February the Month of Bargains and First Showing of Spring Styles at Umphrey & Mackin Store New Spring Styles in Oxfords and Pumps Here Pretty N ew APRONS at Um phrey faj Mackin’s FEBRUARY H A LF PRICE BARG AINS AT UMPHREY A M ACKIN S More than a score of new aprinsr oxfords anat- ei.t leather pumps and oxfords, kid and ealf oxfords are here in lasts from narrow to outsize. The styles include all variations o- the !>aby french and military heels. The prices are most moderate, Goodyear welt soles onlv. \< Prie rat . $4 50. $5. S5 50, $6. $6 50 13' &r -*« February Sale New Style \ Short Sleeve Nighr Gowns / at Umphrev Mackin's V Pretty and enticing arc the 1922 style apioiis in this first shipment just received. Think of aprons that arc embroidered, i ..«.I and gathered in such becoming insilimi that y«*u arc tempted to wear them . tin* strict; yet the price« arc moderate and even lower than lass pretty values o f last season. Sec them today! In the center main aisle, near the front entrance is a condensed gathering of in .-t desirable merchandise at almost your own price. The lots are small and broken, •o b sure, but you may find just what you want here. Included at, winter coats, dresses, corsets, sweaters, yard goods, lemnanta, etc. Half Ch B IG V A L U E MEN S D R E S S Price Price range S H O E S FEBR UAR Y bric, bon: cloth, "fr u it of the lo o m " muslin, etc. in flesh and white. Each gown daintily styled; some are lace trinimeli, others em- • ; *-• Ì S- .• them todav SI. SI.25. SI 50 This February off* ring in dress shoes for men includes the \.i tin* st leathers, the s des are goodvear w«-lt, the styles are new L O W PRICES ON W O M E N S AT U M PHREY A M AC K IN S S e e them on display. $:! 50, now s|»ecial for February FEBR U AR Y BARGAIN IN UNDERW EAR Wom en’s winter underwear is greatly reduced in price at this store for complete clearance. All styles arc incliubsl in Imth wool and cot­ ton fabrics -the Isalice band top, knee an I ankle length, long sleeves, short sleeves and sleeveless. All union suits selling regularly at $1 25 and $1 Vi now s p e c ia l for February selling $1 00 All union suits selling regularly at $1 75 and $ 1 0 5 now -pvcial for February selling $1.25 All union suits selling regularly at $2 25 now special for February selling, each _. $1.50 All union suits selling regularly at $■> and i, Included are dainty crepe fabrics, fine cam­ Three lots, priced____ $1, $1 35, $1.75, $2 25 to $3.25 $2.25 BOYS KNICKER SUITS— $9.50 The cloth of which these sturdy kuicker suits for !>oys arc made is manufactured in Orep< n of all wool «•a-; icre. Th. trousers are full lined •The vam s are taf*-d. The styles are new and most desirable. « *f course we have cheaper suits but this offertnc it v1'.VI include- \ alues that ha\e Iwen selling for $12.50, $12.50, $14 and $14 .Vi. and the kind which every lx>y wu.uld !»• proud to wear and the kind of stylish it ** od value suits that every ••tl - r desires for her 1 m .v. See them todav. FINANCE CORPORATION TO BACK FARMERS N ew Fur Felt Hats for M en $4.50 Each GAME COMMISSION IS AFTER WOLVES WITH POISON - s - r W ow ! Those arc « some lif.rne • a___ r - . 1 - tiilflf* Special* h\ — — l l V C Hot tane Grove business people on third page. Tin»*» who n tle a p t to follow oat the So v ¡o r ’» a d v ir e « h o o t d o in g ■ ■ t o t t l c n , » t » u would that tk rr iSowld da la t o yam, akoald Make up their Bund» 10 advance thut they arc to bo in poaod upon unm ercifully. City Delivery— Phone 33 New blocks in men’s genuine rabbit fur felt hats arc here on dis­ play. T h e y are just the right weight to give the wst wear und to l<-el good on the head and ate tain proof to be sure. These liai* ar*“ priced on the new low level for 1!*22. Other grades priced $1.50 up with I he follow in g fa cts: *4 The W ar F manee corporation, *h rough go* crament a ction, make* vitflabh- ihm * billion (iollan> for agri cultural pur]*»-**». “ To reader these fund* f|sifkhr avail Tride Maçanx* Say Pour* Can Get abb-. com œ :î;»***$• are being :t p r o fite d State W arden Agree* W ith Statement • u Jsgro'uiturul seftions. Th«**»* n r l i t Money on Short Notice for M ade in Recent Story in tee«. fam iliar with local conditions, F aimer Patroas. The Sentinel on the loans and make rp fo n a m- in tat tons to W ..