The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 24, 1909, Image 4

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    Reign of Saul Overthrown By
the Royal School.
Splendid Amateur Performance Pre­
sented at Armory Last Night—Will
Be Repeated This Thursday.
m. Classes for every one. Sermon at
11, ‘ ‘Thy Kingdom Come. ’ ’ The Christ­
ian Endeavor society will hold its last
service of the present contest. The
special effort put forth by the young
people has been gratifying. The even­
ing service will be made more attrac­
tive by the large choir. The subject
of address is: “The Valley of Dry
Bones.” This is an evangelistic ser­
vice and an after service of prayer and
testimony will be held for all who wish
to remain. The loosing side of the con­
test in the Presbyterian Christian En­
deavor society will entertain the winn­
ing side on New Year’s Eve. The
Brotherhood and Mizpah class is also
invited to enjoy the evening. The ex­
ercises will be held in the Endeavor
room of the church.
Evangelist Kellums will begin a ser­
ies of meetings at the Christian church
tomorrow. These meetings will con­
tinue until January 1.
Commencing. Sunday evening Janu­
ary 2, and continuing until Sunday
evening the 9th, the Presbyterian, Bap­
tist, Christian and Methodist churches
will hold a series of meetings together.
The gatherings assemble at the usual
hour, 7:30 p. m. Each service starts
off with song, prayer and testimony,
followed by a sermon. The Methodist
church will be the convening place Sun­
day and Monday; the Christian church"
Tuesday and Wednesday; the Presby­
terian church Thursday and Friday, and
the Christian church the final service
on Sunday evening. Every effort is to
be made to make these gatherings sea­
sons of great blessing, and it is. hoped
that the results shall more than com­
pensate preachers and people for the
extra efforts put forth. Next week the
complete program of speakers and top­
ics will be given.
The Methodist Brotherhood held a
most interesting meeting Tuesday even­
ing in the church. Three new members
were initiated into the craft. • At the
close of the program the brethern went
down to the gymnasium where an appe­
tizing lunch had been prepared and was
served by Messrs. Hall, Sanford and
Monroe. Judging by the comments
these members will often be asked to
serve in a like capacity.
“King Saul” was presented at the
Armory on Wednesday night, and will
be given again tonight—Thursday. The
play is under the auspices of the Royal
Intermediate school, and is staged very
creditably. Rehearsals have been in
progress for several months. The sev­
eral participants acquitted themselves
splendidly, and received applause af­
ter applause from the large audience
present last night. “King Saul,”
Judge Willis Perkins’ sacred cantata,
deals directly, a s its title would indi­
cate, with the life of the first king of
the Hebrew nation, a time through
which there was no grander, excepting
the reign of David and Solomon, which
immediately followed Saul’s reign. The
cantata opens at the rejoicing over the
conquest at the Amalekites, wherein
Saul so nearly obeyed God and yet the
prophet told him that complete obedi­
ence was necessary then as now in or­
der to please God. And inasmuch as
Saul tried to shift the responsibility on­
to the people, God rejected him and in
his downward path he finally goes so
far as to consult a familiar spirit.
David receives praise because of his
valor, and this makes Saul more angry
and he tries to kill David. Saul’s army
is overthrown in battle and Saul and
his sons are killed. David is crowned
king, and the cantata closes with all
sounding the praise of the new king.
Those who take parts in “King Saul”
are: Saul, King of Israel, A. Earle
Owens; Samuel, and Satan’s imperson­
ation of the dead prophet, Paul Wheel­
er; David, J. P. Wheeler; Jonathan,
Mr. Samuel Damewood of Lorane was
Saul’s son, Hiram Wheeler; Michael,
in Cottage Grove on Wednesday.
Saul’s daughter and David’s wife, Mrs.
