Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1910)
Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyson, Dr. and Mrs. In gram, Mrs. Ed Jones, Mrs. Hogate and Mrs. Counter were present. A. L. Flinn, the long experienced Septic Tank builder, will build your Cottage Grove Company Will Be Snark F. H. Rosenberg expects to go Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Wood, left on tanks. - Work guaranteed. References. to Medford on April 23 and there hold Sunday for Tacoma, their former home, Mustered Out April Thirty. a Hoo-Hoo cancatenation. The Med ! where they are spending the week with ADVENTISTS BUY PROPERTY. ford lumbermen have tweny-five kit relatives and friends. tens, but want to round up thirty,, that Miss Edna Ward of Eugene spent Headquarters Are Established at Rose burg.—Changes at Royal. The Cottage Grove National Guard being the number required'by the snark Sunday with relatives in this citv. Company will have a ceremony at the to make the ■ trip. There will be a T. E. Jewett and family of Washing Roseburg News: At the recent con large attendance from this city and ton have located near Creswell, where ference of the Seventh Day Adventists Armory Saturday evening, April 30, on in this city it was decided to make which occasion everybody is invited to other Willamette valley towns, while Mr. Jewett has bought a farm. Portland will send a good-sized delega Mr. J. B. Protzman spent Saturday Roseburg the headquarters of the be present. The program will com tion. Mr. Rosenberg is in charge of in Oregon City, and Sunday and Mon Southern Oregon conference. With a mence with a short drill by the Com view to further carrying out the plans pany. followed by the presentation of the Southern Oregon district. day in Portland. decorations for rifle practice to the var Burhkolder-Woods Co. have received Col. Blair is considering the advisa that were mapped out at that time, the Marshall Fields’ sample line of muslin bility of erecting a hotel on his proper conference has purchased the residence ious members, and the presentation of underwear which is now on sale. Fine ty on Fourth street, and says that as property of Elder H. W. Oliver, which the honorable discharges to those whose enlistment expires on that date. Tie garments and a big saving. soon as he disposes of his ranch he will adjoins the church property in West The Cottage Grove Odd Fellows con- probably undertake to erect a modern Roseburg, and will use it for the tract Armory will be open to everybody free society headquarters. Mr. Prescott of admission, and it is earnestly re template. . the erection of a handsome hosterly here. quested by the military club that every brick block on the property recently Metcalf & Brund have Sweet Pea seed Wheeler, of Cottage Grove, who was one possible be present, citizens ahd elected secretary, will With his wife purchased from Mr. B. K. Lawson. It of different varieties. soldiers. General Finzer, Col. Jackson move to this city early in the summer may not be this season, but the struct A meeting was held at the home of and Col. Yoran, and many other mili ture will be built, and when it is it Joseph Snyder last Thursday evening to assume charge of his work. Elder tary officers of»the state, will be pre H. W. Oliver, who has resided in this will be an ornament to the city, and a for the purpose of organizing the West sent, and several rousing patriotic credit to the three link gentlemen. Cottage Grove Telephone company. city for more than a year, will move to speeches by some of the officers and Royal, Lane county, in about a month, The Nesmith baseball team will play After the business session the meeting where he will assume the pastorate'of citizens, which will be of interest to at home on the following dates: April resolved itself into a .social session, the church. In addition to his minis all, will be made. 17 with Eugene; May 1 with Albany; which was thoroughly enjoyed by all terial work Elder Oliver will give in Captain Johnson Issues Order. May 15 with Springfield; May 29 with present. struction in the Bible at Royal Acad An order has been issued by Capt. J. Mrs. S.M. Hunt is a this week ’ s busi Eugene; June 12 with Albany; June emy, which is a denomination institu C. Johnson, requiring every member of 26 with Springfield. Cottage Grove' ness visitor at Eugene. tion, and have a general superinten the Company, to be present at the Ar H. E. Allison and wife of Roseburg will conclude the series at Albany on dency of the dormitories. Mrs. Oliver July 3, and will have a game here on are visiting their parents, Mr and has been selected by the conference as mory in dress uniform on Saturday' evening April 30 next, this being the Mrs. J. T. Allison, and Mr. and Mrs. the Fourth of July. matron of the institution. In exchange occasion of the third