fflnttagr tour Wtfwl™ VOLUME IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1910 T to vote against the measure. And THE PRIMARY TOMORROW | wick this same condition obtains elsewhere within the counties of Lane and Doug CANDIDATES FOR WHOM ELEC las. If those editors who continually knock Nesmith county would take the TORS MAY CAST BALLOT. trouble to investigate the measure there would be less opposition to the Nomination Petitions Filed and the creation of the proposed county. Names of Aspirants Placed on the Official Ticket. MANY MINOR MATTERS. I DISCUSSES MANY MAHERS lAldermanic Body Considers Park Driveway, Dyke, Water System and Other Things* NUMBER 52 advocatd taking steps to do away with both believing that a little rumpus in that part of town would do no harm. The city attorney had investigated' the matter as shown by the official rec ords. The mill race was deeded to the mill owners in 1871, and provided for a ditch six feet in width. The ditch ex ceeds this width by several feet. Mr. Lawson moved that the city attorney be instructed to notify Mr. Matthews that this ditch is encroaching on the public way, that he niust confine the water to six feet, and curb and cover the ditch according to the provisions of the deeds. It was suggested that the City take land belonging to Col. Veatch into the city corporation limits, throw up a high road thereon, diverting the water to the Spahr property» and then let Messrs. Spahr and Matthews fight it out, but nothing came of the sugges tion. - HAVE A SUCCESSFUL YEAR W. C. T. U. LADIES GRATIFIED WITH RECORD SHOWN. Annual Meeting Elects Officers for the Ensuing Ygar.—Commit tees Make Reports. Paragraphs Gleaned Here and There ----------- -—t The following are the names'of the by The Sentinel Reporters. When the annual meeting of the local The council convened in adjourned make had received a kick from the republican candidates for the state "and J. W. Masterson of Walla Walla, session on Monday „night to open bids public, to which Mr. Lawson replied Woman’s Christian Temperance Union county officers who have filed nomina Washington, and F. S.; Wilson of Inde for $30,000 worth of bonds, bids! for the that he favored the driveway if it were adjourned last Friday afternoon, after tion petitions and whose names will be pendence, Oregon, spent the first of construction of a storm sewer on the put through right. He advocated con having transacted the usual routine printed on the official ballots at the the week in Cottage Grovel Mr. Wil east side of the railway, and for the crete curbs and macadam, in order to business and elected officers for the en primary election tomorrow: son was for seventeen years in the transaction of such other business as keep vehicles out of the park. suing year, it was to accompany the For Congressman—F. B. Mulkey -of mercantile trade at Independence, might properly come before it. There Something having been said in re? outgoing president, Mrs. John Baker, Jackson; W. C. Hawley of Marion but recently sold his business and is were ho bids for the 6 per cent twen.- ply to the plea made by the ladies that to the passenger station and bid her county. looking for a location. They went ty-year-bonds. There having been no the lives of little children would be en happiness and success in her new home For Governor—Albert Abraham of south on Tuesday, but will return. at Albany. As the train departed the ordinance passed by the adermanic body dangered by the driveway, Mayor Kime Douglas county; Jay Bowerman of Gil Mrs. Lula Singletary of Eugene spent designating the form of bonds, was sug said not many would be injured unless Oregon Dry yell was given and a verse liam ; Grant B. Dimmick of Clackamas; Sunday with Cottage Grove friends. gested by the city attorney as a pos the park was more extensively occu of, “God’Be With You ’Till\WeJ Meet E. Hofer of Marion. J. S. Medley went to Portland on sible ’ reason, «¿md such an ordinance pied than it had been this summer. Again,” was sung. OLD SOLDIERS DISBAND. For Sécretarfy of State—F. W. Ben Sunday, where Mrs. Medley is visiting was adoptedYorthwith. Following are the new officers elect Mr. Bartels, who was in a hunjprous son of Douglas; G. Wingate of Clatsop. relatives. He later