The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 24, 1909, Image 8

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Forgive me If when lilies blow
And lanes are all a-trill with sone,
^And hedges gleam with scented snow,
And visions fair on mortals throng—
jForgive me, of thy gentle grace,
If I can find 'mid scenes so choice
INo fairer vision than thy face,
No dearer music than thy voice.
£xRct Reproduction of Irish Cabin
Built for Children’« Playhouse.
Old Favorites
One of the show places of Far Rock­
away is the handsome residence of
James Caffrey, the Brooklyn Eagle
says. Visitors during the summer
London Bridge.
months rarely fail to stroll up Green­ London bridge is broken down,
wood avenue from the beach so as to
Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
get a glimpse of this fine piece of London bridge is broken down,
colonial architecture, with its massive
With a gay lady.
stone columns towering thirty or more
feet in the air.
How shall we build it up again?
Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
But while the villa is interesting,
there is still a more interesting ob­ How shall we build it up again?
With a gay lady.
ject on the grounds that draws forth
exclamations of pleasure and admira­ Silver and gold will be stolen away,
tion. It is the play-house of the Caf­ Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
frey children. This play-house occu­ Silver and gold will be stolen away,
pies a prominent site on the great
With a gay lady.
lawn to the west of the Caffrey resi­
dence. It Is an exact reproduction of Build it up with iron bars,
an Irish crofter’s cabin, and is be­ Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
lieved to be the only one of its kind Build it up with iron bars,
With a gay lady.
In this country.
The play-house is about 15 by 12 Iron bars will rust and break,
feet in size and one story high. The
Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
walls are of hewn stone and white­ Iron bars will rust and break,
washed on the exterior. It has a J Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
thatched roof, straw tightly bound to­
gether to a thickness of about one foot. Build it up with wood and clay,
There are three windows in the front Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
Build it up with wood and clay,
and three in the back walls.
Near the center of the front wall is With a gay lady.
the entrance. Visitors notice a sign, Wood and clay will wash away,
painted In real Celtic characters, “Don
Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
Na Stoegas,” which in English means, Wood and clay will wash away,
“Fort of the Fairies.” There Is just With a gay lady.
the faintest Idea of a porch over the
entrance, the roof being supported by Build it up with stone so strong,
Dance o’er my Lady Lee;
two heavy trunks of trees. The door
to this “Fort of the' Fairies” is made Huzza! ’twill last for ages long,
of white birch limbs, set together lat­ I With a gay lady.
tice fashion, ana swung on heavy —Melodies of Mother Goose.
The Husband.
crude iron hinges. An old chain and
latch fastens the door when the chil­ Thy husband is thy life, thy lord, thy
dren are not in the house.
While the exterior of the cabin is Thy head, thy sovereign; one that
cares for thee,
interesting, the interior is equally so.
And for the maintenance; commits his
Inside the walls are covered with twigs
and straw intertwined and cemented To painful labor both by sea and land,
: over, while the children’s playthings, To watch the night in storms, the day
tables, chairs, rockers, dressers, side­
in cold,
board, etc., together with toys and While thou liest wärm at home, secure
and safe;
dolls galore are found there. It is an
ideal place for the children to preside And craves no other tribute at thy
over and play in.
Than love, fair looks, and true, obedi­
Penny postage is .propesed between
Great Britain and Turkey.
Electric mouse traps, which kill ro­
dents which enter them with the or­
dinary 110-volt current, are a recent
Forgive me if when bleak rain drips
American capitalists are trying to
And mist obscures the wintry skies,
a merger of every acre of timoer
II find June's roses on thy lips,
producing land in Nova Scotia, invest--
June's heaven in' thy radiant eyes.
ing $5,600,000.
►So craving skies forever blue,
And roses ever at my door,
A tack hammer, the head of which
‘Forgive me if I ask of you,
folds into a recess in the stick for
For I love much—and more and
convience in carrying, has been pat­
ented by a Pennsylvanian.
—I. Zangwlll.
The North British Locomotive Com­
pany has just completed and tested
the first steam tqrbine locomotive.
The new engine is pronounced a suc­
The Traitor’s Thumb
At seventy-three, it is announced,,
Sir William Schwenck .Gilbert is at
work on a new comic opera which will,
shortly be produced at the Savoy The­
“That’s grand slam again In no
ater in London.
¡trumps to us, and the rub,” said Guy
France sold the United States
‘Hardwick as he added some big fig-
$6,670,810 worth of champagne in the
ivres on his score sheet. ‘‘What do
first six months of 1909, a quantity
tyou make it work out at, Willie?”
which exceeds the previous highest re­
Willie Stamford’s face looked rath-
turns for a whole year.
