Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OPERETTA WAS A SUCCESS [ THE BOOSTER HAS NO SNAP THE MAIN STREET PAVING PRESBYTERIAN BENEFIT BOTH! PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE. Bargiansi SAMPLE LETTER FROM EAST NEW SECTION IN EAST END WILL ERN HOMESEEKER. BE COMPLETED THIS MONTH. “Dream of Fairyland” Entertains Many Requests for Cottage Grove Warren Construction Co.’s Fully Large Audience—Mention Omit Equipped Plant in Operation dn Literature Received During the ted Last Week. Wheels Near the Work. Past Month. Last Friday’s issue of The Sentinel Those residents of Cottage Grove who (From Lewiston ‘ ‘Teller, ’ ’ Sept. 15, ’10. ) GAIN we were fortunate in securing Marshall-Fields & Co.’s sample line inadvertently failed to maké mention of are inclined to the belief that the sec .Work is progressing rapidly on the the beautiful children’s operetta, given retary to the Promotion Department of east end paving under the supervision of the following: Ladies’, misses’ and children’s sweaters, baby hoods under the-direction of Prof, and Mrs. the Commercial club has what is com of W. S. Houghton, general superin and caps, infants’ skirts, robes and wrappers, head scarfs, silk and Waterhbuse for the benefit of the Presr monly known as “a snap,” should pe tendent of the Warren Constructién wool, ladies’ shawls, silk and wool, ladies’ knit skirts; stocking caps and tarns, byterian church, and feeling that ‘ ‘it is ruse some of the requests received for company, and the work will be entirely better late than, never” takes this oc information regarding this locality. Completed within the next couple of knit leggings, and bootees. We got 25 per cent discount on these samples on casion to say that the affair was an un During the past month the department weeks. Already the pavement has account of their having been shown as samples. You get the benefit of the qualified success, both financially and has received more than 1500 requests been paid and set for more than a otherwise. The participants, notwith for literature, and many letters, of block ànd the spreading of the bitumen discount, so you buy the goods as cheaply as we would at wholesale if bought standing the time allotted for staging which -the following from ■ Brighton, and rolling of the material is being rap regular. Hundreds of garments—no two alike. Come quickly and get first choice the play was altogether too limited, ac Iowa, is a fair sample: idly pushed by a force of experienced quitted themselves most satisfactorily. Dear sirs: One of your books fell in men. Thé company numbered over forty chil to our hands and we have been reading The present plant being used by the dren, and the various songs were ren it, and we think we would like to try company while not so extensive is far dered splendidly, while the drills brought the western country; have been think different than the one formerly used in I forth added applause. The wee little ing of investigating California or Ore tfye city. The company has brought ^ts tots were particularly admired. The gon. We think we would like the coun plant for mixing and other equipment- costumes were pleasingly selected, and try round about your city if it is all- as here on a solid train which also includes presented a striking appearance. The represented, but so often, you-know, two car tanks of oil and two car tanks story of the play, which follows, was the land looks so very much different of the^ bitulithic preparation. The en COTTAGE GROVE. well brought’out. from what it is pictured on paper. tire plant remains set on wheels and is Now I tell you just how we are The cantata opens with a full chorus, switched to a spur on the Northern Pa “Wë Sing of Fairyland.” Two orphan situated and then ask you a few ques cific on the Vollmer property at 18th girls-set out in quest of Fairyland. tions, and any information or advice and Main. They listen to the singing birds, ’till at you can give us will be cheerfully re For a month previous to the setting length, weary and tired, they fall ceived and we will feel very grateful up of the plant, the company was en asleep. While asleep the good fairies' .to you. gaged in. blasting and loading on cars, We are young couple who just start tons of rock which had been secured on ènter and form a magic circle1 around them. With the singirtg of “The'i/lag- ed out three years ago, pretty badly in the north side of the Qlearwater, where ic Song’’the good fairies make a vow debt, but nave done very well consider it was rushed, loaded to cars and brought to love and cherish them, and the two ing some bad luck, sickness, loss of to the yards in Lewiston. Following orphans awake to find themselves trans stock, which amounted to quite a little the installation of the mixing plant, the flThere’s been a lot of formed into fairies., All join a group for people in our circumstances. If we company is now turning out the mix- ' around a fountain, and with demonstra should sell off and leave herewe would 'ture-according to scientific methods and tions of happiness welcome the little be out of