attended the Lane An interesting feature of the session mood, said if the children had 160 acres Last Day of Reunion PleSsant and ed: Mrs. Katy B. Woods, president; For State Treasurer—Ralph W.,Hoyt county fair at Eugene. Mrs .Royer, recording secretary; Mrs. was the question of constructing a driv- they would not stay within its limits, Profitable. of Multnomah; Thomas B. Kay of Mar Mrs. R. White has returned from a way through the public park. The and Mr. Lawson remarked that “so far Chamberlain, corresponding secretary; The Lane County Veterans ’ Associ visit to Marcola. ion. council, at a previous meeting, had as this baby business is concerned there ation, in three days’ session here, had Mrs. Harvey Taylor, treasurer; Mrs. For Justice of Supreme Court— (Four The Rev. Robert Sutcliffe is in Hills authorized the .street committee to would be no danger.” a large attendance. Saturday from all Wheeler, assistant treasurer. year term) Henry J. Bean of Umatilla; boro attending conference. The following committees were ap open a 16-foot driveway . from Tennes “The merchants want to get the peo parts of the county at its meeting. Thomas A. McBride of Clackamas; L. A. Ralston has bought the A. L. see avenue on the wbst to a county road ple’s money,” said his honor,” yet re pointed : Superintendents of depart Shortly before noon the local members Wallace McCammant of Multnomah. Briggs residence. on the east in order to accommodate a monstrate against giving them a way formed in line in front of the First ments and vice-presidents, Mrs. Wood For Justice of Supreme Court—(six Miss Mamie Kime is attending busi large number of people residing in that to get to town to spend it.” National Bank and, headed by the Cot ard and Mrs. Chamber!ain. year term) Geo. H. Burnett of Marion; ness College at Eugene. locality. The Woman’s Club, which or Mr. Bartels moved to reject the re tage Grove Band, proceeded to the Program : Mesdames Woods, Wheel Frank A. Moore of Columbia. Col. and Mrs. C. M. Belfield of ganization was instrumental in secur monstrance, and receiving no second, er, Schleef and Neal. north-bound train, where other veterans For Attorney General—A. M. Craw-, Hutchinson, Kansas, have taken up ing the playgrounds, objected to the it was, on motion of Mr. Lawson, re Delegates to county convention: and their families from the southern ford of Douglas; J. N. Hart of Baker. their residence in Cottage Grove, Mesdames Neal, Schleef, Chamberlain council’s action, convened in special ferred to the park commission. part of the county joined them. The For Superintendent of Public Instruc Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wheeler return session, adopted resolutions protesting and Hart. FORCED COLLECTIONS. tion—L. R. Aiderman of Lane. ed home the first of the week from a against opening the park to vehicles The marshal reported that he had cob members of the Grand Army and Wom Mesdames Wheeler, Caldwell apd For State Printer—Wm. J. Clark of fortnight’s outing on the loyver Sius- because such a driveway would con lected $320.04 on writs of execution for en’s Relief Corps were escorted by .Chamberlain were appointed a com school children, representing the differ Marion; W. (S. Dunniway of Multno law. venience no one within the corporation delinquent sewer and street assess ent states, to the Armory, where a mittee to plan for temperance speak Mr. L. B. Warner of Portland was in mah. ers. limits, and only those outside, and ap ments, and the recorder read the list For Labor Commissioner—O. P. Hoff Cottage Grove on Tuesday, on his way pointing a committee to secure signa- of those from whom collections had dinner was- served. Following is a summary of the year’s In the afternoon an informal session of Multnomah; G. M. Orton of Mult home from Medford, where he is large tures to a remonstrance for presenta- been made. Mr. Lawson moved that work : ly interested in real estate. While here tion to the municipal dads. The re Marshal Snodgrass proceed to collect was held in Phillips’ Hall, where the nomah. - . Number Of business meetings held, old soldiers renewed acquaintances and For Division Superintendent of Water he hobnobbed with his old-time friend^ monstrance carried the signatures of other assessments fpr street and sewer talked over war-time reminiscences. 