The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, February 10, 1922, Image 1

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(Enttarn* Oknm* f a t t o i
House Is B urned to G round Few Min
utes A fter M em bers M ik e Get
aw ay in N ight Clothes.
Mr. nm l Mrs. Frank People* and
baby, whose |*boo is on the Silk creek
road near the A dventist nr a demy, had
a narrow escape from b urning to death
early Tuesday m orning. Mr. People*
wa* aw akened by the tmby ’• rrie* and
found the house filled w ith smoke and
the other part of the house in flam es.
V few m inutes a fte r he had gotten the
fam ily out through a w indow the
house had burned to the ground. Mrs.
People*' hair was singed. Mr. lYo
pie*' threw out a sm all num ber of
articles of clothing, but some of th is
had caught fire from the flam es break
tug through the wall and all was do
stroved. The only things saved were
tw o chairs, Mr. l*»»ople ’* work clothe*
ind t|)r night clothe* in which he.
Mrs. P»*oples and the luiby escaped.
The loss was about $¡¿>00, w ith a small
am ount of insurance on the house. The
fanitly spent the rem ainder of the
night w ith th eir neighlm rs, th e llnlls.
Mr. Peoples recently rented the Mrs.
Klla Thompson farm and they will
m ake th eir home there tem porarily at
A hot fire had been built to heat
w ater on account of th«1 sic knew» of
the baby and it is thought th at the
* to \e b«*camc overheated and set fire
to the woodwork.
Mr. and Mrs. I >a v i s, p arents of Mrs.
People*, who left F riday for P ortland ,
hail been shaping upstairs. It is
thought th at if they had boon her»
they probably would have been trapped
by the flame'..
The first of a series of banquets and
en tertain m en ts which m erchants of the
city intend giving th eir em ployes was
held W ednesday night at H otel B ar
tell. P rofessor W h ittak er, of the com
mere«* dejKirtm ent of the U niversity of
Oregon, gave an in teresting , en tertain
mg and instructive talk tipou " R e ta il
S alesm anship.’ ' Vocal num bers were
given by Miss G race Fullerton and
by a q u a rte t composed of Mrs. George
M atthew s, Mr«*. R. K. Short, Mrs. 0.
Cruson am i M rs. K. E. A rthur. Mr*.
i«eou DesLara»»* and Miss Kliw Price
aerum ¡tam ed on the piano. Miss Lucile
C ritehlow gave a violin uum her. Th»
orchestra which furiush«‘d music
Throughout the banquet was compose«!
• if Mr K ulhank, violin; M i s s Pott«,
piano, am i Mr. Robert*, d ru m s E. W.
MiU**r presided and he predicted th at
The bringing together in social g ath er
tng of em ployer and employ«** was go
ug to m ean much to th e business life
of the com m unity. Follow ing the for
mal program , a dance was given in
American le g io n hall.
Johnson Boosts C ottage Grove.
O regonian: Busin«*** conditions uroum l
ottag«* Grove are improv urg w ith th«
revival of the lum ber business, says
W. F Johnson, who is at th«- Benson
,ot«L Mr Johnson i- in th«1 lum ber
„ame and ha* the firm belief th at b«*
tore man}' m onths have p i l e d th«* in ­
dustry will 1 m back on it* f«*et bring
mg prosperity to those ¡«arts o f th«*
state w her** it is the principal ir.«*an*
of livelihood for hundred* of people
Like other lumt*ermen Mr. Johnson is
aw aiting the <*ntry of the railroad*
into the tie purchasing m arket.
Road V iewers R eport Favorably.
The county road view ers have r«*
ported favorably to the county **ourt
on the establi*him*nt o f the R. F. Ga
routte road east o f C ottage Grov«* lx*
tw een Row river am i Mosby creek.
The viewer* state in th e ir r**|H*rt th at
the road will furnish an outlet to a
uuiaber of farm s. Th«* road gives a
new route into w hat is known as th«*
Kelley d istrict.
Ford W heel L eaves in N ight.
Haginaw, Ore., Feb. 7.— W hen L. T.