-hingt **n. “ Th» plan pr«*v id**** that loan* may i "•«***» her Th*- state gam* comm «»»ion is taking be made to anv bank. banker or Tru-t a ctive measures to rid the country of Farm 1‘ owpi « •»•Bpnij v» h .' h may hn\* mad«* :»-t w olves and tw o expert trapper* are 3 an — for agricultural ptrpumt), a re w orking south from Oak ridge putting r e it ruling -lu tin g that tbn> iii(lud»i> out { kiimoi bait and should now I»* loan* made to fanner* fo r the pur close to the June mountain w ft*on eh**»- o f farm implement ft. where, aceording to a story recently The fiorpone of thi» plan is to fill pubh.«h**d in The BentiDel, a large num­ O T te ­ th. gal K«l» u r t w ie i the short time paper ber o f deer have been exterm inated tt a i: 1 hick their ' copied b y the federal re s e n e bank« by wolves. A eom m uaication from th*- th»- long îim» loans mad»* by the «-ommi.«mon states that tin poisoB work in* r* and re»peet fuUv but ] i rai farm loan b«*nrd. ’ ’ f* rm the baiik er• that th » t* k i n g carried on. **-* ur»- ad«l it lOlml funds | State Game Warden B u rghd uff War t', ir.it» r ct•rj*« »rut ion. j ¡agrees with the story published in The but make it]f»piir•ation :tnd i W AGES DROP FROM » TO 50 Heiitinel to the e ffe c t that on ly by PER CENT IN 18 M ONTHS poisoning can the w olves be ext»-rmi »how that ther b a v a«l j ey for a g rieak urul pur I tinted and also that the w olf is the Wage r»-du«*tions ranging from 30 to worst natural enemy o f the .leer. 50 j ** t pent tu th» pcu*t 1*} mon*h« ar»* r Finance >*orj« »ration is Warden B u rgh d u ff states that bis in-, distant "V **nam«>iit J -how n in a com parison o f nagt*» paid departm ent is g ettin g onto its feet to various fh uwr* o f lalior in Oregon ring months in w h irt to finan cially and will in the future be • S!. l^rUi? *-t*B»mittee re com piled by C. H Gram, state labor able to carry on more extensively its ruOiJWHHler. jplieat oj » ii on Th ur»dav o f j Farm hands, who were receiving an nd by Mon •ia y the loan j • z< d fr«*m :t.«hingt on. 1 average o f $73.62 a month, with board. rient arc lnth**r district j *n June, 1920, wer»* receiving an aver age o f but $37.16 a month and board J ready apt»» i in BNi»t j > «.-tuber. IWfi. a drrrraM* o f al­ most jii per cen t, th** com pilation } arm him-»-If 1 i - * ■*. f'n rpentert«. receiving $7.14 n ! lay in June, 1920, were receiving $5.11» lV ceroœ r. 1921, a decrease o f i.ghtly li*w* than 30 per cent. Team -t-r* wage* dropped in the la mouth period from $5 a day to $3.52; h**nd i ’ U* r* from $7.12 to $4.69; xemtid fall- *r- firm $*-.,] to $4.43; k.l*or*-r* from ! $4.95 t » * $1.53; cam p cook* fr*»m $137.69 * a month and tto&rd to $96 a month and ! board; di«h w asher» from $77.25 a I raemu rs>ara to month ana and board to $53 a month and a month and board, c o m p ila tio n shot»« * the great »**1 l*er»-enffige i»f d***WlM* le*tween June, 192«. and June. 1921. In the hist nil month» the variation ha.« not been so great, except ,n the caac o f carpenter*, whose wage» have been dropfe-d from $6.1$ a day to $5 19 a »lay. Wages o f • ««minon labor »how a slight increase in the last six-month period, from $3.32 I a day ia Jane,p| 1921. to $3.52 a »ter in j December, FRESH GROCERY STOCKS AT UM PHREY A M AC K IN S IN V IT E YOUR PATR ONAGE— GOOD VA LU E S. L O W PRICES D eto u r to third jiage an*l rca»l the li*»me trade speeials hy home merchants who are bidding for your trade. activât»-- fo r the protection » liti Ufe o f the -tate. Liirht «eiirht siitiar cured lutcop, 1I> 30c No. 2 ' . can cliiur peaches, each 25c No. 2 can (.’ottatre (Jrovc camit«l tiring I«-ans 15c ; doz $1 50 Bulk acedl«*Rs raisins, l b ............ Fancy <|ualitv head rice lb Small white lieans, .'{ lbs Saeo. last ijuality in bulk, 2 lbs Short-cut macaroni. .'1 Rrs No. 2 can standard corn, 2 cans No. 2 can stand corn. 2 fur of th- TH E C E D ARS (S pecial to Th«- S e n 'io cL ) Jan. 31.