True Economy — in Iniying pocerira comes in selecting the bet 1 er grades front « störe you know you ean depend npon. Wo pride nuraelves on nur aincore desire to liavo in stock at all tinica tho liest quality o f food stuffs at inoilcratc prices. The Store Where Your Dollar Doea Ita Duty EADS GROCERY ON THE W E S T S ID E PH O N E 9 Mrs. \V. A. Gamut t«» returned Friday from it \ isit in Port la ml \«.tli her . m s tor, Mrs. Jack Callahan. Big supply of hulk gar. !»• it semis. «Tones A Eaton. f3tfc Bernard and Lemar Piper, of Port* land, visitfd during the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Piper. Mrs. E. C. Adams, of Roaeburg, spent tho week end with Mr. Adams' mother, Mrs. M. E. Adams. Make it snappy. I,i*t it right, sell it quiek. Toll me what you want, got it right away. J. M. Durham, realtor. * Mrs. Emma Kolley and daughter l-elia and Mrs. K. C. Shuy and daugh lor Marjorie were among Kugeuo \ is itors from hero Saturday. J. W. Buekley was up from Port hind Sat unlay. O LD A O E IS N T E N T IR E L Y A M A T T E R OF YE A R S “ How do you look?’ ’ and “ How do you fe c it ” are the vital questions. I f you arc enjoying good health and eyesight, then you are indeed fortunate. I f you are handicapped with poor eyesight, we can be o f invaluable service to you, because it's the pur­ pose o f our business to im­ prove the vision o f |s'o]ilc in every stage o f life. I f you need glasses for close work and distant view, K B Y P T O K 8 w ill In-Ip you They are mighty convenient and useful because two visions arc invisibly united in one pair o f solid lenses with no seams to show that they are bifocals. Big time. Big dance. New floor. Fine music. Dedication dance at armory tonight. f3c Will 11. dil and family, of Pori laid, ■pent tho week end with Mr. Hohl’* mother, Mrs. Barbara Hohl. Glen Smith was home from the U. of O. over the week end. Moving and storage. Phone 99. City Trunnier. n o vlltfc Mrs. A. 1*. Larson has returned from an extended visit with her son Berud, in Portland, and with her daughter, Mrs. I .ester Sanford, in Eugene. Mrs. Louisa Kibby returned Satur­ day from Portland, where she had visited a month with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson. O PTIC IA N OPTOMETRIST Dr. Koval J. Gickj Specialist, Factory on Promise^ correotly fits glasses at $8.00 Cottala Gruva Oregon and up. Bring this notioe. 908 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore. jl3 t f Mrs. William Shearer went to Toledo Saturday and spent the week end with her husband, who is working there. Virginia and Fred Bosley spent Sun Mrs. E. B. Hundsaker, after visiting at the home of tier brother, C. M. Par day at the Judson Allen home at »Sag ker, left Friday for her homo in San maw. Mrs. D. C. Bosley spent the day h i Eugene with the 1>. F. Jenkins fain F ranciaeo. ily. Those having copies of U. S. Shingles. Jones A Eaton. f3tfc axniy d n ll regulations will per Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Hauser motored torm a patriotic act by giving I up from Eugene Sunday and visited same to any member of the mil­ with Mrs. Hauser's mother, Mrs. Allie Hawkins, who accompanied them home itary company. hi the evening. Mrs. Delia Todd, of Eugene, visited See Nelson for used cars. f3c during the |»ast week at the home of Du t id Whittle, o f the U. of <>., spent her sister in law, Mrs. Charles Brown. Sunday with Miss Daisy Johnson, at Little Joe Baker, son of Mr. :i:d the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Beid Mrs. Kay Baker, was quite ill ler. the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Nelson, of Marco- Galloway for Insurance, 511 Main, tf la, visited Kunday with Mr. and Mr*. Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Hughe* -pent Kay Baker. Friday in Eugene. Battery testing and overhaul­ Mr*. Rebecca Medley wont to On Is­ ing. Spray, Long & Cruson. j20ti land Friday to visit her daught« r, Mrs Mrs. J. W. Veatch suffered during J. H. Neaa. N el «oil will trade used ears with you. the pa*t week with tonsilitis. Mrs. Joe Baker returned Saturday Mrs. A. H. Spriukel and daughter from Philomath, where she had been and son v isited »luring the p i A we«*k visiting her mother, who is sick. at the home of Mr. Sprinkel's mother, Dr. W. H. Voee, of Eugene, an Mrs. G. W. Smith. iiounces he will be at Oregon Hotel every second and fourth Saturday, 11 a. m. to 5 p. m., prepared to treat dis­ eases of th»* eye, ear, nose nud throat, and to fit glass«»«. d2tfc D. J. Scholl Mr. and Mrs. N. \V. White and Miss Inez s|M*nt th«» week end in Eugene, the main attraction being the little daughter born a few days ago to Mr. and Mr*. Herald W. White, of that «•ity. K«*rr’* feeds for baby chicks. Jones A Eaton. f.Ufc Mrs. L. P. Bennett returned Sunday to Portland. She had been here* and at Eugene for six weeks on account of the serious illness of her brother, 1«. P. Sanford, who is now well on the road to recovery. Galloway writes insurance. Roy Rigg* returned about ton ihiys ago from spending several months in California for the benefit of his health, which is now greatly improved. Miss Margaret Galloway spent the i week end in Eugene with Miss An I uette Dobbin, of Enterprise, who is at | tending the U. of O. Nelson sells good tires at right prices, j Mrs. J. K. Cooley was brought horn«» l e i week from a Eugene hospital, where she underwent an o|»eration for apiiendicitis. She is recovering nicely. C. F. Skelton took hi* little son to Portland several days ago for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Speck, o f Me«l ford, were week-end guests at th«* A. A. Kii’htnom! home. Mr. Sp«>ek ha* just b«*«*n transferreil from Hend to Medford ns special agent of the Stand nrd Oil «»oinpaiiy. lie had taken up hi* now duti(*s mid came here to meet Mrs. Spe«’k, who motored through from Bend, where they became acquainted with tIn* Richmonds when Mr. Rich annul was with the Standard Oil com­ pany there. 'H ave you noticed the Dodge Broth­ er* reduction ad in this issuef f3c Mrs. Ursula Dean has return«*d to h<*r home in Fhoenix, Or«*., lifter a visit with her former sc Inndum ten, Mrs. You don’t with to get caught Orrin Robinson and llowar«r Durk«*«*, on the road with car trouble this friends of 57 years. Her secoml bus kind of weather. Spray, Long & band di«‘d 10 months ago and a total of 12 of her near relatives have died Cruson s for car inspection, over­ recently. hauling and repairing. j20tf | Moving and storage. Fhone 99. City W. A. Ward, »h o had intiMidod mov Transfer. n o vlltfc iiij; to Medford, has sold out his busi­ I**«» Sullivan, of Klamath Falls, vis­ ness interests there and will remain ited here this woek ou a return trip here for .the present. from Fortlund. W. 1*. I-oi-kwood, of Sen11 lo, who had E. L. Chvuey was in Fortland this been visiting his brother, E. C. Lock week on business. wood, returned home Friday. New pianos, $25 cash and $15 a month. Eugene Music Shop, Eugene, Oregon. jl3 tf French D ry and Modern Electric Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shields returned Monday from Springfield, where they hud been visiting their daughter, Mrs. L. F. Wilson. D Y E IN G A N D A L T E R IN G Mrs. Currie Hemoawuy wus a Eu­ Prices as Follows gene visitor Tuesday. Suits sponged and pressed....$1 K err’s feeds for baby chicks. Jones Suits pressed....................... 76c A Eaton. f3tfc Suits cleaned aud pressed $1.60 Miss Marie Jones, of Eugeni*, spent Ladies’ dresses up from ........ .$1 th«; week end at th«* home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Jones. Harvey Taylor was in Eugene Mon­ day on business. 24 North Seventh Phone 112-L D O N ’T LET ’Eit KNOCK, i t ’s too costly. Let us fix it. All g«»nernl re­ pairing, including fender uiui radiator Kodak developing, printing and en­ work. Overland Garage. j27tfe larging a specialty. Mail orders solic- Ruth McKibb«*n sustained a fracture ite«l. Hughes Studio, upstairs over the of a bone of Nthe left ankle when she Bank of Cottage Grove. j20fl0pd fell Sunday while at play. Mrs. A. W. Hell i well, Mrs. 8. 