Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
United «rates ship Mayflower she be Lived In On« House 94 Year«. But she would not tell him, and, WHITE SERGE IN THE TUB comes “the President’s yacht” At 1« the village of Stathe (Somerset) jealousy getting the better of him he other times she is a cruiser on the insisted that she should, The quar- If Washing Is Done Carefully the on the banka of the River Parrett, ¿re sides William Broome, who has lived regular list of the navy. The “other rel that followed rfiade the whlte kit Skirt Will Look Like New; the whole of his life—ninety-four times” are few, especially in the sum ten cringe and then fly down the Directions. years—In the same cottage. The house mer, since the President of the United beach toward the gray cottages. Late Prohibitive Law May Result From States, being a normal hum^n being, [that night, however, she scuttled With the present vogue of white is hie own property. Broome has al (^innot help having a liking for the back to the ledge. It was moonlight, serge suits, a few ideas on their clean ways enjoyed good health, is still very Hague Conference By TEMPLE BAILEY TOautiful ship and a desire to spend The waves seemed crested with sil- ing may be of interest to the woman active and has never tasted medicine. much of his time on board of her. The ver. The white kitten stretched her whose skirts are beginning to show He is a great-grandfather, grandfather and father, but only six of his descen- (Copyright, 1910, by Associated Literary Press.) • snowy length along the ledge, half navy list says that the Mayflower is signs of wear. United States Takes Initiative In Fight detailed for “special service,” which closing the opening to the mail box. Have no hesitation whatever about datns are living.—London Evening . No one knew just where the white Against Drug Used by 150,000— means that she is assigned to the per kitten belonged. The chances were The man who came later moved her tubbing the skirt. It will shrink, of Standard.______________ £ sonal use of the commander-in-chief that she came from one of the low gently. When he had gone there course, so it may be wise to rip the The President’s Floating Peculiar Church Ornament. of the navy and his family. Home. gray cottages along the line of the peeped from the hole the edge of a hem before washing, because, suppo Lambeth “Old” church’ has numer The proximity of President Taft’s beach. She could generally be found white envelope. sing the skirt fits the hips very ous historic monuments, and in one of The spring breeze blowing from the smoothly at present, then in all prob the windows is the full length figure Washington—An international agree summer home at Beverly, Mass., to on sandy hillocks at the remote end ment for the suppression of the opium the beautiful north shore of Massa of the peninsula where she dug sunny ocean beat against the bit of paper, ability it will be necessary to draw up of a peddler with his pack, staff and traffic may result from a conference chusetts brings naturally thoughts of nests for herself and basked lazily and the crackling made the white the skirt an inch or two to make it dog. This is supposed to represent of the interested powers at The cruising, and he has made consider- watching the sandpipers between kitten sit up and take notice. She set properly over the hips. the unknown person who presented Hague. The United States is taking able|use of the Mayflower during his half-closed eyes. There were traces patted the paper with her paw. It This would necessitate cutting it off “Peddler’s Acre” to the parish upon the initiative in the fight and the call vacation, He is a good sailor, thanks of distinguished ancestors in the gave a little and came half out from from the top, and as the skirt will also condition that his portrait and that for the conference was made through to his numerous voyages on blue wa length of her hair, the bushiness of the hiding place. Helped by the kit shrink in length, the rest of the hem of his beloved canine companion diplomatic notes from Secretary of ter, and he is believed to be quite as her tail and the blueness of her eyes. ten’s eager paw and by the wind it will be needed on the bottom and a should be preserved in the church and State Knox. The desire of this gov fond of the Mayflower as was Mr. Now ana then she drifted down close lay fluttering on the ledge. Then the facing used when making the new that bis dog should be buried in con secrated ground.