The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 30, 1921, Image 2

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Principal Events of the Week
try club, with its soul hobbies,
and "My Goodness’’” it set
the whole town laughing. You
simply must see "Let’s Be
Fashionable. ”
Fri., Dec. 30—.lack Pickford
tn "Tlie Man Who Hail Every­
thing ” Young llarri Hullway
was horn with everything and
found he had nothing. So he
started all over again with
empty hands, and discovered
I hat nionev and good times are
nothing m life and that love
and self respect are everytlung.
Also a Sunshine comedy.
Tues., Jan. 3 ”God’s Cruci­
ble,” w ith W ilton Laekay e.
"God’s Crucible" tells the sto
ry of a young stranger within
our gates who fought bravely
to overcome tin countless ob­
stacles that confronted him
and who won Ins tight.
Sat., Dec. 31—William Far-
num in "The Seuttlers ” A
thrilling story of the sea, that
deals with brutality, crime,
love and heroism on the high
"Winners of the West," with
Art Acord. Thrilling exploits
in the lives of Kit Carson and
Captain John C Fremont. An
eighteen episode serial. Come
and follow Kit Carson and
Captain Fremont across the
great plains m the famous
trail breaking expedition of
1S4S to the gobi fields ot Cal­
Sun.-Mon., .Ian 1-2 "Lets
Be Fashionable " Douglas Mc­
Lean and Doris May You see,
my dear, they tried to live
faster than their speed limit.
And whim they joined that er-r
rather sporty set at the eoun-
W ed., Jan 4 Bryant Wash­
burn in "Mrs. Temple's Tele
gram. " Ilubby was home again
he'd been out all night and
was innocent been to sit up
vv it h a sick friend. But she
caught him. Result that "Tel­
egram. ”
Thu., Jan. 5 Sessue Haya-
kawa in "The First Born.”
From th<' play by Francis Pow­
ers. The greatest f'lunese dra­
ma evet produced. A pietlir-
ization of San Francisco's fa­
mous Chinatown in tin days
before the fire, in a tale that is
thrilling with romance and
dramatic action.
International Xews, Current
Events of flic Day; The World
Before Your Eyes.
To Our Many Friends and Patrons
of the Arcade Theatre
W. wish to announce that we have sold the Arcade Theatre
ot Cottagi Grove, to Mr W M Moreloek, of Portland, who
conies to you Well recommended, and who is an experienced
W> wish to thank you for your patronage and courtesy
shown us during our stay in Cottage Grove, and hope the
same will b. shown to our successor
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dickinson
A Happy
and Prosperous
New Year
is our wish for every resident of the Cot­
tage Grove country. Whether a patron or
not. we wish you all good things during the
twelve months to come.
The Fair Store
New Low Prices on
b-volt type for Fords and many other light cars, trade-in
■ i
lliis is Li'/, less than the price in 1920 and 31/r less than
the price a lew days ago.
12 volt type for Maxwells, Dodges and Franklins, trade-in
priet. each onlj
♦»•volt lypi foi Buicks, Chandlers, Studebakers, Chalmers,
Hudsons, Maxwells, Oaklands, Essex, etc
up from $25.90
rinse ari typical reductions. Every size and type is re­
duced and there is a Brest-< »-Lite for every make of motor
ear and truck
Tested Recipes
milk or half milk and half the water
the nee was cooked in. Bake until
the top is brown.
• • •
Creamed Beet Honolulu.
Ham Baked In Milk.
Pill baking <lish one third full of
boiled rice Beaconed with Malt and pep
jm r. Lay on thi> n layer of dried beef
two or three slices deep which has
been soaked it few minutes in hike
warm water.
with popper and
dot with butter, then another layer of
rice. Dot top with butter and fill with
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
Your liberal patronage of the past year-made
it such a happy one for us that it is with the
most cordial holiday spirit that we wish you
mation of Our Readers.
Nine hundred children attended
Bend's auuual community Christmas
tree celebratiou
lai Grande's payroll is now over J.'l.-
000.<100, the (I W It a N alone pay­
ing out *2.044.816 in wages.
Connie JohuBou of Union Is dead uh
the result ot an automobile wreck
three miles from La Grande.
Farmers of Lake county who stored
their wheat when the price wus around
the *135 mark are now selling
Two Ice jams block tlie Columbia
river within a few miles of The Dalles,
completely spanning it in both in
The state highway comnilsslon will
receive bids January 10 for the Bale
of 1.000.000 of 5 per cent state high
way bonds
December holds the lou record for
many years for marriage licenses in
Astoria, only one liuvlug been issued
bo fur tills month.
Pluns am already under way for
the annual session of tlie I. O. O. F.
grand ledge, which will be held In
Eugene next May
With the line ot the Mount Hood
railway open, shipments of apples from
Hood River are increasing Shipments
last week reached 242 cars.
The Klamath Falls city council has
accepted a bid ot the Stutz company
for a lO.OOO-gallon engine pump for the
fire department, to cost *13,000.
After the voters of the Bend school
district had turned down a *124.930
levy, the district board of directors
met and passed a *122,618 levy,
8 T. Aldhouse of Siuslaw brought
into Eugene the pelts of eight boh-
eats, the bounty on which hi' obtained
at the office ot the county clerk.
Development at present to a depth
of 100 feet in the Gold Coin miim at
Gold Hill shows a fair Hized vein of
quartz running *100 per ton in gold
Baker has a packing company with
a capital of *, articles of incor­
poration having been filed by W. P.