8. The military club will give it.« open­ Lasswell and Marvin Smith are visit ing dance in the armory tonight. iag in Roseburg at the home of Mr. You may learn the reduction in and Mrs. E. L. Smith, parents of Mrs. Do»lge Brothers ears by calling at N el­ Heliiwell and Mr. Smith. son’s Service station or by phoning 64. J C. Abbott has collected the bounty Mrs. O. M. Miller was in Portland on a bobcat. this week selecting her spring millinery Second hand goods bought, sold and stock. exchanged. I. B. Morris, at bridge, tf Mr. Bassonett«*, foreman of the crew Herbert Eakin and O. O. Veateh working on the Latham bridge, sus­ were business visitors in Eugene Tues­ tained serious bruises Thursday o f last day. week when he fell from the bridg«*. C le a n in g and P re s s in g STEEN TAILORS Try the new armory tonight. FOR H IG H G R A D E PH O TOS Monroe Photo Studio COTTAGE GROVE Kodak finishing, printing, de­ veloping, enlarging. Open on Sundays from 1U to .1 o ’clock. r r— r-iJ W. F rasier Johnson »■as a business visitor it Eug«*ne Tin's« l:iy. Big supply o f bulk K» rden seeds. Join*« & Eaton. r:\tfe M ra. Ada Hart zeli iras granted a «livore«; Tuesday from Floj «1 F. Hart- /«•II on th«* grounds of si.-sertion and WHS giv *n tin custody cf tl «* daughter. Th«* vulcanizing wo rks has been moved in with Nelson •« Service sta tion. Cheater Hunter has arrived from Eu­ gene to accept a position as bookkeeper at the Heliiwell, Bangs & Marksbury atore. Mrs. Verna Mast, who held tlie position some time, resigned some time ago and leaves shortly for Fort land. Cottage Grove Hatchery My motto is ‘ ‘ Better Chickens. ” 1 hatch only from one and two- year-old hens which have free range. O. A (J and Hollywood strains. liarge buns, large eggs, make husky chicks, bigger fries, pullets lay bigger eggs. When you are through with them as layers they bring you moro money. Order now for March A pril and May chicks and help to raiac the standard o f Cottage Grove eggs. Mr. and Mrs. I«eonnr»l Douglas ar­ J. F. S P R A Y , P R O P R IE T O R rive«! Saturday from MaeCloud, Calif., for a visit at the home of Mrs. Doug Ian' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bar Read the trade-at-home mer­ tel*. Moving and storage. Phone 99. City chandise specials on page 3. I Transfer. n o vlltfc Mrs. Ora Read Hamen way has been sick during th«» punt week. Joe Urube, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray m««n«l Grub«*, has been sick «luring the past w«*«*k. Fiano tuning anil repairing. First «lass workman. All work guaranteed. KeusouubLe charges also on r«*pairing. Fhone 312 or write K. F. Callahan, Kugi’iie Music Hhop, Eugene, Ore. jl3 tf E. L. ( ’h«*ii«‘y lias returned from a Order your incubators and brooders. Queen business trip to Fort land. Mrs. Lydia Htouffer is suffering with Masters and Charters. a seriously injured finger. Hh<* «»aught it in a «loor us she elos«»«! it, tukiiig o ff the end o f th«* m«»mlM*r. K e rr’s chick feeds in stock during chick sea- Shingles. Jo tics A Eaton. f3tfc Mrs. W. W. McFarland was a visitor son. M anufactured this year. in Eugene Tuesilay. Mr. an«l Mrs. N. E. Glass nn«l E. W. Miller motored to Eugene Tu«*s«lny. Third car of whole corn for this season to * Mr. Glass ntt<*mli‘«l a meeting of the ! county fair board. arrive within a few days. Get our priées. Chicken*, hogs, veal and cattle want • d at the people'* Market. tf Johnnie Burkhold<»r has been suffer Good cedar shingles. ing for a few «lays with a m*vere cold. Poultrymen! Phone 3 J o n e i & Eaton floor at the f3c Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Enderly re­ turned Friday from spending several months at Long Beach, Calif. While there they made a