—Pall Mall Gazettk ernment is to see embodied In the in Roosevelt. The latter frequently ex to the water’s edge and played with wind took it again, down the beach. hem. ternational law some form of statute pressed his delight on boarding the the foam, of whiclj she seemed al Once it went sailing over the tops of Make a warm suds with water and This Is Rather Neat. grow out of the belief that only yacht, and he selected her as the flag most a part, with her snowy fur and the waves, like some strange bird, white soap, adding a little borax, Inl An English critic of American so only to be brought back for the kit- merse the skirt and souse up and through the co-operation of opium pro ship when he bade adieu to the battle her light movements. ducing and exporting countries with ship fleet before its departure on the down, rubbing any very soiled places cial conditions says that men in, this There were two persons who came ten’s plaything. country are too much inclined to put The next morning the kitten was with the hands. our customs officials can the prohibi memorable around-the-world voyage. often to that end of the peninsula* tory statute of 1908 against the Im When the big ships returned tri and who played with the white kit again on the ledge when the girl When clear it should be rinsed In women on pedestals. The only an portation of fumable opium into the umphantly to Hampton Roads it was ten. The girl who came wore white came. She " was alone, and when she clear lukewarm water and borax, then swer to such criticism Is pity for the United States be made effective.; De from the bridge of the Mayflower that gowns, so that when the kitten lay had looked and found no letter she hung up to dry. First, turn wrong nation that has not such a beautifully spite the unceasing efforts of customs President Roosevelt welcomed them on her lap they seemed merged one sat down on the sands and cried. side out and pin to the line at waist decorative use for pedestals. Presently a man came along the band directly in center front. officials it is known 68,000 pounds of home to Yankeeland. Into the other. In size and in furnishings the May “She is a beauty,” the girl said one beach, and seeing her came toward Dismal Outlook. the drug were smuggled last year for Keep the fold down the center front “Do you believe We shall ever have the use of 150,000 people. Thirteen flower compares favorably with the day In late summer, “I am going to her. and pin the hem to the line. Then put “Radcliff,” she looked up startled. two or three pins between the belt and universal peace?” “Not unless women and possibly fourteen countries will be royal yachts of Europe. Her birth steal her and take her home with quit offering higher wages to their “I thought it was Richard.” represented. They are the United place was Scotland, where she was me, Richard.” hem. neighbors ’ cooks.” “ Did you get my note yesterday? ” States, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, built in 1896 for the late Ogden Goelet, As it dries the folds should be The man laughed lazily. “If you France, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, the New York millionaire, who did not find out to whom she belongs, rii he asked. “Perhaps I should not smoothed, and, if necessary, the skirt Not an Improvement. the Netherlands, Portugal; Persia, Rus- live long to enjoy possession of the buy her for you, and save the sin' of have written, nor have put it here. pulled into shape. Gerald—“People like to walk over But I had seen you two people ex When almost perfectly dry press on sia and Siam. Turkey may be also beautiful craft. The original cost of stealing.” the Mayflower was $800,000. After me.” Geraldine—“I don’t see why they represented. The kitten blinked and yawned^ changing notes, and it seemed inter the wrong side with a warm iron, put should; you hardly come under the The American delegation at The Mr. Goelet’s death the yacht was of- She had always lived by the sea and esting to see what would happen.” on a skirt hanger and put out in the head of improved pavement.” She looked at him reproachfully. air or sun. Hague will seek an international law fered for sale by his widow, It was she loved it. She did not know that, ’Your joke has made me very un- requiring each country to prevent the reported, at one time that the late Carefully done, the skirt will look happy,” she stated, “You know how like new. shipment from her ports of smoking King of the Belgians had acquired her, jealous Richard is. He wanted to see opium intended for countries where but the report was unfounded. The vessel was bought for $450,000 by the the note, and made so much out of a that form of a drug is prohibited. United States government shortly be trifle that I would not let him—just United States Has Troubles. the Spanish-American war and to punish him. I told him that he This government first came into di- fore was converted into a gunboat, or small must write to me and apologize. I rect contact with the seriousness of cruiser. The price paid by the gov thought, of course, he would, but he the problem when it started out to put ernment was considered a low one. hasn’t” the Philippines in order. Investiga Mayflower is 270 feet long and In the days that followed, the kit- tion showed that aside from the ques is The of 2,690 tons burden. Her Engines and the girl sat often together on Oftentimes the stomach tion there, the continental United sands. Both of the men had left States also presented a serious prob- produce 4,700 horsepower, and she Is needs some assistance in propelled by twin screws. She car the girl was very lonely. Now The Wash Tub.