The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, January 06, 1922, Image 7

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    Get a Nest Egg Savings Bank
A ll)
O P E N A S A V IN G S A C C O U N T T O D A Y .
Bank of Cottage Grove
Our Thanks
are extended to the many
who made the past year a
happy and prosperous one
for us, and to one and all
we w ish all tfood thinipt dur­
ing: Hie year to come. The
year will he happiest, to
those whose eyes, if needing
glasses, are properly pre­
scribed for.
You can not
see prosperity w hen it starts
your way if your eyes are
under a strain. Get me as­
sure you that your eyes are
all right., or fit you with the
lenses that will make them
all right.
D. J. Scholl
Pac tory ou Premine«
Cottage Grevi»
Mr. unii Mrs. Dal«* Watch r«»turm*«l
Wednesday lo Port lami, after «pouding
tin* holidays hero. Mr. W atch's par
wilts, Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Watch, have
purchased a If» acre tract which the
junior Veliteli will assist in o|M»ratiag.
Chet Van Dcnburg returned Sunday
to his work at Yacolts, Wash., after
spending the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. VuuDotiburg.
You Have Perhaps
that there arc several d iffe r­
ent grades and prices o f feeds
on the market. The two main
grades are those that arc put
up “ just to sell,’ ’ and those
that are manufactured by well
established drills to meet a
^innd for feed of
aeluul vallfe. The firm that
has spent years in establishing
a business, and invested every
dollar the business lias earned
in manufacturing equipment,
seriously intends to give the
public a good article. It lias
too much at stake not to give
value. Q U A L IT Y is our motto.
Drain and Yoncalln, Attention! Dr.
Koval .1. Dick, KycHight Sp»-
J ^ K cialint, will lie in Yoncnlln, at
I.miniaa ’» Pharmacy, Saturday,
January 1-1, and in Drain, Perkii»* ho
tel, January IS. Eyeglasses eorrectly
fitted. Charge reasonable.
«Slake it snappy. List it right, sell
it quick. Tell me what you want, gt%
it right away. «I. M. Durham, realtor. *
Misses Thelma and Martha Wilkin
son, of Grants Puss, visited last week
with Miss Bethel Gowdy. They had
been visiting in Corvallis and Albany
and were accompanied by their cousin,
Merw in Wilkinson, of I he latter city,
who remained over one day.
Leslie Hull returned Saturday from
a visit in Part land and Washington.
Galloway for Insurance, 511 Mata, tf
Mrs. C. L. Home writes that their
address is now Pasadena. She says
they feel lost when they miss a copy
of the old home paper.
Mrs. C. S. Hefty writes that she has
left Newport for the present and is
now located at Ada, Ore. She sends
the season’s greetings to all her Col
luge Grove friends.
Moving and storage. Phone 99. City
nov title
Mrs. Matilda Sleep, Miss Meiiiiea
hall, Miss Elise Price and H. H. llur
greaves returned Monday cvetiiug from
llieir holiday vacation. Mrs. Sleep had
beeu at uMrshfield, Miss Mendenhali
in Eugene, Miss Price at Hi flou, Wash.,
and Mr. Hargreaves h i Eugene.
Miss Dorothy Hays w h s h Eugene
visitor Monday.
We cau fix your buttery if it can be
fixed. V\ e cau sell you a new one at
lowest prices if the old one can’t be
fixed. Spray, Long A Cruson.
Unbelt \ catch, son oi Mrs. ida
Ycatch, sustained a severely cut right
foot Sunday evening while splitting
wood at his home. The ax cut through
Ho* shoe and inflicted a deep gash.
Mr. ami Mrs. G. B. Dickinson weal
to Salem Tuesday for a short visit.
J. Q. VYtHits was home from Look
uiglass for the holiday vacation.
M ay the New Year be a happy
and prosperous one lo r you is our
wish The White Pharmacy.
Dun and Currie Woods spent last
week at the Dr. I). L. Woods home.
Dim is attending the li. of O. and Miss
Carrie teaches in Portland.
E. W. Miller attended the annual
meeting of the state chamber of com
merce in Portland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. U. 11. Dahl motored to
Eugene Saturday.
Mrs. Walter Lunuu will take music
pupils. Write Box 1120. i f desired will
leach at your home.
j3 13p
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mosier, of Elk
head, were visitors over New Year’s
at the Churles Brown home. Their
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Short, with her
children, uccouipuuied them home Moa
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Helliwe 11 visit­
ed relatives in Yoaeallu Monday.
G. M. Marksbury was a business
visitor in Portland over the week end.
