The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 16, 1921, Image 2

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Thoma» J<l tersoli.
LU -
Rip V an W inkle, ” t ■_>
.loi., Maghiliigtoii living s ia-
by the san • name
\\ : does not kn w "ho dues
\ an W inkle t
not love ‘ R
th, :aseinatn ig old sinner »ho
has a plain n the hearts of
live general A»iifi* oi us, ever
since Wash. doll Irving gave
huiidre«! years
him a bung <
ago. There will l>e a matinee
tor ail s. • ool children, and th«'
public M w< II. All undei 12
v<als oi age Ilk-, all pupils
12 2
Willi am
“The Cheat«! Reformed.” The
fiiôil chapter of the “Diamond
.• ■
' « ill !•< shown Satur-
lay night ms: a<l of Friday
Alon.-Tues.—” The
ious Rider '
Zane Grey's
latest story in pictures.
t iaire Adams. Robert
Hayes ami
other* oi a notable ciiaracttr
Zam Grey paints the moth rn
v i st with a brush that is un­
surpassed by none.
"Dangeroua Hours,”
by an all star cast.
A C.
tiariet Sullivan production.
Dai _■ ions Hours” deals u ith
tin bigg, st struggle in history
th< struggle going oil all
over the world this minute. A
picture you cannot afford to
J ist • .lohnsl
"Playthings o! Broadway.”
Thurs -‘‘Guilty of lxive,”
y Dorothy Halt ti. This is a
story of a young girl who
loved not wisely but too well,
1 th. dramatic events that
t ■ Ho dy.
" Brownit' » Baby
I > 1. ” a a o .s Bl • w nie d'g
Also 'International News.”
current events of the day
Tie wi ’ ].j
or< vour eyes
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Porter, who
left Munday fol San Diego. Calif . to
speud th«- winter, were guests uf th«*
M»'h«*r« club Saturday afteriiuon at a
reception held in the rest room. The
rv*t i«x»m was made possible by th«*
fart that Mr and Mr* Porter donated
th«- rent thereof. Those who sat d< w n
to lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Port« r
were l>r. ami Mr* B. R Job, Mr. ami
Mr*. Hvrlx-rt Eakin, Mr. and Mr* C.
E St «wart. Mr. and Mr* William I jiu
«less, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Darby. Mr*.
Virgil White ami Mr*. Daisy Porter.
After th«* luncheon, Mrs. Darby mad«*
a short talk in which she t«dd how
much th«* gift by th«* Porters meant to
the welfare uf th«* city ami expressed
for the club the l »est wishes of its
♦ ♦ ♦
Th«* ladies aid of the Presbyterian
church met Wednesday afternoon in
the church parlor«. The host«•*««•? * wrh‘
Mr*. ,1. E Blackmore, Mr*. Harry
Grulx* mid Mr- C. M. Jackson.
Mrs. I. T. Brumfiehi was the guest
of honor at a f:ir« w«‘ll surpri*»- )«arty
Saturday evening nt th«* hum«* of her
parent*. Mr. and Mrs. George Atkin
*on. She was leaving that night to
join her husband at Marshfield.
Mrs. G. B. Pitcher entertained the
I^a (omus club Tu«*s»hiy aft«-rm»«»n.
Mrs. J. T Smith ami Mr* Roy Short
wer«* guests of th»* club.
Mr*. D. C. B«»*h*y en tertai u«*« I fif
teen of Mis* Virginia’s friends W«*«l
nrsilay eveuing in honor of the latt« r *
fift«*enth birthiiay anniversary. The
affair was an entire surprise to th«-
gu«**t of h«>nor. Refreshments were
Th«* Nelson Durham. A. A. Richmond,
" L. M kiU ami C. F. I mj»hrev t in
¡lies held a cuv er«*«! dish supper M«»n
day evening at th«* Vmphrey home.
Powerful Story
R<>w River Society.
ter Faye Stewart, little son of
nd Mr-. I-aS«-!L« St«*vvart. « at«-r
a numbf r - t hi* fn«*nU' Hat
afternoon, th«* occasi«»n being hi*
britbday anniv er*arv. Rvfrc*h
w«-re served.
Charles Pleuard and son Charles
pleasantly surprised Saturday
cuing when a numlx-r of the young
|M*<.ple called to help celebrate their
dual birthday anniversaries. A plea«
v«-niiig was sjwnt and at a late
r«-f r«*shm»*u! * were served.
Robert MÇ1
Claire Adams
and Carl Gantvoort
\\ hy are you so anxious
cattb ra '• r. pioi.»-»r and irentleman, placed
jti his ■«■Il’s bridle rein.
