(tatara to u ? f ___________ * 3 VOLUME X X X I1 ^ 9 O' COTTAGE GROVK, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922 COTT AGE GROVE ONCE MORE IS MILITARY CITY CAPITALISTS AND SECTION LABORER ARE EQUALS BEFORE LAW Aüjutaut General White Keeps Promise and Machine Gun Out l it I h Organized. T raffic lawn know no favorite*. I’rn nk L. Chamber*, Fug«*n«' «*ap it it lint n n«l banker, will have to forego the |i!«'UMiire of driving hi* ear for nearly a mouth. Judge Alta King, o f the Kiigene police court, suM|M*iidfd hi* operator ’* license uu til February 2, b«*Hid«** fining him $25 for speeding. According to the jMilice, Mr. Ouimbcr* wa* caught driving on Eleventh avenue cum ! toward hi* home at the rate of nearly 25 mil«'* fin hour. W. I*. 1C«»«I«*iibitii|^h, a laborer in the yard* of the Hoitthern Pacific company at Kiigenc, wa* Keiitenced to *|ieud one day in jail for s|»ee outfit hu\ mg be«*n organi/«*«! In i ni^hl with Hi'vuriil muri* than till* i i*i|U 11 * it in in mi u ui strength of tifi. Of hi i 'L i won* «‘lerled but too Into for publient ion in tin insili*. Thu organiza lion followi'i! a «limier at Hotel Hnrtell attend«'«! by members of (hr now com puny unii bum nos* mou. He vomi cities of the state wanted this rompauy ami ('ottani* Grove g«»l it largely because of its pant military • i out, uiliiril to tin* energy of tin* chamber o f commerce ami of military men in going after it. Adjutant (leu • ral White practically promised the . ily upon the o r d in im i of his Fourth pi July visit here that the first avail able outfit would be placed here and U pon Ins recent V isit to Washington he whs successful in getting several c o m p a n ie s assigned to the stati*. He w i e present at the mustering in last muht. PRODUCERS HIT BY DROP IN EGG PRICE Kgg prices here have dropped to 25 rents, which means a largely decreased income to the owners of the many thousands of chickens of this section. The reduced price thus early in the season is sail! by those familiar with the busmens to be due iu purt to the mild winter which has oucourugcd heuvy laying and to the fact that buy ers of eggs are taking precautionary measures against being caught on a quick drop 111 the market as they were a vrai ago, at which time the local price weut as low as 14 cents, the lowest 111 recent years. Producers at that time saved themselves from a large loss by storing the produet. Wrights Write From Cali forma. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, who are spend i ug several mouths in Fallt orma, write from Sauta Cruz. The trip was made by motor without difficulty. They had paved roads until they reached the California line, dirt roads to bedding und paved roads from there on. They rejsirt more rain than that to which they are accustomed in Ore gon and on Christman day they wit iicsscd the worst down |siur o f rain they hud ever seen. They are en joying themselves watching the wild waves roll and with deep sen fishing Mr und Mrs. It K. Walker, o f this city, arc also s|M*nd»ng the winter there. OLD PAVING ON NINTH STREET MAY BE SAVED ignite u saving to the city will be effected by the nature of the tri party contract for the paving of Pacific highway through the city. According to the copy received by the citj government, the state highway com mission will accept a four inch overlay, taperiug to the sides, on the portions of street which already have been hard surfaced. The commission may older a Hi foot concrete «•«'liter, with two-inch overlay at tin* sides. Hither method would mean quite a saving to tin* city and would do away with tin- tearing up and resurfacing o f Ninth street. LOVING CUPS ARE UP AS GUN CLUB TROPHIES T w o silver loving cu | ih nrr ii|> in a t iiurniiiuenl .a which members o f I h.- ,,itugc Urovo Rod and ........... will pnrtn'ipute. The tournament coni oienee^ Hundny morning ami will eon liliuc eight weeks, with a 25 bird shoot .neh Mil inlay morning. Participant., will be divided into two claiMes, ne cording to their proficiency, and n .up will he given each eliisa. The cupn have been presented by A. \\ .1 11, well mid S. 8. I mm. well, president ..d eretary of the IllI.. JANUARY 20 IS LAST DAY FOR 1921 UOF.N8E PLATES Automobile owner* will he allowed to retain their 1921 license platen until about January 20, ueeording to a letter received by Sheriff Wtiekeln from See rotary o f State Sam A. Kozer, hut lifter that time the officer* will lie in strutted to arrest those whose Iasi year's plates still remain on their cars, as It is figured thnt the conges tioti o f applications for licenses will have been relieved by that time and that all who have applied will have .been supplied. The secretary of state says that ear •owner* were late this year in applying ami as a result the force in his office is far behind in supplying the plates. Small Wreck on 0. P. & E. A small amount of damage was done to the bridge on the Oregon »’unfit' & Eastern railwny a short distance ,4, -ode o f Kujada when two heavy loaded log ears tried running on the bridge timbers instead of upon the, rails. The accident happened Niitur day and the bridge was ill shape for . peintions Monday, the ears and logs also having been picked lip. _____________ __ ___________________________________________________________________________ THREE 10-MONTH PIGS WEIGH OUT AT 1090 LBS. What are thought to have been the largest pig* ever raised in this *e«*tion wen* *
st ( ’herd (Hulli vnn)— Miss Price aud Miss Hiisby. Hymn 57—-Oongergntion. Prayer— Rev. Hpearow. O ffertory, The Intermezzo from “ Cavalleria Kusticana’ ’ (Mascagni) — Miss Polts and Miss Hiisby. “ Come Unto M e " (W ilson )—The Caroliers. “ O Iwive D ivine’ ’ (N evin )— Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Cruson, Miss Knowles. “ The Holy C ity ’ ’ (Adam s)— Mr. Matthews. “ Holy Redeemer” (M nrchetti)—La­ dies Chorus. “ Day Is Dying in the W est” (Hher- w in)—-Mr. Hargreaves, Mr. Smith, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Wyatt. “ Oil lsird Remember M e’ ’ (Caro Rom u)- Mrs. Arthur. “ The Place o f Music in the l i f e of the Community” — Rev. Hpearow. “ The Publican” (Benzley Van Water)- Mrs. Beager. “ The Harbor o f G o ld " (Creswell) — The Caroliers. “ B abylon” (W atson)— Miss Potts. “ Hear Us, O Father” (Millurd- Pnrks)— Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Cruson, Mrs. Matthews. “ Praise the L ord ” (G abriel)— Mixed Chores. Post 111 de, ” Prelude ’ ’ ( Rachmaninoff) — Miss Price. Bell Ringers dive Entertainment. The bell ringing quartet appeared here last night as a iinmlier in the ly ceum course sponsored by the high school student body, giving a highly appreciated number. Birth Records Are Again High. This city maintains its record for a high birth rate. There were 13 births during December and only three deaths. Of the births, seven were males and six were females. LOCKED IN ICE BOX BUT PERSPIRATION RISES JUST THE SAME A. G. Williams, o f the P eople’s The social hygiene meetings held market, had the experience a few' Saturday and Buiolay for men and days ago o f being locked into the young men, women and young women, ice box with the thermometer be­ attraeled good sized uiulieuces of both low freezing and no telling when sexes. The pictures aud the lectures someone would op«»n the*door and which accompanied th«*in were plainly release him. What seemed almost yet refinedly instructive upou sex like an eternity probably was not questions and sex diseases. Almost over three minutes bui he might without exception the members o f the easily have been left in there audiences took the pictures and talks longer, because those working with for what they were meant to be. in u few feet of the box could not Norman F. Coleman, president of hear him calling ut the top o f his the Oregon Social Hygiene society, un­ voice. The frigid condition o f the der whose auspice* the meetings were box did not stop the perspiration held, gave the explanatory talk at the from rising but he remarked, after m en’s meeting and Mrs. Kllyn Kelly, being released, that the place re­ also of the society, gave tin* talk at puted to be so hot would have been the women’s meeting. quite a welcome change o f climate. Mr. Coleman, who is also president of the L. L. L L. labor organization, spok. at the Presbyterian church*Bun-