28c doz. for fresh eggs. 12Vbc lb. for dressed Pork. 1 lc lb. for dressed Veal. 16c lb. for live chickens. Smith pays the above prices.- He never charges you commission. You get ALL of your money when you ship to Smith. Address FRANK L. SMITH MEAT. CO. “Fighting the Beef Trust” PORTLAND, OREGON CAP and BELLS Dr. B. E. Wright Have your teeth out ar.d plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRICES: Mohr Crowns.... $5.00 22k Bridge Teeth $3.50 Gold Fillings......... $1 op Enamel Fillings... $1.00 Silver Fillings.... 50c up Good Rubber Plates $5.00 Best Red Rubber e_ _A Plates............. $7-50 Painless Extraction.. 50c BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get better painless work anywhere, no matter now much you pay. All Work Fully Guaranteed for Fifteen Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342i Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer tö Washington St. Handing It to Him. *Td like to be rich." “How rich?** “Just rich enough so that you would marry me.” “Pig! Aren’t you ashamed for want ing all the mon av in th a world?*4 She Deserved a Lathering, USE ALLEN’S FOOT-TABS Antiseptic Tablets. Instantly relieve smarting, swelling, sweating of the feet. Healing to sore spots. The curative prop erties of Allen's Foot-Ease (the antisep tic powder) are medicinallv combined in' Alien’s Foot-Tabs for the Foot-Bath. Positive relief for hot, sweating, sore feet and quickly remove the odor of perspira tioh. “Foot-Tabs for Foot-Tabs.” All What Man Overheard While Dining Druggists,.25c, Sample FREE. Allen S; Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y. at Restaurant—Women All Talked FOUR LADIES IN DISCUSSION at Same Time. A mao dining alone at a restauranv the other night was observed to smile hugely as he listened to the prattle of four ladies seated immediately be-; hind him. They were discussing di-l vergent topics, and, as is usual in such cases, they were all talking at the same time. This is the result as it reached the man’s ears: “Thank goodness, my Polly is blessed—” “With a calf’s head and a pig's face—“ . “I love to see little- Johnny well dressed—” > “In the fish kettle over a charcoal fire— “To see the darlings dancing before one— ^'In the frying pan—■” “And to hear their guileless tongues—* “Bubble and squeak—” “I always see the children put to bed personally—” “And smothered in onions—” “And if they have been good bairns, I invariably order—;’’ “The heart to be stuffed and roasted, the gizzard to be peppered, and the sole to be fried—” And so on, and so on. Mrs. Hashleigh—Something wrong With your glass of water, Mr. Boarder? Boarder—There's a hair in the ice. Her Little Jest. Mrs. H.—Impossible! I shaved that The man who goes about selling tee myself. those little Swiss clocks stopped at the wayside cottage. “Lady,” he said, politely, 'Het me sell you one of these tiny timepieces. ASK. YOUR GROCER FOR JL & S. BRAND OF They are very simple and even the Blueing Disinfectant Spray works are wood.“ Ammonia Cold Water Liquid Starch “Gracious! ” . exclaimed the humor “Clean, 0” Non-Boiling Washing Fluid ous housewife, with a merry twinkle in her eye, “I should imagine .those clocks would be dangerous to have K. an ° ’S. chemj C a 10> around in the summer.” “Dangerous in the summer? Why so, ma’am?” ^P harmacists ^ “Why, on account of the wood MANUFACTURE AU DRUG SPECIALTIES J ’Icka.” Phone Main 113 401 Main St Vancouver, Washington OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Trains for success in the Industries. Provides practicar and liberal educa tion. Strong Faculty. Modern Equip ment. Offers courses in Agriculture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art. Engineering, Commerce and Pharmacy. Fall Term Opens Sept. 23, 1910. Illustrated literature, giving full in formation, sent free on application. Address the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. nursery C atalog New. Handsome, Instructive, Up- to-Date. describing FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, ROSES, BERRY PLANTS, ETC The Wonders About us. Let not care and humdrum deaden as to the wonders and mysteries amid which we live, por to the splendors and glories, w We need not translate ourselves in imagination to some oth er sphere or state of being to find the marvelous, the divine, the transcend ent’; we need not postpone our day of wonder and appreciation to some future time and condition. The true Inwardness of this gross visible world hanging like an apple on the bough of the great cosmic tree, and swelling with all the juices land potencies of life, transcends anything we have dreamed of superterrestrial abodes.