cV (Dotimi? (Inror ^rttítnrl VOLUME XXXII GREAT PARK ON SUMMIT OF CASCADES PROPOSED COTTAGE GROVE, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922 ft= CARE FOR BABIES TO PAY THIS CITY SECOND IN LANE AS TO EXPENSES U. OF 0. EXPENSES NUMBKK 24 LATHAM DISTRICTVOTESTO HAVE NEW BUILDING PIN O C H L E B ILL N EA R LY LO SES H A N D; DOES LOSE W ATCH. RAZORS. M ONEY Wm. Horst cl— for pur[>oa<*8 of Jultua S. Stone. Ohio T raveler, Says Young M en o f D eterm ination Find No P roperty V aluation Is Low er T han id en tificatio n som etim es known ns L ocation of New S tructure W ill N ot H ighw ay Along Skyline T rail Pinochle Bill, W ild Bill or Dad— is T hat in S pringfield B ut More Jo b Too O neroua if S alary Be D ecided U ntil End of P res lx*giuiiiiig to th in k th at he is nn W ould A ttra c t Tourists. Is A ttach ed Thereto. M oney Needed. en t School Term. unlucky guy. A few days ngo h»* sustained se C reation of a g reat public park along C niversity of Oregon, Eugene, Feb. F or city expenses in C ottage Grovo vere in ju ries to his left hand when The L atham school «iistrict has voted the backhoii«* of th e Cascud«* rooun 11.— (S p ecial.)— Tin* m»*n stud ents o f th e sum of $21,772.34 is necessary and it was caught by th e rolls while* he | to erect a m odern tw o room, I a i a m , including th e T hree S isters am i the U niversity o f Oregon are earning th<* levy is 24.5 mills on n valuation of was em ployed a t th e m ill of the a t a cost not to exceed $ 1000 . This the Me\eral b eautifu l lake» im m ediately th eir way by doing a m u ltitu de of $888,667, according to the assessm ent »W estern L um ber & E xport com pany, action was tak en by the voters at a uf Eugene, eiabraem g all the land tasks, m any of th»*m unusual, according rolls just turned over by Assessor severely sprain in g and bruising it. special election hehi S aturday a fte r A few m ornings later he .'awakened noon, the vott; being 18 to lo. Many above an elevation o f 5000 f»»et from to a statem en t on w orking stud ents W alker to S h e riff Htiehels. Mt. Hood to C rater lake and fhe eon ju st issued by the cam pus Y. M. C. A., To m aintain the expctis<*s of the city to fin d th a t someone h ad tak«*n a«l of those in fa v o r of the proposition struct ion o f a good autom obile road which is th** clearing house for stu d en t governm ent of E ugene and secure m on­ v an tag e of his crippled condition hud thought it was going to be d«* ransack his room, th e articles feated . T here is some differencp of fc tu g the Skyline tra il would be w orth ey for retir. inent of bonds, tin* levy to em ploym ent. more to Oregon th an an y th in g else for th at city on a valuation of $8,357,- m issing being tw o razors, n w atch opinion as to w hether the new build­ Two men stud ents have jobs ta k in g d $11 in circulating medium. Ho ing should be p ut on the property now w ithin reach of the ¡»eoplo of 1 hi» slate, care of babies w hile the jNirents art» 700 i.» 15.5 m ills an d this will bring to an says th at he probably vvouhl have ow according to .luliua S. Stone, president the treasu ry tin* sum of $129,544.35. ned by the school d istrict or a new I out. This rank s as a desirable [tnsition, ha«l an o th er badly in ju red hand had location of the Sengravc com pany, Columbus, S pringfield has a city levy of 16.5 he aw selected and those favo ring a ' for sim ultaneous opp ortu nity is a ffo rd ­ akened w hile the th ie f was O., noted trav eler and n ature lover, mills to m aintain its expenses. The new location have u ntil Jun e to take ed for study if th** baby is not too a t w ork. recently interview ed by the Eugene uction, as construction w ork will not. chronically given to vocal protest. B e­ assessed valuation o f S pringfield is Register. s ta rt u ntil a fte r the close of th is term sides, if education is a train in g for $975,087, ranking second in the county, “ T here is no place on earth which o f school. A n all-day m eeting was life, there is unquestionably an educa­ b ut tin* am ount to bo raised is third. possesses all the scenic features which RAINBOW H IT S EA RTH AT held in the old school building, w ith tion al value to th** experience. Then Th** to ta l am ount of taxes to be col­ BOSSY V IS IT S K IT C H E N FOOT OF MT D A V ID NO are found in the C ascade m o u n tain s,“ for the city is $ Hi,088.94. a program in th e forenoon «and a caf«i- W H IL E H E R O W N ER V IS IT S O N E H U N TS POT O F GOLD | there is im m ediate rew ard