The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 17, 1909, Image 3

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    with the Oregon Trust Savings Bank
of Portland by the Bank of Drain and
could not be found when called for.
The Dt*ain people started a warm trail
and the missing securities were finally
discovered where they were said to
have been mislaid. Judge Bronaugh
held that Devlin was not liable per­
sonally and as receiver he was a gra­
tuitous bailee, liable only for gross neg­
ligence, which was not charged in the
Oregon National Guard Must Do
Undo Many Things.
Complete new regulations for
Starts Off With Membership of
Oregon National Guard, in which
model used is the regular Army, and
many important changes have been an­
nounced. One of the first and most
important changes is that which does
away with undesirable recruits.
“Runts” can no longer be received as
Guardsmen, nor can men of unusual
avoirdupois. For it is prescribed that
The Rev. Z. Hopf of Salem, Accom­ Farmers in the vicinity of Cottage no person shall be enlisted whose height
panied^ by Singers, Perfects the Or­ Grover-1 have travelled about consid-. is less than 5 feet 4 inches or whose
ganization—H. Venske is Pres­
erably during my life time, and I have weight is less than 125 pounds, Anyone
seen many countries, but I have never weighing more than 190 pounds can not
seen any better land for dairying pur­ get in. Ninety rounds of reserve am­
poses than in the State of Oregon and munition for each member of the Guard
A branch of the Deutschen Sprechen especially that surrounding Cottage must be kept constantly on hand, for
This ammunition
Verein, which organization has twenty­ Grove, as you can grow feed for the emergency use.
seven Vereins in the state of Oregon dairy cow the year around. I know that must be held ready at the armory
with a membership of over 18,000, was- you know something about dairying, where the rifles of the various organi­
instituted in Cottage Grove last night but I know that the average butter zations are kept. By no hook or crook
by the Rev. Z. Hopf of Salem. H. yield from a cow is not—more than can anyone hope to secure a commis­
Venske was elected president; B. Lurch about 150 pounds a year, which is a sion in the service hereafter except on
vice-president; John Graber secretary, very good average as averages go, but merit. The rules applying to the ex-
and A. Hamloth schatzmeister. An­ it is not enough and I will do all in my aminaton of commissioned officers is
other meeting will be held next Sunday power to help you raise the average. rigid.
afternoon for the purpose of admitting There is very much to learn about As to the uniform, it must be exactly
other members, and to further perfect dairying. No man lives who has mas- similar to that of the regular army at
tered the science of feeding the dairy all times. This applies to dress, full
the organization.
The primary object of the Duetschen cow, or the science of breeding her, dress, olive drab, khaki and fatigue
Sprechen Verqin is the banding togeth­ or getting the most out of her, or tak­ uniforms. Enlisted men are prohibited
er of G.erman-Amerieans to perpetuate ing tfie best possible care of the pro­ from appearing in uniform, or in any
the mother tongue in conversation and duct. In order to become a successful part thereof, except when on duty. A
song, and fpr social intercourse. There dairyman we must study the cow her­ new bronze insignia, circular in form
is also a personal liberty feature. The self, the dairy machine as a special and bearing the abbreviation “Ore.”
organization has headquarters in Port­ purpose machine. We must get rid of is provided for the collars of all enlist­
general purpose ideas because experi­ ed men.
As to the men accepted as recruits,
Accompanying Rev. Hopf to Cottage ence has shown us that those who have
Grove were F. W. Heyser, Aug. Kehr- become successful dairymen are per­ their character, as well as their physi-.
berger, W. Hamburg and A. W. And- fectly satisfied that in order to reach cal and mental qualifications, must be
eregg all of Salem. These gentlemen the greatest results, only the special gone into hereafter. All recruiting of­
formed a quartet and rendered a num-, purpose cow will do it; I shall ask ficers are charged with the duty of ac­
ber of songs during the evening^ which you to test your cows, or bring me the cepting men of good standing in the
werd greatly appreciated. Those sign­ milk from each cow you own and I will community. Four new companies are
ing the constitution were: H. Venske, test al! your cows free of charge. You to be organized for the infantry service
John Graber, Chas. Fahremald, A. E. must weed out your .poor cows and keep within the next year, in accordance
Hamloth, R, Gerisch, Don Bleuer, L. only those that give you a - profit for with a War Department compact, and
Kempff, Geo. Atkinson, John H. Bar­ the feed and the labor you put into this new method will be given its first
tels, G. Graber, H. C." Madsen, B. them. There are thousands of cows in tryout.
Saluting out of uniform is one of the
Lurch, Lew A. Cates, Miss Anna Rhode, this state and there are hundreds of
Mrs. E. Fahremald, Robertina Anlauf, cows in our county whch today are not minor and yet most radical changes
Hereafter enlisted men
Eleza Bleuer, E. Born, Lena Hamloth. paying for the food they consume upon provided.
the farm. Borne are returning you a must salute officers when meeting them
loss for the food you give them and it on the street or at the armory, even
is your duty as a business man to find though both be in civilian dress. The
Odd Lengths Now Being Sold—Local them out and get rid of them. I am same applies to officers, it being re­
Lumbering News.
studying the men who bring me the quired that junior officers must salute
Practically all of the large manufac­ cream to the creamery and I say a man their seniors. Officers entering an
turers of lumber in the states of Ore­ should understand the production armory or military camp must be salut­
gon and Washington have entered into of his dairy. Figuring by acre and by ed, even though not in uniform. That
an agreement to manufacture odd, as cow, he must study the soil for he is a serves to do away with the ancient
well as even, lengths in flooring, finish producer of cow food and then he must feeling that “it’s only the shoulder
and similar planing-mill products. be a student of the cow in order to get straps I was saluting, anyway, and not
Heretofore, it has- been customary to the largest returns from her. If the the man.” Officers and enlisted men
manufacture these products in even farmer doesn’t use his brains I don’t are made responsible and accountable
lengths only. Under the old system a care how hard a hand may be if a for all property given into their hands,
considerable portion of the lumber man’s thinking mechanism doesn’t work and must turn such property over on
which came to the shaping machine and improve and expand in judgment demand. To increase the responsibility
was wasted and this action has been he can work himself to the grave and of accountable officers, they are requir­
taken in order to save that waste. The die with hands as hard as a hammer ed to furnish bonds ranging from $1000
Forest Service is authority for the improvident. The day of stupid; heavy to $5000.
Use of regulation ammunition in
statement that 15,000,000 board feet of labor in agriculture is past and gone.
high-priced lumber can be saved an­ The day of better, deeper, stronger hunting or for private purposes is done
nually in Oregon and Washington by thinking is coming Wise old Soloman away with by a provision that such
the manufacture of planing-mill pro­ said, “As a man thinks so is he.” He ammunition may hereafter be used only
ducts into lengths of odd feet as well did not say as a man labors so is he. in action, for target or from the firing
as even. It would require the yearly Now where is this truer than in agri­ of authorized salutes.
growth of timber on approximately culture? We must labor, we can’t
30,000 acres of average timber land to escape that, but we need a strong sen­
grow this amount.
timent spread over Oregon in the value !
M. B Kasai, who recently opened a
W. T. Hankins went to Dundee on of better thinking.
cabinet and repair shop on the west
Tuesday. The Row River Lumber
side, has furnished the Commercial
company, with which he is connected,
Manager Cottage Grove Creamery.
club with a sample of Royal fir highly
is as busy as a nailer.
polished. This wood is susceptible to
Methodist Brotherhood.
The Booth-Kelley company is doing
At the church parlors of the. Method­ a high finish, and presents a handsome
some extensive logging adjacent to
church next Tuesday evening, after appearance when so treated, the grain
Saginaw. A new donkey engine has
the transaction of the regular monthly standing out prominently.
just been added to the equipment.
The Community book is beginning to
Many of the'camps north of us have business, the following program will be
give results. During the past week
been shut down for some days of late, rendered:
sixty-one inquiries have been received.
Song, selected, Brotherhood.
on account of the rainy season.
A ‘full attendance of all persons, inter­
J. B. Wilhelm of Dexter will put in
ested in promotion work is requested
a sawmill of 10,000 daily capacity : near make Cottage Grove a better place to
at the Commerical club meeting Mon­
Creswell. The mill will be ready for live, A. J. Armstrong.
day night. A full and complete re­
General discussion.
operation early in the new year.
Vocal duet, selected, Messrs. Van port of the work done to date will be
rendered by the committee on public­
Winkle and Harris.
Silk Creek Neighborhood.
How Brotherhood may assist in ity.
Mrs. Mattheyer of Cottage Grove
, A Mr. Thompson, a former resident
was in this neighborhood visiting building up and maintainiug men’s of Eastern Oregon, has purchased
classes in the Sunday schools, J. B._
friends last week.
through Hemenway & Lockwood the
Mrs. L.' B. Slagle visited her parents Simeral.
Roy Ostrander place of eighty acres
on Silk Creek Monday last.
Violin solo, selected, Gilbert Tyson; five miles west of town, paying $1000
The Literary society met at the Silk
therefor. Mr. Thompson has his fami­
creek schoolhouse last Saturday even­ Warren Glaze accompanist.
here, and will take immediate pos-
Ways in which Brotherhood may ben­
ing, and was well attended. Mrs. S. E.
sessisn of his newly required property.
Markley and Misses Hazel Hanner, efit and be helpful in a literary manner,
James Hemenway yesterday brought
Edith Rosenburg and Edna Elledge W. C. Counter.
to The Sentinel a branch from a red /ft
General discussion.
were out from Cottage Grove.
Quartet, selected, Messrs. Van Wink­ raspberry bush that was in full blossom, /ft
The Adventists are holding a series
and another bearing berries. Only a
of meetings at the church on Silk Creek. le, Harris, Counter and Conner.
few days before, he-says, he picked a
The sad news has reached us of Char­ System by . which Brotherhood may handful of the ripe fruit from his bush- W
lie Hull’s death. His sister is teaching
es. That’s going some. .
L. A. Ralston. -
the Silk Creek school.
The Bohrnstein Company, which has /h
General discussion.
recently bought large acreage near is
County Judge Investigates.
Blest Be the Tie, Brotherhood.
County Judge Thompson was in Cot­ Light luncheon; All members are Creswell, has made Mr. J. S. Spray a yji
proposition for the purchase of his ar
tage Grove on Wednesday, coming especially inyited to be present.
but negotiations have not been W
hither for the purpose of making an in­
W. C. C ounter ,
consummated, and nothing may come of /ft.
vestigation of the overflow just outside
Chairman Com. on Fellowship.
it, says the deal /ft'
of the city, and after going over the
has been closed.
Nesmitli Again Defeated.
ground with a committee appointed for
During the past week canvassers for /ft
the purpose by the Commercial club The Nesmith basket ball team was
will present the matter to the county defeated in a hotly contested game last the enlargement of photographs have IK
night by a'score of 17 to 16. Jewett, been “working the town” and taking W
court at an early date.
the Roseburg referee, gave Cottage a considerable number of orders. There /ft
Suit Has Been Discontinued.
Grove the worse end of the deal in the being an institution in Cottage Grove /ft
The suit brought by the Bank of last half.
where this same class of work is done /ft
Drain against Thomas C. Devlin per­
The Sentinel made inquiries regarding
To load lumber for Shanghai the the relative cost and was not surprised
sonally and as receiver of the Oregon
& Trust Savings bank for $750 damages British steamship Glenaffric, 2658 tons, to learn that the home price is forty
sustained in the search for $800 worth has been chartered by the Pacific Ex­ cents cheaper than that asked by the
of Tacoma Home Telephone bonds and port Lumber Company to load at Port­ itinerant solicitors. This is only an­
$4900 worth of stock reported by Dey- land.
other case where people can save mon­
lin as lost or stolen,, was thrown out of
The Sentinel will be published ey by patronizing home institutions.
the circuit court yesterday, when a de­
Red Cross stamps, in addition to the
murrer to the complaint was sustained on Thursday of next week in order other places named, may be found at
by Presiding Judge Bronaugh. The to give advertisers the benefit of The Wave and the Rees-Wallace com­
bonds and stock had been deposited their Christmas announcements.
pany’s store.
Grand Sacred Dramatic Cantata
“Saul King of Israel”
Holiday Announcement
Useful Things in
solid gold jewelry
Solid Gold
Xmas Presents
Buttons in sets
Veil Pins
Handy Bags
Signate Rings
Silver Bags
Vanity Cases
Gold Beads
Match Boxes
Cigar Cutters
Scarf Pins
Let Us Assist You in Planning a Delightful Christmas
The approaching holiday season finds this store’s stock augmented with the new­
est things found in the markets today. Experience has taught us the wants of
this community and we have purchased holiday goods in keeping with that de­
mand. We may have reached out somewhat beyond the demand, but that re­
mains to be seen. One thing is certain, never before has there been shown in
Cottage Grove such a Magnificient display of
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Hand-painted China, Cut Glass, etc
(Upon Your Visit we will Demonstrate that this is NO EXAGGERATION)
A Complete Line of Sterling Silver Ware, Art Metal Ware, Fancy Clocks, Trays,
Novelties, Toilet Sets, Souvenir Spoons, and Hand Painted Vases.
Make your selections NOW, pay us a small amount down, and the balance when
you take the goods. This will make easy payments.
Holiday Goods
We have the largest line in the city.
We do not ask you to take our word
for it, come in and see them. Many
useful things, in fact every article
in the store is staple.
Suitable Presents
Childern’s Books
Xmas Books
Fancy Calenders
Our Line of Dolls &
Is exceptionally large. We have
made prices so they will move.
Holiday Books J J J
. Bibles and Testaments
Fancy PeWumes
Pyrographic Outfits
Shopping Bags
We have the largest line of Holiday
Books ever shipped here. See them
and be convinced.
We Will Gladly
Reserve anything you want.
and tell us your wants.
A Few of Our Many
Xmas Post Cards
Manicuring Sets
Perfume Atomizers
Pyrographic Patterns
Ladies’ Purses
New Year Post Cards
Gents’ Purses
Fancy Box Paper
Parker Fountain Pens
Conkling Fountain Pens
Xmas Cards (fancy)
Post Card Albums
Doll Heads
Dolls, a beautiful line