The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 30, 1921, Image 3

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Make Y our New Y ear
a Happy One
by doing your running around in a Eord enclosed car,
where you will lie cozy and warm and dry, and by letting
a Fordson tractor be your jack of all trades.
Bear in mind that we have the most complete mechanical
depart merit this aide of Portland and that we carry any ac-
ressoty you may want, or can get it for you upon a few days’
Woodson Brothers Garage
TEL nil’ll ONE 27
I Neighborhood News
(Special lo 'Die Hont ilici.)
22. Among those in Eugene
Hut urday wer«» thè Lee Nixon, E. «I.
Hears, E. J. Kent and \\ S Blakclv
families anil M rs. Lawrence Brow n.
Mary and Lion«»! Haight are he
from scheid for tin» holidays.
’I’lie Ben Jackson family and F. M.
Jackson, of
Walker, were Sundux
guests nt tile (b<ear Jackson liom<-
The E. J. Hours, Lee Nixon and Os
car Jackson fnmilies spent Siindns
nmg nt the Clyde Wright home.
Mylon Haight is working for
W. White eh»ctrie company in
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hodges and
eile Cornutt were Eugeni» visitors
spend Christmas with her
grn ndpa rents.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hodges leave
.Saturday for Salem, where they will
spend Christmas with Mrs. Hodges’
Mrs. Lee Nixon entertained the G.
T. X. club Wednesday. A Christmas
Leota Brown i«. going to Engem Sat
Happy New Year to You
We handle only honest groceries of first
quality. And in addition to that, we con­
sider each customer a personal friend and
trent him a.s such.
No. 9 is our telephone
T he S t o r e W h e r e Y o u r Doll a r Does Its Duty
1’1 IONE fl
The poultry business is a good business
and a paying one, especially in Ibis com­
munity, if managed properly. One of the
chief items to be watched is the feeding stuff.
High quality feeds mean economy |o the
i l
l’R( tDl’CER is a highly productive egg
producing food, Isdog high iu protein and manutactured of
the purest concentrates and grains obtainable,
You will not
find a purer food.
NOXALL SCRATCH I’EEI) is a very well
ratiou loud and when led along uilh Noxall
a profitable egg production is assured.
NOXALL FEEDS are manufactured close to home in the
largest feed plant in tin* valley outside ol Portland.
are no purer feeds than Noxall Feeds and it pays to use them
Sold by
Economy Feed Store,
Successor to J F Spray
Knowes & Graber
Hardware and
Cottage Grove
was the principal fenturi
guessing contests and social chat
iixened the afternoon. Refreshments of
In the Circuit Court of th«» State of
cake, sandwiches, salad, pickles and Oregon in mid for Lane County.
coffee were served by the hostess.
Adah Hartzell, plaintiff, vs. Floyd
F. Hartzell, defendant.
To Floyd F. Hartzell, the above named
In th«» name of the State of Oregon:
(Special to The Sentinel.)
Dec. 21.—Mrs. Haney Taylor visited You ar« hereby required to appear and
during the week at the homo of her answer th«» complaint filed against you
daughter, Mrs. Jackson Sprinkle, in in the above entitled suit within six
weeks from th«» date of th«» first publi­
Junction City.
A son was born December 14 to Mr. cation of this summons, and if you fail
to so answer for want thereof the
and Mrs. —
Fred Patton.
Among t hose in the drove from here plaintiff will apply to the Court for
Saturday were Mrs. J. G. Murry and relief prayed for in plaintiff’s com­
son Roy, Miss Ada Gilcrist and M i ss plaint: For a decree dissolving the
marriage contract between you and
Pi nor.
Mrs. J. Q. j A. Young was in the th«» plaintiff «in th«» grounds of deser-
Grove Saturday r and visited nt the G. tion for more than ono year, for
care, custody and control over
L. Carlile home.
There will be a program and Christ minor child, El«»nor Fay Hartsell,
mas tree in the school house Saturday th«» support of the said child in
amount of $15.00 per month and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Powell and Mr. alimony in the amount of $25.00
and Mrs. I
were in the month and for costs and disbursement?
of this suit.
Grove Tuesday.