-er white as he slowly totaled the
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams of Nor­
■amount that Hardwick and his partner
wich, N. Y., are parents of triplets,.,
toad won; he was already realizing
two boys and a girl, weighing less
what a fool he had been to attempt to
than eight pounds total. The father
play bridge against a man with Hard­
himself is one of triplets.
wick’s notorious luck.
For fifty-one years Isaac W. Hallam
The most recent benefaction of John D. Rockefeller is the gift o
“I think,” he said at last, “it is ex­
has served the same telegraph com­
$1,000,000 to a commission of twelve scien/tists, educators and business men
actly £550. I’ll have to send you a
pany at Wilmington, Del. During alt
to Investigate the “hookworm disease” in the South, with the object of
check, Hardwick.”
that time he has not missed a day at
“All right,” returned the other man,
his desk, with the exception of a fur­
river, as the worm thrives only in a certain temperature. But in the South
easily. “No hurry, old chap. Nobody
lough of one week that he took in,
game for another rubber, eh? Well, it there are 2,000,000 victims infected by this parasite, which virtually sucks
1864 for a honeymoon. Mr. Hallam is
away the vitality of those In whom It finds lodgment.
Is a bit late.”
now in his eighty-second year.
The hookworm is a hair-like parasite, which enters the human system
“You do have* the most extraordi­
to some extent through the mouth, but generally through the skin. It ulti­
Captain Charles E. Shillaber, who
nary luck, Guy,” said Willie.
is building a canal from Tampico to
“Luck!” said Hardwick. “You may mately lodges in the Intestines, where it feeds on the mucous membrane,
forming a poison which, while rarely fatal, renders the victim anaemic, re­
Tuxpan for the Mexican governments
well say that; I’ve got a mascot, you
tards development, and, by lowering his vitality, makes him easily subject
is seventy years old. He was a sailor
for twenty-three years and his great­
Mason, his partner, laughed some­ to typhoid, pneumonia, consumption and other more serious diseases. Much
of the so-called laziness and shiftlessness observed in certain sections of the
grandfather, William Shillaber, was
what skeptically.
South and which seriously interfere with economic development are due to
on the Bon Homme Richard with Paul
“It Is all very well to laugh at what
Jones when he captured the Serapis in
you don’t understand, but I’m not jok­ the hookworm. The disease, however, can be successfully treated, and it is
to this end as well as to introduce sanitary precautions by which the malady
•the English channel after a desperate
ing. Look here, If you fellows will
¡ fight.
hold your tongue I’ll show you the may be prevented 'that the Rockefeller gift is made.
The Sentimental Sen..e.
Pigs in., Portugal are more docile-
Too little payment for so great a debt!
Hardwick took a silver cigar case Apparently, all is fish that comes to lapse had made him a rich man rising My sentimental sense is such
—William Shakespeare.
than anywhere else in the world, said
That Realism’s ruthless touch
from his pocket and held it out to my lamented ancestor’s net; we scoop fast in his profession.
G. E. Thompson, F. R. P. S., in a lec­
Can not displace
them open. They peered over it eager­ the dollars gaily in, even when we
ture at the Royal Photographic So­
As he thought over these things
The fond embrace
ciety’s exhibition. Instead of prodding
play bridge for penny points or beggar growing nervous and uncomfortable,
With which Romance I cling to.
•’ragie Kpisode Behind the Scenes
and pushing the animals along the
by neighbor with somebody’s children. the door opened, and Hardwick’s ma a Now pjgs are hardly thought to be
of a Paris Theater.
market women carry panniers filled,
A theme for loving eulogy,
Well, good-night, you fellows.”
A drama within a drama occurred with savory things that pigs enjoy,,
He lounged out laughingly, putting
StamfordJ screwed up his courage Or lyrical apostrophe;
it a Paris theater one night recently and the drove trots behind them with­
Pigs are poetical to me.
the silver cigar case carefully back in­ and made the plunge.
when a young woman deliberately out any trouble.—London Globe.
“Is Mr. Hardwick in?” he asked. “1
to an inner pocket as he did so.
gave herself up to the lion and two
Oh, pig, thy blue and beaming eye
Early Methodist preachers had rea­
“I wish,” said Willie Stamford, as want to see him on important busi­ Smiles on me from thy rose-decked lionesses which figured in the play,
they parted on the club steps, “some
and was torn to pieces before any one son to deplore the power of the all-
kind ancestor had left me a mascot.”
The man’s mask-like face twitched
Oh, pensive pig,
sould help her,' the Montreal Herald mighty landlord. Charles Wesley him­
“Get Hardwick to lend you his,’’ sug­ with a sudden gust of feeling. .
. Romantic pig,
and Star says. The lions had appear­ self suffered. For he was summoned
“Haven’t you heard, sir?” he said Hear my adoring sigh!
gested White, the man who had been
ed on the stage, and their cage had and fined £10 ($50) and heavy costs—
his partner; and he and Mason hailed In a voice that only rigid affort kept
been put back behind the scenes again. not for firing ricks or uprooting
a belated taxicab, leaving Willie alone steady. “Mr. Hardwick was run over A cabbage, by the common herd
One of the keepers was a youth named hedges, but for walking across a field
in the murky night, for Hardwick was and killed by a motor ’bus just before Is generally deemed absurd;
Baillaud, and a girl of 19, Josephine to address an audience. Here is the-
Both coarse and plain,
lunch time today, sir. It’s terrible bad
already out of sight.
Repoche, had come down to the the­ record: “Goter versus Wesley; dam­
Of common grain,
“Five hundred and fifty pounds,” business.”—New Orleans Times Demo
ater wth him. The two were lovers, ages, £10; costs taxed, £9 16s 8d; July
A vegetable yokel.
groaned the young man to himself as crat.
And yet to me a cabbage seems
but Baillaud’s parents had refused to 29, 1738. Received of Mr. Wesley, £19"
he walked along the deserted street.
Fit subject for an artist’s dreams;
let their son marry the girl of his 16s 8d for damages and costs in their
, Monte Carlo Threatened.
“Heavens! Why, I can’t raise fifty,
For fond effusions, tender themes;
heart, and, being under age, he could cause.—William Gasón, attorney for
The little village of Cap D’AIl, on A cabbage, in the moon’s pale beams not by French law, do so without their the plaintiff.”
let alotfe five hundred. Briefless bar­
risters shouldn’t play bridge.” Sud­ the national road near Monte Carlo, ia v, Inspires my praises vocal.
An interesting addition has been
consent. In company with another
denly something lying in the mud by threatened by destruction from a land­ Oh, cabbage, of the pale-green hue,
to the contents of the army mu­
the curb caught his eye as the hazy slide, a Cincinnati Inquirer’s Monte Washed by the pearly morning dew,
few minutes, and as soon as the two seum in Paris in the shape of the red
light from a street lamp fell upon it. Carlo dispatch says. Suspended like
men had left the girl went up to the and white ensign, ornamented with
Oh, cabbage fair,
He picked it up. It was a silver cigar the sword of Damocles above the ham-, I bring thee homage true!
cage, put her bare arm through the gold beetles, which Napoleon gave to
case with a crest engraved upon it— let is a huge rock, which has lately
bars, and patted the lion’s head. The the troops in the island of Elba dur­
Hardwick’s. He opened it, his hands given signs of collapsing completely— And some there be of whom I wot,
great brute stretched a paw out ing his sojourn there. A French con­
shaking with excitement as he did so. it has already partially destroyed the Who holds that kitchen soap is not
through the bars and drew the girl to­ temporary informs us that the flag
A proper thing
There was no mistake. Inside—sinis­ town hall and ominous cracks have ap­
ward him. The manager saw the paw came into the possession of Col. Camp­
Of which to sing
ter, crooked, loathsome—lay the gold­ peared in the walls of other buildings.
fall on the girl’s shoulder, saw her bell, whom the allies set to keep watch
The cause of the threatened catas­ In sentimental measure.
mounted traitor’s thumb.
dress ripped, and the blood came from over the emperor, when he made his
“Hardwick’s luck,” he exclaimed. trophe dates back to when two Monte
her shoulder. He and One of the act­ sudden departure from the island, and
Upon a pinnacle is placed;
“By George! He must have dropped Carlo contractors commenced to dig And any scene by it is graced.
ors rushed to the cage, but it was too has remained in the family ever since.
it out of his pocket and not noticed. the foundations of a dwelling bouse So smooth and bright, so pure and late. The taste of blood had roused The gift is one which the French na­
I’ll take It round to him In the morn­ just at the foot of the rock. These op­
the lion and lionesses, and in an in­ tion will no doubt be glad to have in
erations cut away a portion of the base
ly, wonder written large on the faces ing. It Is too late now.”
It gives exquisite pleasure.
stant the three brutes were growling its possession.—Westminster Gazette.
of all three.
He slipped the silver case Into his of the rock, with the result /that the Oh, kitchen soap, of graceful form,
The London Lancet, in a discussion
tearing. The girl did not scream.
It did not contain cigars. All that pocket, and suddenly White’s words huge mass moved slightly, causing the I bring to thee my worship warm.
of the use of salt for removing snow
there was Inside it was a curiously as he climbed into the taxi after Ma­ walls of several houses to become
lion’s paw had smashed her shoulder and ice from walks and pavements, re­
Oh, yellow soap,
shaped brownish, weezened, shriveled son flashed into his brain. “Get Hard­ cracked. After having visited the
blade, one hand had been eaten, and marks that “it is a pity that to flood
object set in a wide gold rim of an­ wick to lend you his,” hammered and scene the mayor of Cap d’Ali informed You take my heart by .storm!
as a crowd of men wth sticks and snowbound streets with a plentiful
tique workmanship, round which ran a churned seething in his head. He M. de Joly, prefect of the Alpes-Mari-
any weapons they could find beat off supply of hot water is so far imprac­
somewhat roughly executed inscrip­ pulled out the case again. “Why not times department, of the situation and
Fing; Display Accounted For.
the lioness the lion drew the girl’s ticable in our cities.” However effec­
i borrow the thing for a bit?” he told a civil engineer was appointed to re­
On a visit to St. Petersburg a vis­ dead body toward him. At this mo­ tual salt may be in removing snow,”
“It’s a man’s thumb,” replied Hard­ himself. “Not keep it, just borrow Jt port on the steps to be taken.
itor noticed that on the occasion of
adds the Lancet, “there can be little
wick. “1 found it amongst a lot of for a week or two to pull things round
A few days ago traffic on the rail­ the birthday of the Czarina there were ment the two keepers came hack into doubt that the resulting mixture is
odds and ends when I succeeded my a bit and set me on my feet. Hard­ way line, which passes close by, was only one or two flags visible', these be­
old uncle at Hardwick. You know he wick might refuse If I asked him, so I diverted to a branch line, and similar ing displayed on official buildings. On away from the cage. He fought, cry­ most unpleasant to pedestrians, and
would not have left the place to me will say nothing about it. If It doesn’t changes were made in the tramway a later visit, a week or two later, he ing: “Let me die, too.” The other inasmuch as even good leather does
men, at last, beat off the lion, and* not appear to be proof against the
only I happen to be the last Hardwick bring me luck I’ll return it at once. service. > Despite these precautions,
left, and he went and chucked a whole At any rate, it is too good a chance to however, the rock again moved and observed that flags were everywhere, what was left of Josephine Repoche cold slush, there is reason for believ­
the very streets obscured by waving
ing that the .mixture gives rise to in­
lot of money—all he could, in fact—to be thrown away.”
partially wrecked the house which bunting. “Why,” he asked a friend, was drawn from the bars of the cage, jury to health.”
impossible charities and things, and I
He closed the case and again put It serves as the Cap d’Ail town hall. “do you show a flag now while you cloth,
“Smith” is, according to Professor
thought I was up a tree with the death
Should the rock fall on to the nation­
Mahaff, the ojdest English surname.
duties and that. Well, I was rooting In his pocket as he reached the front al road it will destroy the water mains did not then?” “Well,” was the reply,
Man of Many Limbs.
about, and as I say I found that grizzly door of the old house where he lived which supply Monte Carlo and Men­ “a police agent came round and said
The old colonel was spinning off In a list of names he discovered when
that if I did not display one I should yarns of the civil war and in the heat investigating the Petri papyri, there
relic and a long rigmarole written on and pulled out a latch key.
After he had drawn the bolts he felt
be- fined 200 rubles. So I hoisted of reminiscent patriotism his memory is one, he says, “which appears reg­
parchment wrapped round it, which
way l‘ne.
three, to be on the right side, and the became somewhat tangled.
ularly in the same for.m and of which
being interpreted and condensed in­ in his pocket the last edition of an
are doing the same.”
we can give no further explanation.
formed the reader that the owner of
It is the name Smith—unmistakably
the thumb had been a disreputable troubled to look. He unfolded it and
Cent Fine by Judge Land!».
written. We have never found any­
Hardwick who had tried to betray glanced absently through Its columns. alone; it is a favorite pastime of youth
“By George!” he cried. “Florida
some fortress for the safety of which
also. A writer in the Argonaut tells Standard Oil Company $29,240,000, has I lost my leg.” Ten minutes later the thing like it before and it is surely
he was responsible. He was caugnt has won the Grand National. ¿A 60 to the following story of an incident in fined John Bower, of Rockford, Ill., 1 old colonel was relating an incident worth telling the many distinguished
bearers of the name that there was
red-handed sneaking off with the keys 1 outsider, and I have a fiver on the a Western university. The dean of cent. Bower had sent a threatening of Gettysburg.