The Woman’s club is making an ex­
Gertrude Emmerson Wheeler; Abigale, cellent record in the sale of Red Cross
David’s wife, Mrs. Alice Wheeler Gild­
stamps. The first lot was quickly-ex­
ersieve; Witch of Endor, Ethel Francis
hausted, and another order was placed
Rodgers; King’s Guards, Alva Dear-
and filled.
dorff, George Gildersieve; Messenger
Dr. Ingram is out of town until Jan-
of Comfort, Archie Wilson; Herald,
■uary 1.
Loyd Owens; Chorus of Damsels and
Mrs. Frank Skillman of Grants Pass
chorus of Witches, Ethel Francis Rod­
is in Cottage Grove, a guest of her
gers, Olive Parmele, Blanche Johnson,
Elyda Moe, Etta Wilson, Nina Ran­ sister, Mrs. Dora Fields.
The recital which was to have been
dolph; David’s Attendants, Roy Wheel­
er, Paul Barnett; Chorus of Ladies, I given at Drain by Warren Glaze and
Grace Innis, Ethel Cox, Mrs. A. A. his pupils has been indefinitely postpon­
Wheeler, Altha Gildersieve, Faye Dear- ed.
Miss Dora Johns has gone to Rose­
dorff; Mrs. D. A. Estes; Chorus of Sol­
to spend the holidys.
diers, Edward Babcock, Paul Barnett,
There was an article in the Portland
Frank Bradford, Ernest Chitwood,
Frank Chitwood, Willis Gildersieve, Telegram and in The Statesman of
Kyle Kendall, Lloyd Owens, Archie Salem, which conveyed the idea that
Wilson, Chas. Wilson, Albert Wheeler, the steam roads would not grant the
Alfred Wheeler, Frank Wheeler, Roy holiday rates this year. The article
gave an erroneous impression, insofar
Ladies of the Cantata.—Ethel Cox, as concerns the Southern Pacific and
Elsie Deardorfl:, Faye Deardorfl:, Varien the 0. R. & N. lines. These lines haye
Dresser, Olive Parmele, Ethel Par­ been running an advertisement giving
mele, Elyda Moe, Mrs. John Moe, Mrs. the dates of sale of round trip tickets,
D. A. Estes, Nina Randolph, Altha for he holidays. Tickets have been
Gildersieve, Ethel Rodgers, Ruth War­ put at one and one-third fare.
Subscribers to the Bonnville Maga­
ner, Grace Innis, Hazel Gear, Mrs. A.
A. Wheeler, Fanney Haney, Etta Wil­ zine will receive the New West, the
son, Mrs. Alice Wheeler Gildersieve, former having been merged into the
latter, and greatly improved.
Mrs. Gertrude Emmerson Wheeler,
The Promotion department of the
Blanche Johnson and Clara Warner.
Commercial club met last night, and
Men of the Cantata. Edward Bab­
discussed several matters of interest__
cock, Almon Owens, Lloyd Owens,
The basketball team will not play at
Paul Barnett, Jesse Rodgers, Frank
Eugene today—Thursday. It was im­
Bradford, Ernest Chitwood, Frank
Chitwood, Archie Wilson, Chas. Wilson, possible to secure a hall for the game.
The Vesuvius Mining Company will
Orville Clifton, Albert Wheeler, Alva
hold its annual meeting at Eugene on,
Deardorff, Alfred Wheeler, Paul Estes,
Frank Wheeler, Hiram Wheeler, George January 1.
M. J. Williams of Eugene was in
Gildersieve Willis Gildersieve Roy
town on Wednesday.
Wheeler, Kyle Kendall and Prescott
The First National Bank of Cottage
Grove, in common with all other Na­
tional banks of the country, must by a
AMONG THE LOCAL CHURCHES. new order of things promulgated by
the comptroller of the currency, have
Topics for Discussion at the Several monthly meetings of its board of-direc­
Cottage Grove Places of Worship.
tors, must appoint an examining and
Those who were present at the Meth­ .discount committee and all the loans
odist church last Sabbath have not done and discounts of the bank must be ap­
talking about the services yet. They proved by the directorate at the month­
were such seasons of uplift .and bless­ ly meeting, such approval to be record­
ing. The advent of the Savior will be ed in permanent form.
celebrated on Sunday by song and ser­
mon. Subject of Robet Sutcliffe’s ad­
Card of Thanks.
dress at 11 “The Wonderful Name.”