at so much lected he continued. “ The G rand Canyon is Jun ction C ity rank s fo u rth in v alu a­ W IT H N EA R B Y N EIG H B O R te ria d inner a t noon. Superintend« nt th»* hour. one th in g ; Yellow stone is another; tion and it will cost $8,457.12 to run H ays an d P ro fessor E. J . E dw ards, of jo b s perform ed by w orking tin* R ésidents of C ottage Grovo who men O ther G lacier national park is another, but city governm ent. The valuation is Mrs. F an nie W itte w as surprised, th e C ottage Grove schools, gave a»l ents in order to secure money $410,540 here you have som ething that is in all alw ays hâve clnimed th a t gold eould w ith stud the levy is 20.0 mills. to put it m ildly, when sin* roturne«! dresses. A q u a rte t from here was which to continue th e ir stuilies Florence and comes la* fourni most anyw here in th is sec of them . next in th e county a few days ago from a visit w ith com posed of M iss E inor K now les, M iss cooking, tend in g fires, w ashing in assessed v aluation “ 1 have b eta over your Skyline tiou and th at p ro fitab le gold mines include of property, th»* aii*l serving as w aiters in res­ assesso r's rolls show ing a valuation of a neighbor to find th a t d urin g h«*r M yrtle P o tts, E lb ert Sm ith and Dale trail. 1 have been on your glacier-clad are likely to be fourni right iuside . C. M. Hhinn, tw o of epidem ic of sickness, am i convers'ons short tim e ago. from W ashington avenue to the point should protect them am i preserve them , th»* ow ners o f th e local busim*ss, will are recorded each night. In this r«*- w here it connects w ith the old high earth. as they are one of the few typical leave soon a fte r tin* conclusion o f the vival of w hat E vangelist Zook term s G IR L S W IN FROM ROSEBURG way ju st south of the L atham bridge. annuals of the U uited S tates, and along «l«*al upon a m otor trip fo r the benefit th«* olower and »lay evening, th e score being 31 to 22. in building the street fu ll w idth. GROVE WOMAN DOESN'T can nom ination for county com m ission­ county road su p erin ten ­ W hether th«* boys lost is a disputed J . R. was M cKy, CARE FOR JURY DUTY er appeared wheu E. W. M athew s, of W atch th«* label on your paper. tf penalty o f sin. iu th e city T uesday looking point, although Roseburg claim ed th«* dent, P leasant H ill, cast his hat into the the situ atio n in this section. He gam e. T he b o y s’ gam e took on som e­ over Mrs. K. K. Mills, of this city , on«* of ring alongside th at of H. I’. M nrkusen, th a t the differences of opini«>n w hat th«* n atu re of a football gam e, hopes the women draw n for ju ro rs at tin* o f Ju n ctio n C ity, whose announcem ent to dam ages to property to tin* north much to the regret of the faculty, as next term of court, derided th at she was m ade some tim e ago. ad ju sted so that the buihliug who p erm itted th«* gam e to proceed m ay tho b«* highw did not ctfre to exercise her newly O pposition tc* the co u n ty 's existing ay through the city may m erely to perm it the R oseburg players of given prerogative and returned to the road o rg an isation is th e keynote of to get cred it for having plnye«l the be com pleted iu one job. court her request f»»r exem pt ion. Two Mr. M athew »’ platform . He th in k s The an n u al report m ade by C. E. A bulletin from the ad ju ta n t gencr gam e. more of the eleven women chosen on tin* road m aster am i th»* bridge sup erin ­ S tew art, cooperative w eather observer, al'» offic«* shows th at Co. D, of Cot- EUGENE TAKES EASY the ju ry mad«- sim ilar requests and tendent could well be dispensed w ith gives -Hi» idea o f w eather conditions tag«* G rove, holds th«* high record for VICTORY FROM LOCALS three more have been draw n fr«»m th«* am i th«* com m issioners put to w«»rk in here ilu«t mukcH iut**r**sting reading. attemlanc«* at «irill «luring the m onth C O LLEC TIO N OF B O H EM IA O RE PU T ON E X H IB IT IO N th eir places. Hi* says th at in th is way T he low est tem peratu re during tin* of Jan u a ry , w ith an av«*rage attend panel to fill the th ree vacancies. The Eugene high school basketball a m aterial sa v irg could b»* effected. y ear was 19 above and th ere were but an«*e of 72.8 men am i a p«*re,entag«‘ of The d iv ersity of ores found in th«’ team handed th e local high school team He favo rs patrol system of road 156 rainy days during th»* year. A 93.3. One com pany had a b«*tt**r |H*r FOUNDRY BUSINESS m ining d istric t is im licated a real w allop in