Za.'H Grey'* powerful story
•i fiat w ill make the l»h>od race through
ama that will hold you spell-bound, in which a
<■:' )- v» is wo\» Ji ini»» a mighty band of devotion,
sin . les and tears, of clouds an»] sunshine.
At .Arcade Theatre Monday and
Tuesday, December 19 and 20
Successor to J. F. Spray
will < hdeavot t«) M*rv»* y»«’i to its lx*st advantatf** and give you
’^uaiity f»*»-»l> at i ♦ as»>nai»h price*. We are in a position to
m - iv »* you Utter ;.;i«i rn<»i»* efficiently
thia your local ex­
clusive ie»d store let uh wrve you.
Stet i cut cracked corn, per sack..
Ground corn......................... .................
Whole corn .............. .................... .......
Mill run, *0 Iba_______ ________
Ptoeeas barley, 75 It,h.......... .. ..... ..
Rolled oals ........................................
Xoxall >-¡111 producer.........................
.Xoxali »cratch few] ......................
Meat meal ........ ........ ................ ...........
L)r.»ee<| od meal ..................... ..........
Ea>t<'ii> haul wheat flour............. ..
Blended flour ..................... ..............
Hitfh k-rade valley flour .............
$2 10
$2 10
$1 90
SI 00
$1 50
$2 50
$2 50
$5 50
$2 50
$1 85
$1 55
Economy Feed Store
Successor to J. F Spray.
tryouts Monday evening for
positions on the debating team* rr
suited as follows:
Re*ulved that farming is th«- must
useful <x*ruj»atiun; affirmative,
affirmative. Dully
Pitcher and Pearl Robinson; *e
H«-ieii Bre**«llove and Pauline Sh« man ;
w«m by affirmative.
Resolved that th«- Philippine I-lalid.«
hould lx retai ned; affirmative, .Mar
nret Yuung and Kathleen M» Key
uulds; negative, E inor K no w les a a d
Kita Kelly; w«»n by af firmati ve.
capitai punishmeut
Resolved that capital
j should t»e abolished in Oregon; af-
- firmative, Lt -a ora Hublirll; negati v e,
Margaret Hemenvvay; won bv af firma
' tive.
Resolved that a pe rson will du nn»r»*
i for money than for love; affirmative.
Wayne Veatch and Aha Ha;«; nega
J tive, Ralph Fullerton and Flovd Runk :
■ won by affirmative.
Resolved that th»* manufacture and
' sale of cigaret
Stat»*«. Through error
iin the Cm!
txilh team: t»»ok th»- affirmative. First
! ph>
was giv’en Brighton Leonard and
nd place was given Har«»ld Whit
lock and Ernest Kurre.
The other
• i»*bater was Bernard Brainard.
The «judges
were Hu jwrint cd dent
Hay-. Pr n»-ii»al Hargr»*aves and Worth
Following ar»- the results of a try
out held Wednesday evening:
K«-*.h»-d that th»- Indian has l»een
unfairly tr»*ated by th»- whit» men; af
firmativ»-. Samuel Swartz and Dwight
Buchs nan; n»»gative. Marion Richmond
and Ethel Lambert; won by affirms
Renolvrd that a high arbor»! rdura-
tion should be compulsory; affirmative,
Ruth Powers and Nelli«* Stewart:
negative, Wilbur Hprav and Ard»»-
Eby; won
___ bv __
Mdvrd that the United States
should alsdish the M«»nr<»e doctrine; af
firmat ive. Win. Skilling; negative,
Frank Snodgrass; won by negative,
R«**»>lve«| that women should lx*
given equal political right« with men:
affirmative, Rolw*rt Galloway and Jack
B**ager; negative, Chari»- Spray anO
Harry Skilling; won by affirmative.
Another tryout is to lx* h» Id next
Monday, aft* r which selection- will be
mad»* for |N»sition* on the high s«-h<x>l
debating t»*am-.
Ix»ranx, Ore., Dec. 14.— fSerial to
Th»- Sentinel. •—Th«- proposed 1925 ex
position was one of the subjects up
i»efore 1 h»* meeting of the I»ranc
grange Saturday. Tier, were heated
arguments pro and eon. Th»- body took
no action but the majority opinion
*»*»*m»‘d to l»e that th»- present is a
ino-t inopportune time to promote a
fair, esjiecially a« th»* benefits to be
derived are problematical and that it
should lx- th»* aim of th»* present to re­
duce taxe- rather than augment the
Th»- completion of th»* n#*w high
school building was hailed as only the
lieginning of endeavor* to make the
high school an institution in which
th»* community may feel a pa rdonabb*
pride. A eonaohdated grad** »chool wan
sugg»*st»d as a need equal to that t of
the high achool.