—« John Burroughs. Lunchoom Taffy. “Bring me a plain steak,” ordered the new patron in the lunch room. “Yes, sir,” responded the pretty waitress. • “And some plain potatoes.” “I have your order, sir.” “And some plain bread.” J'Graclpus, sir, you must think we keep everything plain in'here?” “Yes, everything is plain, but the waitress.” And when the boss was not looking she slipped film two wedges of apple nie gratis. Rejected. Howard—How wife stop buying Coward—I told out my ties for choose the style her.—Life. did you make your your ties? her I’d let her pick me if she’d let me of hair dressing for y How Matches Are Made. Certain kinds of matches are shaved; with the grain from sawed blocks; others are cut both 'ways by saws. In still further. varieties the blocks are boiled to make them cut easily. By some machines a boiled or steamed log is revolved on its own axis, and a shaver the thickness of a match is cut round and round. This- shaving is at the same time cut into lengths and split into match sticks. It may be said that there is hardly a limit to the varieties of methods employed. Round matches, are made by forcing them through dies*—Harper's Weekly. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Grand Scenery In Arizona. Truly Wonderful Alarm Clock. A' few years ago the French govern ment acquired by purchase from a privatej collection a wonderful alarm ; clock which was once the property of the great Napoleon and which not only tells the time of day, but, as well, the day, the month, the year, the mean solar time, the phases of the moon, and Indicates, in addition, the quarter hours. Its attachments also includo a thermometer. Policemen were summoned by the loud howling of a dog to the rescue of another dog that had fallen* into the river at Yarmouth, England. The sec ond animal was saved, and the first then refused to leave the policemen, **iid spent the night at the station. Where the Leap Came In. Fair Arrival—But why do they can this, unpicturesque spot under a craggy tree *Lover’s Leap?” ' Her Friend—Probably because you can’t sit here five minutes without a caterpillar dropping down your neck. Set Age Limit oh Marriage. According to Russian law ho man or woman who has attained the age of eighty can contract a legal mar Red, Weak:, Weary, Watery, Eyes. riage. No other country nowadays Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Imposes such a restriction: In ancient “For unprofessional conduct.” Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes, 50c at T out **What did he do?” Rome, however, legislation on this Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free. “It was what he didn’t do. He neg point was even more stringent, the Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. lected an opportunity to perform an maximum age limit for men being On the Installment Plan. operation on a rich patient.” sixty and for women fifty. One day Robert said, “Uncle Bill, Delicate Irony. how much do you • want for those An Interruption. Makart, the great Viennese painter, pups?” “Oh, about $2. apiece,” was Among the primary pupils enrolled was taciturn to a fault. It is related the reply. “But, Uncle Bill,” said Robert, “what could I do with a piece in a Baltimore school there this term of him that once at a dinner party he is the son of a prominent business sat next to Mme. Gallmeyer for a of pup?”—The Delineator. man of that city. whole hour without uttering a syllab le, Certainly Not. One afternoon at close of school when his fair neighbor playfully “I see your heroine floats from the youngster sought out his father nudged him “with, her elbow and said: room to room.