The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, January 06, 1922, Image 2

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    The Sentinel
A Weekly N i ' h spaper With IMentt
o f Hack bo no
Elbert Beilo ami Elbert Smith Fubii>h«*rs
Elbert Bede.................................... Editor
A first c la s* publication entered at Cot
tage Urove, Ore., as second class matter
Business O ffice .............. 412 East Mam
b b s < m m i. n h \ r s s
One year
$2.25 | Three mouths....05c
Six months.. 1.15 1 Single copy....... 5c
Member of
National Editorial Association
Oregon State Editorial Association
Oregou Newspa|H*r Conference
Luue County Publishers ’ Association
ra m
j a m
N ow that there seems danger that
there is to bo no 1925 exjH*sition, it
seems that more were interested in
having an ox}n>sition thau was at first
apparent. Disappointment is keen over
the possibility that the proposed ex
position is to go into the discard. Even
a number o f the so-called wilful four
teen, who were able to prevent the
legislature from putting the gasoline
tax u]» to the people, really wish that
the exposition may In* financed by
some method and even some devoutly
wished that the sentiment at home was
not so strong that they dared not run
contrary to it.
Without argument for or against any
of the proposed methods of financing
the big show, we wish to discuss a few
points with which the larger number
«if those asked to assist m financing
the big show have not given consul
The sentiment which probably was
the last straw was a belief on the part
o f many that Portland should bear the
full burden. There are many in Port
land willing that such should be the
ease, while a large part o f the popula­
tion is not even willing that it bear
the proposed two thirds of the exoense.
It probably would be impossible to
raise the entire >ix million." of dollars
m Portland. At least to do so would
be an herculean task.
Why i> Portland not able to finance
the big show alonef
One important reason is that it has
"pent many millions in providing port
facilities w hich are as great .« bene! it
to the state at large at to Portland
itself. A- tin- ]Nirt o f shipment for
the produce of Oregon, it felt the duty
o f providing to handle that business.
The reasons
largely selfish,
some may say.
Grant that such it
That does not alter the tact
that the state benefit* to a very large
degree from these investments borne
entirely by the ]*»rt district.
Another reason is that Portland has
alone built all Multnomah county roads,
while it has shouldered a large part
o f the expens«» of the roads o f the
Selfishness again, of course.
But is that any more selfish than
th»- wish that Portland finance alone
an exposition that will largely benefit
th»* entire state t
The millions o f Multnomah county
money which have gone into roads out
over th«' state would finance several
Of the some f i f t y millions o f bonds
issued for road construction, not one
cent o f which has been used in Mult
nomah county, that county will pay a
third, or practically nine times the
entire amount asked of th«- upstate
for the proposed exposition.
The tax on gasoline,
third o f
which is paid in Multnomah county,
goes entirely outo
roads outside o f
Multnomah «-«muty.
The outside state is taking millions
from Multnomah county in gasoline
tax alone. It* t»0 per cent of the gas
oline tax were
to raise three
millions o f dollars for the financing of
tin* exposition, the outside state would
In- only returning to Portland a small
part o f what that city has put int«»
roails outside o f Multnomah county,
and only a small part o f what it will
(nit into state roads during the years
to come.
I f Portland should alone finance th«*
fair, th«‘u no fairt'r method coultl be
do* sed than to let it us«* for that pur
]H»se the gasoline tax ruis«*«l in that
«•«unity. Possibly i f the bill proposed
had been drawn so as to us«* Mull
nomah county gasoline tax money only
the (»«mit would have been better im
pro sed upon the people ami upon th«*
Probably if the facts her«* present«*«!
had been familiar t«> all th«* }*»*upIo,
the so-called wilful fourt«vn of tin*
senate would not have needed to be so
While we are
fifes and
drums to rain«* funds tor sufferers in
tin- near east and in other far quarters
of the globe. The Herald, publish«-«) at
Promberg, Mont., calls attention t«» tin-
tact that within that stat«- an entire
tribe of Indians is starving tt> death
been us«- o f the almost criminal uietho«l
with which they have been treated by
their Uncle Samuel.
This is not the first year this trib«-
has so suffered, Tin- Herald tells us,
but the suffering this y«-ar is more
acute than ever be for«* and the de­
partment having charge of Indian af
fairs has not taken a lesson from th«*
mistakes o f tin* past but continues to
persistently n»*glect these charges of
tin* government.
