter.
to say.
white flower, but if she is yet with us. / Moments of success are never
the government for the purpose of in unless In* has something
* * *
• • •
doing so.
j precious as when you look back
creasing the vatu, of Its range and
It is all right to marry on the theory
It doesn’t, look very refined to us
them from failure.
grazing lands in the llahee. Big Ca­ that two can live as cheaply as one—
A job left undone gets harder t'o do for a woman to kiss n dog, but ut that
it beats kissing some human pups.
every day.
California woman chared $2.1*10 mas anil Diamond lake districts will but tin* ratio is likely to fluctuate.
cear raising frogs. Paste that in he contained in the rnnge appraisal
report being prepared by the forest
service to submit to congress, accord­
man makes repeated mi
ing to D C. Ingram, appraiser.
»es confidence in himself :i
Officers charged with enforcement
it hers do.
of the state anti-purse seine law. are
planning to ask for n submarine chas­
They' have telescopes on the dome of
er to patrol the coast to prevent vio­
the capitol at Washington. We have
heard that some congressmen were see lation of the law by purse seine fish­
ermen operating within the three-mile
mg things.
Normal-ize your sisrht
limit Reports have been received that
by iisiiiir proper glasses
Every parent who says in front o f a fleet of purse seiners from Wash­
-—Exact correction
his boy that he will allow no school ington is planning to come to the
assured here.
teacher to punish his child, is doing all mouth of the Colunihin river July 1.
he can to put the boy in the way of
Lumber production of the 127 mills
needing a licking.
of the northwest reporting to the
In the olden times Assyrian lovers West Coast Lumbermen's association
used to write their letters on clay tab >luring the past week, continued to
lets, resembling bricks but somewhat improve and the reports indicated
thinner, which were often used as nm that the output was 2 per cent above
Voters, you are called upon to nominate a business m anager
terial for building castles in the air.
normal. New biisineas for the week
for Lane county. You should consider well his <|ualifications be-
was 13 per cent above normal and
shipments were 13 per cent below new
fore casting your vote.
business The mills manufactured 84,-
570.028 feet; sold 95,916.471 feet and
J. I). Hamlin for a number of years was a rosid«*iit o f.I unction
shipped 83.773.137 feet during the
Í -ity and the L ik e ( ’reek valley and lias a sympathy for and
H. M Schilling, manager at llertnis-
knows the needs of those parts of Lane county now deserving the
ton for the Umatilla project, has re­
attention of a commissioner.
ceived Instructions to begin on July
1 negotiations for the purchase of
lands lying above the proposed Mc­
Mr. Ham lin lias no personal interests to serve.
Kay creek dam which will be inun­
dated when the waters are impounded
Mr. Hamlin is an active, energetic business mail of long ex-
for irrigation purposes. It is under-
stood that high prices will not be paid
They match in quality and design.
for the lands. The move to purchase
Nestled together in a neat velvet-
lined box they are most beautiful as
I'J l M
is considered proof that the govern
Mr. H am lin’s honesty and integrity have never been ques-
well as useful, and entirely personal.
ment expects to complete the McKuy
I f you have already given some one
creek project as quickly as possible.
an Eversharp or a Wahl Pen, com­
After a conference with Forester
plete the double gift. Many styles
M r. Hamlin does things; lie is not a P R O M IS E R .
Greeley. Representative Hawley an
and sizes for selection— for pocket,
nouimed that three- units of the Roose­
for purse and for chain or ribbon.
velt highway In Oregon are to be* con
Mr. Hamlin has all the qualifications, executive and otherwise,
Our suggestions are at your service.
structed this summer through forest
ne«*dcd in a comity commissioner and will make good.
reserves. The first is from Tidewater
bridge to Waldport. In Lincoln county,
eight miles, at a cost of $100.000. The
second will be from Brush creek to
ft rite-hand Companions
Mussel creek. In Curry county, six
miles, at a cost of $150.000 The third,
south of Neskowln, in Tillamook and
Lincoln counties, 20 miles, will cost
A luten arch type steel and concrete
bridge was selected by officers and di­
rectors of The Dalles-Oregon Washing­
ton Toll Bridge company, meeting at
m / A -a il
The Dalles, for the span across the Co­
— and you will have no cans«“ to regret it.
lumbia river three miles above The
The plan was one of three
submitted hy President Rears of th*
Yours truly,
Union Bridge company. The complete
working plans fqr the construction of
th< bridge will now be made, the f i­
J. I). Hamlin for County Commissioner Club,
nancing campaign put over and the
contract awarded probably this sum­
By Frank L. Taylor, Chairman, Thurston, Ore.
mer, It was decided at the meeting. All
but three of the bridge spans will be
C. H. Sedgwick, Secretary, Ores well, Ore.
of concrete The longest span, of steal,
will cover the main river channel, a
distance o f 267 feet. The total esti­
mated coat Is $366.250.
» , .
Ralph E. Williams Hires Orientals
While Hundreds of Ex-Service Men Need Work
President of Disabled Veterans’ Auxiliary Scores Williams
Vote for F I T H I A N
for National Committeeman
for County Commissioner
Sh ennm iW -M ooclu
make a royal gift
Vote 45 (X) J. 0. HAMLIN
Prize contest tickets with each dollar purchase
K em 's for Drugs
Paid ad—-ni!9