20. Number of mothers’ meetings —James T. Chinnock of Multnomah; C. E. Stewart. 103 persons, principally business men. improvements under the direction of In the evening Rev. Robert Sutcliffe, held, 6. Greatest success with Bible L. P. Tallman of Eugene shipped a Frank K. Gettings of Coos. Aiderman Bartels moved that the re- •' the city attorney, which motion pre of the First Methodist Church, deliver readings and mothers’ meetings. Mon For State Senator—(Lane and Linn large, quantity of prunes to the Cottage monstrance be laid over until the next vailed. ey used in Temperance work $57.35. ed an address._____ __ •counties) 'Ll E. Bean of Lañe; H. Bing Grove dryer. Money spent for literature, $10.50, Bo- CONNECT WITH SEWERS. meeting, and that the street committee REGISTRATION NOT LARGE. quets of flowers distributed, 500. Bo- Messrs. F. D. Wheeler, J. I. Jones circulate a counter, remonstrance in the This brought up the question of the ham of Lane. COUNTY OFFICERS. and J. S. Benson attended the Metho meantime. The motion, however, re sanitary condition of Cottage Grove. Less Than Five Thousand Enrolled quets.with test cards, 50. Three fam State Senator-W. W. Galkins of Eu dist conference At Hillsboro this week. ceived no second. ilies cared for during the winter. Ten Complaints had been received about- for the Primaries. Dr. M. A. Smith of Portland was in gene. •« bundles of clothing donated. Tag Day Mayor Kime declared that he had people within sewer districts failing to in Lane receipts $9.50. Held Francis Memorial Representatives—I. B. Cushman of tjie city yesterday. personally interviewed'Tnany of the in put in toilets and connecting with sew The registration , of voters county number close to 5000. The reg- The commission’s order having ex dividuals who had given their endorse ers, and this brought out considerable Acme; A. H. Eaton of Eugene; W. M. day and sent $2 to Francis Willard pired, the Southern Pacific has boosted ment to the remonstrance, and none of discussion. Mr. Lawson moved that istration closed on Wednesday and the I memorial fund.___________ Sutton of Springfield. number who enrolled themselves was County Judge—H.'W. Thompson of the California lumber rate $5. them had known the nature of the doc the compliments of the council be ten NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. The Lebanon Criterion Whacks Mr. ument. He had visited the park with,! dered Health Officer Oglesby, and that totaled on Saturday. There will, be Eugene. , ■ another registration after the primary County Clerk—I. T. Nicklin of Eu Bingham hard because of his support one of the commission, Col. R. M. he be instructed to compel all toilets Preaching at Presbyterian Church. election tomorrow. Thus far the reg gene; Stacy M. Russell of Springfield. to the liquor interests. Veatch, and after an investigation of where there are sewers to connect ■ Rev. Sutcliffe Absent. istration is 4,947, of whom 172 are re County Treaurer—S. W. Taylor of Eu J. J. Champlin, of Coburg, district conditions the Colonel had concluded therewith within thirty days. “Autumn’s Beauty” will be the sub publicans, and 1,145 democrats. There deputy for the Modern Woodmen of that a driveway would be a good thing gene; A. C. Jennings of Eugene. ROADS IN BAD SHA^E. ject of the morning discourse at the Sheriff—W. S. Moon of Eugene. America, was in Cottage Grove on Wed for all concerned. The persons solicit Complaints having come frqm the are 11 prohibitionists, 260 socialists, Christian church next Sunday. A large 113 independent, 125 non-political and ■ County Commissioners—W. L. Wheel nesday, on an official visit. ed simply signed the remonstrance be road supervisor at Dorena that the colored crayon picture and foliage dec er of Goshen; R. J. Hemphill of Pleas The city is obliged to lay 1200 feet cause it was presented to them, feeling American Light & Water company had 19 refused to give their politics. orations will add greatly to the inter ant Hill. of wafer mains to connect the new sys that it would avoid argument, declared left the public road in bad condition at In the north precinct of Cottage est of the subject. Mrs. W. A. Hem- Grove the total