debt, but not have very much thé sight is interesting and would be talk in this man’s town strangers, . Fear prevails among the left, after’ paying our expenses out well recompensed by a trip to the plant. good fairies when they learn tjaat the there. The stone is carried by a sub-elevator about footwear, but in evil fairies are trooping down, also in, Now I want to ask ypu a few ques system through a drying machine which search of the two little strangers. tions and hope you will answer them heats it to 250 degrees. The stone getting down to tacks, it Presently the evil fairies appear and truthfully and not Overestimate any at passes through heating ovens to a sys endeavor to persuade the orphans to go all, as some real estate men do, for we tem of bins where it is screened through devolves upon us to shoe! with them. The good fairies remon simply cannot afford to go out there un- sieves with- one mesh to thé inch to 300 strate and are for the present success less we are real sure we can make more meshes to the inch, thus separating the the shoeless public with! ful in holding the children. The evil out* there than we can here, for the ex various sized particles .of stone. The fairies discuss some new plan to entice pense of the trip is quite a little to say bitulithic preparation is kept to a high the best for the ’’fewest” I them away. The, children are quite im nothing about anything else. What degree of heat and almost automatical Listen, yell pressed with the manner of the evil can one buy good land a few miles out ly it is mixed with the stone and loaded simoleons. fairies and are almost tempted to go from Cottage Grove, say in Lorane val to wagons, after which it has reached a and search for them, but an angel’s ley or someplace close by, that will consistency ready for the scientific warning detains them. Presently the raise good alfalfa, etc., and good dairy spreading ovér the coarse stone on the flOur men’s, women’s evil fairies arrive and try again to en land? We think we would like to raise street which has been prepared as a tice them away and are successful. alfalfa, milk cows, and raise poultry. base. and children’s shoes are There is a most interesting process The good fairies enter, find the children What terms can one buy such a place CAN ONLY BE on, what interest, etc? Is money plen for testing out the various forms of ef made to wear, not to gone and sing “A Sorrow Song.” For a time sadness prevails àniongst ty? Is it easy to borrow? Or would it ficiency of the stone and bitulithic and BOUGHT OF the good fairies, and in a prayer they be best to rent a farm for a few years the company maintains an office in wear-out. They are the ask-—for the return of the orphans. first?, How many . acres can one man charge of an expert who is stationed at Their- attention is diverted by a bright tend? How much does alfalfa land the plant working out the tests every little song, after which they go out in yield? How many crops to the year, few minutes. This is done in order to product of shoemakers search. The two orphans enter dejec how many tons to the acre, etc? How prevent material being laid of an infe tedly, expressing sorrow that they had much per ton does it sell for? Is there rior quality. The check on the work, who have a reputation | listened to the evil fairies, and long to any trouble disposing of it at all? You however, is not confined to Lewiston follow the path of duty once more. speak of dairy cows aver aging. $10 per employees. Each day the expert must to sustain, and not by And The Same is True of All The good fairies are heard singing in the month per cow. How much does one send to both the Portland office and the have to-pay per cow.? Also what would office of the company in the east, sam novices who are here to- distance and thé children run to hide Other High Class Merchandise J themselves, fearing that they would a good team of brood mares coSt? ples of the bitulithic mixture that has not be accepted after having once turned What do good brood sows sell for?' been laid. day and there tomorrow, away. Again the fairies sing a pretty What do young hens sell for per dozen? The company encourages visits to the song to draw them from their retreat. Would like to start in with a few doz plant of citizens and the employees are extremely courteous and anxious to ex fl Every shoe we show Failing in this a fairy tale is told. At ens good hens. I suspect you think I am asking lots plain the full working details of the the sound of the evil fairies singing the has style, fit, wearing children rush, into the arms of the good of questions, but I really don’t see how plant. fairies, asking forgiveness, and the I am to find out unless I do ask them. qualities and solid com good fairies endeavor to induce the evil We are anxious* to go west if we think fairies also to join them, which is done we-chn make more money there’ than here; if not, why of course we will ¡stay during “A Song of Victory.” fort. What more could The whole is interspersed with good here. Do you think a young man with songs, choruses, etc., and concludes out any capital can make more money- you ask? flThey’re not there than here? Is it easy to find em with full chorus-“Good Night.” ployment there? One of the pretty features is six tiny only low in cut but in .. Now if you will write soon and give Sunbeams who ate seen scattering suit us all the information and advice you beams every where and singing until can, we will be very grateful to you. price, too. We have, al the naughty Rain Drops appear and Respectfully, frighten them aftay. The Rain Drops so, high ones cut low. WESTBROOK, PROPRIETOR sing a song of reperitence, the sun P. S.