Miller, who had b«*«*ti home from Ku
gene over the week end v isitin g hi*
fam ily, got ready to return t«» Eugene
Tue*day m orning, he foum l th at *«»m«*
one ha<1 r» moved » wh»*«*l from hi*
Ford. H e ha«l to leave his crippled
lizzie w ith an autom obile chiropodist.
F orest Grove Sold th e Ronds.
The recent story in Th«* O regonian
under a Cottagi* G rove «lat«* line to
the effe ct th at an issue of $50,060 of
geu«*ntl fum i m unieipal borni* had been
sold, should have been under a Forest
G rove d ate line, accoriling to the reply
to an inquiry m ade by Th«* Sentinel.
No general fum i municqKil bond* have
been sold here.
Banket ball Schedule
The b o y s' basket ball t«*nm from Al
bauy w ill play here tonight.
Both team s fr«un here play at Kn
gene tom orrow night.
The M«*«iford boys' team will In
here neat W edam day.
Both t»*nuis from Roeebnrg w ill «*om«*
here a week from tonight.
S hrlners Planning Big Time
The C ottage G rove Hhriae club is
planning to en te rtain Mb riser» from a
num ber «>f cities o f th«* valley on the
evening of M arch 3. It is probable
th at 160 or more will 1** present. For
mid invitation* will be issued soon.
Road O fficiala V isit H ere
All m embers of th«* county court, as
«««mpanod by County E ngineer Mors*
and H W. Libby and Mr. McCloud, of
the state highw ay d ep artm en t, w«-rr
here Tuemlay inspect mg th e propo*«*d
route for P acific highw ay to en ter the
eity from the north.
Bert H ands is an o th er who is
dem onstrating th at anyone who
once lives in C ottage Grove is never
l**rmntiently satisfied living a n y ­
where else. He once was extensively
engaged in the chicken business
hen* and left alnuit a y ear ago on
account of a breakdow n in health,
going to Florida, later retu rn in g to
C alifornia and finally arriv in g here
a m onth ago. He is now again
startin g up in the chicken business.
He has purchased the old K ing
place east of C ottage Grove, has
bought a bunch of chickens and has
begun th e construction o f a large
chicken house.
Blue M ountain, Feb. 7.— (Special
to The S eittiacl.)— A Plym outh
Roi'k hen owned by John Allen is
rushing th.* season. O rdinarily th«*
big egg e«»nt«*st «iocs not sta rt until
well along in the spring, but biddy
ha* h»ard som ething about the
early bird g ettin g nil the prizes, so
she has produce«! a sam ple o f her
pnuhict m easuring 8 inches x 6
inches. She is n hloo«l«»d biddv and
travel* in th«* «*litc of hen society.
Issues D eclaration T h at No Com bina Eugene N egative Team G ets U nan
tion o f C ircum stances Can
lmous Decision and A ffirm ativ e
C hange H is Decision.
O ets 2 to 1 Decision.
M ahlon H. H arlow , county com m is­
sioner for th e post seven year», a n ­
nounced M onday th a t uiid«*r no eon
sid«*ratiou will he lieeome a can did ate
th is y ear for reelect ion.
“ I am not in the race for th«* office
for an o th er four y e a rs ," said th e com­
m issioner. “ I th in k eight y«*ars is
enough for one m an. 1 have fully
nm«lt* up tny m ind not to run again,
no m n tter w hat my frien d s have to
say about i t . "
Mr. H arlow w ill have served tw'o
term s of four year» each by th e tim e
hi* t«*rm expires at th«* end o f the
pr«**«*iit year.
The r«*call w as iuvokcii ag ainst the
com m issioner Inst year, but ho won
over th«* opposing can did ate, L. N.
Roney, by a v«*ry large m ajority . His
frien d s huv«* insisted th at th is vote
is indientiv«* o f his ptqm larity in the
county and th a t h«* could easily win
in an o th er election, but he d«*c In res
th at he intends to retire from office
and devote his tim e to hi* own a ffa irs
h ereafter.
