The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 17, 1909, Image 14

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The total number of locomotives in
use in this country at the end of 1907
was 55,388.
Each of the British Dreadnoughts
lias a hospital with a capacity for six­
ty patients.
The Heart’s Desire.
In the coursé of his, aeronautical
•*God give you your heart’s desire,
experiments M. Blériot has met with
Snails and Slugs.
Whatever it be,” she said;
fifty accidents.
A woman gardener wrote to State
Then down the gallery’s shining length
Zoologist H. A. Surface at Harrisburg,
Chicago is considering plans for an
Like a thing of light she sped.
Pa., asking for instructions how to
expensive subway system of . railways
overcome the snails in her garden.
to cost $80,000,000'.
Her face was a stranger’s facet*
Prof. Surface replied; , “Snails and
Her name I shall never know;
Greece has practically no; coal dépos­
slugs, although very great and sèri-
But softly here benediction fell
ai Whatever electric > power it has
As the night winds breathing low.
ous garden pests, especially where the
comes from waterfalls.
gardens are damp and the vegetation
The average daily clearings of the
Who knoweth the heart’s desire?
rank, can be prevented by the use pf <
New York clearing house last' year
Its innermost secret dreams?
an impassable barrier of powdery sub­
Ito holiest shrine where the altar lights
amounted to $241,413',023;
What the inventor says will be a stance around the beds of plants to
Forever and ever gleam I v
The coining value of thé gold and
boon to small farmers, as the be protected. Soot is excellent for
silver of the mints of the world in
Who guesseth the. heart’s desire?
it is claimed, will do the this, although dry ashes will serve
1907 totaled $4,983,002,850. ?
Ah, neither you nor I!
work of six horses, is in use in Cali­ the purpose, and air-slakfed .lime will
It hideth away in darkling space
In the United States the percentage fornia, but it can be adapted to any be found very good. Also, .-you can kill
From the gaze of the passerby.
of railroads which are not engaged in locality. It is a gasoline tractor and them by dusting them with some
carriage of the mails is very small.
is a help In plowing, harrowing and freshly slaked lime mixed with paris
Who giveth the heart’s desire
Sixty-two electric railway lines oper­ harvesting. Jit will keep running as green, using about thirty parts of the
To the child that cries for the moon?
I lime to one part of the paris green,
ate in and about the city of Paris. The long as it is fed gasoline.
Or the samite robe and the Holy Grail
annual average of apssengers carried
Built with a two cylinder motor, which is dusted abundantly over their
To the soul that was born too soon?
is 190,000,000....
the tractor has plenty of power. It bodies. Also dusting their food plants
Who giveth the heart’s desire
With the completion of the Benguel- has (two speeds, forward and reverse, with flour and paris green will de­
To the lover whose love lies dead?
la railway,- from the Zambesi to the and is easily operated from an exten- stroy them. Another method is to poi­
Or the priest who faces the silence
son some leaves of plants of which
Congo border, Rhodesia will have a
With the living word unsaid ?
are particularly fond, and put
Service of 3,500 miles of railroads.
this where the snails will find and eat
Who giveth the heart’s desire
A farmer near Exeter had a flock of
them and be destroyed. Another meth­
To the poet with harp unstrung, .
turkeys which a ¿train ran through,
od is to place boards loosely on the
When he droppeth the trembling lyre
killing ten. of them. He could not col­
ground, aS traps, and in the morning
With his noblest song unsung?
lect damages because turkeys are not
examine them and pick out and gath­
—Julia C. R. Dorr.
animals, and the law does not require
er the snails and brush them into a
the railroads to fence against birds,
vessel containing salt, which will kill
aeroplanes or balloons.—Kansas City
With the growth of human brother­
» them. If the ground is dry and crack­
hood, and its necessary correlative,
ed pour salt water into the cracks,
popular government, woman, as a part
The highest garden in the world is
and thus destroy them. The barriers
of glorified humanity and elevated
that situated at a height of 6,000 feet
mentioned above should be kept dry,
with its uplift, found herself side by‘
on the Petit St. Bernard, in the Alps.
or renewed every time after a rain.
side with man; his helper not Only,
It was started on a small scale nearly
Keep the vegetation around the gar­
as formerly, in things temporal, but
fifteen years ago, and under the pat­
den mowed low, or keep the ground
his companion in all things. To-day
ronage of Quéen Margherita it has |
cultivated, so that these pesto will
all forces in human existence and hu­
grown to a garden of considerable im­
find suitable places where they can
man relations have been exalted and
portance. There are mountain plants team.
refined. As far removed as is the beast
from all- over the world.
having low, wide wheels, narrow
of burden from the electrician’s wire,
A Joplin woinan who planned a visit tread, short wheel base and short turn­
Newest Posthole Anger.
so far is the woman of the earlier
to the East asked the city attorney to
The walking hat of the day will be large or small, as one wishes. There keep her 14-year-old son in jail until ing ;raidius. A special feature is that I An invention that will be found use­
years from her sister of the twentieth
never was more liberty in clothes than now. The sketch not only shows an her return. The police judge said, ’T .the tractor may be driven from the ful by fence-makers and farmers gen­
century’s dawn.