—Did you ever try In 1880 this government had ries a complement of about 170 offi then she played with the kitten, paraffin for mending a leaky wash its great work of digestion cers and men. The Mayflower carries usually she sat looking listlessly tub? When ours sprung a leak some and assimilation' and an a few light guns, principally for use to sea. time ago we emptied it, dried it well in firing salutes. Otherwise there is The kitten played, however, racing with a cloth, and poured melted paraf occasional dose of Hostet nothing in her external or Internal ap up and down the sands, chasing the fin around the cracks. It has been in ter’s Stomach Bitters will pearance to distinguish *her from pri waves, leaping after every stray constant use ever since without leak give that assistance better vate yachts of her size. Like all the thing that .fluttered in the wind. ing. than anything else you other vessels of the navy, she is kept One day there came flying down When the washing is done the tub in exquisitely . neat condition, the beach a bit of yellowed paper. should be put upside down on the might take. Its merit has smartness being accentuated by The kitten pursued, it, leaping high basement floor, a little water poured been proven thousands of coat of dazzling white paint. The in the air after it as it was carried ove^ the bottom, and they never will times in cases of Poor Ap lines of the Mayflower, which aloft .by the strong breeze. She flat dry out and fall to pieces. built for cruising at medium speed as tened herself on top of it when she The Wash Bdiler.—When putting petite, Headache, Indiges well as for comfort, have attracted the had gained possession. The girl the boiler away, wipe it as dry as pos tion, Dyspepsia, Costive- _ _ admiring notice of many marine ob laughed at her antics *and, growing sible and always place it upside down. ness and Malarial Disor servers. The interior of the May Interested, caught up the bit of paper In this way it will last for years. This Be persuaded to try ders, flower does not resemble that of a crushing it in a ball to throw toward hint was given me by an old boiler warship, thus belying in a way her the eager animal. As she did it, a mender and I never have had to have a bottle today, Refuse place on the active list of the navy’s line of writing caught her eye. It my boiler repaired since. substitutes. ships. She is decorated beautifully, was a familiar masculine scrawl. To Wash Clothes .Lines.—A good principally in white, gold, silver, With eager haste she opened it and way to wash clothes lines Is to wind and every provision is made for read the letter that the kitten had them on a long board and scrub them drawn from the hole two weeks be- with a scrubbing brush. You will find comfort of the President --and Tents, Awnings, Sails The Girl Was Very Lonely. guests. Thousands of dollars fore. Cots, Hammocks, Canvas and Covers that in this way you keep them from 1 or 1,000 at factory prices. “Why,” the girl murmured, “he dld getting tangled. It is so hard to wind spent annually in the upkeep of the over her head, they were planning to PACIFIC TENT AND AWNING CO. vessel. carry her to the city, where she would write and he begged my pardon.” them when you wash them in the tub. 27 N. First St., Portland, Or. The kitten sat and looked at her. The Mayflower has been assigned to be shut in from the wind and wave. Fading Caused by Hot Irons.—Fa the use of the President since 1902. After that they, talked sweet noth She had been a silent, witness to the ding is caused by too hot Irons. Th,e Between the dose of the Spanish* ings over her head, but finally they whole story, the petty quarrel, the fading of colored articles is due often American war and her assumption of disagreed. The loud voices startled tragedy of parting and of loneliness not to the washing, but the ironing. Secretary of State Knox. win in. n her new duties she served as a gun the kitten and she sprang from her which had followed. To her the let Too hot irons are used directly on the EYE REMEDY Liquid Form, 25c, 50c. Salve Tubes, 25c, $1.00. ter had been a plaything; to the glrl z boat. The question of her disposition the material and this will fade delicate resting place and flew down inade a move against the drug through it meant life. colors more than any amount of wash a treaty with China which prohibits arose when it was consicjpred by the sAnds. But they did not notice her. The girl flung her arms’ out with ing. The effect is even worse than authorities that she had outlived her her The girl ’ s face was as white as the importation of smoking opium for a glad gesture toward the sea. “I the use of Chinese residents in this period of naval usefulness. The deci dress. “I can’t give all of my time shall write to him tonight,” she said, strong sunlight. Be sure that> the ar country. Many Americans were then sion to reconvert her Into a yacht and to you, Richard,” she said, “not until “and tomorrow, oh, waves, you shall ticle is evenly dampened and that the iron is only hot enough to smooth the engaged in the traffic and, as there detail her to do duty as a Presidential after our engagement is announced.” him back to me.” wrinkles properly by firm, even pres _COFFEES “*Fhen announce it,” he demanded. bring wag little trouble in secretly dis vessel In place of the old Dolphin She sped toward the hotel and the TEA SPICES tributing the drug after it had been brought forth almost universally favor “Why is it necessary to keep it kitten was forgotten. But the kitten sure and you will have no more trou BAKING POWDER ble from fading. Skirts must never brought to the United States, the able comment, as it was felt that the I secret, Elizabeth?” was content. For her there was the EXTRACTS traffic continued regardless of the President should have a yacht worthy “I have told you and told you,” she sand, the sea and the wild song of be Ironed across the gores, but up and JUST RIGHT down; otherwise the fit of the garment treaty and the drug acquired victims, of comparison with those of the heads stated, “that until mother returns the waves and of the wind. is ruined.