<*** Von ME XXXII REDUCED ELECTRIC RATES ARE ORDERED f Cntîanr (Brmw ^»rnttnrl and pottage grove leader COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COl'NTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1921 BIGGEST MILLING INDUSTRY QUAYLE SEES BIG FUTURE ! YET IS ON WAY FOR COTTAGE GROVE REVELERS ON CHARIVARI WITH ONLY DOG AT HOME GrrateM Relief in New Schedule Is Dividends From Chamber of Commerce Oregon, Particularly This Section, Is A party of no. rry rev uth ¡»enod, which included the time the electric company’s source <»f cheap fuel supply was rut off, the' o|s raticois were at a loss of about $5o<». while the cheap fuel with which the company* is now supplied will ef feet a saving of $u,lMMi. thus making it iiussible for the* n>ni)iai)i to operate at a profit at the reduced nites, which the oHiiUnsMoii has ordered to become- effective on 18*reinl»er 2l). i on m sw ma de no findi ngs as to the municqtal rate here but ex prrs*.J a willingn«»* to send a rep r« »»-iitati\e here whenever a new con tract betwe<‘U the city and the coni pauy is up for consideration. The valuation of the power com puny s property, for rate making pur js.». ». 1» *« t at $79.5ou 42. The order direrts that all large con sumrrs of power be placed on meter* and that all users be placed on meters within two year*. Th«* portion <»f the rate srheshile which app-ar* in th. incomplete order show* that th«’ schedule is a rather rum plicated one for the ordinary in dividual to understand. An amended order will be at once filed by the commission an«] The Sen tine] will, in its next issue, publish the entire schedule of rates. Put a Bed Cross seal on each of your Christinas letters. TRAFFIC OFFICER REUEVES THREE OF CHANGE Give« Good Advice to Others as to How to Keep from Coming Afoul of the Law. K F. Bl.xcm. state traffic officer, visited thi* sectiuu Friday and iiu pressed u|"«n three motor car ojwrutun» the xW|»ortuDm«- was only a few blocks from his ’own. »hurtly Indore nuon Bunday. Mrs. ' \ • atch, who was upstairs at home 1 alone, heard somtMinc enter and in a • few minutes h«-ard groaning. Upon making an investigation *hr found her father in an unconscious condition. Me«!ical aid was calh-d ami he rallied from th«’ attack. which was heart trouble, but suffered another attack in th«’ afternoon, from which h«‘ did not recover. . Mr. O*traudcr came here from Min uesota and engaged in th»' barber busi j nes*. which he followed Up to the time i of h-aving here. Hi* brother Roy was I unev a ¡tartner with him, ns was also 1^ K. lxMHg, now a mcmlx’r of th»' j firm of Hpruy, Long k Cruson. While here Mr. Ostrander was n prominent bilk and Knight of Pythias. Mr. Ostrander was 71 years of age. H«- was burn at Grant Kock. Ill. I The widow survives and two «laugh t»-r*, Mrs. Marion V« atch, of Eugene, amt Mr*. Chari« s Humphrey, of Astoria. Wnu <»-trand«-r. uf this ritv, is a sur viving brother. Oth«r siarviving broth er* and sisters are 11 t-nrv M, I a .~ \ng.l.-*; John Q., En« irrlin, X. D.; Enoch A!., Devil’* Lakk*. W«-b.*ter, :■ l>. Th«- funeral was h«4«l Wr.in.••«•lay hf !«•: ■.«»on al Etig*-n« . R« ». « rn. 'M..It Case officiating. The Elk* I« ha.l ¡•barg«- <»f t he *«*rv ><*«*s at the mauso I b-uni. The ¡«ulllM’arvrs wcre Charl«-» I \ anl»« tiburg. J. S. Medley , L R. Ix»ng, (ieorgr M«-<^u«’»*n, E. C. ix>»-kwu»»d and ! Walter G. Hauser. Put a B«*«l Cross s»*nl on »»ach of your Christinas letten«. HAND AND HACKENSCHMIDT MEET SATURDAY Both Men Have Wrestled Champion Walter Miller Two Hour* to a Draw. Ralph Hand, favont»* of th»* Cuttag»’ Grove wrestling fans ami contender fur th»- middh-w eight c ham pi o nah ip, will iu»-«*t Young HackviischuiiiJt, of Kj«o 1 kan«-, h» r«- Haturday