11. P. M arkusen, of Ju n ctio n C ity,
ha* announced his in tentio n of seeking
th«* nom ination fo r com m issioner on
the republican tick et.
FOR YEAR IS $175.000
The C ottnge d ro v e debaters lost both
of th eir contests F riday night. The
affirm ativ e team lost to Eugene here
by a 3 to 0 derision, while the negn
live lost at Eugene by a 2 to 1 de­
cision S pringfield wns to have eorni
here but asked to have the d ate can
Celled and the m eet w ith E ugene was
The attend an ce was slim, the com
m ent being m ade th a t there were more
present from Eugene than from home.
The a ffirm ativ e team w as W ayne
V eutch and N ellie S tew art. The Eu
geue team which m et them was Idyll
W ilde and R onald B eattie, the latter
being a form er student here. The
judges here wore E arl K ilpatrick , of
the U niversity of Oregon facu lty , C arl­
ton Spencer, form er resident here and
reg istrar at the university, and A. L.
Isunax. li. W. Lom bard presided and
M i s s Khse p rice sang a solo.
The negative team was R ita Kelley
an d Sam S w artz. The team they met
was Mali a Jord an an d M orris W ilcox
The judges at E ugene w ere Dr. F. L.
Shinn, Dr. A. C. G regory and P rof.
Percy Adam s.
The subject debated was, “ Resolved
th at congress should prohibit im m igra­
tion for a period o f not less th an live
years. ’ ’
There w as some m isunderstanding as
to th e am ount of tune to be allowed
the debaters, the local team s preparing
fo r 12-m inute argum ents w hile th e Eu
gene team s prepared for 15 m inutes.
P ro fit Is $1.50 to th e Hen.
Fay A llison and Hum Y catch prob A verage
A lthough Some Claim P ro fits
ably «lid not have th at id«*a in mind
as H igh as $3.
| wh. n they atte n d ed a dance at D rain
S aturday night, but th«* faet th at they
d ill a tte n d th«* «lance and the furth«*r
fact th at they di«ln ’t arriv e home until C ottage G rove is rapidly earn in g the Those not fam iliar w ith th e p rin tin g
3:30 a. m. probably saved from de­ distinction of being th«* P etalum a of
probably were at a loss to
struction by fir«* a large q u a n tity of Oregon. It is estim ated th at th ere wen* business
how th«* ludicrous error oc
ha} stored in ¡he ol«l Jam es H aw ley
which gave F. J . 11«*1
store building on south P acific high
tw o w ives, and
the sam e busi­
As they w ere driving pa>‘ t th e build
ing they noted smoke issuing from th«*
<*rror occurred in the story
rear end o f th«* building, w hich is us«*d ow ners claim p ro fits as gr«*at as $3 to Th<* of
the purchase of a business
as a w arehouse. Th«*y force«! an en ­ th«* hen. Th«* profit* from the sail* of telling
in lioseburg by G. M. M arksbury, of
trance, threw outdoors several bale* baby chick* probably wa* $25,000, this
«ity, and Mrs. Rudolph H arness
whi«*h w ere on fire and beat out the m aking a to ta l profit for th«* im lustry and Mrs.
F. J. lielliw ell, of Roseburg.
flam es w ith an old shovel which they of $175,000, which is a conservative
c*t im ate.
In modern new spaper work correc­
found in th«* btiihling.
Th«* hay which burned belonged to Th«* larg er num ber of chi< k«‘ii* h«*n* tions are m ade by ««hanging an entire
lint*. It is not unusual for a line to
Mr*. Ella Thom pson. The C ottage are blooded W hite Leghorn*.