“ in his office, to whom he said: “Come, Herr con Makart, let us “Of course,” said the author of the “Dad, I’m getting tired of school. I change the conversation.” book. “Would you expect her to at think I’ll quit.” Teach Obedience. tempt to walk in these new gowns?” “Why/’ asked the astonished parent, —Louisville Courier-Journal. Let children understand that dis “what’s the matter, Tommy? I thought you were’ fond of going to obedience Is sure to be followed by One Writer’s View of Life. punishment. A child seldom disobeys school.” The art of life consists in putting “So I am, dad,” responded the young Nature more than once in touching a ourselves into the place of those we ster, repressing a yawn, “but it breaks hot lamp-glass* It will soon learn to do not understand, as well as of those up the day so.”—Harper’s Magazine. obey you as well. Never allow It to who do not understand us.—-Ivan Pa ask why. You know:; that is enough. nin. Weighed In. MUNYON’S HOMEOPATHIC HOME REMEDY CO., Phila., Pa. You can.take this treatment at the Institute I or your home, and your money will be returned if a perfect cure is not affected. Investigate this, it will only take a few moments to phone us for information. Personal and financial reference on application. For full informa tion, phone, write or call at the NEAL Picking up a sharp knife from, the meat stand the customer extends it to the butcher with the remark: “I haven’t any use for it, but you may cut it off, and i’ll take it along; anyhow.” “Cut what out?’”1 gasps the aston ished butcher. “Your hand. You weighed, it with the roast, you know, and I want all L pay for.”—Life. Phone, Marshall 2400 \354 Hall St. ' f PORTLAND, OR e J Beetle—I see the old foot doctor has an automobile. He must be making money these 'days*. Worm—Why not? Nearly al] Union Painless Dentists his Willie patients are centipedes. Out-of-Town People Should remember that our force is so organized that The Philosopher of Folly. we can do their entire Ciown, Bridge and Plate work in' a day if necessary. Positively painless extract “Many a girl can learn to love ing free when plates or bridges are ordered. We re move the most sensitive teeth and roots without the man,” says the philosopher of foil least pain. No students, no uncertainty, but special “if the man has enough money to p<, ists wno do. the most scientific and careful work. Lady attendants. *or her education.“ Full Set of Teeth................................. $5.00 Bridge Work or Teeth without Plates $3.50 to $5 Gold Crowns....................................................... $3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns................. $3.50 to $5.00 No Other Excuse. Gold or Porcelain Fillings........................... $1.00 Up ~~ Tom—And was theirs a love match? Silver Fillings........................................................ 50c to $1.00 Best Plate Made.................................................... $7.50 Jack—It must have been; they No charges for Painless Extracting when other work is done. 15 years' Guarantee with all work. were both aulte wealthy. Ifoua 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 221H Morrison Street. Unanswered Yet. “Mamma,” said little Harry, peering over the doughboard with much inter* est “What is It, dear?” “If making bread makes- white hands, like I’ve heard you tell sister, where does the. dirt go to?” Technical Explanation. Ask your dealer for IMPERIAL Société Chocolats A trial wdl convince you of their quality. If he does not carry mem send direct to us 406 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Or. Belgium’s Fine Sea Front. The sea front of Belgium, which ex tends about 40 miles, stretching from Holland to France; is paved almost en tirely for'the entire length, and forms one huge, wide oeean boulevard. And this, by the way, is the most pro ductive Of public works in the king dom. MOWARD E. BURTON — Assayer and Chemist, "* Lead^.lle, Colorado.. Specioipn :prices: _ Gold, Silver, Lead. JI. Gold,, Silver, 75o; Gold. 50c; Zin® or Copper, $1. M'tilinR.envelopos and full price list sent on application. Control' and Umpire work so- licitod. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. F prn a ci and kodak wjt L £V SUPPLIES Write, for catalogues and literature. Developing* arid printing. Mail orders given prompt attention Portland Photo Supply Col Tents, Awnings, Sails Assistant Editor—Where is the foreman today? Compositor—He dropped 20 feet from his aeroplane last night and pied his form. Unaccommodating. Mr. Phunn—I tell you these rail roads are a tyrannical lot, Mr. Phann—You bet! I've even been at ball games that were called so the two teams would be able to catch their train.—Puck , Cots, Hammocks, Canvas and Covers 1 or 1,000 at factory prices. PACIFIC TINT AND AWNING CO. 27 N. First St., Portland, Or. TRY- HB8ME EYE REMEDY Liquid Form, 25c, 50c. High Standard win ifc » Salve Tubes, 25c, $1.00t ‘I’horSügh Courses Session begins Sept. 12. 1 . For catalogue ad dress Dean, Dr. S. E. Joseph!, 610 Dekum Bldg., Portland, Oregon Neth & Co. COLLECTORS We Buy and Collett Notes, Mortgages, and Real Estate .Contracts. No Collection No Charge« Portland, Ore. Worcester Bldg., ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are qu ckly relieved by Wyatt’s Asthma Remedy. Guaranteed or money refund ed. Agk your druggist or send six cents postage for Free Sample to J. C. WYATT, Druggist. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON “FILL YOUR OWN TEETH” FILL-O Physical Powers of Insects. Ants will carry loads 40 or 50 times as heavy as themselves. The beetle can move a weight 112 times his own weight. The house fly gives 600 strokes of Its wings in one second, and this enables it to get a distance of 35' feet _______________ PORTLAND, ORE. 149 Third Street If yo,u have aching'teeth or cavities and you are too nervous for the dental ordeal, try Fill-O, the home dentist^ At druggists or by mail, 25c. FILL-O MFG CO., 351 Empire-Bldg., Seattle, Wasfc Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregon Useful New Substance. “Resinite” is the name of a new substanoe invented in Germany, use ful as a substitute for celluloid and ivory. It renders wood, paper and pasteboard Impenetrable and makes Not So Bad. Mrs. Myles—You wasn’t at the pine, for example, so hard that it rap idly dulls a planer* , bridge party Yesterday? Mrs Styles—No; I was detained by sickness at home. Mrs. Myles—So sorry ! I hope your dear little dog Fido wasn’t sick? TÀe Mrs. Styles—Oh no; only one of the children! —Yonkers Statesman. INSTITUTE Near. “Did I understand you to say he was a near relative of yours?” “Yes. He is a second cousin.“ “I shouldn’t call that very near.* “But he’s Scotch.” To a Certain Sweet Extent. “Do you wholly trust me, darling?” murmured the young man to the fair creature who was sitting beside him on the front seat of the trolley car. “I do to* a certain extent,” she re sponded after a little hitch of hesita tion. “What extent?” he asked, anxiously, i “Why,” she explained, “I would trust you to the extent of not being afraid of there being any poison in a box of candy you might send me by mail.” ~ * . ' • - Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Byrup the best remedy to use fox their children during the teething period. Dog Forsook His Chum. Makes the skin soft as velvet. Improves any complexion. Best shampoo made. Cures most skin eruptions. Munyon’s Hair lnvigorator cures dandruff. Stops hair from falling. Makes hair grow. If you have dyspepsia, or any liver trouble, use Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills. They cure Bil iousness, Constipation, and drive all impurities from the blood. No Hypodermic Injections. MENTALLY UNBALANCED. Arizona has some of the grandest scenery in the world; the famous Grand Canyon of the Colorado and the wonderful Chalcedony forest, with trunks four feet thick, cracked into ex quisitely colored blocks, being promi nent ■_______ _ J. B. PILKINGTON, Nurseryman * Portland, Oregon “The Neal TJnktt Cured Me” 11U Oil Sherman Bays Co. “You are not looking well, Mrs. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS Willington.’’ SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. “No; I haven’t slept well lately.” “What’s the trouble? Has the hot We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR , weather affected you?” HOME FREE. We want you to try it at ;*“Oh, no, it isn’t that.” our expense because— “I’ll tell you what it is. You ought At thé end of thirty days the Piano to give up the practise of drinking /7 SELF will convince you of the following coffee at night. I know a lot of peo facts: ple who toss awake all night after It’s the best value on earth for the price they have been out to a late dinner ($275). / and finished with coffee. I had to quit it myself.” W3 MUSICALLY wad MECHANICALLY “I’m sure that isn’t the cause of righti: my trouble.” V/e know there is so much real Value in “Have you seen a doctor? 