Tin* illustrates
th«* perversity of
human nature. We an* inclined to ex
tend charity, but we want someone
else to tell us when* it should be ex
Wi- haven’ t th«- initiative to
g«> out a ml find it for ourselves.
We would extend charity at homo,
but we hear nothing about the ne«*d
of it, but thus«* who know about tin-
situation in tin- far corners o f the
glob«* come to us with their burning
messages. We an* unfamiliar with the
situation. We take tin* word o f those
who tell us, and it i* not likely that
and to more c|iii«*klv recover from colds,
coughs and grippe
A W inter Tonic
We recommend these as the
l»est Mood building and system
strengthening t o n i <• s s o ld .
Re.xall Cold Liv«-r Oil Emulsion
Rexall Syrup Hypopli«>sphites Pomp.
Rexall Cold Liv«*r Emulsion
K E M ’S
S ta ff
Basket Grocery
lf»*in«'fnl,«-i the «lays when your mother came in from Uu*
si ore with a hip basket full of all kiiuls of (rood things l<>
Didn't th«* very siirht of that fri«*n«lly looking; basket
inak» the cookies, fruit and oth«*r (rondos look as though
they’d last«* twice as yood T
T h e St or« * W h e r e
Doe s I t s Dut y
Tales of the Town
♦ --------------------------------------------------- ♦
Miss lin/.el Kdgmond, who hail be«*u
visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E. Schmoit,
return«*«! Monday t«» her home in Port
William Ostrander *1 r., who was at
Arrowliea«l Springs, near E«»s Angeles,
has been transferred to tin* Pnit«-«l
States hospital at Plmenix, Ariz.
Mrs. Ulan Spray rcturne«! Friday
from liooil River, where she and li«*r
two chitiireu hn«i b«»«*n visit iug her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huston.
Mrs. Carrie Hemenwav returned Fri
«lav night from a two weeks’ visit in
Portland with Dr. Kdua Sherrill Eames.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. I attacks, who had
been visiting for several weeks with
Mi. l.«>ucks' parent*. Mr. ami Mrs. A.
U. L o o k s , left Sat unlay for their
home in Madeira, Ualil.
Mrs. E. 0. Warnsl«»y ami children, of
Roseburg, ami Georg«* ami Arthur Bull,
of Yonealla, sp«*nt aevernl days o f last
week with the O. F. Thiel family.
Mrs. Henry McKiblit'ii and children
arrived Saturday from Uoburg to spend
icveral weeks with Mrs. M c K ib b e u ’s
pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. General John
Winter Ills
(T H E
The Corvallis Gazette Times should
be mighty proud o f its 52 page New
Y«*ar’s edition.
It is a mighty fin«*
piece o f work, well gotten up, well
printed and graphically deseriptive «if ♦ ------------------------------------------ «
tin* Beuton county section o f the fa
Announcement has been made of the
moils, fertile, fruitful Willamette.
approaching marriage «if Warren Ed
wards, o f Eugene, t«» Miss Marian <’«»f
Th«* Oregonian's regular New Year fey. of Portland.
«'ditiou I* tin- «*qual or superior of
many which have gone be fon*, which
W il frid Jury gave a «lancing parts
i" about the limit in a complimentary Saturday evening hi ll«»l«*l Bartell in
honor o f his gm*sts. Miss I v y McKay
and Miss \ inlet Barker, «if S«*attle.
Eight refreshment were serve«!.
To Prevent
J l,
any have lie«l, ami we hurry to re
He vc those whom we «to not know,
may never see, may never know, and
have no «l«*sin* to see «»r know, whil«*
those nearer at home, whom w«* could
easily s«*e and know, go uunot iced.
Mrs. Georg«* A Proctor was host«**-
at a pleasant session «! tin- M P G.
club Tuesdav afternoon. Mrs. E E
Schmidt was a guest of the club.
Th«* ConsteUntion club held a «*«»\
cretl tlish supper last night in th«* ban­
quet room o f Masonic temple.
<$> <$''
Mr. amt Mrs. l,«*on DesLarzcs on
tertuine«! at a card party Friday eve
uing last. Gin*sts were Mrs. lima Ben
ger, Mrs. (). M. Miller, Miss Ixns
Thomas, H
J. Shinn, Win. Thuni,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kem, and Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Joues and son L«*roy Wa!
ton, th** latter b«*ing guests of th«- Des
Lar/.es fr«mi Camp L*wis.
