The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 30, 1921, Image 4

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shall blithesomoly lift their faces
townnls til«» scintillating rays of the
I noonday -un from th«* mound which
A Weekly Nowspapar With Plenty ¡shall mark the spot when
j been laid.
of Boeklxno.
With our daih duties
Elbert Ik de und Elber: Smith Publisher» crowding us along th«* (»athwav of lit«',
Elbert Bede._____________ ____ Editor vvith the years vet hanging lightly on
A first class publication outorcil at Cot our shoulders. w<‘ cannot fullv under
tup' Grove, Ore., us aecoad class maUer stand the rea«liness t«» g
has lived his life, who
.412 East Main wonders of a century, wh
Busi liess Offici).
children grow td manhood nml
I them fad«* away, who has
I Wn pan s <•«>111 l>i nt*< I
One year___ $2.25 | Three mouths__ d5c I grandchildren grow to ma tunt )
but mouth»
1.15 | Single copy------ 5c som<‘ of them too (»ass the way he
in one The nioilriii
No subscription listed for less than t$5c j about to go, who has s« en even great
person wears bilueals
A reduction of 25c for paying u full grauilchiluren growing toward young
our lu advance
manhood ami womanhood.
Only a few days b« for«' the tinal dis
Member of
solution, with mind yet char. In* toh
National Editorial Association
us that h«* iliil not s«*«* why he kept
Oregon State Editorial Association
fluttering around, that he was ready
Oregon Newspaper Conference
to join those who hail been the piny
Lane County Publishers' Association mat«*-
of his ehil«lhoo«L those who had
been his sisters and brothers, those
wh«» had been his associates in his ma
'.TXT.' ~
turer vears. th,' om’ who hail been his
lif«' companion for t»5 years. On tho
brink of eternity he discussed the ing him unless their friendship for his
I «-andidaev bail previously been strong.
A few day- ago then* passed one of faults and foibles of poor mortals hurt'
It was current talk that Adjutant
our friend- whose life hail spanned below and welcomed his earlv depar General White had given up serious
neartv a century. In his lifetime thu ture.
We kiu»w of no greater jox to h>ok consideration of being an active enndi
work! had b«*en made «»ver many tinn's
1 «late anil the .itm kind of talk pre
ami he hail lived to .-«•«• great man forwar«! than to a ho(H' to liv«* as did ! vailed m regard Io the candidacy of
«iiix.'ti, whirling -p.«
birds of the air Fuel«* Burn« . to run our rue«*, to reach Mayor
Baker, ol
Portland. one«’
alight ’»ately and unmolested wh«*n* at an nge when* our going coultl be | thought a formidable candidate. It i
the tun«* ot his robust young manhood look«*«! forwartl to with «’bar niiiul and understood that circumstances have re
hopeful anticipati«m of greater joy in
ox team- came to th«* end <
th«* realms bey«»n«l th«* skie- where, wo cently arisen which make his camli
wearv half year trek acres- th«'
are taught to believe, then* are no I «lacy practically an improbability.
:iud where <*ven the presence «1
Senator Charles Hall, one of the
separations, n«» sorr«»w- and many jo vs.
was disputed by liuhans. cougai
¡most prominently ment ioned , from out
other varmints.
1 siile tlie thickly settled sections of ill«1
Sixty «’ight years ago he arrived
j-'late, informed manv belorc his return
some when* in the vicinity of where
Ito Marshfield that In* had no intention
Cottage itr«»v«' n«»w 't.ii,i!- Aiio-- tho
j of making th«’ campaign that would he
(»Inins tin* trail had been a long «»ne,
One ot th«- most important things necessary to mak«* his candidacy worth
the monotony biukt’n by a romance* which happened at the recent legisla­ while.
with the one w he later I
tive session, and little mentioned in
Senator Ik* Patterson was one of
bride, rear« «1 lu> children, , math* his I the pre-s was the di-« ussn»ii and elim ' those who did mit hesitat1* to mention
home for him and shared his sorrows ination of gubernatorial possibilities. his candidacy.
Il«' confit
and his jov>. Little did he realize what A large number of the legislators them : formed his friends that the
a -(»an ot* ye i’ars wa- befor«' him be -elves hopt'd they w«*r«’ tin* subject of ernor's wife had been his li
for«* he coiihi i .-« «• th- dim outline of favorable comment when th«\v saw i panion for many, many y
the longer trail which is even mor«* a little groups in animate«! conversation. , work on th«* ways and means commit
mystery than was th«* one aero-- th«' Lightning rod- wore «mt everywhere, 1 tee, particularly as senate chairman,
great barr«‘ii plains behind th«*
some of them cipiip|»e«l with wirel«* sj has mad«* him a formidable political
moving <»xen. l.ittl« dill he realize the apparatus and delicately tuned receix I figure and a worthy opponent for any
miracles t«> be perform« «! by steam . by ■ mg instruments.
