functions of the national forests the production of tim ber and the unii GIFT OF ’9 6 GROWS are main protection of w ater supplies, w hether these be for m unicipal use, for irriga TOWARD FORTUNE other turn or for w ater power am i that uses, such us bv li\esto ck and Neighborhood News BOW RIVER. (Special to The Mentili«»!.) At the E nd of 160 Years, $3000 Given recreation, im portant as these have M urch 21.— Mrs. F U. S illier, of become, m ust ulw ays be haruiouized U niversity ol Oregon W ill H ave N ew port, retu rn ed to her home Sun with the tw o prim ary functions of Increased to $403,027. tim ber p ro du ct iou aiul protection of day, a fte r a week 's visit w ith H r. and Mrs. 8. 8. Trask. w ater flows. The M isses Elsie and N ellie Pleuurd B \ DOBKIB S1K L8 and Alvs Ttarun spent th«* week end COUNTY ROAD WORK School of Journalism ith relatives and friends in the SOON TO BE BEGUN w Grove. (juiversitv oi Orogitu, Kugeuo, Muroh 8utidny visitors at tin* M. F. Me 2t>— (S pecial.)— “ U real oaks from lit If th«* w eath er rem ains reasonably Colima home w ere Mr. and Mrs. Ernest t ie acorus grow , ” !ho prov orb goes, but good, all three of the co u n ty 's cater West aud F. H W iliam , of 8priug it is, uo\ertheloss, hard to eoueoive tracto rs uml road const ruction field, am i Mr. and Mrs. Georg«* P oller th a t the auui ol $3000, the g ift from o pillar u tfits w ill be at work w ithin u few am i children, of S tar. ihe «'lust* of 1390 as a loan fund to «lays, J. K. McKy, county road Mr. and Mrs. Win. T hrun am i chil l D iversity of Oivguu studouts who run m aster. said M ouday. «Iren, Mrs. \ I .a Blue and M artin Mac short of money during their eoliege ca One o f th«* oaferpillnt o u tfits w ill In* M aster, spent Sunday w ith tin* J. A. leers w ill am ount to $403,927.47 at the placed on the Elm ira N oti section I.nwc fam ily at Yi«la. end of 15u years, wheu, according to quite said M cKy, an d tin* th ird Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garoutt«* were th e term s ot the contribution, the o n g will b«* loou, put to work on tin* Cloverdule week end visitors in tin* Grove. null principal and its accum ulations road, from the Coast Fork bridge b«* Mr. an d Mrs. J. B H ills, «if Oak shall pass to the university for its use tw een Goshen and P leasant Hill to ridge, were Sunday guests at the au d benefit. tin* ford opposite Creswell, a distance l.nS«*l)s S tew art hnuu*. The g ift of $3000 as u fund to bi six miles. This work w ill sta rt as Mrs. John M artin and Mrs. Jo«* loaned to students was m ade hist year of s«»ou as the survey, now u nder w ay, is H eflin visited th eir m other, Mrs. Pete by the class at its auuual dune re com pleted. All three of th«»se projects union. At th at tim e the money was w ill be done by the county road d e­ Chalifou«*, at S ta r Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. V\. Lyle P erry , of placed in the hands of a board partm ent w ithout le ttin g contracts. Eugene, wen* S unday visitors at the trustees who were given control of Th«* ro ad m aster Said th at a crew Elm er W icks home. M em bers of the board are Jen n ie Boat Mr. and Mrs. Dave W illiam s, o f the tie H arris, l)i. C larence \\ Keene w ill also be put to work scarifying dragging several d ifferen t roads Grov«*, spent the week end w ith Mr. 1 red \\ M ulkey, Louise Yorau W hit and at have uut y et received atten tio n anil Mrs. Georg«* Jam es and Mrs. Eva ton, all of the class o f 1396, President th this season. j W illiams. 1*. L. C am pbell, and his successors Dora Mosbv, o f D orena, sp«»nt Tues- the presidency, C om ptroller Louis H I day night w ith IV arl McCollum. Johnson, and succeeding com ptrollers, Mrs. Kay W illiam s visited over the and P. E. JSnodgress, president of the i week end w ith her relatives, tin* Sat F irst N atio n al bank of E ugene, and i terfields, at Ju n ctio n City. lus successors. Loans from this fund w ill be mail' W A LD EN to stud ents at an interest rate o f six per cent, the in terest on th e to tal R eader of Sentinel Suggests Present (Special to Tin* Sentinel.) am ount to be com pounded annually un Metho«l of Producing H eat Is M arch 21.