SOMETHINGSABOUT OREGON Splendid Opportunities Are Offered by the Great Valley of the Willamette* The State of Oregon contains 95,746 garden spot,” and is capable of sup­ square miles, or 61,277,400 acres, equal­ porting many thousands of people more ing in size the combined area of the than at present. For diversified farm­ six New England States and New York ing, or fruit, stock or poultry-raising, state included. Of the total acreage this section is especially adapted. The over 10,000,000 acres are included in foothills and newly cleared timber farms although less than 3,000,000 acres, lands furnish splendid grazing for are under cultivation; about 35,000,000 sheep, goats and live stock. These acres are in timber and 13,122,168 are lands are very fretile, and possess the non-tillable. Oregon, as thickly peo­ advantage of drying off earlier than pled as Ohio, would easily support a deeper in the valley, making possible population of over 8,000,000 inhabitants. greater cultivation, and greater variety The half million already here are ex­ of products. ceedingly prosperous and contented. As a Fruit Section. The Western portion of the state, lying Fruit has been grown in Oregon for between the Cascade Range and the forty years, but only of late years in a Pacific Orean, contains 75 per cent of- scientific manner. Several hundred the entire population. It is divided by acres have been planted to apples and the Coast Range, and its laterals into pears in the territory immediately sur­ four sections: The Willamette Valley, rounding Cottage Grove the past year, ' Umpqua River Valley, Rogue River and this acreage will probably be great­ Valley and the Coast district or Coast ly enhanced in 1910. One company counties, bordering the Pacific Ocean alone is planting one thousand acres to for three hundred miles. The seasons fruit trees. ' Cottage Grove has the in Western Oregon are distinguished by banner two-year-old orchard in the the wet and dry rather than by the us­ state. Years of experience have dem­ ual designation. The wet season is by onstrated that we can sucessfully grow no means uniformly wet or rainy, nor apples as a commercial product. The must the dry season be supposed to in­ fame of the apple of Western Oregon dicate a dearth of moisture, but during is well established; its perfection is the wet season 75 per cent of the an-> due to the moisture in air and soil at niial precipitation occurs, while in the time of maturing. dry season comes the qther 25 per cent, Oregon ranks a good second to Cali­ in the shape of occasional showers. fornia in prune production, which is The dry period extends from May 1st now practically confined to the Pacific to October 15th. There are a few States. Ever sensitive to environment, showers, usually in September, which the sucessful growth of the prune will become more frequent until the middle alway be confined to favored localities; of November. Thence to March 15th it cannot be reared far and wide like frequent rains are expected. From wheat or berries. 'Hie early settlers March 15 to May 1st intermittent found that the plum was peculiarly showers, as in October. The precipi­ adapted to growth in Western Oregon, tation as we travel south through the and that its yearly yield of luscious great valleys gradually decreases. fruit was nearly as sure as the coming There are no extremes of temperature of the seasons. Gradually the success­ at any season, the mean temperature ful culture of the prune and its profit­ of the State being 49 degrees. The able return brought the fruit promin­ mean temperature for twenty-seven ently before the public, and today we years past, has been 53 degrees. The find an acreage of prune orchards in mean average temperature of the Coast Western Oregon exceeded only by our region is 51 degrees, the thermometer neighbor, California. No irrigation is rarely rising above 80 degrees in sum­ necessary, which insures a meaty, sug­ mer, or falling below 30 degrees in the ary fruit, of large size. winter. Poultry Raising. The rain fall of this valley varies from Cottage Grove is pre-eminenty the 35 to 50 inches, falling in from 125 to poultry section of Oregon, and there is 156 days. As in all parts of the state, need of more experienced poultrymen the months from June to October are who will raise better fowls, and more practically free from rain. Snow rare­ of them. For such there is ample room ly falls, and when it does, it seldom and a very profitable field. The de­ remains longer than sixty hours on the mand of good eggs and poultry has al­ ground. A frost that penetrates the ways been beyond the supply; and the ground is very unusual. In all portions present stimulation in the mining in­ of Western Oregon, in Which Cottage dustry and increasing immigration must Grove is located, no matter, whit the create a greater future market. The day temperature may be, the night, Willamette valley is the paradise of temperature is always below 70 de­ the Golden, Chinese, Denny, or ring­ grees, being cool and comfortable for necked pheasant. Climatic conditions sleeping. Sweltering hot night are are favorable to their rapid