night. Both of the th»»« lie u hav« wrestled Champion | Miller two h«»ur* to a draw and have ui«-t uthvr of th»* b«-st m«-n in the inol 1 dieweight mill h»’Mvier ebtss«*«. The I match will b«- for two tails out of three, Police GaZ4*tte rules. Harkensrhinidt is here and ran b»* s»*en working out evening» in Moo*»’ ha IL, where th«’ match will be held. Hand will mttrt Professor Kmthe at Gold Hill un Drcemlx’r 23. SHORT ILLNESS FATAL On Boturday night’s card a prrlim- TO MRS J N. HOGUE i inary between lis-jil m> n will be put un at 8:30 and th»* main event will Ixrndou, Or»-., Dre. 12.— (Bj«erial to start at 9. The Hentinel. Mr*. J. N. Hogue, of London, died 1 >e«-«’inb»*r *5 at IjOrane, ELKS COMMITTEE WILLING following a brief i lines». The fureral TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS was held Bunday at Jjondon, the s»r vices being conducted by Cecil Rob The Elks romtnitter, which, upon ert.-. Int»Tm»-nt was in the B»*ini* th»* ♦•ndonM’inf’nt ami solicitation of thr «•» met»-ry at jxjudon. « -hamber of romim-r«-»-, is l«M»king .Mrs. Hogiw left about three weeks after tb»* benevulenr«’« for th»* city, before her death to visit relatives and iwill r«’cpive rofitributions froui thosr friends at fx»rane. After a week *» w isbing to give Christ ma« rhrer to visit at the home of her nephew, others, a-« well ns attend to the dis Charles Marlow, she had gone to the tribut ion of gifts to th»»*«- in nred. home of George Powell, where she WHS Tl»** Elks commit ter dors not usuaiiy ueerpt a charge from th»- cornmunity takes ill. The buslmnd is thr only immediate but this year it was urg»*»l by thr «hamber of ronim»*rce to do su, thr surviving relative. 'lir»-«-îors sering in this im-thod of Roxanna E. Pierce was born in ibamlling l>rnrvolriir»>M un opportunity T« nnes*«’e July 2, lWi, moved to JI to simplify th»* work ami avoid «lupli- linui* when a small child, thence with ¡cation of effort. her parents to Texas, when- she mar Any im-mb»-r of thr eommittrr will fi»d (j. W. How»* in 1878. They lived Inrrept contributions ami r»«*rivr in in Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado, {formation relative to tinsse in nrrd, came to Oregon in F» bruary, 1903, » but C. A. Bartrll, b«-rausr of ronvrn located at or near Mob 11 m and came to M’iirr of location, ha» brrn gi vrn ix/ndon in November of that year. ♦ harge of this pnrt of thr work. Mr. H«»we dud about three weeks later. i Th»- Elks eommittrr is as follows: Bh» returned to Texas for a time, re Ed. Tultar, C. A. Bartrll, J. F. Mc turned and was united in marriage to Farland, Ed. W’illsoti, Gworg»* Hawb-y J. N. Hogue January 15, 1908. Bli • ¡and W. H. Ostramhr. wa* a mi-mh-r of the Church of Christ Bb«- was aged 65 years, 5 mouth«, 0 The Bestioni nauta the new*. day« That the establishment of a milling industry uf greater mag mt ml«- than any uuvv established in thi* sct'lion is a probability for Collage Grow was a Muti-iuent made by C. M. Nhinu at th«* ujK’u turuiu ot the chmuls-r uf rum in« rc«- Tu«’.*day evening. A larg«’ hold mg of timber uw nni by eastern capital is tu I m * th«* source ut supply for such an industry, accnrding to Mr. Shinn. C. J. Kem, presi«l«*iil of the chamber, outhm-d briefly some uf th«* things a « hamb«*r can and should do, but winch it i* impOMsible fur th«' ufticrra to ar «*umplish witlmut th«* actiw int«*rvst uf the m«-mtx r>hip, fur which h«* ap ¡wale«!. Srcrvtary Miller gaw a bri«-t »ketch uf a few uf th«* things which the chamber alr«*a«iy has dune. Another s|»«-aker r»*i«rrr«i tu th«- ini |M>rlauce uf th«- cunncry l«> th«* rum muiiity aud ral)«-«l attention to th«* fact that the cannery was nut th«* result of a few days’ work, but came only after several years uf «'ffort, ami which returns tu the cuuimumty every year several tlines the amount |»ut into ih«‘ chamber uf «-umniercr. Thr autu ¡»ark, upm which th«« ex ¡ m ’B s «* has been ueghgtblr, was rc teired tu as another r«*sult uf chamber «»f comiuer««- effort which is l*aying div idends iu vxi’rss uf ail the money ¡»ut into the chamber uf cummercr. Th«- buikhng uf a stun«’ church, jw-r h:q»s nut in th«- immediate future, but certainly within n few years, was stated by Rev. A. R. Bpraruw to I m * «»!