get into the w rong place but it is un
Grove F lour mill* had a large q u an ­
usual for it to m ake aueh an error as
tity of hay in another ¡»art of the LITTLE TOT FALLS ON
th at which o<*eurr«*«l in this item . The
STOVE AND IS UNABLE sentence in which th«* erro r occurred
The front part of th e building was*
is printed correctly herew ith, w ith tin
open am i it is thought th at someone
which was p rin ted by erro r in
hau b«*«*n in then* «luring th e night, a
«lance having been in progress in the Jean , little d au gh ter of Mr. and sertc<l in parentheses ju st above th«
vicinity, and th at a lighted cigarette M rs. F an rh o S tubblefield, w as p ain ­ cofrec+ line. The sentence follow s:
had b ora carelessly throw n in such a fu lly burned W ednesday, when she. ‘‘ Mrs. H arness has been associated
m anner th at it w ent threugh a crack stum bled an d fell ag ain st a stove a t w ith th e dry goods business in this
in «he p artitio n anil ignited th«* loose the home of Mrs. S tu b b le fie ld ’s p ar eity for a num ber of years an d until
hay on the o th er side.
ea ts, Mr. an d M rs. F. W. H aw kins, rec«*ntly had been em ployed at th«*
w here they are v isitin g . The little to t, (p ie's Hupply store and was form erly)
whieh only learned to toddle a short Bellows ¿tore. Mrs. lielliw ell is th«*
tim e ago, w as so entangled in the rug wife of F ran k lielliw ell, o f the Peo­
th at she w as held ag ain st th e stove p le ’s «Supply store am i was form erly
u n til her m other reached her. She pro in business in C ottage G ro v e ."
tected her faee w ith her left arm and The S entinel has not hud un oppor­
this and both hands w ere badly blis tu n ity to interview Mr. and M rs. B elli
F o rtu nately there h ad been no well on th e subject but tin* probabil­
E vangelist Zook Says Old Tune tered.
fire in the stove fo r un hour.
ities are th at Mr. 11« lliwtdl is entirely
Bible R eligion Is N eeded to Cre­
satisfied w ith the^one w ife h«* has and
ate H ell Scare.
would not leave t<» Th«* S entinel the
o f selecting an o th er for him , while
it is quite «*«*rtain th at Mrs. H«*lliw<*U
A revival m eeting started Holiday
en tirely satisfi«*d w ith conditions
for«*noon at th«* C hristian church under B em use of th e g rad u ation of several
most auspicious circum stances and th«* high sehool student body offieers at as they really are.
reeord-br«*aking audiem*«** which have the end of th e first sem ester, the fol
been in atteiM iancf have bc«*n some low ing new o fficers have been elected:
th in g of n surprise to th«* evangelist, B righton Leonard, p resid en t; H urry BOY BASKETEERS ARE
F. W. Zook, who i* an obi cam paigner S killing, vice p resid en t; V eta Fluster,
am i accustom«*«! to larg«* audience» a f trea su rer; H arvey Robinson, advertis
ing m anager. The th ree who graduated Th«* b o y s' basketball team of the
ter the m eeting* g«*t under way.
Kvagelist Zook, who ha* <*omluct«*«l Were W ilbur S pray, p resid en t; A rdie high school m«*t its sccoml «lefeat of
meet ing* from T exas to W ashington, Eby, treasu rer, an d Iv an Sams, ad flu* season at A lbany F rid a y night,
preach«** what In* term s tin* obi tim e v ertisin g m anager. Mr. Is'o nard was the seor«* being 34 to 1(3.
bible religion, which he claim s to lx* advanced from vice president to presi
Th«* g irls ’ first t«*nm of th«* high
ill sufficient t«> m eet th«* n<*«*«l* of th«* dent, m aking th e fo u rth vacancy to sehool
w as d«*fente«l H aturday night by
present «lay and ag«*. He prom ises th at fill.
team , whieh had one of the
< ottag«* Grov«* will be tr«*ut<*<l to a re
vival of th e old tim«* gospel preaching Watch ili« label on your paper. n was 1(3 to 13. on its lineup. The score
*uch is shook the country 30 or 40
years ago.
W ® ns w ip m ,rv m ^ v '.Ç zbs zv
ny igu® JP w sgi j
M«*etiiig* are being held every night UP ®
ii*« pt M onday night am i w ill continue
u ntil the first Hum lay in M arch. Th«
.rivitation to a tte n d is «*xt«*n t o all,
rr. sjiectiv«• o f belief or church affilia
I>*sli<* Hull, well known in til«* mu
• •-•II nrcte* o f th e «ity, i* in charg«*
Make of me what you will l shall re­
.#f th«* music.
you as eleaiiy an a mirror throws
Follow ing are a f«*w hot shot Zo<de­
back a candle beam.
