The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 17, 1909, Image 13

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    Vlr. and Mrs. J. H. Shortridge
Reside Here 60 Years.
An Experience With Redskins Near
the Willow Springs.—Volunteers
of the Civil War.—Aged Couple
Enjoying a Quiet Life.
To have lived for nearly 60 years in
me community with only one absence,
uid that for less than a year, is not
he story of many men'dnd women,
jiving in the shadow of the big butte
it Cottage Grove, only a few miles
rom their pioneer home, Mr. and Mrs.
1. H. Shortridge are spending their
Mr Shortridge came to Oregon in
851 and his soon-to-be bride the year
oilowing. They were married in the
pring of 1853 and went at once to their
abin six miles above Cottage Grove,
/here they resided until a few years
go, when they moved into town and
lave a pretty little home, not far from
he center of the city, yet near to the
Jature that they had grown to love in
he years when they were the only
,'hite people for miles around.
Mr. Shortridge came to Oregon in
hat was known as “Miller’s train,”
saving Mercer county, Illinois, on
larch 13, 1851, and arriving at Santi­
ni City, in the eastern side of the Wil-
imette valley, on August 18, one of
he remarkably quick trips to the west,
hey crossed by the Barlow road. The
rain was not molested by the Indians
auch on the way across the plains, but
ear Bear River, in Idaho, the Indians
west by the Columbia river route in
1852, and in the following year they
were married, culminating a romance
begun . back in “the states.” Mr.
Shortridge had selected for their home
a pretty little prairie not far from the
juncture of the. North Fork of the Wil­
lamette and the Silk rivers and Mrs.
Shortridge was the first white woman
to set foot in that part of the country.
There in the spring of the year they
set about making a home for them-
selvas. For the first three weeks all
the house they had was the spreading
branches of a fir tree, then a little
cabin was completed.
The Indians did not bother the new
settlers in this valley, but there were
two or three who lived near the Short­
ridge home. Indian John and Sampson
boarded at the Shortridge home for
.years and prepared many deer hides for
Mrs. Shortridge to make chappes. And
then there was Indian Mary who en­
deared herself to the settlers.
There was an old Indian named—or
rather called—Hollow Tooth. The gain­
ing of this name was after this wise.
One day the Indian came to the home
of a settler on the Long Tom, when
the woman of the house was alone. * He
demanded food, but the woman told
him she had nothing for him. He in­
sisted and came forward to her as she
was stirring the fire. Suddenly the
woman turned and struct the redskin
full in the face with the hot poker
knocking out all of his front teeth.
Mr. Shortridge was a member of the
mounted home guard during the Civil
war, and met with the other members
for the regular drills and' also went
with his company once to Eugene and
oncé to Salem for exhibition drills. All
the soldiers in this little volunteer band
supplied their own horses and uniforms,
but never received a cent of pay from
the state, nor from the nation.
Theirs was no easy task, even if they
were far removed from the seat of
war. In fact, the situation was worse
than they had supposed at the time.
After the war was over, it developed
In Cases of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Gout and Nervous Breakdown, is
Upon recent investigation,by eminent
pysicians, chemists and -scientists it
has been demonstrated that natural,
earth flowing mineral waters are the
most beneficial means for the cure of
organic maladies.
Paso Robles Hot Springs are at this
time the point of interest to most in­
vestigators, as recent occurences have
attracted the attention of the thinking
world to these springs.
One of their chief points of interest
to medical men is said to be that which
proves that a pre-eminent chemical ac­
tion rests in the waters which flow from
the earth at Paso Robles, California.
Paso Robles Springs is making cures
daily of rheumatism, gout, stomach
trouble, neurotic diseases, kidney trou­
ble and general breakdown, which
proves almost beyond question to medi­
cal men that there is Some quality in
these waters superior to any in this
country and probaby in the world.
It is also claimed for Paso Robles
that the air conditions are perfect. It
lies in a small valley protected by moun­
tain ranges; is 720 feet above the sea
lever and is not assailed by too much
sea moisture or an abnormal tempera­
ture from the- hot land winds.
