L R. RONEY for Commissioner In Hubmitting my candidacy for the nomination of County Com- iiiiHHÎoner of Lane county on tin- republican ticket at the pri­ mary election to lie held on May H», 1022, I deaire to make cer­ tain apeeil'ic and definite Htatements relative to what I propoae to asaiat in nccomplitihing. Lane County Taxes Although stuf«« tnxrs for 1921 wore [irNctiPuily thè sanie in iiniouiif ii s th«*y were in 1920, for Lune county, yet county nini locai tuxcs Imve uctimlly lieen incrcuscd «»notigli to iniikc a $32,000 nel increate Ini ilio w ho le o f I .¡i ne county l'or 11122. TI iiih we hcc I luit taxes in l.anc county are Constantly grnwiug more Inmleasnine, ami t li e onl\ " u y to reduce taxes is to prudi«*«* thè most ripid ecoiioiny ia die adniiaist ratina o f county affuirs ia every defnil of jiuldic expemlitun*, la my opinion, court house expeases caa ami should he cui tailed. I f elcctcd, I shall lise my hest effo rts to cui down court house expeases to thè minimum eoa sisteat with efficien cy and business requi rollio u I h . All county court of t’icers and eiuployes o f thè eoiinty entrusted with thè dishurscnieiit o f county funds should in* roquired to oxorciso thè suiue eeouomy in thè tlisbursenient of puldic money timi thè stime effieien ey ili tlo disellarle o f their respeetive o ffic ia i duties as ari* ret|tiiri*d hy private business ea terprises in thè ennduct o f their business uffairs. Market Rnad Fund The preseli! Market rofid luw vvent Ulto effeet ili 11120. Siin e timi date I.mie county hus reeeived front thi*» market road lumi $55,918.00 ni 1920 and $50,140.00 in 1021 and $50,.'M.*1.00 hi 1022, or a grand total o f $108, 407.90 vvi t Inn tile lust three 1 y ‘' " rs- •il ol I Ins «*normoiis Just 1linvv sum hns b«»en tîi»list e nt «1 ni» other tumis or lithe TW IMI* «1i vert«*< 1 from tin* use <*oiit<»mphited 1»y tlo* law is not wiit in n the reu Im »>1 »«ni jeet lira*. but i**•rt,. in it is that our market roods ili» Y'»* no t reeoivi «I the :t 1 i m tion tO will elli they nr«* «•lit it led ; thon*!» ire. 1 anii firm ly o f illII* «»pin et ronfi funds should ion that murk1 lie exp« •mi I'll Oil murket romls-—winch are »*ss«•lit u .II n farmers ' ronib1 mili nun er than which i i tin Pacific state rond. highway, and openly state my position n|M > ii tin* road and bridge program of Pam* county. Bridge Building I have followed the business of bridge building for more than 40 years. I f alerted I shall m yself •nifierinteml with the assistance o f a competent foreman— the eonst ruc­ tion o f bridges in Lam* county. T can do so without Interfering the least with the other duties o f tin* o ffic e ami thereby save to the tax payers o f Lain* county the salary now paid to the bridge siiperiuten dent. 1 am fully conscious o f my ability to build bridges much cheap er than is now being done under the present management. Extravagant Expenses It is my candid opinion llmt the progress of Pune county depends largely upon the development o f our county road system; therefore, we should at all times guard against »‘ Xl ravagant expenses and strive to obtain a d ollar’s worth of work or merchandise for each dollar ex­ pended. Under the present mining«»' ment our roads and bridges are, in my opinion, costing entirely too nmcli money ami overhead expenses arc out of all proportion to acHinl construction accomplished. 1 am de­ cidedly in favor of a less number o f road and bridge bosses, there­ fore, more ami better roads and bridges for tin* same amount «*x- |M‘micd. For the past several years Pam* county hus employed *a bridge siipcnat»‘ iideiit at $1/5.00 per month ami a road superiiitendeift at $225.00 per month. Each o f these superin­ tendents has a foreman on each job under construct ion and these for»* men receive a good salary. I f elect­ ed it is my purpose to see that the taxpayers o f Pnfie county shall r«* reive substantial tax reduction by reason o f th»* absolute elimination o f ail superfluous bosses and super- flufms tax »Miters to be found