The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 24, 1909, Image 7

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    will resume operations soon after Jan­
uary. The company has a force of
men at the mills and in the woods.
The mill of the Brown Lumber Com­
pany of this city has not been running
The Outlook Brightens, Accord­ full line during the past week, but the Landmark of Civilization’s Move
temporary difficulty in getting logs is
ing to Mr. Wastell.
compensated for by the fact that time
Into Oregon.
is given to make a.year-end clean-up.
The planing mill is running day and
night, with plenty of orders ahead.
NEWS OE THE LOCAL FIELD. The Star Lumber Company this week RESIDENCE OF 0. P. ADAMS
began the work of framing its proposed
new sawmill at Disston. J. J. Craig
Work on the New Sawmill at Disston went to Disston on Monday to carry on Some Interesting Reminiscences and
the work, which will occupy about two
Inaugurated.—Brown Company Is
Adventures of One of State’s Pio­
Handicapped for Logs.—Gener­
neer .Settlers.—Search for Gold
al Lumbering News.
Proves a Losing Game.
Michigander Makes. Minute Inquiries
Regarding This City and Locality
In presenting the December bulletin
One of the significant features bear­
The Sentinel is in receipt of the fol­
Secretary A. B. Wastell, of the Oregon
ing upon pioneer days is portrayed by
& Washington Lumber Manufactures’
the quaint old building of O. P. Adams,
Association, wishes its members and man, which is self-explanatory :
which is situated in the southwest cor­
The Sentinel, Cottage'Grove, Oregon.
all lumbermen, wholesale and retail, a
ner of the city limits of Cottage Grove.
merry Christmas and a happy New Year —If you have any literature at hand, This building was erected in 1856, when
with a confidence that his wishes will please send to my address. I saw a nearly all of the citizens of this com­
be fulfilled, not only on account of the copy of The Sentinel here the other munity aided in its construction.
generally favorable impressions that day and after reading it would like to
The custom in the early days was
prevail, but also by reason of the en­ know more of your country. Cottage that in the building of a house or barn
couraging reports in the outlook sent i Grove must be a large town, judging all the men in a radius of 15 to 25 miles
in from different sources, which furnish from your paper. I have had a long­ would hitch up their teams and help
definite warrant for reasonable optim­ ing to locate permanently in the west, raise the building. After the frame
ism. He goes still further, and ex­ and figure on leaving here in the spring work was completed a feast was spread
tends good wishes to customers, with on a tour of inspection, and would ap­ and a jolly time would ensue. Such
special thought to the railroads, which preciate some advice before going. I was the experience of Mr. Adams. He
use approximately 40 per cent of the am sufficently possessed of this world’s has made this house his home for 53
output of the fir mills, and to the far­ goods to carry out any undertaking pro­ years. Land that changed hands 53
mer, as all other interests shard in his jected by,me, and believing that anew years ago for a paltry sum has increas­
country brings quicker returns on in­
continued prosperity and success.
ed in value until it is worth in the
Following this introductory, Mr. Was­ vestments than the older ones I have neighborhood of $200 per acre, and still
tell makes suggestions with special ref­ about concluded to try it out. If not he clings to the old home. When this
erence to market conditions. The lo- asking too much give me thé deposits building was completed it Was the fin?
:al business within the state, which of your banks, population, valuation, est structure in Oregon south of Eu­
has been a big item during the past average tax, miles of paved streets, gene.
pear, promises well for the future. It miles of sewers, property values per
During his sojourn here he has met
is anticipated that next year will wit­ front foot, educational facilities, prin­ with a number of interesting adven­
ness a copsumption in the Willamette
tures. During the Rogue River Indian
Valley even heavier than during the of interest, distance to larger town, war he was commissioned as head pack­
past season, with an upward trend in number of, railroads, and state whether er, supplies being conveyed to the sol­
prices. Many mills will confine them­ city administration is in favor of public diers on duty from Pleasant Hill, pack­
selves to local business and decline to improvements, and if the people foster ed on horses and mules to Southern
|uote on deliveries for outside markets, industries.