We desire to tender our most sincere
The ladies quartet renders a selection. thanks to the many friends and ac­
People’s Popular service at 7:30. quaintances who so kindly rendered
Hearty congregational singing. Come assistance after the death of our belov­
and take part. Duet by Messrs. Harris ed daughter and' sister, Laura, and es­
and Conner. The pastor speaks on pecially, do we desire to acknowledge
“Christs Interview with the Tax Col­ our appreciation of the beautiful flowers
lector.” Bible school at 10 a. m. Ep­ contributed, and trust that should the
worth League devotional meeting at grim messenger bring sorrow and afflic­
6:30 p. m. Over 80 were present at the tion to them, they, too, -Will be sur­
last gathering. The old are enjoying rounded by sympathetic helpers.
its means of grace as well as the young.
Strangers heartily welcomed.
The Mizpah Bible class of the Pres­
Silk Creek Neighborhood.
byterian church will hold a business
H. M. Damewood and daughter Ethel
meeting and social at the home of Mr. were in Cottage Grove on Wednesday.
and Mrs. Herbert Eakin, on the even­
Sam Damewood was in this neighbor­
ing of December 29. AU who are in­ hood on Tuesday visiting friends.
terested in the class are invited to be
Miss Adah Collins of Springfield is
present. A permanent organization of here visiting her grandparents. She
the class will be effected at this time. will stay until after Christmas.
Services at the Presbyterian church
There will be- one week more of the
next Sunday: Sunday school at 10 a. Silk Creek school.
Men Usually Leave Purchases of Gifts
to Eleventh Hour.
With only a short time remaning be­
fore Christmas, the rush becomes more
pronounced and business people are
meeting the demand. All of the elev­
enth-hour buyers are being heard from.
The belated male shoppers must yet do
their buying. Some storekeepers aver
that the absence of men is to be ex­
plained largely by the fact that the
average man has his wife or sister or
mother do his Christmas shopping, But
that does not relieve him from the ne­
cessity- of buying something for his
shopping representative. The store­
keepers quite generally are expecting
a rush of male shoppers Friday night.
Concerning the increase in trade over
last year, it .has- created everywhere
among business people spirit. The in­
creased sales over one year ago makes
everybody feel good. It has surpass-'
ed expectations, and all are happy in
Frame Your Xmas
Has just received a handsome, line
of Mouldings of various kinds, and
invines you to call and inspect
them and get prices.
Three-face looking glasses, 15c to 35c
Necktie and scarf set in boxes, $1.25
Silk suspenders in pretty box, 50c
Hair brush sets, 40c and 75c
The Sentinel has always posed as a
friend of the gentler sex; but when
it comes to their invading the privacy
of our sanctum sanctorum and distrib­
uting a pint of cow’s cream over our
Sunday-go-to-meeting coat and then
wiping it up with our lavender muffler
we draw the line. Even our mahogany
office furniture is bespattered with
butter fat, and the velvet Brussels:
floor-covering suffers likewise, and
yet we attempt“" to smile our. bland-’
est, while inwardly there is something
doing that jeopardizes our chances for
treading the golden streets.’ Cream
is all right in its place,, but its place is
in the dairy; women are all fight in a
way, but this particular one -doesn’t
weigh much.
Landlord Westbrook is represented
to be a hard nut to crack at solo; Mr.
Trask a beaut at pinochle; Mr. Medley
unbeatable at manipulating the ivories;
Mr. Wilson a captain at nigger bil­
liards; Dr. VanWinkle a professor of
bowling, and Mr. Rosenberg a habit­
ual “jiner,” but Tom Parker take’s the
Not only does Cottage Grove gain a
valued acquisition to its citizenship in
Mr. L. S. Hill, but it also becomes the
home of an accompanying bulldog that
is absolutely guaranteed to lick all
comers. This canine is said to be gen­
uine, having the trade-mark blown in
the bottle._____ _
No Wonder There’s Fever.