Th«* Catholic Social club m«*t Tues
«lav afterno«»n with Mrs. \V. (). Wilson.
Plans wer«* mad«- for holding a card
party tit th«- hom«* of Mrs. Barbara
Hohl next Tu«*sday evening. ()ffi«*«-rs
electe«! were: Mrs. W (). Wilson, ]»r«*s
ident; Mrs. Haddi** Willis, secretary
d d 4
The La Com us club gav«* Mrs. Frank
Knox a surpriw* party Friday after
noon befor«* her depart un* for Port
la ml to enter a sanitorium.
Mrs. Elbert IV<1«- was hostess Friday
afternoon to u immlier o f tin- married
friends o f Miss Marie Yeatcb, who
two «lays later becaim* th*- bride of
Victor Kem. Tin* brid«* t«* be received
a number o f pretty gifts.
<• * <&> <i>
Miss Nellie Mvers, who was speml
ing th«* holidays at th** hom«- o f her
sister, Mrs. Elbert Smith, was tin-
guest of honor at a surpris«- shower
Saturday afternoon. Sin- r«*c**ived a
number o f gifts appropriate for us«* in
her 41 bachelor ” quarters iii Eugene.
<$/ <S> <jj>
Mrs. D. H. Hemenway entertained a
few friends New Y e a r ’s day in honor
of Mr. Heinenway’s birthday anmver
aary, th*- a f f a i r In* ing a surpris«- to tin-
guest o f honor.
Mrs. H. E. Mark ley was boat ess New
Y«*ar’s eve to a few friends of Mrs.
A«ia Thomas, who leaves soon for her
home in Wiwonsiu.
4*> # 4h
A number o f watch parties were held
to usb«*r in tin- new year. Th«* J. J.
girl" held a watch party at tin Charles
Stevens home. Mr. ami Mrs. A. W.
Kim«- entertain«*«! a number o f mar
ried people. A watch party was held
at tin- Baptist church.
The Presbyterian ladies’ aid will
meet at 2:3b ««’clock W*-«ln«*sday after
noon, January 11, in tin* church par
lor. Mes«lames M P. Garoutte, E. C.
Shay and Anna Oow«ly will act as
hostesses. All members and thos«* in
terested ar«* invited t<* 1*«- present.
Victor Keui and Mis*« Marie (Decker)
Watch wer»* married Sunday afternoon
in Eugen«*, Rev. E. V. Stivers, of the
couple were aecom|wini»*d to Eugene by
Mr and Mrs. O. A. Handers and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Dugan. Both partn-s
to the ceremony are among th«- Iwst
amt most favorably known of th«-
younger set The bride is th«* «laughter
«if Mrs. I «la V «*:» t «*li ami tin* bridegroom
a mm of Mr. anti Mrs. (). M. K«*m. Mr.
ami Mrs Kem nr«* at hom«* in apart
meats in the Miss Esther Silsby hom«-.
<$><$> 4»
More Ihun t»0 members wer«* enter
tuined Tuestluy evening ut the l)«t«l
fellows hall by tin* ilcgre«* stuff «if th«*
This is uu aiinuul eveut.
The hull
beautifully «!*-«oruted
with Christmas colors and Christmas
Afte r a chicken sup|H»r games
w«*r«* iiululgeil in and a s I io m program
Ho I on wen* given by Ernest
Kurre and Frank Hnodgras ami n-ail
K| iin <)(I c N o . I n i|»>nti‘(l fo r tin-
o f I lit* children who
mgs b) Mrs. Ora ll«*im*i»wtiy und A.
could not see its first showing.
E. Burrow*.
Mrs. J. A. Kl!«*«lge then
«list iibiitc«! tin- pr«*s«*iits, m iu ly every
«me present receiving one, many of
th«*m b«*iiig «-«»uiieal ami consisting of
«loughuuts, «lolls, pit-klcs and all sorts
«if toys.
Mrs. J.
Will its, who is
captain of tint d«*gre«* t«*ani, r«*«*«*iv*•«I
a beautiful hand painted pm tray.