a gam e here W ednes­ am . and believes th at patrol m ary of th»* report is as follow s: c»*ntag<* but it hail ju st been organic«*«! Bohemia HERE IS PURCHASED m men n in ten by a ibsplay on exhibition in a window day aftern oo n, thi* fin a l score being should be assigned to d efinite sum nml had held but one «Irill, w hile tin A nnual m ean te m p eratu re....................51.5 the O verland garage, w hich has b«*en 35 to 24. F eeling certain of victory, m ileage and m ade responsible fo r it. M aximum te m p e ra tu re ...............94.0 C ottage Grove com pany had h«*l«l th» of J. C arrignu, of O naluska, W ash., has placed there by operators in the »lis the visitors put m th eir s«*cond team full num ber of drills. The lowest p«*r tric M ini mum te m p e ra tu re............... 19.0 purchased the foum iry business which T IM B E R TRACT IS SOLD TO exhibit is so placed as to for a portion of the last half, a fte r u tatio u ..............................................42.04 «*»*11 tag«* m ade by any com pany during a ttra t. c t The has been conducted her«* for 18 m ouths th«* a tte n tio n of visitors going w hich the locals udde»l m aterially t«> W ESTE R N LU M BER A EX PO R T F S recip now fall............................................................2.8 the munin //as 49.1. by Jam es Feeney. Mr. C arrignn is an to and from th e Southern P acific sta th eir enil of tho score. Tho visitors R ainy »lays.....................................................156 experienced foundry man. Mr. Feeney t ion. had th«* locals outclassed fo r team A trac t of tim lier on C urran cr»*«*k and Mr. C nrrigan w ent to P ortlan d in th«* l 'in o p ia nation al forest has C lear days........................................................176 E very th in g R eady for W ork. work aiul fo r d ex terity in shooting W ednesday to dene the deni. Mr. b»*»*n award«*«! by the forest service to P a rtly cloudy d ay s...................................... 62 Mayor Know l«*s has received from baskets. D uryea R eturning to th e Coast. Feeney has not »leeided upon a new lo the s ta te highw ay com m ission a copy M orris J . D uryea, of Plym outh, T he locals play a t C orvallis tonight. W«»st«*rn Limi 1 m *r 6c E xport com Clou»ly «lays..................................................127 of cation an d Mrs. Feeney and dau gh ter th«* th«* tri party co n tract which ha» M ass., a w idely-know n o rg an isation finny, of C ottage Grove. T he tract will rem ain here u n til th e end of th»* compris**» about 4,000,000 feet of Doug b» »*n entere«i int»» for the building of expert and S tudents A tten d A uction Sale. form erly activ e in com m er­ R ebekah P resid en t V ists. »»•ho«d year. P acific highw ay through the city, th * E ight stu d en ts of Cot tag«* Grove las fir, W estern red ced ar and hemlock high s«*hool atten«j«*d a hors«* auction contract having been 1» t to Guy Pyle, cial club circl»*s in this state, has been T he local Rebekah bulge was visited am i was sold at prie*** o f 50 cents am i in Eug«*m* T hu rsday of last week. who alren«»y has unloaded his machin chosen s«*cretary of th** newly form ed Thurstlay night of last w»*«*k by Mrs. organization and service »1«'p art m eet F uueral of John W illiam W alker Held. $1 a thousand feet. tic M W hetstone, of Pendleton, Th«*y w«*re m em bers o f th«* ag ricu ltu ral «•ry n«*rc. The city is a p arty to th * o f th** O regon sta te cham ber of com N«U state president of the Rebekah asseui Th«* fu n eral of John W illiam W alker, contract only inside th e city lim its, class am i w ere in charge «>f tli«*ir mere«*. Mr. D uryea is form er secretary whose o bitu ary was publisli«*«l last A num ber of candidates w en Fined for O verloading Trucks. teacher, E. J. K<1 w ards. The stud«*nts but Mr. Pyle has the co n tract from of the Eugene cham ber of com m erce bly. in itiated and refreshm ents were served. /week, was held S unday from the Fort land, tire., Feb. 20.