As the humanitarian idea has plow­ admirable hat, but it gives the proper detail of neckwear and the new revers don’t believe this is a bad boy. To seat of the ordinary wheel plow or erally, is the post-hole auger designed
by a Michigan man. This
ed its day through human history,’ on coats. The hat is of soft felt faced with panne velvet, and with a crown send him to jajl would harden him. I harrow, enabling one man to drive and
implement digs a narrow,
woman has developed with that idea,
believe this, boy’s future is of more
fence or other post hole and
and noiw her finer instincts, her keen­ on the forehead, showing a little of the n(erw coiffure, which is parted at the importance than his mother’s vacar cultivator with perfect ease and con­
digs it quickly. In appear­
er intuitions, and her patient heart
tion.”:—Kansas City Star.
light in weight, with all control levers
ance the auger resembles a
are' the full complement of the robust and finished with two gathered flounces in front, scalloped and buttonholed.
The union working women of Bos­
clean hole, just the right
masculinity which has conquered na­ The revers are edged with black Ottoman silk, and at each buttonhole is an ton have organized a choral society for conveniently arranged.
diameter for a huge auger
ture. The two united glorify -human­
the purpose of singing labor songs in front wheels are made the traction
ordinary carpen-
ity. It is no longer a question of man
meetings. Many excellent voices have
It is pressed
or woman, but of quality of service, really healthy individuals are those polishers and of house flannel. The been discovered and so much interest wheels; also the steering wheels. In
down into the earth, the jaws
and-of power to meet the world’s need. who eat sparingly. Really, our great­ cut-off feet serve for the rubbing on is being taken in the work that the the rear are smaller plain . wheels,
■*-Mrs. .J. Ellen Foster.
est enemies are those who urge us to of beeswax and turpentine and other chorus may embark upon a more ex- clos? together, with flanges to hold taking in the amount of dirt a post
eat. Eating is necessary up to a cer- polishes. Women who do not care to • tensive program than the sounding of against side slipping, used simply as would replace, and then withdrawn.
trailers, to which the plow, cultivator, bringing up the dirt just as a dredger
American Sportswomen.
tain point, but almost everyone eats use up their old stockings in this way the praise of labor in song.
harrow or farm wagon is hitched the would. Indeed, the implement works
We have heard sometimes that too much.—Agricultural Epitomlst.
may like to utilize them for charity.
To the public in the elementary same as thougn coupled to the small much like a dredging machine. The
American men are so keen to win
The legs of two full-size stockings
of Kiel, Germany, the local wheels used on the rear of the ordi­ advantage of auger is in the small,
the games they play that some of
opened out and then joined up togeth­
nary tongue when plowing with a clean hole it makes. Without it' a post
them are rather unsporting, not only
er will make a warm little under-bod­ tramway company is distributing team.
hole must be dug with a spade and the
in the spirit but in the letter. If
ice or vest for a child. The stocking
The power plant is built in a stiff
this is so, then their womankind must
hem makes the lower part of vest, hints for children crossing the roads. steel frame, mounted rigidly to the smallest spade not only makes a hole
be, and, Indeed, say they are, a su­
which is finished off round the neck I Among them are: “Keep to the right main axle, and is composed of a two too. big, but one that necessarily slants
perior creation, as no one makes a
and sleeves with a crochet edging. iq: walking on the pavement and do cylinder opposed engine of standard from the rim to the bottom and must
more delightful opponent than an
Stocking legs, three or four of them, not »stand at street corners. In cross- make, rated at twenty-four horse- be filled again. It is easy to under­
stand that a post will stand much
American lady. I remember when one
will also make a poor child an accept­ ’ ing the road do so at right angle and powjer.
Close-fitting styles’ will continue.
j not diagonally and at a spot where the
more firmly in a hole that does not
of them was being condoled with on
Some long coats of the most elabor­
have to be filled in.
suffering defeat from one of the lead­
sewn into a straight band or on to 9
ing Welsh players she said, with .ft, ate nature are seen.
There are, it is estimated, 17,600,000 Thumps in pigs is caused by a sur­
Faded reds are in again for coat
cheerful smile: *T guess she played
persons in the United States who, in­ plus of fat and a lack of exercise. The
Selecting Seed Corn.