9 selling for $275—on easy payments— that “No. A doctor couldn’t help me we’re willing to let it bç IT’S OWN SALESMAN. . ' any.” It will tell it's own story to you — in your home — if you ’ ll send us the “But how can you tell until you go coupon. to one and let him examine you?” Please senu me lull particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. •^Well, if you must know, I’m wor rying about my husband. He hasn’t Name.¿................. Address..................... ....... kicked at the size of the bills lately, I— — ......... ■■■■ and he’s been so kind and even-tem pered right along for a month or two that I feel almost s^re he must be; Were Well Taught. Reverie. leading a double .life. Ah, if he would The children of an infant school in Reverie, like the rain of night, re only get to grumbling and making it disagreeable around the house stores color and force to thoughts Wales are taught very much by signs. \gain! ” which have been blanched and wearied The hand, of the teacher sloped sig by the heat of the day. With gentle nifies “oblique;” the hand held fiat, fertilizing power it awakens within us “horizontal;” the hand upright, “per All They Could. Afford. a thousand sleeping germs and, as pendicular.” One of the Welsh bishops “Sir,” said the indignant citizen, “T though in play gathers round us ma was preaching one day in behalf of found a fishworm in my hydrant this terials for the future and images for the school, when, observing several morning.” the use of talent. Reverie is the Sun children whispering together, he held “I’m very sorry,” replied the com day of thought, and who knows which- bis hand upright in a warning man plaint clerk, “that we cannot afford to is the more important and fruitful ner, meaning thereby to impose sb supply you with fish,. but at the pres for man, the laborious tension of the lence, on which almost the whole ent low rate for water the best we week, or the life-giving repose of the school, in the midst of the sermon, can do is to furnish bait.” shouted out, “Perpendicular!” Sabbath—Amiel’s Journal. Bears the Signature of SO MANY FEET. 1 Woman Not Well Because Husband Does Not Kick at Size of Bills— Misses His Grumbling. The Kind You Have Always Bought Free on request Write now, men tioning this paper. [Drink ROBBED OF HER HAPPINESS f > COFFEE«. J1 TEA SPICES' BAKING POWDER > EXTRACTS just R ight CLOSSEraDEVEBS PORTLAND. ORE.' J Cough of NOW W TIME Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; It controls the tick ling, quiets the cough. A We publish, our formulae _ We banish alcohol from our medicines W Jy°v to a J > aj consult your v doctor One of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime will cause an increased flow of bile,, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. Formula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He will understand at a glance« Dose; one pill at bedtime. ■»Made by the J. O. Ayer Oo., Lowell, Maa»:—* of the year to have your teeth out ana plate rind bridge work done. For out» of-town patrons w© finish plate ana bridge work in one day if necessary. P bioesi Molar Crowns 22k Bridge Teeth3. 50 1.00 Gold Fillings Enamel-1 Fillings 1.00 Illings .50 Silver Fillings Good Rubber Plates Best Rubber 7.50 Plates ‘ _____ OR. W. A. WISE, P resident and Muuen Painless Extr'tlon .50 5.00 23 YEARS ESTABLISHIO IN PORTLAND BEST METHODS rainless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work Is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get bettea painless work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. All work fully guaranteed for fifteen yean. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATED Painless Dentists Mng Building, Third & Washington, PORTLAND. 0REGM OtflCG Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 ?. M. Sundays. 8 to 1 P N U NO. 38-^10 HXSf writing to advertlserfl please mention this paper. W