on Pane county’s pay roll. Special Road Tax Fund County-Owned Cars and Trucks A ll sections o f Lane county should receive their just pro|Mirtion in the expionlit lire o f road money Special road tax money should la- used only by the taxpayers who voted that tax. 1 am unalterably opposed to the sh iftin g or transfer o f such funds a fter they have been voted and assigned to the budget. The fiv e county-owned automo­ biles and two or more freight trucks should be used for county business only, not for pleasure, not for pri­ vate business or by the families o f county o ffic ia l« or employes. The un official us«» o f these county-owned ears, together with the consequent consumption o f county-owned gaso­ line, should be positively prohibited. Road Maintenance I mu heartily in favor o f road niaiuteuaaee. The roads heretotnre constructed should lie k**pt in good repair and patrolled by iiumi known to be vigilant in the enforcement o f the law regulating the speed of automobiles and tin overloading o f freight t rinks. Them* highly de­ structive abuses of our public roads can only be currented by the con stunt and systmiuitic attention of a vigorous and vigilant road patrol. Road and Bridge Program I do not desire to obtain a single vote by deception or through mis apprehension, therefor»; it is right and proper that 1 should frankly Platform Pledges 1 desire that th«» people o f Pane county shall know that I am under no obligation, pledge or promise to any offic«*lndd«*r wlimns«a»ver. 1 ain not a member o f any political ring or clique o f any kind whatever. I f elect «'«I I will perform the «luti«*s o f the o ffic e without fear or favor and with due regard fo r th«* up­ building of Pam* county and tin* best interests o f th«* taxpayers and I hereby solemnly promise to stund by and faith fu lly fu lfill the above and foregoing platform to the very b«*st o f my ability. L. N. RONEY. Paid Adv— nil2e YVATUII YOUR LABEL—IT WILL PAY YOU THERE’S PROFIT EACH DAY The Tordson Way Fordson Seeded Fields ERTTLF. fields and well prepared seed beds often produce low yields because of improper seeding. The Fordson Tractor and Amsco Tractor Drill will get your crop planted at the right time and insure even seeding at the proper depth. Seeding the Fordson way means early germination, even stand and rapid growth. It also assures even ripening of crop— better quality of grain and an increased yield. Amsco Drills arc equipped with double run force feed— with either single or double disc and ribbon steel tubes. Their strong angle steel frames make them equal to any strain put upon them and the Automatic Power Lift makes them a real one- man outfit. They are manufactured by The American Seeding Machine Company exclusively for the Fordson. Let us show you an Amsco Drill. F WOODSON’S for FORDSONS D e m o n s t r a t i o n D a y or N i g h t OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of Our Readers. The organization of 8taytpn'a new cannery la progressing at a rapid pace. The registration figures for Jack- son county show a total of 11,208 voters. For the first time in Linn county a woman Is serving as foreman of a grand jury. A special city election will be held in Monmouth May 19 to vote on a new city charter. W ork of paving the Roseburg-Wil- bur section of the Pacific highway began Monday One person was killed and 120 were injured in traffic accidents on the streets of Portland during April. E. B Fitts, extension specialist of the Oregon Agricultural college, held a week's dairy conference at Klamath N O TICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Dr|iartiiicnt o f the Interior, U. S. Land O ffic e at RoHclmrg, Oregon, 'A p r il 25, 1922. Notice is hereby given that George Miles Keeney, o f Anlnuf, Oregon, who on M av 14, 1920, made homestead entrv. serial N«i. 012587. for the N H o f HW*4 HE*4 o f 8W>4 o f Section 31, Township 21 8.. Range 4 W\, W il lamette Meridian, has file d notice o f iTit«*ntion t«» make final three year proof to establish Haim to the land above