««• of the thing» to result fruni thr spirit which the community is dis ¡»laying hi siip|M»rting th«* work which the church represent*. Thr mal«« chorus uf thr Presbyterian church O}M*n«*d th«' program with a vocal number. A social evening followed the furuni program. Ori'goa is tinlay in the best financial ««unlittun of any state in thr union. (’«ittage Grove is hi th«* s«*ctiuii of On-gon which tmlay has the fewest tiiiNiK-ial worrit«.**. Kaiiroatl rnt«*s ar<* coining down tu pre war levels and pros|n*rity uf the lumber industry, Cottage Grove's greal«*st asset, is certain tu fallow. A great luturr is in stun« !«»r Cot tag«« Grow and Oregon. lottag«« Grove : d Oregon should cn courage in«lii*try uy piaciug as few burdens as ¡«ussibiu U| n » ii them. Thr sjh -i.«hug uf millions m Oregon by tin* reclamation servic«- is th«* big ge.»i thing ot recent years for Oregon. Almost thr entire east wishes to vis h Oregon and* to lucat«« in Oregon or s«>mt* other i*a«*ific northwest state, lit«* t'rtirist «-r«»p is going to be a must plot i«abl«* « nr. I’iie libov«* is a t:ibh»i«l report of th«’ talk mini«’ by G«’orge Quayle, secretary <»f the state « Humber of coinuivsrcc, at a mtuiiiiav luncheon given in his honor Monday at Hotel Bartell, at which iin-mlMTs of the chamber of commerce wer<« gu«*sts. Mr. Quay io has recently visited many .»late.» uf th«* union, lie fouini that, « oinpurat iv ely speaking, we have little gr«»un«l for complaint ut any kind und it i* his ¡M'licf that, with »teady', con »«•rv at iv«’, yet const ructiv ely progr«-s sivr leadership, we .»hall furg«* steadily toward front rank in the galaxy uf stutes. JOHNSON SAYS HE FEASTS ON ORANGES AND CLIMATE W. C. Johnson, who lias trail* ferred his activitiea and hi* nuliaut countenance tu Turlock, Calif., find* that his countenance cannot continue to rutliale without regular visita uf the live wire newspaper. He say* the sun shine* there nil «lay and the ni<>on nil night. He say* sumo thing about feasting ou orange* und grauefruit but i* not explicit iu explaining whether the sun und mouu or lie i* doing the feasting on the luscious fruit. He say* orang«** are selling nt 50 rents th«« box in the orchard* ami that all fruit is cheap, while bread costs mure than in Cottage Grove. He says they live mostly un climate, so that the problem of living is greatly simplified. Mr. Johnson i* employed in a warehouse and say* he ha«l tu learn tu tulk Jup and Hugo in order to hold the ■ job. ■ Ji J 30,000 YEAR IS RECORD LOCAL TOURIST CROP Conservative Estimate Shows That These Figures Are Low, Bather Than Too High. NUMBER 13 COTTAGE GROVE GETS ITS INFANTRY COMPANY Payroll of About $8000 the Year Will Come Through Organization of Military Unit. This city is to have a uvichine gun eompuiiy ut once, word to that vfivrt huviug been received Munduy by the chamber of commerce from Adjutant General White, who already hud prom isud Cottage Grove the next orguuizu lion to be authorized fur Oregon and who took, the matter up with the war dvpurtiumt while in Washington re cently. He was ut that tune promised either one or two infantry cumpuni«-.» lor the state and at once informed the interested ones here that