"Tin* world t«»day need* a m ighty
If I am pleasing to the eye of the
revival of ol«l tim e bible religion that,
stranger within my gates; if I am sueh a
will put a h«*ll scare ii|»on sinner*. The
sight as, having Been me, he will remem­
rei,«i »»f th»* day an d age in which w«*
v«* is foi m«-n am i women to b<* al
ber all his days as a thing of beauty, the
way- looking for aom ething <*asy.
is yours.
There ar<* jtist scads of folk* looking
for a sugar coated religion. Th«* reason
Ambition and opportunity call some of
to r *o nni' h backsliding in 1h<* church
sons and daughters to high tasks and
I*« b>*crmse so m any sinners are con
privileges, to my greater honor
v«*rt«*«1 but 'in* not holy ghost r«*g«*n
and to my good repute in far places, hut
cm ted. Th«*r«* an* to«» m any church
it is not chiefly these who are my
member* who ar«* try in g to fight th«*
d«*vil w ith tin horn* am i wood«*»
strength. My strength is in those who
words, who ar«* try in g to put out the
remain, who are content with what I eau
fir«*» of h«*ll w ith pink t«*a. The church
offer them, and with what they can offer
m*«*ds through prav»*r to connect up
me. It was the greatest of all Unmans
w ith the holy s p ir it."
Mill W orker Injured.
Delight V alley, Feb. 7.— (Hpeeial to
The H entioe).)—-E dw in A nderson *u*
tained pain fu l in ju ries to both f«*et
one «lay of last week while w orking
at the WVstern Lum ber ft E xport com
im ny's mill. H«»me lum ber slid out*»
him an«l severely bruised hi* f»*et but
it is thought no bone* w ere broken.
H otel Put* Up Sign.
Cottag«* G rove's first m«*t ronolitnn
electric sign has ju st base install«*«! by
the Bart«*!! hotel. It is placed m idw ay
up on the building and is visible th«*
en tire length of M ain street in either
who said: “ Better be first in a little
Iberian village than he second in Home.”
I am more than wood and hriek and
stone, more even than flesh and blood —
I am the composite soul of all who eall
m.1 home.
I am your town.
—Ameriean Legion Weekly.
J. F. S pray, who tin» been in nml
out of the chicken buxine»» here n
num ber of tim e», but who alw ays
nn» rem ained n booster for th e in
duHtry, i» going into it ngnin on h
larger »etile th an ever. H e i» con-
»trueting a concrete incu b ato r room
under hi» mnin chicken hnu»e, the
room being 2-1x21 feet and having
n capacity of 6000 egg» nt a set
ting. The idea of a concrete b ase­
ment i» to give the even t en trer a
tu rc e»»ontinl in incubator hatching.
Mr. Hpruy ha» already hooked or
der» for 10,000 »pring chick»
H e will follow a »y»tem of using
eggs of xtandard w eight from hens
of stan d ard w eight.
W. «S. Mi Culcb has put on exliibi
tion som ething unusual in a R«*«l
W inter beet. It is alm ost a perfect
likeness of a m onster lobster, w ith
head, claws, " fe e le rs " and body.
The color also helps to em phasize
the likeness. A second beet also on
exhibition w eighs 13y* pounds. It
is true to form . Mr. Me Caleb said
th at h«* had others w eighing three
or four pounds m ore but th a t they
w ere not perfect in shape.
E vangelist F. VV. Zook, upon his a r
rival here to conduct a series of meet-
ings a t th«* C hristian church, had an
experience w hich probably m ade him
believe th a t he had struck a place
w here his services w ere needed.
A fter a m otor trip of 1000 mil«*s
from C alifo rn ia, he arriv ed a t about
l a. m. 11«* was endeavoring to locate
th e home of C. L. S arff, one of the o f­
ficials of the church, when he tu rn ed
from a paved stre et into one th at was
in about the condition it w as when
the ea rth wns created some few
thousand years ago, a t w hich tim e au to ­
m obile tra ffic w as not contem plated.