deseribed, before th«* Roadster ami receiver o f the United States Land O ffic e at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 12th day o f June, 1922. Olairnant mimt»s as witnesses: S. S. Thomas, o f Anlauf, Oregon; R. E. Thomas, o f Anlauf, Oregon; Harrison Davis, o f Anlauf, Oregon; Jnek Haney, o f Anlauf, Oregon. W. H. C ANO N , in5jn«»2 Register. N O TICE TO CREDITORS Estate o f .Tames Matthews, deceased. N otice is hereby giv«*n that Charles Matthews has been, by the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, in ami for Lane County, appointed adminis­ trator for the estate o f .Tames M a t­ thews, deceased. A ll persons having claims against sai«l estate are her«*by notified to pro sent the same, duly stated and v e ri­ fied, at the law o ffic e o f H erbert W. Lombard, in Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six months from this 5th day o f Mav, 1922. CHART.EH M A T T H E W S , Administrator. Herbert W. lom bard. Attorney. m5jn2 N O TICE OF F IN A L SE TTLE M E N T. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned adm inistratrix o f the estate o f John Cooley, deceased, has filed in the County Court o f Lane County, Ore­ gon, her final account as the said ad niiuistratrix o f said estate, and that Tuesday, the 16th day o f May, A. D. 1922, at the hour o f 11 o ’clock a. in. o f said day, has been fixed by said Court as th«* time for the hearing and passing upon said fin al account and objections thereto, i f any, and for the final settlement and distribution of the residue of the said estate. The first publication o f this notice w ill be on th«i 1.4th day o f April, 1922, and the last publication on the 12th day ol May, A. iJ. 1922. ME L I A C U R R IN , Adm inistratrix o f the estate o f John Cooley, deceased. H. J. S H IN N , Attorn y fo r estate. al4m l2 Falls. Twenty-four students from the high school at Carlton passed a day in Salem Inspecting the various state de­ partments and institutions. Miss Harriet Griffith, daughter of Mr and Mrs Franklin T. Griffith, has been selected as queen of the Portland 1922 Rose Festival in June. Representatives of baseball teams in Eugene, Albany, Salem, Cottage Qrove and Roseburg met in Eugene aqd discussed plans for a valley league. Resolutions opposing the passage of the McNary Diamond Lake National park bill were adopted by the mem­ OF A P P O IN T M E N T OF bers of the Baker county chamber of N O TICE A D M IN IS T R A T R IX . commerce. The annual central Oregon traok In the County Court o f the State of meet, with entries representing grade Oregon for Lane County, in the matter o f the estate o f W illiam Ferguson, d«*- and high schools from Deschutes, Jef­ ceased. N otice is hereby given that the un­ ferson and Crook oountlee, was held In dersign«^, Carrie Ferguson, has been Prlnevllle. duly ap|M>inted adm inistratrix o f the Through the assistance of a number estate o f said W illiam Ferguson, de­ o fjjlv lc organisations of Portland the ceased, on the 7th nay o f April, 1922, by the County Court o f Lane County, state training school for boys at Oregon. A ll persons having claims against Salem will organise a band within the said estate are hereby notified and re- near future. quired to present the same with proper The mill of the Oshkosh Lumber vouchers, to sai«l administratrix, at the oompany In the Mobawk valley above law* o ffic e o f Herbert YV. Lombard, in Cottug« Grov < Oregon, within six Mabel will resume operations in a months from the firs t publication o f few days. The plant has a capacity this notice. Dated and published this 14th day of 50,000 feet. o f Apr.I. 1922. C A R R IE FERG USO N, Improvements aggregating between al4m !2 Adm inistratrix o f said estate. 