How he escaped from falling
Upon receipt of your letter you will Oregon.,
removing a feature of competition that
into the hands of savage Indians is a
rill be generally beneficial. A resump­ hear from me again, Yours truly, J. question unexplainable, as the Indians
tion of the tide of immigration that E. Anderson.
went in droves from the Calapooia
:haracterized the past year is practi­
Mountains to Pheonix, • in Jackson
cally assured, as'publicity and develop-
county, Oregon.
nent leagues are going to continue Officers for Ensuing Year Are Elected
In the year of 1860, hearing the sen­
heir splendid advertising campaign of
at All-Day Session.
sational reports of the fabulous richness
Iregon’s wonderful resources. Fre-
The Coast Fork Grange met in annu­ of the Blue Bucket diggings, where
liient inquiries are being received for
al session at London last Saturday at gold could be picked up by the bucket­
ailroad material and judging by esti­
ful, about 50 men organized themsel­
mated requirement it is confidently be- 10 o’clock and spent the entire day. in
ves, taking horses, provisions, guns
ieved that ties will strengthen in price transacting .business and in social in­
tercourse. Dinner was served in the and ammunition sufficient to ward of
the intrusion of the Indians if they
Mr. Wastell says mills are encourag- hall. The following officers were elect­
should be attacked. When they had
1 over prospective railroad building in
reached the plains of Eastern Oregon,
ie state, as well as by the requirement little, overseer; E. R. Thorndenherg, the Indians perceived that this com­
: communities for additional homes, lecturer; C. L. Bergstrom, steward;
Elmer Doolittle, asst..steward; D. R. pany was well armed and an attack up­
radically all car-building concerns
on them would be futile; they however
ave material for 60 to 120 days’ oper- Harris, Chaplain; A. H. Nowell, secre­ changed their tactics, which caused
tions, but indications point to a con-
consternation in the realm of the white
nuation of car-building throughout the Massey, gate keeper; Mrs. Emma Doo­
man’s _ camp. When they were repos­
ar. California promises a good mar- little, pomona; Mrs. Phoebe Young,
ing in slumber, with the exception of a
et during 1910, while Utah’s demand flora; Mrs. C. M. Winecoff, ceris; Mrs.
guard left on duty, the Indians ap­
ir mixed cars is strong. Eastern Ore-
proached the band of horses from the
on is somewhat slack, but an improv-
opposite direction riding swiftly among
1 condition, is in almost immediate session will be held. In the afternoon
them and giving their war whoop fright­
aspect. There are favorable indica- the officers will be publicly installed
ened them and caused the greater num­
ons reported from throughout the m id­
ber of them to stampede. This left
le west. He urges that constant asso- has been arranged for the occasion, and
the gold seekers in bewilderment,
ated efforts of the mills through the
forced to burn a large portion of their
edium of a bureau with suitable ex­
Many Trees to Be Planted.
provisions, destroy their ammunition
bits, centrally located, should ’ be
In addition to the 625 acres of apples and return home. They took a due
ade to introduce fir throughout this and other, fruits1', being set out by the
westerly course crossing the Cascades
■eat consuming territory where its A. C. Bohrenstedt company at Creswell,
and reached home after traveling 17
erits are only known in spots.
a number of individual citizens there days on foot. The search for the Blue
are planting and will plant during the Bucket diggings was thereafter aban­
Denial of the report that a lumber season over 300 acres of fruit. Cres­ doned, as it was learned that the fol­
ia shingle trust has been organized on well is in the midst of one of the finest lowing winter high winds and drifting
ie Pacific coast is made in a telegram fruit growing tracts in the state, and sand had covered ‘all trace of gold.
hich has just been sent by Victor H. is located nine miles north of Cottage Where this spot is located is a mystery,
eckman, secretary of the Pacific Coast Grove. The best apples in Lane county whether in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, or
imber Manufacturers’ association, to are already grown there. When this Montana may never be learned, but the
¿ward Hines of Chicago, president of new acreage begins to bear, the output general supposition is that it is in East­
e National Lumber Manufacturers’ at Creswell will be something big. ern Oregon.
sociatipn. The dispatch is as fol- Among those who will plant orchards
Mr. Adams is 81 years of age, hale
ws: “All dispatches about forma- in the spring are the following: V. G. and hearty. He has six daughters, all
on of lumber and shingle trust on the Grousbeck, E. L. Barnett, G. E. Ever­ of whom are married. They are as fol­
icific coast are absolute falsehoods son, H. Holterman, T. A. Schafer, E. lows: Mrs. Lydia Van Buren, Mrs.
id evidently the work of free lumber J. Moore, Prof. Barnes, C. F. Moore, Theodosia Cathcart, Mrs. Helen Viles,
Ivocates. Whoever is responsible for Peter Hillesland, W. A. Reynolds, Fred Mrs. Mary Hawley, Mrs. Lucy Arm­
ereports should be asked to make an Wright, Dr. Thompson, B. F. Martin, strong and Mrs. Hattie McFarland.
nphatic denial. The published re­ Sherfcian Morss.
nts of a trust having been formed
Mooney Honors Albany.
i an injustice to the lumber trade.”