F our hours w ere consume«! in splash ­
ing around in the m ud an d all the
tim e th e driving wheels were g ettin g
nearer to the place from w hich he
hoped to save the goo«i people of C ot­
tage Grove. F in ally someone of th e
num ber who had g ath ered to assist
thought of g ettin g one of several cars
from nearby residential garages to lend
assistance. Hoon th e re a fte r th«* fam ily
w as safely ensconsed in cozy C ottage
Grov«* beds an d Rev. Zook says he has
since become most favo rably ini-«! w ith the city and its people.
D isposes of L aundry Business, E q u ip ­
m ent and B uildings for Consid­
eratio n o f $14,000.
O. E. W oodson has closed a deal
wh«ir«*!)y h«t disposes o f his laundry
business and building an d th«* building
occupied by the W est Hid«* gurag«* nml
gi'ts a 550-acre ranch a t M edical
H prings, Union county, not fa r from
B aker. J . I). W orth, form er ow ner <»f
the ranch, who will come here to ta k e
charg«; of bis business, has been a
prom inent figure in eastern Oregon.
Two of the older of th«! ten childr<*u
of th«} fam ily, a son and a dau gh ter,
arrive«! her«! Hunday in com pany w ith
Mr. W oodson. Mr. and Mrs. W orth
and the oth«*r children will nrriv«* a
little later.
The ranch whieh M r. W oodson gets
is fully «*quipp«!<i w ith m achinery and
100 head of blooded «aitth*, 16 hurs«*s,
hogs an«l o th er livestock w ent w ith tin*
place. I t is an alfa lfa an d ca ttle ranch
and has a large orchard. Big creek
runs through the place.
Th«* value o f the ranch was placed
at $25,(337.50 an d the value of the
C ottage Grove property was placed a t
W'm. Hk tiling, who has been in
charge of the laun d ry business here for
a num ber of years, will rem ain tem
pornrily w ith the new owner. Mr.
W oodson owned the business fo$ 14
years an d operated it personally be­
fore going into th e garage business a
num ber of years ago.
Mr. W oodson left t4n* ranch m charge
of John and Rob«*rt W anker. John
W anker is a form er resident here, go
ing to eastern Oregon about a year
Mr. W oodson m ade the trip from the
statio n to th«* ranch and retu rn by
sl«*igh, th ere being tw o feet of snow
Those who keep posted on m ining
conditions arc looking fo rw ard to a
m ore activ e season in th«* Bohem ia
d istric t th an has been w itnessed fo r a
dozen years. E astern cap ital is said to
be looking this w ay for investm ent in
m ining property.
P artie s from Spokane an d A laska
w ent into the d istric t this week to
look over d iffere n t properties. I t is
understood th at both p arties have cap­
ital behind th«*m to back them if they
are fav o rab ly im pressed. More w inter
work has been going forw ard th is y ear
th an for some tim e p ast.
W eather for Jan uary .
W eather d ata fo r Ja n u a ry , as kept
by C. E. S tew art, cooperative observer,
are as follow s:
M ean m axim um , 43.3; m«*an mini
mum, 27.1); m ean, 35.(3; m axim um , 52;
m inim um , 10 plus. P recip itatio n , 3.05
inches; snow fall, 1.7 inches. C lear days,
14; p artly cloudy, 3; cloudy, 14.
The w eath er fo r Ja n u a ry of the y ear
w as as follow s:
Tells o i W hat D oughboys D id to Save before
M ean m axim um , 4(5.7; m ean m ini­
W orld fo r D em ocracy and
mum, 33.1; m ean, 39.9; m axim um , 61;
W omen From H un.
m inim um , 2(3. P recip itatio n , 6.56 inches;
snow fall, trace. C lear days, 6; p artly
cloudy, 7; cloudy, 18.