Moving und storage. Phone 99. City
n o v lltfc
Misses Uerthu and Hazel Stephens,
of Eugene, spent the holidays at the
home of their mother, Mrs. Edith
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore motored
to Albany Sunday.
Mrs. E. M. Thurber and daughters
left Saturday to join Mr. Thurber in
Central Point, where he and N. E.
Dixon, also formerly of this city, are
now in business.
Dr. W. U. Voue, o f Eugene, an
nouiiees he will be at Oregon Hotel
every Saturday, 11 a. iu . to 5 p.
hi ., prepared to treat, diseases of the
eye, ear, nose and throat, und to fit
Mr. ami Mrs. G. H. Roberts, of Eu
gene, spent the New Year week end
at the C. II. VaiiDenbiirg ami J. I.
•tones homes.
Miss I va McKay and Miss Violet
Barker, o f Seattle, were guests of YVil
frid Jury over New Y ear’s.
lift ms and they have moved into the
S. K. Brand bungalow oil Washington
Mrs. W. M. Morcdock arrived Mon
day from Portland to join Mr. More
lock, who recently purchased the Ar­
cade theater, and they have moved
into the M. P. Garoutte residence on
Cherry court, which had been occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Dickinson.
Chickens, hogs, veal and cattle want
ed at the People’s Market.
C. E. Combs has moved his family
into the Hterling residence on south
Third street.
Mrs. Fred Wigle and Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Vwatch returned Saturday from
a visit at Coburg with Mrs. W igle’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dcffen
bn cher.
John Palmer was down from his
Iflosby creek ranch over Saturday
night and was a guest at the John
Barker home.
1 am leaving on a vacation and those
having pictures which they have not
taken, or having other business to
transact with me, are requested to at
tend to it at onee. A. L. Monroe. jf»c
George O. Knowles was in Eugene
Friday on business.
Charles Hanna returned to Portland
Saturday, after spending the holidays
with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Witte.
Mrs. A. J. Hearnc ami children, of
Portland, visited over New Y ea r’s at
the home o f Mrs. Hear in*'a sister, Mrs.
George Foster.
>i ■ ---- -------- —----------
Let Your Baking Worries
Be Our Worries
Baking is our business, not the
job o f a few hours a week.
Turn your baking worries over
to us. Th rifty housewives save
money, time and health by let-
ling Us bake their cakes, pies
and special pieces.
Our Bread Is “ Faultless”
Cottage G rove
E l e c t r i c Bakery
Used ears at Nelson’s:
A 1915
Ford touring, $150; Ford bug, a classy
one, for $.50; Ford delivery with
«pedal body, $195; Dodge touring,
$450; 1918 Grunt Six, in fine condi
tion, good tires, $300. All above ears
ure in A 1 condition. Terms will be
given on any of them.
Miss Elnor Knowles returned Mon­
day from a visit in Florence at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Weather-
Harry Parker, who was down from
Lundpark, returned home Saturday.
Rev. W. L. Wilson arrived Sunday
from Portland and is conducting u
series of meetings at the Baptist
W e will help to make the New
Year a pleasant one for you by
carrying complete stocks of ev­
erything in our line and selling
at prices as low as consistent
with the service rendered.
Mrs. Lucy Currin returned Saturday
from h visit at the home of her dungh
ter, Mrs. K. !.. Oile, in Koseliurg.
Forenoon phone orders for de­
livery must be given in time
to permit delivery boy to reach
school on time.
Choice Cuts Only
W e buy only choice animals
because we aim to sell only
choice meats. This insures the
customer that he gets only the
best. You may buy a cheaper
cut o f the animal, if you wish,
but you will know that it
comes from a ehoiee animal.
People’s M a r k e t
W illiam s & Dickson, Props.
Pearl Ashby and Faye Jennings re
turned Monday to Monmouth normal.
Mrs. Or pah Benson, who is attending
Mr. and Mrs. George Berry arrived
O. A. ('., and her daughter, Mary Ellen,
Clay Moshv returned Monday to his
who is now attending Monmouth nor Friday from MeCredie springs, where
studies at O. A. C. Mrs. Mushy, who
mal, who had spent the holidays here, they had been for several months, and
also had been here, returned several
will reside here this winter.
returned to their schools Sunday.
days before.
Moving and storage. Phone 99. City
Dancing taught at Steen's pri­ Truusfer.
n o v lltfc
The W. L. Wat eh family returned
Saturday from spending the holidays vate academy, 24 N. 7th, phone
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Plaster, who
d23-j20e spent the holidays with Mr. Plaster’s
at Koseimrg.