registration is 205, of County Surveyor—O. M. Collier of tem with the old. that place, Mr. Lawson had investi his honor. which 145 are republicans and 44 dem enway will read an appropriate selec Eugene. The Home Rule organization, by Mr. Bartels suggested that Mr. Lan gated and found huge rock and large tion. Evening subject, “The Life and Coroner—W. T. Gordon of Eugene. which is meant the liquor interests, dess had given right-of-way for the quantities of dirt left in the highway. ocrats. There were 108 republicans and Character of King David.” In the 64 democrats in the v^gst precinct. Port Commissioners, Port of Siuslaw has engaged the Armory.for October 9 pipe line free, and consequently should. He said that Geo. Kerr of near Wild midst of the discourse the speaker will •—P. E. Jackson of Mapleton; T. A. and 31, and will have speakers here on be given consideration in this matter. < wood had made the same complaint. North Creswell registered 48 republi impersonate “King David’s Lament.” cans and 19 democrats, while South Yost of Florence; John W. Bergman of those dates. “The park is in charge of the council,” Mr. Hawley also made protest against ' Creswell was a close second with 46 re Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening Florence; D. E. Severy of Florence. said Mr. Bartels, “and I say we should the manner in which the contractors publicans and 30 democrats. Other reg service at 7:30. FRATERNAL PROSTITUTION. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. had left boulders in his field. The Ore proceed to build the road.” Rev. D. C. McClelland of Sacramento istrations in Southern Lane county fol Governor Jefferson Myers of Multno Knights of Pythian Official Working Aiderman Lawson inquired if the in gon & Southeastern fences had been low : Bohemia, 7; Disston, 6; Dorena, City will preach from the pulpit of mah; Oswald West of Clatsop. the Presbyterian church next Sunday for Defeat of Nesmith. itiative petition for the purchase of the left down, and according to a state ■83; Saginaw, 100; Siuslaw, 43. Secretary of State—Turner Oliver of morning and evening with a view of Grand Chancellor D. E. Yoran and playgrounds provided for a commission, ment it would take a section crew a Union. LOW RATES IN FORCE. receiving a call as pastor. three other members of the Knights of and “by delving in sacred archives” it month to put the right-of-way in thfe Justice of Supreme Court—(Four Pythias With headquarters at Eugene, was ascertained that it did. There was, same condition as it had been found. - Services at the Christian Science year term) W. T. Slater of Marion; W. have been touring Eastern Oregon vis however, a vacancy in the committee, Mr. Spray complained that the company Advance Guard of Homeseekers Ex Hall Sunday at 11. Subject of the les R. King of Malheur. pected to Arrive Soon. iting lodges, giving-lodge work, and and Mayor Kime appointed John F. was putting dirt on top of the pipe and son sermon, “Reality.” State Printer—James E. Godfrey of distributing literature against the cre Spray to fill it. Colonists rates are now in effect from the rock on the surface. The city will There will be no preaching serviced Marion; J. S. Taylor of Klamath. ation of Nesmith county, according to Mr. Lawson thought the people were; ask the water company to attend to the east to Oregon and it is expected at the Methodist church Sunday. Bible Railroad Commissioner—Hugh Mc- a communication to The Eugene Guard making a mistake in not forcing a these matters. the influx of homeseekers will be very school at 10 a. m. Otho Hart leads the Lain of Coos; Chas. P. Strain of Uma- from Burns, and signed by D. E. Yor street through immediately south of heavy. During the past several months Epworth League. BIDS .FOR STORM SEWER. tilla. A piano has been placed in the Meth an, Ji S. Magladry, J. F. Dillard and the park, not because he owns land that When bids for the east side storm inquiries from eastern farmers to the Judge of Circuit Court—(Second Fred G. Stickles. “Nesmith coun would be materially benefitted, but be sewer were called for, Recorder Van- Cottage Grove Commercial club rel odist church for use during the fall term Judicial District) J. W. Hamilton ty, proposed, must die. We are