— Mrs. Furn Adam s and til at the end of the lot» year* th. stiii Oscar. Mrs. Jam es Lebow and Mrs. Crude and D angerous ag g reg ate shall pass free from tic H arry W illiam s and baby w ere in the tiu st fund to th e university for its us. Grove S aturday. an d benefit. P reference in g ran ting Not only is the hatching o f chickens tilt* loans w ill be given to lineal «1« by a rtific ia l heat not a m odern i«i«*a, Mr. Trub«*y, tin* ca ttle inspector, was the river W eilnesduy au d S aturday seendauts of m em bers of the class of but m odern chicken producers might up testin g cattle. '96 o f the u niv ersity while those tie b«* able to get souu* idem* from the»*«* Glen H ogate has retu rn ed from seendants are stud ents a t the uuiver th er «lays. A reader of The Senti i Elk toil, when* he has be«»n em ployed sity , to the u niversity itself for tern o nel f o suggests at the metheul now used | on tin* road. porary needs am t to w orthy student for heating th incubators is crude am i Mr. am i Mrs. H. D. C ham berlain t*n the cam pus who m ight otherw ise b» dangerous, th at th* h«*at could just as j and son visited Sunday at th«* H arry in terru p ted in th eir college careers be brought to the incubators from | C astle home. The president am i com ptroller ot the an •11 outside heating plant, w ithout any Mr. am i Mrs. Freil F rost and fam ily u niversity aud the president ot th «lunger w hatever of the v isited Sunday at the W. D. H eath F irst N atio nal bank compose the com m ain buihlings by of ilestru«*tioii tire. This reader m ittec which w ill judge the tim e am hands The S entinel tin* follow ing, home. Freil B rum baugh spent Sunday a fte r am ount of each loan. i?* copied from Eliot W arbur noon w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A lthough six per cent is the rate of w to hich n ’s “ The C rescent and the Cross, D. H. Brum baugh. in te re st to be charged, the avera H arry C astle spent M onday night varuiug figured on is four per cent w ritten about 1844: “ One of the sigh ts w hich am used since the money will probably not be me most was a chicken-hatching oven. helping care for Leon an d Claude A rne, who ar«* both very sick w ith in co n stan t use. F igured on this basis of four per cent the $3U0U given last This useful establishm ent is at sum«* ptmumonia. distance from th e w alls, and gives lit«- George Mosbv w as a G rove visitor y ea r w ill am ount to tw o -fifth s of to some m illions o f chickens m utually Sunday. m illion dollars in 150 years. Bucli a g ift of more than $400,000 It seems th at the hens of Egypt are C lifford Lebow was in the Grove # com ing as it w ill w ith uo outlay of not given to sedentary occupations; Momlay. been hatched th«* Ives by Mr. and M rs. George L ayng sp«*iit exp« *n»e •*: effo rt from tin u niversity having m ay solve m anv d ifficu lties such as m achinery, they do not feel culled Sunday night w ith Mrs. L ayng s par providing ad d ition al building facilities, upon to hatch. They seem to consider eats, M r. am i Mrs. Georg«* Do wen*. applying a d eficit :n current expenses th at th«»y have discharged every duty or establishin g an endow m ent. Four t«> society when they have produced a HEBRO N hundred and three thousand dollars m ere egg; no dom estic anxiety ruffles th eir bosom s; they cart* not w hether would finance, at the present cost ot (Special to The Sentinel.) m aterials, three class room buihiiug th eir o ffsprin g becomes a fritte r or a M arch 14.