—Chicago Tribune. ■white and yellow, accordingly. Last of other great nations. from abroad and ratifies it I must CLOSSET a DEVERS year when the statute prohibiting the not let the world know.” PORTLAND. ORE.' ............. "I"- . - I,.«/, importation of opium for anything but “ I am so afraid of losing you, ” he Roman Pie. SOME QUEER TASTES IN GOVERNMENT OWNS RECLAIMED EGGS medieiàal purposes was passed, there said, “that perhaps I am unreason- One-fourth pound cold meat, minced, ACRES. were abhut 200,000 users of the drug able. But you danced so often with Those of the Booby and the Noddy two ounces of grated cheese, three among Àmpricans. A recent estimate ounces cooked macaroni, one cooked In execution of the project for Im Radcliff last night that, my heart Find Favor Among People of places the present number at 150,000. was heavy as I watched you.” onion, pepper, salt and mustard, one- West Indies. Great Britauk and Portugal are assum proving the channel of the Potomac New. Handsome, Instructive. Up- “Oh, Radcliff!” She threw out half ounce butter, a little vermicelli. river along the water front of Alex to-Date. describing ed to be the\strongest opponents of her hands in a gesture of scorn. “As Grease a plain mold with the butter andria, the United States will obtain for only eggs considered fit “ The this measure. »» If any woman would look at him and sprinkle the vermicelli over. FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES, The attitude of sGreat Britain will about 44 acres of land in Battery cove, twice when you are around, Rich- food in this part of the world,’ re- Line the mold with short crust. Mix just above Jones point. The question the traveled man, “ are those marked SHRUBS, VINES, be watched witi inyerest by the dele ard/’ all the ingredients together and mois gatee from other nations. Although in of title to this land has been in dis His face cleared at that and they produced by domestic poultry; but ten with a little milk; put it into ROSES, BERRY PLANTS, ETC. the last few yeaip she has shown an pute for several months, and it re began their walk back toward the there are places where the grocer of the mold. Then cover the top with Free on request Write now, men Inclination to joh in the movement quired an opinion of the Attorney hotel, talking peacefully as they fers one quite a selection from which pastry and bake on lower shelf or top tioning this paper. to choose. for the suppress!^ of the misuse of General to settle it. The white kitten trailed along of the oven until the paste is cooked. went, “ In the West Indies the eggs of cer The river and harbor act of the re- J. B. PILKINGTON Nurseryman the drug, Great Briain in the past has behind, making mad dashes down Turn out and serve with brown sauce. Portland, Oregon been open to severe criticism because i cent Congress contained an appropria the beach, and, at length, rushing ofi tain sea birds are placed on the mar of her Indo-Chinese opium traffic. It tion of $60,000 for the improvement of ahead of them, she landed on a ledge ket in great quantities and command has. been the populei impression, and the Potomac opposite Alexandria. The hollowed out by the waves. There a ready sale, Most sea birds’ eggs New Way of Putting Up Cucumbers. Instead of putting up your cucum tfith some foundation,that the British approved project contemplates dredg was a hole in the ledge where a bird have a strong fishy taste, but this Is government forced on the Chi ing the river channel 24 feet deep had made a nest. Elizabeth stopped not the case with the eggs of the ber pickles in the usu^l way try this nese by the so-called “^lum war.” It along the water front of Alexandria and examined it. “It’s like a little booby and the noddy, and as the lat- method: Fill a two quart fruit jar with may be said in extenWon that for and depositing the dredged material mall box,” she said. “Some day I ter always repair to certain rocky small cucumbers that have been wash every pound of the drug^dfa sent to in Battery cove. That cove is within am going to leave a letter for you islets at the nesting season, the mer ed. Fill up with vinegar, put a small chants who deal in the product are cheese cloth bag filled with spices on China the Chinese prod^&i and con the limits of the District of Columbia, here, Richard.” able to secure a sufficiently large sup and seal. Will keep indefinitely, sumed at least 20 times'\at amount and the jurisdiction and ownership of “Every day I shall