anniversary of Albany has organized a Chautauqua H, H. Fiester in Cottage Grove. Mrs. E. K. Barnes has returned from for their property here Mr. and Mrs. the Company. In this order it is also association and will hold an assembly a visit with friends at the count-v seat. Oliver have acquired 25 acres of im provided that every member whose en this summer. proved land adjoining the academy listment expires shall appear at 8 .Clackamas county held its first an R. J. Hendricks, supervisor of the property at Royal. o’clock sharp to receive his decorations nual booster day last Saturday. J. B. first census district of Oregon, was an for target practice; also his discharge Protzman of this city was present and official visitor here on Tuesday. ROAD’S SURVEY RESUMED. from the service. Phil. Miller, onfe of the earliest set helped boost. The order also provides that befoie Line of Springfield, Eugene & Siuslaw l'he Merchants’ association held a tlers of Eugene, is dead. receiving his discharge he must, one Is Being Run. regular session Tuesday evening. The George McQueen was-a county seat membership is growing. J. F. Mounce, whose activity in the week prior to that time, square all of visitor on Monday. Cottage Grove real estate will never John S. Medley attended to court survey of a railroad line from Eugene his accounts for property of the State be cheaper than at present. Now is matters at Eugene on Monday. to Florence has been somewhat of a and the United States for which he has the time to provide a home for the fu Contentment the only real happiness mystery for the past few months, has been charged; therefore on or before ture. To attain this one must love the home begun operations at the H. A. Bower the 26th day of April, he must deliver The Bohmstedt company will tender first of all. Did you ever think how farm, six miles west of Eugene. R. all the property of the government to a banquet to the Creswell Commercial much brighter home would be by add B. Hunt is chief engineer, for Mr. the quartermaster, so that his record club and other prominents of that place ing a nice piano to it, and how easy you Mounce, whose project is known as the may be clear and his honorable dis on Monday evening next. could get a reliable one of Marion Springfield, Eugene & Siuslaw Rail? charge be issued on this occasion. * —. .. road. Mr. Mounce says he. is superin? You will be asked to settle the Nor Veatch? Mrs. Whit Gowdy went to Portland tendent and general manager of the NOT A NEW QUESTION. mal School question by your ballot in November. You want the schools sep on Monday to be at the bedside of her company. Mr. Hunt is under contract That the question of street improve arated from politics. You want the daughter, Miss Clara VanRiper, who is to finish and complete this survey in sixty days. From the Bowers farm ment is no new thing is abundantly boys and girls educated. It will cost ill at a hospital. Miss Amanda Lindstrom of Divide the survey proceeds toward Florence, proven by the accompanying verses you four cents a year if you pay taxes leaving Elmira about three quarters of which were written by Moses Guest, a on $1000.00. Don’t fail to vote YES was a this week’s visitor in the city. for Monmouth. Clarence Gilkinson has returned from a mile to the north. Mr. Mounce says prominent resident of New Brunswick, J. B. V. Butler, Sec. Com. an extended stay at Sacramento. • He he is backing into Eugene from the N. J., during the closing years of the Mrs. C. W. Caldwell left on Friday stopped on his way home to visit rela Bowers place, six miles west of town. eighteenth century, and published in 1790. last for Berlin, Illinois, called there by tives at Grants Pass, and states that It Pays to Smudge, They were inspired by the defeat of a -telegram stating that her mother he found a strong sentiment in favor The experiment of smudging in or an improvement resolution nearly a was dangerously ill. of Nesmith county among those whom chards to keep away the frost has been century and a quarter ago, and are re Mr. O. P. Adams left on Saturday he met at that place. for Portland, there to visit his daugh Parker’s Bakery bread speaks for tried by a number of fruit growers in printed here, from the New Brunswick this county this spring and as far as the News: ter, Mrs. Viles, He will also visit his itself. Always goo'd. daughters. Mrs. C. M. Van Buren of Newt Jones left on Sunday for an results have been noticed, the plan has TO PAVE OR NOT TO PAVE. Hillsboro, and Mrs. M. C. Hawley of extended trip to California, Arizona proved'to be a success. During the To pave, or not to pave, that’s the winter the Southern Pacific company The Dalles. He expects to be absent and New Mexico. question; Ella, the little daughter of Mr. and offered to furnish common crude oil, Whether it be better for us to pave, several weeks. Farm For Sale.