they could expect one uf these within 30 days. The adjutant general promised this city u machine gun company in cas«? one should be allotted tu th«1 stat«*, but the first definite word receive«! by the chamber of commerce that a cum puny would be placed here was to th«’ effect that it would be a rifle cum puny. Becretury Miller immediately gut into communication with the ad jutnnt general’s office, insisting that the machine gun organization be sent here, aud the adjutant general agreed that such would be done. January V is the date for mustering in. The first detail to be carried out to secure the company is to get the r»« quired number of enlistments. E. C. Spray has been selected to perform this part of the work and has secured «piite a number oi names for th«« muster roll, although signatures hav«« not come in us rapi«J!y as wished. Seventy-five names is the number dr sired. The presence? of a company here will mean a payroll of something like $8000 a year. This city always lias taken a prominent part in military affairs and it is thought there will be little trouble in signing the required number of men. That Cottag«* Grove’* roads average better than the roampany with ('ouiity Kngim’ir Mors«'*. This «'ondition is due in ¡»art to thr j fact that Pacific highway has been ¡hard *urfu<*<*«l both north and south from the city and also tu th«* fact that in»»st of th«- roads uf this section hav«* ! Iw-eii in rxist«-iicc fur a half century or longer ami through constant up keep and u*o during that time now have roadbeds that arc firmly s«-t aud Put a Red Cross *»«*al on" each of your u|M>n which th«* county and road dis (’hristmas letters. tricts have put a goo«i surface. Tourists spent something above $30, UUO in Cottage Grove dining the past y« ar lor food, clothing, g&soliue, oil, automobile repair aud miscellaneous it« iu.», which show* that the tourist crop 1.» worth developing. 1 his statement is baaed on un es­ timate that 5000 persons stopped in the auto eninp during the past *«’ason and use uf the estimate uf the North west Tourist association that tourists »¡•«•lid un average uf $6 to the person each «lay. Incomplete rvcorils kept at the park indicate that 2200 cars registered there during th«« season, so that the estimate of 5000 ¡HTsuns seems a conservative one. These figures do not take into consideration the large number who passed through the city without stop­ ping over night but many of whom made purchases here, nor of those who stopped nt hotels, so that the estimate of $30,000 .»¡H’ut by the tourists prob­ ably is well under the amount actually »¡H’Ut. Eugene figures that it* return from tourists on 6,527 ears was $250,000. With a third as many car* in the camp here, and using the Eugene method of figuring, and Eugene »ays its figures ar«’ conservative, w«* should have re ecuived $83,000 from the tourists who u»«*«l the caiup lu re, demonstrating fur ther that onr figures are under, rather than over. Beginning August 2, a fee of 25 rents a day was charged. This brought a return of $195.25, aiding materially in the upkeep of the park, where about $10O0 was sj»ent for improveinciit* dur­ ing the year tinder the supervision of th«« chamber uf «*oinm»’r<*«>. The best |M«rtiun of th«« sra.»