<»ne with ambitions to occupy the -ani«'
i-olim during the
eli'etricity and by
Others besides members of the two seat he has picked in which tn
to en
flight of years.
houses also were interested. George scone«' for four years a# a starter,
H«‘ lived long, lie saw much
A. Whit« , adjutant general of the !
His residence in Polk •ounty. in sii«*h
did his work a- it
state, wxi- a fnupient xisitor nailer th«- elm*, proximity to Marion, where G««v
it dixnild I
big dome, and Governor Olcott un ernor Olcott does his voting, makes
the di'solution of
«hmbtcdly was concerned as t«> how th«* two candidacie: •s overlap in a man
his possibility for nomination might ( ner regrettable to both candidates,
I y young be affected by th«' calling of the sp«* Mr. Patterson's position on the fair
mournful cial session and th«' action- of the w as one calculated to giv«* him many
Port land votes.
Despit«' th«1 irritation cau<«'«l to m«*m-
Of th«* comparatively few candidates
bci' by th«’ fact that they hail been ! seriously mentioned, non«’ gained more
called together «luring th* week b«’fore I strong! It timing the session than di«l
Christmas, th«' implication being that Npeakcr Bean. He got into no el«»-«’
in no other way «lid th«* chiet exe< u |> <piart«*rs when* a blunder might be
tive think he could >«*cure oarh niton ' serious, His position «»it th«1 1925 <*x
tion t«> busin« -- ami a sp« edy adjourn ' position, opposing in principle any
nient. the-«1 -anie legislator- admitted ¡1 method of stat«* financing but off
that B«*n W . wouhl be a strong enndi an incom«' tax a- the most f«*asibl«
ilrit«* despit«* th«* fact that In- hail l«»st ! fairest plan, while at the same
the votes of every member of every giving the Portland legislators
family xvln r«- Santa Clan- had been I right of way for their legisla
fr«»m the familv on Christ which he |>re«licied was curtail
t'ailur« . «•oiild not seriously offend
The Sentinel
New Year Greetings
Siici iiiuiiì\ Mondi/
We wish forali th«' people of this vicinity the very
in happiness and prosperily, in 1 lie fullest sense of
word, for lhe year Nineteen Hundred Twenty two.
We arc mindful of liberal patronage givi’ii lliis slope
during lhe year past and we wish her«* to
patrons and Io assure each that we noi only appreciate
your ImsiiH’ss of the past year hut we arc1 now pulling
forth every effort to warrant your continued patronage
in the future.
Store Closed All
Day Mondas.
Day Monday,
January 2
January 2
hulk of Portland voters and yet at th«*
.-am«* time he made a distinct hit with
thus«* opposed t«» a «lir«*«’t tax or to a
gasolin«’ tax.
A number of east«*rn <>t«,g«»n l«*gisla
tors .approached him during th«' «‘losing
minut<*> of tin- -«’ssion and voluntarily
offereil tlu*ii uipport. They hav«* n«>
sectionaI candidate.
Also Mr Bean’s firm, yet kindlv,
rul«’ of th«- bod) ov « t which he pre
-id«*d. «In! him no harm.
Wi ire not, n w< hi v< .«i«i. t
imsing the iot al
itu.t’ion. W« are
no rely discussing th«’ «lev olopnionls
during th« Session. Mi Bean has not
<lecid«*d that h« will b«- a candidate.
W«’ <io not know but we imagine that
th«* sacrili«’«•> ami expeii.-,•- ol a cam
paign arc such that he will not an
liourtc«* his camlidary exc«»pt in cas«>
the prospects look bright.
It is understood that in case
Bean is a candidnt«* Geo. Kelly,
Portland and formerly of Eugene, 1
has been -omewhat prominently n
t iom-d, will not be.
Every year we hear much of abolish
mg football for humane reasons— but
how about the Christmas rush
For thousands of years preachers
have boon describing
heaven ns u
fniier land than ever * appeared in n
booster booklet, with transportation
frr< e and a living guaranteed, yet all
Ihi tremendous force of boosters with
all thes< splendid argument* have not
induced a single (»arson to (lack up his
jealous) take from yon belongings and rush off to this land of
that would enable you to eternal happiness.