Agent Jones, of the Southern Pa
cifir. ha* received notification that
after January 1 then- will be no war
tax on jra«M-ng»-r tickets and freight
bills. The tax ha« been about S j»rr
rent, no that the saving to th»* publir
will be a ronsidemble one
Although Baby is the least, we are going to put him first by of-
feiinga lew suggestions for him. im lmliug Shoes, Slippers, Kuitled
Set s, < 'a I is aliti 11 use
For Sister, Sweaters, Hose. (’aps. Slippers. Shoes, Ribbons. Izares
For Brother, Mackinaw Coats, the very best all wool. Shoes, Caps,
ries. Shirts, Sweatt*rs, Sox, Suspenders
For Father, soni«* good Men’s Pnilerwear. Wool Sox, Silk Shirts
*4< mh 1
for soli, and the same holds good as to mother and sister.
We are offering oiilv useful tilings
( >f these we have the verv
Telephone 70
Corner Fifth and Main
».----------------------------- •
Neighborhood News
»----------------------------- «I
-<• html t\»r several day* on account of
sick lies*.
A piny, entitled “Aaron Boggy».
Fr«**hman, *' will be given at the *«-h«»ul
housi Friday night.
Mr. and Mi*. W. A. Witcher spent
Sunday at th«- home of their son Fred.
(Special to The Sentinel. I
Dec. 13.— Mi*s Emma Jun«-* ha.«
r«-turne«l from Cr«-*w«*|| to spend the
rest uf th«- winter with her sister, M r«.
(Sjiecial to The Sentinel.)
Susan Wuik. r.
Mr-. Adney and daughter
Dee 14
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly ami M r«. Alma w ert in Eugene M«>uday.
Pearl Cool«*y and children were v is-
The F. T. Beiistun family visile«!
it«»r- at .Mr-. Susan Walker’- Sumlay. :.t Mmint
Vi«-w Sunday.
Tims. Funk and son William ami
Mr*. I*. T. Miih-r and children ami
Mr«. Susan Walker motored to <’uttag«‘ Kutb Sharon were in
Grove Saturday and took dinner with
Mrs. J. F. Neat, of
Mrs. Mae Kelly.
been visiting friends
Mr*. Mary Groat spent one day la«t Eugene Tuesday.
w«*ek with Mr*. Susan \\ a Ik. r ami
The Judson Allens were in Eugene
Mr«. Th«»*. Funk.
Guy* V ...........
auatta . sjwnt
,- ..
Sat urdav and
Mrs. AJrn Milh-r, of Walker, spent
Sumlay in the Grove.
Sunday aft»*rn«x»n at the C. C. Moody
Win. Lively am! S Hopper hauled hum»*.
gravel on th«* road jun of last week.
Mr. and Mrs, G«*org»* Neat, of Co
___ ____
T in Funk
h;i- ____
L«*« _ bu«v the ¡»ast I turg, *|»eiit Sunday at th»* Ch trh-
few days piping water into Mrs. Susan . Sharon home.
\\ aiker .« house.
Mrs. Adden, of CoquiUe, is V isit ing
Harry G
a rm a ti visited Black Butte at th»* home of her aunt, Mr) ». C. C.
school Tuesday afternoon.
Moody. She attemlcd th«* funeral <»f
M r and Mrs.
Mr«, Thus. Funk and sun* ' her
»u.-iii, Ethel M-•» «. y , Tu»-.-d‘«v.
William ami
and Arthur mutur«*d to Cut
Mr. and Mr*.
Mrs. J. L. Queen, who vis
tage Grove Wednesday.
! ited relatives Imre ami attend« «1 tb»*
{ funeral of Ethel Moody, returned to
| th**ir horn»* in Eugen** Tu«*sday.
Mina Mary Cormick left W«d»ie!»day
he re she was called by
fur Canada, w
(Special tu The Sent i m-1. ■
Dec. 13.— Mr. and Mrs. Marion the death uf a sister in law.
Mrs. W. L. Leonard, who Ims been
I^ebow w«-re Cottage Grove visitors
| sick for the pa.-t few days, is some­
E. L. Hartley mad«* !l bu«Ífl»*«H trip what improved.
(¿uit»* a number from here nttcndcd
to Eugent* hist Fri.lay.