-r-Ten acres one-half Mrs. George Smith, was seriously ill such as is used by the company’s loco And by such paving cleanse our streets, motives for fuel, for this purpose, and mile north of the depot, on the east the first of the week." Or, still bespattered, must we trudge Lloyd Hunt of Eugene was a Sunday a number of orchardists have been us side of the track. .Buy ftom owner. along, Write or see Joseph Bricher, box 544, visitor in the city, the guest of'his ing it. The oil is placed in smudge Thro’ thick and thin, as we’ve oft done pots in various parts of the orchards mother, Mrs. S. M. Hunt. city. before; W. H. Abrams as trustee for the Cot G. W. Walker, deputy state organizer and when there are prospects of frost A poor, deserted town would be excus each one of the smudges are lighted tage Grove Lumber company has com of the Royal Highlanders, is spending ed, menced suit against the Sunset Lum the week at Eugene, where an order of and the heat from the burning oil keeps But for one fast thriving should not ber company to collect a balance due Highlanders is to be instituted in the the frost away. About 40 smudge pots thus appear. to the acre are placed, and when all near future. of $112.50 costs and disbursements. To pave, I know, will cost some pounds; Lard is going up, but Parker is still are burning there is a decided rise in Mr. O. P. Adams tells The Sentinel but then selling doughnuts at 10 cents per doz the temperature in that vicinity. that he tested a quantity of ore from Can money e’er be put to better úse? the Nina claim, in which he and Mr. en. My house, my lot in value be enhanced; Delay Is Costly. The Rev. Selden C. Adams left on Lilly are interested, the other day, At a meeting of the Merchants’ asso They’ll be worth more, 'tis plain by all and found that it run slightly over $50 Tuesday for Corvallis there to attend ciation Tuesday night the secretary the cost. to the ton. Messrs. Adams and Lilly the Presbytery. was instructed to request the city coun And I will see and feel its good effects are also owners of the Renzi, and have Miss Anna Oglesby returned on Mon cil to push to completion as speedily as Throughout my life, whene’er I walk over one hundred feet of tunnel on day from Eugene. the streets; possible the cement sidewalks ordered Attorney Johnson attended court at built on Main street, it being detri It must be so—I’ll pave, but where’s each. Our Silk Creek correspondent was in Eugene on Monday. the casfi? mental to business to have walks torn David Wallace, organizer for the up and practically impassable for so Ah, there’s the rub! error in stating that M. L. Thompkins of that neighborhood had sold his farm. Highlanders, has moved his headquar long a time. A walk torn up in a block But not to pave, my friends, Mr. Thompkins informs The Sentinel ters from this city to Eugene. He ex has a tendency to injure' the trade of —Ah, there’s the mud— that he is still at the old stand, and ex pects to organize a lodge there. not only those doing business in the The want of cash, no doubt, will make Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Sparr of Zena, block but of others on that side of the pects to remain there indefinitely. some pause, Those new records that make every Ohio, are guests of Miss Jessie Berg. street, inasmuch as it diverts travel to But they will meet with aid in such a Mrs. W. C. Johnson has been confin the opposite walk. This matter is cause; sound distinct and perfect and never ed to her home this week by illness, worthy of careful consideration by the ’Tis not for us to trample in the mire; wear out are awaiting you now at Mr. Gleason will resume work at the council. Turtles and swine such elements re ____________ ‘ Marion Veatch’s > quire. G. R. Chrisman, ex-county judge of brick yard about May 1. He has about How About the University. I’m now resolved, and cheerful Will Lane county, was in Cottage Grove on 125,000 brick on hand at present. The Eugene knockers think the peo A Guard representative who was at unite Wednesday, coming hither to see his ple of Oregon should demand that the Lorane last week says that the Chur To pave our streets and have some sister, Mrs. J. F. Walker of Walker, constitution pro vide that the creation chill-Matthews Co. has already set out lamps to light, who is seriously ill. of new counties be determined solely . O. Holt of Eugene was in the'city 300 acres of fruit on the 1000 acre tract by the voters of the territory directly That I may walk secure by day or night. on Tuesday. Mr. Holt is secretary of which it owns there and virtually the affected. But what of the constitu Hop Prospects Are Good. the Fruit Growers’ association, and af entire tract has been sold in small tion. That document provides that all tracts from one to ten acres. Hops in Oregon are making good pro ter a careful investigation of conditions state buildings be located at the state thinks the outlook for a bumper crop . Roseburg residents planted one thous capital, but Eugene has the State Uni gress. The crop is from three weeks and rose bushes this week. to a month earlier than it was last for the coming season is good. The Lane county health officer makes versity and would raise a cry that year. In many sections the vines are Try one of Parker’s rye loaves. Big the following report for the month of would be heard to the California line being trained, which is not usually ones 10 cents. March: Births, 61, of which 37 were should an effort be made to force com done before May 12. Up to the pres Mrs. Eugene Matlock of Eugene males and 24 females. " Deaths, 28, of pliance with the constitution. It makes ent time, the prospects are favorable came up on Tuesday in response to a which 17 were males and 11 females. a difference whose ox is gored. for a good yield and unless something telephone message stating that her We have a complete line of genuine unfavorable happens, there will prob Adjudged Insane. other, Mrs. W. C. Johnson, is quite Haviland China. Call and see it.—Kerr ably be over rather than under 100,000 John Green, a resident of the lower I. & Silsby. bales. Notice of appeal has been filed with John L. Shelton went to Eugene on Siuslaw, was committed to the state ie county Clerk in the case of the First Tuesday to prove up on his homestead, insane asylum today, after an examin Rummage Sale. National bank of Cottage Grove vs. the situated in section 22 of township 12 N, ation as to his mental condition before The Presbyterian Sunday school will Bank of Cottage Grove, in which,the R 3 E W. John Trunnell and James County Judge Helmus W, Thompson. hold a rummage sale and entertainment defendant won a decision in the circuit Wallace accompanied him as witnesses. Green was brought to Eugene Saturday in the McFarland building Friday even court. Luella, the little daughter of Mr. night by Wm. Safley and turned over ing, April 29, a splendid program is be The students of the state university and Mrs. Harry Knowlton, is quite sick to Sheriff Bown. When he attended at. ing prepared. Saturday there will be Florence one night last week the per a market and sale and Saturday, even at Eugene are taking steps to boost the with pneumonia. formance of a play, a scene in which ing a grand May Day Festival crowning enrollment of the institution up to 800 The enumerators will wear a badge brought to his mind his former domes the May Queen, May pole drill and at the opening of school next fall. inscribed “United States Census, tic troubles, his mind became unbal other splendid features. Remember Mrs. Pearl Williams ahd children have 1910.” gone to Salem to take up their resi Dr. and Mrs. VanWinkle delightfully anced. He was formerly confined in the dates, April 29 and 30. the insane asylum at Steilacoom, Wash. dence." entertained the Methodist choir, of Miss Carrie Barge, national field or Pat Evans of Roseburg spent the which Mrs. VanWinkle is directress, at —Eugene Guard. ganizer for Methodist Home Missions, first of the week with Cottage Grove their home on Wall street last Friday Hear Miss Pringle read “The Lep will deliver an address at the Metho friends. evening. Besides the choir meipbers, ers” at the Methodist church, Sunday, dist church in this city this evening. I [ many minor matters ] MILITARY MEN COMING The newest and most up to date line in Cottage Grove Men’s bound and stitched edge, fur-felt, in crush and Fedora shapes, any color, at________ ______ $2 to $3.50 Young men’s fur-felt hats, in black, Ocian blue, pearl grey, plumb, green and tan, at------________ $2 to $3.50 Boys’ hats in same shades and shapes, at____ $1.25 to $2 Wheeler-Thompson Company The Busy Store With High Class Merchandise IF You will take the trou ble to look into our clothing window you will see some enticing values in Men’s Suits. Then come in and let us show you the qual ity, linings and general make up and you will BUY. You can’t get away from them; they are hummers for the money, Think of getting a nobby 3-piece summer suit for $6.50. We just received a large shipment of Trunks and Suit Cases which are on dis- play and sale. •UfBMAHMMmwr Burkholder - Woods Co. T he D ay -L ight S tore Laces and Embroideries We are showing the latest patterns in Laces and Embroideries—just what you want for youi new dress. We have a a large assortment of White Goods in Linens, Lawns and Flaxons. It is time for your purchase of a new dress, so come in and select one from our stock. Friday and Saturday Special: Moire Skirtings, 35c value for 28c LURCH FASHION * STABLES POWELL & SHORTRIDGE, Props. Courteous Prompt Treatment Reasonable and Rates to All. TRAVELING MEN A SPECIALTY