«in was gone before th«- charg»’ Ix’cain«’ «-ffective. It is rs timut«* usurer. The luime was Put a Red Cross seal on each of your | ehangrd at the annul meeting from the Christmas letters. I women** auxiliary to th«* oue now* I used. --------------------------- UNION OIL TO ESTABLISH COTTAGE GROVE ROADS ARE DISTRIBUTING PLANT BEST IN STATE Second Station for This City to Go County Superintendent Finds That for in Near Standard Oil Com Its Importance This Section Has pany ’fi Station. Fine Highways. This city is tu have a Union Oil «listributing station. The company al ready ha» taken an opliun uj on Quincy awnue, a ¡block east uf the lu«atiun pi»*k«*d by ihe I nion Oil ¡»*upk*. Salt-man's Tourist cafe wa.» entered by burglar* Munday night. Mr. Kalts mat« believ«*» that the intruders thought tiny knew where th«’ cash was kept. Non«* had 1 m *«’H left iu th»* place, how «•ver, su that th«’ burglar» gut nothing. A thorough »earch of th»- plac»» was mad»-, as was quite evident from the disturbed condition of things Tu«’*day morning, but nothing has b«»-n misse«!. No cbir tu the thieve« has bt*en found but it is thought they were local ¡M’opk*. Eijtraioe was gained through a rear window', from which all finger marks mad»- by the intrud«*rs had le-en remove«!, on»- uf th«* rest an runt ’* towels iM’ing us«-»l for th»« purpose. COTTAGE GROVE REST ROOM SETS THE PACE ______ Thi* city has often set an example for otlu-r cities of th».’ state. Again tin* ha» happened. Th«’ officer* of the Mothers club have rec«-ived an inquiry from Oswego asking fur detailed infor , mat ion a* to how the wuint-n here set about th»’ establishment of a r«’*t room. The Wfimen of Oswego, having r«*nd account* in th** nrwspajM-rs of how the rest room was *ucc4,«»*fully »*stablish»-d here, wish tu go and do likewise. Eastern 8tar Elect*. Cot tag»* Grove chapter, Eastern Star, has elected the following offnM-rs: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Bertie Durham; worthy putrun, Charh*s Beidler; asso ciate matron, E. Adelle White; con ductress, Inez Whit»*; associate con duetress, Mrs. Blanch»* Short; se»-r«' tary, Mrs. Ma ixl Kmith; treasurer, Mrs. \ rima Barrel. The following »jffirer* huvi* been ap ¡Mjinted: Mrs. Glennie Frost, chaplain; Mrs. P».nrl«- L'mphrey, marshal; Mrs. J» »si«- Matthews, warden; Mrs. Malx-I H«-lli well, Ada; Mrs. Jrimi«- Beidb-r, Ruth; Mrs. Olive Bede, Esther; Mrs. lAjrik* Titus, Martha; Mrs. Emma A'lains, Electa; Mrs. Della Richinon»),- organiat; L. L. Barrel, s» ntinel. WATCH YOLB LABEL ••• Royal Arch Elects. Th«* Royal Arch chapter of Mason* has »•l«*rfr«l th«- following offi«’» rs: T. C. Wh»’»’l« r, E. H. P.; Geo. O. Knowh-s, king; Andrew Brand, scribe; K. K. CARL ALSTED, DESPONDENT TAKES OWN LIFE J. F. Bpray, who has b«*»’ii in and »»ut uf busimtsM her«« several times, has disposed uf his f<«’iiiiits: Num»* of person whos»« prop­ erty is on fir»?, name of street and general location. Often the depart inent has gone to a wrong location and wasted time in gelling to the fir«« be cause of carelessness in giving the fu’ci-ssnry information in turning in an n Inrin. CITY MARKET PUTS IN SHOW WINDOW FRONT Th»* City market is roniph’ting tin- installation of a show window front, which will enable it to «lisjday its wares ♦ «> the public, giving Ihe place quite a modern an«! up to date ap pt'Arance. This eslnblishment is gri’atly extending its business and entering ex lensively into tin- packing business. — twenty years ago one of th«? best known names in national a«lvertising was James Pylu’s Pearline. The advertising had run continuously since 1873. —in 1907, th«« concern having passed into the hands of an estate, the trustee* saw an opjiortuiiity by which they coiihl save many hundreds of dollars by cutting out the advertising. —Pearline lost favor rapidly and in 1914 tried to come back. Bcveral hundred thousand dollars were *p«*nt, which amount would have made a considerable «lent on the market for a new product, but. Pearline was not a iK W product. It was trying to com«; back, which is infinitely more difficult, and it did not succeed. —another nationally known produet stopped advertising for one y