-4* <$>
Mrs. Sidney Eassw«*ll i*nti*rtain«*d at
an informal afternoon Frithiy in honor
«if Miss Thelma Br«*«*dlovi*, who s|M*nt
the holidays with her parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. 11. B. Breedlove. Tin* afteruoou
was spent in m*edl«*w'ork ami iimsie,
af te r which dainty r«*fr«*shmeats were
s«*rved. Thos«* invit«*«t w«*rr the Miss«*s
Eon is«»
Marian L«»wry, l.ueile Davidson, Wlma
Hart, lira**»* au«l Im-/. .lom*s, Ruth
Phelps, M:tr\ Kll«,n B<*iis«in, L«*nora
llubbell, Mildred H«»pper, Gen«*vn-v«-
Johnson, Hester l(«*ar«l, Lillian Leon
aril, Mary Hnuiier and Thelma ami
Helen Breed hive of this city ami Miss
Vera Evans, o f Hh**ridau, Or«-.
Louis S«-it/ and Miss Ruth l.iiiiuu
were niarri«-«l New Y e a r ’s «lay at tin-
home of tin- bride's parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. August Inman, Rev. E. G. O.
.Groat offiemting. Only relatives were
pres«* nt.
4»\ «-$>
Mrs. E. G. (). Groat ei»l«*rtuined with
a 12 o ’clock «liniier at her home Thtirs
salary for school t«*Hch«»rs. Th«* sala
• lay. Thos«- pres«*at wen- Mr. ami Mrs.
More Men W a n t to Teach.
J. Z. D«*\ and iinught«-r, Miss Bertha,
rural teachon
Higher salaries
f«»r school ri«*s of Lain- count j
ami Mr. ami Mrs. Pausford.
rang«- from $75 to if It»«» •HI th«* mouth.
tt*ach«»rs in Lain* ar«* attracting nmr«*
^ ^ $
iiic ii to that profession than fo r som»*
Mount V iew Society.
Mining Convention In February
Mr. ami Mr- J«*»- S«hm-i«h*r «*nt*• r lime past, ae««irdiug to E. .1 Moore,
The Northw«*st Mining convention
tamed at dinner Thursilny night, th«*ir ««unity sup«*rinteii«h*iit of schools.
hi a class o f 5N applicants at lh< ! will I»«* h«*l«l February 14 to 18 in
guests being Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Me
Spokum-. H«» fur no one her«- has sig
Gilvary, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Li ck wood o |M* ii iug «lay o f th«- recent cxuminnt ion.
mfieii his iuteution of going.
and Frank Kamuier, of Cottag«- Urove. 17 were men. This is u larg*r ]s,r««*nl
Th«* evening was s|M*nt in conversation age o f men than for som-- linn* pest.
Your wants may b«* few— provided
Th«* piarceli tug«* has been increasing
ami cards.
ever uinc«* the stati- fixeil a miniiiiiuii you are a user o f Hentinel wuntads *
Mr. and Mrs. J«»«- Schneider and
Miss«*s Forrest ami B«-rua«lim* S«-hn«-i
«ier were gm-sts o f Mr. ami Mrs. \\ D
Heath at a watch party New Y e a r ’s
eve. Th«* eveuing was spent with cards
and refreshments wer«* servetl at a late
<i' <•>
Friday, January 6
Mm* Marsh in “The Little ’ Fraid Lady.”
“ Winners of t lie \V«*st,’’ episodes Nos. 1 and 2.
Saturday, January 7
William Russell in “The Challenge of tlx*
Liu .”
( ’onit'dy—“ Rig Seerets.”
Sunday, January 8
William Christy Carbann«*’.« drama of the
hour, “ Live and L«*l Live.”
Comedy “ Man With a Pum-h.”
Monday Tuesday, January 9 10
“The killer,” with a sp«-«-ial «-ast,.
Comedy—“ In Again.”
Wednesday, January 11
Harry Cur«-y in “ .D«*sp«*rate J'rails.” Also a
sparkling eoim-dy.
Thursday, January 12
“ Hidden C«»d«-.”
Infernalioual Nt*ws, and a
Blue Mountain Society
Th«» L i y n g and Lindwtdir families
were supp«*r guests at tin* Finley
Whipps home Det-eoiber 28.
In III«-
«‘ veiling a niiuibi'r of tin- young tolks
o f th«- neighborh«Mnl gath«*re«l and in
augurated a tm can ami c«iw b«*ll social
in honor of Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson
Whipps. E«*moiiade, samiwu*h«*s, apples
ami cigars wer«- serve«!.
I II iih I i iilt d l>y Two Reel* of Fdm
Diroction of
U ebrou Society.
A play party was given -at Mrs.