trip over the M«*x- ican line. Mrs. Harry Webber is quite sick. Christian Science church, corner of Jefferson avenue and Second street. Sunday service* at 11 a. w. Wednes­ day services at 7:30 p. m. tf Mr. and Mrs. Will Baker, of Ains­ worth, Neb., were visitors over Wed­ nesday night of last week at th«* S. L. Godard home. Mrs. Bak»*r is a daugh­ ter of Mr. nml Mrs. J. I*. Rucker, of KiTgem*,. form«*r residents of Saginaw. Moving aud storage. Fhone 99. City Transfer. n o v lltfc Mrs. S. L. Godard and daughter, Miss Ray, w«»re in Fortland over F ri­ da/ night, going there for an «*ye ex animation for both of them. O. E. Woodson is in eastern Oregon on business. JS YOUR GENERATOR doing its •lutyf Don’t let it shirk and ruin your battery. We clean and put them in shape at a very small cost. Overland Garage. j27tfo E. I. Bartholomew motored up from Fortland Sunday and spent the day with his family at the home of Mrs. Bartholomew’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Blair. Dr. B. M. Grant, of Spokane, who had been visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Prince, returned home Tuesday. Old rags wanted at 5 cents the pound. Must be LARGE and CLEAN, jtound. Must b<; large and clean, such as old underclothes, old clothing of soft materials, such as old blankets, etc. Th«* Sentinel. tf A. W. Swanson left Tuesday for 1/4‘wiston, Ida., to att«*nd a convention «if sample stor«* managers. Mrs. Charles ('handler, o f Eugene, is visiting at the home o f her sister, Mrs. G. M. Scott. I««*t the Dodge Brothers Service sta­ tion take care of your car troubles. West Hide Garagi*. f3c Albert Hull has recovered from the injuries sustained in a fall of 15 foet when the A. L. Woodard flume gave way while he was walking u | hjii it. Mrs. Ida Veatch has received word that* her mother at Tnkilma, southern Oregon, recently sustaim*d severe in­ juries when a heavy door fell upon her. W atch each week for the trade- at-home merchandise specials on page 3. Aii 8 pound daught«*r was born ye* terday to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neal, of Star. Regular services next Sunday at the Methodist church. Forenoon subject, “ Th«* II»«* «»I Our Tal«*i»t*. ” Evening subject, “ Jeroboam's Bin, or Think of the Other Fellow.” IT IS GOOD BUSINESS to have your lmtt«*ry cleaned and reinsulated onco a year. Overland Going«*. j27tfc James Whit ford arrived yesterday afternoon from White Swan, Wash., to attend to some business in connection with his application for admission to the Masonic and Eastern Htar home at Forest Grove. Mrs. Fred A. Neipp, of Pittsburgh, Fa., who had been visiting at the H. V. Allison home, l«*ft yesterday for Ash­ land, where she will visit a few «lays before going on to Ukiuh, Calif., to visit her father and sister. Mrs I smi Stone, of Eugene, spent Wednesday night here with her daugh ter Flora, who has been quite ill. ilos«>a and Arno Brown arrived yes­ terday from Me«lford to visit their brother Fred. THE NEW O VERLAND , acknowl edged by those who know to be the best value for the money on the uiur ket today. Demonstrations by up poiiitment, day or night. Overland Gunige. jVilfr. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hocrist have ro- turned from Rujadu, where Mr. Secrist wus employ«*«! for several months. Mrs. J. W. Nash, o f Albany, who had been visiting with Mrs. K. A. Trask for a week, r<*turne«l home y«»s- terday. Charles Wiggins arrived W(*dn<*sdny from Woodburn and is visiting his sister, Mrs. Win. Mo re lock. Mrs. Jennie Chrisuiun David arrived Wednesday from Fortlund and is visit­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Chrismau. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jost, who had been visiting Mrs. Jost’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. o. II. Willard, returned to Uos«*burg Wednesday. N. J. Nelson Jr. brought a new Dodge coup«; up from Eugene Wednes­ day. Mrs. McKinley Huntingtou arrived Monday from Fossil and is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W’. J. White. C'leo Morelock. sou o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morelock, has arrived from Fort- land, where he recently graduated from a polytechnic school. He is taking post graduate work here and will as sist his father iu the conduct of th«; Arcade theater. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Robinson, of Fortland, who sail within a few days for New Zealand, which they may make their home, visited the first of the week with Mrs. Robinson’s broth er and sister, Henry Rohde and Mrs. A. E. Hamloth. The Southern Pacific wrecker was here Wednesday to replace two freight cars which had jumped the rails while being switched ou a sidetrack. Among visitors from her«» in Eugene Wednesday were Charles Cochran, who went down for the first practice of the Oregon State band, E. O. Saltsman, H. J. Shinn, H. W. Lombard and K. K. Mills. John C. Currin has filed suit in th«' district court agaiust Ralph E. Lnra- way, seeking judgment in the sum of $202.16. County Commissioner and Mrs. Em­ mett Sharp have returned to Eiig«’iie from spending three weeks in Los Angeles. Rev. E. G. O. Groat will preach Sun­ day forenoon at the Baptist church. Mrs. Clara Roney, who ha«l been vis­ iting her sister, Mrs. C. M. Parker, re turned Wednesday to her home in Go shell. A. Rogers arrived Tuesday from Portland to visit at the home of his son Percy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Simpson, of Portland, arrived Wednesday to visit Mrs. Simpson’s mother, Mrs. M. C. Willis. Tin* J. O. Larson family is moving here from Salem. Mrs. Larson is a sister of Mrs. A. W. Swanson. Leslie Hawkins returned Tuesday from Pendleton, where he had been for several months. Mrs. C. A. Smith arrived Tuesday from Roseburg and is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hawkins. Mrs. W. S. Shearer returned Tuesday from Toledo, where her husband is em­ ployed on a new sawmill. Mrs. Shearer will return to Toledo and they will make their home there for the present. Mrs. Al. Montieth went to Eugene Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. S. H. Plott, who is in hospital there. Ed. Tullar was in Eugene Frulay on road business. EMPLOYERS BANQUET EMPLOYES NEXT WEDNESDAY The banquet and program which mer chants o f the city arc to give their employes » i l l be held at 6:30 next Wednesday evening at Hotel Kartell. The attendance is limited to employers and employes and their married mates. The employers will buy tickets for their employes. The committee in charge is M. L. Markin, chairman, J. T. .Smitli, H. F. Wynne, U. M. Marksbury and W. J. White. Fixit Shop P L U M B IN G AND GENERAL R E P A IR IN G done ou short notice. Shop rear First National hank, opposite city jail. Lee Roy Woods Jr. Gets Advance. Lee Roy Woods Jr., of Corvallis, re­ cently ordered to Fort Sill, Ok la., to attend military school, has rec<;ivt»d no tico of his promotion to a first lieu tynancy, to date from Novembi;r 1. Ho was commissioned as a second lieuten­ ant in October. He will attend school six months and expects to bo assigned to duty at the end of that time. Spanish W ar Veteran Dies. Lewis Noel, of Comstock, Spanish war veteran, «lied Sunday at Comstock as tho result of a chronic disease con traded during tho war. Th«* funeral was held Tuesday in Eugene. I£e was 43 years of age and leaves a wife and a three-year old daughter. Military Company Is Pull. The popularity of the newly organ­ ized military company is attested by the fact that it is now organized to maximum strength with 77 men and three officers. Those who now wish to join are placed ou the waiting list, first come first served. Methodists Meet Here. A group convention of the Meth­ odist churches of Cottage Grove, Cres- weil, Coburg and Loran«* was held hero Tuesday evening, being pr«’<*«’ded by a 6 o ’clock luncheon. Tho