— Mrs. P iser, of S tay ton, fow l, :»n om elet or a gam e cock. We such a s the new home o f the school «it visited last week a t th e homes of her business ad m in istration , w ith more eutered th eir foum llm g hospital— a daughters, Mr». L. 1>. H u ff am i Mrs. gloomy and filth y h u t, in which a than $50,000 left over, or it would eon G. J . K appauf. stru ct and com pletely furnish a build woman w as squ attin g, w ith a d ark lit Miss M. J . P iper, Mrs. R eaves and tie nakeil im p at her bosom ; she sat ing such as th** W om an’s building George T aylor w ere Grove visit«»rs last sentry over a hole in the w all and in ­ w eek. w ith nearly $100,000 to spare. Out of th is money left over a mini sisted clam orously on baksheesh; has Some of M rs. V. T. R an d all's Tela b er of new d ep artm en ts m ight 1 m * en mg satisfied her in th is p articu lar, wv fives anil frien d s gave her a surprise dowed or necessary land m ight be add introduced ourselves w ith considerable b irthd ay d inner last T hursday. Those ed to the u niversity cam pus. At any d ifficu lty in to a narrow passage, on present were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ra te , 150 year.- from tin* tim e the gift it her sole of w hich wen* cham bers, J . A. Pow ell; her grandm other. Mrs. w as m ade, in th e year 2071, wh«*n \ il strew n w ith fin«* mold an d coven*«l Sw eaney; Mrs. G. A Sm all. Mrs. Ivan egg*, w hich a naked E gyptian A been«*, Mrs. G. M. Keb«*lbe«*k, M rs. G. h id aud Ji' toiy halls will have cram w w ith hied aw ay, there i> no doubt th at this alks am ong as delicately as Agag. J . K ap p au f and Mrs. J. Q. A. Young. g ift w ill conie in handy to the U uiver uni keep* continually tu rn in g w ith In th«* afternoon Mr. and Mrs. I. A. most hen-like an x iety. The heat was R andall and Mrs. George A tkinson Mty of Oregon. about 100 degr«*t»s, tin* sm ell like th at dropped in for aw hile. of H arro gate w ater, and tin* floor Rev. J . E. Carlson preached here overe«l w ith «*gg shell* and struggling Sunday. liicklings. Tin* sam e ln*at is main Mr. and Mrs. R. B Powell and fam ­ tallied day and night aud tin* sarin* ily, of Latham , spent Sunday w ith Mrs. w retched hen-m an passes his life in P ow ell’s m other, Mrs. T. J. Geer. tu rn in g egg*. H is i«*«* is one-half the Mrs. «7. G. M urry was on th e sick eip ts; he retu rn s fifty chicken» for list last week. F orestry D epartm ent A nnounces Its «•very hundred egg- he receives.“ Policy as to P ro tection of the EXPENSES NOT LANE COUNTY SEED CORN COUNTY GREAT C ity ’s W ater Supply. DEAL HIGHER Foremost in Values, Be& Quality Merchandise and Low Prices at Umphrey & Mackin’s Read Here and Investigate Today! More New Spring Coats Are Here INCUBATION OF EGGS NOT OF MODERN ORIGIN TER MS OF AGREEMENT ASTO WATERSHED PUBLISHED SELLS FOR FANCY PRICE N ew s was published some weeks ago in Th»- S entinel ot th e signing of an agreem ent betw een the city am i the forest serviee fo r tin* settin g aside of th e d inner creek w atershed fo r th e use of the city : D istrict F orester Geo. H. Cecil has announced iron» his office the term s of the agreem ent. This agreem ent provides th a t the w atershed of D inner creek, an area of some 0000 acres, w ithin the Umpqua national forest, will be protected troui fire, use by livestock, from cam ping or o th er hum an use, in order that possible contam ination o f the c ity '* w ater supply may be guarded against. No tim ber w ill be allow ed to In* cut w ithin tin- area prior to 1925, “ except when* necessary h i connection w ith serious forest fire-, insect in festation or o th er catastrophic* which necewii tat«* in the public w elfare the nil m ediate salvage of dead or infested tim ber. No perm anent building-, or cam p«, or h ab itatio n s shall b«* p«*i n u tted on the area above the intak of th« to w n 's w ater supply system , and all persons cm ploy «id therein or him Upying such lauds fo r any purpose hull observe th e strict san itatio n regulations as m ay be agreed upon by th«* forest service and th«* city of C ot­ ta g e Grove. ’ ' Th«* se -retary agrees also, so far as practicable w ith the m«*ans at his dis posal, to extend and im prove the fo rests upon this w atershed by seeding am i p lan ting an d by the most approved m ethods of silviculture and forest m anagem ent. The city agrees to co o perate actively w ith the officers of tin? Um pqua nation al forest in th** protection from fire and patrol «if -iich lands am i to fifty the salaries ot j*uch ad d itio n al guard* as shall be ne«‘ded to insure protection. In m aking this aan«jmicein«Mit, Mr. Cecil brought out th«* fact that w ithin th* »trite- of Oregon an d W