Mr«. (ìrisham and son Charles, of the funeral uf Ethel Moody* I □•-«lay
[x-iiHiiGii, made a week end visit in afternoon.
the horn«* of Mr-. Grisham’* water,
Mr*. Min. Slater.
Mr. and Mr*. I m * w Lajoie have b»*»*n
making a .«eversi «lays' visit with th«*
* (Sjw*« ial tn Th»- Sentinel.)
family uf their daughter, Mrs. Kenzie
I>♦•«-. 14
Mrs. A. Pitcher ami Mrs.
Huff, uf Hebron.
H. 1>. Chamberlain visited at th« John
Mrs. Wm. Slater and Mr«. Aubrey \llen home Monday afternoon.
Wolford went to Eugene Monday to
Harry Castl»- and D. H. Brumbaugh
«hop í and visit in th»* Horace Strom wer»- in Eugen»* on busii«»‘«s W»*«ines
home, Mr. St non brought th« m home day.
ia his i auto Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. K R. Long visited at
Mr. and Mr* E. T. Hartley and son th»- Fr«‘d Fr»»st home Sunday.
Harold were
Mr. ami Mrs. «1. B. Lim-baugh sjwnt
and Mrs John Watson, uf Comstock, We«h>es«lay night ami Thursday at the
Snuda v.
Castl»* home.
The’ R Y. Porter people transarted
Mr-. Ray Goul»*y* ami rhiidr»*n re
busi ncMs in town last Saturday. Miss turned to the hon»»* of her par»*nts
De Sunday, after spending a few «lays
Ivy was hoir»»-
____ ___
__ _ her _ _ ««bool
____ ____ in ___
light valley tu a« »*orn|»:iiiy th« m.
visiting relatives hi the Grove.
Ralph Mossburg, of Yoncalla, cam»-
Mr-. J. C. Port« r visited Wednesday
up to th** W. A. Renne horn»- th»* last und Thursday at the h«»m«*s of her
of the week. Th»* mill is shut du wn brother, Jam« - L»-b»»w, ami her sister,
for a time.
Mr-. D. H Brumbaugh, befur»* leaving
for Calif'irnm for th»* winter.
Mrs. Fu rn Adams ami son < »-eiir
were in th»* Grov»- Saturday.
Mr-. Lloyd Smith an«! daught»*r Ma
(SjM»cial tu Th»* Sentinel.)
D»*c. 14. Mr. ami Mr-. W. E. Nixon ri«- were in th»* Gr*»ve Saturday.
Mr an«] Mr*. Harry Castl»* ami baby
ami Mr. and Mr*. 1>-»- Nixon wer«* in
«¡M-nt Bunday at th»* Claud»* A rn«* horn»-.
Eugene last Fn«iay.
R. H. Mosby ha* r«turn»-«i from He
< . H Haight ami -on Mylon were in
Eug»*m* Friday and att»-ml« *1 the play, al tie, where h<* had been employed
“The Four Horsemen uf th»* Affoca getting out i’hrisamas tre»*s.
Mrs. K. T. Martin was in the Grov»*
The ba.-k»*tba)l tearns of
A hor*e belonging to Georg«* Lay ng
union high school played
dropped dead ia the harness last Wed
Saturday* night. B«»th buy
were defeated. A big cr
jKimed them.
Th»* Oscar Jackson family- spent Sun BIDDY BERRY MARKET
«lav at th»- Fr»-«l Walker hum»* n»*ar
The C C. Conner family wer»* dinner
Th»* egg market here has stood at
guests Sunday at th»* <’. A. B»-idi»*r
home in Cottage Gr«»v»*. In th»- aft»-r 40 cents for about two weeks. Indi
noon they alt n»otor»»»i to Eugene in cations iin* that there is not a likeli­
the Beidler «-ar an<! railed on Mr. am! hood of a flirt her drop. The high ¡sunt
notched several weeks ago was 51
Mr*. Harry Co»nrr.
Th»- E. J. K» nt family am! E«lwin
An«l»*rson w»-r»* Sunday gu«**ts af th»*
W. E. Nixon home.
The B»-n Jark »win family, of Walker,
Not ir»* is hereby given that th»* semi
wer»* Sunday gio’sts at the K
D annual -tat»* examination for t»-a<*h»*r*'
Tucker hum»*.
«■»■rt ifn ate- w ill I»** L»-I«i id th»* rirruif
M»r H. D. Myers went to th»* court r«x»m in Eugene cornin»*neing
Grove M oiu I hv to spend a few days nt W»*diies»iay, D»*<«*mlx*r 21, at 9 a. m.
th»* home of h»*r w»n H« nry.
ami closing Saturday, December 24.