This summons is served by publica
tion by order of the Hon. G. F. Skip­
worth, Judge of the above named
Court, dated the 13th day of Decern
(Special to The Sentinel.)
ber, 1921, and the date of the first
Dec. 21.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Renne publication of this summons is the
and Ralph Mosburg motored to Eugene 16th <lny of December, 1921, and th«»
the li tter part of last week.
date of the last publication will bo on
M«rvin Jackson, of Spencer Butte, th«» 27th day of January, A. I). 1921.
spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Lebow.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Carl Campbell, of the Row river Residence and Postoffice address: Cot-
country took two loads of his goods tng«» Grove, Lane County, Ore. <116j27
from his former home here the first
of the week.
Tin re will be a Christmas tree and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.
program in connection
a box
Notice is hereby given that the un­
social at the Lynx Hollow school house
dersigned Executrix of the estate of
Thursday evening, Dec. 22.
Walter Pentico is reported on the Fanny S. Harris, deceased, has filed
her account for the final settlement of
sick list.
The young men of the neighborhood the said estate in the County Court of
played Creswell a game of basket ball the State of Oregon, for Lane County,
Monday night, the score stood 13 to and that Tuesday, the 24th day of
January A. 1). 1922 at the court room
15 in favor of Creswell.
of the said court in Eugene, Lane
County, Oregon, at 11 o ’clock, A. M.
of said day has been by said court
fixed as the time and place for hear-
(Special to The Sentinel.)
Dec. 21.— Mrs. Lizzie Olden, who had ing objections thereto and for final
(»state by order
been visiting at the horn«» of her aunt, settlement of said estate
Mrs. C. C. Moody, left for her home made and entered of record on the
27th day of December, A. 1). 1921.
nt Coquille Saturday.
Geo. Fogle went to Coburg Tuesday
Executrix of the (»state of
to work.
Fannie S. Harris, deceased.
Mrs. Pearl McKee was in Eugene
Mrs. Fischer, of Lynx Hollow, sjK»nt Attorney for Executrix.
several da vs of
week at the
M oody home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Johnston shopped
in the Grove Tuesday.
Mr. Taylor and son, of Creswell,
spent Sunday at
home of Mr.
Taylor’s , daughter,
Terry Moody went to Eugene Satur
day, returning Sunday.
(Special to The Sentinel.)
Hilton, of
Grove, spent a few dnys with her
mot her, Mrs. Maud
at the
Garoutte camp.
Chauncey and Curthbert Crites mo
tored to Eugene Thursday, returning
Miss Faye Jennings came home Fri
day from Monmouth for the holiday
J. E. Redford and son Edwin mo
tored to Donna Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Scott motored to
Eugene Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emit Kirk and chil­
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kirk
motored to Mareola Sunday and spent
the day at the J. E. Holstrom home.
Mrs. Edwin Redford spent Sunday
nt the home of her parents, E. J.
M iss Nora Ward returned home Sat-
urday from Monmouth for the holiday
vnrat ion.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned Executor of the estate of
David C. Hubbard, deceased, has filed
his account for the final settlement of
the said estate in the County Court
of the State of Oregon,
for Lane
County and that Tuesday, the 24th
day of January, A. D. 1922 nt the
court room of the said court in Eu­
gene, Lam* County,
at 11
o’clock, A. M. of said day has been
by said court fixed as the time and
place for hearing objections thereto
and for final settlement of said estate
by order made and entered of record
on the 17th day of December, A. D.
Executor • of the (‘state of
David C. Hubbard,
Attorney for Executor.
implicateci Piano-Accordion, Popular
European Instrument, Played by Visocchi
' roc-chi
Trio Will Give Maximum of Cultured Entertainment
Local Folks—Three Clever Musical Stars
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
December 6, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that Thomas
E. Abeene, of Cottage Grove, Oregon,
who, on January 3, 1921, made home­
stead entry serial, No. 013588, for
SW’4 NE*4, section 7, township 22 8.,
Range 3 W., Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to
th«» land above described, before E. O.
Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at his
office, nt Eugene, Oregon, on the 12th
day of January, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Everett
Small, of Cottage Grove, Oregon:
George Small, of Cottage Grove, Ore
gon; Archie Gillam, of Cottage Grove,
Ore.; John Murry, of Cot tag«» Grove,
W. 11. CANON,
deev -jan6
-- ---------- ——.
K-- «
Did you ever hear the piano-accordion? If not, you will have a chance,
for Visocchi, the great master on this particular instrument. Is to appear
hero in the near future with his company of distinguished artists, The piano*
accordion is little known outside of continental Europe, and while one of the
most complicated instruments known, It has wonderful possibilities. Assist­
ing Mr. Visocchi an» two clever young ladies, who feature delightful solo work
in violin, voice and piano. This trio is one of the most popular In lyceum and
offers a maximum of cultured entertainment in every program. Their repel*
to ire knows no limitations.