ashington H4 cities and tow ns derive th«*ir w ater supplies w holly from th«* nation al fo rests and that, the forest servic«* p ro tects from fire an«J «leletcrious u*«* th e w atersheds from which th«*sc w ater supplies ar* derived. T he most notub I«* exam ple is th at of Bull Hun w atershed, w ithin th«* O regon national forest, which supplies the city o f P ortland w ith its en tire w ater supply and whi«*h is very jealously guarded from any use by hum an beings or livestock Mr Cecil also em phasized th at the tw o A good m arket fo r Lam* county seed orn in C alifornia has been developed by C liutou H urd, of Coburg, and a! most his en tire crop of last y ear was hipped to V alley Ford, w here tin aim ers pool**d to g eth er and or«l**red from Mr. H urd, through th eir bank. 1600 pounds. M«. H urd receiv«*«! $5 bushel or nearly 10 cents per pound for his corn. Lam* county has lie«*n looked to for num ber of years by farm ers of tin- lower W illam ette vall«*y for a larg«* p art o f th eir seed corn, as it has b«*en uionstrated th at conditions are b«*tt«*r here fur tie* raising of this crop than in any o th er p«irtion of th«* valley, ording to Ira P. W hitney, county ig ricu ltu ra l agent. Mr. H urd and E. H. Ross, whose ;irms lie near Irv in g ar«* th«* I wo principal raisers o f seed corn in Lam* o u n ty an d they have «lone a big busi ness in this line for a num ber of years past. They hav«* built up th«*ir partic u lar varieties u n til they are recog­ nized all over th«* valley as being iiuoiig the most satisfacto ry for this lim ate aud soil. T here is plenty of room in Lane ounty and th«* valley for th«* develop* m«*nt of th«* seed corn business, said C ounty Agent W hitney, and by f«il low ing th«* m ethod* used by Mr. H urd and Mr. Ross, h«* said, anyom* can m ake a success «if it. Mr. Hurd leared $100 an acre from his seed corn crop last fall. Punk P oetry But Sound Sense Once a K ansas zephyr strayed W here a brass-eyed bull pup played. And th at festiv e canine bayed At th e zephyr in a gay. Semi idiotic way. 8«» the z»*phyr took th at pup, Turn«*«! him «»ver, w rong »i«i«* up, Tlu n it turned him inside out. Then it calm ly j«>urneyed thence W ith a barn and strin g of fence. C ounty Judg«* C. P. B arnard has asked each county offi«*er to furnish him w ith figures «in the ex pens«** of his office during th«* years 11*14 and 1921 for com parison and tor presenta ti«iii to th e m em bers of th«* sta te tax investigation commission who will be at Eugen«* A prii 2d in th eir to u r of th«* state. Som«* o f the officers hav«* already furnished th«* figures to the judg«* and in som«* instances there is very little difference in th«* cost of conducting tin- offices eight years ago avid now. Th«- figures temi to show, said Judg«* B arnard, th at th«* cause of the great increase in th«* cost «if taxes in this county is the sta te l«*vy. Each county o fficial, it appears, has kept his ex | h * iis «* s «lown to a minimum, th«* p rin ­ cipal increase being in salaries of ilep uties am i office help and th«* figuras show th at this increase is not equal t«> the increti*«* in th** stip<*ml of bank clerks am t other sim ilar o f fi#*«* help. Ju d g e B arnard prom ises »«»no* v«»ry in teresting figuras «in the com parative cost of conducting th«* c o u n ty ’s a f fairs now and eight years ago. Water. W ater is a substance L*trg«*ly liquid in com position aud is tlo- h ab itat of g«*rm», molecules and fish. It is f«jun«l to n larg«* ex tent in rain, m ilk, secur ities arid bath tubs. Its us«* ¡n the past has b«*«*n largely exterior, being favored f«ir th« w ashing «if clothes, faces aud autom obiles; fr«im now on, how ever, it will in all probn b ility become the favo rite national «innk. W ater is the principal «*aus«* o f J fooil», navies and rain coats am i is largely ra»p«nisibl«* for the form at ion of ice. In conjunction w ith soap, wat«*r is regarded by m any au th o rities as being an excellent cure for bolshevism ; ami sprinkler system s and w ashing inn chines are useless w ithout it. It is also a very |Nior cooling and • • • in su lating medium for