850,000 and (60,000 will be made at Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney. the plant of the Oregon Pulp U Paper compuny in Oregon City within the N O TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SA LE ON E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE. next few months. The United Contracting company of Notice is hereby given that by virtue Portland has received the contract for of an execution and order o f sale in foreclosure issued out o f the Circuit building the Mill Creek market road, Court o f Lane County, Oregon, on the extending 7Vi miles southwest of The I’M h day of April, 1922, in a suit wherein on the 25th day o f April, 1922, Dalles, on a bid of (51,472.12. in said Court, Fred Ernst, p la in tiff, re­ Reports received from packing covered judgment against the defend­ ants, 1. B. Morris and M aggie M. M or plants at Astoria indicate that the ris, his w ife, fo r the sum o f $500.00 catch of salmon ln the Columbia river with interest thereon at the rat«* o f since the season opened has been Sr/c per annum since January 11th, light. The fish average small and 1921, and $75 attorn ey’s fee ami $19.50 costs, which judgment was enrolled and there are few of them. docketed in the Clerk ’s o ffic e o f said More than 200 laundrymen and | Court in said County on the 25th day of April. 1922, and said execution to wives from Oregon and other Pacific me directed commanding me in the coast states will assemble at The name o f the State o f Oregon, in order Dalles Thursday. Friday and Sat to satisfy said judgment, interest, a t­ torn ey’s fee, costs o f suit and accru- urday, at the annual convention of the | ing costs to sell the follow ing de­ scribed real property, to w it: Oregon State Lanudry Owners' aaso Lot 1 in Block 1 Haze It o n ’s first elation. addition to th«* Town o f Cottage Grove, The question of whether the state Lane County Oregon. N ow t, therefore, in tin* name o f the fish commission's order closing the State o f Oregon, in compliance with Willamette slough to salmon fishing said execution and ord«*r o f sal«» ami in will stand depends upon the outcome order to satisfy said judgment, inter est, a tto rn e y ’s fees, costs o f suit and of an action pending before Judge accruing costs, 1 will, on Haturli E. Williams, Inis Iteci» sidetracked by I lie National Coiniuitlcc In a harmless viee-eliainnansliip and is useless In Oregon. Carrying kid gloves in one hand and a cane in the other, Ins hands are lull and he lias not been able tn do a single tiling for Oregon during I lie 14 years be has beeu on the Committee. If the hours spent by Williams al Portland's sw eilest, club bail been devoted In working l'or Oregon, lie might have ac­ complished something for our people. What Is Wrong With Williams? Williams lias no chant...... .....lining National Chairman and running the presidential campaign in 1Ü24, or even I lie West­ ern end of it. The reason is that tin National Committee seems extremely unwilling to trust Williams with the management of even the Pacific Coast pari of the national campaigns. Foi instance, in 191H, when a Regional Director for the Toast was selected, the Commttee turned down Williams in favor of Raymond Benjamin of San Francisco. Then, in 1!)20, when Hauling was running, Williams was again ignored and Elmer E. Dover of Tacoma was chosen to conduct the Campaign on the Coast. What is wrong with Williams! Is Williams Loyal to Nominees? « All over Oregon Republicans are.dismissing Williams' con­ nection with the campaigns of certain Republican nominees for United States senator, and are asking I lie question, I >ID W I L L I A M S DO IIIS F U L L D U T Y BY T H E M ! ThU ques­ tion is being asked by friends of tlic late Senator Fnlloii in Astoria. It is being asked in Eugene by friends of Senator R A. Booth, in Salem by friends of Senatoi MeNary and in Portland by friends of Senator Stanfield. VOTE FOR FITHIAN F I T H I A N is a successful business man, a live wire, a life­ long Republican who W I L L B E L O Y A L T o T H E R E P U B ­ L IC A N N O M I N E E S F IT H IA N W I L L «JET T H E N A T I O N ­ A L C O M M IT T E E A N D T H E N A T I O N A L G O V E R N M E N T TO H U S T L E FOR OREGON. F IT H IA N CLUB, By Chas T. Early, President, Robt. O MeNary, Secretary, Chas W . Eberlein, Treasurer.