—Is it a healthy country there? The ladies of Cottage beams again appear and as they come Do they have any lung trouble or any Shoe satisfaction is our together with their brilliant costumes thing of that sort? Would be glad if ihey produce a gorgeous Rain-Bow. you would send one of your books to my Grove and vicinity^ are guarantee, absolutely.... Another pretty featlire is a Grecian mother, Mrs. H. A. Waterhouse, Pleas flower drill presented by sixteen young Rooms with Bath ant Plain, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 2. If cordially invited to call ladies in Grecian costume. you wish to, you mignt send books to Grand finale, ^America” by entire (here follows I. Hinshaw and six others.) company. Mr. Hinshaw has a farm here for sale, and inspect my- new WILL DISTRIBUTE ARGUMENTS. and if he can sell, he thinks he would like to locate in in Oregon. I thought LAWSON BUILDING. _ Plea for Good Roads—Voters Asked perhaps giving you these names of peo ple who are thinking of seeking other to Raise County Debt Limit. locations would probably help you some. Two hundred and forty thousand ar Ask Shipping Facilities. guments for better built highways will The railroad commission has received be distributed among Oregon voters be tween now- and the general election. complaint from Cottage Grove shippers They are issued by the Oregon Good of livestock that there are no facilities Roads association. They are in sup at this point for shipping, and praying port of the proposed constitutional the authorities to order a yard and amendment which will permit counties chute. Under present conditions it is to pledge their credit for the syste necessary to drive stock to Creswell to Made of the best material matic construction of trunk highways. load, that being the nearest point to at moderate prices. We The arguments are intended to empha Cottage Grove affording these facili size that good roads *are the greatest ties. The railroad company already has carry a complete line of essential to Oregon’s development and the matter the matter under considera boy’s clothes made up in that now is the time to determine tion, and it is probable that the better the latest styles and colors. whether the state shall suffer through ment of conditions will be forthcoming A TIME KEEPER generation from the handicap of im within a reasonable length of time. . Now is the time to get a passable, poorly-constructed thorough that won’t keep right* time, ought to be Last Out-of-Door Meet. relegated to' the Ananias Club—it isn’t fall and winter suit for the fares. The German Verein held its last out- Section 10 of article 11 ôf the state of-door meeting for the season last reliable. boy as you will have the constitution now reads that the bonded Sunday. Owing to the absence of Pres First house west of Catholic WE SELL WATCHES YOU CAN entire stock to select from. indebtedness of a county may not be ident Venske, who has a contract at RELY ON, church. Phone 86R. more than $5000 save as incurred to re Harrisburg, and the removal from the and back up each one with our guaran pel invasion or to put down insurrection. city of Vice-President Dan Bleuer, it Cottage Grove, - Oregon tee. Because it’s good, doesn't* make Friday and Saturday Special: The amendment to this part of the con Boys’ school shoes, valued at was necessary tp fill the vacancy to it dear. stitution which is proposed by the Good have a presiding officer. Mr. Kempf 81.75 for,_„„.________ $1.39 GOOD WATCHES AT LOW Roads Association and supported by the was elected for the balance of the term. PRICES _>0tttGN<0 . industrial builders of Oregon provides The organization will lease a hall for • ECKER. MAYER is assured of all who buy of us. 'N.CHICAAO^' ) that debts for permanent roads may al meetings duriiig the winter months. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS so be incurred, but only on approval of Extensive courses in College, HighSchool and Com work. Grammar grade« taught to boys over 11 Mr. Barfield’s handsome residence on mercial a majority of those voting'on the ques yean. School opens Sept. 13,1910. Catalog Free. Address, Rxv. J oseph G aixaghtb , 0. 8. O., Pres. Perkins ’ hill is nearing completion. THE JEWELER C olumbia U nivxbbity , P obtlxnd , O begqh . tion. A BURKHOLDER-WOODS CO. SHOES! FAMOUS OVERALLS Wheeler-Thompson Co. PARLOR MILLINERY Johnson&Co FALL MILLINERY Latest Styles and First-| class Work at Rea sonable Prices Boys’ Viking ¡Clothing Mrs. A. H. Miller! H. C. MADSEN LURCH’S