look* for it;” he ply to make it profitable. The eggs top within their own borderete^ fact not the United States extend to high-water always retain their crispness, and declared, ardently. are slightly smaller than those of a surpass those that have been put mark on the Virginia shore. generally known. To use the cove in the way pro After that the kitten stood guard hen; the shells are white with blue in the usual manner. One effect of the Ih^riiational Opium commission’s confe|^ce Was posed, the construction of bulkheads often over letters which came to the and brown markings; .and when boil- a pact between the British^j^ qhp and retaining walls was necessary. strange hiding place, Some of the ed, the yolk is of a deep yellow and A New Taste for Taffy. nese governments, by which'for. Interested parties owning adjoining letters were in pale gray envelopes the white faintly tinged with blue. Coffee taffy Is new. Instead of wa “Along the northern coast of South mer agreed to reduce her pr0Gction land offered to make these construc and addressed in a feminine hand, and exportation of opium to Ch-a at tions at their own expense, provided others were big and square with a America the natives eat the eggs of ter, use coffee to dilute the sugar. the rate of one-tenth a year, begiMng the government would not dispute i masculine scrawl. One day a strange the alligators that still swarm in their Cook in the usual manner and pull the January, 1908. Great Britain has59pt their title to the land thus reclaimed. man left a letter and when Elizabeth sluggish rivers. The egg of an alli taffy the same as the old-fashioned The engineers regarded that arrange opened It she gasped: “How did he gator is about three inches long, and variety. As it begins to stiffen, roll her part of the contract, and a perfect oval in shape. It has no in ground nuts and break into de- has more than kept up her end. i^3 ment as economical and advantageous ; know?” “What is It?” Richard demanded. shell, but is covered with a tough skin. sired lengths. to the United States. Before entering claimed on behalf of China that ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE “How did Radcliff know that we It contains a glutinous substance, but has up to the present time reduce ; into any formal agreement, however, ’ CUT RATES IN when boiled assumes the consistency her annual production and consum; it was decided to ask the Attorney ’ mailed our letters here?” To Keep Lettuce Fresh. PAINLESS DENTISTRY said to have an agree- “ You must have* told him, ” Rlch- of jelly, and is tion of opium to 380,000 piculs—50 lj\General for an opinion as to the own- Painless Extraction .....Fret Place the lettuce stems downward Silver Fillings........ .............504 666,666 pounds—about half the former Vship of the artificial accretions when i ard said. “You have been with him able flavor. in a small tin pail, sprinkle with Gold Fillings........................... 754 “The egg of another reptile that is water, put the cover on tightly and amount. It is now China’s desire for bade as proposed. In his opinion the > often enough lately.” 22 K. Gold Crowns $1 America is that of the eaten in South “ Oh, jealousy! ” Porcelain Crowns ..•••••••.$3 a new agreement with Great Brltain^\torney General reviews the law in set in a cool place. It will keep fresh Molar Gold Crowns.......... . ,.S4 Iguana, a lizard that frequents sandy Her eyes blazed. “ Will you never by which the ten-year period may be ie matter and holds that the sub- Bridge Work, 22 K. Gold....$3 for days. Inlay Fills, Pure Gold ......$2 shortened to seven or even five years; jerged area will remain the property understand that he is only an old places. The egg is about the size of Very Nice Rubber Plate.... ¿4 ° the United States up to the pres- friend? Why I have known him a pigeon’s, and except Jn the matter Best Rubber Plate on Earth..................................... $7 of the of size is identical with that from a boy. ” Proper Cut. ALL THIS WORK IS GUARANTEED. ©khigh-water mark on the Virginia ’t throw your money away. A dollar saved PRESIDENT’S FLOATING HOME. sh^ Capt. W. T. Hannum, the en- “Why should he write you letters?” alligator.” Corned beef should be placed In par Is Don two dollars earned. Our original reliable Modem With fibers running lengthwise, fat and Painless Methods and our perfected office equip- gifi'r officer in charge of the project “It’s just some foolishness.” She us time and your money. When the president’s flag, with Its ed aprovement, has made an estl- tore open the envelope and gasped. lean alternately; then press and slice. menteaves BOSTON DENTISTS, Sth » Morrison, Portland A girl's substitute for wild oats is to Cut across the grain national coat of arms emblazoned on maWhat the reclaimed land will be “What does he say.?” her lover de Batnnev 291H Morrison, opposite Postoffice and Meier A spell her name Mayme or Lucylle FMak. Eatablished in Portland 10 year«. Opea ereniqfl blue background, Is raised over the worSftom $20.000 to $60.000 manded. •Mil • m U Sandsya uadi 121 JO. for pcojte who witb THE SILENT WITNESS ASSIST YOUR WEAK STOMACH TRY MURINE NURSERY CATALOG Q U T Y Q Q u A L I T Y