address was deliver'd by Dr. Walters, of the First Methodist church of Eugene. Many Attend Chicken Dinner. About 200 attended th«; chick«*n din­ ner given Wednesiiay evening in the rest room by the Mothers’ club. The receipts go for tho support o f th«» r«*st room, which has become a popular in­ stitution. Th<* number who volunteered to help serve was to«4 small for th<* crowd, which was much larger than expected. Single comb White Leghorn baby chix for March aud April all sold. Book­ ing order* now for May, $15 per 100; from selected h«*avy pro«lu«»ing birds; eggs for hatching, $1 for 15, $5 the LOO. Mrs. Waldo Miller, Box 176, «>r phone 1-F12. f3tfe Work Wanted—Any kind of work is desired by two ladies. Phone 20 F4 p Tickled Is He who has a puncture and finds that he has another easing and tube all fixed up by us ready to take the plaec o f the dam­ aged tire. Chits should never be allowed to go this wet weather. Water and mud get into them and soon the fabric or cord is gone, requiring a large expense to be put into condition again. The longer you wait to spend your money for having a eut fixed, the more you spend when you do have it fixed. The sooner you have a cut or bruise fixed, the less we get. Cottage Grove Vulcanizing Works G. M. M A R K S B U R Y B U Y S IN T O R O SE B U R G B U S IN E S S Roseburg, Or«“., Jan. 31.— Burchard’s Square store was sold today to a firm composed of (J. M. Marksbury, of Cot­ tage drove, Mrs. Rudolph Harness and Mrs. Frank Heliiwell, of this city. Mr. Marksbury is associated with the com­ pany of Heliiwell, Bangs & Marksbury, of Cottage drove, and is one of the leading merchants of that city. Mrs. Rudolph Harness hits been associated with the dry goods busiaess iu this city for u number o f yeurs and until recently hud been employed at the pie’s Supply store, and was formerly wife of Frank Heliiwell, o f the Peo­ ple’s Supply store and was formerly in business in Cottage drove. Mrs. Harness and Mrs. Heliiwell will be in charge of the popular store here, as Mr. Marksbury will spend most of his time in Cottage drove, where his other interests demand his attention. There will be no radical changes in the business, which will be conducted in the same satisfactory munuur as at present. The Mquuro store is one of the most popular Indies’ apparel stores in the county. Filipino Speaks Here. Cunato IJdnsco, a native of the Philippines, gnve an interesting talk Sunday evening at the Christian church on conditions in his native land. Among other things, he stated that those of his country who have visited Batteriea need careful attention America have come to a realisation Mr. an«l Mr*. Charles Jones were up this kind of weather. It coats you that they should not be granted their from Eugene Tuesday, remaining over independence until better educated nud for th«» session of the T«ngl*»foot club. | nothing to have ua look yours until they have accepted Christianity. over. If we find something need­ G. M. Marksbury was in Rom»burg this week on business. ing attention, you 'll be money No matter what you want, never Dedication dance at Armory ahead by knowing the trouble. give up until you have used a Hcntinel v f wantad. tf tonight. f3c Spray, Long A Cruson. TH IS ISN T A P IC T U R E FROM B U N Y A N S P IL G R IM S PR O G R ESS— it is a representation o f the load from which the housewife is relieved when she turns her laundry troubles over to us, to be handled by our machinery, which turns the clothes out whiter and cleaner than any process o f rubbing can do them. Husbands who wish their wives to retain their youthful beauty and the exuberant spirit which permits their getting full en joyment out o f life, should in sist that the old tub be dou< away with and that our wagon make regular weekly expedi lions to their homes. COTTAGE GROVE LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning, Preaaing, Repair ing Are Also Our Specialties