leav cause that appeared to be the logical Denberg had none on his table, but Mr. ative to conditions in this part of the and winter months. of Douglas. Evangelist J. N. McConnell now of ing no stones unturned» but are hand place for a highway. He said it would Hubbell of Hubell & Elledge emerged state have come in large numbers and COUNTY OFFICERS. ing out a great amount of literature give all the people, except one or two; from the third house and laid a bid be by answering them a great deal of in Roseburg, has been secured for a spec Sheriff—H. L. Bown of Eugene. and advertising to vote no,” says the an outlet, and concluded by declaring fore the recorder. This firm offered to formation about the state has been ial meeting at the Christian church, letter. “that’s the street the people should I furnish all material and labor, and con spread among a desirable class of peo beginning about the middle of Janu NEW MANEUVER FIELD. Mr. Yoran and the accompanying center on.” struct the sewer with 20-inch pipe and ple. Many of the homeseekers are well ary. taking ad-van- Knights of Pythias are Mr. M. J. Fanning of Philadelphia, ■ Mayor Kime remarked that the open a 28-inch open ditch for $1600, forty provided with money, and while some National Guard May Camp Near in this grand ing through the park was not to be con ■ per cent of the price to be paid when Are looking for homesteads, others are 1 will deliver an address on the temper tage of their positions Klamath Next Season. willing to buy established or partly ance at the Christian church Tuesday, Setting apart of a portion of the and noble order for purposes political, sidered a street. Aiderman Hogate i the pipe is on the ground. and consequently are unworthy of the of the park commission opposed the s A representative of the Warren Con developed farms with a view to at once ' Oct. 11. ________________ Klamath Indian reservation for a big honors bestowed upon them by their driveway. struction company said his company making extensive improvements. Thé , CREAMERY CHANGES HANDS. maneuver field to be used by troops trusting brothers. The story of Damon i Aiderman Bartels remarked that he would like to have bid on the job,, but homeseekers are finding their way to stationed throughout the West is now all parts of the state, each individual under consideration by the Federal au and Pythias is familiar to every read had 'tired of remonstrances; if the peo • there were no specifications on which' having preference for a certain section Wyoming Buttermaker Buys Inter est and Leases Plant. thorities. For the purpose of report er. Upon it Pytbianism is founded. ple were not satisfied with the work ; to base an estimate. Yoran and his crowd, have betrayed* of the council let them get in and try r Mr. Lawson considered Hubbell & because of climate or other reasons. Mr. R. T. Dennis of Wyoming has ing formally upon tne adaptability of Elledge’s bid right, and moved that it Old Comrades Meet. bought a half interest in the Cottage the tract for military uses Adjutant- their triist; have turned. traitor, and it. Mr. Spray asked permission to speak, , be accepted and a committee appointed G. W. Kelley of this city and John Grove creamery, and Mr. Dan Bleuer General Finzer, of the Oregon National are exacting the pound of flesh. Every Guard, and Brigadier-General Maus, of Pythian who is true to his obligation and haying been granted the privilege i to solicit the sale of $640 worth of city Crawford of Oregon City, both mem and family have moved to Portland. of the floor, said while the driveway warrants for the cash payment. Mr. bers of Company K, 1st Iowa cavalry Mr. Dennis will remain here until the the United States Army', are now in knows what-this means. did not concern him personally, it would Hubbell said he had seen no specifica during the Civil war, met in Cottage first of the month, when he will re specting the reservations. Announce FOREST RANGERS WANTED. eventually prove valuable to the town. tions, but had had a verbal understand Grove last Thursday for the first time turn to Wyoming, where he is interest ment was'made during the recent bien nial maneuvers at American Lake that Examination Will Be Held at Rose He thought the playground altogether ing as to the dimensions of the pipe and since the disbandment of the conflict ed in oil lands. Arthur Louk of Cres too large. The tract used as a park ditch. Mr. Lawson’s motion prevailed. ing forces. They were chums during well has rented the creamery until July burg' Next Month. the region about Tacoma would likely not be used again for maneuver pur Civil service examination for the posi and that south of it owned by Mr. The mayor didAiot appoint the commit a part of that long struggle, and the 1 next, when Mr. Dennis will assume meeting was more like that of brothers charge.