— Mr*. V. H. Hprinkel an t children, o f Junction C ity, -peut th»» week end with Mr**. H prinkel’s mother in law, Mr**. G. W. Smith. iV rla Dobberatein and Ijin ce Willis were out o f school during the pvst week on account o f sickness. Mr*. Earl M eK inney ha** been sick during th»* |«i»t week. A very HartxeU and Has«w»l Magee visited Th«- CVuar* s< h«»»l Monday. Ceri 1 M cK in ney, who ha«i b**«*n at tending sehool in tow n, enrolled at Th»- f-edar» Monday. Mr. and Mr- J. E. Meianer motor»-d to Eugene Monday. H elen and Wilma Opnl have re turned to The Cedars school. They started last fall but moved to Fort land. Tlo- fam ily returned Thursday to make their horn»- hi the neighbor hood. The Cedars literary will hold the next session Friday night. A pie social will be h»*ld at th»- same time. Wanda Vent, eh has recovered from searlefiua and is again in scho«d. Vernon Parson* One o f Rescuer* Lieutenant M. Vernon Parsons, o f the marine corps, w hose home is in Eugene, »-**ist««l in directin g the re-cue w«>rk nft« r the K nick erbock er theatre horror in W ashington. 11. C., K»tur*iav night. L Y N X H O LLO W things we think ö 10c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c Man b la m e s e v e r y t h i n g b«» p uM uh l/ can o n t o witiuun but he i!«*v«-r seem « to reaiK try to get alon g without her. Almost everyon e has an am bition some tim e du rin g 1 1 f •* to become »*• com forta b ly frxeii that he can lie abed It ’n la-tter to art no fo lk , w ill nay as long » » he pleases o f a morning. • • • you arc crazy than not to ilo any The man who has never had a de«ir * thing at alL to own an autom obile has su fficien • • • It takes a woman to arouse the *-uri >»lf r**»trinit if Is- trusted with a o -ity o f h»-r friends over some secret Bon dollars. • « • which sh*- d o e sn ’t know. • • • When a woman d o e s n 't rem ove her A man should not Is* classed as hat in n public gathering, when r« prominent until he ha» declined to run quested to «lo so, we wonder whether there m as much insole the head a - for at least one o ffic e . a bow . • • • • • • S«»m«- fo lk » w ou ld n ’t give aw ay ten The |M*r}s*tua) grouch is almost a cent* if they d id n ’ t expect a d o lla r’s inu'h o f a burden to him self as he i« worth o f advertising. to others. • • • • • • t The tat«**t trimm ing fo r h o lie s ’ hats About th e only d iffe re n ce between v is the tail o f the lyre bird, said lyre being interlaced with silver thread in jo b and a position is m the amount o f th«- form o f a letter 8, givin g a sug work. • • • gestive appea ranee -ornethiug like W'heu the devil is to pay he alw ays th is -* . • • • applies Ht the most inopportune mr E very person is supfiosed to have meat. • • • ataut 30 cents more this year than The Mii.uenpolifi husband who, a fte r last, a ccord in g to the gov»*rnment. Jt is well to take considerable tim«- to kno< ktug his wif*- down with a bunrd, laini' that he s«#n and •laughter June have l»e**n visiting at the Morion I>*bow home. The Hmanons sp»*nt th«* w inter in Tennessee visiting Mr Hmnsiii ■ parents. Mr and Mr». Of«* Briggs were «ailed to H arrisburg the last o f the week by the illness and death o f Mrs. B rig gs' youngest sister. Win. Blater and l. N. Dresser were in C ottage G rove M onday. E. T Hartley *» home from Com •tock nur»mg a badly crushed great toe. T h e re ’s a fellow m C alifornia « h o laughs every time a* earth«juake *^m»-- along. H*- mu«t b* one o f tb«c«e who have to have a brick house fa il on ’em before they ee the pdte. ( There i. do dinapiioiataacrt t)u i> to bitter aa diM ppoiotm eDt >B ouraelvea. Fisk fo r com plim ent* and likely to get * whopper* T rying to mak<* money o ften get* a man arrested fo r cou nterfeitin g. • • • I t ’s easy to stab in the back the man who keep- -ih»*nd o f you. • • • Don *t lie awake p e o p le's I roubles. night« with oth er • • • The i n . girl 'I marry tka man who b a .a 't ahown gum ption fDongn to get out aa. Ellen Needham. Mr. and Mr». W. A. H«»gate enter taine«) th irty o f their ueighkxira an 1 fr o n d s at the horn«* east o f the e i t / Friday even ing o f last week. Game« were played and »Uinty ref re* hment s were served. C. H. Embree has recovered from au attack o f diphtheria. Mrs. Rob«*rt A nlauf was up from A l lauf yesterday. Mr. aioi Mr«. Carl Palmer arrived yesterday from Portland and are viait mg Mr. and Mr». J. A. W right. Georg. W Myer.e v .sited in Eug«*n • Tuesday with bi« daughter, M^«* Nello*. Mi.«* N ellie Myers, o f Eugene, spent the week ca d here at the home o f h«r • »•ter, Mr* Elbert Hmith.