propaga­ therefore unknown. tion, as is proved by the thousands of The main line of the Southern Pacific wild ones all over this section. Shasta Route traverses the length of There is room in and around Cottage the State from Portland to the Sis- Grove for manufacturing enterprises of kiyous, passing through the chief cit­ many kinds, but especially for wood­ ies of the State. Cottage Grove has working institutions. Lane county is the Oregon and Southeastern, which credited on expert testimony with 29,- extends to within a short distance of 000,000,000 board feet, and a large por­ the Bohemia mining district, travers­ tion of this vast amount is directly tri­ ing one of the finest sections of timber butary to this city. This portion of the on the continent. State offers better and cheaper facili­ Fanning Lands. Western Oregon affords a vast area of fertile and productive farming land, the best conditions to warrant the pro­ duction of heavy and diversified crops, and a climate enabling the husbandman to work outdoors at something every month of the year. There is but little land in this Wide region that is not good for one product or another, either wheat, oats, barley, hay, hops, fruits, vegetables, berries or pasture. The farmer can seed all the fall until Christ­ mas, or all the spring until May. Har­ vest is continued just as long as the grain will stand. ^The tillable farm lands of this section are considered too valuable to be used for the exclu­ sive growing of grain, hence the rais­ ing of stock and poultry of all kinds, growing of fodder plants for feed, rais­ ing fruits for export, growing vegeta­ bles and cultivation of many varietiej of berries, form valuable and impor­ tant industries. All varieties of plant­ growth—rich fields of clover, alfalfa, corn, vetch, rape, orchard, grass, peas, thousand-head cabbages, velvet grass, blue grass, timothy, etc., give luxuri­ ant crops. In the Willamette Valley clover is king. Corn for market and fodder is grown extensively. Climatic conditions and soil fertility combined, make a Western Oregon farm more pro­ ductive than the general average of farms in the East. The present time, therefore, affords opportunity for peo­ ple living east of the Rocky Mountains to buy better land in Oregon for con­ siderably less money than is being real­ ized from the sale of Eastern homes, and many are doing this, finding here all the social and educational advan­ tages possessed by the older States in the Union. The Willamette Valley, and especial­ ly the southern end in which Cottage Grove is located, is considered “the ties in the way of material, fuel and la­ bor than can be obtained elsewhere, making it a very desirable location for the establishment and successful oper­ ation of various industrial and manu­ facturing enterprises. The mining industry in the Bohemia district, reached only through Cottage Grove, promises vast’ wealth from the yellow metal, and needs money for de­ velopment. The industry may be said to be only in its first stage. There has been a scratching of the surface in spots, but the deep work is, so far, comparatively limited, and far less than would be justified by legitimate exploitation of the leads which have been uncovered. This district offers a most inviting field to either prospector or investor. Enough has been accom­ plished to dissipate past errors and misconception, and the present returns are quite ample to indicate the direc­ tion and value of the mining industry when prospected under correct meth­ ods. forth the story abroad of Ponce de Le­ on’s myth. Paso Robles Hot Springs, California, are now the cause of universal wonder­ ment because of the continued success­ ful cures being made there. But aside from any romatic feature of the springs, dealing with its Indian tradition or its occupancy by the Fran­ ciscan Monks, Posa Robles is today among medical men who know, the cause of much interest and scientific investigation. Many are not aware of what a place. Paso Robles really is. The town is by all means one of the most thorough health towns in the world. It is given over to the cure of the sick. Tts citi­ zens regard its waters almost in an in­ fallible, light. ' The temperature, altitude, air and scenery make it an ideal retreat. Its cures of rheumatism, gout, stomach trouble, kidney and other organic di­ seases have been so remarkable that its citizens believe there is nothing its baths cannot conquer. .Invalids from all over the country come to Paso Robles. Here can be seen every strata of human life from the bank president in the sumptuous hotel to the sick man reposing in his tent on the meadows. Paso Robles is distinctly a spot where weak women gain health rapidly, and an hour’s conversation at the bath house will reveal tales of nervous wom- en who have been cured. One wonders, after being at Paso Robles—The Pass of the Oaks—whether once de Leon really was without jus­ tification when he started in search of the wonderful “waters of youth.” A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recently published by the manage­ ment telling the story of the Hot Springs in a most interesting manner and giving complete information. "Send for it, either to Wm. McMurray, Gen­ eral Passenger Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Ore., or Dr. F. W. Saw­ yer, manager , Paso Robles, Cal. WEAK WEARY WOMEN. Learn the Cause of Daily' Woes and End Them. When the back aches and throbs. When the housework is torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary disorders set in Women’s lot is a weary one. There is a way to escape these woes. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure such ills. Have cured women here in Cottage Grove. This's is one Cottage Grove woman’s testimony. Mrs. Ella Bisby, East Side, Cottage Grove, Oregon, says: “Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at Benson’s Pharmacy, have been used in our family and have proven very effective in relieving kid­ ney trouble. The person who took them was quite bad off with this com­ plaint, but he is now enjoying good health. This experience has convinced us of the merits of Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no, other. NOT AN EXPERIMENT TA 7^ have passed “the new boot VV " stage.” We do not experi­ ment with our business? nor with yours. We are not incorporated for the pur­ pose of financing auxiliary enterprises. We enjoy the distinction of top notch quality “that tine enduring kind.” We respectfully solisit your banking business on the basis of superior strength and experience, and assure courteous inteligent treatment and close attention to your individual wants Frame Your Xmas PICTURES That are useful are best of all R. W. WATERS Suitable for father, mother, brother, sister or sweetHeart, may be found in onr stock of Has just received a handsome line of Mouldings of various kinds, and invines you to call and inspect them and get prices. Toilet Articles Leather Goods Post Card Books Framed Pictures Diaries, Etc. Wall We invite„your inspection, assuring you that we can supply your wants at lowest prices. The very latest designs and pat­ terns; nothing old and shopworn. Some of the prettiest combinations ever shown anywhere. We do the work and guar­ antee it absolutely. FOR PURE DRUGS R. W. WATERS PHOTOS FOR XMAS At Even Moneya Saving time, traveling expenses and fatigue can be made by using the shortest route ast. There is but one short and direct route between the West and the East. The Southern Pacific Do Not Delay, But Do It Now OREGON SHORT LINE. THE Grove Studio A. J. ARMSTRONG, Prop. Is better prepared than- ever before to do your work satisfactorily, day or night, (except Sundays). The Aristo lamp process doesn’t require sunlight or even daylight. It is the perfect way of mak­ ing photos. Its use is general. Cabinets for Holidays, per doz__ $4 00 Special Mounts for the holidays 6.00 per doz.________________ One doz. Cabinets and one 16 x 20 Enlargement for the . Holidays__________ ________ 5.50 Enlarging bromides $2.50 to— 1.50 Crayons, $5-00 to____------------- 2.50 UNION PACIFIC THERE IS unsurpassed through fast train service to Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cilfy, Chicago, with di­ rect connections to all points East and South. THERE IS an abundance of matchless scenery, and an opportunity to make a daylight stopover at Salt Lake City if it is desired. LET US tell you all about what can be done, be­ fore you purchase your ticket. L. S. TAYLOR, Agent Southern Pacific Co., —or to— WM. MCMURRAY Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland/ Or. Large Sample Rooms Strictly First Class 1 THE HOTEL OREGON COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. B. R. WESTBROOK, PROPRIETOR Attractive Mounts To Select From. Rooms with Bath New Brick Annex The New Star Theatre Woodward ^Building First National Bank Splendid Program every Performance of Cottage Gorve Not a dull moment Something to amuse both, old and young «£ Change of SPRIGGS BROS Program Monday, Wednesday, Saturday IS PONCE DE LEON’S DREAM A REALITY In the days of Spain’s splendor, when returning Spanish galleons brought precious cargoes of gold and other min­ erals back to Madrid, wild legends of springs of eternal life were told in REALESTATE every European court. Ponce de Leno, a Spanish gentleman INSURANCE AND LOANS of great riches, fitted out an expedition COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON and went in search of the spring of life. The ludicrous and pathetic end­ Improved and Unimproved Farms «A ing of this expedition is known to every Choice Acreage Adjoining Town J* Bus­ school boy, but it is very often called to mind by some new discovery of won­ iness and Residence Property for Sale derful healing springs somwhere in the Reference: First National Bank or Any­ wilds of Africa, India or Asia. Frank Ebby’s old Stand on 4th The recent and practical demonstra­ one in Cottage Grove. «3» Send for tion of mineral springs which make street. All work guaranteed. Phone Main 321. marvelous cures has again brought Price List, etc. FINGAL HINDS CARRIAGE AND REPAIR WORKS. ADMISSION 5 & 10c FASHION STABLES POWELL & SHORTRIDGE, Props. Courteous and Prompt Treatment Reasonable Rates to All. TRAVELING GROVE, MEN A ORECON SPECIAL!