Bert My»*rs mad«* a trip to tl»»* All f»*a«'hers whose certificate»» expire
Briggs sawmill in Lynx Hollow Mon an* r<*quired to I»»* on hand promptly
day after some lumber.
Mt 9 M. m. on Wednesday. A s«h»-<iule
Ther»* will I»»- oo rnor»* preaching of th»- days on which subjects will l»r
services held at the sch»x>l hous»* for given «an lx* had by applying to
the pr»*s»*ot.
■ X M(X>KE,
J-Awreiice Kent ha» beta out of dit 16
County School Superintend?nt
I «Tilts. The prr*ent price is three time
th«* pric«* at the low level last .«{»ring
, who h wu« th«- l«»west in many years
j Th»- js»«»l m w hich a number uf rgj
I producers j»articijiatrd was rh»«« <! ou
at t hr js*ak.
WATCII Vol li 1.Allhl
• • •
In the Circuit Court of the State <>
Oregon in and for Ijine County.
Adah Hartzell, plaintiff, vs. Flo)«
F. Hartzell, defendant.
To Floyd F. Hartzell, the above nano -<
In the name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to apjwrlr an«
answer th«* comphiiut fil«-.l against vol
in th»* alxive entitled suit within sr
w«-«-k- from the «late of the first publi
eat i.iti of thi* summons, ami if you fai
to so answer for want thereof th.
plaintiff will apply to the Court fo
relief prayed for in plaintiff’s com
plaint: For a decree dissolving th.
marriage eontrnM lx*t
1x4 ween you anr
the plaintiff on the ground» of defier
tion for mor«* than one year, for th.
rare, custody ami control over th.
minor child. Klenor Fay Hartzell, fo
th«* sup|M»rt of the said child in th«
amount of $15.00 per month and fo
alimony in the amount of $25. imi jm -
month and for cost« and di.-bursenieiit
of this suit.
This summon* i« aervrd by publira
tion by order of tlir Hon. G. F. Skip
worth, Ju«lg» uf th«* above name*
Court, date«) th.* I Sth day of Dcrem
her, 1921. and the «late of th«* fir«
publication of thi« summons is th
16th »lay of December, 1921, and th
date of the last publication will I m * on
the 27th «lay of January, A. I). 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Residence and Postoffice add re--: Cot
tag«» Grove. Lane County, Ore. dl6j2'
R»t<‘»—On* cent the word; mini-
mum 35 words; thru« insertion! for
the price of two when pH*d in nd
vanes; half cent tbe word after
the third insertion.
1922 baby chick«.- Order your chichi
now if you want early Latc^f .
Heavy layers of large while egg» Wa:
top the market. Wui. Hands a Hoi,
box 614, Cottage Grove, Ore. jiyWtf;
Wanted—Tu hear from owner of goo I
ranch for »ale. State caah pne*,
full particular». D. F. Bu»b, Minueaj
uh», Mmu.
ocl7 deeJU
“* >
Fur Sale All grades dimension, rwrti »
shiplap and finish, rough or »urface»
al reasonable price». 1 jammers Bro-
phoue 13 F3.
ul4t f
Wood for Sale -Old growth body fl ,
old growth fir limbs and maple, 1»-
inch lengths. h. J. ^-ufield, coin» r
Washington and south Eighth, ulltl t
For Sale or Trade Young mare an 1
hors»*, wt. about 1400 »*a< h. Or migl t
l»*t out for their feed. Chas. H (!<>«■
For Sale Small aafe, in first ria. s
comlitiun. West Hid»* Grocery. <116 f
Will you let tue give you $2500.
Lav»- $4500 <*quity
, r in 177 acre», tw o
mile.« east uf Saginaw in Delight va
Thia includes $1500 worth < f
jxrsonal property, Tu the first man
who will give me $2000 J will give
my interest in this place, lurk, »to< k
and barrel. If you are looking for a
snap, you’d b«*t1er act. H. R. Kobisu i,
Saginaw, Ore., phone 35 F 21. dlO.’Up
For Sale White Leghorn ptiEet» ai 1
yearling hrns. Also baby go car .
Albert C. And«-rson, 1526 E. Main, j 1
For Rent Two nicely furnished alee .
mg rooms in mo«ierii home at 3f 1
Sixth street.
di6 30jl
Sale- Young fresh cow. 0 <1.
Moody, Saginaw.____________ dlOpJ