- Mr. Bleuer will conduct a poses. Not only is the water there tion of Forest Ranger will be held in Lawson comprised practically one-quar tee called for by motion. than of ex-soldiers. dairy ranch near Elkton. He retains a THE DYKE QUESTION. very poor but speculators have gained Roseburg, Oregon, on October 24 and ter of the town, with no way of getting half interest in the concern, and will control of much of the land and have 25, 1910. Persons desiring to take this through it. If one looks at it they will, The matter of providing against an Mixing Plant Due Soon. ship cream to this place. made a practice of charging extortion examination will apply to the United see the north two-thirds of the park is overflow of the Coast Fork river was The mixing plant of the Warren Con States Civil Service Commission, Wash big enough for a city of 25,000 inhab introduced by Aiderman Lawson, and ate prices for short leases. struction company will arrive here the Has Finger Amputated. ington, D. C., for necessary application itants, remarkd Mr. Spray, who.added, brought out the information that Mr. first of the month. The company ex The eleVen-year old son of T. H. Mad- “ if I had my way the south half would Matthews had made a proposition to blanks which will permit them to take Not Qualified to Judge. be made a place for tying teams and sell the mill dam and ditch for $6,000. pects to have the paving job completed docks, who until the first of the week The Oakland Advance, published in the eaxmination. Douglas county, opposes the creation, , The examination will consist of prac stowing automobiles. We should open A meeting of interested parties had two weeks later. Only one block of resided on the Rev. Beattie place north of town, got the little finger of the been held, said the mayor, and his hon grading remains to be done. of Nesmith county, but upon what tical questions regarding the general every blind street while we can.” left hand in the cogs of a cornsheller, Mr. Lawson said that unless some or had told lumbermen if they wanted The Hat Shop, near the bridge will use of the Forests. It will be supple grounds the editor does not state. In conversation with a representative of mented by a field test to show the ap thing was done to open the street the dam to, buy it. It was declared by have its first fall showing tomorrow, necessitating the amputation of the The Sentinel recently Editor Carruth plicant’s fitness to perform the duties south of the park by spring, he would the aidermen that the ditch is a menace and invites the ladies of Cottage Grove member at the second joint. Mr. Mad- fraukly acknowledged that he knew of a.ranger. Any honest, energetic fence it and prevent the opening of a to public safety, and therefore should and vicinity to call and inspect a mag docks and family have moved to Port nothing of the merits or demerits of young man with sound body need not street there for all time. - be abolished. Mr. Matthews, declared nificent line of dress hats. Everything land, Mr. Beattie now ’occupying his The mayor incidentally remarked the mayor, wants electric power to op in this showing is of the very latest own farm.________________ the proposition, being a comparative hesitate to take this examination. Miss Ethel Eakin has accepted a po stranger in these parts, yet he boldly Competitors must be between the ages that from all appearances every im erate his mill, but he wants to unload stylé, and must be seen to be appreci sition in the Albany schools. advises the people of his limited- balli-1 of twenty-one and forty years old. provement that the council had tried to the ditch and dam onto some one. He ated,