It is sometimes better to tell a lie
A girl likes to go to a store where
she isn’t known w hen she buys her and make it stick than to tell the
truth in such a way that folks don’t
» «
believe you.
It seems funny that there is often
more sense in a small head than in a
About the worst old woman on the
largì» one.
face of the earth is the old bachelor.
Greetings, Friends!
(Special to The Sentinel.)
Dec. 22.— Will SteniK’t has put one
coat of paint on the outside of the
Vernon Whipps has returned homo
for Christmas.
George Lowry’s horses ran away
from home last week, causing him to
go Io town <o get them.
Mrs 11. . II .....................
Kibbv has gone to Port
land to spend Christmas with her
daughter, Mrs. Thos. Cowiig.
Robert Ijancastcr has been on the
sick list this week.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Mary I,ayng spent a few days of dersigned has been duly appointed by
this week visiting with her grandpar­ the County Court of the State of Ore-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Do wens.
gon, for I ¿ano County, administ rator
of the estate of Carl F. N. A 1st rd,
All persons having claims against
said (»state are hereby notified to pro­
(SjM’cial to The Sentinel.)
lice. 27.—Miss Annn Cunningham sent the same to me duly verified at
went Io Harrisburg Buturday to spend Cottage Grove, Ore., on or before nix
months after the date of this notice.
the holidays with tier parents.
Dated this 23rd day of Dec., 1921.
Mrs. <’. 1). VanViilin went to Marsh­
field Friday to visit her daughter,
Administrator of the (»state of
Mrs. A. J’leuard.
Miss Benetta Teeters is spending the
Carl F. N. Alsted, deceased.
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. nod Mrs. Charles Teeters.
Attorney for estate.
(123 j20
Mrs. T. F. Crouse and children, of
Portland, are visiting at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Warren Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. VanBchoinck
and Mrs. Fred Kelly motored to Eli FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF COT
gem Saturday.
Mrs. James Chapman came op from
Eugene Saturday and is visiting nt the
We are fortunate indeed to be able
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U.
to profit by the experience of our
8. Bales.
The public utterances of
Kobert Comes, of Eugene, spent neighbors.
Christmas at the Charles Teeters home. Cottage Grove residents on th<» follow
Chauncey Crites spent several days ing subjects will interest and benefit
of the past week at the Wm. Childers many of our readers. Read this state­
home in the Grove.
ment. No better proof can be had.
Mr. mid Mrs. W. W. Watson, of Eu­
J. II. Baker, prop, blacksmith shop,
gene, Mi. mid Mrs. Fred Kelly mid
children and Cuthbert Crites spent 942 W. Main St., Cottage Grove, says:
Christmas nt the C. A. VmiSchoiack “1 have used Doan’s Kidney Pills
with benefit and am glad to endorse
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Holstrom mid them. I was troubled with attacks of
children, of Mareóla, spent Christmas kidney trouble and my back was weak
and lame.
My kidneys annoyed me,
nt the J. H. Kirk home.
Hertha Kirk spent Bundny night in too, by their irregular action but
the Grove.
Doan’s Kidney Pills always helped me
Mr. mid Mrs. Curl Volgiimon» ami when I used them for these ailments,
children, of Marcóla, »»pent a few days
of this week at the Chas. Teeters strengthening my back and kidneys.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
Carl VanValin returned home Friday simply ask for a kidney rehiedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the sain«» that
from Upton.
Mr. Baker had. Foster Milburn Co.,
dcc23 30
When a man has a good sized nest Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
egg he can usually find som«» girl who
I is willing tv bv hw chicken.
May the New Year be a happy
and prosperous one for you
and yours
We will remain
closed all day Monday , so that
all may enjoy the glorious
The Sample Store
A. W. Swanson, Manager
Sunshine and Oranges
Appeal to countless thousands each year
There you will enjoy the warmth of an unclouded sun, the
bathing beaches, outdoor sports and the fragrance of flowers
Why not go to California’s Sunny Southland this winter?
and oranges.
Through Sleeping Cars
The Scenic Shasta Route
Provide all the comforts of modern travel. The rail journey
affords an opportunity of seeing many interesting places
along the way.
Round Trip Excursion Tickets
are on sale to
For fares, train schedules, descriptive folders or sleeping car
reservations, ask ticket agents, or write
Southern Pacific Lines
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent