“TEACHER’S CLO’ES.” How Papa Bncourased. Catarrh “What did papa say, George?” He said it was too hot to talk nonsense.” “But did he know that you wanted to marry me?” “I—I think he did.” “And It weakens the delicate lung tissues, didn’t he encourage you to proceed?” deranges the digestive organs, and “Yes. he held the door open for me.”— breaks down the general health. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Invites Consumption Voice of the People. “Colonel, what will be the overshad- Little People Knew What They frwlrig issues of the next campaign?” “Well, I can’t tell you about that, Liked Best In School. A teacher whose .little pupils are I St. course, until a few of us have got for the most part immigrants asked together and had our little conference.” them not long ago to each think a No matter how long your neck may moment, and be ready to tell what be or how sore your throat, Hamlins thing in school they liked best. The Wizard Oil will cure it surely and first hand raised was Anne.tta’s, and quickly. It drives out all soreness and her answer came, at the nod of per- inflammation. mission, with explosive enthusiasm. A Secret Society. one of you city men once in a while.— It was: Carrie—I’ve got a dandy idea for a “ Teacher ’ s clo ’ es! ” Philadelphia Bulletin. Radically and permanently cures. Being, as it were, already accus­ girls’ secret society. Belle—A secret In usual liquid' form or in chocolated tablet! Starting; Another Controversy. tomed to the unexpected In dealing, society! -■ Do you think it would be known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $L “Old chap, you ought to shave ofl with her flock, teacher accepted this practical? Carrie—-Surely. We wouldn’t that long beard of yours. It harbors reply as quite in the: natural order of keep secrets; we’d swap them.—Puck. Example at Hand. germs—that’s what the doctors say.” The Pastor (dining with the family) “Dear boy, you ought to trim tha. things, and proceeded to turn it to One DiMtinctlon» —Ah, yes, Brother. Smithers, it is the half bushel of hair on your head. account. She was glad,, she said, that. Irate Caller—Your paper accused me little things of this life that count! There’s no telling what it harbors.”— Annetta liked her clothes, because she this morning of running over a man Little Willie (in a loud whisper)— Chicago Tribune. really took a good deal of pains to with my motorcycle. It isn’t true. It Maw, that’s the sixth biscuit he’s took. have them nice. They were, she point­ was an automobile. You Can Get Allen’s Foot-Ease FREE. —Chicago Tribune. Editor—Well, what’s the difference? Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.' Y., for a ed out, always very simple; but she Irate Caller—The difference? About free sample of Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cures tried to choose pretty colors, and above During the year 1908 no less than sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes all things, to keep them neat. Nobody $850!” new Or tight shoes easy. A certain cure fox 9,254 different books were published in corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug­ could help sometimes tearing holes or the United States. The number is 366 gists sell it. 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. getting spots; but everybody should Pettit’s Eye Salve for 25c less than during the preceding year. clean the spots and darn the holes as relieves tired or overworked eyes, An Inconsistent Expense. stops eye aches, congested, inflamed “I wonder why long telegraphic soon as possible. Indeed, a lady, or a or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard ladylike little girl, would feel very un­ Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. messages are so expensive.” comfortable if she had to stay untidy “Why do you wonder?” * ‘ AND TANNER A Output. “Because they are intended to go on more than a little while. She added: Truth Seeker—What are the Issues “See, I keep this little work-bag in tick.”—Baltimore American. FÜRS BOUGHT my desk, and I will always lend it to In the coming campaign? F. B. FINLEY His Summer Job. Ward Heeler—Well, we haven’t is- any one who wants to mend her dress “Got a summer job, eh?”-said Yorick in recess. Perhaps I might even some­ sued anything yet but a loud call for 249 Columbia Portland, Ore. money. Ham. “On a farm,” explained Hamlett Fatt. times see a place that you could mend, - Nipped by a Late Frost. MODERN EXPERT “What do you know about farm but hadn’t noticed; would you like me to tell you if I do? I am sure if there, “Pulsatilla, I’ve been coming to see work ?” DENTISTRY “Q, I’m hired to talk dialect for the was anything wrong with my clothes you for several years, and I think it’s At Pric.es that Defy Coriipetition benefit of the summer boarders.”— that I could put right, I should wish high time for me to—er——” . TEETH WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY “Quit and give some other young Courier Journal. to be told.” man a chance, Mr. Slocum? Thanks; The lure of the dainty work-bag and Broadening; Effect of Travel. so do-1. Don’t stumble over the rug in “Aunt ’Mandy, now that you’vt the -artful suggestion of reciprocity the hall as you go, Mr. Slocum.”—Chi­ made that long anticipated visit tc worked admirably toward an increase cago Tribune. China, tell me what you think of th< of tidiness for some days. Then came Chinese as a race.” a visit from a group of distinguished “Well, child, they certainly do knon educators. More chalk was needed in how to cook rice.”—Chicago Tribune the course of a blackboard exercise, ......... 50c PAINLESS EXTRACTION....... and teacher reached up for it to a DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION. SILVER FILLINGS................... ...50c up high shelf. As she turned, several GOLD FILLINGS....................... $1.00 up 22K GOLD CROWN.................. ...... $5 00 Quickly Cures Rheumatic Pains, Alsc hands shot up, but she ignored them GOOD-RUBBER PLATE. ...... $5.00 ...... $8.00 to finish the task in hand. Presently THE BEST RUBBER PLATES Splendid System Builder. ...$10,00 WHALEBONE PLATES ......................... ............. Out-of-town patients can obtain perfect work Go to any good prescription druggisl she raised her arm high in-using the and save money by calling at our office. and get the following and mix them pointer. More hands waved excitedly. NO STUDENTS ’ NO GAS NO COCAINE If he does not have- these ingredient? A moment later she did so again. An­ TftE BEST WWOl TOB All work guaranteed for ten years he will get them from his wholesalt netta could efidure no mole . CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS The relief is as quick as it is certain. I house. . “Scusi, teacher,” she cried, “but your 323Vs Washington St., Cor. Sixth . One ounce "compound syrup of Sar waist buttons will be all bust off if I Pleasant to fake and guarante ed | Established 15 ydhrs.’ Here to stay. saparilla, and one dunce Toris com don’t tell you! First it was one bust absolutely free from opiates. pound; Add these tQ a half pint, ol All Druggists, 25 cents. >1 first-class.; whiskey, and use a table off, and then it was two bust off, and spoonful before each meal and at bee then it was one more bust off, and the time. The bqttle must be well shaker last one. that busted wenr down the . each time./' This simple remedy is ont register!” of the most effective, known. The It was a ,very flushed teacher, in a The Chinese Doctor: restorative action will be felt after th< becoming if semi-detached blouse, who first few doses. explained to three twinkling educators This wondeful man has made a life study of the some additional points in Her methods The Sort of Man He 1». properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and “Biffers is a singularly narrow anc upon which she had not expected is giving the world the dwell.:—Youth’s Companion. selfish person, isn’t he?” benefit of his .services. “He is. Cook at the steak is fai* No Mercury, Poisons wear well ® i z'Artful Young; Barney Kehoe. more interesting to him than Cook at or Drugs Used. No Will ye be for the Gap 0 ’ Dunloe, and they keep you it the pole! ” - — . C leveland Plain Dealer. Operations or Cutting It often causes headache and dizzi­ ness, impairs the taste, smell and They Helped Some. hearing, and .affects the voice. Visitor—I don’t see how you cab Being a constitutional disea« re­ reconcile yourself to b^ing a farmer. quires a constitutional remedy. Si Seeder—I couldn’t if I didn't see 1 Hood’s Sarsaparilla TAXIDERMIST CURE C. Gee Wo SLICKERSl Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma,.Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China—safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in its works.;' If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose’ 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16214 First St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or., Over Her Hea'd. “Where are_you going to spend youi honeymoon ?” asked the prospectiv< bride’s girl friend. “O, it will not be a mere honey« moon! ” exclaimed the prospectivi bride. “It will be a honey cycle!” “So you’re going to take your wed­ ding journey on. bikes,’ are you? Hoti perfectly delightful!” gurgled the oth- Tlie Kind rou Have Always Bouglrt has borne the signa­ ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision ior over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and . Just-as-good” are but Experiments, and endanger the ' health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTO R IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. ..Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The M W Haie Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR «»¿MPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ïT®ïï WearW. L. Douglas comfort­ able, easy walking, common sense shoes. A trial will convince any one that W. L. Douglas shoes hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other,makes. They are made upon honor, of the best leathers, by the most skilled workmen, in all the latest fashions, shoes In every style and shape to suit men in all walks of life. PAI ITIHN I The genuine have W. L. UnU I lull ■ Douglas name and price stamped on bottom, which guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. 6 I dunno? Oh! I’m glad 0’ that same/, Ail the tourists think shame To be missin’ the Gap 0’ Dunloe— They do so. ' Now, then, whisper! Mayhap When ye come on the Gap Ye’ll be seein’ a lass On this side 0’ the pas^ That’ll ax for the toll. She’s a dacint good soul, Though .the eyes of her twinkle so droll, Well, ye’ll pay her the tax An’ ye’ll wink*.an’ ye’ll ax: “Would ye marry young Barney hoe?”— ’Tis a bit of a joke That the folk love to poke At the lass 0’ the Gap 0’ Dunloe. it’s where, whin ye’ve done Dunloe, Will ye go? Ye’ll be wise t© come back By this very same thrack, Fur there’s little that’s back o’ loe— There Is so. ' Sure, the hills are so bare There’s no scenery there Like the kind that ye find On this side, d’ye mind? So, I’ll watch for the eBay Whin ye’re passin’ this way Jist to hear what the lass had to Whin she made her reply To the wink o’ yer eye An’ yer joke at the Gap o’ Dunloe— Is it who may I be ? Ye’ll find me, d’ye see, If ye’ll ax for young Barney Kehoe. —Catholic Standard and Times. Not Used to ;t. The new teacher was beginning the arithmetic lessen, says the London News. “Now, boys,' listen to me. Suppose John has five oranges and James gave him eleven more, Then Jf John handed seven • to George, how many would he have left?” Dead silence and great perplexity fell upon the class. “Come, come; that’s easy enough. Well, my lad, what is it?” “Please, sir,” said one of the boys, “we always does our sums in hap- ples.”. i Makes a .Living; as Pawning Agent. e t A woman who appeared in a Lon­ don police court the other day was scribed as “pawning agent.” She makes her living by pawning 1 lings for her neighbors, who pay her a com­ mission because they believe she can «ecure larger loans* than they could. Quite a ¿S- & M oys M oes take NO SUBSTITUTE. your reach. If youiA tfealer cannot fit you, write for MailOrder^Catafo^^--L.Dougl^A’ocMon, Mass. \ Shock. Bridegroom ,(expectantly) — Now, my dear father-in-law, I wish to say just a word about my debts— Father-In-Law (slapping him on the back)—Did you say debt’s? Why, my boy, I’ll bet my debts exceed yours +hree to one!—Fliegende Blaetter. Home Thoughts. ' SMITH WANTS YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Or., Nov. 16, 1909. We have our own 22 markets and we supply some others. As has always been our policy, we shall give the Portland public only fresh, absolutely choice native poultry. We refuse to use the Eastern cold .storage poultry that is being brought inhere in carload lots: We are loyal to the Oregon farmer. The prices ruling today are as follows: Dressed, Turkeys...........20 to 22%c Dressed) Geese ...............15 to 18c Dressed Ducks..............20to 22%c Dressed Chickens, hens and springs, 15 to 16c Live Chickens, hens and springs 14c Dressed hogs........................................ 9c Dressed veal, up to 130 lbs........10c Large Veal Less. All produce must be good, fat quality : poultry dry-picked. Wé want small turkeys in preference to large ones.- The smaller thé turkey the better. We do riot charge commission on anything. We will remit with check drawn on the First National Bank of Portland. Ad­ dress all shipments to the FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. Portland, Oregon^ “Fighting the Beef TrustM Nobody Protesting;. “Was this decision a case of ’square deal’?” asked -one belligerent politician. “No,” answered the other. “It was a ease of don’t dare squeal.”