West Siili' (Inrmgr—Ihr placo whoro
Mrs. A. G. Williams arrived Monday parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Plaster,
they look after your troubles right. JO from Independence to join Mr. Wil returned Huiiday to Valoots.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wheeler, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Cooley and Mrs. Charles
Hears attended the meeting of Pomona
grange at Elmira Haturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly left Hat
urday for Independence.
Christian Science church, corner of
Jefferson avenue and Second street—
Sunday service« at 11 a. m. Wednes
Wo wish to call your attention to the nice lino of aluminum
day services at 7:30 p. m.
ware Ilia) wo have for premium«, including Double Conkers,
Miss Myrtle Kem, who spent the
Teakettle«, Cereolators, Fry I’an« and Canning Sols.
holidays here with her parents, Mr.
$10.(10 iii trade at our «tore, or at Wynne & Rime’« hardware,
and Mrs. O. M. Kem, left Saturday
you are entitled to your ehoiee o f the seta for $1.98. This
for Missoula, Mont., where she is su
perviaor o f art and music in the city
ware i« guaranteed for 20 years and would cost you at least
double if you went to buy it.
Raymond Vontch left Sunday morn
ing for Corvallis, to complete the com
mere in I course at O. A. C.
A lu m in u m W a r e
This is Cottage Grove Cannery Week at our store. W e
would like for you to pure haw- at least one can each of
Tomatoes, Green Beans, Cherries, » ’earn, Berrien, Apples,
Rhubarb. Special prices by the dozen.
Boost a Cottage
Grove industry none better.
Smith-Short Grocery
T h e
S t o r e
T h a t
A p p r e c i a t e s
T o u r
Miss Thelma Breedlove and Miss Lil
linn Leonard returned to their schools
at Gateway Sunday, after s|s‘iidiug the
holidays with their parents.
been attending the state teachers’ con­
Mrs. Addie Churchill, of San Fran
eiseo, visited during Christmas week
with her little daughter at the home of
her parents in law, Mr. a ml Mrs. Shel­
by Churchill.
We specialize on battery repairs,
battery recharging mid automobile
overhauling of all kinds. Spray, Long
A Cruson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank IiimHii, o f El
mira, spent New Y ear’s at the home
o f their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Culd
Ansel Wood, who had been visiting
his mother, Mrs. Saltsmnn, left Sat
unlay for his home in Marshfield.
Miss Osio Chapman, who had been
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Rosa
Currin, left Saturday for her home in
The above figure« are our telephone number, a mighty goo<l
combination to keep in mind. It is pleasant to us to have
you call in person, but when it inconvenience« you to do so,
just ring us up, and we will give your order the same careful
and courteous attention as i f you called in person.
Our aim for the New Y ear is
to please I f we do not, we will
gladly receive any suggestions
from our patrons. The White Mrs. C. A. Hood ami son Wilbur, of
P«»rt laml, ami son Donald, of Stan­
M cQ ueen
field, and Mr. Titus* grandmother,
Mrs. N. E. Manock and children, mother ami sister, Mrs. S. M. Titus,
who had been visiting Mrs. Matlock’s Mrs. E. J. Titus and Miss A li«*«*, all
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. VanNort of Eugene. Miss Dorothy Wh’kum, of
wick, returned Saturday to their home Portland, accompanied the Hoods.
at Aurora.
Miss Sophie Book«*r return«*«! Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Baker and Mr.
day night fr«»ni Portland.
and Mrs. Kay Nelson motored over
from Mabel and spent New Y ear’s
with relatives, returning home Moa to the U. o f O.
Mrs. Allie Hawkins went to Eugene
day accompanied by the Kay Baker
Wednesday to visit at the home o f her
done on short notice. Shop rear
«inlighter, Mrs. W. G. Hauser.
Galloway writes insurance.
First National bank, opposUe
Mrs. W. (). Wilson und duughter
Josh Brown, of Cascade Locks, .spent
city jail.
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Margaret left Wednesday to v i s i t Mrs.
Wilson’s sister, Mrs. J. E. Dawson, at
Mrs. Charles Brown.
Centralia, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Daw
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coleman left son were badly burned in the recent
Monday tor Sacramento, Calif.
The C. E. Uinphroy and S. L. Mack
fire which destroyed their home and
The George Hailes family returned burned their two children to death.
in famili«*s motored to Isadore and
Monday from Castle Koek, Wash.,
Christian (-hureh— Bible school at sprat N«*w Y ear’s «lay at the home of
where they visited during the holidays 9:45; communion service at II, sermon Mrs. Umphroy’s cousin, Mrs. Irwin
with Mrs. Ba lies’ parents, Mr. and by Rev. J. E. Carlson; junior endeavor Rice.