Salem water is so plentifully supplied
with colon bacilli that, the analyses of
there samples, just completed by Dr.
Ralph C. Matson; bacteriologist for
the State Board of Health, reveals the
presence of this bacillus in every cubic
centimeter of the water examined.
The extent to which’the Salem water
is infected may be judged by the fact
that at least one bacillus Was found: in
each cubic centimeter. In quantity a
cubic centimeter is about 15 drops. 3
The weather has been exceptionally
fine the past few days, and more than
the usual number of ranchers have
been in town this week.
- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- x
Ladies’ hand bags, 75c to $3.50
The very latest designs and pat­
terns; nothing old and shopworn.
Some of the prettiest combinations
ever shown anywhere.
Ladies’ furs and Muffs, $2.00 to $6.50
Sleeping dolls,-china, 25c; china dolls 10c and up
We do the work and guar­
antee it absolutely.
Fancy art center pieces and doilies 35c to $3.50
Phoenix mufflers, 25c to 50c
Ladies’ embroidery handkerchiefs, 25c to 65c
Men’s initial handkerchiefs, 10c to 50c
Flowered Dresden ribbon, 2 in. wide, 20c yd.
Many other articles too numerous to mention here
Improved-and Unimproved’ Farms
‘’We Have It For Less”
Choice Acreage Adjoining Town «A Bus-'
We Call Your Attention to Our Special Lines
iness and Residence Property for Sale
Just Arrived For the Holidays
Reference: 'First National Bank or Any­
one in Cottage Grove.
Send for
Spriggs Bros
Headquarters For Shoes
Always Comfortable—Always Good
Our shoes give snap, style and
shapeliness to the homliness feet
that ever dangled from a pair of legs
Our Suits and Rain Coats
Are equally, as satisfactory
Price List, etc.
' «A
. «A
— have passed “the new boot
* *
stage. ” We do not experi­
Frank Ebby’s old Stand on 4th ment with our business, nor with yours.
street. All work guaranteed. ;
We are not incorporated for the pur­
Phone Main 321.
pose of financing auxiliary enterprises.
Carlton Nursery Co.
Large growers' of local stock. Sup­
pliers of commercial plants—clean, vig­
orous and true trees. Heavy on apples
in Spitzenburg. Newton; etc. In pears
Bartlett, Anjou, Comice, etc. In cher­
ries R. Anne, Lambert, Bing, etc. In
peaches 2 Crawfords, Muir, Sharlotte,
Salway, Elberta, etc. In-prunes Italian,
etc. Small fruits, bushes, etc.
Be Sure Get Onr Prices. It Will Pay You
Send list, of wants. Stock carefully grown
and shipped. We can han die your order
rightly and at right prices. Catalogue free.
Carlton Nursery Co.
We enjoy the distinction of top notch
quality “that tine enduring kind.”
We respectfully solisit your banking
business on -the basis of superior
strength and experience, and assure
courteous inteligent treatment and
close attention to your individual wants
That Was Ever Shown in Cottage Grove
‘‘Ever Wear Hosiery”
First National Bank
of Cottage Gorve
Carlton, Oregon-
Newest and Nobbles Line Hats
Harrell &
IFYOU DIE, it costs no more than or­
dinary Life, if Y ou L ive , it is more
profitable than Endowment. Life insur­
ance is a great protection to our families.
TOM AWBREY has the most reason­
able plan known.
I '
Administrator’s Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been appointed by "the
county court of Lane County, Oregon,
administrator of John Semro, deceased.
All persons having claims against the
estate are hereby notified to present
the same at his office in Cottage Grove,
Lane county, Oregon, duly verified
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated this 5th day of November,
Administrator of the estate of John
Semro, deceased.
Rooms with Bath
promptly and satis­
factorily. They have
every facility for
handling all classes of
goods, and simply
solicit a trial.
f X
Rates to All.