—Milwau­ kee Sentinel. BARBER SCHOOL WE TEACH THÈ BARBER TRADE to both men and women. Expert instruction; di­ plomas granted; . clean, modern, up-to-date. Money earned.while learning. Complete course for $30. Write for free particulars: NATIONAL BARBER COLLEGE 68 West Washington St. Seattle, Wash. To Enjoy the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen­ tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there­ fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub­ lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro­ duct, which they demand in*a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company’s original method of man­ ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine—manufactured by the Cali­ fornia Fig Syrup Co« only, and for sale by all leading druggists. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfailing water supply. It means that you will have the most practi­ cal Domestic water supply, system now in use. No elevated tank, no frozen pipes in winter, no stagnant water in summer, no water supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed in basement, out of sight and way. . made of pressed steel, will not rust and will last a lifetime. You will be pleased with the LEADER system of furnishing Domestic Water Supr 'y. Ask for our catalogue and free booklet, “How I Solved My Water Supply Problem.” Raises the dough and complies with all pure food laws. LEWIS & STAVER CO. CRESCENT CRESCENT MFG. CO. Makers of MAPLEINE (better than Maple). I Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. No. 48—09 P N U I TXTHEN writing; to advertisers please R V V mention tills paper. dry while you are V wearing them EVERYWHERE / GUARANTEED WATERPROOF'^ ! à «* **^^5 A.J.lbWER CO. B oston . USA. T ower C anadian C o . limited , T oronto , >09 can . ainless Dentistry Ont of town people can have their plate and bridgework fin* ished in one daj if necessary. We will give you a good 22k gold or porcelain crown for $3.50 5.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 .50 2.50 5.00 7.50 Painless Extr* don .50 Molar Crowns 22k Bridge Teeth Gold Fillings Enamel Filling^ Silver Fillings Inlay Fillings Good Rubber Plates Best Red rub­ ber Platen _____ DR. W. A. WISE, PunioiNT «NoMaw-sa _ ________ 22 _______ nan uramsHit m fortuno WORK GUARANTEED FOR 15 YEARS r'ainl^sExbTact?on Fre*e when plates orbridge work Painless Extraction r Free is ordered.. ordered., Consultation Free. Free,: You cannot canriot.get get better painless work done anywhere. All work fully guar­ anteed. Modern electric equipment. Best methods. Wise Dental Co« jjJF Cheapness" YL vs. Quality In the matter of food you can’t afford to sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy I is right, and good but inferior food products A aré dear at any price, feif r BAKING S KG POWDER >/? WM manfoçi ï , v5H,CAC<ù*«c>f is economical—not Cheap. Try it. The- best at any price or your money back. JAQUES MFG. CO feSfe. Chicago. By Guaranteed under all Pure Food Laws F ailing B uilding T hibd &W abh . sirs. PORTLAND, OREGON OFEXOE SOUfiS: 8 ▲. M. to 8 P. M. Eundays, 9 to 1. Sherman, Clay & Co. $ From Arctic to Tropics Sixth and Morrison, Opposite Postoffice PORTLAND, OREGON in Ten Minutes WE MAKE PIANO BUYING EASY AND SAFE No oil heater has a higher efficien­ cy or greater heating power than the It is not difficult to choose a satisfactory instrument when you have as many from which to se­ lect as we can show you. A child or inexperienced person can select a Piano here and have the same protection afforded an expert in Piano values. We sell on xthe One PHce System. We guarantee every Piano we sell. If you wish to purchase to the best advantage, write for our catalogue. Steinway and Other Pianos. Victor Talking Machines. WtHCHON PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Autopiatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. Removed in an instant for cleaning. Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil—sufficient to give out a. glowing heat for 9 hours—solid brass wick barriers—damper top—cool handle—oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer, Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the STANDARD oil company (Incorporated) 6 A street piano grinding out “Home, Sweet Home,” is apt to make a com­ mercial man on a trip lonely until he remembers that his wife wrote she more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well was in the midst of housecleaning.—• and is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask. dealer, or we Will send postpaid at lQc a package. Write for free booklet how to dye, bleach and nux colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, Illinois. Syracuse Post Standard. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES