A R C A D E THEATER W EEKLY PROGRAM Fri.. Feb. 24— Katherine McDonald in “ Pas­ sion’'- I May ground.'" Sat., Feb. 25— Uonstance Talmadge in “ Good References." Sun.-Mon., Feb. “ The Hoodlum.” 2(>-27— Man* Piekford in Tiles., Feb. 2S— Tliomas Meighan in “ Oivil- ian Plothes." AVed., March 1— Dorothy Dalton in “ H alf an H our." Thins., March “ Sure Fire.” 2— Hoot (E d .) Gibson in Fri.. March 3— W ill Rogers iu “ Cupid, the i o\vpuncher." B oost for C ottage G ro v e GIVE HOME MANUFACTURED GOODS PREFERENCE noon wn* bald In the parlor on sceoml floor. Unique original chum«l**M j cuumh I much ttimiscuiciit. Mrs. hi. K. Arthur gave a vocal solo, Misf C-riteh 1 low gave u violin auk» uiul Mrs. Leon 1 H*sIA irz**s a vocal solo. ElitI h »rate re freahuieuta were served iu the hotel diniu^ room. # # $* A feature o f the Eastern Star meet ; mg tonight w ill be the oei upaticy of the chairs by the past matrons mid past patrons. Mrs. Lvdiu Stout ter, um o f two living charter member-, and the only one a resident here, wilt jure side in the east. A social session will follow tlo* regular business meeting. <£' <$• The \1. I\ 11. elub meets next Tu.*s day with Mrs. 11. W. Titus. «jji' • • The LaComus elub meets today with Mrs. \ E. Ukiss, the 11* h a v i n g ; boon post p«met 1 from Tuesday on ae count *»f other social events. • • Queeuer Plcuard. Thomas J. t^ueener and Grayer M. Pleuurtl were quietly married iu Eti gene Monday at uoou. Doth are well kttowu young people o f the Cottage Grove community. The bride is a | daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plcuard, o f Row River, and the groom is a sou o f Mr. ami Mrs. C. J. Qu«»«»iu»r, o f Saginaw, and is an overseas veteran, having seen service with the 65th ( ’ . A. C. The young couple w ill make their home iu the Grove. FOUR H O RSEM EN OF A P O C A L Y P S E M A Y BE PU T ON H E R E Manager Morelock, o f the Arcad« theater, has b«*cn negotiating with tin Metro Film company for “ Tin* Four Horsemen o f the Apocalypse, * ’ the big gest picture of the year. The picture is in tw elve ret» la, is luiseil on the book o f the sume title ami hus gone through 201» editions in this country. Mr. Win stock, o f the Metro Film company, was iu Cottage Grove Tuesday and is making an effo rt to put through a deal which will permit presentation of the super picture here. Manager Morelock realir.es that he will not make any money, as tin* price of the attraction is abnormally high, but lie wants the Cottage Grove |s*o pie to have a chance t»» set* the photo play :»s a part o f his general jmliey o f presenting the best in pictorial art. First Presbyterian Church A R spearo’ Pastor Sunday, February 26 Sui«da> sellimi ut 10:45. Regalar prenditug sers lees, uioruiug unti ivenuig, at II and 7:30. Seventh Street and Adams Avenue Morniiig subjeet, ••JRHFM, THE (\>KN FUSTON K .M Evenne The Church That Serves STIRRING LIFE IS CALLED ‘HUM-DRUM’ iubj«»et, * * IIM H.NOF M I O " Special music ut thè uioruiug Service b\ thè Indi«** ‘ « borii** ami at thè eveniug , t v ire l»\ The t ’uroliers. Insecticides Oregon Woman Fights Typhoid. Saves 1000 Children and Runs Special Trains. W«»’ r«» ready as usuai with the h«‘st in a com­ plete line of insectieides for Iht* spring "M.v lift- has boon so hum drum uml S P R A Y IN G SE A SO N as nothing has happened to me out of Whit« Mill Bun, 80 lbs _ $1.25 the ordinary I am sure there Is noth including Lime of Sulphur, Arsenate of Ing In what I have done the lust two S g l>air\ Feed, 65 lbs ........................................ $1.30 years In the Near East that would be S - $1.50 of Interest to niv Oregon friends." stilt­ Corn Chop, 100 lbs $1.85 Lead, Baris Breen and Fungabordo ed M tb . Am y Anthony Hurt o f Bend, $ 2.00 Oregon, to J. J. Hanilsaker, Stale $ 2.00 Director of the Near East B elief when $1.35 he met her In Constantinople lust 100 lb s $2.50 summer. S Serateh Feed, 10 $2 40 "A fte r much effo rt,” suys Mr Hand sakor, "1 persuaded her to tell me sonic Delivered Anywhere in City. Call for Our Special Ton Prices o f the things o f this hum drum life of The Winchester »Store Rhone 24 hers. Hitting In a Constantinople «-of fee-house she told me of some o f the events of her life since March 191», when she arrived In the Near East." "H e r first work was ut Karakllsa, Hi Y Man Visits Hen*. Mr. Yont, o f Portlaml, eonnect«»d whore with her sister, Miss Gertrude (tily decorated for the oeeasiou. A with Hi Y work, visited the high Anthony, she hud charge o f a large vocal number was giveu during the school Wednesday to tuk«* up with tli«* orphanage and u territory 75 miles S O C IE T Y During the | evening by a quartet composed of Mrs. Hi Y member* and th«* advisory conn square for general relief j C. C. Cruson, Mrs. N. E. Glass. Mrs. eil a seh«*«lule o f work for th«» year. fin e she wus there s i« nursed her sis 1 he firemen are planning to hold R. E. Short and Mr". E. E. Arthur. ter through both typhoid uml typhus Quick Meringue. AT A P LARSEN S FEED BARN IN COTTAGE GROVE, teir annual banquet on the «»veiling Fruit punch was served. The hostesses Th e two worneu were alone In thlH sta Beat two egg whites until they are f Febra were Mr". C. C. Cruson. Mr". N. E. OREGON, BEGINNING AT 10:30 A M tion. rad s tiff. Add two tablespoons sugar «: Gla>>, Mrs. \\ m. Gilson. Mrs. Charl«*s "A fte r going through this experience uully, beating «»«instantly, th*»n add The p L. D. elub o f th«» high ('handler and Mrs. Wm. Garoutte. tabl«*spoon sugar and beat until the they went to Aloxundropnl and there heel held a «‘overed dish supper in ‘4 vj' <4* ic domestic ■ i«*nce department Thurs Miss Crystal Robinson entertained a mixture w ill hold its shape. A few one day received a message from the uv «‘veiling English that they were evacuutlug f last week. The girls number of her girl friends at her home drops o f flavoring may !«♦* added. 14 H E A D OF M IL K C O W S 14 per and the boys gave Sunday evening in honor o f her six Baku, some 500 miles awuy. The Jersey row, 5 years old, fresh, giving ill Ills milk; Jciney uml tieni a them r party follow ing the teenth birthday anniversary. | British hud been feeding uhout 1,000 I i Herns« v cow, 4 years old, flesh, tilling III. Ills., Guernsey and upper. j children, and unless they were trans The Buitsus club held an enjoyable Hoisted, cow , -I years old, Iresli, giving 42 Ills ; .Icruey cow, li j furred Imm ediately they would sturve W. E. stroud, of this city, an«! session Monday eveniug with Miss years old, fresh, giving 38 lbs , Guernsey and Inn ham cow, as soon us the British left. This Oregon G lady* E Sharrah. o f Medicine Hat, Eunice YauDeuburg. The evening was j • woman whose life was bo humdrum 5 years old, fresh, giving 34 lies , Hrindle Jersey, II years old, Alberta, wer*- marri*»«! Sunday at th«* spent with needlework and conversa j quietly secured tw o special trains, put giving 31. Il.s ; J reset cow, ' years old, giving 32 lbs ; Mol Charles White home. J. E. Young, tion and refreshments were served. ' ting a ninn In cliurge of one, ami tak­ By JONATHAN BRACE justice o f tio- pca< • . officiated. ♦ ♦ ♦ stem and Jersey cow, 4 years old. giving 43 lbs.; Guernsey ing the other herself. On arrivin g at Mr and Mrs. C. W. Caldwell ob and Jersey will freshen soon; 4 In-ad of cows, milking now, XXXII— MINNESOTA Tue« Afternoon bridge club served the silver wedding anniversary! Baku, she began loading the children will freshen soon. I N N fc- debrai th.-ir 1fir*•t anni versa Sunday and entertained a number o f at 10 o'clock a m. and hud tin children SO TA Is m with Mr-. eek i guests for the occasion. They were 12 H E A D OF H O R SE S 12 and tholr supplies all aboard by 6 30 Sk*» and Mrs. U. C Dvott married in Illinois. formed part­ p. m She read the riot act to the Buy m a le , 5 years old, weight 1350 lbs., good worker; bay Mrs Me ho fie i.i Stewart w ly frum a por­ Turkish captain Iu charge of the trulu A l t mare t> years old, weight 12« m » Il.s , span bay mares 5 ami 8 h»**k lunche Mrs. S. R. Brand entertained th«* j tion o f the and he compelled the guurds to cease Social T w elve yesterday afternoon 'at \ years old, weight 2530 lbs, good workers. The balance of N o r t h v eat attempting to enter the cars where the j n social afternoon. Mrs. J. T. Johnson territory and these horses are good Workers, single or double, weighing older girls and women were The round it matreini' am! past was a guest o f the elub. partly by the OHIO to 14«Ml lbs Also a span of Shetland poniea, 5 and ti -t'-rii .M amt th.-ir t *£*- '?-■ * ( trip took nearly two weeks, bul Mrs Northeast Meet Ion o f the Lulllst- years old. gentle for children. • : I- «•< .ll-h One o f the most elaborate social j Hurt returned to Alexam lm pol with ana I*urchaae. It wan the Mis­ in th»* han«ju» functions o f the season was held on Four shoals, weighing about 70 to 80 lbs. each; 14 eight- ! her two train loads o f children without sissippi river which wan the di­ •• t.-mpk ■ Washington V birthday anniversary at J weeks old pigs. having lost u single child. viding line between these two ¡H otel Kartell, the hostesses being Mrs. Six sets of double harries»«; set of single liurm-tut; 3-ilieh l a w territories. club h«»bl it" ' A Kartell, M r H. A Milh-r, Mrs j Omulet wide lire farm wagon . Ham 2-*4-ineli farm wugoti, like new, i**>da v e nii«^. A 7 ..clock ii e.-in’ t aironi to subscribe for The Sentinel, pive up until you have uscii the stHte, this was a i»art of tt PI Y E <>f- S U R I CE collidi medicine. This want ml h the Louisiana t'urchane. which was (»ought from France by the i s on eoi the best remedies known in rom­ United States In 18011. As this batimi tlii>- malady and is indispensable in region tiecame subdivided, West eni Minnesota formed a part the lions«- for treatment of colds and coughs. of the Territories o f Louisiana Medical authoritiPH «Kit*«» upon at leant one thing that iu dairy Missouri and Iowa. products is touiul th»» I m » s I Imlai!(••*«i ration for th** luimau body. The Brat white man to pene Nothing that you i*• nio\* Irom flu* laid** will I»«* mor** quickly missed trate to Minnesota was the and ask*«I for by growing children than butter. Sum* food* that French explorer. Duluth. who In 1*578 hullt a fort on Lake Su|>er th*»y should cut may be disagreeable to tlieiu, but. th** growing child lor and there established a very who does not crave butter especially th** Ked Ro.se Brand iN an extensive fur trade. T w o years oddity; and the same is true of adtilta. To build the body tiaaueti, later, Father Hennepin and two and ke«*p the body in trim, always have Ked Rose Brand Butter on companions were sent by 141 the table. Salle to explore the Upper Mis­ sissippi and reached the ra ils of St. Anthony, where Minneapolis now stands. But It was not un­ til the Nineteenth century that T h e r e A r e No S u b s t i t u t e s f o r D a i r y F o o d s permanent aettleraenta were made. In 18&! the first mill was 1 - drawing near and you cannot do a thor­ hullt at the Falls o f St Anthony, where were destined to nrlse ough job of it without a such Imixirtant successors. In 1841, fa th e r Oaltler hullt a chapel dedicated to St. Paul, and this » a s the foundation o f the preseut great city o f that name. As to the name Minnesota, the state waa so called from the SOLD O X E A S Y P A Y M E N T S river that runs through It, which In the Iwkuta Indian language make« the words "Mint.*-," FREE T R IA L BEFORE YOU B U Y meaning "W ater.” and "Sotah.” meaning "Sky-colored." Some ( L E A N E R TO REN T times the state la called the "North Star State." from the motto on Its coat-of srtns Minnesota was admitted to the Union In 18A8. Its ares Is 84,- W 2 square, miles and It Is the most Important o f our wheat producing states. B has twelve 418» Main »Street— Plume (> presidential elector* Ig W M a C Im N.w.pap.r sraSIc.«,) . Sterling F e e d C om p an y W. L. DARBY & COMPANY Auction Sale T h u rs d a y , M a rc h 2 , 1922 • The Story of : ! Our States M1 Make the “Flu” Fly R . J . E p p e r s , Owner bin 1 •* I’t allonl not to rend someone else’s Physicians Recommend It— Children Ask for It T5he W h it e P h a rm a c y C ottage G ro ve C rea m ery Flouse Cleaning Time Premier Vacuum Cleaner What Do You Want? A . ¡L . W Y N N E J A Sentinel Wantad Will Get It for You