use in tran s M oral: form ers and is not rec«#miiiend«*d fo r When im m u n itie s turn loo*«* such usage. M oral forces th at produce It co n stitu tes practically the only Th«* disor«lers o f a gal«*. obstacle t«> th«* construction **f s fin** Act upon th«- well-known law': m acadam ized rand betw een N«*w York Face th«* bra«*/«* but close your ja w / and London and, furthornm ra, if it Or ’tw ill lam! you, w ithout doubt, were n«it f«ir w ater th«* chances ar«* Upside «lown and inside out. there w«iul«l le* n«i prohibition. The Sentinel w ants the news, Phone Your home new spaper is first en titled in. O ur num ber is 159 J , tf to your support. if You Are Welcome! AGAIN WE FEATURE THE VERY BEST GARMENT THAT CAN BE 1*1 RCHASED We call attention to the tradem ark, lieeaiise, for many years il lias stood for tile lii(fhcst quality in eoats. In addition to the quality -th a t insurer of service which you must have, and which you will appreciate lon(f ul’lcr the garment is pur chased these coats are representative of I lie most dcsirulilc modes of the season. Each garment lias those little marks of character which (five it individuality and sets it apart from all other car inents. Here are new coats for every occasion sport eoats, ser vice eoats, rapes, w rap eoats, etc. Note the new low price riiinrr $9.00 and up Sport aud service coats Capes priced...................... $12.00 aud up $14 .00 to $27 00 Wrap eoats priced........ YARD W IDE TAFFETÀ AND MESSALINE SILKS, $1.75 YARD lin e are all thè fashionalile colora ol thè season in yard nidi chiffon taffetas and messaline in (fuod, de perniatile weigfht silks—a new Vfilue t'irst at tliis sture. l’riced a yard............... ............. $1.75 3G-IN FINE QUALITY PERCALE 21c YARD Here are hit'll quality percales in pretty lijfht patterns which are hound to delight the ‘'home sew er.” There are u host of patterns to ehoosc from and the quality is the hest. Choice a yard............................... 21c j ^fp INTRODUCING THE NEW PL I0 TOP LINE OF O m c lu a n / ul / u CklAefo td.iuuiulili| I k . ms I w.ll.lllltjlltqlioiu Bend forward, sideways m hack w ard; sw iii(f about as you wouh in s|iorts! No more ‘‘difftfinn in,” nn awkward stillness or sense of restriction! Plio-Tnp -‘(fives as the Imdy hends.” Try one on; lean forw ard; feel the difference. Straighten, and this same little feature assumes its hidden-away position in the corset! IMio-Top corsets keep your fitrure smurtlv slender. Let our saleswomen show them to you today. I’lio Top corsets $2.50 to $5.00 Other models $1.00 to $0.00 Pretty Collar and Cuff Laces, by the Yard, 65c A new value here in qual- itv that formerlv retailed at $1 a yard. Collar ami cuff lace is now much in demand for wear with sweater, sport coat and street dress. Beautiful Silk Camisoles $1.25 Each Camisoles in every size from 34 to 4(i aud in pat­ terns that are a delight to women who wear dainty undersilks and do not cure to pay a bi(f price. For You Sir! New Men’s Furnishings NF.W PATTERNS IN DRESS SHIRTS Newest patterns that are fresh and crisp, fast colors, to lie sure, for every pattern is yarn-dyed (not printed). We iuvite you to look over these shirts today. Price raii(fe ......... $2.00 to $3.25 GENUINE FUR FELT HATS FOR MEN New lilncks aud new lower priced values almost hack to normal and there are a score of styles to choose from. Priced $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 MEN S SILK TIES A NEW VALUE—75c lim will lie proud to own some of these ties for they are the lii(fh quality kind. Included are Lot li tu bula r and crocheted styles in a host of pleasing patterns. TRY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT TODAY City Delivery—Prone 33 OLYMPIC PRODUCTS SPECIAL THIS WEEK AND NEXT FOUR LARGE PACKAGES FOR $1.00 These parka if cs retail regularly for 30c to 35e ««eh and include one box pancake flour, one box Olympic oats, out­ box w'heal hearts, one Imx cake and pastry flour. Try « I m » x of Diamond “ W ” Jelly Powder. All flavors, 10c THE Q U A L I T Y STORE- GOOD SERVI CE Diamond Dyes are sohl here ii all colors for silk cotton, wool, Ifn