Bon Hoovoll, acto r, lecturer, e n te rta in ­
er and m an of m any talen ts, concluded
N ew M an a t F air Store.
hi.» .»lay in C ottage G rove last week
Mr. an d Mr*. C arl F. P alm er have
w ith an address to member» of the arriv
ed here from P ortlan d to m ake
M asonic an d E astern S tar lodges, in
home. Mr. P alm er will assist
which he told of w hat M asonry had their
tin* ow ner, in the m aa
mount to the boy» a t the fro n t, w here agem eut right,
M r. Scovoll was in the service as an Mr. P alm er le ft F air a position
as assist
u tertn in or and w here, incidentally, he an t sales m a nag« t of M. Seller
ft Co.,
was thrice put out <>«' business, finally of P ortland . He is i»xiM*ri«*fic«*d
sustaining ti broken back, w hieh sent handling china, crockery, enam«*lware
him home.
lie found th at m any of those high and toys and will have charg«* of these
ir. com m and w ere m em bers of th e lines.
M asonic fra te rn ity anil th at n large
it in Eye by Steel Fragm ent.
num ber of those in the front ranks R H ichard
(D ick) S tu rg is is now in
were m em bers o f the order anil even style
w ith his left eye in a sling. 11«*
E astern S ta r m em bers w ere found ill is in charge
WVsl 8i«le garage.
the canteens and in th e hospitals. W hile h<* was of a the
t w ork under a car
There was g reat o pp ortu nity for d is­ «-hipping some steel,
a frag m en t struck
play of the fra te rn a l spirit.
him in th e eye am i im bcddel itself in
He graphically described m any of th
e pupil. It was rem oved w ithout in
the horrors of th e terrib le eoitfliet and ry
to the sight b ut he lias been dt»ij|g
of w hat the boys w ent through in ju
job of ju st sup erinten d ing Im
Having the w orld fo r dem ocracy. He a the r«*nl
past few days.
flayed those who used sub terfu ges to
keep from doing th e ir duty and did
not m ince words in telling w hat he In tersectio n M arkers to Be Changed.
thought of those who neglected to do Th«* concrete street intersection
the work there w as to be done a t m arkers, w hich have been used on
home. He did not m ince w ords in M ain stre et for a y ear or m ore, are t«»
telling of the hypoerisy found in be rem oved by order o f th e cit}
ehurehes, in lodges and in the social council an d the plan is to use upright
and business life o f the w orld. The pipes fastened in th«» paving and
woman w ith tim e to burn who putts a painted w hite.
poodle dog to her b reast an d selfishly
neglects form er service boys in need LUMBER IS READY TO
of aid wns described as a. most con
tem ptible creature.
Mr. Hcovell kept his audience Hpell
hound in n tn lk of an hour am t a half.
A collection w as taken to be used by
A ii inspector was here th is week
Mr. Heovoll in his work o f aiding and reprcHt'iiting the P en derg ast com
heering the form er doughboys now pa ity, of M arion, Ohio, to which the
sufferin g and dying in th e hospitals Buck Greek Lum ber com pany is
of the country from w ounds sustained shipping some railw ay m aterial.
in th e recent great co n flict w hile the P resident H arding is one of the
g rea te r p art o f th e w orld m oves by oldest directors in th«! com pany to
giving no thought to those who fought which the m aterial is b«*ing shipped,
for the honor of country nm l to but he did not personally place the
save the w om anhood of Amorien from order.
worse th an death.
N ew P a rtn e r In E lite.
H arry W. N eet, recently of Eugene,
has purchased th e in terest of R obert
Jones in The E lite confectionery nml
{rill. The business WHS recently sold
>y Mr. and Mrs. W. YV M cFarland to
F rank and R obert Jones. (Shortly thcre-
n fte r Miss G race Jon es bought th e in ­
terest of F rank Jon es and she rem ains
n p artn e r in the business w ith Mr.
N ect.
The WAntads m ake very inter«*sting
« f
— no store ever becam e a big
store w ithout advertising.
— no tow n ever becam«* a big
tow n w ithout a live
new spaper well fill«*«! w ith
live ads.
—The H eutind is alw ays
ready to do its part.