This air conditions is thought by
some to have almost as much to do with
its cures as the waters themselves.
The town, like all health resorts, is
filled with boarding houses of all kinds,
so that every purse will be pleased.
There are hotels for the rich, where
any luxury may be had. Private baths
for exclusive patrons who wish to be'to
These springs have been known for
centuries, for they were used [by the
Indian to cure his sick and later the
Franciscan fathers performed wonder­
ful cures here, but it is only recently
that the really marvelous powers of
these waters were made known to the
world at large.
Nearly every form of organic trouble
is treated at these hot springs, for the
authorities welcome all except those
who have; tuberculosis or unclean di­
seases. For the man Who suffers from
over-eating or from alcoholic excesses
there is nothing in the world to equal a
week spent at Paso Robles. It straight­
ens him out with a rapidity that is
wonderful, and the best recommenda­
tion is that they do away with the
nerve-craving for stimulants because of
their peculiar soothing effects upon the
nervous system.
Truly speaking, the study of Paso
Robles Hot Springs is one which is giv­
ing the medical fraternity abroad and
at home much interest, and is brobably
directing more attention to Califnoria
than any other of her natural gifts to
A small book, neatly illustrated, has
been recently published by the manage­
ment telling the story of Hot Springs
in a most interesting manner and giv­
ing complete information. Send for it,
either to Wm. McMurray, General Pass­
enger Agent of the O. R. & N., Port­
land Ore., or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, man­
ager, Paso Robles, Cal.
ide one of the horses—Sam Jones’ that the secessionists had been holding
are, “Blue Bonnet.”
.regular meetings in secret, and that on
It was the custom of the train to at least two occasions one of which was
itch all the horses together at night, a Methobist camp meeting, they had
sing small chains. In some way one all their plans ready for seizing the
f the links in “Blue Bonnet’s” chain government, even so far as each hav­
as broken, and a piece of buckskin was ing picked out the man. he was to shoot.
tessed into service to make the repair, But for some reasons the guns that
hat night an Indian crept through the were taken to the religious service re­
ties and Cutting the rawhide made mained in the wagons.
ay with the animal.
Row riyer, so Mr. Shortridge tells,
Shortly after arriving in Oregon, Mr. gets its name from the fact that one of
A new fire bell is wanted by the west
hortridge joined a party taking a its early settlers—a man named Clark
side fire laddies, and they propose to
lousand head of cattle into California —was continually having trouble with
bear a portion of the purchase price.
i the Yreka gold fields. That winter - his neighbors, sometimes just neigh­
The Rev. F. E. Billington of Eugene
f 1851-2 is known as the great famine borhood quarrels, and again in law­
delivered two stirring discourses at the
inter in Yreka. Snow fell almost suits. Always in a row.
Christian church last Sunday.
mtinuously for days; the regular sup-
A daughter of this Clark was shot
Mrs. F. D. Wheeler gave ah enter­
ly trains could not get in and food be-
through the breast by an Indian while tainment at Medford last Friday night,
ime scarce. Dozens of the -miners
she was crossing the plains to the west. under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.
ft for the long tramp over the moun-
The arrow narrowly missed her heart
Rev. Arthur Leonard-Wadsworth, A.
ins for food. Finally a man by the
and lungs and protruded from her back, M., of South Pasadena, Cal., field edi­
ime of McDermitt brought in 80 mules
yet the weapon was withdrawn and tor of The Pacific Baptist, was in the
om the coast with suppiles. Flour
she recovered. She came on to Oregon city on Saturday, a guest of the Rev.
as sold at $2 per pound, and not.more
and lived to raise a family.
an six pounds to the man; salt was
Other interesting tales Mr. Short­ *H. Schmitt was a Eugene visitor on
6 a pound—a dollar an ounce—and
eals were one dollar each, consisting ridge tells—of Sc^r Faced Charley, and
of the Indian wars in which his brother Warren Glaze will. give a recital in
boiled beef without salt.
Drain on Thursday, Dec. 30, assisted by
Mr. Shortridge, too, decided to get seryed. He is one of Lane county’s
pupils at that place and by the Cot­
it, as soon as he had had his few bis­
tage Grove quartette.
lits, and he was soon back in the Wil­ ization of the hopes of his youth, and
Editor Baxter of the Creswell Chron­
meriting the thanks of the many who
mette valley.
icle was in Cottage Grove on Monday,
It. was on this trip that Mr. Short- now enjoy a fruitful land which he
ige had an experience with the In- helped, with the aid of his wife, to win and before he returned was the posses­
ans near the Willow springs at Ash- from savagery for civilization.—Eugene sor of a paper cutter, purchased from
The Sentinel, being a part of The Cour­
nd. In taking the drove of cattle Register.
ier outfit this office recently bought.
iuth, it fell to his lot to drive the sup-
Mrs. G. A. Miller, who until recently
y wagon. As they neared the Willow
resided three miles south of town. is
iring, with the cattle far in advance,
very much improved in health, and Mr.
i kept noticing the Indian dogs ap-
The final official summaries of the Miller has changed his mind about mov­
saring from time to time along the taxrolls of the 34 counties of the state,
ing elsewhere. He will make his home
ages on either side of the trail. He received by the State Tax Commission,
in Cottage Grpve for a while at, least.
lew of course that there were, Indians give the total valuation of the assessa­
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson will re­
wit, but kept on. Suddenly he was ble property of the state at $694,725,-
turn to California to reside. Mr. John­
infronted by a small band of redskins, 737.90, an increase of $96,591,774.90, or
son is a carpenter, and came here last
ho demanded whisky. He told them 16.149 per cent over last year. The
fall pn account of the illness of his
ere was none to be, had, but they in- valuation of Hood River county, accord­
mother-in-law, the late Mrs. Smith.
sted that there must be whisky in the ing to the official figures, is $7,459,680,
J. S. Milne spent Sunday with his
agon. There were several guns in an increase of $4,389,387. Jackson parents in Eugene.
e bed of the vehicle, but they were county, with a valuation of $26,438,666-
Senator I. H. Bingham' was in town
it loaded, and there was no way for gets into the decrease column to the on Saturday.
r. Shortridge to get at them. His amount of $246,583. The largest per­ Military Club ball Xmas Eve. A good
«en were fearless beasts, and when centage of decrease is shown by Curry time is assured all who attend.
t found that the Indians were not to county, with a falling' off of 6.38 per
George W. McQueen was in Eugene
8 shaken off with words, he lashed cent. The largest percentage of in­ on Satuday.
em forward straight at the line in crease is shown by Harney county, with
Mrs. Clara Snodgrass returned to her
ont. The Indians held their ground 168.30 per cent, Hood River is next home in this city on Saturday after
r a moment, then wavered and step- with 159.89 per cent Union follows with spending a few days in Eugene.
si aside. Several climbed into the 137.06 per cent. Mutlnomah is near the
Father Gilligan came down from Eu­
ack of the wagon and threw out flour bottom of the list in percentage of gain,
gene on Saturday to conduct Catholic
■<1 bacon. All of them finally left, showing only 6.43 per cent over 1908. services.
ithout damage to Mr. Shortridge.
Clatsop county’s increase , is 1.12 per Meet me at Kerr & Silsby’s. That’s
Mrs. Shortridge came through to the cent.
the place I get good tea and coffee, ..
hasta Route
This is the route of
that magnificent train
Luxurious equipment, high-class service, magnificent
scenery enroute, and all the pleasing features that go
to make winter travel easy. Now is the time to see
the Old Missions, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Del
Monte, Santa Barbra and other famous Winter Re­
sorts in California, the Land of Sunshine and Flowers
To Los Angeles, with corresponding low rates from
all other points in Oregon a'nd Washington. Liberal
stop overs in either direction, with final return limit
six months. Ask any local O. R. & N. or S. P. agent
for attractive booklets describing the beauties of Cali­
fornia as a Winter Paradise or write to