The man who
sanctity of his I
than many win
Folks who travel around in n circi«’
are not nee«• -isarily rev «»lut um ist s.
expresses the sincere wish that the New Yeai. now
upon us, may brinu unbound«*«! happiness and mudi
prosperity Io each of you.
Phis being the season of the year in particular l’or
likewise the
is ll<'|H'll<b'llt 1(1 ¡1 1,'ll'gl'
extent llpOII
upon physical well
being Nothing is more eon
dllcive to good health than
the consumption
of plenty
of wholesome
1 1
volt a
Vein- anyway, but trust that
you will help to make our
wish come true by iiaitig
Th« fmanc«*s of th«’ country always
improv«* under a r«*publi« an ndrnmislra
tion. While w«- hav« no fault to find
with th«* prosjwrity' which was ram
pant und«*r tlx- lat«- lamented ndminis
t rat ion, w«’ can not ii«,g1«,et th«* op
portunify to call attention to the fact
that denmcratic pros|M»rity invest«*«! in
Liberty bonds at H2 is now worth 97.
a profit of two and a halt billions to
owners of Lib«*rly bonds.
The Ht. Helens .Mist has observed
its forty first birthday mini versa ry.
During that number of years th«- mist
has nt limes become a lit th’ too moist,
but mostly sunshine has prevailed, so
Editor Morion would have us know.
City Bakery
Lou Bender, Proprietor
words, with reference Io our store and its service ? a Iso,
Ul veil
«d the unusual fervor «d
Ostrander & McQueen
Eads Grocery and
DesLarzes Bros.
better bread use Cherro
your health use Cherro
Hard Wheat Flour
Xow, my di'iii, you iiitiHl cry
no more;
I'lmrro stands iimiile our door.
< milim your hours to rest and
ease ;
\o more we’ll need to dollars
Klamath Co. School 6s
Dm I92N19T1
To Yield 5.75%
Yield 5.75',;
Port of Astoria 6s
Due 1926
To Yield 6%
I wish io assure you it is our eur’m’st desire Io
serve you faithfully and to inerii a coni ¡nuance of your
c<»)iI idence.
We hope to be able to coni rib lite much Io
( Signed)
Due 1929 1919
Thing1! Others Think and What We
Think of tho Things Other« I hink
your happiness and prosperi!) in mail) w ays during
lo «lo Ibis for you, thus \v<* will cooperate to our mutual
City of Bandon 6s
A man has been sent to jail for
marrying fifty women. He ought to
have been given a Carneigie medal and
sent ns minister plenipotentiary to the
domain of the sultan.
In a campaign for lower gas rates,
it would I»«* interesting to know what
till* (H ie«’ is ill th« Di I ru t of Coliiin
Some folks whoop 'or up for money
for the heathen iitul wouldn’t know
anything about it if the stronger who I
hn- moved in next door were dying of j
11' you would lie i icli, lie f Ini I
Save your money and
bring it to US lol soli' keeping,
»on may miss big piolits, but
just as certainly von will es
<'ape the danger I'o possible
We solicit your depos­
its, no mattei how small in
To Yield 6%
Klamath Falls 6s
Hi«' 11125
To Yield 6%
City of Grants Pass 5s
Due 1932
To Yield 5.60'%
Income Tax Exempt
Wire Orders Collect
Ralph Schneeloch Co.
“The Old Reliable
ade to make the best bread
Due 11(11
Clatsop Co. School 6s
Wiimlei it there v. ill be any “han’t
Spit on the Sidewalk, Bend the Orili
unlive ’ ’ signs in lien s en.
Some men will put up with annoy
mice from their «log more readily than
Delirious love and intoxicating love from their children.
must be somewhat alike.
A Happy New
Store Closed All
How much wider nwak« a fellow ¡S
when Im wak«
up in ‘Io- middle of
•s circuit court of th«1 night of hi - own accord than he
has given the coal
swi’cping viettyy, om* which when awakened by the alarm chick.
th«*y deserv«'. Let them I •njoy their
m*w bill of rights and <0 conduct
themselves that th«*y will be deemed
worthy. Th«* workiTs of the country
have been th«*ir greatest enemy by
p«*rmittirig agitators to lead them to
ex««>-s, thus turning victory into «1«*
l«at. Th«* work«*r has too haril n tian
gi’tlirig what is coming to him without
p«*rrnitt mg railicnl on«’.- to l«*a«l him
into dangerous path .
an expression <>| the spirit of kindness
B O N D 8
Municipal anil Corporation Finance
1.11 inb<'rm.'no Building, Portland, Or.