Ways to Comb the Hair.
better golf than I did—so I can’t suits on younger women, .
stead of calling in a physician when thumping is due to violent beating of
In gathering the corn crop, it is well
grurit.” Could anything have shown
they are sick, ‘ resort to some one of the heart, causing shaking movement to look out for next year’s seed. Next
a more sporting spirit than that?— effects are rather Indefinite.
the many forms of drugless healing. of the sides and flanks of the animal. to good soil and good cultivation, is
Lady’s Pictorial.
• •* The toque still., reigns supreme for
Of these systems, at least two-thirds Often it is so violent that the whole good seed. Do not place too much con­
walking in Paris, and is seen in wide
are “mind cures.” Ten years, from body trembles and shakes with the fidence in abnormal individual1 ears,
New Embroidered Collar.
now, judging from thé rate of increase movements. In aggravated cases the lect good ears from rows which pro­
during the last ten years, there will pig is weak and uncertain in his duce a large yield. And when seed-
While gilt buckles still retain their
be 55,000,000 persons relying on non- walk, and lies down most of the time. ing time comes next year, do not rely
■favor, some fancy footwear have
medical methods.—Van Norden’s Mag- Before death the nose, ears and other too much on the character of the seed.
buckles matching the color
parts of the body become red and pur­ With well-prepared soil and thorough
The new draperies for autumn are
The father of Dr. Frederick A. Cook ple with congested blood, due to weak culture, a large crop of corn can be
striking in effect. Birds and leaves
was named Koch, and the name was circulation.
grown from almost any kind of seed,
Advanced cases of the thumps are which will germinate, but good seed
changed by error when he enlisted in
and flowers riot over tüem in gorgeous
the army. He was born in Germany
will increase the yield, and will fully
and practiced medicine, in New York. are noticed reduce the bedding if there repay the trouble and cost of obtain­
The new lingerie still shows the ef-
The younger Cook, who now lives in is much in their sleeping quarters; ing it.
feet -of ruthless suppression. It has
Brooklyn, was born in New York in reduce the feed and compel the pig
lost nohe of its prettiness, but is no
1865, and was graduated from thé med-. to exercise in the open air. Fresh air
longer aggressive.
Homemade Feed Cutter.
*cal department of the University of will purify the blood and exercise will
Mousseline and gauze ruching
Here is a feed cutter which anyone
promote circulation. When pigs be­
used to finish gowns at the ends of
can make from a little cheap lumber.
not actively engaged in the practice come fat and lazy they will lie in bed The knife, a, is a common broad ax,
the sleeves, around the bottom of the
la great part of the time, often com-
which most farm­
skirt and elsewhere.
Ipletely covered with bedding, so that
ers have. Ptlt a
The various wine and maroon shades
they breathe impure air and dust.
handle in, as
Three electric elevators are to be This poisons the bldod and reduces
are to be very good gtyle; violet, plum
shown, and build a
features of each of the new United the vitality in general, which, with
and purple shades will be modish, but
■ Xi’1.
frame of 2x2-in'ch
States ships of the Dreadnought type, compression of the heart with surplus
not to such an extent as heretofore.
1 *
hard wood and inch
but not because American sailors are fat, causes the malady.
boards. The end of
too luxury loving to walk up and down
Learn to Sit Down.
In the spring or summer when pas­
the handle is fas­
stairs. They will have a lift.of a lit- ture is good It is well to change pas­
A quaint old woman used to say,
tfe over twenty feet, and they will be ture of hogs afflicted with the thumps FOR CUTTING FORAQ tened to the stand-
’There ain’t no sen^e In them that
usèd mainly by the watch officers, so that they will be induced to take ardat b with a piece of strap iron.
has chairs being tired.
Why don’t
whose duty takes them from fire room more exercise and eat green food. Re­ Another piece of strap iron, c, acts
Most of the new blouses
It still
as a guard and keeps the ax close to
hair, New styles look simple, but in to fire room. The elevators are ren­ duce heavy feeding and keep the the edge of the box.—Farm and Home.
at the neck in Dutch fashion about
an inch below the lower edge of the keeper to ask herself. She would find this case looks deceive. The contour dered necessary by the fact that there bowels of the animal loose by doses
high stock. This stock is set on a life much easier, Would- fight off the of the choiffure^ is so astonishingly are no doors between fire rooms on of castor oil. A little turpentine in
The Poultry Yard.
shallow yoke of the same material, wrinkles longer and would geneihlly 'different that one can waste a lot of the new ships. The first elevator to the slop or drinking water is said to
be used in the United States navy was be good.
Eighteen hens that were fed milk
sometimes stock and yoke being of be brighter and happier if she could time in the effort to be fashionable.
last winter laid more eggs than 100
lace. With ordinary Shirtwaists stock, learn to sift down whenever a chance
A light wire frame is placed about installed on the hospital ship Solace
Check-Rein on Horses. .
and yoke are of silk, as in jthe illus­ presents itself. It Is worth while to the head and over this is smoothly during the Spanish war.
When a horse stumbles he is far fed on cut bone and meat.
tration. Below this silk stock and obtain comfortable chairs for almost wrapped a long uncurled switch. In
During the fatal illness of King less likely to go down when his head
A flock might just as well roost in
yoke a dainty little embroidered col­ every household task. Except sweep­ front is a puffy fringe about the face, Charles II of England there were four­ is left free. In England, where they trees as in a house full of cracks and
lar sets around the top of the Dutch ing, scrubbing . and bedmaking there and at the back is a soft large knot teen doctors in attendance, and they are far ahead of us in everything per­ holes, which chills the birds in spots
neck opening. These little collars are are few tasks about a house which of hair. With the new fashion ribbon dosed him in the course of five; and taining to horses, the check-rein has and poduces bad colds.
of white linen, or of delicately col­ cannot be done just as well sitting as bows and bands may be worn and few­ one-half days with the following drugs been -abolished, the last surrender be-
Some people are willing to pay an
ored linen the embroidery being done standing.
er combs—which, is a good thing for and powders: “Orange infusion of ing that- Of the artillery and cominis- extra price for eggs on one color.
in the same 9hade. A more dainty or
the health of the hair.
the metals, white vitriol dissolved in sariat trains cf the British army/ the Many people get a cent or more a doz­
Renovating a Worn Carpet.
becoming finish for a dark shirtwaist
compound peony water, pbwdér of sa­ change having been made by Sir en for sorting their hen fruit açcord-
When flowers or designs in carpets
Precepts for Housekeeper.
could scarcely be imagined.
cred bitter, syrup of buckthorn, com­ George Bourgoyne, the late comman­ ing to size and color.
become faded or worn, get dyes the
If you have daughters, teach them
color required and dilute by directions to knit and spin, and to keep the fam­ mon decoction for clysters, rock salt, der-in-chief, and he testifies to the ben­
Take no chances by having too
The Fasting Cure,
emetic wine, two-blend pills, *byrony eficial results attending it.
given. Take small paint brushes, dip ily accounts.
chickens together in one flock,
The fashionable remedy for most ail- into the different dyes and paint the
compound, powder of white hellebore
If you see they are getting to be
If you lend a man or woman a small roots, powder of cowslip flowers, best
tnento is semi-starvation. It has taken flowers or other faded parts. Be care­
ZA Valuable Cow.
crowded in their winter quarters,
medical science a long time to get ful not to use too much dye at a time sum, be sure to ask for it before he or manna, cream of tartar, barley and
Grace Fayne II.’s Homestead a Hol- make thrift and health a certainty by
back to the first principles. When ani­ or it will run into the next color.
liquorice, sweet almond kernels, sal stein-Fresian cow, valued at $8,0.00,
dividing them up, or selling some of
If you have a family and are not ammoniac, antidotal milk water, mal­
mals feel badly they refuse to eat. With patience and pains the work is
died recently at the Harvey A. Moyer them.
As soon as the system is cleared of easily done and the result is surpris-
low root, melon seeds, chicken broth, Farm, just north of Syracuse, n : y .,
day is a groat a year.
You . may have an idea that poultry
Its accumulation of extraneous mat­ ingly good.
bark of elm, a julep of black cherry
pneumonia. The animal was heav­
Old shoes make good slippers, and water, flowers of lime, lilies of the val­ from
can hunt their own grit. You are
ter nature cures the disturbance.
Use for Discarded Woolen Hose.
need not be denied the blacking brush ley, spirit of lavender, prepared pearls
wrong. Grit is as essential as feed,
When a human feels out of sorts the
Old woolen stockings should not be because they are old indoor servants. and1 white sugar candy, senna leaves, ter record of 35.55 pounds of butter in Get a grit box, fill it with crushed
first thing is to take something. Colds
week and the thirty-day record of
Do not put too much money in your ale, syrup of cloves, Goa stone, Rhine one
In the head are almost always caused wasted, If the legs are opened out
pounds. She broke a former rock and oyster-shell, and hang it on
by overeating, and colds lead to a they, either single or joined together, children’s pockets in going to school, wine, oriental Bezoar stone and a num­ record of 35.22 pounds for a week. One the wall where, dirt will not be
great many other troubles. The only are excellent in the place of furniture lit Is sowing the seeds of prodigality. ber of other medicines.
of her calves sold recently for $2JWQ scratched into it.—Farm Journal.
fâds anti fîmeigr