Gih-rist ’s last Thursday evening. The
time was s|»«-iit in playing games
f r«*shm«-nts o f sandwiches, cake and
fruit punch wen* servetl.
Th«- Hebron Humlay school will have
a social Saturday evening at the <««*«>.
Kappauf home. There will b«* a mu
steal program ami games, a camly auil
(xipcoru booth and supper. The latter
will !>«* serve«! cafeteria style. Th«-
iiion«»y will b«- use«l for repairs «»■» the
Hebron church. Th«- public is invil*d
Dorothy Hh-wart ent«*rtaiiied at the
home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs.
LaHells Htewnrt Friilay afternoon, th«-
occasion b«*ing
her eighth birthday
anniversary. R»»freshm«-nts wer«- serv«-«l.
Those present wen? Lucy M«* Master,
Alma Litth-, Ruth Pleuard, Vomla
G em va
Pleuard, Mary Harrison, Robert l^egat.
l^ir«-ii and
4?, + ♦
liy Norman F. Coieiiian
I’ ltHiih iii Or,-troii Social Hygiene Society
with explanatory talk
Loraue Society
Mr and Mrs. Claud Hehrack wen-
hosts for a «1 1 iiii«-r party Humlay eve
n ing. C«*vers wen* laid for thirteen
gm*sts. Thos«- present wen- Mr. ami
Mrs. II. M. Doty and son Max, «»f
Eugene, Miss Margar«*! Hcott, of Eu
gen«', Miss ( 'atlierim- Hcott, of Cottag«*
Grove, Mr. ami Mrs. B C\ Addi*«in
ami chihlren, ProG-ssor Wegel ami Mr
and Mrs. W. W. Jackson.
Mrs Mary Ann Sherman Dies
Mrs. Mary Ann Hherniau «1 i**«t at *
u 'dock yesterday afternoon at tin­
horn«- ol her son Frank, following a
stroke o f paralysis suff«*re«l a f«-w days
ag«». Hh<- was 84 years, if months ami
2 4 «lays o f ag«*. Funeral arrangements
have not been ina«l«* but th«- l»o«iy will
b«- taken east for burial.
Mary Ann For«l was born at Mt
Vernon, O., March 12, IH.I7, md was
married to Warren Hhermau May 10,
4855, iii Iowa. Hhe ha«l been a resi«l«*ut
her«- for 19 years. Surviving children
are Frank ami Nyrum, o f this city;
David and Fred, who live in I«»wa, and
Mrs. Hannah Fortune, o f Modesto,
Marriage* Show Decrease for Year
There has been a decline in th«*
number o f marriage lic«»ns#*s issued
during th«* year 1921 from the numbor
issued in 1920,
to facts
taken from th«- records of th«* county
«•lerk. During the cnh'iidar year 1921,
4lfi licenses wer«* grante«I, against 430
for 1920. Th« reconls for 1919 show
that only 343 marring«* lieennes wen-
Uncooked FtK Creams
Chop six figs fimdy ami a«l«l sift»*«l
confecti«#ners’ sugar until mixture is
s tiff enough to mold into small balls.
Hhnpe, let «Iry and «lip into melted
coating chocolate.
I f charity covers a multitude of
sms, it does mori? than son»«* o f the
new faagled creations in women’s
• • •
A man who runs his hea«l o f f is not
always a rapid thinker.
• • •
Th« rami iu*rviii|; limi' bn« to hnve
a watch, of eourx.
N o c lia r K c f o r adintiMioii an d no c o l l e c t i o n w i l l I n - ta k e n
Now if you will listen to a little talk on flour, it may
mean money in your pocket.
First of all, tret this slrait;ht when we say “ A LL HARD
W H E A T ” flour, we don’t mean made of
raised here in the valley
called hard wheat
heenuae no really hard wheat grow«
here we mean made of hard wheal raised in Montana, Idaho
and tin Hi(r Bend country in Washington. That’s what
Northwest Flour
is made of.
I t ’s a really, honest to K<><>dness all hard wdn-at
patent flour, hut it’s maim factum) here near at hand in one
of the largest flouring mills m the valley outside of Portland
They ship in the. wheut and make the floor here.
your advautaKc
try a sack of NORTHWEST FLOUR.
you tried it lately, it ’s better than ever.
This is
Satisfaetion or your
money hack.
Sold by
Economy Feed Store
Successor to J. F. Spray.