Christmas stocks of more than usual completeness and of greater variety than ever before await your choosing, yon will note special price offerings that afford a welcome saving on your gift list. GIFTS THAT PLEASE MEN For they are practical gifts—some- thing lie can use every day. If you have no time to make up a li st, drop fln and look over our complete assort- mellt. You w ill see plenty of suitable gifts. DRESS (¡LOVES m cap* leather in brown gray, ami tan Lovely Silken or Dainty Hand Made Philippine Lingerie are gifts of which milady will be justly proud. You can select beau­ tiful Philippine gowns or combin­ ations. They are hand made and hand embroidered. $3 00 “SCRATCH KNIT’ WOOL Gl.oVES” het­ mixtures, elastic brown and green heat heathet snap wrist styles, pair ........ 85c and $2.98, $3.50 and $4.98 Al To GLOVES, GAUNTLET STYLE —with strap ami snap at wrist, made u quality kangaroo leather, pair............ $5.00 SoX COTTON, WooL o R SILK — good quality cotton sox. 2 pairs for........... $1.00 M . lial< «ox pait .................................. 50c Threat! silk sox. all eolora, pair............................. 75c lleavv thread silk nil ashiom-d sox, all colors, or clocked. pair $1.25. $1.50 and $1.75 eashtm-r. oi wool heathei sox ... 60c, 75c, $1.00 (.EXTINE LEATHER oR FABRIColD BAGS AND SUIT CASES 'lack ot brow n ........................... $7.50 to $25.00 BATH AND LOUNGING ROBES good patterns .............. $7.50 and $9 75 SWEATER (OATS -in gte. i.. brown or gray mixtures $6.50 to $9.75 SUSPENDERS dish- or silk web, at........................ 50c, 60c to $1 00 “Kaysers” Italian silk vests, bloomers ami envelope chemise, priced at— EXIT VESTS brown and green heather mixture lour pockets, $7.50 warm ami practical, each............... ....... $2.98, $3.75 to $6.00 GARTERS AND ARM BANDS lisle 01 silk webs 35c. 50c, 75c FLANNEL SHIRTS -plain ciders ami checked patterns $3.75 to $6.50 I '*.4 v Î * . MUNSING UNIo.N SUITS fine cotton worsted and wool garments, priced each $2.00 to $6.50 DRESS SHIRTS —of fine madras cloths, percales, russimi cords ami SI.50 to $7.50 98c, $1.48, $1.98 and $2.50 Gift Hosiery Silk Blouses Women’s ‘‘('hipman Knit” pure thread silk hose, double sole, reinforced toes and heels, lisle garter tops, colors, black, brown ami navy, pair .............................. $1.50 A display offering for your choice only such patterns ami colors as men would che for 1 hemselves. Beautiful silk ties shown wide end shapes, stripes, dots, iL'tired ami flowered designs Dainty Camisoles made oi silk poplin, crepe de chine or wash at in, combinations of lace or rib­ ion with silk. Some are hem- si etched ami embroidered, light and dark shades, priced at— Women’s “Black (‘at” pure thread silk full fashioned hose, reinforced toes and heels, lisle gaiter tops, black and ei.i dovan, pail $2.50 Women’s “Black ('at” all pure thread silk hose, heavy sdk, lisle foot, full fashioned, black ami cordovan $3.50 Women’s pure silk ami fibre hose, made with reinforced lisle feet and lisle tops, l>L<*k and cordovan, pair 98c as dainily fashioned as von (toniti make them yourself. Tailored mod­ els, ami overblouses of crepe, georgette, satill 1 t and poll gee $4.85, $5.90, $G.85, $9.75 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 Give Gloves This Christmas “I'honey Brothers” silk ties A most acceptable and appropriate gift lor dearest friend or as a re­ membrance for an acquaintance. 1 hir complete stock affords an ample choice from w hich to select, allow ing you to satisfy exactly your wishes to material, quality ami price. (doves of fine knl or cape skin leathers shown in black, white, gray, beaver, tan, etc., with sell or contrasting silk embroidered backs, the pair $3.00 Handkerchiefs “Kayser” real chamoisette gloves, two button or snap wrist style, shown in covert, gray, black and beaver shades Bags and Purses $1.25 DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs, both initials ami plain, answer many of your gift requirements at most any price you wish to pay. Dainty mercerised batiste handkerchiefs, fancy embroid­ ered corners,. Each 15c, 19c, 25c to 39c Init ialed handkerchiefs plain linen at ..................... UMBRELLAS AS GIFTS Handkerchiefs, usual, prove nos) popular lor his gift, and to lie sure your choice is cor­ rect, you should select from our display. Fine quality mercerized handker­ chiefs with fancy boi, lets, or plain white with neat black ini- tial, each..... 35c; 3 for $1 Pure linen handkerchiefs with plain white initials, each 50c Silk handkerchiefs with fancy striped holders or barred and »lotted effecis at 75c and $1 Nothing could I m - more practical for mother, wile or sister than a nice silk umbrella. SILK UMBRELLAS SPECIAL AT $6.50 Ring handle, eight ribs, cover of good quality silk taffeta, shown in black, purple, green and navy. EXTRA HEAVY SILK TAFFETA SILK I MHRELLAS $10.50 At this price you can buy an umbrella of fine quality silk taffeta top in all colors. strongly made with eight rib frame, imitation ivory tips. Colored r ing handle to match top. A special purchane enable« iim to offer very unusual values in bags ami purses for Christ mas. <’rep,, de chine handkerchiefs with white center and fancy holders nr solid colors. Each 50c Genuine leather purses, bags or vanity cases, equipped with mirror and well lined, at $150, $2 50, $3.50 and $5 Our store will remain closed all day on Monday, December 26 Genuine pin seal or hand tooled leath- ur bat's an