Smith. Chris Smith and A J Durr
Deaths In Portland decreased by 350
during the fiscal year ending No­
vember 30, from the 1920 figures, while
births increased by 33 during the same
The salaries paid to teachers In
Grant county amount to *39,379 a year, i
There are 79 teachers in the county i
and the average salary is *514 46 per
The engineering work for Pendle­
ton's septic tank, authorized at the
special election in November, will be (
done by Baar St Cunningham, Portland
Mrs Mary Elizabeth Bogart, ths
first white child born In Lane county, I
died at Eugene at the age of 73 years [
She was a daughter of Mr and Mrs
Jacob SporeH, pioneers of 1847.
More than 500 children ot Hood '
River city and valley were carried by
automobile Friday night to tlie Cn
lunibia Gorge hotel, where Manager
Thiele was host to a Christmas party |
The house passed a bill uppropriat i
ing money with which to pay the i
expenses of circuit judges who are :
required tyi leave their respective dis
tricts in the performance of their
George Heil, alias Joe Hili, was
round guilty of murder in the first
degree, at Portland for killing W C.
Powers, pool room proprietor, October
23. The jury recommended life Im
W M Wohlander laid the last of
the concrete paving at the Marshfield
city limits last week, connecting North
Bend and Marshfield with pavement
and hooking up with 18 additional
mjles to Coquille
Fred F. Williams, prominent lum­
berman of this state, was killed and
his wife, son and daughter-in law were
injured in an auto wreck at the con­
crete highway bridge over Canyon
creek near Canyonville.
The two men who were In charge
of the eaatbound O.-W. R. * N rail­
way passenger train the night of De­
cember 1 when it collided with west­
bound No 17 near Celllo, have been
dismissed from service.
Suit tor recovery of lands adjoining
the Klamath Indian reservation will
be instituted soon by the Klamath
and Modoc Indians The suit is based
on an alleged error made In the sur­
vey following the treaty of 1864
No 1 hunting license for 1922 was
Issued to Mrs Beatrice Clark of Port­
land. according to announcement by
A. E Burghduff, state game warden
For several seasons Mrs Clark has
obtained the first hunting license
John M Jones was confirmed by the
senate ns postmaster of Portland In
the usual order Postmaster Jones
should receive hie commission in
about two weeks Other Oregon post­
masters confirmed are Major <1 Mil­
ler, Dayton, lluhy <» Engelman, lone;
Take a slice of ham at least an
inch and a half thick, freshen in water
and place in a covered pan or casserole
and cover with sweet milk. Bake
slowly about two hours, or until ten
der, adding milk as necessary. If de
sirotl. the rnilk may be thickened and
served ns gravy.
and Lawrence F Clark, Rainier,
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year
riving and being sold at a close margin of
profit., make it possible for us to make such
a promise.
Telephone 70
Corner Fifth ¿incl M¿iin
Thr niiui who brngN that he would
that same nrr void mid of no effort.
NorthwrNtrrn National IiiNiiranrr Co. fight till the hot piner freemen over
To Whom h May »‘oiu-crn:
E. (’. Lockwood, Agent,
mid thru fight oil the ire, is u.sunllj
Fire insurance |Milieie.s Nos. 425 to
nt Cottage Grovr, Oregon drowned in thr first round.
450 inclusive and automobile cert i fi t|30j!i 13
eates Nos. 1 tn 25 inclusive of the
Cottage Grove, < »regoli :igen<’\ of this ir
com piny have I.... lost, mislaid,
mislaid de
stroyed or stolen froip nn office and
tills is to notify any |>erson or |N*rsoiis
holding said |iolo*ies or certificates
City Transfer Grove Transfer
Hauling ami Draying
(Corrected August 29, 1921.)
North Bouud
South Bound
No. 18—9:57 a. m. No. 13- ____
12:11» __ u in
No. 14—3:32 p m No. 53— 6:41 a. m
No. 16—3:37 u. in No. 15— 2:10 p m
7:40 p. in
No. 17
'■ — ------
Office in Spray Brick
Near S P. Depot
Furniture Moving and
(tenera! .lobbing
Res Phone 21 F3
Office Phon* 4
It Will Pop Popcorn, 3 lbs for
Ililfli grade hand packed,
the can.........................
Seaport excellent succi corn,
2 cans for
A u < mh I inadt* and an excellent
I’I hvoi th«* can
Butter—Fancy Guaranteed Creamery, the lb
Candy and Nuts
Flour and Feed
Kerr’s hard wheal, sack
Imperial hard wheat blend
McKenzie, the sack
$2 00
$1 70
Broken mixed, 2 lbs for .......
Peanut brittle, 2 lbs for
$1 30
• 'Imeiilnte creaniH, lb
Mill run, HO-lb. sack
Kerr's egg producer
Rolled bai ley, 75 lb. sack
Walnuts, fancy Oregon, lb
Almonds. the Ih
Peanuls. 2 lbs. for
(.’racked corn, HMl-lb. sack
Fllberf s, the lb
Gray’s Special Peaberry Coffee, Unexcelled
Package Raisins
Del Monte Quality
11 ozh . for
15 iizs. for
Darimade Milk
Made from pure cous’ milk ;
as good as the best
2 cans for...........
Good as the Best
2 Minute Breakfast
Two minute oats
Two minute wheat
Fancy Side Bacon, Sugar Cured, the lb
Keen Cleanser
2 cans for
chocolate or vanilla, pkg.
light or heavy
45c, 65c, 78c, 98c
Poultrymen: Bring your eggs to us. We pay more cash and you make a saving on your
groceries and feed to pay your gasoline or horse feed bills.