of the front gate, and somebody lopped beast. Hardwick’s luck has started the institution was told by tho stu­ letter to his brother-in-law. who is al­ “And when we climbed Little Round a man known as Smith in the twen­
off his thumb during the resulting un­ me off with £300.”
dents that the cook wa£ turning out leged to have misused members of his Top the bullets were whistling on all tieth year of the third Ptolemy, 227
Three months later Willie Stamford, food not “fit to eat.”
B. C., and that he was occupied in
pleasantness. The gentleman' was sub­
family. The judge apparently sympa- sides. It was there I lost my leg.”
sequently boiled in oil or hanged—I poor briefless, obscure no longer, en­
The dean summoned the delinquent, thized with Bower and told him that
And thirty minutes later through à brewing beer or selling it.”
forget which—and the thumb was gaged to be married to a girl whom ne lectured him on his shortcomings, and if he had said to the relative what he ¡misty haze of smoke:
Strictly speaking soap is tpe only
pickled, and sent to his sorrowing rela­ had loved for several years, but whom threatened him with dismissal unless had written to him it would have been
“Seven Pines, gentlemen, Seven chemical that should be used in a
tives as a little reminder not to fol­
conditions were bettered.
Pines! Ah, that was the battle. One first class laundry, but most laundries
all right
low his distressing example. As for share the fortunes of a younger son,
“Why, sir,” exclaimed the cook, “you
of my legs was shot from under me find it. necessary to use caustic or
that chaste and elegant mounting, I
Ice Box Repartee.
oughtn’t to place so much Importance
and----- ”
washing soda to soften down the wa­
wick’s flat to be opened for him. In on what the young men tell you about
don’t know who put that on.
“Huh!” sneers the plate of ice
But just then a timid little boy ter. Some times in order to whiten
“I felt pretty desperate when I found his pocket he carried the silver cigar my meals! They come to me in just cream to the piece of limburger cheese. looked up and asked shyly: “Grand­ the clothes a bleacher is put in. Such
what a trick old Uncle Guy had play­ case and its withered, crooked con­ the same way about your lectures.” fl “You needn’t give yourself such airs. pa, were—were you a centipede in is usually chloride of lime, but in
ed on me, and as I stood one day with tents which at last he was returning
Didn’t you see in the papers where those days?”
case of wine, iron or fruit stains either
Good Boys.
that thing in my hand an idea flashed to their owner. He was going to make
there are a million microbes to each
oxalic acid or chloride of tin comes
a clean breast of what he had done.
“Young men are so selfish about not drop of ice cream?”
Into my head.
Spectacular Fire.
in handy. Many patent laundry prep­
“ ‘Good luck you bring, do you?’ I Hardwick, he knew, was never a fel­ wanting to kiss their sisters more
“I did,” retorts the limburger.
arations are used to whiten clothes
said to myself. ‘Well, Mr. Traitor, we
“That’s nothing. Compared to me you nessed in the oil industry was at one accidentally stained at home or in
school he had been a generous-hearted
“On the other hand, they show a are a sparsely settled territory.”
will try your luck.’
of the Dos Bocas wells In Mexico. laundering. All these chemicals do
“I did. I went off with my last hun­ lad. Willie felt certain that when ne wondrously generous spirit toward
About 60,000 barrels of oil was burned little or no harm provided the laundry*
dred pounds and a single ticket to explained to him how very tight a cor­ their chums in turning all such pleas­
When you die, ‘ will people say of up daily for nearly two months, The man understands the use of the chem­
Monte Carlo and made that bank sit ner he had been in when the traitor’s ures over to them.”—Boston Herald.
you: “It’s too bad he didn’t die ten flames rose to heights of 800 to 1,400 ical and weakens it right, but the most
up there. The traitor certainly was thumb came into his possession he
years ago!”
important of all is that the bleach
Up to date, every joke concerning
all on for roulette.- Then I tried the would understand and overlook what
Nations go armed; but citizena must should all be washed out at once with
The world’s estimated steam power
stock exchange and paid off the death Willie acknowledged to himself had Dr. Cook and the north pole has made
fresh water.—New York Press.
in use to-day is 12,000,000 horse-power.
duties and all little worries" like that been a breach of honor, though the mention of a gumdrop.