Mrs. H. 11. Johnson.
John Bartels received word Tuesday
at 3; senior endeavor at 5:30; preach
Second hand goods bought, sold and iag at 7:30.
o f th<* «loath of his sister, Mrs. |)«»ris
exchanged. 1. B. Morris, at bridge, tf
l)r. and Mrs. R. E. Jones and son Gri«*m, at Zenda, Kan. She was 52
Hollis Part low', of Portland, visited L«*roy Walton, of Camp ls*wis, have years of age ami di«*d quit«* suddenly.
over New Y ear’s with the 1). M. Kem been guests of the past week of the
Miss Juanita Henry, of Willamette
and C. M. Shinn families.
M. F. DesLarzes and Leon Deal ¿arses univ«*rsity, spent th«* holblays at the
M. C. Cochran home.
Mrs. Lydia Sarff, of Salem, arrived families.
Monday to visit at the home o f her
Mrs. Lizzie Atwater arrived Tues­
Mrs. Verna Mast has been ill during
son, C. L. Sarff.
tin* past wct*k and is at the home of day from Ashland to visit with Mrs.
Miss Grace Blackwell returned Mon­ her parents, Mr. and Mr*4 F. B. Phil Mary Robinson.
day from Corvallis, where she spent lips.
Mrs. Clair Spray and Mrs. Roy
the holidays with her sister, Mrs. L.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith and daugh­ Counts returne«! to their homes in
M. Harding.
ter Mary Jane and Mrs. Mary Smith Roseburg Tin’s«lay.
Overland parts have gone down. Let motored to Eugeue Monday.
Norval Powell returned Tues«lay to
us figure with you ou needed repairs.
Mrs. Henry Roll«!«* has just returned O. A. C., after spending th«* holidays
Overland Garage.
ul8tfc from Portland, w’here she took her son with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Alta King and son Jennings, of Eu­ Charles for medical attention. The con Powell, of 1/ondon.
gene, spent Monday with Mr. K in g ’s dition of the child is said to be serious.
Miss Electa Hamilton, who teaches
mother, Mrs. Edgar King.
Alta King was up fr«»m Eugene yes at The Dalles, spent the holidays with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumbaugh anti terday on business.
Miss Sadie Cox returned Monday to
Miss Signa Larson, of Portland, ilton.
Albany, after spending the holidays sp«*nt th«* week end at th«* Dr. A. W.
William Pettigrew, of North Bend,
with relatives.
visited «luring th«* h«»li«lays with the
Kime home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cousant, of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Romaine, who had J. A. Elliott family.
Creswell, spent New Year’s «lay with sp«»nt the holidays at th«* home of Mrs.
Roy Foster left Monday for Me
the O. W. Rapp family.
Romaine’s parents, Dr. ami Mrs. A. W. Minuville, where h<‘ has the contract
Old rags wanted at 5 cents the Kime, returned yesterday to their home for lathing the new' armory being built
pound. Must be LARGE and CLEAN. in Portland.
Mrs. A. Henniman returned to her
The Sentinel.
Alberton Wood left yesterday for
home in Curtin Monday, after spending
V irgil Powell returned Monday to his home at Raymond, Wash.
th«* holidays with her «laughter, Mrs.
O. A. C.
L. C. Farmer is moving his house at
Charles Cooley.
Miss Ollie Willard returned Monday the corner of Washington avenue ami
Rev. Crowley, former pastor of the
to Portland, after a two weeks’ visit Eighth street diagonally across Eighth
Presbyterian church, was a visitor here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. street.
Edwin Skilling has rented th«* John M o n d a y . ____________
Mrs. James Chapman returned Tues­ Brund home on north Pacific highway.
day to h«*r home in Eugene, after hav­
Mrs. Frank Knox is in Portland r«*-
ing spent the holidays with her par­ ceiving medical treatment.
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. U. S. Bales.
Eugene Register: Mr. and Mrs. J. L
Miss Margaret Scott, from the U. of Queen, of 1443 Patterson street, have
My motto is ‘ ‘ Bettor Chickens. ”
O., spent the holidays with her grand­ traded their residence to C. K. Colver,
I hatch only from one ami two-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. A. Edlef o f Cottage Grove, and are moving to
sen, at Loraue.
their new home.
year-old hens which have free
Miss Merta Seigmund, of St ay ton,
Tin* n«*xt regular meeting of the W.
range. Ü. A C and Hollywood
sjH’iit the holidays with Miss Frances R. C. will be held January 14, at
Large hens, large
which time then* will be dinner and
husky chicks, bigger
Jack Jacobsen, of Port la ml, spent installation of officers.
fries, pullets lay bigger egpi.
ihe holidays at tin* home of his broth
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stroud arrived
When you are through with
er, George.