Albany had the honor this morning of
Big Advertising Campaign Will Make
New Orleans lumber and timber op- having a brief visit from Bud Mooney,
Orégon Known to Many Millions.
itors have closed a dea l for 280
advertising campaign that will
res of Clackamas county timber rifle shots of the United States Nation­
ids, paying $300,000 for the property, al Guard. Mooney was one of the reach no less than 27,428,750 readers of
misers employed by the buyers re­ members of the Oregon team at camp newspapers throughout the country has
tted 200,000,000 feet of fine standing, Perry, Ohio, last August. Mr. Mooney been planned by the Portland Commer­
nber on the tract and the sale was is a member of the Cottage Grove mil­ cial club and will be opened up in Janu­
ade on a basis of $1.50 per thousand, itia and was in town with a friend, Mr. ary and run. for three months. The ad­
lis is the largest sale of Oregon tim- Wicks, who had to stop for a short vertising will call attention to vacant
r lands since the Slattery deal, in- time on business with Senator . F. J. lands of this state and the chances here
iving $500,000, made last summer, Miller of the Albany Iron Works. Mr. for the newcomer. There is no ques­
d one of the most important trans­ Wicks is a sawmillman and is having tion that this advertising will result in
lions of the kind during the year. It some machinery repaired by the local bringing many people to Oregon and
understood that the buyers are ne­ shop. The two gentlemen went to the whole state, not any one section,
gating for adjoining timber lands Newport this noon on a two or three will be benefited. The keynote of the
advertising will be * ‘Oregon is thé place
Gaining 300,000,000 feet, which they days’ business trip.-¿-Albany Herald.
you; 1910 the time; railroad devel­
Il probably secure in a short time.
opment the reason. ”
Child Dies of Exposure.
The Eugene Lumber company is ship­ The lifeless body of 5-year-old Gladys
Case of Blood Poisoning.
’s logs from up the Mohawk to Eu- Allen, daughter of M. D. Allen and
« by rail. At the millpond an au- wife, residing at Franklin, northwest Mrs. W. D, Heath, who resides in the
Row river valley, came to Cottage
»atic dump is used. The mill is be- of Eugene, was found beside a creek a
short distance from the house, the child Grove on Friday last to receive treat­
I overhauled.
ment for blood poisoning. Mrs. Heath
h. S. Livesay & Sons will move their having wandered away from home.
accidentally pricked her finger with a
’mill from Gervais to Woodburn in
pin, and two days afterward blood-
died of exposure.
A site has been purchased, and
poisoning set in. She is recovering.
’machinery will be added.
The Siuslaw Jetty.
Us rumored that the Southern Pa-
Work will soon begin on the $100,000
| Card of Thanks.
c will put in two saw mills on the improvement to the Siuslaw river, the We wish to extend our sincere thanks
itmn extension,
amount having been raised by .popular to friends and the W. O. W. for their
liter remaining idle for about two subscription among residents of the sec­ kind assistance in the burial of our soh
All work
it is reported that the Southern tion to be benefited. It is expected and brother, Charles D. Hull,
Nhc’s three saw mills at Marcola that the work will occupy two years.
J ohn H. H ull and family .
Simeral & VanDenbtirg
Our prices range from $2.00 for plain
rockers to the most expensive Turkish Rocker.
Quarter sawed and polished Dining Tables
at only $ 12.00
Davenports and Couches from $9.00 to $25
Buffets, China Closets, Book. Cases, Dressers
and Commodes at remarkably low prices
Library Tables and Stands at low prices
In fact you can buy the best practical Christ­
mas presents of
Simeral & VanDenberg
Santa’s Headquarters for Useful Christmas Gifts
If you want an Xmas Present for the boy we have a lot
of nice ones that will just suit him. A Little Wagon
for $1 and some others for $6. A fine .22 cal. Rifle
$2, a dandy one for $9. Lots of Jack knives and many
useful articles found so acceptable at Christmastide
Do not overlook our line of Razors. We have a dan­
dy for $ 1 and will give you a strop with it. Also have
them from $1.50 to $5. Nothing better.
We carry a fine selected line of sporting goods, all at
the right price. Remember we. buy for Quality.
Scissors are so frequently mislaid in the household that
you can not have too many pairs. We have them from
25c to $1.50 per pair.
A good sharp chopping axe for cutting kindling wood
is a necessity to every household. Save money by
buying one of our axes, 75c to $2 each.
Jack Knives, one blade 10c, two blades 25c to 50c.
Three blades 75c to $2.00 and 4 blade knives $1.50
to $3.
A buck saw that will saw wood with ease is something
that everyone should have. We have them from 75c
to $2. .
Beaulieu & Woodard T. A. ANDERSON,
• • a
guaranteed satisfactory.
Phone 114.
All Orders left at Marion Veatch’s will
be given prompt and Careful Attention.
Sales - Promptly - Effected
Office corner Main and Second Sts.,
one block west of depot. ’Phone Main