—C. E. Cline studied tin* point where tin* now highw ay con tlo* points o f the hors»*s put up an d lived th ere for a num ber of years, W alker church, w ith interm ent in the hens, truck d riv er fo r an oil com pany, for sale am i were much interest«*«! in nc«*ts w ith tin* old paving south of th»* The sta te president in tend ed visitin g lAirane but w eather conditions wen- fam ily plot mi tlac W alker cem etery. an d C. S|M*«*lb»*rg, d riv er for a IuinlM*r th<* m anner o f «‘onducting such a sale. Latham bridg«* north through th»* city M embers of tlo* 1. O. O. F. lodge from com pany, wore fined $100 each by D is­ such th a t she diil not do so and d«p D ixon H eads Lum berm en. to tin* north city lim its. her«* acted as pallbear»*n* and Rev. Na tric t Jud ge Deieh today a fte r pleading S eattle, W ash., Feb. 17— A. C. .D ix­ utized Mrs. M innie W ill its, o f thi» ten W alker, pioneer preacher aad guilty to piloting overloaded trucks E ugene P ap er B oosts In d u stries Here. on, selected to represent th«> W iliam city , g ran d conductor, to m ake the W ashington P rogram Held. E lm er M axey, r«*|M»rt«*r for th»* Eu brother in law of th«* deceased, con­ over th«* L innton rond. The loads vnr e tte valley on the board o f trustees, visit for her. G uani, L. L. Kay, pr«*si»l«*nt of A W nshingt«m day program was he hi was elected president of th e West ducted the services. ied from half a ton to a ton m ore than gen«* at W«*r the »lay and the w as select**«! ns secretary-m anager. award«*»! first place in the “ c u t­ place am i struck him a severe blow. from the ag ricu ltu ral college, will have high school stud ents participnte»! in a Tim e for R eporting P artn ersh ip In ­ tin g ” contest h«*ld in P ortlan d last B ernard H hattuck, who was w orking charge of th** w ork, which is being w eek. S up erin tend en t B ales, of the [H*p rally on Main stre«*t. C ity G ets W atershed. w ith Mr. Hans«*n, was also struck by done at th»* r»*quest o f ow ners of the comes Is Postponed. cannery, was present at th e contest. M ayor K now les has r«*«*eived from the chain and throw * to th e ground cow*. Th«* tim e in which partnership in ­ Each co n testa n t sub m itted a choice Money Secured for D estitute. the fo restry «hqmrtmcnt approval of but n«)t seriously injured. come tax retu rn s must be mad«* has can, w hich w as opened by an »*x tlo* agreem ent en tered into some tim e A mosal to ask consolidation w ith A w antnd costs little an d usually gets count ry. Tt> discontinue advertising, H u K* •ne high has sent Cottagi* Grove you w hat you w ant. E ugene is a subject of intense co n tro ­ Mrs. H B. R u th erfo rd , of th at «•d by Th«* S entinel, you arc assured a high John Wiinam:ik«*r said, is a co n tract for n football gam e to versy at Springfi«*ld. The subject was tf 1 m * played next O ctober. C ottage Grove city , w rites to h«*r sister in this long and happy m arried life. like ta k in g daw n your sign. up for debafe at a m«*cting held in th«* city , Mrs. M. L. T om pkins, saying C a n 't Find B etter Place If you w ant to do business you will accept th«* gam e. The tw o schools M«*thodist «‘hurch in H pringfielil Mon E arle R ichardson Becomes E dito r F. Kamnn r has re tu rn e d fr«>m a «lay night. th at she got n can of C ottage Grove m ust let people know it. w ere unable to arran g e a contest last trip W. into E ii rl«* R ichardson, once an employ«* fall. prune* from n store in h«*r city, th at W ashington and l«laho and I would ns so*m think of doing they wen* as foo«l again as any on Tin* H entioel and mor«* recently will continue hi» busin«*ss as an itin ­ business w ithout the clerks as eran t autom obile m echanic. He says he The S entinel w ants all th e news all prunes she had ev er before tasted w ith The O regonian, is now ed itor and w ithout advertising. h alf ow ner of the C latskanie C hief. He The w antads m ake very in terestin g found no place th at looked as good to the tim e. I f you know an item , phone ami th at she ia going to get more. tf him as C ottage Grove. it in. O ur num ber is 159 J tf is already a booster fo r his new home. reading. C L ER K ERRS; ACCOUNT IS O V ERD RA W N ; BANK A SK S FOR M ONEY BACK | Because of a m istake in book keeping at the bank, B. A. P ruett of C ottage Grove, overdrew his account at the Bank o f C ottage G rove to She extent of $90, accord ing to a com plaint filed M onday in circuit court by th e bunk against P ru ett to recover th at sum. It is alleged that P ruett had u checking account which appeared to be $339.71 and th at on A pril 2b, 1921, he drew a check for $3.19. loiter, it is stated in the com plaint, it was discovered th at the account am ount­ ed to only $249.71 and th a t the de­ fend an t ’s check w as $1>0 in excess of the am ount on deposit. The bank seeks to recover th a t sum w ith 0 per re n t in terest from A pril 96, 1921. DEAL FOR ELECTRIC PLANT ZOOK WILL SLAM DANCE IS CONCLUDED CARDS AND THEATER WEATHER FOR YEAR FOUND CO. D LEADS STATE FOR TO BE AGREEABLE DRILL ATTENDANCE