Tuesday from Portia ml ami an* visit­
VV. White motored to Eugene ing at the horn«* of Mrs. Stroud’s
them as layers they bring you
sister, Mrs. Joe McKibben.
more money. Order now for
Donna Barteil returned Tu«*s«lay
Sunday school at the Methodist
March A p ril and May chicks
«‘hureh Sunday. All members are asked from Portland, when* she visited «lur­
and help to raise the slam lard
to be present without fail. Services at ing the holidays wiht h«*r mother, Mrs.
o f Cottage Grove eggs.
11 a. iu. and 7 p. in. Morning sub Josie Blackford.
jeet, “ The Principal of Spiritual
Mr. and Mrs. Hurshel Allison and
Growth. Evening subject, “ Tin* Final Mrs. J. T. Allison returne«l Tu«*s«lay
J. F. S P R A Y , P R O P R IE T O R
ity of Jesus.” Epworth league at 6 from visiting relatives in McMinnville
p. m.
and Portland.
H. 11. Russell ami family drove up
from Ash hi ml Christmas eve and spent
ten «lays with Mrs. Russell’s purents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burkett.
Miss Bertha C«»x spent New Y«*ar's
with friends at Yonealla.
Kl iss Muriel Shay, after spending the T h e s e F o u r G i f t e d L a d s R i n g and S i n g T h e i r W a y In t o H e a r t s o f H e a r e r s ---
holidays at home, left Sunday for her
C a r r y S e v e n t y - f i v e S wis s Ha n d bell s.
school at Nyssa.
A. M. Brown, who has been section
foreman at Divide, has been trails
ferre«l to Oakland and th«* Rice Hill
foreman is eoniing to Divide. The
Browns moved to Oakland Dee. 28.
Mrs. R. G. Elliott has been seriously
ill during the past week.
Tin* condition of Ren Sanford con
tinues to greatly improve. He is y«*t
very w«*ak but has passed th«* danger
Th«* annual all day meeting of the
Christian church will be held January
A / j
15. All members are cordially invited.
1 MFTY j *
Mr. Barrey and son Roy, o f Walla
Walla, Wash., were visitors of tin* past
week at the home of another son, K«*a
neth. The seuior Berry returne«! home
Her«* they tin* four lively young American# the member» of the Bell
Wetlnesday but Roy probably " i l l
Kinging Male Quartet. Amt they are In action, too—Just as they will he seen
make his hom«* with his broth«*r.
Earl Hill is recovering from th«» e f­ here In the near future. These young muHlclans are clever vocalist», also,
fects of an abscess in the right cur and they sing and ring—and ring and sing— to your heart’» content. They
which caused him several sleepless otT«*r ii program o f hrllllam'y and snap and their» 1» one of the finest novelty
entertainment ever presented. Their traveling equipment constats <»f f«»ur
W. J. White is building a com mo
well-oiled sets of vocal cords and Nome seventy-five sweet-tom»d handheld
«lious garage on his residence pro|»erty. Everywhere they have been n veritable sensation during their present tour.
Mrs. C. A. Barteil returne«! Wcdnea
d:iy from Eugene, where she underwent
a minor operation.
Fred Bartels has recovered from an
illness of two weeks.
C. M. Jackson sustained serious in -
juries in n fall a f«*w «lays ago.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hurst, o f Port
land, were N«*w Ycnr’s guests at the
J. A. Wright home.
W. T. Poole and Billy Edwards have
Moving and storage. Phone 99. City returned from Re«l Bluff, Calif., where
they had been since November. They
n o vlltfc
mad«* the trip by motor without chains.
Miss l<orettn Miller, of Salem, after While then* was some deep snow along
spending two weeks with her aunt, th«* way, the roads were kept clear
Mrs. C. A. Barteil, returned home Sun a ml they experienced no difficulty in
getting through in g«>od time.
Mrs. Ora Read He me» way returned
Holiday guests at the H. W. Titus
Saturday from Portland, where she hud home were Mrs. Titus’ people, Mr. and
F ix it S h o p
Cottage Grove Hatchery
Bell Ringing Quartet Wins With Sweet-
Toned Chimes and Melodious Song
High School Auditorium, Thursday, January 12th
Fisher’s Blend and Drifted Snow Hour
Good Yellow Newtown Apples $ 1 .0 0 the box.
Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs